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The Asheville Times from Asheville, North Carolina • Page 1

Asheville, North Carolina
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n. v-af 4 ii 8'' ii i -V Pricb Cents State Library. VP-" a a a j. i. e.

i a a a aa "a a a acaa 1 thiuf QUAY STILL iWiffitt infv'npn i BUSH 0 Great Projertfo 11 k. erlnaustnal Enterprises; 5rt 0 1 a3i -tip is I ifV PlanforaxpamIighiy vfi -St, Power.Hffuse An Undertaking of Vast Importance to Asheville iind Its include a Big CMton Mill at MarshallT Have Id Ashe ville for Two Weeks Ar ranging for the Work, -v. 5 Outragp- -GbmmittedL at Man- zanillo. 1 4 House Destroyed, Three Perw' sods Killed and Many Injured. Work of a Gang of C(n pir- ators Opposed to the Cuban General Wai Ex- During Demonstration in Honor of Gam.

Havana, April 19." The chief of po- "i i lice of Havana hasrecelved a despatch'-' from ManzaniUo tt at log thai while the demonstration in honor of Gomez, was going, on there today dynamite bomb was exploded in Oro, sti'eet, completely 7 'v destroying a house. Three persons Were killed and many Injured. EvJ- dence has been, elicited to prove that the explosion was, the work of a gang of conspirators, enemie of Gomez, ww in Mllllll UIIHIIUUU Geh. Geo. W.

Davis to Suc-; ceed Henry in Porto Rico' -Shatter's Successor. I Washington, 19. Brigadier 4 GeherM George 'WDirVls will succeed General Henry ur general Porto Rico. Davis Jis lieutenant colon'r el of the Ninth Jofantry, in the regular X. Yesterday ft -Vf 5 5 Tailor Made Suite.

Here is a' Siockto select iitof to found ielaewberei and Tailor? years experience mt and wotK' (liieyBluew, BJack, ad GSreena. Prices mnee fom to $25.00. Springs Jackets "made of vdmiar and Largest Btoiic ready tnaue Full stock' Plain and -Fancy- PtJtlcoat, made of French Sateen iMercerlzed SlJk Taffertta, Silk and Ltoen. Bnioea frbnx $1.00 -Shirt Waists Full line off Shirt Waiats in TfiTtah fabrica 39c to $2.50. SilHr waists in all colors- Habutai and U1 Fancy $3.00 to $7.60.

ir? CO SSf- SI MltTUIt -NAME ON EVERY LQWlSIEYfS Qiocolate Bonbons. FOa SAUt BY GTA. GREER, VTH0LESALE AND RETAIL FANCY GROCER, 03 ratton ATenue- FRESH tOT JUST' RBCEIVBD, i House Cleaning, TTr JU -van 4 4 iuvc receavea our Bprung1 oraer finely ground "V-i-Vi'i-'t tJNCECT.POWDER r. OA 1 7 1 BARREL MOTH 1 from cts. to H.6V."."' i'liEiniTsiraEnGAiiii uroYnriiiiiru in same tvwknLanUk OESTRECHE the ume to use tnete HAS AJORITY Pennsylyaniar.

Legrslature Adjourns without Elect mg Harrtsburg April 19. At 12 o'clock tomorrow the present "legislature will adjourn sine die wHhout- electing Quay's successor in the senate. Tbe final ballot was tPken today and left Quay still the majority candidate. His lieutenants boast tonight: they have achieved all they desired and intimate that Quay will control the state convention in August au name the ticket which cannot be defeated, but theantu Quayvrleesdecla people ttieii; seBSlonof the iegislatcre seems r-: DEFENSE BEGINS. TODAY.

testimony of couiWi Examiner Tavoranlft to Qnav w' favorable to Quay. Philadelphia, April -com- nwaweaun cosea nts ca'se in'tne uay trial- today, and tomorrow rtflie defense will begfei KlExpe Goid-smith wasthe witness of import- anoe coday, and" an adroit cross-examSna-tion- of him ai- xorneys "-lorrxne aexense nrougnt out severaJ things" favorably to 'Quay. It is not tknownwhat: tne defense will take :u.p REED RETIRES FROM CONGRESS Defiinte Announcement Yes- terdayi-Candidates for Speaker -f IfyTh definite. NewYork today that Speaker' ReedTfiad decided enteif1-: the few rm' of Simpson, Th-acher! Bar num caused surprise and regret In Washington. His departure from Washington will be a severe loss-to the republicams.

The canvass for the speakership will begin atv oriceT' the chances of none of -the candidates can yet be accurately estimated. It will be a battle between tthe east and. west wi th henrian nd Iay ne, of -New probable eastern candidates, (and Hepburiny; of" Ic wl Hopkins, of 'tflinoOs; and'Groavenor, of Ohio, as the SILVER TflE ISSUE. Denver, April 19. Senator Teller and Congressman" Shafroth, in statements published today, emphati cally deeljiiinlavol the silver organisation thiaughout Take liuewtivo' Bromo Quinine Tablets.

AH druggists refund ie money tf tt faiki to Cure. 25 centw. Tno gewuinie nas u. B. Q.

on each tablet. John'a Aflbeetoa LdauM are the best paints Cot, structural purposes ever produced. See ft codox. oardl at uranrs AHHOUllGEMEHT. hp? tn itifrtrm ourcuatomers and the -public that In; Atramjoni to, our amoa- tic Merfchsant -i -Twitowngi whjQr the greatest care and study, are exercised too' insure a perfeot fit at Hie lnrai rwwjiMp- riirteea.

We have lust opened: a ftret-clasa Gn.ts Furnishing TTvaTmttrtt xdwiro vou will find first dasB gdods iand'tho latest Btyles. Your patronago sanajy souciteu. H. 6ELMAN, Proprietor. J.C.WILBAR.Manaaer.

Piragon Building Haywood atreet, co- ner college" street. New jfnaos 349. fsH We-hav-a complt llno of Yallseo. GripflU Telesjopes, tha dcnpetkidi If you are out union. be the paramount Jssoe tHe JPower ManufactUritig andv "-ii- -i -w.

Feet and Electric at Eller's Falls. ranges lining the Uyer, for eight miles back toward Thiis fail; of eighty feet "will be increased -by the (lower level reached by the projectioji of the canal down stream, so that when the water pours into the turbinewlieels that wall develop the power it will fall from a height exceeding a hundred feet. Along the canal below the falls will be loeaited the power stations. Shafts from water wheels will carry the developed -power to tbe- dynamos or wheels located in the power house. By electric wires the electric 'power perfected in the dynamos will, be transmitted to the mills of Asbeville amd oer aces, or for lighting-the city or fo electric roads The company will the -development -of the powerioTvbe obtained-nfriinji-the river, but propoqs to establish manufacturing paa-nta.

Their pians. include (OofnJGoued on- Flftii Page ARGUMENTS BEGUN IN LAKE CITY CASE Government Counsel Fierce ly i Attacks Witnesses Who Swore to Alibis. Charleston, S. April ,19. Aru- mentsi In the Lake City lynching: trial were begun today.

Special Counsel. Bryan, for the government, made a strong plea for the prosecution, and was fierce in his attack on tine, witnesses who swore to the patched-up alibis of the Spakttng of. the county officials who had been called on to testify, he said they had deliberately, altered' and defaced rihe records rto help the prison are." 'f George Legare, who fepokefqrjthe de- -fense sald the Lake City crime could be laid at the. of President had in putting negroes here office I over white men, The eigumentswon't be concluded till Friday, wiiefi the t-case goes to the jury -j -A r'. vt a i i 1.

YOURz fES. Its A Duty V-r, -MM it 7 you owe to your Unit can't- bo too careful wi thr NA-, 1 TURETS" rdchead bleaing YOUR EYESIGHT. -Protect ft from tno brigfat sun ugnt, 4 oy wearing a of ouv smoked glasses bjavlihant all Oxniraltatons Exum w- msitajons vr A Giassas Right, S. Xr, McKEEJ, Eyes" Right, Scientific Ootician. Prices Right 45 puttoa ayenue.

i -BlaJLr'a Furniture Store. 4 4 cjCassatibti tVVill sion i. IRe trial of Conderbiied -f Dreyfus Government UrgiDg-Immedi- ate Decision With This Understanding. 7 llistaie in Annliea.tion-'noia Intimate That a NewppeaflJj Apriil 19. --It is now atfjolpeh secret? that the decision of- the court of faon.

which will probabdy May 1. will be a rejection of the application for revisiou in the Dreyfus cafieC: -This appalUng news hasf spiread eoiisrnatkwi and despair among the frfends of justice, and has taJttready eyoked manifold forebedings ofttie speedy downfall of the republic. Such would: be the inevitable effect of jper slstence in tone suicidal policy advocated by the ariti-Dreyf utea The-jgovernment is urging an immediate 4ecision with- the understanding that it be against revision. It would r-J SUNDAT'St GAZETTE ti fApril Will Conskst of 4 ILLUSTRATED. i be hard to believe the officials could be gufltyijof such sua.

Jnane ict were an explanation not forthcoming accounting for their position. The truth Is the counsel who drevvC up Mme. Dreyfus petition made a -rioua r-mistake an basing the applicailonporithe ground -of the discovery of new facts. New facts -had no connection with Dreyfus, 4 and the court has no option but to'dis. cuss the application if it follows the usual judicial course, of refusing to go beyond; the matter divectly before it But the redeenunglteaturevof the situ-ution 3s that thewdecision will "contah a pretlyplaiftiintims the application, to QuafcAl is- made on the ground of the lIogal of Dreyfus' condemnation, It will- be gran-ted.

If-this intimation is made, counsel for Dreyfus wili.prasent a new applicat3on, which has beeoi already prepared. Ther report that Loubot will pardon Dreyfus cannot be accepted. FOB SALE. A judgement aga5nisiti Mies Maud Wells and Robert L. Neilson, for the sum of $19.25.

Apply to D. A. Lashly AshevSIle, N. "A THRILLING-NIGtTTS RIDE" Is the titfe of very fnteresiingj illustrated tory, will be mailed free upon receipt of 2 cants costag by W. B.

KMsknn G. P. T. A. "The ArmOUT FaCKtng VO.

mrm ak mT --a Give Bemonstratiou I of tteir fanned Meats C-'r and 5 Thsday Friday Md Saturday-; Apr. I WhlchLVJill be wry 'in xeresung c.3 m-. ctructive.v, May searyice and is at present serving on -5 Nearly two years ago the contained an, article ot length de criblnig the advantages ttliat jnigtot accrue to Askevilie, by the mighty forces of the French- Broad river some miles below the city and utilizing the power tK commercial purposes. Today the Gazette Is able to a vait enterprise on almost the exact lines then foreshadowed will be realized. Only ehor -sighted cupidity, cen block the pathway of ts progress.

r. .1 great -volume of watei pours down the French Broad river -throughout HtJhe From.Ashville toward the low lands of Tennessee it speeds, along over-many rapids, reaching--, deiscent -thlrtyrfive feet totheJnifle aithe beginning' of the. falls below the city, and this Tapid descent: con- tinue. to Eller's far he-: IdwJ Alexander, where the big river roars down Ube Bleep mountain incllae. At Eller's fallj the banks of the" river rtee in lofty cliffs, narrowing the roaring stream.

this point it is proposed, to construct a -'great dam, carrying the level otthe4)riyer far the -mountain- sides, and from this: dam a canal is pt'oected to lead westward parallel with the river and fUrni(hi the stupendous force "that can. run mills i "and light and- give motive power to electric railfoids. The scheme that realized; Niagara falls and surpasses that which made Fall River thef greatest of Ne. Eingaiid manufactffidng towns. It "casts rn the shade" ho water power projectr under development by the North Carolina, eompan; on the Tadkiln During the last fortnight the men who-are prepariag -to undertake this grear -have beee' kt work on (heir plans -to Ashevttle, Marshal! at Eller'sfalls, which, by "arroadthey have surveyed, Ut fourteeu miles below the" city.

Among the men who have been engaged uv this work are W. B7 Ellis, of the W. B. Ellis tobacco manufacturing firm of and State Attorney" General Reynolds. Tine arrangements for the great undertaking have So far been completeavthat a rep- reseotative" iOf the company will I establish the, poW'jr plant has now gone to New -York fcu a Quest Ss- stated- that -the deal will belolosed this- veek.

The one'danger of rpostponement or that the enterprise willibe abandoned at the last moment. tneff'liL -the fear that- sornel property owners may-qemani excessive, prices foreland tha-will be refded by tihe company. The projectors oof the en terprise -have also- been examining a site-orT the Catawba' river, but' only contingent oil the failure to accomplish their -aimsere; TirtT uitimate-plan, 'falls; is "to tfoostruot- fdara-'acrosa ever.onje hundred feet hlgV but this height has beenr. reduced present eighty jfeetLrjThis the rivr er Inx lake. -between' the mountain become, general-' of aJ Afy 'f i on, the court' ot inquiry.

Another chahge of 1 importance is expected shortay. General Shafter retires in Cctober. He will probably be succeeded in command of th department of California. General' Brooke and General-Wade will succeed Brooke as dnvamAf it fllhl Wfl'r'p Will eVMltU- THREE CHILDREN BURIIED.O Fire in Adams County, Indiana, Or- phans" Home. 1 Indianapolis April 19 Fire broke out 5n the Adams county Orphans' Home at Berne today and -the lives of fifty-seven ohildrn were endangered.

Three' chlldreni were cut. off from ret- cue, and were burned-to death. FLORIDA. SENATOR Tallahasse, AprH 19. Jatoes P.

Tallafenro, of tfcksoniVille wa eTected United Btales senator tbdayoa the firs balEc tdaken by Ithe JegSsMure. Joint sessiotn. He succeeds Pasc. Do You Want Some Silverware For Less Than it is IVVorih 5 We have selected out a lot pf iuclu ditlg Traysj Mat and Holloa are offering' at 8b cents on" the dollar otII pay -you to look thecs things vow. they wonn 20 per -cem.

mora thia-X70-aro ferret IountmmEarlfeTOtel A-WerrWt'4n -every paT' Jzr? 7 5 4 irilt ihf ifrirri UXJUlVli is Nati5-a Bask -rPV ti' Ti J-i S- 'r-jr r--J.

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