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The Asheville Times from Asheville, North Carolina • Page 1

Asheville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-J tj. 1 fws s- ri -r -wis 5 Cents.l 1 1 i- i i i t-f -l. -j; -cjif -A- 'dki jOtm. r- ji i-i a AO A Tun tit jit nuju Am i i mi r-TtM raft mm r. ft1 i T-7 nrTv- nnxil-5' 'rr-- i ll if Hi nenaer-to waynejvnier' where they A If -4v till i- "i mmmmU- mmm M7.

mm Bfisotde 3fenexal pt j.rpe i in 4W stnVmmhc3idation or urn s' 7. Here 3a a' Stock' to -TEetocl i lit V. il -J. AlonmKAU t. Ilia I jt-j-j gjs experience And irork- 1 7 it- Jnisams woi-kmaiillk orders $5.10 Shirts TarsBt stoiK readw tnaOe Jlskirts in town at $12.00.

-vt Petticoats 5 Full stock PlalnA 1 'Pbticoat3, made pS. -French Sateen, Mercerizedi Silk, TafEett i -il- 1 a Full' line of- Shirt Waists "Wash fabric 39c. to J2.50-. want SILK WA ISTS: in- all m. i SatSjar itaffettAV Habutai and 5.7 Pl8ld $3'0 J760 -1 OESTREICHER too.

If 4 1- 'f I- St -7 ir Am mencan oiueJack- iw as -Captured'" by Great Concern for Thsir Fate aMhe Jtavy'De oartment. vV Sefcure Their Eelease. 1 Either brEanson or ExchanffeLieiit. Gilmore, Commander of the Party, Well Known in JTWashington'j April 3ri.A despatch was received from which said: York-tQwn. yjsled- aler April 12, for the purpose of: rescuing and ringing- away the Spanish -forces, consisting of thircy offi- cere and two priests, whieih werp by the insutgenti! Lieutenant Oiilmore and a.

party of blue jackets were ambushed, fired upon and-eapitur ed Their fate is as the jn surggnts refused to communicate af terward." Dewey giv a list rf fifteen miSff, I including, besides Lieutenant Gilmore, Chief Walton Ooxswain Sllswprth, Gunnei'3 Male Mygard and: Sailmaker's Mate Great concern lis manifeeteatj the navjrti partment over tne news 'nyrjjew- ey. Knowing something ot -the cruelty of the Filipinos toward' their prisoners, the officials can only hope for the bent They are encouraged by the fact-, that the' three American -isoldiers captured before- Manila were at'Jast accounts being treated with jconsideration. In structlions have'been' sent to Dewey to use every effort to secure -the of Lautenant Gilmore (and the fourteen missing men either by exchange or ransom Otis and Dewey have about 100 Filipino ifoldiers' as prisoners, and the president "has threemllMoa, dollars for extraordnary cxpehsee. a-suggestion has been, made that ome oftthis mlgtht be used- Mipersua4e Ag- udnaldo' that his but the. author! ties pooh Hpooh, the Idea, though, they are exceedingly reticent In discussing- it.

7 Lieutenant Gilmore wa well known in Washington, where his wife resides. He wartoorn- in In the. war with Spain Wi, was on the "Pauq, under tAWTON CRITICISES Manila, ApriT CMcagoRec- ord's correspondent cables: "General Lawcon's expedition has returned to Manila" from La" de Guna province by the express command of General -Otis. Santi Cruz and. other villages' taken by tne oldIndianj ibeingw Com-pletily evacuated.

Tttxeire Is a decided difference of ojin-i6ntoetween' General Otis -and General Law too' over the evacuation of. these villages. General Lawton claims San-. at phou Id be iheld with an'Aifterican r-gar i aohxIn his judg-mentthe ossessi of Sanar3ruz is znstJ iml6rtant as it commands entire La Gunia' dis- trlct.Yit.Ar0?;11811. oontro3 tpf Cruhe says, -Would be -positloh easily and effectually to intercept-any between ihelzistrrgenjtsA-ijf2 une southern -portioifsiof the? islati of f3Lu? E-', -AiH -V1 afclu GeneraltOtisfdefendg.

Ins order for the the Captured villages by declarlngrhev cttnsidersdt.unpracticable v. -I" I sir I -y- 1 -t La-- f- 'V -r t'7 f- I 4f "'is. 51 Pattb fi To Decide rfWnethefHe Will, a 3 -aw rroposes to Enter a iLaw Firnfin New Ybrlrf; City. It Soon as He Decides He Will Take a Long Sojourn 5 in Europe i Ee turning in Time to Give His Mine Constituents Chanco to Elect His Successor. ii New York, April wa an- -ptounced tonight that Speaker-; Reed -would 'decide tomorrow if he is'io design from congress and enter the law firm of Simpson, Thacher Barnum here.

Practically, it nay be ssid, Reed has already -to leave congress and sefctile in New 1 ork, yet are a number of details that require adjustment and these won't be decided till tomorrow. Speaker Reed and his famil were" to have sailed for. Europe tomorrow. iAs soon as his future iR decided he WMl take a long sojourn in Europe, retiirn-ing to New York in time to reisign fpom congress," so thatliJSf successor mays-be elected. 1 SA WHILE THEY SLEPT i Eleven Men Drowned -on a lamng Qnooner gtt Nantucket Nantucket 'Mtei AprU cl8g-Te fishing -Eliza, of Beverly, which sailed yesterday rt the fishing grounds jr Qit JttSpVtgt -Crown shoals eartythinotningfand eleven of the crew of ouiteea.

were: lest. Three survivors landed at Siasccmet the schooner's dory. They reported! the schooner a total loss. A wind was blowing at the time of the disaster, -and moat? ofiithexarew 'were-asleep. bighol la tlie bottom olL.the vesselaad Jhescinooner filled in five minutes.

The" survivors Iscaped with dlfficul( -I urid jiihSg' to whichtlme schooner and the rest the crew had disappeare6WThey-had- difficulty in Teaching (the share An the boat, which '1 Indianapolis, 'April 18. -A heavy freighttraJnlwanptalled 'teas the Bedford belt raolroad going up a steep grade, arid 'another eigine started to push the forward en-ne. and ltwo poaches was pushed down a forty-foot embantt-mentl and several i Good' of Uaaic Spiting Heei Button Shoes mt J. Bnltom Co's shoe store, Do You Want Some Silverware For Less Than if is IVVorth -We have selected out a lot of Silver-plated Ware, icclu- rr. 'TOLl'-'i TTlll mag, jLraysr mi; iuiu- xLuuu Ware; wluch.weiafe6fferiiag atfSo" cents pn the will payyou; to'look v.the se things worth io mow rMi.liilMYclDiiiT I- II II Ini LaiilL Itevenue Officer Tay- iyor HarrisSeFious- lv Watfiiiffdir Jesperate Deed of.

Hay- wood County. Char-. acter. SI 5 Qfficer Sacrificed His Hand in Trying to $ave His IiffOr 'r ft 5r V7illiam Bennett, the Assailant, Was of a Crowd Who Hak Gather-, lr ed About the Doomed StilL" Whe worst trouble mat has u. execution of th3" revenue 'laws in thjSs district fox some time uokflaee nfti Canton, in Haywood couaty, Monday evening-.

The news reached this city -yesterday. -Csllector HaikiriV st-itt Division Deputy F. FOXj wiih Deputy Marshal J. Chambers. to mentiowea to-dFstrcy latge-illicit distill which had hewn i.

intuccessful operation there for somo tfme. By an, iing regarding jthfe. coming of the officers, Deputy. Mar shals Taylor Harris and John Jarrett, together- with a had precedeil the Asheville officers to. the istillery inr-order that its descructioaJmrght be assured when Deuty CoUector -Fox reached tlhe p- 5Syo menjjfere thei.

distillery and the in full opex.vU )m One of the men -was arrested. The. t- 4 other escaped. oon after the arrival of the affienrs and their posse men, from the commun ity began guthering1 around the spot where the officers CW-fe preparing to destroy iiMcif, still. Among; these men was W.

R.Burneit, a well known hard character of the elghborhood, who, It was understood, was the owner of the ditilleTy. With no show whatever of unfriendliness he mixed with the crOwd'foe sdnie Wihen. ixow? ever, opportiinl tyr? ted itself he mstantlyjlsd double-bjLrfeied shot gun which he brought to the place with him, to a "level with Deputy Mar-sihal Harris' body and fired. Harris, seeing 'his action in time, placed his hands fo fronilof their' gpii. The load passed through the; severing two fingers Harris abdomen just under the navel Harris now lies in a serious condition with considera- Lble to hii recovery.

Burnett, after shooting Officer leveled the gua at Dr. J. F. Able, of Oantoov who -had accompanied the officers to place; but fortunately snapped the same banel that he had discharged -into Seeing his mistake the fellow at once cocked the other barrel but before he could shoot Dr. Able wrenched the gun from his hands, overpowered Burnett and bound him stoutly for safe -About--ifflDis time Deputy Oolleofor Fox arrived on the scene, destroyed the distillery1, and 600 of liquor.

The still was one- of the largest and" most complete yet; captured bya officers in this distract. Thej officers then took the Grystalized ..5" .4 T- ill On the Square 4 FmrnrMfwz AAaS1mmM P16 Performea fchaq does Dr. Able, who 4 courageously volunt eered hi? -seryic to. assist the revenue mehirt their dam- serous duty of destroying the- infa- nwus enterprise Mi DRftVJIIIG TO CLOSE Argument to Begin Today -Keouttai lesUmony byPrpsejcution Charleston, S. ApfiClS.

So far as the thkfng-of testimony is concerned, the Lake City lynching trial. was con- today and tomorrow ments will The case will hardly reach the jury until Thursday. Today Dr. of Lake "City," who had 'been ordered oijOroduce the books and ledgers showing which of the def endanits were sick on the day of the lynching, testified that he could1? 'hot -find the original books and ledgers, which showed 2lear sign of having changed. Other witnesses testified -that New- ham, who turned's evidence, -was ifffLake'Clty on the date of the Jynch ing and not.

Kingstree, as the de- fense claimed. The' Jury "will be instructed to leave all questions of rhe race issue out of the -case and bring in a verdict strictly from the evidence. i i ii ROLE OF ONE CORPS OF THE CUBAH ARMY Five Thousand Officers Ex-cludedWho Hold Govern- ftient-Positions, Havana, April 18. The revision of the list of the Fifth army corps of the Cubaiiarmy was" finshed, this Evening. It shows 4,321 soldiers entitled to payment The total amber of jCuban" soldiers is 39,821.

Eighty-nine generals 3,020 other officeri -atn6Siildiers hooding governzntfficed are excluded. One -hundred arid nine. officers who are disabled will probably" be paid at Gomez's. -request. A committee has been appointed to rnake the-payment.

A IRDflHilOilR. French GoTernment Said to Have shis on the Program' London April 18. The Paris corre-sponjjitliefcpa deplores the alleged. decion.q the Frenchy government to influence -the court ot cassation to give judgment', in the Dreyfus case ahout Apiuiad'adds Chat he believes the government In-' tendsto pardon'" -nur-ing decMoii agadn3t hini t6 cpfease the Tfier'ariy correspondent of "the; Tim'es' confirms the report that government intends to hurry a decision which will be against revision, and adds that the stroggle will. DethTnnanued in a' ihore forrd keeping France in 3 We beg to Inform Imr customers and the public that 4n to our antis- tie Taatofringf Departmewt whene Jthe- greatest care aind -stuay are exeroised itto insure "atperfeot fiit 'at Hhe lorwefit opened a ftrst-clasa 3mtat Furnishing Department whre you wffll find first-.

class goods "and the latest styles'. Your pajlwaaiagi- klr21y aplicltd. 1 fj, C. Paragmi Building--Haywood street, cor- IMowrfnotnis si. Trunks JWe have ai fcoomplo line of- Trunks, "Vltdifse CWpaiepeavtha.W xmpojbI Wbklngf 6v.n5tee 'Triinko' Bjbrtff alr.foi giVfl US MlM utye jw ixjiwwjr.

Hur- Boston torer. Next door to BIu RIis NatSoeal' Back t. r.j easily" xetakea-lfnecssaryduryig: if eair to rtepeat jth campaJgpfale General 2Jkwton exi.fedltlon during ITie'jwet period the lyater In '-de Bay tf in ies waiww making the' transportation fftnp lav General liawitoa tnade" 1 today, the publication hicnvlie au-? He said'" that in-bte fpinion It Wuld toe 3iot United suiut' rt Pn 5 tPootMr to the Philippine lsaanis it tin ainresrcomiH- ed hostile He saidthat it was. essential. to garrison, au me cities -capiurea tr that be captured tln'the futuT I operations Sf the ioaarrectftfn be put down.

Lawton's opinicn Is giyea i (Continued on- Flftli IMI IrtlM! ihllllBlll- TTMT RETURN OF-TROOPS -tX FROM PHILIPPINES All the Volunteers Expected Home by tiie First of July. Washington, April-' IS said evening that rome" cf the volunr teers in the would sail for. San Francisco on transports now'at Jllanila. Just what regiments woulrit be sent Aler.said ne, not know until he hetaxd from Otis. It wasv also that all volunteers -be their home by July Whetiher more troops, will be sent to the Philippines has not been determined General in Porte.

Rico as ordered-today to send home o-ne ment of infantry and two, batterieof artillery that have Tscen JUe-longe8. the tropics. Per to fast approaching the wlaere teotion "of life and proper can be to the native constabulary QUAY STILL ON DECK All Hope of Breaking Dead lock at Harrisburg Abandoned, Harrisburg, April 18. There Is no doubt tihat the demonstrations at tending the defectfoti of the- "thirteen supporters of Quay during the ballot ing today were disappointing to those who expected the break, would lead to1 a grand smarih of the Quay (line. Quay.

may lose a few" moreU votes tomorrow. but all hope breaking- the. deadlock (has been abandoned. "A THRILLING NIGHT'S RIPE" Is the title 6f a 'veiryt feteresilihjgi lHus" trated atory, 'whttcn, will ba mailed "free uponr receipt of 2 cents postag. by VV B.Knliskprinv O.

P. T. A. i CDBB A COI.IN AY TVik TMXAvft Bwynaw OuinlAis Tablet. A3S druggists refund mtre money If tt falfe to cure.

25 eeata. Tbja geula fcas L. B. Q. on ach tablet.

John's Asbestos IiauM. Painta are the bast paints for atructurtal purposes fever produced See aoiior card! at; Grant's 'you, owe 'to yovu eyes fthatof properly caring' fbrC Tou oan't, beT -sboocaref ul witbr -NA-" TtJRIEJ'S richest. lessing EYESIGHT, i Protecfiit the brighit eutt light; by wearing a. or giasaes UMCnrmAaii' ctylesi Coniltatloiosi and Exam- II Glasses Righjii S. 3lT Prip tits Koutnu address 1 1 "if.

ON EVERY PffiCE." Chocolate Bonbons FOR 8ALC BY tYHOLESAtE AND RETAIL FANCY GROCER, 63. rattan Arenue- FRESH "LOT JtJST RE (3e IVETD 1 1 -C 'C; Just "reclve.d.our)fSpr5it order 2 S-f 7 ffl; berr of troops -V i- POWDER' BARREL BALLS iand all -of YVa from "25 ctsC-to $1.50, Now. la the tfan? td use these v. nziDiTsiiiainEAGAiii y- 4 0 Church St. and Patton -Ave.

Fhcr.3 132 v.i ia a hurry fr Drugs. A modem resort-in evci'y 1 particulars- -r. 'v- Chirrchl Strand Patf onM Ah jocs wus noia uou oourBo sa I'w-further plartlculStrV i.

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