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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • 2

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
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----T-7-- 2 11------ ----7-----------" '--rs-- w-7----------ir -7 1 7----7' Tirtri 114 rvt-v-iLLE AMERICAN MONDAY SEPTEMBER 79 1903 Trtri Ar317V-ILL'E AN i ONDAY SEPTEMBER 7 1903 9 ftiooomonloom CRIMES ClitiliCli IDLENESS DEGRADES FIRST TRAIN 110L 110Y DEDICATED ORDINATION SERVICE will BE AN ITALIAN THIS Is moll 1111 REV PORTER CONSECRATED NEXT SECRETARY OF STATE AT COMMITTEE IN CHARGE HOLDS ITS TO THE PRIESTHOOD THE VATICAN TrTNAT mrivrtrcrl REV PORTER CONSECRATED TO THE PRIESTHOOD COMMITTEE IN CHARGE HOLDS ITS FINAL MEETING AIM THOSE OF SEVIER AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES Altz PRA SERVICE FOR WAVERLY PLACE DIETRODIST CONGREGATION V'AVERIX PLACE )NGREGATION POWERFUL SERMON DELPTERED AT WEENDREE CHURCH BELIEVED TENNESSEE CENTRAL WILL BE FIMSBED THEN CENTRAL THEN' EACH WAS MURDER FOR PAY EACH Itti CARDINAL MORAN RUMORS REMARKABLE GROWTH SHOWN BADGES ARE DISTRIBUTED BISHOP GAILOR OFFICIATES CR IN ANY EVENT BY JAN' 1 BY 'JAN 1 DIGNITY OF LABOR UPHELD Dr Chappell Deprecates Growth of Class Mutual Respect and Confidence Among all Workers Solution Depends Upon Divine Power Trial Now On at Winchester for Killing of Simon Bucher and Wife Recalls Assassination of Wiliam Whaley and Wife Dec 28 1896 Trial Now of Simo Assassim Wife De St Ann's Episcopal Church Scene et the Assisting Clergymen and Strong Sermon Preached by Rev A Bazett-jones onion Men Predict That the Celebrations To-Day Will Eclipse Those of Previoas Thousand Expected it Glendale Park Work Would Have Been Completed Iduch Earlier but for the Delay on the Cumber lana River Bridge Occaaloned by High Water Completed the Delay on Bridge Oc I Denied at Rome byOne on the Best of Terms With Pope Pius Who Has as Yet Taken No Foreigner Will Get the Appointment ROMP Sept reference to the report that Cardinal Moran of SI'dhc)r has been offered the post of Papal Secretary of State It can be said that Pius has taken Do action regarding the appointment of a State Secretary A Cardinal who is on the best terms with the Pontiff haring been one of his warmest electors said to-day to the Associated Press correspondent: "The Holy Father desires to become a master of the whole mechanism pt the Vatican before appointing a Secretary of State Meanwhile all ()Mewl' employed by Pope Leo have been re tamed to help the new Pontiff in carrying out his purpose The new Secretary of State will gradually replace them but their removal wil1 not be a punishment on the contrary they will be rewarded by promotion The new Secretary however 'Is alniost sure to be an Italian 8f4 that has been the tradition for centuries Cardinal Moran notwithstanding hiri undmihted abilitY his liberal turn of mind and his exact acquaintance with nindern problems has no more chance than any other foreigner This is why Mgr Merry Del Val who has often been spoken of for the position Is unlikely to be chosen he being a Spaniard Besides his appointment even if made after he had been appointed a Cardinal Might be considered as an offense to the Sacred College as it would Imply that among its present members there Is none worthy to occupy the position" Bishop Hendrick of Cebu Philippine Islands and Mgr Hendrick the Bishop's brother left this morning for 11 Membership Now Numbers Several Fitzgerald Delivers Sermon of the of the Church Read by Rev It Blue The Waverly Place Methodist Church was dedicated Sunday morning Dish-Op Fitzgerald delivering the sermon An interesting oervice was held at the church a large congregation being present A musical programme of merit was rendered Rev 11 Blue read a short history of the church after which the church was presented by Andrew Kline on behalf of the trustees The history of the church shows remarkable growth In Mt a few children assembled at the old school house and a Sunday-school was organized by George Winn who then had charge of the city missions Kline was elected Superintendent On lunday Nov 8 of the same year the church was founded Rev John Perry a student of Vanderbilt University 'taking charge The new church was occupied in 1s96 the corner-stone being laid October 1894 It now has a membership of several hundred Bishop Fitzgerald's text was selected from the ninety-third Psalm "Iloliness becometh thine house 0 Lord forever" This text was very applicable being the setting aside of a temple of God for holy purposes The reign of God in creation he said was the most august theme of the psalmist God was represented as wrapping his power about him as royal robes The visible phenomena of the universe he said were insignias of his majesty But God was greater than all his works "The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters yea than the mighty waves of the sea" Behind the visible creation was the infinite creator himself Knowing that they have ouch a God the course of men's lives should reflect the reverence adoration affection and ssbediense which constituted holiness The word house said Bishop Fitzgerald might be used In a twofold sense ample warrant being found In the Holy Scripture Holiness became the huilding Itself as Cods temple which was this day to be stet apart for God and holiness became the worship of the people in Gods house The one thing essential for prayers was the Divine Presence God did not look upon the physical attitude of the worshipper but upon the spiritual attitude of the soul Bishop Fitzgerald said In conclusion that the dedication of any church was useless unless the souls in it were dedicated to Jesus Christ who shed his blood for men that they might live in hcsalvation of one immortal soul was worth more than a thousand perishabis temples The LI1 bor Day Committee of the Trades and Labor Connell met At Simmons Hall Sunday morning when each of the members received a badge bearing the Inscription "Labor Day Committee" which will be worn by them to-day No business was trebeacted at the meeting preparations for the celebration of the day having been consummated The committee of which Timon is Chairmen Lae arranged an excellent programme for the observance of the day anti It is the consensus of opinion among the members of the various labor organizations of the city that great credit Is duo to it for the efforts it has matte to make the celebration worthy of the occasion It is generally believed by the union workmen of Nashville that the labor demonstration to-day will surpass in magnitude any ever I eon before in this section of the State It Is estimated that to 12i100 will attend the celebration at Glendale Park and half as many colored pea-pie are expected to take part In the celebrations at Watkins Park Nearly ell the extra cars of the railway company will be put into requisition the number of ellt5 being increased on the Jo Johnston and Glendale lines according to the demand In response to the address of President Timon urging all employers of labor to suspend nperations it is expected that nearly all manufacturing and mercantile establishments of the city will close thus giving their employes an opportunity to take part in the celebration There will be no parade to-day It being the policy of the council to omit thia feature from the celebrations every three or four years in order to avoid monotony but in other respects the celebration will be on a more elaborate scale than usual The details of the programme were published in The American of Sunday's issue At Glendale Park Timon Chairman of the Labor Day Committee will be ex officio master of ceremonies Washing ton Moore and Co1 Jere Easter will be the orators of the day Mr Moore will speak at 10:30 o'clock and Col Baxter at 1 Copies of the Labor Day edition of the Labor Advicate which is of Try large size and the -cover-of which is printed in three cotters and htsure the programme for the day will be distributed gratuiteusly A wagon load of copies has been bent to the park for this purpose All the labor Union men of the city who attend the celebrations will wear the distinctive badges of their respective organizations From It o'clock this morning until II o'clock to-night there will be dancing in the flAW vnton Pellettert's orchestra furnishing the music At 3 o'clock this afternoon there will be a special Labor Day matinee at the (230110 when one of the largest audiences of the season Is expected to attend The speakers of the day at Watkine Park are Johnson and Boyd After a conedderable amount of herd work on Sunday the barge which under the weight of a Tenneenee Central locomotive sank in the mud of Cumberland River 'was floated It will be remembered that the engine was loaded SeturdeY on the barge the purpoee being to carry It to Ashland City Loaded with the ene rine the barge drew a greater depth than existed at the loading point and it was sunk in the mud The barge was floated at about 3 o'cleck Sunday afternoon Two similar barges One on each side were lashed securely to that bearing the engine In thin way the burden was divided and with the three barges was suetained The barges are now well out in the stream where the depth is sufficient to preclude further danger Of grounding The two whielt were brought to the relief of the other will be returned to moorings or to work The other barge will proceed to Ashland City with the engine Supt Fox of the Tenneesee Central Conetruction Company said on Sunday evening that the work at all ports of the road is progreesing very eatiefactorily Ile maid that in his opinion it will be possible to operate a train from lierriman to Ilopkinsville by Nov I or very soon thereetter and beyond all gueetiou not litter than the flret of the year The greatest trouble felt all along and which will still probably be experienced Is with the bridge over the Cumberland River But for the high water during the spring and late winter this bridge would now be practically finished As it Is It lacks much of completion although the work le being pushed forward with all possible speed The Tennessee Central track is now within eighteen miles of Clarksville From Clerkeiville to liopkineville the track le being laid in some places while in others the work of grading is being finished There are a number of steel bridges between Nalthviile and llopkintiville but no delay or difficulty hag been experienced in getting these in place Novel Feature oa Another novel feature has been introduced into Southern trevel The plen that of providing breakfast en routs for paseengers on the early morning treitin of the Loulsviile Nashville Railroad from New Orleans to Gulf colon polutte Tho arrangement was put in service on Aug Probably the meat notable feature of the outfit consiets of a movable table or "traveler" about five feet long and sumo-what narrower than the width of the coach aisles Thus far the innovation is eald to be working satisfactorily anti there im a poesibility of its being extended to other branches of the Louisville Nnehville as an experiment The operation of this portable restaurant le interestingly described as follows: The menu which is oftered consiste of coffee sandwiches witted eggs lee cream and cake The coffee is kept steaming hot and is served from gigantic urns which were modeled erpecially for the work On one end of the "traveler" is the urn of coffee and on the other end a huge rerePtaele in which is kept boiled milk lietween the two veesele are the mandwiehee each fwooradpspelleinneawthe pisaltesrh anti hthre) the tableware cups saucere and Fe cream freezer are kept Two white-coated white-rapped wetted attendants are in charge of (be 'traveler" They begin at the forward end of the train and supply the wants of everybody On board passing from car tr) car This arrangement means a rood lunch at leirture for the early morning traveler and for the allmight traveler who has just awakened with a cigar in comfort afterward for any 'eh() are Weaned to the comfort ount ot bard which under Certtral locot Cumberland te remembered ded Saturday Mg to carry it with the en greater depth point and it 'bout 3 o'clock barges ed securely to this way the vith the three te bargee are where the clude further ie two which of the other fa or to work ed to Ashland 'enneasee Cen said on Sun-at all ports Of eatisfactoripinion it will tin from Ear-lint I or very all gueetimi tho year all along and experienced le Cumberland water during this bridge Unshed As it lion although forward with track is now rksville From the track id vhile in others rating nnished el bridges beikineville but been experirace 13 been intro-The plan is PU route for -ning traitin of Railroad from volute 'rho xviee On Aug feature of the Me table or mg and some- width of the innovation IS factorily and kIng extended Louisville Az bge restaurant follows: Tit 41ste of coffee crea in and steaming hot In urns which the work On li the urn of ut a huge rotiled milk lie-he matalwiehes aver and the a shelf where era and lee pi-)ed apron- Hrge of 0)0 the forward the wants of from car to a good tarly morning ilght traveler ith a cigar in alto are Li LABOR HI MESS I inquipment 1 PRESIDENT DELIVERS IT AT SYRACUSE TO-DAY OPENING OF THE STATE FAIR Occasion of Mr R000sevelt's Presence There the Start From Oyster Bay Being Made at 9 O'Clock Last Night Guests of Day St Ann's Eplecopal Church WAS the scene of an impressive ordination gentles Sunday morning when Rev Porter who for seine time hag been curate at St' Ann's haying entire village of St Stephen's was inducted into the orders of the priesthood by the Bishop of the Diocese Right Reverend Thomas Gaiter In conducting the service Bishop Gaiter was assisted by the rector of the church Rev eke 11 Laird the rector-emeriti the Venerable Dr Martin Bev ee A Bazett-Jones and Rev Battey A large congregation tilled the church ninny non-Episcopalians being pregent The Ordination service being leng morning prayer was said at la O'clock followed by the ordination and Holy Communion at 11 DR BAZErT-JONES' SERMON Rev A Bazett-Jones was the preach er of the OCCIA8i011 and delivered an etc quent sermon from the text: -Let a man so account Of us as Of the Ministers of Christ and stewards of the myeteriea of clod" lie paid in part: "It he told of the great Gen Lee that at a review of some of his troops riding down the line he to the Chaplain standing in his stopped aud raising his hat with all the courtly grace of which he WAR capable said: I salute the Church of the Levier God' The incident breathes a truth of the deepest and most real If we all more frequently remembered the great WP priests and the Church of the Living many heart-hurninge and vexations of spirit woula he sited in our determination to uphold the dignity and honor of that great body of Kingdom of heaven The ekturch is called the body of Chriet because It Is the means of his eelf-expression and as all bodies must have the means of growth and self-propagation and of supplying the waste of its tissues so the church Christ's body effects this in the sacraments "A kingdom must have in it a principle of continuity by which Its governing body rney be perpetuated This principle In the kingdom of heaven Is found in the law of apostolic succession The threefold ministry of the church bishops priests and deeeons constitute the ordinary officers of the kingdom of heaven the bishop succeeding one another in an unbroken chain from Christ himself through the apostles (Ind their puceeseors the bishops of the church and reaching down to the Epleccipate of the present day "The church's ministry receives Its gifts not from the congregation but from the head of the body Christ through the channel of apostolic succession so that the priest of the church is the minister of Christ whose gifts he ministers LINEAGE OF PRIEST "The priest of God can have no doubt of his lineage for It goes back to God himvett AS the Father bath sent me even so send I you and to! I arn with you always even until the end of the world" Ile is the minister of tweet for be must ever strive to obey his great head and ever pray that he may be recollected and strive for the grace of humility that he may not only know his Misters will but also that he may do it But it not only means this for he mintetere Christ to his people The body is dead without the helot CO when the church throegh her ministry gives herself to her children she is giving Christ The priest must always remember this What love gentlenees tenderness and he must always show rememeecing he is the instrument of the Master and so he must alwaye be bright and ready for the Master's use How often ae met cut away the dead flesh of eta ter uei he can Sow UT) with the eviler( eleolution tee egly wounds Mtn has yet sometime because he Is human he will make mistakes and here is where his people his children whom God has given hi" must learn to bear with him tot te (ensure or condemn but by reel sympathy help him to bear his burdens STEWARD Ole SACRAMENT "Ho is alert the stewar(I of the mysteriee of God The mysteries are the eacreumete and truly they are mysteries ler beyond the knowledge of Man to fathom but none the lePH real and true God hart ordered and ordained them Ile knows far better than we what are our needs it is for us to come in lowly ohedieneo at tee bidding of his gentle commend- 'Come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will refesh you The steward accounts to his Lord and he must always remember the erieeless value of the gifts divine entrusted to him end use all dill-Renee ere he gives to any Ile must see that they are in A receptive condition they must be taught to prepare them-pelves he helping them: satisfy himself that they truly repent them of their past pins lie must teach them to reepect and obey till the church's laws and then they can come end he rein dispense to them for their emirs good aid strengthening the mysteries of God "It must be in the humility of repentance they Como and then the steward can act in concert with his Lard for it is for the weak tine weary God has given these meeng of glace" CHARGE TO CANDIDATE Spenking directly to the candidate for orders he paid: 'And to you my eon had you not lorig ere this felt you were called of Gee yee WOlid not dare to receive so high and holy an office greater in dignity then any crowned heal an office fraught with the gravest reeponsibilities hut if faithfully borne blest with the sweetest privileges If you minister Christ in his spirit you will be blest you will elways hrlIW that what you have to give are Goole mysteriee see to it that you are always a worthy minister and a emit and loyal sleevelet You will have your ehadowe and clouds hut make the great motto of your life to be 'Jesus always Jewel Only all for Jelt18 end when deeth calls YOU hence you will hear the loving words of the gentle master 'Well done good and faithful servant enter thou into the joy of thy Lord' Dr Chappell delivered a powerful aermon at Mcliendree Church Sunday night to it large congregation applicable to tenday's holiday of tha sons of toll The sermon showed careful study and the subject "Thought' on Work for All Sorts of Yorkers" was handled In a masterly miinner honest work Is an essential condition for the development of character Dr Chappell said The Idler doomed and the time is not dist ant when society will no longer tolerate him The able-bodied Idler whether he be tramp or millionaire becomes dikeded and dehumanized Dr Chappell deprecated the growth of clams consciousness atating that it lo developing a feeling of antagoniam which if allowed to go on will ere long precipitlito a conflict the dirotatrous consequences of which none can estimate The recognition of the dignity of labor and of 'the honor due every an who does useful work waft urged and every citizen ohould do his utmost to bring about a condition of Mutual confidence and respect There should also be a recognition of the right of every one to just compensation for hia contribution to the well being of aoclety some do not receive enough to enable them to live In decency much less In comfort and as a Noma are dwarfed and degraded and others who live in riot upon wealth unearned are as effectually debauched and dehumanized Dr Chappell took for Ina text "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou earn bread' Gen Ills 19 "Two agencies" said the preacher "cooperate in the produclion of thoae things upon vithich depend the health comfort and develcinment of our and man" "The divine flat requires that each one who is able to work obeli do so and to this requirement there is no exception" continued Dr Chappell No amount of inherited wealth can purchase exemption The man who does not work is a modal parasite and ban no right to live lion- est work is an essential condition for the development of character The able-bodied idler whether he be tramp or milllonaire becomes degraded There is no surer way for one to damn himaelf than this IDLER IS DOOMED "This la a leason which the world has been slow to learn but It seeing In a fair way to learn it at last Judgment may be delayed for a time but the handwriting is on the idler is doomed The time lb not far distant when society will no longer tolerate him "All men must work and there are other kinde of work beside manual labor Directing and planning are necessary to the auccess of all aorta of enterprises You can no more build a bridge without an engineer than without workers In atone wood and Iron The manual laborer contributes by producing but others do Po b3l teaching and creating moral mentiment The work of teaching and preaching is not only highly Important but is difficult and trying The history of the world provem that permanent and material prosperity must always have Intelligence and promperity back of "There is imperative need for the cultivation of mutual regard and respect among all sorts of workers There has always been a dispoaition on the part of men of culture and power to look with a monsure of condescension not to say contempt upon men who work with their hands During recent years manual labor-era have organized and are rapidly developing a litrong class consciouanema With this development hat' come a disposition on their part to aism regard all who do not work with their hands as Facial parasites "In this case both Fidea are wrong rvery honest worker ought to respect every other honest worker We are like the members of the human body Each has hie plane and his function and each IF noceasary to the symmetry and completeness of the body Every intelligent and patriotic citizen should do his utmost to bring about a condition of mutual respect and contielenue In a vary especial Feriae does this obligation rest upon the more unfortunate and highly favored If they maintain a spirit of rigid cities distinction and Insist on looking down upon those who are doing the more unpleasant kinds of labor they need not he surprised that with the growth of organization and intelligence a feeling of antagonism Is being doveloped among the manual toilers That Is really whet is taking place to-day If it is allowed to go on unehecked it will ere long precipitate a conflict the disastrous consequneces of which none can estimate DIGNITY OE LABOR "The recognition of the dignity of labor and of the honor due to every man who does useful work most carry with it the Jrie)settnrelottoithpinonmottf titohne froirghttisoctoenytirTbyotoin to one to Portal well-being That some men are getting a vast deal more than they earn Pod others notch less no honest obaerver can doubt The results are evil In both cases There are large numbers of people performing a useful service and bard work under disagreeable condition's yet do not receive for their services enough to enable them to live In decency much lesa in comfort As a result they are dwarfed and deg'rarlort both intellectually 1 and morally In many inatancoa thig 1 cw)oadrfi nagndcrtrhotehyl nagtpe eoensms ebde atti child thir- Jives to grinding drudgery and sordid misery On the other hand many of those who live in riotous luxury purchased by unearned wealth are quite as effectually Pod dehumanized "Between these two classes there Is still a great middle claret among whom more normal and healthful conditions prevail But the above social organism is suffer-tog from these abnormal conditions and the tronnle Is Frowing more serious every year Some correstive must be found What Is to be done? No legal ennetments will avail iinles they are bricked up by a moral Fentiment One fundamental need la a deeper sense of justice and feeling of brotherhood So long RS pelflph anti on-fraternal motives predominate there will ho vonflict and its consequent danger and misery "The solution of the problem most depend at last upon some force that is able to eradicate this 1elt1othnemg and implant In its stpild a spirit of charity and fraternity Such a foreo is found in Jesus Christ anti in him Alone It Is only as men come to him and learn the lession of divine fatherhood and human to love and trust him so he-coming partaksrs of his lite and spirit that they are ernonctorttod from the bonds of polnOltlekA Pod enabled to art from high and noble motives Our business as Christiana then is to look to miraeives to be sure that we have the spirit of our Master and that we foster that spirit in our daily lives: and then to do all in our power to bning others to Christ that they may share this spirit with us" I ITALIAN NAVAL AFFAIRS Will Be Subject of Agitatloa Before the Next Chamber ROME Sept 4--Deputy Ferri the editor of the Socialist paper Avant (who was acquitted Sept 2 of the charge of libeling the navy brought against him by thirty-five naval oMcers on the ground that the latter could not represent the whole navy) has Med an interpellation to be made on the reopening of the Chamber insisting again on a Parliamentary inquiry into the condition of the navy from the time of the battle of Lissa in in which the Italians were defeated by the Austrians until the present time it Wft 8 on the occasion of a previous ottempt to obtain a Parliamentary inquiry that Signor Ferri made his attack on the navy which led to the Pult for libel being brought against him It in believed however that before the reopening of the Chamber Premier Zanardelli will appoint a rornmittee of naval investigAtion as he promised when the proposition for on inquiry was previously rejected by the Chamber DISASTER FOLLOWS WRECK With a0e Delp and John Evans in the Winchester jail awaiting the day of their execution for the murder Of aged Simon Bucher and wife with Henry Judge in the very ehadovi of the gal lows' charged with being an necessory before the deed another crime as great an outrage upon the name of eTenneesee is brought back vividly to the memory of the people of this State It -let the double murder committed beorlY oeven years ago in Sevier County Two' men FURS Wynn and Catlett Tipton were hanged for the murder of Wm Whaley and his wife Another Man Catlett convicted otbeing au accessory before the fact or in other words of hiring the two men to do the murder is now awaiting the decision of the Supreme Court as to whether or net he Phall go to the gallows for the crime The two crimes are almost identical in ttlir tragic and cowardly details in eaoh instance a man and his wife were removed from the path of one by 'whom they were feared murdered In the most heartless and daetardly man ner for so much money promised but never received Col Tatom at the time of the Sevier County tragedy was editor of the KnOseville Tribune He was at the soon after the crime watt committed and learned all of the facts pertainiug to it An account of the mut' der and subsequent developments wag given lay Col Tatom am follows: STORY OF THE CRIME "The trial at Winchester of the Franklin County murderere who are guilty of a most atrocious crime calls to mind an East Tennessee tragedy the murder of William Whaley and his wife Laura Whaley by Pleas Wynn and Catlett Tiptoe in Sevier County Dec 28 "This was probably the worst crime ever committed ill the State of Tennessee Catlett commonly known as Bob Catlett is one of Sevier Countys weaithiest farmers TiVilliam Whaley and his wife were tenants on Catiett's farm Catlett had been guilty of whitecapping during the terrible reign of whitecapisin which terrorized the people of Sevier County which in Iitself is an interesting story Whaley and wife had been summoned to al'-peat against him and because of this he designed their removal a "Wynn and lipton were citizens of Sevierville Catlett hired them to murler Whaley and hie wife promising them MO for commission of the doer! Whaley lived about a mile below Sevierville on the Pigeon River in a little ravine that ran from the mountains to the river valley Ills cabin as in a etnote and lonely spot contained a Dora door and a la ii open fireplaee "On the night of I ec 23 1896 after )ch 'Whaley anti his wife ad retired there was a knock at the door and immediately following the door was broken in find two men appeared in the middle of the room wearing masks One of them arried a double barrel shotgun The flickering light cast by the expiring COMM in the large fireplace revealed Whaley his wife and baby in bed in one corner of the room Mrs Whaley's oister Lizzie Chandler oceuled another bed in the opposite corner of the room HORRIBLE OBJECT REALIZED 'Whaley seemed to realize what the men were there for and remarked to his wife: 'They have come to kill rae' lie arose from the bed and as he reached the middle of the roorn Pleas Wynn who carried the gun placed the muzzle of it near 'Whaley's head and blew It annoet off Mrs Whaley realizing that her time had come arose from her bed with her baby in her arms and going to the opposite corner in which stood her Hister's bed said to the murderers: Let me leave my baby with my stet ter before you kill me' 'Kissing her baby farewell she placed it in the arms of her sister PPked that she take as good care of it as she could and turned to) lime her executioners Instantly another ehot rang out in the silence of the night ling Laura Whaley fell across the lifelese body of her husband her life-bloosi dyeing the floor and Um rockera of the little crackerbox cradle of her baby The two murderers then stole out and vaniehed "When the erime became known It created no little excitement even in tielt community a here crime had become of torch frequent occurrence Lizzi chan tiler was brought to Sevierville and secretly placed at an upper Ivindow of the hotel a hch NO reM1M1111 of the square and principal atreet After watching many men she finally pointed out Wynn and A triton is the men who Immieree Wm and Lora 'Whaley They were poorly masked end oh' took particular noto of them by such light as the dying lire nfrorded FIGHT FOR TWO LIVER -Wynn and Tipton were to and at once a determined tight was begun for their lives While the ease was pemling mid the accueea Neeee still in eell e-Conaresernv Jim Houk visited the Nk 113 iPy ce 1P10 an made an ex aminFition 11111 a drae log of it alr Houk being one of ho ettorneys for the proseeution The 1 nide W113 vacant at The time end seemed to aoear an kir of tragedy in its lonehneve and demoletion In the middle of the none Ikea a Need 'gain Pnme three feet in diameter while the wrilitt hich heti been papered Avith obi newtipaperg by Mrs ha-ley in a pathetie effort ne deenration th instinct Of the housewife however humble was stained wIth the blood and breine of the murdered woman mute witness of one of the meet eold-blooded brutal and heart-sickening crimes ever ammnittel in the annels of Tenneseeta 'The crime of Wynn And Tipton was fought threnell tee courte the decision of the court beleW which was murder In the first degree was Affirmed by the Supreme Court and the day set for their eve-mien Then the Oovernor was appealed to and the result was that a bort renrieve wag granted Another appeal to the Governor was fruitlese aud the men were finally PXecutet at Sevierville The And were reinforeed ley a large armed body of own etl the dtly of the execution HP 4 114-C1111(1On against nny attempt' at reecue On the part of the whiteentat Put there was no troulde of any port end the men met the teeth they so richly deeerved both having confeeeel the (-rime ptatIng while promised UM PeCh for eommotiog the ebed that they only reeeived "These men of course were moral perverts They belonged to a tyre Dot With Zoe Winchester execu Simon liur Judge in lows chari before thE great an Tennessee the memor Is the early sevt t)r Two Tipton UT Wm Whit loam 11 au access( other word do the nil decision oj whether or 1- OYSTEll LAY I Sept 6--President Roosevelt left at 9 o'clock for Syracuse where to-morrow he will open formally the New -York State Fair and deliver a Labor Day address A (large crowd of townspeople bad as-amble at the station to see him de-Tart The President was accompanied by Secretary Loeb several members of the executive force representatives of the press associationm and four secret service officers At Rktmond BM Jacob A 'tits Joined the President to accompany him On the trip He will arrive at Syracuse at 930 to-morrow morning Jamem It Garfield of Waahington Commissioner of Corporations of the Department of Commerce and Labor was a guest of the President at luncheon AHEAD OF TIME NEW YORK Sept train bearing President Roosevelt and party reached Richmond Hill I a little ahead of time but watt held there for ten ndnutes awaiting the coming Of Jacob A RUM who is to accompany the President to Syracuse Long island City was reached at tn and the travelers were brought into Manhattan by ferry Here the President was met tby Police Commh000ner )Francis Green with four "plain clothes men" among whom President Roosevelt recognized Sergt Bourke whom he recalled for his efficiency in enforcing the excise law while Mr Roosevelt was at the head of the New York City Police Board and Inter as a member of the Rough Riders In Cuba The presidential train pulled out of the 'nation at 11:45 the expectation being for a quick run to Syracuse Nei St Equipment Ten of the most modern anti effective locomotives ever operated in Southern territory are now being built for the Nashville Chattanooga Sr St Louis Rail way at the Bahiwm Locomotive Works In Philadelphia Eoliths' stock for freight truffle is also being added steadily to the present equipment The business of the road is othowing ennstnnt and wonderful Increase and the prospects for even greater emotint of traffic ahead will mAke this additional equipment of ineatimable value anti effective in Southern built for the lt Louie Rail-dive Works In for freight greedily to the asiness of the and wonder els for even a ead will make )f ineatimable STEAMBOATS IN LUCK Once Again They Handle Large Summer Traffic (St Louis Sp! Stinday'a Memphis Commercial Appel) It Is estimated that more than 20- 000 St Louis tans have taken vacation tripe on the river steamers this season The figures would have been largely Increased If ziJI who applied for accommodations on the river steamers had been fortunate enough to secure them The volume of the vacation excursion business this year has been a surprise to the steamboat men and they were not prepared to handle it Thousands et people applied who were told hey could not be accommodated for at least two weeks and rather than watt and take their turn they decided to spend their vacations elsewhere than on the river Capt Charles Berkley assistant passenger agent of the Lee Line said to-day that the rush of the summer excursion traffic had been greater this season than he had ever before known In his steamboat career of twenty-five years The line has been operating three boats a week between this city and Memphis rill of them going out with more passengers than they coum comfortably stow away at night The steamer Lotus Sims has been in competition with the steamers of the Lee Line and the lines have been making low rates which haye had the effect Of bringing many tourists to the river All of the other lines however have maintained their usual rates and all have had more business than they could properly care for The boats to St riaul Burlington Keokuk Peoria Cape Girardeau Chester and the Tennessee River have all been crowded on every trip for the past two months Members of Crowd of Onlookers Injured by Broken Chaim GOSHEN Ind Sept 8--Southbriun4 PIg Four passenger train No 21 was wrecked hero this morning by hitting a cow The engine turned over and landed half way down an embankment The engineer and fireman escaped unhurt While the wrecking crew was clearing the track this afternoon a chain broke the wog hurling it into the crowd the was Watching the proceedings Samuel Oliver received a broken thigh and is in a serious condition Victor Kauffman aged 13 was badly injured in both legs and Charles Ahlwine aged 10 was seriously injured I CONVENTION Strengthening Bridge Work of rebuilding some of the spans of the Louisville it Nashville bridge over the Cumberland River at Clarksville is to be pushed forward with all possible speed The strengthening of these stoma is to accommodate the heavier toulseine Nashville engi net that are to be placed on the INtemphis division of the road when the work is completed Permission was granted by the rnitert Slates Government to ship all navigation on the Cumberland for a period of sit weeks es the work on the spans Will interfere materially with the -running of boats Fortunately time was chosen when the stream is low end tho hindriince to the boats will be at the minimum Decrease in Memphis Business Figures given out for the month of July 190 by tho Memphis Car Sfrviee Asound ation show a material decrease in Mist ness for that period as compared with the corresponding month the year before In July Lod there were 1t1 csre handleet by the Memphis Association with an average detention per ear of 162 days Last year during the corresponding month IS175 ears were hendied with an average detention of 15S days This shows a decrease of 2744 cars for the single month this year Rock Island Insurance Fund It is rumored thst the Hock 'Island Com pany is contempinting starting a fire insurance fund Of its own It has cancellett the schedule which it formerly earrhol with the liastern Railway Insuranee svndicate on acount of dissatisfaction with the rates Bridge the Ppane ridge over the fiViii0 le to he oselhie apeed a spans Is to Lottleville to be placed the road when ty the nited all navigation period of six Ppans will In-funning of wise chooen tho hindrance minimum Business nonth of July ervice Asenel-ease In bust ared with the before In carpi handlet with an aver3 days 'eat ailing month it cut vtra LIBERTY LUNCH ROOM SERVIA'S REGICIDES If Any Punishment is Inflicted It Will Be Slight BELGRADE Sept Peter and him family have returned here after an absence of twelve days at Nish The papers report that a reconciliation between the opposing army factionm probable through the friendly influence of Prince Arsene Karageorgevitch King Peter's brother It Is officially announced that an investigation is pro reeding hut ft punitihments inflicted on the regicides anti their co-operators in their conspiracy will be slight tontos Opens His New Place at 711 Church Street To-Day The Liberty lunch room st 711 Church street will open this morning for patronage The proprietor of the place Lontos the well-known restaurant man who has peen connected with the Masonic for some time has prepared to timke It a success from the start An experience of four years has placed him In a position to know what the people of Nashville desire in this line and be has planned to make the Liberty the most popular lunch room In the city Nothing but the best will be bought for the place and the best service botn in the culinary department and in the serving UI be maintained For the accommodation Of his numerous patrons the Liberty be lien day and night LA nd meals ot nil hours will be served modenite prices Those who visit the place may assure themselves that they are getting wholesome well cooked food and toat their comfort and pleasure AN hile It Is being enjoyed Will be diligently sought atter by the genial proprietor The reputation of Mr Lontos in the restaurant business and his many personal friends insure a successful opening and continuous prosperity for the lunch room Question of Bringing It Here In tgo3 Being Agitated The Typographical Union met in regular session Sunday afternoon at Odd Fellows Ilan A Mil President of the unlon presided There was a large attendance The question of most general Interest discussed WilF4 whether any attempt should be made by the local organization to secure the national convention of the Typographical Union for Nashville in 1905 The annt2 al convention of 1904 will be held at St Louth next August It WIIS decided to submit the question to a referendum vote of the local union on Sept '25 The Lahel Committee reported that the use nt 'the union label bad thcreased to rt very gratifying extent Three hundred and eight merchants have signed an agreement to use the union label The committee reported that It had visited many of the merchants who had agreed to use the label and that they were adhering to their agreement A very friendly feeling has been manifested by the merchants towards the union by signing this agreement An energetic canvass is being made by the committee to secure additional signatures The union also discussed the advisa bility of appointing a permanent business agent but final action on the question was deferred until next Thursday night when a special meeting will be held At present business agents are a pplintea temporarily as occasion demands In nearly El 11 the large cities of the country the typographical unions have permanent business agents who sr paid a regular salary and devote their time to the promotionof the interests of the unions A very general sentiment exists among the members of the local organization in favor of appointing such a representative here ip Lower Rates to Cuba roccenger rotes on the Southern racttle steamships het WPPri NeW Orin and Havana says the Pailway Age have bete reduced to $2t-i one way smi $37 for the round trip first class and to $15 second class and $10 stcryim each way The former tales were 'First Vi round trim P'5: second class onn WRY The Southern Pad TiP took charge of the cotnpany shout a year ago and the passenger deportment has concluded that OP rate to Havana was unnerve corny high end that it v(1101171 would climulate travel to the Cohan cannot and help to matte tt rrent winter resort For a journey of about 15on miles with mania and berth inelmiA tho rnund trip rgo nt tf lit reasonable although not mord mull rhap SECURED FOR ST LOUIS Conference el the Inter-Parliamentary Union for Next Year VIENNA Sept 6--The conference of tho Inter-Parliamentary Union t7 international I ibitration III open here to-morrow A session of the council was held to-day to consider business Congressman Partholdt the American delegate succemkel in opposition to the Danish proposal to- go to Copenhagen in securing the neat conference for St Louis in 1904 to be held in connection with the Exposition upon the condition that the officiat vitadon be extended to the conference by either the United States President or Congress Air BArthohlt assured the council that such an invitation was Sure to be issued KENTUCKY'S FEUD DISTRICT To Be Visited by Salvation Army Band From Pittsburg ppt AP putatiIn of Ilittinitirg SAIrltionists under the leadership of Starr l'apiain 'Whin will nave Wednioulay for the feud district of liVittitiuky and will unitertatte the work of reforming ate fioulists Tho point wig flreathit County The reody mut be mole up nupTili of a few of the officers in the work in tHs city of 111111- tr4 of the local iirmy lot volunteer to give their time to the work ThP reception which the memherg kil-Trr' will rccelvo in Mc counties to lir a matter of gra iloutit many tit army work but thoric who tiro- golug wininn to have no fir of the manner in which they will be treilted TO STOP SUFFERING strange tn the mnuntains They were (apable of murdering fi man and woman or child with as little compunction vs they would shoot a squirrel Wynn was of a good family while Tipton ca MP of respectable people and was an average man in point of intelligence Loch left a family ESCAPE OF' CATLETT "Catlett fled the country and Was gone for a bong time but finally returned Ile WAS arrested and put on trial On June 12 1943 the jury brought in verdict finding him guilty of being on 'liccessory before the fact of murder in the first degree with mitigittin4 trial judge disregarded the mitigating cireumstilnet'S and senteneuil Cntlett tn death The case was appealed to the Snnreme Court Mid Will Le heard during the subsion of that tribunal at Knoxville In I)ecember -Catlett 0Wrifi a line fiarrn nnd Aorth perhaps After Catlett wns convicted his trial being in Loudon County on a change of venue his son disappeared from home telling his mother and sisters thui he would never return and neverlie heard Lom Els mother owl sisters are therefore now rf-rtng i double grief -cialett of course glesctves death Hi' pow dupes have already suffered the feeble penalty Lot their crime though it was the highest they could pay It will be an outrage on justice If Job Catlett escapes the gallowit" CZARS VISIT TO ROME HIS SALARY SUPPRESSED Indian Ell Is His Sick Son and Ki Ila Himaelf CARSON Nev Sept Schurz hamlet on the line cf the Carson eg Colorado itAilroad An aged Tnimin maned George In unable to witnettA the tiffrnrM 4f his young mom who watt Rick killeft the )arl with a Allot-gun and then placing the muzzle of thet gun At bis Own bead th remaining barrel i' il i i I i i 'I 1 I 1 1 I 11 11 Coming Event Cause of Extreme Parties' Demonstration itomE SApt fl7The police ffirbade a commemoration of the death of the Italian philosophkr tovie which the extreme parties 1104 arrangoi to hold to-day tle thy btl ve1 that it was ItiVralf1 to convert it into a demonmtratton against the coming visit of the Czar to Wine The trnri were kept in readinets In calif elf (114orderti hut nothing happ-n-(1 to call for interventione extremisitt have decteied to huh' the ccmtuemorottion nxt Sunday i erfte of the police prohibit ion Bishop of Marseilles Punished by the Premier of France rAtrus SPpt has suppressed the salary of Bishop Andrieu of Marseilles tkocause of a violently worded circular Issued by the riiPhon to the clergy of his dioeeso denouncing the authorities and also on account of it recent demonstration In the Cathedral at Marseilles on the occasinn of a visit from the Sishop of Nancy whose salary had boon previously stippressed by' the Government Tennis at The Iltigue THE liA111717 Sept the Anal of the gentlemen's singles tor thel lawn trmis chlimplonship of Europe which uas decided here to-dAy Robert of the New York Tennls Club defeated ronchney by 4-6 6-1 6-1 6-1 Worth While (Jutim) 'Twar frv' jvrit a rautisly Dat our parPots ri11 frrsni erne It Witt watahmillyun Ni bin a diffeent (vivo if 6 I 1 1 4 M1030aikeAkiiWIttOltBMglfMtlatMiltgANI.

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