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The Evening Review from East Liverpool, Ohio • Page 7

East Liverpool, Ohio
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MAY 31. 1341. EAST REVIEW PAGE RFATN Social Affairs JISS MARY ELIZABETH JACKSON. of Mr. and Raymond of 166 Laurpl and Mr Harry Hicks, of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Hicks of Maplpfroe united in marriage Thursday night at 7 In the brides home. Rev. W. Dwight Heaston of the First Methodist rhurrh performpd the ring ceremony.

-----------------------------------------------------------Miss Thelma Jackson, sister of the bride, and Fred Hicks, brother of the bridegroom, were the attendants. Miss Jackson wajs attired in pink with blue accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Jackson wore navy blue with contrasting white accents and a corsage of yellow roses.

The bride was gowned in a long white chiffon dress and her veil caught in place with white anapdragons. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Hall as prize winners. Alberta Carothers and Mrs, Jane Kunkell took trophies in a speed contest. Refreshments were served to 3.5 guests by Mrs.

Ixmise Cuhherly and Mrs, Calhoun, co-cbair men. The election of officers will he a feature of the meeting next Friday. 'A Miss Mildred Chamberlain of Maplewood was hostess at a kitchen shower Wednesday night hon- son, Eddy Lee of Jennings are spending the weekend with I friends in Cleveland. Mrs. Harriett Hapgond and Mr.

and Charles Knoblock of chard Grove ave. spent day in Pittsburgh. Miss Betty Rubin, a student at Flora Stone Mather college, Cleve-, I land, la spending the week-end with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Leon Rubin of West Fourth st.

Misses Jean Densen of York city and Muriel Rusih of Cleveland will be her guests Sunday. I Mrs McNicol Bernard and daughter. Miss Kathryn, are spending the week-end in Virginia. Miss Mary Alice Bernard is the guest of Miss Betty Rogers of Sewlckley. Jane Gipner of Ohio ave.

is vacationing In New York city. James Hepplewhite, a student at Washington and Jefferson Washington. is spending the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Hepplewhite of Penn-; sylvania ave. Their nephew, Billy Ferguson of Winchester. also is a guest. Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Purton of 321 Blakely st. have been called to Pittsburgh by the death of the NEEDLEWORK DESIGN of Louisville. Her brother-in-law, school at Fairmont State Mr. and Mrs.

John F. Crichton who has been ill, is improved. Fairmont, W. Va. of Beaver ave.

and Mrs. Jessie Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wheatley I Norval a student at West; of Ohio ave. left Thursday to and children, James and Mary.

Mrs, Virginia university, is visiting his Mayme Wheatley and Paul Fogo of I Mr. and Mrs George Mor- Cleveland, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carolina ave. were exchanged before an Improvised altar of pink; and white peonies and snapdrag-i Eldln Miss Agnes Shadduck played I Eskridge.

Kan. two vlbraharp solos preceding the i received many ceremony. Oh Promise and "The Sweetest Story Told." The bride is a yradimfe nf tho Prizes at games went to Miss Bast Liverpool High school with, and Miss Clara Jane; sister Mrs John C. Riley, the class of 1937 and is employed Smith. Robert Burbick of New York is with the Pearce-Vina! Motor Co color scheme of blue and visiting his parents.

Mr. and Mrs Mr. Hick, is employed at the Hall: decorated the table where Ira Burhlok of Ray st. ---------China Co. icovers were arranged for 22 guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fritz, and JO cents in coin lor this pattern to The East Liverpool Feriew After a week-end in sweetpea corsages with daughter, Nancy, and their guest, i yeedle.crafi Department, 82 Eighth At'enue, N'eiv York City, N. Y. Write Mr.

and Mrs. Hicks will reside on inclosed announcement revealed Mrs. Harry L. Roberts, all of Bal-j plainly the pattern number, your name and address. Harris of Pomeroy were Memorial day guests of Mrs Paul Fogo of Riverside ave.

Mr. and Mrs W. Tallis and family of Pa and I Miss Nancy McCord of Plttsbufgh I spent Memorial day with Mr, and Mrs. John McBane of the Wells Hollow road. Mrs Elizaiheth Beatty of Follan- see and son.

George Dean, of 'delphia. and John Richards of Steu; benville have concluded a visit with i Mr. and Mrs. Warren Urte of Broadway, Mr and Mrs. Ernest Bahm of Niles visited over Memorial day with Miss Rebecca Altman of Broadway, Mr.

and Robert Beaver and daughter. Phyllis, of Broadway, and Mrs Joseph Curry and daughter. Miss Mary of Adolphus st. and Misa Martha Finley of Third at. are spending the week-end In Grafton, Va y.

Midland Social Notes Eighty members of Court Midland .563, Cat hollo Daughter, of America, and their guest, attended a banquet at the Travelers hotel in East Liverpool Thursday night, celebrating the 20th birthday of the organization. Mrs. William Crawford toastmaster and introduced John Bibeok of Pittsburgh, supreme president of the Knights of St. George, who was principal speaker. Others who the group were Rev.

Fr. Joseph Schneider of Pittsburgh; P. Shaver, grand knight of the Knights of Columbus of Midland; Mary coeg Nssoucturr scavics. inc PICTURES PATTERN 2806' America and dear to us today- each symbolized beautifully In these colorful pictures that will enhance your home Ehn- broider them in silk or cotton floss. Pattern 2806 contains a transfer pattern of two 10xl2ii inch pictures; color charts; materials required; Illustrations of stitches.

Mary Louise, of Ninth visited I Allquippa. dlslriH dep- thelr sister, Mrs. Joseph Mackail of hb-iday. Miss White of East Llver- Mrs Regis district deputy; Mary jMctonnelll and Mrs Clair McCauley Rochester, grand regent I of Clark ave. visited in Pittsburgh Rochester court, and Rev.

inursday. Qporge Baumer of the Midland Pvt. William Connell of Camp presentation church. Because of graduation exercises Tuesday night, the regular raonth- spend several days with relatives in Toronto. Canada.

Friday guests of Mr, and Mrs. WTlliam Moll of dr, were the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moll, and children, of Pittsburgh. Miss Jane Guseman of Ohio eve.

left Thursday to spend the weekend with her parents in Reedsvllle, Va Katherine King of Ohio ave. spending the week-end with Miss Esther Koch of Washington. C. David Reynold, of Cumberland. is spending the week-end with his parents.

Mr. and Mri. Arthur Reynolds of Ohio ave. Mrs. William Kelsey and children William and Vicki Rae, of East Liverpool visited Mrs.

Kelsey's parents, Mr. and Richard Tilley of Eighth Friday. Pvt. James F. Smith of the first medical training battalion at Camp Is visiting his parents.

Mr and Mrs. D. Smith of I Park pi. west. West Ninth st.

Guests attending the wedding included: Mfss Shadduck. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hicks.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schneider, Misses Virginia and Geraldine Usler, Mlases Martha the approaching marriage of Miss timore, are visiting Mrs.

Bell, daughter of Mr and parents, -Mr and Mrs. A. Mr- Methodist church will meet of the Oakland Free Methodist Mrs. Homer Bell of Salineyille, to tronigal of 313 Broadway. They at -1 Mrs.

Herbert Plotts of 2807 church will meet in the hurch. Mr. Harry Sauder. son of Mr. and tended the graduation of and st Clair ave -Mrs.

Norman Sauder of Clarkson. Mi-s. daughter, Caroline, The event will lake place next Sat- who will return witJh them, urday. Fred Haney of Lincoln ave. and Esther Thompson, Miss Dor-i Another June bride.

Miss Jean spent day In Friendly, othy Jackson, Mr. Eugene Rcaney, who will become the bride. Va. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Jackson of Mr Donald Baxter, was also Braddock.

Mrs. Charles Me-' honored. Vey and Mrs. Florence y. Mrs.

Harry L. of 1396 Announcement has been made of Dresden ave. entertained with a the marriage of Miss Eva White- party Wednesday night for and'herdaughTer hill. of Mr. and Mrs, daughter.

Miss Iona, who will leave Mawhorter of i). arc Frank Whltehill of Negley. who soon for a threemonth vacation. I visiting Lieut and became tie bride of Mr. Clarence Games were the pastime, fol- Va.

Lieut. Stov-i Bradshaw and Miss Twvia Shlngler of Norton st. are spending memorial. Home and Foreign society of the First Presbyterian church will meet in the church with Mrs. Eld ward Kell as hostess.

Always Ready class of the Church of the Nazarene will assemble at 8 in the Patter- the week-end in Sharon. Mrs. L. B. Connor of Lincoln are IS 51 Wednesday Twentieth Century club will he entertained by Mrs.

Hilda Eccleston of St. Clair ave. Mrs, Barbara Barth of St. Clair Wolfe, son of Mr. and -Mrs.

Wil- lowed by refreshments served by p- ave, will receive the Good Neigh-! associates. Men and Women's society of the First Church of Christ will meet In the church. Miss Bertha Parka of Cleveland will be the guest speaker, Finne of the Mary Pattetrsnn memorial will entertain her bridge cliih. The W. and club will meet with Mrs.

Otis Weekley of Aten Wellsville. Friday Mrs. Herman Miller of East Ninth St. will be hostess to bridge Ham Wolfe of Dodge at a cere- Molly Belle Kidder and raony at 8 Friday night in Miss Norma Jean Tucker. Roses, the East Palestine First iris and bridal wreath decorated church.

Rev. Virgil Jump offi- the table. Candy doll, were given as favors. Mr. and Mrs Frank Huston, sister and brother-in-law of the hrtde, attended them, A pastel blue costume with white accesaories was worn by the bride.

Pink roses and white pea composed her corsage, Mrs. Huston was attired in a Bur- Pupils and teachers of the Ohio Valley Business college attended a party in the Brookes building Mr. and Mrs. Will Robertson of North Baltimore. are visiting' members the former', pister.

Mrs. Stella Murray of Lincoln ave Mr and Mrs Kenneth Righy of Ulevejand are visiting his parents. Mr. and John Righy of Orchard Grove ave James of Follanshee and Graham, of Chester who will leave for army service Wednesday. Music and dancing entertained gmndy ensemble.

Her corsage was 45 guests who later were served ine same Thursday night, honoring Howard steve Donahue of Ix)s Angeles are week-end guests of Sant of Park blvd. will go to the home of Lloyd Dunn of Erie st. Mrs. William of Garner ave. will be hostess to the Ladies society of the Emmanuel Presbyterian church.

Mrs. Ethel Potts of Iflth Wellsville, will give a party for the Goodtyme club Washington Elm Twig. Rebecca Dr. and M. McCutcheon i Daughters of the American Revolution, will make refreshments buffet-styie from a table centered with red roses.

Mr. Graham received many gifts. y. Past Noble Grands. Ohio City of Thompson ave.

were WTieellng visitor. Memorial day. 5fr. and Mrs Edmund Davenport of Canaan. Conn.

are spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith of West Wolfe a gradaute of the Waterford High school and the Paramount beauty shop. At present, she is an operator at the Howard beauty shop. Mr.

Wolfe graduated from the local high school and is employed at the Midland plant of the Pittsburgh Crucible Steel Co. The couple will reside XXX 11y with hi, parents. I Perionala American flags were presented Jane Braznell of Hender to the Central fire station and the is a guest at the home she is medical technician with the Rebekah lodge 782, will meet June sixth 11. Instead of Tuesday night, with Mr and Mrs Robert Ballantine Mrs. Jane Moore of Park Way son.

Blaine, of New Cumber- Roberta English will be co hostess garments for tho City hospital Class 14 of the Second Presbyterian church will attend a meeting in the church. Mrs Frank Givens. Mrs William Baird and Mrs. F. C.

Clemson will be hostesses. Friendship class of the Pleasant Heights mission will meet with Mrs. Bessie Hughey of Baxter st. The degree team of Ceramic Rebekah lodge 286 will meet. Lyflla circle.

Society of Christian Service of the Calvary church, will be entertained by Mrs. Adrian Ankrlm nursery at the meeting at Mrs. i Avondale st. Hoover's home in Cal- Frank cutfa. C.

and club will meet with Mrs. Wilma Tressler of Harvey ave. Thomas Cartwright of West -If il i Seventh si. will he hostess to the 'Nemon club. Helen Matthews and Mrs latter', mother.

Mrs. Blaine Cocfh-; gm ril. 1 A Deborah cirdc of due home today from Akron where the First Methodist church. The Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. Frank of Bradshaw ave, Saturday The Young Ladies society of the Chutx'h of the Nazarene will meet in the church.

Wellsville Social Notes Nine moinber, of the Calendar Bast End station by the Pride of Edwin M. Wells of Newell the Council 4, Daughters of Amer-1 lea. Thursday afternoon. The group held a meeting Friday night in the Sons of Veterans hail when an invitation was read to attend the annual homecoming of the Tiffin D. of A.

home June S. A public card party followed with Mrs. Winters. Maude Feustell, John Winters and Floyd Howard Kaufman of Cincinnati is spending the week-end with his parents. and Howard J.

Kaufman of F'airmont st. Jennie Frew of Baltimore has concluded a visit with T. V. of Thompson ave. Jack of Binghamton.

Akron City hospital. Xext Social CALENDAR Jolly Heart 500 club will meet coterie nf the Second Presbyterian with Elmer of Gleh-j church enjoyed a coverdlsh dinner moor. Thursday night in the social rooms The blind bogey tournament (70 Mrs Johnson and Mrs 80, inclusive 1 will be open to moiit were the hostesses women of East Liverpool Country and Mrs. Grafton conducted club. George Brewer will tho devotlonals Charles Monday The Welcome class of the Penn- is a guest at the home of ave Methodist church will his aunts.

Mayme and Anne meet In the social rooms nvonoaie sr donate the trophy XXX Thursday Slap Happy nub members will meet with Mrs Helen Thome of Reduce and MODERN WAY Get a new lease on life with a new figure or take the treatments In order to keep the one you have. They are very inexpenaive Phone 267-J for further information Beauty Shoppe 9S1 Main 8t. Wells. 267-J Wetlaville. O.

McNicol of West Fifth st. Albert is spending the Aughlnhaugh, the president, presided at the business session. Bridge. and euchre werk played al the public party Thursday night in the K. of C.

hall by the Women of the summer vacation from Notre Dame 6:30 in Sons of Veterans university. South Bend. Ind. with his parents. Dr, and Mrs.

A. J. Michels of Thompson ave. parents, Mr. and F.

A of Florida, also are visitors Pvt. Francis Eckert of Camp Lee, is spending the week-end with his parents. and John EJckert of Riverview st John McDonald -II Goldenrod club members will be Purity J. Daughters of jfuegu of Mrs. Thomas of Immaculate Conception parish.

Amerh a. will hold a coverdlsh at Third at. Prizes were awarded as follows 1 -r i 1 1 home, of Pauline Bean I.aurelTwig of the City hospital Wwell will meet with Little of East Fourth st. The C. and I.

club will take a trip to Pittsburgh. The club will be entertained by Eva Ross of West Fourth st Mrs Webber will entertain The club will go Niss John Mc.Sweeney, Barciis and L. Bormouth; bridge, Mrs. Erla Betts, Ralph Merrlman and Paul euchre, Mrs Ella Anderson, Mrs Charles Hanlon. Pat Broderick and Father Thomas Ring, Mrs George Patterson also won a prize The society of the Gtenmoor Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs.

Perry Rigby of Glenmoor The Womens of Christian Service of the Pennsylvania ave. chinch will assemble in the church. Grace unlverniy. cliureh lilnner at the Web. from Western Reserv Cleveland, to spend the summer her lodge on the Lincoln highway' vacation with his Mr.

and Mrs. John B. McDonald of Thompson ave. Mr. and Mrs Robert Davis of Detroit are week end visitors at the home of the parents.

Mr. Tuesday Grand Slam club will be entertained by Mrs Josephine of Oardendale with Joseph Albert Pittenger will be In charge at the meeting in the church of the Blanche society of the First Presbyterian church Mrs If and her committee served lunch Wellsville Mrs Isaac of Commerce St. has received word that Miss Beulah Prosser, a former local resident, Is critically 111 at the home Shelby. Is visiting friends and relatives here. XXX Cheater Social Notea Tlie Brotherhood of the Methodist church will meet Monday night at 8 in the tabernacle.

William Smith will preside. XXX The Women's Christian Temperance union will meet night at in the Nazarene with Mrs. Harrison Smith program leader. W. T.

Parsons will pre.side. XXX Fanrywork and games were diversions when Mrs. Johnston entertained members of Needle Point club Friday night at her home on California ave. Ethel and Mrs. Florence Priest received prizes.

The hostess was assisted in serving by Mrs. Nina Whippier. lawn party will he held June 13 at the home of Priest in Pughtown. XXX Mrs. John Reddington of Virginia ave.

entertained members of the Friendship circle Wednesday night at a 5 dinner. Places were arranged for 11 members and two guests. Miss Amanda Steadman and Miss Ixiulse Llghf- ner of Chester, at a table centered with a bouquet of peonies. Small flags were given as favxirs. Mrs Nellie Randolph of the Irondale rd Mrs Charles Aughlnbaugh and received gifts In honor of their birthday anniversaries Mrs.

Randolph will be hostess for the June 11 meeting, XXX Cheater Mrs Edward Rfahl and Mr, and Mrs. Robert SuhJ of Gary, are visiting here. Mr. and William Portman of Pittsburgh are visiting here. Rev.

and Mrs T. Gladden of Carolina ave returned today from a visit in Adrian, Mich. Fred Harper of Run is spending the week-end In Youngstown. Mrs. Rosa Baker of lisCroft visiting and Fred Chev- ronl of near Lawrencevllle.

Miss Olgo Putnam of Los Angeles. returned Friday after visiting Mr and Mrs. Clarence Durbin of Virginia ave. Alvin Fineman, a student at West Virginia university. visiting his parents, Mr.

and Morris Fineman of Carolina ave. Miss of First left Friday to attend aummer ly business meeting of the court will he held Wednesday instead of Tuesday. XXX Vance Thompson entertained mmbers of her auction bridge club Wednesday nlghl at her home on Ohio 1th awards being presented to Alex On- drlck, Mrs. Paul McGovern. Mrs.

Nile Wain and DuW'ayne Porter, Mrs. D. Dennis was a guest. The club will meet next at the home of Mrs. Joseph Hibbard of West dr.

XXX Midland Personals Mrs. David Craig of 11th st Is visiting over the week-end with relatives In Rural Valley, Pa. DeLoxe Beauty Salon Cor. E. 9th and Woodlawn Ave.

Ladles; Try our Fiecher ale- conditioned permanent wave machine. Hundreds of streamlets of cool air on your scalp. Cameo $4.00 Hilling-Floating $2.50 Fischer Creme Curl $5.00 We also give New-Ray, Gold Seal, Machineless. All waves complete with shampoo, trim and fingerwave. By Appointment Phone 872 SWIM for HEALTH! the Mary Patterson SWIMMING POOL FOR WOMEN and GIRLS Schedule June 2-16 Evenings 7 to 8 P.

M. 11-12 Beginners Children 1-2 Open 2-3 Advanced Children 3-4 Adults 4-5 Open JUNE 16lh On Monday Tuaedey Thursday to 10-11 Beginners Children 11-12 Advanced Children 2-3 Open 3-4 Adults 4-5 Open fee Hour Dally for Use of Peel, Including Clase In- atruetlenat SI.00 MONTH Private leaaona may be arranged at extra cost. The Women society of her slater, Calvin Meadows and Mrs Howard Smith of St. Clair Hanlon as co-hostess. Mr.

and Mrs Galloway and Cocoanut Pineapple COOL ENERGY FOR SUMMER! Try It yourself the next time you visit your favorite dealer. Ask for Cocoanut Pineapple ice cream in your aundaa or soda and see If Its rich, smooth flavor give you a new taste thrill. CDLDEN STAR COOPt-fXATI PROOUCBrtS to the only datry Grade-A Vitamin Milk. this trl-state nanoiing The Ethel Chambers society and the Other Girls class of the Second Enlted Presbyterian church will hold a Joint meeting in the church. The Night Owl club will give a dinner at Barth tea room, Welis- Tille.

Dorcas circle of the First Methodist church will meet with Mrs C. R. Boyce of California Chester. Miss Rlsdon of College will be hostess to Nyto club members. The Knitting group of the Junior Red Cross will meet in the Central achool building at 2 Susannah Wesley clrcla of the Theatre Ohio.

TUES. AGAIN we offer for the first FOUR DAYS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY OUR SENSATIONAL PERMANENT WAVE $4 Wave REGULAR $5.00 WAVE NOW ONLY $3.50 And Now Mr, Steeka Ultra New Method PERMANENT WAVE Regular $7.50 This new special proceas wave is under a con tlBual bath of conditioned water, with no pos slble chance of drying parts of the hair Wa guarantaa it unconditionally. .00 LEUMAS BEAUTY 118 WEST FIFTH STREET SALON PHOME OVER METZS FUR SHOP BUMTSIX mien 1941 MODE Only Sasy formi BIGGEST OP 6ro CU.FTJCAPACITr This sensatirmal price ia the lowest for a Frigidaire of this siief "Yat thara ia sacrifice of quality. A brand new with tha latest styUng. newaat eamomyu and convenience features.

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Haa exduatve Qukk- uba Trays. Plus a doubto-wtdth tray with hmit-ta tray raleaaa. Plot a Excluaiva Freeaaa ica faster food law cost a Automatic Interior light a StainieM Interior a hfera than 20 othars! TROTTER HARDWARE CO. DRESDEN AVE. PHONE 1244.

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