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Fort Scott Tribune and The Fort Scott Monitor from Fort Scott, Kansas • Page 3

Fort Scott, Kansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 Ik PORT RC6TT WEEKLY TRIBUNE- MONITOR. THURSDAY, OCTCifePR ''16, NEWS ITEMS OF MANY CORRESPONDENTS GARLAND. hire him for year at their meeting CRESCE.NT. SCHOOL REPORT, Fred and John Wiley left- Thursday for Deerlrig, John for' a' 'short Vi'sit1 with relatives and Fred to accept a 4.50 a day job. Pearl, Croy was out school part of last week on account of sickness.

John Mason delivered his fine flax i 1 Martin Gj'een and wife pf LaHarpe are' a few das with hjs 'parents, George Green and wife. Mrs! Lewis from' Is visiting her cousin, 'Rose Wlisbn." GroVer ip.oqlt and wlfeare the parents of a li-lb. danghter, whi'qh arrived October 8. S. C.

GIfford left last week for -Florence, KanS.i where he will spend a few days, with his W. E. Mader and wife, motored to Kansas City last week. Llghtholder of Blue Mounc spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Dutoit and family east town. Armond Coyan and wife, motored to Kansas City last week. C. H. Browning and wife motored to St.

Joe, Mot, last week where they will spend few days visiting relatives, Arthur Beth and wife spent Sunday with'TVis wffels sister, Jrsi 'Wm. Barrett and family. anl Mrs. Wm. Budlworth, formerly of 'Mapleton, but now residing at Azua, announce the marriage of their daughter, Dora Velma; Budworth to Mr.

Carl Wlnford Ince of, Azua, California, October 11. Mrs. Myrtle Barrett is staying at Bronson caring for i her mother, 'Mrs. J. W.

Larkins, who- is quitd sick. Mrs. Pon Britton and Mrs. Guy Clay-Jon went to Garnett Monday to see their mother, Mrs. Porter, who is re i Mrs.

C. Thayer and children drove over from Merwin Thursday last for a few days' visit Mrs. phas. Phillips and son were in Friday evening to take the train for Garden City, where. -they will visit Mrs, Francis and family forsome time.

Mr. and Crowl returned home lupt week 'from an extended visit with relatives and old frlehdstn and near Danville, 111. They report that Mrs. Johnson who went along with them expects fo remain in Illinois for some time. Wo are informed that the Ladies' Aid cleared up some $40 at the Reeves-Cunningham sale last week.

Pretty good ceosidoring that' there were so many other things on at the same time. A. W. Brittingham re'turned toTres-cott after several weeks' absence, most the time he tells us was spent with the children at K. C.

Otis Roy was in town Friday evening to" take the train for K. where he went en sme business matters. G. D. Roy returned home from vthe Columbus G.

A. R. reOnlon and he says that of all the reunions that he has attended this one seemed to him to be the most enjoyable one of any. Gleri Dobbs went "downMo Webb City Saturday for a visit with relatives. G.

D. Roy and RayWood were up to the county spat on legal business on Tuesday. Word comes from S. H. Rutledge that the rains are so often and many down about Bartlesville that they are delayed in their start for home.

Geller and family are enjoying a visit from-his brother and family of Franklin county. Sunday morning whije trying to repair a balky corn binder in some way-Will Snyder got his hand and fingers into: the cogs-and crushed and tore the fingers, (iulle badly. Lon Cantwell and wife were called to Kincade, Sunday by the severe illness of Lon's John Lindsay and family were Wer front" Hume spending the day Sunday with Mrs. Mayfield. John Carr, was over from Mound City Tuesday of this week spending the day in town and at the farm.

Suirday we were favored by a short call ram of our medical classmates, iDrs. John and Ell Gleaves, the doctors are nephews of our townsman, B. Davis and had come to town to spehd-the day with their uncle and his wife. They returned to their Kansas City home in' the afternoon after noon after spending several hours visiting, In talking with Leslie Cunningham he says that the company who were taking gas aiKP mineral leases around hero some time ago are expecting to get back here in the'next wcel; in fact, they, have written him to meet them in Paola this week, where they are, -letting contracts to develop their holdings in the community. Willis Rose has moved onio the farm he recently purchased of Tom Dunn, the man, bought him o'ut is expected to move soon.

Floyd Meech and family were up to Amsterdam, Sunday, spending the day with relatives. Lon Turner is about getting his new residence near completion and soon will be able to move in. John Michaels is adding a new A oom to the property he recently purchased of Mrs. Williams. RICHARDS.

Mrs. Mary Ann Briggs died at JKt home in the east part of town Satur day afternoon. Short funeral services, conducted by Elder R. O. Blulock were held at the Christian church Sunday morning after which remains were taken to Iola, for.

burial. Velma Masofi who has been sick for two- weeks is improving. Rev. William Lamaster is giving some strong and helpful teachings in his evangelistic cnmpaiglvat the church. He is assisted by the pastor Rev.

Klamm. Ed Koontz, Rolnd and Ed Hughes and Joe Duncan, Cy Springer and Will Crowley are stringing fish at Buffa lo, this week. They will probabfy spln fish stories when they get home. K. Ueberrhelm attended a famil.v gathering at Ccntralla, Sat urday, Miss Venna Nelson arient the.

week end lastNveek visiting friends Oska- loosa. Woody Fleener accidentally had his shoulder dislocated day last week. Miss 'Violef Miiligan, telephone 'ope rator at Nevada, and Mr. Gen Parsons were quietly married in, Nevada Sunday Tiiey will make their home In Richards. Mr.

and Mrs. Ben'Garpard of New Vork spent" a few day's last week with Mr. and Mrs. Logan Smith. "Mrs.

Maude Guffee of Houston, Tex. is visiting her sister, Mrs. young and family. 1 Mr. and Mrs.

Logan Smlthi left last week for their home in Minneapolis, Minn. They expect to return a few weeks. Mrs. Putty-Lee Lewis and baby.from Nevada are. visiting her aunt, Mrs.

Sam Hughes; Miss Noma Franklin from Columbia, M04 is visiting her cousin Mrs. K. F. Ueberrheirn and Mr. and Mrs.

Williams from Mctz spent Sunday in Richards. PLEASANT' VALLEY, DISTRICT 9. A nice shower visited this section Friday. Mrs, and Mrs. John Humphrey and Miss Iva, attended church services at Hiattville Sunday morning.

They spent the remainder of the day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wescbtt. 1 Mr. anil Andy Middleton and family spent Sunday with jr.

and Mrs. Edgar Middleton, Mr. an Mrs. Henley entertained Mr. Lee Williamsand Mr.

Bly Sunday afternoon. 4 Mh and Mrs. Dei Ttate and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elnfer Bly.

'Mrs. John Ashby was In Hiattville I niii.f.i.iii iiuiuiuy uioiuing. Mr. and Mrs. James Gift and Miss Maggie and G.

J. Hughey und family attended church at Hiattville Sunday evening. Miss Alice Henley spent Sunday with ftome folks. Miss Ora Henley is spending, 'a few days In Fort Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Harris tspent this week with Mr. and Charley Stephenson i.n.l l.imily. Mnny Ideal Imimk cue- 1c 1 i i (lie PRESCOTT- nie, next Saturday. Ho, is a young man, wifh a.wile and child Billy' Ward has treated hlmsulMo a new auto.

t. O. Blake and wife ate their 'sun- day dinner at the Seth Rellett home1. -Vlr. and Mrs.

Van Beber and daugh ter, bave been here for several weeks with their rs. Fred Hugger, left Tor Eureka Spring, Saturday for the Lenellt of Mr. Van Be-ber's health. John Adamson and Levi Williams left Tuesday hiorning forndependence, as delegates' to the A. H.

T. which meets in thiit city Tuesday for three days. Ernest I Roberts went to City Mohday with his two loads of stock. John. McMenomy has several men and teams opening up a strip pit of back of the Segal Runyao prop erty.

The condition of "Uncle Salatliiol" l'ellett Is still very scriojna and the family feels the end. isnear. Also that of Mrs. JTewltt.vOf Kansas Her condition is This is the. latest reportV0arTuesday' evening from both these homes.

J. Clary and Clyde are very busy putting in- wheat this 'week. A number of the -Gtcnwood Club la dies sp'ent the a day last week with Mrs. Fannie The Webekah lodge ladies surprised the Odd Fellows with a supper Satur day night. uouus llavs epons tnai ne was sick and out of school Monday 'and Tuesday.

Nothing serious, however. UNION BEND. Mr. and Mrs. Milllgan spent last Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Hair. Herb Shelton and family motored over to Oscar Odell's last Sunday after Sunday school. -c and Mrs. Frank Embrey and the baby took Sunday dinner with Mr.

Embrey 's parents at Marinaton. Mrs. May Burkhart spen? last Tuesday visiting: Mrs. Will Hartman. George Hall is preparing- to move back to his home in Fort Scott.

Very few of the farmers (ire sowing wheat in thft vicinity this fall. Mrs. May Burkhart culled on Mrsv Harper last Friday attej-noqn. Tom Bruce is making some fine sorg'-ghum now. He started his mill last week.

i Mrs. Walter Harper and little Cloona visited in the city last Saturday. We. had a good-Sunday school last Sunday and much in trust wastaken in the lesson. Sweet potato harvest" is on.

Sweet potatoes are of a very fine variety this year. We missed our faecretaryT Miss Ruby Mensendlck at Sunday school last Sunday. Ruby is teaching. at 41 and did not get home this week-end. DISTRICT 109.

We were favored with a good rain the last of the and the farmers are now'busy sowing wheat. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stance visited at Hit Dr. Robinson hoirie Sunday.

A number from here have been attending the revivaf meeting which is in progress at Hiattville. Mrs. Joy Boileau and Mrs. Ed Freed-man visited with Mrs. Oscar Cowan Tuesday.

The Jacobson sale was well attended Mr. Jacobson ami family will make their home in Fort Scott. Mr. Vcatch of Fort Scott was in this locality Monday, Rolla Hixon visited Oscor Cowan Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Freed man visited at Ed Warren's A. H. Jones, insurance agent of Red-Held, was In this vicinity the last of the week. Oscar Cowan and family visited at W.

G. Cowan's Sunday. Mrs. Freedmnn visited with Mrs. Gro-ver Baker one day week.

Mr. My rick is filling his silo. Mrs. W.G. povvan and Mr.

and Mm. Bert Cowan called at X)scur Cowan's Wednesday. WEST BETHEL ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs.

Alva Turner and children were Sunday visitors at O. A. Turner's. Miss Mary Ra'ston returned home from lAicerne, Saturday where she had been -as trimmer In the. millinery store tho: past six weeks.

Shq, says she' likes North Missouri, but still there is no place like Jansas. Ray Beaman and family spent Siui-day Tith Air. and Mrs: Jofm Hurner at Uniontown. i Mr.umJ Mrs, Mont Cox spent Sun day Wilh E. Cox and family.

Miss Fern Dills was a Sunday afternoon visitor of Mrs. Clarence Ramsey. Pearly Wells and family spent Sunday afternoon with E. Cox and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Lute 'Ramsey were vis-'itors Sunday of Otto Ramsey and family'- and Mrs. Dean Robinson spent Sunday afternoon with Orio Wolfe and family. Mr. and Mrs.

Bert Davis, Mrs. Ramsey and daughter Mildred and Mr. Davis all of near Red field, were Sunday visitors of Clarence Ramsey and famil.v. Mr. and Mrs.

McVey were. Sunday-visitors with their daughter, Mrs. Orie Wolfe and lamily. Perry Stainbrooks ami family siient Sunday with Walter Miller and family. George Ramsey and family spent Kuhdny night with Clarence Ramsey and family.

They wore just getting homo fronv a. month's visit with Mrs. Rumsey's parents in Colorado. ROUTE TWO. A large percentage of Hie people of thif vicinity attended the dairy show in Fori) Scott last week.

Mr: and Mih. Lacey and family left for thllJr ney homo Monday. We wish them a safe- trip. Mr. and' MrM.

Wolfe nd family have 'moved onto the place recently vacated by Mr. Laccy. Vc extend our welcome to them. Mrs. Cass left.

Sunday toy a visit with her mother. Helen Bell spoilt the weekend with home foiks. The threshing and silo filling will soon be finished in this Mrs. George Tiffany, and' baby returned to their home In the Solid City Sunday. 1 Old Jack Front has not hit us yet; but we aire expecting a visit from him soon.

Hundreds of opportunities are -placed 1 pjith of those who make It a oiut each day to look our the Wants carefully. O. O. Tinker sold his rental house liv the Baptist church to Ephrafm.Dentoiij iot i Leland f- Jlohnan was real sick last week at his homo near Adamson bridge. i Mrs.

Horace JtVoodward -and daughter nie here from Lost Springs, Wyo visit lnjc her Ilenvisidc and wtil be here a month or s'. t' The infant daughter' of 'Will Shan-kles and wife was very sick at their home south from the Adamson bridge 'last week. Corjjeliua Se.itz, James, Mrs. I'Viel and Mrs. Clara Anderson were up at the stock show at Forf Seott Willard Fox' and Ruth Emrick sprung a surprise on their friends by driving' to Fort Scott Monday of last week and getting- married by the probate judge.

Willard Fox1 is a cousin of Charles Davis, our carpenter, and is a. returned soldier from overseas, and was raised in the Brunnugh neighbor-hoodJTe has been working at the carpenter trade. Mi s. Fox is 'a daughter of Note Emrick and wire of southwest of town and has Jived in that community all her' life and attended the Buck run school. We don't know whfcre they hOfie they will become the best of Christians and succeed through life.

v- "Auntie" Skillrnan was a guest of Alrq 1-1 11 fTi nn nt Al Tlvop and wife for several wee.kbe4- fore leavnig To it her home at Terre Haute, Ind. Walter Thompson bought' a load of new corn from Joe Pitts for i.50 per busliel last week. Hiller of Kansas City has been here two weeks vjsjting her sons, Will Hiller and and John Hiller and famjly. Robert Singleton, and 'son Clarence have been visiting- Uohn Singjetqn and family at Independence for several days. U.

G. Clary. Allrt W. T. Hufline and" Tornmie Long- drove" up to the dairy show at Fori Scott ThursdaV- "Sister Laura" Partain celebrated her birthday last Thursday.

are not telling her age, only that she is over 27 and under 92. i The Pickason family -moved to the jfarm owned by Geo. Thurman and wife a 'mite south of town Thursday, which Will Tyler-vacated Tuesday. Joel Walker, Route 1, is having a force of men and reams help him till his new concrete silo this week. Iast Friday we had a very cold day, with rain which began failing before daylight and continued most all ds-y, many old stoves were resurrected and put-up without blacking.

Mrs. C. K. Huffimv MrH. J.

W- C.old-rn," Helen, Mrs. F. M. Dyer and Mrs. A.

J. Long drovvip to the dairy show Mrs. Columbus 51. has moved, to Fort Scott and lives in the home with her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Danner.

John Walker has sold his farm purchased from L. M. Howsed, over east from to Frank Wise and wife, olid havs bought the John Conlon farm east 6T Garland, where' NoarV Hofj-gutt now liyes John Walker paid $75 an this 80-acrq farm. Mrs. John Walker came home Saturday from a w'eek'ti visit in Newton and Barry countieswith relatives.

Miss Nettie Greening, Garland, Route 2, renews for the Daily Tribune-Monitor for three njonths. "Thanks, Miss Nettie. Mrs. Allen l'ellett anl Mrs. Henry l'ellett came from Fort Seott Saturday.

Mr. Pearson, who was here about six weeks ago, visiting his daughter, Mrs. Will Simons and family, has been in Oklahoma visiting -datives. "Uncle Salathiel" J'ellett has been very sick at his home. In fact, his life has been despaired of.

Mim Agnes Hair celebrated her birthday last Thursday. Mrs. Charley Davis gave tier a chicken dinner and mum is the word about her age, as young ladies don't give their ages after they- are 41. Mayfield and family have moved "here from. Uronaugh and are in their own home, opposite Walter Thompson's home.

s. Major has bought forty acres of the south part pf the John Conlctn120 acre farm, whicli lies near him. The jiorth 80, where the improvements arc, he sold to John Mayfield. Mrs. Steve Sunday, noon for Oberlin, to jstt a 'few days with sister Mattie.

went as far us Kansas, City with her. While his wife i away he will get fat mother's cooking1. Will Clary is one of the jurors at this term of court in Fort Seott. George Aler and familr entertained H. W.

Todd for Sunday dinner anjl Hiipper. Klmer Hord, wife' and Blanche WlH lianis from Fort Scott spent Sunday with thejr parents, Jacob and Levi Williams and fancies. WallefNAdainson on the sick list Sunday and he went down to Arcadia, see his brqther, Or. Adamson. He dtwve down iii the Adamson car.

"Aunty" Skillrnan left Sunday for "Terre Haute. where she will spend 'the winter with he daughterMrs. Mabel, Berry and- husband-- lfr many friends here re.gitt to hqve her-go so jar away, but she says she expects to return here next spring or summer, and go fishing in Drywood and Buck Run. Elmer Huffi ne and family are enjoying a new Uessie anrTcssis Hilton from Arcadia mmc Up Saturday night and spent 'Sunday with' Mrs. Hilton and Miss Ethel Sackctt, who has been in Ill inois for a long-time, has been visiting hcr parents, Jainos Sackett and family, south of town, and Monday went to vis- her-sister, Mrs.

Tom Koons and fam-' lly, west of town. William and Karf Mulligan, from Pittsburg spent Saturday night and Sunday with "Fnule Jay" Arnold and sister, Sirs. WJJiiam Hilton andJCMara. drove up in their Elmer Wise brought in a foinj of fat bogs nd led1 in a steer Monday to Ernest Roberts. -Thomas and George Lahnian are pnt-ting'out 25 acres of wheat this week.

Billy VVilsou, who lives over a mile north from Nevada, came Sunday for brief visit with Mrs. ld iWard and Ward, and family, and with the Kd Brown family. Mrs. Wilson says she likes her new h.orue of ten' acroes and her neiglibors very much. Ernest Roberts sHIppi-d two loads of tattle and hugs to 1 Kansas City Monday.

Henry Mayfield reports a nine acre field ol corn that is making Jill bushels to the acre on his' farm near' Lw-onaiigh. Rev. traper, from Antia, preached for Hie Raptist fiicltiren Saliiniay night pud Sunday und the brelhren expect to H. Carton and son, Eddie, went to Fort Scott Saturday. Mr- and Mrs.

WH1 Killion visited at the: George Klllion home Sunday i Chrystal Johnson, who has been in Fort Scott for spin time came home Saturday evening and stayed un-tij Sunday evening whefl she went home with her brother, Ea'rnest, who took her back to'Foi't Scott on-31on-day. i Lizzie Sipe spent from Sunday evening until Thursday with Raymond McCrum who attends' high Orrie KiUion vlsHed, Mr. Earl Gar. i-ett Sunday afternoon. Lottie Newcorrib of Fort Scott is spending a few days here visiting home folks.

I Clifford Johnson dragged, the roads lasf Monday. Mrs. Locki(y'Kllion helped )ier mother, Mrs. Porter, work for threshers the latter parf of Jast week. Mr.

and Jilrs. -J. Harrington ant family visited at he of Syi ptha Rarrinton'Hunday afternoon. W. W.

Vandyke and flops threshed for J. S. M.cCrum, G- IJorter and C. A. Hall lat week- Several from here attended the dary show at Fort Scott last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Johnson visited at the home of the formers parents, Ir. Mrs. J.

W. Johnsqn last un-dav. ilollie Kennell of. Fort Scott spent, Monday with. Mr.

Mrs. S. Rice and' family. Jarnes Wipe helped, C. Hall cook for threshers on Vednesday of last wfek.

Mis. Dott'ie Smith of Emporia is visiting her James Klllion and family this week. 'J Mr. arid Mrs. A.

C. Fetterly and daughter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Harrington. Mr.

and Mrs. J. S. 'McCrum and fams ily aufoed 'to Fort Scott Suriday evening. I Miss 'Hazel Killion who has been staying in Fort Scoit spent Sajurday and Sunday at home.

-v'. CENTERVILLE On account-: of the disagreeable weather Wednesday the Clyde' Corn- stock "sale" was not 'so very well at-. tended. The Centervllle Ladies' Aid society served lunch" at the sale. P.

)V. Holtslaw has been on the sick list but Is some improved; J' Mr. and Mrs. L. A.

Gunsallus and daughters, Miss Ella and Miss Mattie and Mrs. Lyons of Forf Scott Clyde Comstock's aie -Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller and fam-lly and Mrs.

Ada Martin spent Sunday afterndon. the guest of If r. Miller's par ents near Azua. Newt Johnson of Fort Scott, was in this vicinity Thursday on business for the t-ort Scott Sorghum Cyrupi Cp. S.

S. Harbert is on the sick lipt-Mr. and Mrs. Charley NelmlerJand family, Chasi! Rail and Mr 'and Mrs. Jim Slpo and family wei-e the guests of Air.

and Mrs. Aza Calvin, Sunday. Miss Minnie Stewart who teaches School in Gas, spent the endwih felatives here. Mrs. Effle Bolin Is visiting her sister, Mrs.

Edith Lathrope at Hammond, in. P. W. Holtsclaw recerved the sad news of the death of his mother, who resided In Illinois. -Her, death wasjsud-den.

fcShe was past 80 years of age. Mr. and Hawkins of near Bron-son spent Saturday night and Sunday with their daughter, Charles Beck. We are in need of rain so the ground will be in condition to plow for heat, so far there is' very little plowing done and only a very little wheat being sowm Several of the children of the Fair-mount school are sick with the 'chicken pox." Mr. and Mrs.

Dickey of Richards, who recently purchased the E. W. Hail farm, were out to the farm. one day last week. I GLENDALE.

Judd Arney and Charles pavjd went to. I'ort. Seott last Tuesday. Mrs, Flossie Mc-Neal and children, from' near Fulton, are visiting M. A.

Hillings'. 1 Miss Etta Simmons is staying at Mr. King's, nelpirtg care for Mrs. Walter Huss. A.

T. Gabriel City visited at O. C. David's from Friday until and Charles David- attended I. ,0,.

P. t'. lodge) af FuJton Saturday' e.veningM Ed BovMinn luid fitmily from of Fort 1 Scott moved onto 1. their last: week." Ijtither 1 Billings is not sp this week. "He is taking the jaium treatment for lang trouble.

Mrs. Victoria Williams ana daughter, Miss Mary Williams of AVest Virginia are visiting at Jesse' Miller's, Mrs. S. JV Amey and daughter Carri attentled the reunion of the Sixth regiment, Kansas VoL Cavalry, in Fort last week. Mr.

and Mrs. Herschel and family starte last' Tuesday for Canon City, DRYWOQD. Mr. and Mrs, Don Ctwinor (spent Sunday at J.he home of his Wrents, Mr. and Mrs.

Willis Connor. Ola Pellett was an overnight visitor all the J. A. Miller home Saturday night, Frank visited his lister, Mrs. Art Maberry, Sunday.

i The S. F. club' niet with Mrs. Geprge Fowler last Thursday The revival services closed at the Christian church at Cato, Sunday night. Mr.

and A. Miller called at the Chariey Johnson home Sunday afternoon." 1,,, Sam McPheron is helping G. B. lud-dlestorr with his cane. Prayer meeting was held at the home of Mrs.

Martha Stroud: Tuesday' ove-Ing. Several from this vicinity attended the dniryshow at Fori. Scott last week. Andy Hare and family have moved to their new home southeast of Fort Seott. Joe Walker was filling his silo Monday aiuL Tuesday.

lie at.the rombinatlon hog sale at the Ed Dorsey sale pavilion at Girard, where they sell eighty high' class big hone "Poland-China and Duroc I -i. Sale Ouobcr '-1 at No ii'-ni en account of weather, but iM.r? fws when the boll Following is report of Hammond school, district 104, Jor'th'e first month, ending pqtnber I' 1 No. days taught, No. pupils enrolled, boys )8, girls total, 17 'eases of tardiness none: average Those receiving certifi cates -pf perfept attendance were: Eva Provence, Marvin Wright, Thehna. B01- ton Thomas, pn, Paul.Tewqll, Alex Wright.

Goldle Bolton, Opal Raymond Stephens, Wanda, and Wane. U). Tewell. Florence Tewel was absent qnefpiirth day. 1 Room 2 Nq, days taught.

20; No. pu-pis enrolled, boy? 1.1, girls 12; total, 23. Cases of average attendance, 2 Those receiving certificates of. perfect attendanceo were: Porothy prr, Orville Bolton, James Tewell, Forrest Miller, Isabel Orr, Carrie Orr, Alta. Vaughn, Crowder Nickel, Thelma Orr, SEdgir VV'jlma Tewell, Edrie Schwafken, Adele and, Goldle Orr.

Jlsltors during the iionth were Misses Frn Opal and, Gladys Stafford and Cpunty Superintendent Miss May Hare. We are always giad to have those interested the" school to come and Inspect he work being done-Myrtle WyatTT. Gladys Davis: Teacners. tFojlowing is the report of Redfleld, school, pistript 47,: for the first month, 'ending September 27: No! dys taught, 19. Napupils ert rolled, boys 13, girls total 21.

Average daily- attendance, boys 11.2, girls 7.6; total, 8.8.. -Cases of none. Those neither, absent por. tardy during the. months were: Otis Ford, Anita Gil- Allan, Malvln Hart, Mabel Nichols, Helen- Padgett, tora Lea, Quick, Donald Steely anc Ollie Turner.

Thq children fold flag buttons and got a 6x8-ft. flag for opr room. Visitors during the month were Dal-ton, Burt aDd aEart McCubbins. Visitor, are always welcome visit us. Ruth Woqd, eacher.

1 7 1 Following Is the report of Bethel bistrlct for the flrfet month, ending Yiday, October pupils enrolled: Girls 16, boys total 2Q. -iS 0. days taught, 19; No cases Of tardiness average dally attendance, -Those receiving certificates fo'beingr neither absenUnor tardy during! the month were John Hall, May Elizabeth and Hazel Davis, Bernardino Shoemaker, -Rosa, and Gracie Niemier and Fldrence Blubaugh. Those present every day but tardy were Margaret and Maudie Newcomb. Those absyit one day or less ware Donald Hall and Alice Visitors during the month were County Superintendent Mtie Louise Hall and Riley Visitors are always- welcome.Pearl Collins, Teacher.

Following is tne report of Dayton school, District, 15, for. the month ending October, Jp; No. pupils enrolled, boys, 15, girls 15; total, 30. Average attendance, 23. 6, No.

tardiness7. Those receiving certificates of -perfect attendance were: Flpyd Graham, Clarence Graham, Sylvia- Graham; Viggo Nejson, Bertha Graham, Juanlta MaxwclC Essie Lester Graham and Alfred Farmer. "Those absent one day but not tardy 1. were: Lloyd Farmer, Herbert Bloesser, Trcssie; Embry and Harry Pati-on and visitor are welcome at any time 'td, inspect the work being, done. La Verne Harley, Teacher.

Following Is the report of Union school. District for the month ending October 10, No. days fauht, 20; pupils en-roiled, girls 5, boys 9j total; 14. Those receiving certificates of- perfect attendance were Pale Killion, Edith Canaday, Clifford Canaday; Roy-iitanley and Hubert Stanley. Vlcitors during? the month were Ollio Rice and Elsie -Canaday( Patrons are urged to visit us and inspect- the work being done.

Rjitbyi Mensendick, BATTLE FIELP. Mrs Peck helped Roy cook lor threshers 1 Gene Wakefield and family and Fred Smith and family spent- Sunday ven-. ihg with Jinx'ThomaS and family. Mcnttre and faniily, from Iowa, are vjsiting'' relatives in vicinity. jtf eni'y.

Pingus has. purchased the Crpan property at Mound City and ax-pect fnoyC theye 'the' Jatter part ot the month. Charley Rowley, wife and daughter Pearl, and Fred nyder spent Sunday vsitjng j-elativea. near Pleasantosk. pisses Grace and Olive Dcmott spenj Sunday! with Dot Makemson.

Everett and Ethel Pingus visited Sat-urday and. Sunday with their uncle, Henry Dingus and wife. Misses' Essie and Morna Rowlel spent' Sunday with tholr ltw Vy Arthur Parker, HAMMOND. D. L.

Ford made a business trip to westerp Kansas lasf week? Mrs1. Curtis Ford and children arriv ed "from' Montana last Friday, and Mr. Ford followed '-later. They will make their home with' Otr farming liis land the coming year. Luther Orr.

and daughter. Isabel, were Fort ScoU shoppers last Some 0 the farmers around here are preparing to sow wheat since the raiii, although, Issuing late. 'Mr. 'and Mrs. l'ep-y (iilbert hare moved to Garland, where they Will mkkd their future" home.

Mrs. B. W. Orr spent Monday visiting with her. Mrs.

Arthur Shaw. r. nni) Mrs. Elmer Bellman were Eort' Scott shoppers iast Saturday. teachers and pupils are expecting jiavre an entertainment and supper at the' school fiouse on Hallowe'en night, they havf' already begun to get ready for it.

ARCADIA R. p. 4. Oliver Johnson visited Sunday at Anna. Mrs.

Charles Caldwell and Mrs. Otis Leatherman visited together 'Tuesday afternoon, George and family siled with their son Clyde and wife Sunday. Thos. Lahman and faniily spent. with" Otis Leatherman and wife.

William Peterson helped movq brother up tp his home Saturday. Miss Drennia Brunk is staying with Mrs. Clyde Willard. Howard was pif thet I. Thursday, The Inventor of served all air Ifcrop In Thursday.

A ief 'acre brought him over Mrs. Croy's mother left in Texas A granddaughter came from Chanute and accompanied her on her long journey. SIiWiley Is visiting his. daughter In Most of attended the dairy, shqw, in Fort Scott one day or more, and jdj are loud In their, praise of the stock. While there was no jatock entered from this part of the country, we can't help but think if; the different owners had taken their' they would have shown up well.

Another year wll find everyone- more interested in the dairy show and more co-operative. George, Brown "Cahley Hartley are busier, than anybody making sorghum molasses for their Miss Marie, Mason returned to her high school studies in Fort Scoft Sunday, evening, after a short vlsifj at -'i i Mr. and Mrs. Charley Fairbanks entertained VMr, and Mrs. Willie" Pay, apd Mrs, iStmort Hennessey, from, west of Fultop, an4 Misses Bessie lapd, Marie Fairbanks of parfield Mrs.

John Tiirley and daughters have, moved jtq their new home north of Mr." Turley an4 prnest will stay at the oI4 'place until thei'rblg hay crop is baled and sold and the 'corn gathered. They; have a public isaled bill-for the 17th. Mr, and Mrs. Turley have JJyed A number pf years on the they are leaving, have made good, and while we "hate to'fose good neighbors, yet we wish them "the jjest of luck'in theii hew home'! EL. Mrs.

Bert Boone and children of Bed-field, were Tuesday" guests at the Boone home. 1 Charles Gardner came. out from Fort Scott Tuesday to visit a few days at the parental A. Boone's. Mr.

and. Mrs. 4. p. Lee took in the dairy show Monday.

Oman Hall and children. Miss Ethel Mrs. John Hall and Mr. and Mrs. M.

'Sauerweln attended the dairy show Mrs. Harry Lee and daughter visited Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Lester Picht. Mr. Marshall Bradshaw-has bought the J.

W. Larkin 80, east of" Bethel church and will move there in the near future to make their tuture home. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are careing for a 10-lb.

baby daughter since Tuesday, October 7. They have named her Agnes. Miss Allle Boone is' clerking in the People's store at Fort Scott. Miss Kathryne, Boone and Miss Ethel Bluebaugh who are attending the high school In Fort Scott spent' the week end with home folks. Mr.

and Mrs. C. W. Girton spent the nights of Thursday and Friday at the John Warfitfld home. They left Saturday tor their new home In Texas where! the best wishes of their many friends go with them.

The weather has been quite cool since the rain. 1 We had a fine rain in this neighborhood which, all- were glad to see; SIOND. Jliss Ola 'sPent the latter part ol last weelS inh home folks. J. W.

Moore, who has been here from Iowa, left' for his home the latter part of last week. Before leaving hp sold both of his farrns here; Mr. and Mrs. J. T.

Groves, and thel mothers, Mrs. Groves and' Mrs. Garrett, all of Drexel, and Mrs. Charlie Lee, visited 'at" the. home of Mr.

and Mrs. Johnston last Sunday. JT. Hi loaded out several carloads of wheat last yeek, all of wjifcli were hauled In from the country as It was threshed. A number of friends of Mr.

and Mrs. Stafford surprised them on Thursday evening before they moved to Mulberry von Saturday where they will make their home, Mr; Stafford has a job on the steam shbvei which from' thjs place. Those present at the surprise were Mr. and Mrs Miller, Mr. and Mrs.

Bolton, Miss Burch, Mrs. Michem and Mrs. Gilbert- Mrs. Elbert Bishop iave purchased the fp-acre farm owned by Mr. Dep-ton of "The; farm is the one known about here as the TJoan place.

Mr. Bishop's father, also pwped it at oile tme. UPCHFORO VALLEY. Thls last week, we have been having some cool, rainy yeuther. Quite a number attended sale of Will Wo'rmley last Wednesday.

The Methodist Ladies' A id 'served, dinner. and Mrs. J. H. Miller and Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Hammond visited-with Mr. and M. Vaught Sunday. Fern el oh visited Sunday afternoon with and Rachel Sutcllff.

There was meeting at Petersburg last Monday, night fo the talking over of the rock roads program. Quite a number from the Valley attended. Mr, and Mrs. Brooks CroBier visited with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Will Suteliff. There will be a pie supper at Concord school on night, October 17. The pupils-are preparing a program and everyone Is invited to come. 1 AZUA. Mr.

and Mrs. George Wipe and daugh-ter, Helen, spent Sunday at the Updike home. "1 Mrs. Paul Voight Waa la Fort Scott on-business Saturday. Arthur M.iller and Mxs.

Martin, visited at H. A. Miller's L. C. Fisher is threshing this weck Several the fanners of this local-Uy sewing a small acreage, of wheat.

1 J. W. Redman 4s filling his silo this i P. P. Simpns Is hauling wheat to Ft.

Seott. -Lester and Aain Vnndike spent the Sabbath at the J. A. Killion home. Walter Johnson of Fort Scott win out' to his farm Monday looking1 after his threshing.

1 Baker of Fort Scott was1 out on business the first of the week. Probably nopurt of the dally paper is so filled with human interest as the Want Columns, ported qjnte sick. (Idtat Weekls News) Warner O'Brien of Is visiting his sister, Mrs. G. Croft.

OW A- r'Linney and Henry Hiamjlton were ij JNevada Wednesday. Mr- and Mys. Joe fie Witt of EI Reno, are yisltfng' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maxey.

De and Mrs. Sewell were shopping in Fort geptt Tuesday. Miss Tielle Rutherford ylsited frjends in Fulton Sunday. Rev. Clark Sapur of Fort Scott, preached at the Holipess church Sutji- 1 w-" Mrs.

Basil Brpwp qf Oklahoma City, Okla returnd Saturday Wter an extended Visit' here. George BIythe has rented the J. W. Spau'r property west of town." B. Wilson and family left Wednesday for southern California 'where they expect to' make their' home.

Dr. R. and Mrs. Crume of Richards, were' in' town Fre Denton of Richards who recently returned from visited his grandmother, Mrs. Parker, the' first of this -week.

Mr. anS Mrs. J. W. Sapur of Richards are visiting their eon.

Melylp Sapur. Miss Elsie Davis, who teaches Lone Oak school visited with her parents near Amos Saturday and Sunday. HIGHLAND. Mr. and Mrs.

S. P. Albert spent Mon day afternoon. at J.'s.- Highland school was closed durjng the savonburg tair.

Miss McCJung ls working for Vyampler at Porterville. Mr. apd Mrs. S. C.

Johnson pent Sunday with their son, L. V. Jonhson and ien' who has been overseas in France for a year, arrived home Saturday morning. Lyle Copper and wife of Savonburg "spent Sunday at B. P.

Mrs. J. Marlatt, 'who has been ill, is reported- better. Weddle and family visited Sunday with'Mr. and S.

Albert. A. Albert apd family spent Sunday at Bert Bennett's, near Elsinore. Mr. Church and family of, Oskaloo-sa, who has been visiting with his bcother Ed and family, went to Elsmore Bunijay for 'a visit' with" Ar thiir Starliper'and ''A large crowd was attendance at the Savonburg fair on Thursday.1" No fair was held, on Friday on account of the rain.

Wheat sowing is about completed )n thip lopality. Is consider ably smaller than last year. Grant "Si'nhah and' wife "now occupy the O. farm recently vacated py, a loya af.r. mnnan.

is vojii-ing for Mv. W'eddle- 1 Mrs! p. Newejl and Grandson Del-bert Heicallers.a Johnsop's Saturday PETERSBURG. Mrs. Iris Bruner, is ijl with nialarla fever.

11 Mrs. Nellie Kennedy has been on the siek list1 for several days, n- and. Earl Mad-(den were. Fori Scott visitor Saturday. George Ramsey and family have re turned from a visit' of several weeksJ in Western tCapsas and different points in rrti-v -H Ross Summers and family have- been enjoying a -visit from, their brother, J.

Summers, and cousin, Willis Suiruners, of Malvern, la. A jolly crowd of young people en--joyed a welner roast at the Rocky ford, on Hinton branch, last Wednesday night, when thw King's Daughters of MLi Oliver! Sunday were guests of he IJva Wires. Henry, Jackman and Orville Pope came down from Gas Saturday and returned Sunday evening. Mrs. Jackman and little son, who have been' visiting relatives' here- for "days, them home, GREEN VALLEY.

Mr. and Mrs. James Culbertson of Bronson were visiting at bertson's 1 jCiil- Mrs. Kennedy is on the sick list this (' Riith Geiger ppent the week-end with homo folks. Will Wormley's sale, which was held Wednesday, was -not very well attended, owing to the rainy day.

Will Hensqn of near' Fort Scptt and Conway of near Redfleld spent Sunday night at Mr. AVormley's. Mrs, Ham of Savonburg was a caller at Mr. Saturday. The farmers of this locality are very busy preparing' to sow vheat.

Mr. and Mrs. -Crosier were visiting at Mr. Sutclifrs Sunday. There' will be a program and pie supper given at the Greeri Valley school fiouse October 24.

Everyone is Invited to attend. The Wants appeal to the thoughtful, painstaking -workers who are ever on the lookout for advancement and1 ep predate the responsibility of Rood 90 ltIo,.

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