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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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Responsibility! Which in your mind carries the most the button or the suspenders. We can furnish you very responsible suspenders at a very moderate cost. A VALUABLE ADDITION TO THE HOLDINGS OF THE DIETERICH SYNDICATE YESTERDAY WHEN THE LOCAL i-LANT 3WENTER, The Hatter and Furnisher. Of ttae Logmanport Xatnrsl Company Watt 1'archaneil- The Frlce IN Withheld UK Vet From the Knowledge of the Public. Hut Itlft Heated Tli a i Both Sides datlafled men I Will Probably -Re- Unchanged.

Save This Coupon our No extra charge for it, but it is valuable. It bares names, and that will remind you of the necessity of a New Spring Suit. Present this coupon with a nominal sum of money at our store and we will make to your order the handsomest suit of clothes that ever body. TUCKER THE, PEflRL 8TRBET TfULORS. SAL ESTATE INTELLIGENCE LOANS NEGOTIATED.

GEO. W. RODEFER, Oficlway. Over Bank's Jowolry Store. CHAS.

W. SeLEGUE, latchmaker and Engraver. nor window Johnston's Drnp Storo. Broad- nnd yonrth streets. Formerly with J.

D. Jr. work warranted. Give him a call. DR.

F. M. BOZBR'S INTAL PARLORS. jr State National Bank, Logansport, Ind. Middle Abroad.

The Lofjaneport Saturday Night Review refers to Hon, Horace P. Bid. die, the retired jurist and recluse of tho city, aa "a prophet without a sufficient meed of honor in hie own country," and states a fact not generally known that he Is a member of the most distinguished society of learning in the world, and not only a member but a sufficiently distinguished one to actually dominate the meetings of the learned Society of Science, Letters and Art of London. The deal has at last teen ooruu nmat- ed by whlcn the Dieterioh syndicate of New York capitalists gains control of the Logaoeport natural gas company's plant. The finishing touches were placed on the deeds yesterday with a more or lees artistic touch, and the cash was paid to the old company.

What the amount of the consideration was, could not be learned, as the parties to the transaction saw fit to keep the matter quiet. The statement was made that a fair price had been given, and that both sides were satisfied. The amount probably paid for the plant has been variously estimated, the general opinion being that not less than $500,000 was paid for the property. To James Mardock. of Lafayette, Is eaid to belong the credit of effecting the sale.

Hon. S. P. Sheerln will remain in charge uniil tho DCP company completes its ar, rangemoate for conducting the business, and It id understood that the operating force will not be changed. The new ownora say they will closely adhero to ths rates provided in the ordinance, and that litigation will soon ceaee In the matter of gas rates.

It Is also understood the same company has made an all but successful effort to buy the artificial gas com. pany's Logansport plant. The purchase of the natural gag company's plant Includes about ninety- five miles of pipe line, taking in the branches to Galveston, Walton and Lincoln. structor Jn elocution at Purdue university lor one year. Her life study has been devoted to that art and she has won high rank as aa elocutionist, -her ability having gained recognition far and wide.

She is a lady of refinement, possesses many social qualities and is charming and pracious in manner, a woman fitted to fill any sphere In life. -The union formed under such ausplcloua circumstances last night receives the benediction of all. Years ago, forming a happy coincidence to this event. Mr. Crockette oame here from Logansport and led Miss Murdock to the altar.

Mr. and Mrs. Dunkleberg left this morning for Logansport and will occupy apartments at the Murdock hotel until June, when they will leave for a visit to Mr. Dunkelberg's parents in Pennsylvania, continuing their trip to Washington and other points in the east. DOMESTIC DISCORD.

ADDITIONAL ITEMS. Mlsi Belle Evans IB reported sick. Wm. O'Connell Is reported much A PRETTY WEDDING IAILY JOURNAL. DAY' MORNING, MAY 3.

ieen's steam work i' neckwear at Harry I until Saturday for second lot ita Otto is advertising. lull Otto displays outtlde sells .50, worth $15 or $20. slippers until you flee tho tevanson Klinslok's. Hubler and E. Sohmlt 250 dozen mushrooms springs yesterday, prices are belnir advocated on but Stevenson Kllnglok ar them cheaper than ever, purify, vitalize and enrich the and give nerve, bodily am strength, take Hood's Sarsa Such contributions from the pen of Judge Diddle are found In the library of the Society as papers on the "SMeoco of Religion;" the "Science of Philosophy;" tho "Letters ol Junius Wrote Them." Sir Philip 68 Points.

fllerony- mous Anonymous;" the "Analysis of thyme;" and the poems of Judge Blddle, who is an L. L. D. of the dls. tlngulshed Society which embraces in Its membership some of the most eminent thinkers and writers living.

a Jdlng's Lawn Tennis Guide for 111 out The book ia handsomely krated, and ia complete In every loular. DO people think all i lies and never investigate; Otto tmplea BO arranged that people i as they pass by; real f20 suits 7.fiO. Awarded Fair. DR. IOST PERFECT MADE.

am t' Powder. Free nis. Alum vty other adulterant 'YEARS THE STANDARD. Fan and Electricity. That Incomparable fun-maker, Eddie Foy, will make his initial' bow as a star at the opora house next Saturday night, when he will be Been as "Cluster," in the fantastic operatic travesty entitled "Off the Earth." Eddie Foy has an unique personality of his own.

He simply fills the surrounding atmosphere with fun, until hia audience is laughing with him and at him, and all around and about him. Mr. Foy has tho advantage of being surrounded by one of the greatest extravaganza companies ever organized, comprising nearly a hundred people. The scenic environments are the moat elaborate ever seen In this oily. A False Dlujnoios.

La grippe is confounded by many persons with a severe attack of catarrh, which In some respects resembles the former. These individuals suffer severely with pain about tho forehead, eyes and ears, with soreness In throat and stoppage of the nasal passages, and ia fact, are Incapacitated for work of any kind for days at a time. Thesa aro catarrhal sufferers. Ely's Cream Balm has been used with tho best results In such cases. The remedy will give Instant relief.

Her. D. I. JIobb'M Snbjecl, Patriarch Job In the old testament xolaimed, "I know that my Redeemer iveth, and though after my skin worms destroy this body yet In my eah shall I see God." St. Paul in the ow testament, declares that "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God." 3 he two sentences seem to contradict each other.

These apparent contradictions will be explained by the rector of Trinity church Sunday evening at Popnlar Umid Concert. The Military band rendered tho fol. lowing program at the corner of Fourth and Market streets last night A large crowd turned out to listen to the sweet music. Swing- Brooks Medley to Date. -MlcbaHs Bifltonf In the Cradle or the Bolluuon Sonc and Minnie.

jrantaile-Old Kentucky Home Dalby Heed for 17.50, IB creating extraordinary excitement Ol'o'l. anil LnraTotlo by the of Matrimony. Lafayette Journal: Crab apple blossoms and carnations in clusters of fleecy whiteness and seductive fragrance gave Nature's sweetest ben. edlctlon to the union for life of Miss Anna Cordelia Crockette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Franklin S. Crookette, and Mr. Chas. A. Dunkelberg, one of Logansport's young business men last evening.

The marriage occurred at the elegant Crockette home on the Earl gravel road six miles south of the city and was a prettj home wedding-, every detail being perfect and all the arrangements artistic. The parlors, sitting room and dining room were decorated and perfomed with clusters of crab apple blossoms and carnations and the Interior of the residence, brilliant In light and color, presented a delightful meeting. As the guests crossed the threshold they were met and welcomed by Miss Anna Baker, of West Miss Carrie Blackstock; Miss Julia Taber, of Logansport, and Mr. Horace Crockette. The ceremony wan perfotmed at 8 o'clock by Dr.

A. A. A wedding march rendered by Plloher's orchestra announced the approach of the bridal party. The bride and groom halted in the broad doorway between the front and rear parlors, Mr. John Fox, of Logansport, aupoorted the groom and the bride as atlanded by her father, who gave her to the man of her choice, The ring service was used and the rite was very impressive.

The bride was attired In heavy corded white silk, entrain, and carried pink roses. The nuptials were followed by a splendid repast served by Weigele.and the dancing was enjoyed until after midnight. Two hundred Invitations had been issued and guests were present from Logansport, Newcastle, Rockville and other points, and a number from Purdue and the city. It was a large wedding and was elaborate to the smallest detail. Mr.

and Mrs. Dunicelberg received many congratulatory messages by post and wiro, and the presents bestowed were many and elegant. Thfl groom Is associated with Mr. John Fox, ex.treasurer of Casi county, in the queensware business on Market street and holds a high position In commercial circles. He served as steward of the Long Cliff insane hospital, a position of trust, for five years and is regarded as a gentleman of excellent business qualifications as well as a man of the kighest character.

He is genial in manner and one of the most popular young gentlemen In Logansport. The bride it a graduate of the national school of elocution and oratory at Philadelphia and was in. better. S. E.

Howe was at Peru yesterday on business. Every suit displayed In front of Otto's store sells lor $7.50. Ladles are delighted at the neckwear ahown by Harry Frank. Wils Berry Is putting an addition on his residence on the North Side. A festival at the North Side U.

B. church last night, was wall patronized. Judge Dykeman will build a "White Horse Ion" on Sixth street at the Eel river. Charles Brooks was yesterday morn, lag granted a divorce from Gertrude Brooks. W.

E. Kichey is now in charge of the Ice cream department at the creamery. Residents on Tenth street have made a kick for some necessary repairs on that street. Only two more days to get big 1 bar. gains in clothing before Harry Frank, John Swallow has been awarded the carpenter work on the St.

Joseph's hospital extension. John Banta, trustee of Jefferson township, ia laid up with a severe attack of rheumatism. The West Side saw mill of Van Buskirk is closed down while new machinery Is being erected. A sewer In bad sanitary condition has been reported on Market street in frent of the Eagle clothing house. Sundayiat 3 p.

the Logansport ball players will contest with the Fort Wayne team at the Driving park. A fine- horse owned by Charles Gottschall, of Noble township, has been permanently Injured In a collision with the deadly barbed wire fence. A social was given last night at John Redwood's borne under the auspices ot Pocahontas lodge. Ice cream and cake were dispensed, Calvin McCrackln, a man of Young 1 America-, was married Tuesday at Kokomo to a young widow of that city, It was Mr. McCrackin's second venture.

Saturday night when "Off the Earth 1 appeari at the opera house, will be seen the grandest and most elaborate stage effects ever placed in our oity. Sizes In the first shipment of $15 and $20 suits for $7.50, being broken Otto advises his patrons to wait until Saturday morning when the second lot will arrive. The Eastern Stars, of Peru, banqueted their sisters from Logansport Wednesday There were twenty- five in the party and all reported a splendid time. At the home of Mrs. A-.

B. Stan ton, on the corner of Seventh and Broadway, the ladies of the Christian church will serve a fifteen cent supper Friday evening, May 3d. James pCouoh, the plumber, was caught by a cave-In In a trench for the water works extension on Race street Wednesday. His left leg was badly sprained and he was otherwise bruised. At Richmond, the jury in the case against Frank Parker, charged with working the gold brick swindle, was unable to agree after debating a week, and the casa will have to be tried again.

HarveyCulpof the Clinton house, Kokomo, Is filUng the place of Carl Miller, night clerk at the Murdock hotel, while the latter ia at Mt Clemens, taking a course of bathe for rheumatism. The Unpleagant Resale oT.n Simple Little -Wifely Refluent. "George, dear." said Mrs. Xeivlywed the other evening- just as they were about to leave the house for the opera, "I've left my fan on the dressing- caso in my room, and I can't go without it. Won't yon up and get a dear." Georg-e goes up three steps at a time.

A moment later his voice comes down sharp for a man who has been married but six months. "It isn't on the dresser," he says. "Why, yes, it must be, dear. Look in the upper drawer in that long-, blue box in the left-hand corner. Don't muss thing-s all up.

It is it isn't." "Oh, it must be. Look gxxxl. Found it?" "No, I haven't." "Well, don't get crossabout it. Maybe I left it on the hook. Is it theru?" "Xo; 111 "George! If you can't do a little favor for your wife without swearing about it you needn't do it at all.

Look in the second drawer of the dresser in that pink box. Is it there?" "Xo, it, ain't! I knew it wasn't before I looked." "You didn't know anything of the sort. That's not the place. We're Lite now. Look on the mantel.

I know I laid it there just now while 1 tied my bonnet." Xo, it is not on the mantel. I'll just be "Georg-e! If you swear again I'll take o'iJ my thing's and stay at home! If you'd look for the fan of prancing- around and swearing like a trooper you'd find it. See if it is iu my bonnet box. Sometimes I drop it in there? Found it?" 'Found snarls Georg-e, jecring-- ly. ''Talk about a needle in a hav- stack! It's nothing compared to "George Kewlywod! Just p.s sure as you speak that way again I'll stay at home.

Look on the chairs and the table and what arc you doing up there? Upsetting- chairs and kicking- over things and growling like some wild animal. I'd bo ashamed. 1 suppose I'll have to come and look for the fan myself, tired as I am. Can't you find it?" "Find nothing-! A man might as well hunt for the north pole or Capt. Kidd's treasure or a particular grain of sand at the bottom of the sea as to look "There, there! Stop making quite such a pitiful spectacle of yourself.

If I were a man I'd be a man! Look in the closet. Oh, here's the fan, I declare if it hasn't been lying- here on the hall rack all the time. I remember that I laid it down when Newly wed! I'd bo serving you right if I didn't go a step with you. Swearing like that! Come I suppose you'll snarl and sulk all the way down town!" A prediction that was fully Free Press. 1XUSEXEIT8.

OPKIt HOUSE B. MASAGKH. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Saturday, May 4th The American Travesty Company Eddie Foy In the Flints-tie Operatic Traresty, OFF THE EARTH. 100 PEO- PLE JOO People-all cooj.

ino tuiisjot i-cenerj'. MagolilctMtt Ctlelutn Electric Eflecis. Advance sale TburMliir morning Jotinmon'f Siore. iwits si.EO, oi7 seats 211 seats Tie 200 seats 5Cc, Lusi Hoivs Uatoony ISc, 0 Chtilrs J'J. THE FINEST LINE OF SPRING SUITINGS To be Found in the City at CRAIG'S 428 BROADWAY 2nd Floor.

Justice Block. JOHNSON WAS DRUNK. THE CONCERT EEL. It IlkR Uceo Known tu Attain a Length of Ten Feet. There are three conger eels at the New York aquarium, nuiging from to 4 feet in length, and from three to five pounds in weight; the conger ec-1 sometimes grows to be ten feet in leng-th.

Some fishermen call the conger eel the round-tail eel; among- anglers, who sometimes catch them from the Ing but Jive dog-s, and these will be furnished from the dog- pound. When it is thought tho monster is hungry a homeless cur will be put into the pen with it. A board will be extended over the water, and, following 1 its natural instinct, the dog will run out on this board and bark at the alligator. Then there will be a sudden snap and silence, and there will be one less dog on earth. The last menl this alligator had was a costly one.

Its keeper had prepared the board, as usual, and was going- for a cur dog- when his pat English pug- suddenly became saucy and ran out and barked from the board. The keeper rushed back, but was only soon enough to sec the terrible jaws close on the beautiful pug, for which be had paid twenty-five dollars. CrndJei ror Indian Bablei, When you go through an Indian camp you can see red and green sacks standing against the sides of the tepees, carried on the backs of little girls by means of a blanket which is fastened at the waist with a broad leather belt, or being rocked to and fro by the wind in the boughs of the cottonwood trees. These sacks are Indian cradles. Sometimes, if the camp is going on a long journey in search of game or for water, or to escape a war party, two of these sacks are fastened together by stout and swung over the back of a pony, one dangling on each side, like the baskets on a pack But as a rule the horses are left for the men and boj's to ride, and the papooses are either carried by the girls or packed away on a "travoise," which is the only wagon the Indians have.

The Unemployed. 'Ad any breakfus' 's rooruia'?" "Not a Punch. Another JMTorce Fanoie Hunger has asked for a divorce from Robert Bunger whom she charges with cruelly expelling- her from the boute. Her name has been Bung-er since 1893 and there are two children. T.

J. Tuley is her attorney. WtrU's folimblu Eipttltion Was of value to the world by illustrating the improvements in the mechanical att8, and eminent physicians will tell you that the progreei in medicinal agents, haa.been'of equal, importance, and. as a strengthening laxative that Syrup of far in advance of all others. Home Excaralon to JUehl- via On May 7, 1895, Line win sell to various points in Michigan, excursion tickets at one fare for the round trip.

For full particulars call on an; Yandalla Line agent, or addreat £. A. Ford, General Paisenger Agent, St. Louis. Mo Condition of Lincoln'! Vlco Prrnldunt at tho Inttuctxrntlon.

Noah Ttrooks tells the following story his personal reminiscences of Lincoln in the Century: "All eyes were turned to the main, entrance, where, precisely on tho stroko of twelve, appeared Andrew Johnson, vice president elect, arm in arm witk Hannibal Hamlin, whose term of office was now expiring. They took scats together on the dais of the presiding officer, and Ilaznlin made a brief and sensible speech, and Andrew Johnson, whose face was extraordinarily red, was presented to take the oath. It ic needless to say here that the unfortunate gentleman, who had been very ill, was not altogether sober at this important moment of his life. In order, to strengthen himself for tho physical' and mental ordeal through, which ho was about to pass he had taken a stift drink of whisky in the room of the president, and the warmth of tho ate chamber, with possibly other physical conditions, had sent the fiery liquor to his brain. He was evidently intoil- cated.

As he went on with hia speech turned upon the cabinet officers andi addressed, them as "Mr. Stan ton," "Mr. without the official 1 handles to their names. Forgetting Mr. Welles' name, he said, "and yon, "Mr.

Then leaning- over to CoL Forney, he said: "What is the name of the secretary of the navy?" and then, continued as though nothing had happened. Once in awhile, from tho re- nprters' irallerv. I could observe Hamlin nudging Johnson from behind, reminding him that the hour for the inauguration ceremony bad passed. Tho speaker kept on, although President Lincoln sat before him. patiently waiting for his extraordinary harangue to be over.

The study of the faces below was interesting. Seward was as bland and serene as a summer clay; Stauton appeared to be petrified; Welles' was usually void of any expression; Speed sat with his eyes Dennison was reel and white by turns. Among 1 the union senators Henry Wilson's face was flushed; Sunnier wore a saturnine and sarcastic smile, and most of the others turned and twisted in their senatorial chairs as if in long drawn agony. Of the supremo bench. Judge Kelson only was apparently moved, his lower jaw being dropped clean down in blank horror.

Chase was marble, adamant, 1 granite in immobility until Johnson turned his back upon the scnutc to- take the oath, when he exchanged glances with Xelson. who then, closed. up his mouth. When Johnson had repeated inaucli- bl.T the oath of oiice. his hand upon, the book, he turncrd and took the Bible in his hand, and facing the audience said, with a loud theatrical voice and gesture: "I kiss this book in the face of mv nation of the United Slates." Sbrr Afzoi a PrUonor.

LOJTDON-. April Times publishes a dispatch from Dir in the Chit- ral district, which says the khan of. Dir has arrived here with Sher Afzul, tie fugitive usurper of tho throne Jhitral, and 3,500 other the higher arts of design art essentially chaste. They purify thoughts, as tragedy, according- to Aristotle, purifies the SchU- gel.

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