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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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v. pon Gray's CORNEK ON Ladies Fast Black Hose! Six pa'rs In a box at a price never heard off for a high grade bus p. -Come and See Them A Tfl' i 3- Pabllshed every dar In (lie weet (except Mondnyi br tee Co. flNCOUPOIUTZD. W.


B. BOYEB PllESI TICK PUKJJ NT SKCKETlHY. TilKASURlUi CAPTUEED BY MILLIONS. How Shad and Herring Are Taken in Chesapeake Bay. Immense Ncti TVIilch Require a Large Number of to fiaiHllo 6omcthlnc About the Fish State National Bank Price per Annum Price per Month THE OFFICIAL PAPEK or THE CITT.

second-claw matter portrost Office, yebmaryb, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 3. Logansport, Indiana. CAPITAL $200,000 JonsKON, PKKS. S. W.

ULLZKJ, ViciPnw H. T. IlKmiHINK, CASHfCT. 1.1. Johnson S.

W. Ullery, J. T. Elliott, W. M.

Elliott, W. H. Snider. Buy and sell Government Bonds. money on personal security collaterals.

Issue upecial oer- tlfleates of deposit bearing 3 oer cent on left one year; 2 per cont per innm when deposited Boxes in Safety Deposit Vaults of his bank for the deposit of deeds, fe'lttauranee policies, mortgages and other valuables, rented at from $0 pw year Is quickly Absorbed. Cleanses the Passages kAllays Pain and Heals tfte Sores Protecf.strie feMernbruru-rrom I Additional Coin Hestores tne Senses of Taste! and SmelJ. 11 WILL CURE. HAY-FI A particle IsiippIlPd Into Tench ncmtrll nnrt In HWBablH, t-'rlcu Go o'nis at or by JUIL BKOTHEKS, 50 Warren New fork Lake Erie Western, Peru I'nlon SUtloii, tickets sold to polnta In the United SOUTH. Arrive.

Jo. 28 Jliill A jftxiiress 9 la 20 Toledo Kxpress, Evening Express 8:10 1161 Local jTrelxluft in SOUTH. Depart. 336pm Depart. rf 10:12 am Ho, tflUluUliimi 4:80 ra 4:45 pm 11JOAccommodation D.

Dully, 3, Bully except Sunday, 32 does not run north of Peru Sundays. CD htBan! Monilujfl, Wednesdays Kldsys and San, Tuesday, Thursday and Sfttur- bntOD depot at Bloorclngton and for prints west, iiouthwest iind northwest. DliMt comiwtlonn made at Lima, 1'ostorla, Jttmont or sandnfkj tor all points connections at Tlpton with trains Main Line nnd t. 4 M. C.

for all points Rortl). South, nnd West. and general Information call THE manufacturers of Great Britain are in high glee over the beneficial effects to them accruing from the pass- ago of the Wilson-Gorman tariff Jaw. The working people of Great Britain are alao well pleased because they are given work In supplying the American markets. Tho many American work Ing people who have consequently been thrown out of employment or had their wages greatly reduced, look the matter In a different light ae the election last November proved.

A recent expression by Sir Albert K. Rolllt, president of the "Association of Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom" before tbiU body at Ha thirty-fifth annual meeting, should coDvlnco all Americana that the Democratic parly has succeeded in pleas- log the English by its tariff legislation. Ho salO: "American tariff reform has (notwithstanding tho adverse influence of the resurrection of the silver quea HOD) eo far stimulated our export of cotton gooda as to have doubled their value In February as against January, to have iucreasfid the quantity from eleven to eighteen million yards during 1895, as against the corre. spending period of 1894, and to have made this year's shipments exceed those of two years ago In both quan. Uty and value.

Similarly, there have been larger linen shipments to the states for both the last month and the two months of the present year, while In woolona tho advance In values has been threejlmes and In worsteds four times more than In 1894, and in quantity quite 400 per cent. So, too, the earao beneficial influence hae made Itself felt In great increases during both tho month and year, and In both quantity and values of our consignments to America of cutlery, ralla and Iron and steel goods generally, and more especially, of tin plates, as also in earthenware and china, and, to the ex-lent ol 600 per In shipments of raw wool." Fe-w outside of those living- along- the waters of Chesapeake bay have an idea the quantity of fish taken during a BO successful season, nor are they cognizant of the means by which they are captured. They meet their destroyers immediately upon entering- the at Cape Charles-and all the way up they encounter pound nets stretching- out across their pathway like a fence from every point of vantage. This mode of fishing, says an eastern exchange, is a fixed trap fishing day and night, requiring no attention after it is once set except the raising of the pound to take out the fish. It is unlike all other modes in use in its continuous fishing, and for this reason deserves condemnation.

All the other devices are out of use soine part of the day or night, thus giving tho fish some chance to escape destruction. This means of fishing extends up the bny on both sides until near the headwaters, when it is confined to the eastern shore alone. The fish which have successfully escaped the pounds next encounter the "gillers" in the upper part of the bay, and judging from tho quantity of gill nets used from Poole's island to Port Deposit one think the shad would bo annihilated, but not so. It is true they arc not so plentiful now as in former years, but this is largely clue to tbc increased fishing operations further liouth. and were it not for tho great assistance afforded by tho operation of tho United States fish commission, which annually batches and distributes from BCventy-Svo million to one hundred million young shad fry, the supply would be wonderfully shortened.

There are about one hundred gillboats having headquarters hereabout, requiring upward of three hundred men for their operation. The boat used is a round-bottomed skiff, with two leg-of mutton It is run by several men. About forty pounds of netting is used, made from linen thread as fine as cotton. It is from three-fourths of a mile to a mile in length and is put out at a certain time of tide. The catch of these one hundred boats varies with the seasons, but with a moderately good year it will reach about two hundred thousand shad, which are sent to tho Now York, Philadelphia, and other markets.

It is when tho gillers have commenced fishing above 'Spesutia island that the Battery fish-hatching station is put in operation with the employment of about forty persons, mostly for the purpose of taking spawn. These workers are taken in a steam launch and distributed among the fishermen just before nightand gathered up again Ur UVMCIP, (I1IU 1TB08, FOLLEN, Ticket Agent L. I. W. B'T C.K.

DALY, Gen'JPi en'J Pnei. AR INDIANAPOLIS. 1ND. OMINO DOWN! Are the pilces on Mercies, tso low they now, that ther aie ol all, old nnd young, rich nnd can enjoy themselves allke.i High Krude bicycles lor 1LIRGMAN Iind ice for yourself. of tee Bicycle, Messenger Service MARKET ST.

M10SES60. WANTED. complain of hard times, when "'S'tnj woman or njan can make from $5 to $10 rcajiilT. All heard ol the wonderful at the Climax Dlnh Washer; jet many are think they can't make money selllne it; but can make money selling it: bat an; one money, every family wanu one. int has made W78.S6 in the tart three after paying nil expenses and attending You don't hare to HILLARY BELL, the well known New Tork dramatic critic.

Bays concerning the libel suit brought by Julia lowe-Taber, the actress, against the Indianapolis Jaurnal: fear that the honeymoon has put Mrs. Marlowe-Taber Into a hasty temper. That 'my lord the carriage waits' question is a hard one to answer. The worst of the matter IB that, beyond its announcement in the press, Julia will gain no advertisement out of It. The Indlanapolli Journal has treated the entire affair, eo far as we can see, with silent contempt, and no other papers have taken It up with enthusiasm.

It would have been better If Mlas lowe had lost, her diamonds, after tho recent example set by Mr. Barry more, Fitzgerald and Signer Ruaaltaoo or had had her flat robbed, like Effie Shannon. In these dull times some ingenuity must be ueed to attract the attention of the world to our talents. Miss Marlowe is a tlful and talented young person, who now in full possession of connubial happiness. But Mr.

Taber, however admirable ho may be in the matrimonial line, ia not BO distinguished iu the press agent way as Fred Stinnon was. It is a sad conclusion, but a true one, that the old fashioned system of diamond robbery is better as an advertisement than libel cults for an enterprising young actress who has just been married." after tho "drift" is made, all being provided with pans and impl cments neoos sary for spawn takinff. This is a source of revenue for the g-iller, as they are paid twenty-five cents for each shad squeezed and aro allowed to retain tho shad, which is sold with their others, not much'Of the roe having- been talccn. There lire operated from Spesutia Island northward a dozen or more huR-e hauling seines, some from tho natural shore and somo from floats, all of which catch quantities of fish, and some of make a circuit when casting the net of at least three miles, requiring about four hours to make the haul, and the assistance of sixty men, and either a steam engine at each end or several horses. These largo seines give em- ploymen to about ono thousand men each spring.

The main dependence of these fisheries nowadays is mostly in their catch and pack of herring, although more or less shad and other fish are taken, owing entirely to the location of the fishery. There are salted in this vicinity annually about forty thousand barrels of herring, the approximate number of fish required for this pack being twenty million. Adding to this the estimated number sold fresh, the annual catch here of herring probably reaches close to thirty million. Herring have not been so plentiful for tho last two or three years, although big hauls are still made. It is not unusual for three hundred to four hundred barrels to bo caupht at a single haul.

soon iu people know jou hme It for lend for a Dlji Wather. Addreu the Starr Ohio, uan. (to take in town and cltr; BO rood WHBM: paj weekly; DO cap- wort 4 MCKAT HALSXEAD, the veteran newspaper 'man, who a (ew years ago alter editing successfully the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette for many years, moved to Brooklyn, where he assumed charge of a leading dally, is reported to be about to make another change of location. It is he will become the owner ot the Washington Times, a paper about two years old and at present the property of Congressman Conn, of this State, who has been running it as an anti-Cleveland Democratic organ. If Mr.

Halitead secures the iheet he will of course make it Republican In politics. Old Birds. A Georgia correspondent sends to the Youth's Companion the true story of two old geese: Mrs. Nancy Elder, a lady living- near Griffin, Spaulding county, has a pair of geese that were given to her as a bridal present by her mother forty-seven years ago. They were procured for that purpose from a neighbor, nnd arc supposed to be at least a half-century old.

The old goose has faithfully contributed eggs to the family table for all these years, having laid last spring-, and appearing to be good' for some time yet. The gander has. not been so fortunate. He lost one eye. some years ago, and recently a small nepro.boy Imocked out the other one.

In his blind old age, too. he has been deserted, for Mrs. Elder has just bought Mother Goose a new mate. Gnclenned Filters. A correspondent of London Invention writes, with reference to the reli ative efficiency of water filters in the prevention of infective disease, which must certainly alarm those who rely on filters for the purity of their drinking water: "Some time ago I canoe across ono of the charcoal type which had been accidentally broken, and after splitting tho block in half it was found to contain in the'center, at the mouth' of the passage to the reservoir, a great number of living bodies, somewhat of the shape of tadpoles and visible to the naked eye- must shqwrtbat 1 niters not onjy do not arrest the germs, but, what is Worse still, they sometimes offer in themselves a place where these germs can multiply to any FAITH IN' DESTINY.

A Jicwlj-TolU Episode In Life of Napoleon nonnpurte. On the 5th of October, 1709. a little before sunset, on the top of one of the hills near Ajaccio, three inen with a military appearance and wearing long overcoats stood looking out upon the sea. Although the weather u-as magnificent, not even a fishing boat was in sight; the gulf was At the foot of the mountain a portion of the town appeared, and the port, in which four big ships were at anchor. This was tho squadron which on the 23d of August left Alexandria to bring Gen.

Bonaparte back to France. The three observers were Bonaparte himself, his chief of staff, Bcrthicr, and Admiral Gantheaumc. "There is no possible doubt about it," said the admiral, holding- his glass; "there goes an English warship, and further in the distance I notice two others." "Do you suppose that the English have received information?" suggested said Bonaparte; "these ships are putting to sea without paying any attention to Corsica." "As a matter of fact," said Gan- theaume, "their course is nor'-nor'west, they are moving slowty, with very little wind. General, we shall bo obliged to put off our departure twenty-four hours." "That is impossible, admiral. Wo must leavo this very night." ''General, excuse nie for insisting, but if, ns everything seems to indicate, tho English fleet is there, we would be obliged to through its line, and it would be very difficult for us to do so without being perceived.

On a clear night like this the chances are all against us." "Admiral," Bonaparte, slowly, "in the east a man becomes a fatalist. Now I bulicve firmly that destiny is on my side." At this moment one of the sailors that escorted the three chiefs came up. He reported a singular discovery. On the crest of the mountain the men found a mass of cut shrubbery, evidently intended to make.a bonfire. This, in all probability, was intended to be a signal that As the sailor finished his report two gunshots were heard, and shortly afterward two sailors brought a struggling roan before the chiefs.

Two individuals armed with guns were lound in ambush behind the rock near tho path. When hailed they took to flight. On being pursued they fired. One was captured, and the sailors were still pursuing tho other. The prisoner was a young man about twenty years old.

He wore a brown, cap and a hood. His dark face wore a savage expression. His hard eyes sustained haughtily the piercing glance- of Bonaparte. Gantheaume questioned him: "What there, biding- near tho rdadjuid armed with guns?" "We were watching for a wild "Why did you not answer when you were hailed? Why did you run away and why did you fire upon French "We are mountaineers, and we aro not acquainted with uniforms. Wo believed that were attacked, and naturally we defended ourselves." "You are spies in the employment oJ England," said Bonaparte.

"You were preparing a signal for the English cruisers, but on seeing us, another idea came into your heads; you thought you had a good chance to assassinate Gen. Bonaparte, and you put yourselves In ambush so that you might fire on me as i passed by. But it seems to me that I know you. What is your name?" Another report was heard, and-voices cried out: "He is dead!" An expression of savage despair contracted the features, of the prisoner, and his eyelids became red. "You are a Valturio," continued Bonaparte, "one of the bitterest enemies of my family.

Yes, I have seen you before; you are Giovanni Valturio." "No," said the prisoner in a hoarse voice. 'Giovanni is the man whom your hirelings have just assassinated. I am his brother, Giuseppe, the last of the Valturios." "You hate me pretty hard, don't you?" said Bonaparte. "If I had three souls I would sell them with delight to the devil for the chance of. a single shot at you." Bonaparte looked at him for a few seconds in silence.

"Are you a good shot?" "At five hundred yards I can drop an eagle. Do with me what I would like to do with you." "Bring him over to yonder bush," said Bonaparte to ono of the sailors, "and count your steps as yon advance." The sailor placed himsalf at the foot of the bush with the prisoner, after having counted fifty paces. "Give him his gun," said Bonaparte. The sailor, almost stupefied, looked at tho general, hesitated, bnt at last obeyed. Bonaparte then said to tho bandit: "Take good aim!" Without losing a second over bis surprise, Giuseppe pointed his gun.

Tbesceae was so rapid and so extraordinary that the two companions of the general were unable to interfere. They remained there as if they were paralyzed until the shot was fired. With his back against the trunk of an oak and his. hands behind his back, Bonaparte never budged. A few pieces of bark fell over his The ball lodged ia.

the trunk a few inches over i his left shoulder. Giuseppe, weeping with rage, threw his g-un into the bushes. "Let that man go!" said Bonaparte. Before disappearing the Corsican shoutea: Highest of all in Leavening S. Gov't Report wder out i win never oo C3S any your subject!" That same nig-ht.

the French fleet left Ajaojio. On the Uth of October it readied Frcjus, one mouth afterward Honapirta celebrated his eighteenth Brur.iairo. Giuseppe kept his word. He left established himself In Tunis, where he became a Mussulman. His grandson, by whom this singular episode is related, lived at Tubarca at the time of the Figaro.

WELL PAID FOR A FLOGGING. now a Poor Got the of A Lnrjje Fortune. Jobn Jarnca Mago, a quiet, mifldle- afred man, has had a career as romantic as that of Monte Cristo. Mago, says the Chilian Times, is a Guatemalan millionaire, who lives nine months of the year in Paris. Twenty years ago he was a poor English collector of insects in Guatemala, and also acted as the British vice consul at San Jose.

One day Commandautc Gonzalez ordered Mago to appear before him. Mago sent wore! that he would come in a short time. This incensed the com- maiHlante. and lie sent a rile of soldiers alier Mago, and when the insect collector appeared ordered seventy-five lashes to bo laid upon his bare back. This was done very thoroughly, and, when it was finished, 0Onzalexshouted: "Give him twenty-five more for luck!" Mago recovered, which was only after careful nursing 1 as his back was badly eut up, he a formal complaint to the British government.

The result was that Guatemala was ordered to punish Gonzalez, and to pay Mago five hundred dollars (one hundred pounds sterling) for every lash he had received. In default of this, English cruisers would shell San Jose and other coast cities, Guatemala readily punished Gonzalez, but tried hard to evade paying fifty thousand dollars to Mago. Tho British, however, were inexorable, and the poor collector was made a comparatively rich man iu onn day. As he had more coin than any man in the country at that time, President Barrios went into partnership with him. Mago became one of the largest coffee plan tors, and also secured the contract for building docks in the ports.

Xo one can land or. leave one of these docks without paying toll to Mago, while he also levies a tax on all freight. Kc also owns valuable mines and tracts of timber. His fortune is estimated at one million pounds sterling, all due to one hundred lashes on his back. custom tnat came across' On tne west coast.

I was in Lima and my friend took me one night to one of the cafes, where they sit around after the theatcr ond drink light wines. There were women in the party, and it fell to mo after a time to fill a glass for one of them. "I was sitting back comfortably in iny chair smoking, and without moving my position I carelessly tipped the bottle backward, so as to pour the wine) backhanded. "Instantly my fair companion flushed deeply, and there was a awkward pause in the conversation. Afterward my Peruvian friend told mo to pour wine for a lady in that fashion was to distinctly slight her." NOTED DOGS IN HISTORY.

THE SHELLS OF KNOWLEDGE. Aro of Many Children Really Ig-uoi Evorydny Life. It was startling to find, as I once did, a boy of fourteen who had been so persistently taught that the moon shone by reflected light that he believed the moon to be nothing more than an image of the sun cast on the celestial sphere, as we throw a sunbeam on tho wall, says a writer in Popular Science Monthly. He greatly surprised at the time of an eclipse to find that the moon was a solid body. It reflected somewhat on the usefulness of geography to find children whose main impression, after a considerable study of the map, was that Pennsylvania was yellow and New Jersey pink, while for some unexplained reason New York was green.

Doubtless things have improved since those days, but even now, in the year of grace 1S05, the study of child psychology is revealing the fact that largo percentages of our school children are ignorant of the most everyday realities of life. These same children can outtalkandoutname their less- schooled elders. They can make a quiet country boy silent and abashed in the presence of their wordy knowledge. But in spite of it all they leave an impression of undesirable helplessness. Sow, we are all agreed that, as things stand at present, the school cannot be dispensed with.

Its benefits are much too substantial. But it can be supplemented, and some at least of these de- iciencies corrected. The early motive 'or the introduction of manual training vas precisely this. It was a desire to bring boyhood back into a world of reality through an acquaintance with hings. Dexterity in the use of tools, and in the handling of such stubborn acts as wood and clay and metal, was held to be important as a part of this reality.

The work went on with earnest singleness of purpose and commands the respect of even those who see in manual training something much deeper than this mere convenience. COURTESY HERE, INSULT THERE The Ancione Greek! Were Fond of Cfinlne Friend. Nothing is truer than the old saying- that a person who loves dogs and llow- ers can always be trusted. The man woman or child who cherishes an affection for a cat or dog is certain, to have a large streak of kindness in his, or her nature. According to a writer in Golden Days there have appeared in history a number of famous dogs.

Tho memory of "the dog- of Marathon" lives with ther memory of the Greek heroes who fell with it in that famous battle against the Persian The Greeks raised statues of their dogs. Socrates swore by his dogs, and Alexander the Great, honored his by building a city with magnificent temples, which he dedicated to their memory. There was a dog- named Soter, so uotwl among the Corinthians for his fidelity that he was voted a silver collar, on which was theinscription: "Corinth's Defender and Deliverer." Plutarch mentions a sagacious dog- that King Pyrrhus found beside the murdered body of his master. Afterward it sprang fiercely upon two of the- king's soldiers, pointing them out as his murderers. A monument was built over the remains of the dog owned by Xantippus, the father of Pericles.

Denied admission upon his master's ship, he swam alongside of it from Athens to Salaiais, and fell dead of exhaustion at tbc feet of Xantippus the moment he stepped Ilonicr erected a beautiful memorial to Arjios, the dog owned by not out of marble, but ia verse that is more enduring. When Ulysses, after his long wanderings, returned to his home, disguised as a beggar, his dog-, then twenty years old and blind, was the first to recognize him. Do 'Montdidier, an officer under Charles V. of Prance, was murdered. His dog met Macaire, a brother officer, and sprang at his throat.

The king- suspected that Macaire was the murderer, and ordered dog and man to do battle. The man was allowed a club and shield and the do? a cask, into which, he might retreat when hard pressed. Tho dog fastened his teeth into his antagonist's throat, and Macaire confcased his guilt, and was executed. Ilard to Kill. A story is told of an English who, in his earlier student days, attended a critical operation in Paris.

When, it was over, the complete silence and immobility of the patient held the students in awed suspense. After a few- moments, -seeing 1 still no signs of agonies they knew the patient must bo Buffering 1 they exclaimed in one breath: "He Is deadl he is dead!" "No, gentlemen," one of the chief surgeons answered; "he is not dead; he la English." "For Charity Sufferetb of In One Country Are "flawed Differently in "Give me a light, will you, please?" asked one man of another in a theater lobby a few evenings reports the New York Herald. "With pleasure," said No 2, knocking the ashes from his cigar before presenting- it to his friend, "Thanks," said Xo. 1, returning' the cigar, after lighting 1 bis cigarette. "It kind of you to knock the ashes off for me, but let me advise you never to do it if you happen to be in the West Indies, They look on that as a deadly insclt down there.

The Cuban or Jamaican will hand you his cigar with the ash on, and snip it off for youi-self. "That of another curious Mrs. C. Pboenlz, Jlllwmukee, Wlc. "Matron jBenevoteftf and knowing tho good Dr.

Miles' Nerrtne has done me, my wish to help others, overcomes zny dlsllko for the publicity, letter may give me. In Nov. and 38S8, The heut "XMGrippe," and I was one of tbo first. Besuming duty too coon, with the care of BO many sick, I did not regain my health, and in a month Ibecatne debilitated and from sleeplessness and the drafts made on my vitality, that it was a question If I coold go on. A dear friend advised mo to try MOfM' Restorative Sereine.

I took 2 bottles and am happy to say. I not to better health than ever. I still continno oeeoxfoMoi vue, tut a nerve ffft, as my work Is very trying. A letter addressed to Milwaukee, will reach me." June 1834- MRS. LATOA C.

Pnocnx. Or. Miles' Nervine to sold on a guarantee that the first bottle will Dcneflt. AUdmgcistssell for IS, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price fytfce Dr. Medical Co, Elfcbart, lad, Dr.

Miles' Nervine Restores Health I.

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