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The Gotebo Record from Gotebo, Oklahoma • 2

The Gotebo Recordi
Gotebo, Oklahoma
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

------'----7-------7---------------7-7--7" 11 0 Itt I( i 1 )J 1 I 1Itt) THURSDAN MAY 16 1940 Ir4 dstosommommsaws1E--maymismanetekunmocusimameirswanommomainal nione ftEll I 1 i-- i I lksot- Of 4i THURSDAN MAY 16 1940 4 iMMINIEMol ----4 Is i- all times Ownership ts I i Of State' The animals were ak On Co On Safe Wallcing Rules Lisd te formly as possible ices Is Compiled By Commissioner Johnson at right angles traffic stream a He never falls to use care in get- Mary Roberts Rinehart the ting on and off vehicles especially 1 i Ld By of six each in moving traffic Both the shelled corn and oats Unusual and little known facts Rules for safe walking on the thor was once a trained nurse an Figure I I were ground not because experts about the spices nutmeg and mace highways were announced by State Ile never forgets to look left ll fessor 1 ments here or elsewhere indicate have been collected and compiled Commissioner Walter Johnson and then right before crossing 'a oege ro i either should be ground for this by Dr Ralph Bienfang pharmacy Wednesday in connection with the street Less than one twentieth of the Ile obeys 'all traffic signals HELP STOMAqH age of beef animal but to befits professor at the University of Oks Oklahoma Press Association's se- non-urban land area of Oklahoma 1 1 With tate feeding the mixture of grains lahoma cial safety campaign part of which He does not stand in the street ti 1- 1 is owned outright by investment He helps teach children not to tin i IGEST IFQ0u 1 i and loan companies a study by used The grain was fed twice daily Nutmeg are the dried kernels of is devoted to the development of szstves-sed soKli Est while the silage was fed three the seed of the nutmeg tree Bien- pedestrian safety play in streets or highways Everyt from Soup te uts out 1 Randall Klemme agriculture He does not walk in streets or itito 'tomer should diva Iwo allude rd gond times a day After the fortieth day fas a ng writes Around the seed is a Things that a a safe walker does lolly When you oat bean rag worse ne li economist of Oklahoma A and fed in am unts grain was such botanical structure known as an not do were listed as follows: highways at night without carry- tiem foods or when zoo ore arrow bunted a poorty-lour orpindrors nut Sae 1 I College revealed that the calves could not quite arillus which is used as mace an- ing a flashlight scab bold Tour rood cool an rom I' While all types of ownership are the next' He does not step out carelessly Imo as boort bOrtl Ilatisell Pain Or Itont And last but not least the safe stoma Tou fool sour slob lind mat all aer 1 1 other spice found in varying quantities in difs At the close of the experiment from behind parked 'cars or 'other The fact that both nutmegs and moos 663 awer take or liattro tut itoowell walker never walks along the right- palm It la dalt0 Nokia end 00 Ilk IS is lloAs obstructions it lled bet ono tor Indigestion ferent sections of the state pri- the two lots of calves were in mace come from the same tree was hand side of the street or highway LI guide harmless relieve 1 i 1 vately owned land predominates in equal finish and bloom and had not known by a young Englishman Ile does not try-to weave his way but always stays on the left-hand trsr13 In 4 1 I every county In contrast tax-ex- gained at about the same rate per who noting that his company had uncertainly through traffic side so that he will be facing the sockasswoltdr He does not cross streets except empt and corporate holdings seem da The data indicated that 43 on hand in London plenty of nut- to concentrate in various areas acs percent of cottonseed cake fed in megs but little mace ordered their i -1 cording to Kiemme- excess of the amount nedd to bat- plantations to cease putting out The highest portion of private ance the ration has approximately nutmeg trees and to increase the HOT One Woman Lost ownership occurs in the southwest- equal value to that of No 2 shell- acreage of mace trees Bienfang i ern cotton section and in the nor- ed corn when fed under the con- says 20 Pounds of FAT )) IINN-11 therm and north-central cash grain tions existing in this experiment Nutmegs are grown on planta- di ri-4181 and livestock regions of the State Differences in the cost per hun- tam Sumatra Malacca Bungal In Lost Her Prominent Hips the Singapore Islands and Penang 1 he said in an article appearing in dred pounds of grain were were Lost Her Double Chin OLD liCli 1 1 a recent issue of Current Farm almost entirely due to the high es Lost Her Sluggishness 1 describe the nutmeg Economics a quarterly publication cost of cottonseed cake compared Bienfan Gained a More Shapely Figur 1 1 tree as a "handsome bushy ever- 1' published by the agricultural ec- to grains this year and the Increase in Physical Vigo STARTS AT green tree with dark shining leaves tad Vivaciousness Which So Oftei ortomict department of Oklahoma i i o'hich grows in its native islands 'omes With Excess Fat Reduction -s A and Three-way SourAd To Be to a height of 40 or 50 fee" Corporations Hold ercent Discussed At Picture Meeting Thousands of women are gettins 45 i and losing their appeal just be it A Approximately 845 percent of the non-urban land of Oklahoma three-dimensional and Spring Cleaning May Be 'ause they do not know what to do not be smart do ha privately owned The next largs tallorsmade vvill be discussed be- Done With Littile Difficulty h'Why ousands of women have done ti est class of ownership is tax-ex- fore motion picture owners and Much of the heavy wo sp ring iset off pounds of unwanted fat YOU MAY 10011i'010 AT 50 empt lands constituting 95 percent operators when they meet at the Take a half teaspoonful of Kruscher cleanine can be ell mutated by of the land areas of the state Cors University of Oklahoma May 20 cleaning In a glass of hot water first thins i leaning only one part of the house porations hold titles to 45 percent and 21 for the exhibitors' and pro- every morning to gently activat It's dm enough to look old when you ARE old So don't let your 4 1 at a time believes Miss Christine liver bowels and kidneys-cut doors viidble grey hairs multiply Say good riddance" to grey with a 1 1 of the state's land area and non- jectionists' short ccurse Newark of the school of home your caloric intake-eat wisely am quick CLAMOL opplicalion the Modern Method of Beds Color- sified land accounts for only The short course which was 1 1 1 clas about 2 percent figures would be if worked up at the suggestion of economics at Oklahoma A and satisfyingly-there need never be I Ing twhich takes faded brittle or grey-hacked hair and gives 1 i "What these colle persons engaged in the theatre tsungry moment! it vibremt color silken softness and flattering highlights making I us 5 1 Bv do Keep this plan for 30 day ing one extra job a each you look years younger' See your hcdrdresser today and say: the equity held by corporations business's being directed by Ansel Then wcieli yourself ard see if yot I i week along with 1 were considered is another matter Challenner and Clyde Farrar ing the family the weekly clean- eaven lost pounds or ugly sat if ticiftsl The thought is suggested niversity electrical ted however engineering routine will not be Just see if this doesn't prove to Is that enormous land holdings us- professors disturbed and the homemaker will he surprise of your life and mak sitalsa4t-ally (0CW Vaijgnail rr A 1 a retain a happier disposition because you feel like shouting the good new uaUy accredited to corporations is A television demonstration will she will not be over-tired 'o other fat people And best of al Write now for free booldet cmd free advice ou your hair problem be given by Watt Stinson from re- a jar of Krusehen that will la'st yot to Joan Clair Precedent Clairol Inc 130 46th St New York due to joint ownership relations established through mortgages and When storing the inter clothes dio station KVOO Tulsa and a for 4 we iis cnsts but little If no 1 1 to some extent the practice of clas- it is well to go through the closets 116 demonstration of stereophonic or joyfully stied -money back sifying large private owners as cr- and drawers and eliminate the un three-dimensional sound said be I necessary articles After the cloth- porations This is not illogical as the short directors necessary given L- ot course it might first appear" Klemme ob- rhrough the use of trhee dimens ing has been properly cleaned it I Islioud be stored in labeled boxes to 1serr By PERCY CROSBY Back serves sional sound movement can be cos tbe flats The lands of Oklahoma show an I help keep the storage space neat kw traced backward forward and sale- 1 average assessed value of $873 per The cleaning of the closet walls and -4 ways says Challener acre The average assessment of Speakers in the motion picture shives can be done at this time lands held by corporations is $820 To e'llmina te some of the need business and allied fields from I Nev York Illinois Ohio and Texas for washing windows curtains and MemeSeset meows HAMA sun' pe racre while private-owned lands itair have an assessed value of $874 Nvoodwo rk it is desirable to dust have been scheduled to give talks fl'atacute t011 CAttaIt 1 I 1 VCR TOPOLOCIZE per acre at the short course them frequently By using a dry TC41 NOUS -1kRtfrtSeRRY OR ettatiC you This should not be thken to im- will be deVoted to dr" the can be wiped lam One discussion i ply that in any locality the cor- and cleaned each week easily The i es- wept 3 coated lenses a subject 4 about which little is known porations own the poorer lands" he motion picture project Id 1 lied ioni new to sis nd culains should )e ii I nd well- ft 0 ORRY! r-lp 4 said As a matter of fact the cor- blushed frequently l'he lights and 4-skt a' 1 -44 411) poration holdings are usually of other fixtures upholstery and walls 41t sl i 1 higher assessed value than other out of every diould be brushed also illi Vio" 10 IP 'I Approximately 110 IS AdV ttli' land in the same localities but the 1000 babies born in Italy during By simplifying the task and dis- t- eWkirive Ye: Iff-r 141 holdings tend to concentrate in tributng the worts over a long per- 4-19 Ab 7 1 the first year of Ide 193 die in nri i i of relatively low assessed vals toil the spring cleaning of the 11" areas ---set i1 1 ue Rockefeller Center one of New eouse is less tiring for the whole lee- Grant County Ls High laces covers about 12 family es ecially the homemaker York's shovv '---ep4'' Counties having highest assessed acres It is leaged for a long period and better family relationships re- values are Grant with an average from Columbia university salt evaluation of 51950 per acre Gar- "Aobssersseltio- field with $1650 per acre King- rt ef 1 fisher with $1525 per acre and Lo- gan with $1325 per acre i si 0 ri i In considering the distribution of e'll kowWS EASY to make i corpcn -tely held land it was noted se i I iii vt that the 15 counties having the ownership are found in the eastern highest percentage of corporate also 0 0 i half of the state With few excep- fSt7S'7': :1 6' tions these counties are now the i 4 it serf ss ss s' Ass I ones that now have the lowest as- 4 ts- si 's se i 1 sessed tax value per acre Klemme ssete 4 -4 I i) explained tiesit''''''''''s tit 'y erg SAY I PlAmAseira-q AW Dollir The percent of corporated land 1 ses'" se '117S: 1 i Na- LA Its 1 4 sseets st le ts A 1 tr NI 73 33: 3 3 OlgRTOVOL061Zt 1 I i 4 iit is il I i ti k' CALLING YOU ett DI been uneconomic agricultural pracs 7ZY usually indicates that there has st-" "2 Jess) enue have diminished Evidence NAMES-AN DUMB-lett tices or that outside sources of rev- es sfr est 1- 0: :14 s-1 st ss--s :1 "VI 1-7- i' I'M SORRyt 4'- shows that these factors have been isse" iis a-- 14--tiw i' Po 1 ALLYALIFC in operation in the eastern parts of Al 'API PaT HO 1115 ---7----- Oklahoma" Klemme says tsi sr (4 A40 4 Sik12i it (lid Vp- fri-mb k-4' -V19- -s i abl 1 no li i to Cottonseed Cake Is 1177N JO 11 lierits 'he las woid in tale (steno 4 saki il ----24 1 I 1 i 111 4: aEmig 'cdil Compared Wi Rolocor 'With Corn method It the new Caen with wit -Al: tiatcT 0 regulai comb at ono efr 1 '1 111 Imilootory Sad end on a 0 magic diseppeorina comb i Cattle For Feeding 0 thei wilier Too steely curl us vov i ----sr-se -e-- ski 1 serSgskt cambiber with one end yew comb with 50 You curt easily avidity and 2-' ''1 43111 '1 There are possibilities for an with beculy shim aortae Only other "cornless ration" for calves flea On sal at your iocol yr Vs A rob ks44- --e'r11) dportmnt voritaty or duAlir Carl arr lip in Oklahoma according to experis chain stare ted ttliull Ooollisoe Ind I ments recently completed at Ok- lot ell Types el Cads Ringlets lahoma A and College under the supervision of Bruce Taylor of the animal husbandry depart- ment NAPPY The experiments were for the By try Tirman HAPPY AND iF purpose of determining whether 1t S-S-STOP SHAM' i' W-W-WELLS I lp cottonseed cake could be used In 00gER SURE W-W-WI YEASI! As's' 1' st-slees ss- ss ei -----isessi HH lit 4 place of the heavier grains which LI VA'? AIN'T id tip RPLACE SURE AIN'T IT? I ssistsseseSeresesse setts" ARE IN A FINE 2 THAT IS -ER-- t'' are commonly fed with oats in WHATSA MATTA IS DUSTY WATCH! setts s' 10 t' asse i Isieso is' 1 FIX NOW THEY V-YOU S-S-SCARED7 ss sresi AZ' si sIsse A "ssssess GULP- (ou 6ouy L-L-LOOKIT I '-'aZ ik----- 1 i' '-k-t fattening rations for beef cattle LOWERED rr44 1771771 ''''''411''' l'''''' $''' 4''''''1v: 1 t' 11V'- 1 es MIGOSH-SOmEONE'S Additional iriormation on the val- 'stsser'rstssfs S- se's se HANDS THEMSELVES s-4is' Sisssq '-eil sle i iSsas iss is set- isS s's 44 t'-'i: :4 DOWN NERE)c-cimoN '1' ''tk-1 ''1- 41 At-'4 'it' i'-- 3 ue of silage as the only source of DOWN THRU 's SS ss 4 4- 'i I 4 IA 3 GOOBER! LA-LET'S I 1" iP li v'' es'-'14 iss 4 se ss vitamin A in dry slot fattening ra- THE TRAP DOOR S'6-is A tf I' I '4'''''' 14' 441 1''' 2g'kL'' 1 t-''44C kk' It iss'''' tions for beef cattle was also ob- AND FOUND ''''ss 0w 'i-ft -4pi i ib 7' 7 i7''r-- -4(if A'----7xsov'''1- 'i tained sks re i 1s: 1-1 14 so -st yss siss se piss 'ssts''' -s -'S s-Sf-essessst's4f yisits sstss IC "OrK74' THEMSELVES sis it s- TA ii M--1 1 i II W144cle -2---o 11 i 7W: '14 4 if -r i 4''4 "This tomless ration is possible IN WHAT OB- 144 tiit--S-42sestes pzr'siss-10-tii: '''7 4 I '1 t't I' 14 :7 'ti: 4 1-7 -3-t: 111 however only when the cost of ViOUSLY MUST -'1V i s' 114T st te '74 eS 1t'l 1 ti' SSlsskISSIss el' stt4341- t'111111 1 0241)1 147: i'l 4' WI iN41': i I cottonseed cake at the feedlot is BE THE CELLAR ISIs -s 144 'VP" 11' J44' 'I -e -1 -Itivilor-- 4' 1 7 At iki i-p--'' It '-''''0 A Al 1 0 0 1 A mi i sy ty 4 i- fit 4 i 'Ai to ti vi tj equal to or less per pound than OF BAILEY'S ss s-'1- Vs vessiesses' less L-17-- t1 i i 4v ifi) ve i shelled corn and when the ades EARIAIN "--it r-r 1' -011w s'-sys- 4-1 11 ''41t1 is 41SyllsIS'': os Sisiss 1 r1 '1 41' '3 ki'''' 4 it e41)! 10 I I0 '''C I 1 1 iiil' A 41 i' A 46i' (Nate source of vitamine A is in- G-GOSH IT'S s's ss I P-1' 7 v1- PI 'Owl '11 '-i Y1 t'ti 1 I mr ft I hr 4 d) I3 '3 eluded in the ration" Taylor said S-SPOOKYt 7t11i1 'I 4 i 11 I- i 1 ie44 N414 '44c '-At-i''' '-ltA" 11 i "9 7 41 '0 4 4-'' it 11 t0 '4 11 I 41 114 e'edf -sz t111! j113 it A Calves used in the test were s'ssi 4- j4N '''L ti 44 '44 '''''r' s' s'ilI "41 es' from the college herd and were i Ss it i r- 11 4 )i: A 1 'N V4 7 7 from both Hereford and scrub cows i loor': ssts ss sass 4 1 I i tdi 1 i I Am -L Ownership Of State Land Figured By College Professor Less than One twentieth of the non-urban land area of Oklahoma Is owned outright by investment and loan companies a study by Randall Klemme agriculture economist of Oklahoma A and College revealed While all types of ownership are found in varying quantities in different sections of the state privately owned land predominates in every county In contrast tax-exempt and corporate holdings seem to concentrate in various areas ac cording to Klemme The highest portion of private ownership occurs in the southwestern cotton section and in the northern and north-central cash grain and livestock regions of the State he said in an article appearing in a recent issue of Current Farm Economics a quarterly publication published by the agricultural ecortomict department of Oklahoma A and Corporations Hold 45 Percent Approximately 845 percent of the non-urban land of Oklahoma is privately owned The next largest class of ownership is tax-exempt lands constituting 95 percent of the land areas of the state Corporations hold titles to 45 percent of the state's land area and nonclassified land accounts for only about 2 percent "What these figures would be if the equity held by corporations were considered is another matter The thought is suggested however that enormous land holdings usually accredited to corporations is due to joint ownership relations established through mortgages and to some extent the practice of classifying large private owners as corporations This is not illogical as it might first appear" Klemme observes The lands of Oklahoma show an average assessed value of $873 per acre The average assessment of lands held by corporations is $820 pe racre while private-owned lands have an assessed value of $874 per acre This should not be taken to imply that in any locality the corporations own the poorer lands" he said As a matter of fact the corporation holdings are usually of higher assessed value than other land in the same localities but the holdings tend to concentrate in areas of relatively low assessed value Grant County Is High Counties having highest assessed values are Grant with an average evaluation of $1950 per acre Garfield with $1650 per acre Kingfisher with $1525 per acre and Logan with $1325 per acre In considering the distribution of corpol -tely held land it was noted that the 15 counties having the highest percentage of corporate ownership are found in the eastern half of the state With few exceptions these counties are now the ones that now have the lowest assessed tax value per acre Klemme explained "The percent of corporated land usually indicates that there has been uneconomic agricultural practices or that outside sources of revenue have diminished Evidence shows that these factors have been in operation in the eastern parts of Oklahoma" Elemme says Cottonseed Cake Is Compared With Corn Cattle For Feeding There are possibilities for another "cornless ration" for calves in Oklahoma according to experiments recently completed at Oklahoma A and College under the supervision of Bruce Taylor of the animal husbandry department The experiments were for the purpose of determining whether cottonseed cake could be used in place of the heavier grains which are commonly fed with oats in fattening rations for beef cattle Additional iriormation on the value of silage as the only source of vitamin A in dry-lot fattening rations for beef cattle was also obtained "This tomless ration' is possible however only when the cost of cottonseed cake at the feedlot is equal to or less per pound than shelled corn and when the adequate source of vitamine A is inclu in the ration" Taylor said Calves used in the test were from the college herd and were from both Hereford and scrub cows The animals were into earl formly as possible ntoNwro yaps of six each Both the shelled corn and oats were ground not because experiments here or elsewhere indicate either should be ground for this age of beef animal but to facilitate feeding the mixture of grains used The grain was fed twice daily while the silage was fed three times a day After the fortieth day grain was fed in such amounts that the calves could not quite "clean-up' by the next' At the close of the experiment the two lots of calves were in equal finish and bloom and had gained at about the same rate per day The data indicated that 43 percent of cottonseed cake fed In excess of the amount nedd to balance the ration has approximately equal value to that of No 2 shelled corn when fed under the conditions existing in this experiment Differences in the cost per hundred pounds of grain were were almost entirely due to the high cost of cottonseed cake compared to grains this year Three-way Sour Ad To Be Discussed At Picture Meeting Sound three-dimensional and tailor-made will be discussed before motion picture owners and operators when they meet at the University of Oklahoma May 20 and 21 for the exhibitors' and projectionists' short course The short course which was worked up at the suggestion of persons engaged in the theatre business's being directed by Ansel Challenner and Clyde Farrar university electrical engineering professors A television demonstration will be given by Watt Stinson from radio station KVOO Tulsa and a demonstration of stereophonic or three-dimensional sound will be given by the short course directors Through the use of trhee dimensional sound movement can be traced backward forward and sideways says Challener Speakers in the motion picture business and allied fields from New York Illinois Ohio and Texas have been scheduled to give talks at the short course One discussion will be devoted to coated lenses a subject new to motion picture projectionists and about which little is known Approxlmately 110 out of every 1000 babies born in Italy during 1937 die in the first year of life Rockefeller Center one of New York's show places covers about 12 acres It is leased for a long from Columbia university Now IT'S EASY to make 1 it 1 e-- A SIWPi 11 Here's ine 12st ed in easy method 11 the new -ekua naticRol loco' with regulat comb at one nci ono magic disappearing comb at the other You simply curl US You comb with ono end you comb wiih thes other you curl easily atjetty and with beauty shoo Pertec Only Sion On sale at your locol Ryer" dpaittmnt varity or thole store dits tmt For ail Typos of Cods Ringlets Caleb wiltil limil000ry Sad Coot with Coo Smog Ind NAPPY HAPPY AND COOBER 5URE ARE IN A FINE i FIX NOW THEY LOWERED i THEMSELVES DOWN THRU THE TRAP DOOR AND FOUND THEMSELVES IN WHAT OSWOUSLY MUST BE THE CELLAR OF BAILEY'S BARGAIN BEEHIVE O-GOSH IT'S zr 5-SPOOKY! S-5-5T01) SHAM' W-W-WELL'II W-W-WILL VA? AIN'T N-N-NO WHATSA MATIA? V-YOU S-S-SCARED? ---s--710 rirql i tok t' 4 on On Common Spices Is Compiled Unusual and little known facts about the spices nutmeg and mace have been collected and compiled by Dr Ralph Blenfang pharmacy professor at the University of Oklahoma Nutmeg are the dried kernels of the seed of the nutmeg tree Bien-fang writes Around the seed is a botanical structure known as an arillus which is used as liciaceranother spice The fact that both nutmegs and mace come from the same tree was not known by a young Englishman who noting that his company had on hand in London plenty of nutmegs but little mace ordered their plantations to cease putting out nutmeg trees and to increase the acreage of mace trees Bienfang says Nutmegs are grown on plantation in Sumatra Malacca Bungal the Singapore Islands and Penang Bienfang describes the nutmeg tree as a "handsome bushy evergreen tree with dark shining leaves which grows in its native islands to a height of 40 or 50 fee" Spring Cleaning May Be Done With Littile Difficulty Much of the heavy work of spring cieaning can be eliminated by cleaning only one part of the house at a time believes Miss Christine Newark of the school of home economics at Oklahoma A and college By doing one extra job a each week along with the weekly cleaning the family routine will not be disturbed and the homemaker will retain a happier disposition because she will not be over-tired When storing the winter clothes it is well to go through the closets and drawers and eliminate the unnecessary articles After the clothing has been properly cleaned it shouA be stored in labeled boxes to help keep the storage space neat The cleaning of the closet walls and shives can be done at time To ellmlnate some of the need for Nvashirig windows curtains and woodwork it is desirable to dust them 'frequently By using a dry cloth the windows can be wiped and cleaned -6-eh week easily- The curtains should be aired nd well-brushed frequently The lights and her fixtures upholstery and walls hould be brushed also By simplifying the task and distributing the Nvor over a long period the spring cleaning of the house is less tiring for the whole family especially the homemaker and better family relationships result wU tts A 1'T 7147 it i e77 17 p' PAT P40 LITATIT Curl As Ya (rmb G05141HIS P-P-PLACE SURE IS DUSTY! L-L-LOOKIT MY HANDS! Safe Walking Rules Listed By Commissioner Johnson Rules for safe walking on the highways were announced by State Commissioner Walter Johnson Wednesday In connection with the Oklahoma Press Association's special safety campaign part of which Is devoted to the development of pedestrian safety Things that a safe walker does not do were listed as follows: He does not step out carelessly from behind parked cars or other obstructions He does not try-to weave his way uncertainly through traffic He does not cross streets except llow One WCnian Lost 20 Pounds of FAT Lost Her Prominent Hips Lost Her Double Chin Lost Her Sluggishness Gained a More Shapely Figurt and the Increase in Physical Vigo And Vivaciousness Which So Oiler comes With Excess Fat Reduction Thousands of women are gettins at and losing their appeal just be ouse they do not know what to do Why not be smart do wha housands of women have done t( et MT pounds of unwanted fat Take a half teaspoonful of Kruschet in a glass of hot water first thins every morning to gently activatl liver bowels and dowt your caloric wisely an need never be l'ungry moment! Keep this plan up for SO days Then weigh 7ourself and see if yoi haven't lost pounds of ugly fat Just see if this doesn't prove to he surprise of your life and mak you feel like shouting the good new other fat pcople And best of al a jar of Krugehen that will last yoi for 4 we costs but little If no joyfully shed back By PERCY CROSESY emwhi eff5AVIIAPIASEN OVER TOVOLMIZET rOk CALLING YouJ p5c rt4 SoRRy11 kec1 at right angles He never falls to use care in getting on and off vehicles especially in moving traffic He never forgets to look left and then right before crossing 'a street He obeys 'all traffic signals He does not stand in the street He helps teach children not to play in streets or highways He does not walk in streets or highways at night without carry ing a flashlight And last but not least the safe walker never walks along the right-hand side of the street or highway but always stays on the left-hand side so that he will be facing the OLD AGE it i STARTS AT i 70 You MAY 10011i OLD AT 50 It's dm enough to look old when you ARE old So don't let your visible grey hairs multiply Say "good riddance" to grey with a quick CLAMOI qpplication the Modern Method of Hair Color tug which Pikes faded brittle or grreptiecked halt and gives It vibrcmt color silken softness and flattering highlights making 1 013 look years yotmgert So your hcdrdreaser today and say: Aztatailwevt Write now for free booklet and to Joan Clair Preeldent Clairol traffic stream at all times -moo Mary Roberts Rinehart the author was once a trained nurse HELP STOMACH DIGEST F900 110at Iner to Nuts 00 Eat Everything from Soup Tho stomach ahould direst two Petiole of hood dolly When you eat Warn greasy amino Veit foods or whew zou Sr hurried hew stomach often pours out too Wort Tour food doosn't digest and yos I sits heartburn nausork Palo or eon Stomach Tou feel sour skit and meat ed fe Meters $ay tower take a Walls' for stosessit pain It Is dans wows and foolish It tattoo tbems little black tablf a called Itellsarie for Indigestion to mato this etW stomach fluids harmless fellers distress to no Pao and put you beck on your feet flatlet is quick It Is amusing and ono AO Pachatio pietas It Ash for Bell-sus tor indigestion catipuzz free advice on your hair probiorn Inc 130 46th St New York NY 116ar Back os the flats GESUNHeliq THAT IS -ER-- GULP- (ON 6oweMIGOSN- SOMEONE'S DOWN NERE)C-C'MON GOOBE1t1-1-LET'S 0 ri i.

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