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Vernon County Censor from Viroqua, Wisconsin • 3

Viroqua, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fftJwtfc-a3Urnra Xf Articled such as bookspillWs clothing honie hold IjatnfthW aai icings and By thor iy afthe Secretary" ot the 7teainr A utdersigned the OeneraJ ubieriptiohAge for the sale of United States Securitfea offera the pnblle the yhird aeries of TressurjN bearing sevea and three-tenths percent interest per annum known as Jhe I Italian Alarblej Monument Obeliaka CeseW dylre-StoenTWTopste rV-1! 1 ThesetEipsuVd ddf 4M 9 JdyJ Vpy Woikxeeuted is tbe most Artutic 1865 and are payableAhree years from that dale I Manaer i In Currency er we eoyerillle'attbelejitid ef ARMSTROKO of BW BAS- niiutr KlXtbocal Agent Coon Prairie Wi who the bolder into 1 ia auihorired toieceiT centra eta for Virooua I rl mA il saw PriM I 1 'h ssetL Shop Price 1 if coPIete tock of QUEENS WARE -CUTLERY 4 i 3 tt jet- 3 P1 XT 'fwn'u NTS CV1 -r CLO THING BOOTS SHOES HATS A CAPS XANKEE yOTIOTfS if 1 4 Jit vrhicli he will ecH Cheajf for or Pao ev I wilCabo receive the followfng roots and ie rries in exchange for goods Blood Root riPrtekley AArBdet 10c Skunk Csbbtge So Hnera naka' Rool 40 Spikenard Boot -Xailies Slipper 10c lellow Parella OeusnK Root 1 The above rootar Aa must be thoroughly washed and dried Old and Sear Customers are "respectfully Invited to call and examine my Goods befpre purchasing elsewhere LINDE Jf AN i Wiroqua June 27 1865 Jr COLTON Wholesale and Betail Dealers in vv 'iI it A S' -I a -'V-BIankUraskJfg? i nt- fvf 4 1 gC-Oo Ho faSereisaedla Ybclltlng' a large aid -Ff 1 Walt If fndow Wrapping and Printing tion pippin I The Notea Rerie i precisely ArAhtS iinUr la fornr and pri vilegea to the Heven-i Thfrfiesal ready sold except that the Govern menlJcsnrrca to itself the option of paying in CARDS pmroptly 4 BIST Rl0G BRatnntri LV1 't a a I ldaaufactarers and Dealer is American TicinilyVatflur ua -Armstrong brotukr C0 l' WaonTacturers pd Dealer i LEATflERjFINDINGS SADDLES BADNESS 2 I SABBLREY Crosse i 9 --Wisconsin 1 qsfc Xa ra OPPOSITE TUB HARING- TON HOUSE a Tt l)rarl FfrrlfaG yS XOr XlluGSi moiu PEXT8 -39tf 18 veM establiahsd in CHe" Only Infallible remedies known Free from MNotdaogerous to the Human todieV fa a for Hate Mice JtocuAetrJSlack and Red Anti 8tc Ac Ac Ac CiDUir Extcrnlnttor i a liquid wash Used destroy and lo as pre- 0r Llt CtdC FtWderfar loSetfS A Moequitoee rUae PL-Bvns Insect on tRtaniJowls AnimaU he Retailer 0rH worthless imitaticus T8ee that a a name i on each loo5 INCRCASE OF The Fortner's GaCette English) assorts and proves by figures that eoe pair a rat wD 1 hs progeny and descendant lesa than 651050 i-three years" Now unless this immense family esu he kept dowu they would consume more foot than would isstsia 65000 human being 137" Sae adyertfsemeat in this paper 1865 RATS versus -Whoever engage is hooting mU birds is a cruel man: whoever aids ia exterminating rat is benefactor Weabonld like some of our corrtspondeit to give ns the benefit oftheir experience Id driving out these peats We need something besides dogs cats and traps for this Scientific American N' advertisement in this psper RAT EXTERMINATOR is simple Safe and the most perfect Rat ifiea-tied meeting we have ever attended Every Sat will die generally at some place as distant at possible rom where the medicine was taken- Lake Shore Mich Mirror ISf See advertisement intbia paper '3 1865: A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST 'i 1 Bird Cages Yankee Notions vai Main Street LA CROSSE 6lll9tf WIS Paper-rags 'Wanted 0 1 i WiiEiriKY Tun peculiar taint et infection which we call ScnOiCLA lurks in the constitution of multitude of men It fitiicr-produce or ia produced by as en-fcoblwl viuatcd tat t5e blood wherein ri urf fluid becomes ii- fLMrigoroue actiep end xJLlcavw jetem to t5fall SfitA fiaxarJa anil fall into disorder and decay The scrofulous ronuminxtion ia variously caused by mercurial disease low living disordered digestion from unhealthy food impure air filth end filthy habits the depriving vim and above all by the venereal infection Whatever bv In origin it ie hereditary in the constitution descending from parent to children unto die third and fourth gerraiion indeed it eeerae to be the yxl of Ilira who says I will yrisit the inlqui- tic of the fathers upon their children' The disease which it originates take various names accord in to tlM orgvns it attack In the lung Scrofula produces tubercles and finally Consumprion in the glands swelling which suppurate and came ulcerous sore in the gtomach and LowCla deraugemeuu which pro- npei With fcrbla' foul or corrupted blood you can not have health Urith that life of the flash health tou cannot hnre scrofulous disease Sarsaparilla romponridod from the most-effectual anR dotes that medical cTe ce bn discovered Jot this aftlicting distemper and for the care of thfi disorders it entails-- That it is far superior to any other remedy -yet devised is known by ail wliO have given it a trial That If does combine virtue truly extraordinary it their effect upon thia clas of complaints is Indisputably rroven by the great maltitnde of publicly known su'd remarkable airei it lias made of WKDNESPATt Jci3rJ318M I Article or A dvertfaefocntst noi handed Id as soon as MnXBAYf each week cannot fcppearn the 7L until the following week Extra Any number extra Copies of the Trass can 1w ob-taiiud for cents apiece at onr Pnsir Oflg-elvikt i 1 IX Glffise rTATteVdiBK'0 rT TO 'THE -RKIKNoV' OF 4 yiBpqA June 1855 On the 28ih day of Jane 13o5 a Whirlwind swept through the Oonnty of Vernon in a coarse Vest to east uprooting trees sweeping awav fences barns arid houses until it reached the coanty seat un rowing the court house raxing Times printing office to its foundation demolishing 1 1 ne'-v stores of foj C-Nichols and I) Priest and the store of Jolru Dtwsui lh JIvihvli4t Church a blaeksiuith nhop and tiflee- welling houses About a dozen more houses were ruin MosStf them wero lifted from their foundatUKi dashed in pieces and the fragments wero scattered to the four winds of Ilesveo then continuing its fury and still rushing on-waid 17 lives are lbst besides many maimed and mutilated By this ap palling calamity men of energy and influence areWdu sed to poverty At ledst oiie-hun(rt4and fifty persons homeless wautihg food i desutute Vearing apparel I In this sutc of affairs a jneeting was called at the Court House this day at 2 o'clock Colonel -T Husk was called to the chair and JsiiicS Low lie vras elected Sv-rtar an I the undersigned a committee of five were appointed to olUit and receive funds aod receipt for the same James Lowrie county Treasurer was appointed Treasurer and Hon Win Purdy Colonel MKusk and Lincoln were appointed a committee to investigate the claims of Indi viduals for charity and supply thse wants as fat as possdbl We tlicre-foro implore all who recognize that mvjiety his eliims upon them who mpatiizj with woes who that in thw ftur misfortune miy overwhetm themselves to contribute for the eomrbrt of It afflicted Mifferetson th lino of tliis terrible disaster as ih' growing crops arc ru ined the mateii il of which the fences were coinjtssed i so broking sca'tcrd tha nlv a nail poitiOn be usd in rebuil limt I fie vme $2(00ft0 vroitb of proprty was destroyed Want yircseit MiO prospective is Rt'Uit'g vhis i ajiv in lhe face Anv t'liiv 1 bo i i liet will I ii iii 'nil i 1 1 1 1 tlnoly ap li ooriated Iv tin ai-dt i ssd to i Pres Chiimun Vci non Co Wis iioney or necessaiies may he donated to our accredited averts PBIKST IIAUTWELL ALLEN Soliciting Coinmiltv 1 i i i It (1 I) A bahnahil TKRHITNE J-JAMES LOW fUE Secy UITSK Mu In reply to inquiry as to ivh ther lh oith attuchedto the jcUnn of property to the town isess-or13 ss surijij'-t to revenuo stamp I receiv'd the olhiwjug reply which fir the benefit of assessors and others please publish Yours Truly PRIEST Asst' Assessor 1 TREASURY DEPARTMENT) Offic Internal Revenue Hshisjjton Juno 29ihr 1865 I reply your letter of tho int that the uifldavit inohaed by yon i exempt from stamp duty as an lustrumont 'f It wab not tha intention of the law to the cxereino of municipal pow era mid jndtherpforis wlieu cyer th tnse of utarnpe be a clrarsre npoDtle State (Jiuuty or Town treasury none will be ed Very Hespectfullvv A II LINS 1 Department Commiseioreiv IK PHI EST Aset Aeasor lit DtvJ 6tli Diet Viroqua Wl For the North Western Times FUaHOJ Me The Relief Committee deire to acknowledge tlie receipt oifthe followjUff auras from the persons 4 4 and places herein named: Citizens 0 SparU Cash 50 Oi Randall JO 00 Citizen Richland Centre Hastings JJkdHon 5 59 09 to ifumemaig io'raeutton of every pos- sibte desenpuouwere spread over tie Country by the lat vrhlrlwj nd Now if persons finding or having pos session of such article will leave them at this Oifi-e (CoC Law Office) they will confer a favor on s'" the anl ip ease articles of I i value Are returned they will bejjuita- yea PNIOUS LO SEES 1 1 i 4 Vlroqua MBS ATKI MONI AL GENTLE'! RN lf BIRS A Nl vow wi-h tr manry you can do fi bv addressing I will aanl vow wittmut mone'r and witnout ID9 pric valuable nfrmti'i iher will enable you to marrv hppilv and ypeedilvs irrespective ot ago wealth or beutv lh a will co't you nothing and if you wi ht marry I will Cheer uHvasaiatyu Al letera strictly con-fid itial The desired infor nation enl by re turd nu 1 and wo reward Plerr enclose postage or stamped envelope adlreased yourself Address SARVH LaMPERT ii Qieenpr'intj ZSin '-sn Kingt Co New-York A GevThKstxz cured ef Nervous Debility Premature Decay aud the effects of youthful ind'screiien will te happy to furnish others with tho msana of cure f-rm of cktrxjt This remedy is simple safe and For for full particulars by return mail' please address JOHN OGDENr sn22m3 63 Nassau St New York OLD EYES NEW A PAMPHLET directing hw to speedily restore sight a id give up peotaclea without aid of doctor or medicine Sent by mail on receipt oflOecuw Address FOOTE 1130 Broadway New York a LOST! On thC28h ef JuiV 1865 one Town Order on the Town Vm qua -iiid order No IS for th -jf Two Hundrtid Dollars Thi to frbid all person from purchasing tke amc as pivmenl has been stopped 1 2dwt PETER HAY tj Dated iroqua July 8tb 1865 ST metfOLAS HOUSE 1UNTGEN Proprietor Stage Leave this House far Lansing and ether points in Iowa and Minnesota irena -Fountain City and other point ia Wisconsin COSSINj LA CROSSE WISCONSIN 26 Coawcn Pram A Stcaxs Sts NEW STORE Heary Tate Having purcliased of Messrs Claik Liivcoln thvir large and commodious Y1T win I ISVv 5 And Ii tvmg repaired and refitted It up surrounding Counties that he is pre pared to St 11 all Goods in his liue THAN Ttf- IN BE BOUGHT THIS SIDE OF NEW-YORK CITY Sto -k will of a full assortment ol SPntKG AflO SUMMER and a full assortment of Reiidy Mndft CLOTHING Haifclsomely rut and made to suit all ngtfo and conditions A full assortment rf HATS CAPS BOOTS oAl SHOES of the very latest make in great abun- dance HARDWARE CUTLERY Wooden-Ware (Siacicpancs rwrrvsr ASli GLASS-WARE FARMING ITTEIISILS AND nosasna 1 -o- mmiHiEuus 5 In tho nrticleB Prime Necessity bln great object' has been to eenre the DZST ARTICLES and afford them at Prices aud he' flutters himself that he has succeeded- He earnestly" in vlteH tho examirfa tion of hia Expensive Stook of Goods and a trial of hijs mode of transiting business in the full assurance that his customerg will be gainers by it Cheap for Cab? or Preiser -kV VxnoQUA Wis May 31 1865 vl0n22tf 11 Lands for Salo ON ROUND PRAIRIE rjo Section Tewn Keigk 7 Deseriptiou SB 29 IS 12 i li so quarter ir 'f ji A n-Vaw AUOt 11 4 15 tu ta ti Bw A HXAVT TIM2KV4 wKwIf 13 13 4 wKWjtf 1 I 1 i' ot for the alf end life we its ing the ir bar for other far ever 1 Tho -alr relied SCALE or tt cisos'' t''- Alsoltarchons rock tcitpr Prefr- ges jiffiKiEsmiirni LAr vaxr CHICAGO 3SjJ alefyl bay euly the remiae rrt JUblUS BAUER C0 Cre at Plano Ftirtf SI 0' I Ti ll i I WareVookw jk OPERA 69 WasHlKOTOjr SyjMcsr New York Ware room 650 Brondwgy WJielceale Agent for the If 8 fojr mi KNABB CD'S CELEBRATED Gold Hedal Piano Portes I Vi 'i ii to therelatiretDeritsoftheaePIANfiSj we Would refer te the Certificates of Exeellences in possession from TUALCERG GOT Sr CHALK 8TRAK08CIJ 3 ATTE H-VIEUXTEUT3 LOUIS 8TAAB MUZlO Musical Director at the ftaflan Opera as- also from a me Of the most diatinguished Professors and Amateurs is the oouotiy AU iustrumeuts fuaront seif office year 'r ALSO AOEHTSl'oR SOEBBLER SMITH BOARDMAN GRAY A HGALE CO 4 3 Aod oilier Firsl-ClasB Pianos have the LARGEST ud BEST ASSORT-ID STOCK OF PIANOS IN TH CJTY whick foe Pow-r end Sweetue of Tone Easy and AeraableTouch and Beauty ol Finish bvu by judges been pronounced urn tied Particular attention paid to the selection of Instruments for distant orders and a prlvi lege of exchange granted at any time withm sig months if the instrument should not prove entirely Sstisfactorv A liberal discount to Cler gymen Teachers'and Soheol Terms liberal WHOLESALE DEALERS will find it to theip advantage to give us a call as bv greatly incress 4 facilities we are enabled to fill all order with despatch tdtr Perrons in want of a REALLY FIRST 5L CLASS PIANO will do well to call before pur cbaain elsewhere unoLKSALK AGENTS FOR Gaharfc Needham cllebuated HARMONIUM ilELODEONB -AND ORGANS ALSO? FO GEO A PRINCE A MELODEONS aufl ORGANS Manufacturers and Importers of Musical Instruments STRINGS ACC0RDE0N3 VIOLINS CLARINETS DRUMS GUITARS Brass InstrumeDts' And other Mu-ieal Merchandise The SiLTaxapd Baaa 1rrmrwMrr of our msuufaetureand Importaliou ara used bv most II of the best Band in tka United State and whenever exbnitd hav slwty received tba Gold Medals and uiShxST faxiotms C2T Having connection with Memufecturing Rouse ia Berlin Leipkic DredntEnelabd and Paris are prepared to lurntah DEALERS BANDS and INDIVIDUALS with every article in this line at the xewear prices REMEMBER THE-PEACE JULIUS BAUER CO 5yl C9 WashiQfftoR Street Olxioasor XU Nett-iork a re rooms 650 Broadway BOOTS SHOES ANDHEivs JI A 11 A l) ft 'Wholesale aud B6taii ftealers ASalu mtreei Reticee Front and Second or LA CROSSE vtnmt WISVOXSM HAND LOOM 4 Mich Jut 2 188i Meaar Elliot te Bxaxsqx Chicago 111: yourrecent introduction of HAND LOOM into this sec Ihve become practically ac its working and principle end ef over 55 years In the manage I am prepared to stale that I be- doing the wool-growing people women of the country a great within their reach A machine adapted to their wapts aud by the cat make tad save so much Wool-Groniak Fnrmercan by the use oi' double the value of bis clip and I would earnestly recommend such farmer to secure one Woman Who wishes to earn her awn support or any family where there are wil ling hand ta work ean make great profits by its Use I know of no machine for family use that at dll compare with this in profitableness of Work 7 It is of ao aimplec os true tion that any one can work and understand it and it -is admf rably adapted to the na6 of farmer- and all fm ilia from the fact that a change can Jbe made from bne kind of good to another in Min-tea as from Satinets to Tweeds JeansLinaey Single or double plain cloth Dress slid Bsimo ral Skirt Goods Ac te 1 Tbi change from one kind to another being by a process 0 elm-iAeai pie that oven a boy or girt can epoi ate Hew different from the old land loom on which such cbaBge required the bard Work' of two experienced peridna en entire day The speed of the JLoom is equal ta that ot the factory loom and it ean easily weave aamuebinaday as six of the old hand looms and make the work mocb better firmer and more even Th machine cannot fail to meet a want long felt by the farming and working community and which war time make recommvndatien because I tee in it prarticsl nerit meeting very completely practical whot the times Yours BROWN Capenntenacut Woficn Factory Otsego Mich 2 1 Cllidt UranMfl 1120 Line Stbuctj Chicago- EUnoi e- GENKBAL AGENTS for Wisconsin Michigan Illinois Iowa Indiana Ohio and vania 1 State awd Coufety Rights alaoa ingle Looms or sale lOinS 1 1 FOR DALE I 2 The foIlrirffjg choice JLraiing lands fore for 7 South half of eokth-ec-t quarter aad south east quarter of eouth wi quarter of Soc' 31 tswh It Berth rasga 5 want For term Inquire under! eed lfitl VL RIERCE April J7 1865 Veq5AWMf 6 6 by to for iraivai at nJ -t i' 'is 5-fcj aid i yJt a 'Utvd AL JJi k3 jj- tler No Jtrneau Bleck- i LaCacsss Wti Sign of the Golden Broad A xo rSniN afct! 'S-Siwu'll I III I TtlLMAN BROTHERS e-iK Sli Se 9 and I al Wholesale OariaflalreethAtwctjrsa A Muite A- jte ffroisr A Wisconsin ehlUg at MllwAukaeprlcbss 4 ggflAll work fcfOur vi ntanvfaMvre war ranted yol-5-ao45tt New Skirt for 1865 The Gieat Invention of (Re Age in hoop sktrt: dbelo Ji-laModbet vdU New Patent UtL PLEX hLI PTI C(or double) SPRING SKIRT BRA DLEY CART (late I EST) Sole Proprietors and 'tlamt fact urers 97 and 79 and Reads' reel elv York THIS INVENTION -consists of DnrLDX' (or two) Elliptic Stcel Spiinf'a ingeniously JBr aided Tightly and Firxnh- together edge to edge making the toughest mpst flexible Elastic and Durable Spriugs erer used They seldom Bejid or Break Jike he Single Spring pqd corisoquehtly preserve their Perfect and Beak tiful lhfipe twice aa long as any other Skirt f'Tfib woKBERFtif VLEiiBitiTT and Great Comfort and pleasure 'ta ifoy Lady wearing the Duplex-Elliptic Skirfcwili be experienced 'particularly in SR Crowded1 Assemblies Operas C'afiugosRalfrbidL'arii' Churcb Pews Arm Glyrirs for: Trojueimde iand HouRe Dres8 aa the- Skirt ek bo in use t6 bcca-pv'a srikiifose'isUy a a gilk maslm drefkW'i t-i Rv-xs i iA Lady baving-enjoyed the pleasure cera fortarr gveht" cftvcnrehce' of wearing the Ropfo priev tdSpring Skietfefor 'a Single day will never afterwards willingly dfs-pcnse witbHBarmseFo- Children Hisses aafd fT'oangLadic8j hejp are Superior to'sll Mher4 They are Ihe Best Quality in eVerypart and unquestionably tbs Lightest- Desir-able Comfortable and Economical 'Skirt over madh jiV-xu- m-u SALE jn ill JElrt-Class Stores in this city -and throughout the United States sad Oariadae- Havana Alexico Amdnija and thqWcst Judies loquirtfor the I) UP LEX ELL FT-TIC if fa? A FORTUNE! OY M' ENT fl EVERYBODY £3Y Agents Hutetl throughout th jS and" Canaries 300000 Walcbes Obuina Sete of Jewelry Rings Pin? BrnceleK Sleeve Buttons Jilre? Bpoon and -ForltA Cups Cak 1 -iSaskeis etc Ilondred Thousand Dollars! The Entire Stock of a jarg Imfortikoi House retiring from business tor the purpose of closing out th stock the earticst possible date the uodersigneil have decided on a distribution made follows EACH ASD EVERY ARTICI Ea RQ KAVTER HOW VALUABLE BEING SOLD FOR fl A Certificate of each article with its valui printed upon it is placed in an 'envelope and these envelopes are thoroughly mixed aud sold for twkntt-five cekts each the per-son yftepi ring one of these envelopes Is entitled to thb article named therein by returning the Certificate to ns with one dollar and the artu Me np matterjhaw valuable it may be will be forwarded te him of her at once There ar riase certificates and therefore evefy one lsf 8nrc' to get tt least" the full yalup of bi ot her money Should the article named on tb ccrtifeuto not salt any other which bp? njay select of the same value ill -be- substituted We sell Uje certificates as follows: ---One for 25 Cents five for flj eleven for 2 thirty fop t5 sixty-five for 10 one hundred for 15 This distribution afford a fine opportunity fori gents as whgt lady or gentleman will udt invent twent-fivk cekts with i prospect of getting fire hundred or a thousand times as much All orders must be addressed to at our ehf stand Ne 15 Maiden Lane New York LI ST -OF ARTICLES ALL OF WHICH AFK TO BE BOLD FORf 1 EACH Gold Huhting Case Watches f50 to $150 300 Gold and EUStnelcd Case Watvhes 600 Iluntiug-Cace Silver niches 35 to 70 200 Diamond Rings 60 to l60 5000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains 15 to 80 3000 4 to 8000 Gold-Ovul Band Bracelets 4 to 4000 Chased Gold Bracelets 2000 Chatiaine Chains a Guard Chains 6000 Soltaire and Gold Brooches 2000 Lava a Florentine Brooches 20Q0 Coral Opal and Emerald Brooches 7 6000 Jletdac Jet and Florentine Ear Drops 4600 Coral Opal and Emerald Drops-1 4000 California Diamond Breast Fins 2 50 to 10 3000 Gold fob a vest watch keys 2 60 to 4000 Fob and Vest Ribbon Slides 3 to 10 4000 Seta of Soltaire Sleeve But tons Studs etc 8 to 3000 Gold Thimbles Pencils etc 4 to 7 6090 Miniature Lockets i 60 tw 4000 Miniature Lockets Magid Spring to 30 3000 Gold Toothpicks Crosses etc 2 to 8 000 Plain Gold Rings 4 to- Il 5000 Chased Gold Ring 4 to 11 8000 Stone Set and Signet Rings 2 60 to 10 8000 California Diamond Rings i to 10 7500 Sets Jet and Gold-r 5 to il6 6000 Sets Pearl 4 to 16 bOO Gold Pens Silver Extension- Holders and Pencils: 4 ta ia 6000 Gold Pens and Gold-Mounted Holder I 3 fa 5000 Gold Pens and Gold Extcn- auo'n-Holders At '10 5000 Silver Goblets a thinking Cups to CO 3000 Silver Castors 5 to 50 3000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets 20 1 50 MKZ 5000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoons $10 to $20 Table Bpooxa and Forks 20 to 100 AGENTS We want agent in every reel- ment and in every town and countv in too country and those acting as such will be allowed 10cent8 on every Certificate ordered them provided their renrttanev amount one dollar Agents will collect 23 ccos every Certificate and remit 16 cents to na £33T Write plainly say only what ie Bece- earv and he prompt Address GIRARD WDEVAUGH ft COv tern 3 No 16 MxibkA Lak New Yokt 527 Certificates for Sale at the Vi-roqua Cook Stork Cotbortic Fills -J 15 pw -cent aoiMStf boxDs tninm and at exemnt as are the Government Bond from County and Municipal tax ation vlicA addtfrcm cncic Or Pf mL per annum ia th value according to the rate levied upon othft property The Interest 1 payable ttmi-nuallyjy epoiw attached to each note which may be cut off and sold Jto any bank or I banker The inlerest at'T-8 per cent amoenta to fU iv 7W 1 1 i'n tW? Ten -a A50 i Jooo -iL e- Notes a a1 the deomlatiopf 'pmeA ynl ba irdisbett dtA? teeaipt et subscrip- teres in gold coin at 6 per sent instead ef T5 lOthklu entreney-RhUerriU deduetthe I i The delivery of the note of this third act lea of Urn Seven-tbii tiea will commence on the let of une and will be made promptly sad con tinuously after that date 1 The slight change made in the eondiflon of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest The payment i gold if md will bf equivalent to the currency IntAtCat of the higher rate The return to specie payment in the event ef which only will the option te pay interest ia Gobi availed of would reduce nd ripial ize prices that pure ha made with six per cent ingcld would be fully equal to those maJe with and Jbreetcatbe per eentia eurreney This i 0NA l0AN'N Less than $230000 000 or the Loan aothorited by Congress are now on the market Tbi amount st tlie rate at which it i being absorbed will all be subscribed ter within sixty days whe the note will undoubtedly com in and a premium AJ a-haa uniformly been the ease oil dosing t-e ubscriprigns to other Loans jv- In order that citizen of every town and lion ef the country my be afforded tedlitie tor i taking the loan the National Banka State Bank fur which they receive order Srascaimoxs mu ns arcxivxn by the Firt National Bank ef Msdlann tVi First Na- tional Bank of Milwaukae TTls and First Bank of-fiPA RTA --Wii 22w SHOP ic Harness and Siddlers Shop on Main Street is Viroqua Wis I -PP'f -T 1 4 Silver or Brass Mounted i Buaor dr Work Hakkbbk 5 £Ue Saddles Saddles 1 -v A SEWliNCuMACHINES -W i THIELE LY0ird --a 4 NCW Ffitehr 129111? Ffifd Sewing Machines7 a A A A 4 -aOr-V i'- I M- CMP i 4- -At V- 1 Th following facfeJemonatratn that these tfa chioa comprise the highest improvzrrkt ar 1 trx Sxwixo Macbw AaT Each "Mac w'K Ie guaranteed to glvf better satisfaction tkaa any other Sewing Machine fo Uirket or money refunded 4 Tr VS They make the lack ditch alike on both side th saving nor then hlf the thread and ilk nsed In the cm of the loop 1 stitch and eiagle-thread Sewing Machmcj They are adapted to the widest range of heavy and light seeing 1 I jer-o Zn 1 3 County Agent wanted -Towai I I I I I 1 I 1 ef by i ii a br At the following diseases K'oig'i Evil or Glandular Swellings Tumors Eruptions Pimples Blotches and Sores Erysipelas Rosa or St Fire Salt Rheum Scald Head Coughs from tu-1 'ilVriBg opened aometime inc berculous deposits in tho lungs 'White 1 HARNESS Female Weaknesses and indeed the whole scries of complaint that arise from impurity the blood Minute reports- of individual rc may bo fouixl in Amkxicax Alusvac which is famished to tho druggists gi'atuiton distrihntion wherein may be learned the directions for its use and seme ef remarkable cures whh it hat made when other remedies had failed to sfferd relief Tbo rases are purposely taken from ail section of tfyo country in order that every reader may have access to ome one who can speak to -v m- Common and Fancy Bridle sad Martingales 1 tv A I grain and proviaioMarede Hm of ua benefiti from pepnal expcnence I JnrV'f 7 1 1 irA Jstreyed annually Grant County by vermin Lcrofula diprefae the vital energies and thtn-j Whips and It Alp Lashes Whip Stocks tha would pay for tona of thia Rat akd Insect learea its victims far more subject to disease 1 its fatal mults han are healthy constitutions lienee it tends tn shorten and does greatly shorten tbs average duration of human The vast import of these considers- An excellefat article of Hame Collars en band ribns hat led a to spend years in perfecting A -r fv ffRepairangyremptly attended te remedy which ia adequate to its cure This -Speaking Rat RoSeb ft' Ex I grain and provisi 0M art de Lancaster Wis Herald tST See advertisement ia tbi paper -J865-Lt-' FA RMERST AND HOUSEKEEPERS Should recollect that hundred of dollar worth S11 tion or our SUte Grain Provisions are nnually destroyed Rats Mien Ants and other inecta and all ef which can be prevented by a few dollar worth Roach Exterminator bought mid used freely as9 nJennff ndvertiaeraent la this Ry Self Acting Yamily quainted with from experience ent of Looms lieve you are sod the working benefit by placing ao admirably use o' wkich they money Any this machine now offer to the public nndtr the name ot Sarsaparilla although it i com Escd of ingredients some of whirh exceed the st of Sort jMtrffla in alterative power By aid you may protect yonrtelf front the suffer- ad and danger of these disorders Purge out foal corruptions that rot and foster in the blood purge out the' causes of disease and vigorous health will follow By its paculiar ho viitnss this remedy itimulates tho vital and thus expels the distempers which lurk-within the' irstera or burst oat en any jbrtvf jt' 'l Wa know Sie pnLlie have been deceived by 11 ssm' hiv rii''iiv tACU UVtYITCU iy many rompounds of SerfriAi that promised I A 8 9 a a a much mid did nothing but tliey mill neither be deceived nor disappointed In this virtues bent provex hy abundant trial and there remain na question of its surpassing excellence the cui-e of Uis-adiictiug dUeases it is intended to reach Although tinder the same name it Is a very different medicine from any which has keen before the people and more effectual than any other which -has been available to them AYEH0 IDHERRYPECTORAL -n -J World Great Hemedy fzt Coughs Colds Incipient Con- sumption and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stogea 'i 4 of the disease -Thw has a long used and se'anrveib known that wc need do no more than 1 8 4 1 1 r-r- 1 1 gJTSold fn Ylroqua Wis 1 3F By Nichalsand A Somerby and all Dr ggist and Dealers JUiu-rioU JLadieti fj: I DiAMQUO: BOORS! Xamdjr to IL HOJIXOX A CO SEoaal Aimu Drawar 51 Chioajo lUmofe OSSoa ISfi SpaUi Clak Street Ik sloat Wbelesale In Ghtoaeo by A VAX SCHAACX- rVZXSU XTWCB ruLLSB LdHB at easiTH chab 0 mtrtsC SMITH PWTfl and SOOVXLXi aawt Sav aMe verr Draciit IB Uw VYaaX J2yi -V v- Tredway -and others Ciitizenk of col t- lected by -lllsa Hettle 1 Rusk CljUene La Crosie CaBh 1029 58) 1 305 so a Goods 275 7 Irish Baraboo Cash 6 00 Jr Waterman Bangor 0Q tWTumcr Good 103 95 A 0aU Caah 1 5 88 00 435 00 I 82 TaV PRIEST -C 1 Cora Mrs Beabow living on the fad from here to l)b-ry hore run away vi Iter this morning about tto and a IirU from hera- a ad thrown frnmwv ttffgy and very pericuhly iujui cd bead very a-'Eury the public that its nalityis kept up to I 5 na rattling wires dalicato at-the hestlbevet has been and that it tr be I tackmhntsto tesp in repair 4 on to do all it has ever done Prepared by Aran A Cos Sold bv all druggists everywhere 7 I -v who Is and a Unceltf Bartholf of Springvill and all Etore ia the or Country 3yl 4 examibo aaJ demoo-trata for for Vircular With aamplas of FOR SALE! i- 2 ktfJ fzr C-k tbe Old Lath Mill oce halfIile Yeat of Avalanch six tn 4 pne half dies 22orth Et2tef Yircs r- tyjzzX 7aturrc May lh 1C54 20a6 L7cnpOnC6j fi Xirehdty IZw Turk SAMVEL fcLACXWELL 78 South st New-York er EIERCf Viroqua) E3Vof SWtfand SWJ of SX7ol Ue 4 Twn 1 2 Raee 4 West- I 4 For Twu Iaqpvof 1 2 Xf felSSCE 1 Ho breast Rt cv.

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