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Vernon County Censor from Viroqua, Wisconsin • 2

Viroqua, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

la Ntfitc Journal ANTHONY A CO fer of Photographic Ma 1 'terials AXZ RXTA1L Hakpkks Naw Monthly Macazink for July it fall iin -PiMnXiW7t: -al A tt i rnor ira wood work beinj torn apart and whirl cd noono kaows where His loss is ftbont 10 000 ThV loss life is not fop the loss of lives Lu op maiming of eo ooM all nearly los property as lament month I i rrus c2AT' axriiiCAH A asewx as 9 1 1 I3ZLT Off cx: Eluiiirt' i A positive sad PIrtorxl ChloryeflL Tlcies rtsc I tit Uzf -tf littf -i 1 1 al8E 7 I 4-- Critical Rot less cf the Press The beat i Familv Jpspev pubHhed in these Uni'ed Stats JVs London Advertiser -ThwwoDvt RxwiFATiit our pletg in th "dsuartiuen-s or an'Amer ic Family Psper-nAurses' V'xkKLT hs esced for Itself rigtitto its tuts A OF CIYIL 'ZATiOSrn-y Evening Port This- Paper furnishes the best illmtrutiont Our futuie wii! enriah thems -fres out of Hat per'i Wekly ling after writers and sinters and publishers are turned to JPlUlaFrt of its class ia Boston ifeeily and Weekly Only per ot the Capitol ProtptcU itsj 18Cftt Staff Journal is n0w e-ipublishrdlst thv Capitol jnAlie Jaugudpe and it is the deiei minatio-i ofllitT promietorg to make it a wnr-tky and acceptablcgieitor in everv circle in tfiWebStatwsrWei-e a newspaper is des n-d Polit icalh it supfiwts the general police of the Aduinistratiotrin its dow th- rebellion and- is trnc'r jhopifylly and to the maintenance of the JJniad a paramount Naticnal Govern ment egAapkio-diepetebeit' nop per in tlie giysAore complete and carlv tciegfi'ghic news Itdevole csperial attt atidn collecting all itcmof in to ej-pccting iconsinjtroep? ii? tfkMriilihtry erriett It fias coiTe-poudents in neasly evtiy regiment ami boitery None of Its coteas pw'iasiercaa eon pare-witl it' in the coinpleterit'ss and promptness witli which it furpijhes new f-on the arnjr Ncaiv thelW? of 'CasuniKies in brtlfl b)f WiAcotiAin men of the sick aud wounded and of deaths -in hnspituis irc first do Jp'-blie through Thi- is'S featnreof the paper to wiiivh we invite particular potief-lt aims at giving a complete snmmhrt of all local State news general inter! thus ren-detfng erpecis ily valuable to persons iu otln-r wi-h to keep adfised regard to rttaltcrv It is the onlv paper that gives a full aeeour oft! p-oei-r dittgs of the State Legfcdatuie ato it publislo election news reports of tbe su-preiih- court the laws Ac in advane of mi vomits eotVmporavies Th- Kficitt I Staff teipr 1 tier law-- proclamations by the Governor notices from ttoate Departments orders of the Adjutant General and tnihtary adverlisemeut required to U- publi-hed at the Ftate Capiidl are publisie-d oifieiliy in its columns htr irf irkly State JnvroaU in pniticular weefe anperioiity as tin pared with any other paper fin State as a paper for general family reading in quantity and -a rietv reading matter- freofihess of news and general ctearress and cothpfi-ten rr of Arran c-Hu nt pechnen copies will 6e fo warded fi ce of cha -ge when desired Let those who aish to take a weekly paper send for a specimen of the- Weekly State Journal before subscribing elsewhere TERMS Daio 85 ernts per month or 10 year and at the same rate for three or t-ix months 45 cents per mortb $3 a year £2 50 for six months or I 25 for three months WEEKLY rublfebcd every Tuesday $2 60 a year t-Ofor six montiis or 50 cents-5otr three months Address ATWOOD RUBLEE 10 Jfrf ftXMl jdisnw TlSR5sri Atlanti for 1865 1 lie Number lor January 1865 begin the Fifteenth Volume of tin Atlantic Monthly The publishers Htatc that they have made such arrangements fr the coming year ns will convince their readers that they intend to maintain the present position and popularity of their magazine They can now announce defi Intel the following features of the New Volume Mrs iiarrfet5 Beec-her Stowe will-contribute a new 'scries of Domestic Papers with the title ol Cninmey Cernerf Donald Mitchell lutiior of Reveries of a will iwu in in an early tiumber a story with tot title of Dr Pr7f Goldwtn Smith ot the University of Oxford lias engaged to write regularly during tiie y-ar on topics of interest American readers I Prof Agassiz hat in preparation another scj-i-s of his Interesting and vaiuofcl Scieutifio Nathunicl p-rs tornish some-scctes from his unfitishcti The Bel-li'-er hich will appear in tho coming Voamw Fi Hugh Ludlow win coiuinvte his dmirabk-fketclie iti -trav -1 and advenfute George August as Saia the wed kiovn novella magaz'meis: will contnb-te a series o' papers -itniiir to those written him iu Dickons' Househahi aud The Year The first pape will be a sketch of Geor-r ruiksbank Mr and Mrs Cruaidall will contribute to new volume Memoirs of Authors they kn inc lutiing many in resting of Moore and other literary irbri'f-s Tue of Acres Enot-ghHw Ml iuu-ish ths Atlifttic regular 'cftlefes of striking original character- In adition t- the -atur above cruuie-et--cd oti- resting ones are in pr pa auo i TIi mairazitic will still ba faTched with cor-tfibuv'ous ikim its reghJar ftaff of writer whose naai-arc tamiliar to the reading public- as ti ose of the Arutricaii Author- Tbe Atlantic will continue to furitsh t-- its readers the best Essays sksiches Poms Sc-j rii Pohtieulutid lliatoi-ical Papers raid ali-j C' llauv knds which American uictt suppy Tenus of tiie Aihunic Single Subscription 00 per ycr Club Rates Two copies for 7 f' five copies for $t6 00 ten copies for 80 Ot and each additional 'copy £3 t0 For every club of twenty subscribers ail extra copy will furnished gratis or twentv-one copiea for 4fi OO- postage on the Atlantic is twenty-jour cent a year and must in all cases be paid at'tbe ofliee whei it is received i Clubbing wdh Young The Our Young Folks will be furnished to one addrs tor five dollars per vear Tlt'KNOR FIELDS' I2tf Publishi rs Boston Magazine reservedly cjoys the rrputatiot of one of the brut (iiorai liltrary mngaziue published in Coburg Sentinel IF ArthurlsBomeSTagazin ill 4 '1 s-4LX it -k 6 4 i tl our main mm i a t1f In itl out main busint's of PboTo oxArnic AtsAiAts we are Headquarters for Jbe tolloying vis: way Ys SI ereseopei tnd Strrcirople Tiewi Gf tbese wobavd auTmmeBto assortment In rinding -Wsr Scenes American and Foreign Cities and Landscape- Groups Ae At Also Revolving Sterescopes for public or private exhibition Our Catalogue will be scot to any ph of tV Albums 0 'w wot the graf ts introdart thkeinto tho tTnited States and we mBfctnro immense eusntitios in great varirv ranging in price from f'O cant' to 850 Osch "Our va tbe reputation ot being superior ia beautv and durability to any others They will be sent by maiL Vaav on receipt ot pries FjuwAlbums made to srderiffl CAHD PHOTOfiKAPHS -0 OarCstslegne nmr embraces over Five Thru-BI difterent objects of Eminent AmeriCsa- he viz: about 100 Major-Gener! 660 Sttomcu 200 Brix'Gcnerals 180 Divines 275 Cone a 185 autltors 108 Ment Colsnels 40 Artists 20 Other Ort cers 125 age 75 Savy Offioer 60 Women i 60 Prominent Foreign Portraits 8000 COPIES OF WOBKS ART In eluding reproduction of tho most celebrated Euirsv-ng- Pointings SttS be r-iit of stomp An order or Oa Doves PICTURES from nr Catalogue will filled On tbo receipt of 61 60 and sent by mail Fbkw Photgrphers and ethers fda ing goods Qr Will press remit twentyfivo per cent of the ammint with hirord-r A ANTHONY A CO Manufacturers of Phonographic Mt-rial 1 601 Broadway Jfer York Tbo price and quality of out go- da cannot fa satisfy 7yl THE ONLY SURE THING1 PHOTOGRAPH A the name fndicsteanet onlv Pensw -the growth of the hair when thin sad fall ng off but ft poitivety srarvi the coLOx to xta aha da when it is turning grey white wbe her caused hv ditea griel or old aeo I will certainly do what ia claimed for to which hundred nav thousands who ha ve used jt ready and willing totes'ify Wnere one bottle i- fairly fcaed i any Community its reputation like wild and I the bet adveyti1 ment and recommendation wo d-are ia the Estea Ntate where the Bennett originated if is urd by all Young Ladie as a Drrsaing and i to bo found on the toilet ta blc of Yo)ng Ma (1m at barber) while Wider l-n and Women will not be without it a reoewer aad reatoratire lor their grey locks aad bald heads which it changes to their entire satisfaction We are veiling in th city of Boston alone up wards of 18000 bo tfes pep month ike dealer eiving the-xemkwkx the preference erer all other (fair Preparations II not acid by l)rngget in vour town a TltlAr-BOTTIB wdl be gent to you bv Lxpres upon tbe receipt o- one dollar by hus giving you an opportunity st once for testing la excellent yirtuev O'-dera for trial Sottloi must be addressed to oar general Agent forth rrtbwe tern ststes A LOOK Box Cbicaoo Illi All swcti order will recetv prompt ettenlion HALL CO Proprietor Nashua fl The- ti-ad supplied at priett bv FULLER FINCH FULLE Wholesale Ciuggiife Cbiogo lllinaia 16nj6 GREAT SALE CJDUP WJ TCAES CHAINS DIAMOND RINGS Ac Ac $1000000 -WORTII To an eiro8xn or at Without Rnpr-r-l Not be paid for ut ul know you nfo (o receive! S0 Mui Boxes each 3490 Silver ators 15 to 6 00 dozen Stiver Tea Spoon per dozen 20 to 10008 doren silver Tab poor-s Fork per atozc 20 to 250 Gent's Gold Hunting Ce iv ate he 50 to 250 Ladle's Gold and Enamelcd-case tcc S5 to 6f0 Ce Silver y- Watchel 35 70 5000 Gold Vest and Neck Chain 4 to 88 000 Gold Oval Band Bracelet j- 4 to 00 Jet and Bracelet 6 to 70 0 Soli ire abd Gold Brooch 4 to 0 0 Coral Onal and Emcr Id Brooches 4 to 5000 Mosaic Jet Lava and Florentine 4 to 4000 tttli forma Diamond Breat Pin 3 to 000 GjM Fob and Vct Watch Ky 3 te 000 Feb and Vcw Ribbon Slides 3 to 000 Gold Th-mbles Pencils etc 4 to 10800 Miniature Locke's 3 to 3000 Gold Toothpicks Crosses etc to 6000 Plain Gold Ring 4 -0 Gold Rngs 4 to 10 Stone St and Signet Rings to 10000 Ca'i'ornia Diamond Ring 2 to 7500 Sets Jewelry Jet Gold 5 to 600 -Set Ladies' Camo Pearl Opal and other stona4to 10000 Gold Pn Silver Extension Pncila 4 to 6000 Gold-Peas and Gold Extension aia Holdera 16 to 5010 Gilt and Jet Buckles 5 to 5000 Ladies t- ill and Jet jluir Bara and Bails 5 to And other Article of Jewelry nV 4 A Qd-i Aittnfirturri1 1 No 838 Greenwich Street New- York ann-unce that all ot the above list of good will bsld for JneDollsresch cor eunce ef the great' stagnation of trad ia the rnsnufacturingdistrict of England through the war having cut off the suoply of cotton a large quantity of valuable JeWelrv origi-nII iol ended for haEngl iah-- ar ket-4tae--4een iQ market and MUST BE bOLD AT ANY Cerificates of th various articles are first put into envelope sealed up end mixed and when ordered are taken out without regard to chr ice and et by maib thus giving all a fair chance Vo the tf certificate yon will let what you are to hae and thvn it at Vour op ton to send tbe dolfer nd take the article cr net Purchiteers may thus obtsin a Gold Watch Dia-mond Ring-or anv Set ol" Jewelry on 0 nr list for ONE DOLLAR 820 to 2158 60 25 40 150 170 Send 25een'a for roitlffent for gl5 in every regiment town eoUBty fbe country and tlse attmg a Such will be allowed ton cents on thSJe them provided mo' otto dollar Agents Mmif 5 cento ter evprfcr'vifesto and tomr 5 CtS or postage NoJettort teken from the ofZcp uula post Jt li yV CHARTS A CO Trincipal ngento A 881 Greenwich 'Street Now York Paeers toertieg tbit advertisement tlx time vrttl be entitled fiftyytrtificstee u- i I I 1 1 1 1 Tbe orphaned children lonely kus-bands and bereaved fathers mothers -brothers sisters and friends will aopn be forgotten Generous symja thy personal and real will be accorded Jfojb four nxi ri an ma erotrrpopTajtv i scemdji ill in a xnejtsjre raake np witht the laid of 'X' v- la2-) i --fc vi 0 many people pfjheho)ejonleda TSn Vva oiaaaQtaAo 4n on bathekaUteitatesargwishSfelor -re-tri-v tv the-terriblc Tosses of tliiaF villa -adjoining country so far money provisions' and othcr 'propertv c6n -I Ai i do wo tj j-- We ball the a tUatioti uf our reader to the address Committee ap pointed to procure aid in another cel- tnnn Theirrst Atm1 is to alleviate tv a the dtreea tnrtivor who art with AW I fMAOtia AW AW A 9 a 31' ont means or homes ar secondly to aia those who have lost properly in proportion to their loss that they may aa fast as posriblo rebuild tbeir homes and places of business tort-c3JatOTt- pact- A- SOJlEXZBYj ldltOf WEDNESDAY 12 1805 tAi-l'fs -31 ATHEn Co I t3Broadwaf'' Netr York City Ar uthoTizd'Ageats for th North Wester Times c- 3 'Articles of: Advertisements net handed 1 in as soon as SI OH DAT of each Week cannot appear ia them-t nntil thefoMowlng week wwig-J7 i -y '1 v7rt A' consequence pf the loss of our 'i 5 i 4 i I building and of great damage tothe basement stoiy containing our Prints rinj material and to the printing office 'itelfu we aro compelled to issue a baf sheet last week ajiid-to jave out lom idvsrjlsemcnts' The whirlwind took1 0-4 -e ipossersion also of nearly all of number twenty-six of volumt ten if nattering them to he yjijds in consequence wbieb most of ouy subscribers will re-! caive juo paper foribai week we Kavq sent one to each office Where a bun -I die is usually sent ad that that class of onr subscribers can read It at the post offices iloat icfor atibscribers I where but-cAfegoet to ap office will be oblig ed td do Without that ho and we will make it up io rrpubiisl ing -the balance of the original story and such other natter amny still bc inter estmg to our renders -r- The whirlwind has stripped us ef about 83000 worth of properly and it will not-be necessary for us 'to name our great necessity to all our patrons Who Irc'ih arrears but once we believe to ccure payment We are printwg under a rottgb board abed to cover our heads not anylhouse hold furniture to keep hdnso with if we had a house Ourf village lots ahda piUaf rubb sh ia all we have except what? we hare due ns And our neighbors who would assist us are in a similar fix will be improved this Fall-by inserting in place of ad Vertiirmenta on the fourth page Air AORICULTL'IUI ASD MfCnAlflCAL to the extent of three or four columns weekly which will be equal in 'amount and value to Dollar for Mechanics and Pltrmeri aud tbo priooof the will not bo raised but still remain at 4- $2 per year A Revised list of tlje killed and Wound -edb- the 4 iroqaa Tornado Mrs Barstow Phineas Drake sr Mrs Sally Drake jr Miss Lydia Gillett Jennie Wceden three years old Mrs Dr Mrs 3Ioont Mrs W-S White Mrs George Goode the children Svere Eliza Derby Hobart Cooke Jane Shaner children of -V Jf -11 James Sands and one child of Nelson Rlioade vWOtrNHEP -'xw- 1 Cs -J J'-V-- i v-' Mrs Gardner Dr 4 Mif James Hiley a Norwegian girl at John Heunett Mrs Joseph Buckley Dr I Deu Mrs Peter liar Mrs Davis and child JUrs John Dawson Eq TLimilv Esq" Mr Moses Decker and the teacher at the Greene School House constitute the severely wounded wijh the exception of some of the children wounded at the Green School House 1 a lVyPl Will give a new list of property destroyed and its owners next -week 8z3? wib to oall tke attention of our rcaclej to the lit of 'donations i 'i 14 the inhering in the do- in another column' f'5 La lTr partfoukr has' sent a noble Long may that wijfa- wake citr live and prpeh i 5 ft p3 We owe kpolngv to the of iho La Crosaq Democrat for using a-part-of his aocounl of The'tor-nado and In the of tiie cir- lb ed the for a 85 to In of us at tie fa of no no ri i I1 ft rta-- July issonnd ana in terra ting as usual It is a very exeelk-nt No bat the whirl-wind'cammiahdrwbTHHht give It as complete a notice asfvre would -jet -La Cross RepubU urlrin cere thanks are due tho editor and pro prietor of the La Crosse Republican JUsewwwywawwy cCers-of- assistanss-in 4 4 bhr' whirlwind advemtyv' pTIa thfCpnblished sttt CziC cf the committee of the receipts tf tibli fy and goods for the relief of ferert bytha tprnadonb contributions from Teraon county are givenllbnt Vernon contributions willbe putHchtd as soon as any of to wns -have com jbwu imij iuv-fcWWd -pitted v-: The weathepha changel from very rainy daring the tnohtb pasVto' very pleasant except the beat I nr i 1- HI Handreds font's uq to pout into Yl roqua toVistbf tha whirlwind efttyo' three weeks wo will be but joftbo whirl enough to xnaktf a goodspeft" again Tornado' Havioe piirehuei ef XI StAxahls Tj- 1 1 -'i 'jttot i Wss-v S- a I AMBKOTIPEAliD fHOTOSKria -T i 1 requa 4 we are prepared to ftXth TXQTOOSAHHIC TISW3 tbt T-if i I JERItlBtE TORNADOS So 8 that visited ViroquAoa the 2Sth of June 188 kinds of Photographs aoJ Am-brOtypeaifcthg'XoMest fisA Pries7u 1 F3 1 Viroqo'July II3F 3 A fd 7 a -naiww? Great Sal of AV atch i Chaol- Di mondv Bings cv Oa Mil'ion worth to be disposed of at oue dollar each wjthimt regard to to value 4 NoCto be id for until Vou know what' you are to i ftjr r' 1 Splendid List ef Articles 1 -All to be 8oId for one Dollaf Hachr goU hunting-rae watches )f0 to ICO 25 Ladies Gold and Enamelled birat X' iageasewotebos 35 to 70 500 Gem? hunting cse SU reAWstchs5 to 1t tOO Diamond Ring 80 to 10t) 591 Gold vest and nercbiias 4 to SO fOoo Gold ovI band BrsccJets'1 4 to 8 £000 Jst and Go id Bracelets 4 to 2000 hardline chains Guard chains-8 to 7909 So tire and Gold Brooches 4 to' 300 Coral Opal Emerald Brooches 4 to 500 Gold Cameo a Pearl Ear Drora 4 to £009 Meaaie Jet Lava and Florentine Ear dto 7590 Coral Opal A Emerald ur drops 4 te 4000 Calirernia diamond brcaat-pins 2 80 to SO lO Cold Fob and veat waWh keys 50 to 4000 Fob and Vest Ribori-stidee 8 to £000 sets Soltsire buttons tud AC I le 4asssisi MSS4SS' X00O Gold Thimbles psnsils AC 4 to 1000 Mtntatore Lcckef 8 60 to 4009 Miniature Lockets magic spring 10 to 1 3000 Geld Crosses AC' te 5000 Plain Gold Rings 1 te 10000 Stone get and Signet Rings 60 to- 10000 Cali ornin Diamond Rings 8 to 7500 sets Ladia jet a gold- 6 to 000 seta Ladies Jewelry Cameo Pearl Opal and other atones 4 to 10000 Gold Pena Hi Ivor Extension hodder and pencils 4 la 19(00 Gold and fold mounted holders 6 to I000 Gold Pens a ad Gold -Extension holders 16 to 8 6000 Gilt and 'Jet buckles 6 to il 6000 Gilt and Jet Hair liars 'Balls ltd 10 6000 Silver goblets pad Drinkjageup 6 to 6tt 8009 Silver 'Casors IS to 6S 8000 Silber FruW Card Cake bask- etg 30 to 60 Per ddx 6000 dozen Stiver -Tea Spoons 38 to to la000 dozen Silver Table Spnona and Ferka a SB to -48 Axkaxdalk A Co Manufacturers A cents No ItJ Broadway New York anneuncee that sit of the above list of goods will ba told or One Dot ler Each to consequence of the great stagnation of trade the tnanufacbtbring districts of England thro nxh ihe War having cnt off the Supply of cotton a largr' quantity of valuable Jewelry originally intended tor the English market ba been sent off for Bale in this country and must be sold at any sacrifice Under these Circumstances ArraodoU Cbacting-as agents for the principal European manufactures nave resolved upoha Great Gift Distribution subject to the following regulations: 7 Ceriiffcat of the various article are put into envelopes ealed up and mixed aud when order arc taken out without regard to choice ani raaiijlbus tiviog all a fair ehaoee Ou receipt of the certificute you will aee what you areto have anb tb-tfit is at youroptien to sand dollar and tbka the article or oofe Purcha-or may the obtain a Geld Watch! Diamond -Ring eranyiet of Jewelry as aur IDt for ana dollar 1 it Band 25 Can's for Certified "i 4 trtnactioaa by mait we shall charge for forwarding tha CeHificac paying ne-tage and doing the business 83 ceiit each- which mod be enclosed wa the Certifiea'e I snt for Five Certificates will be eent for eleven for 83 thirty for 5 aixty-five for 110 4 a hundred $15 1 Wa waul agents ia every segimeet town and oonaty ip the country) and thoaa acting such will ba allowed I eent on everycerti-ficata ordered for them provided tbeir remit tauce amounts leone dollar Agents will collect cent bv every Certificate and remit 16 cent us either in cash or postage tUmp i AKRANDaLE a CO 18m3 187 Broadway ale tin matter of th Eatat of Isaac Williams deceased 1 By virtue 0Faa 6rdr of lie enso issued eu the County Court of Vernon County aud to directed we will offer and expose to sale public vendue on Saturday the Jitb of Ah gust 1663 at one in the afternoon at house pf Thomas Buehanan in Springvilio said county all tho right and title and in-4fet which Isaac at the time hS decease of in to the following described nd premises to wit: the north wesARuamV-j north west quarter of fto I ''tth of -range west add the stuthv vrrter of the north east quaHep-ofTfeqtloa 3 township 13 north of range ro6 west Terms of sale sue kalf of down acJLtha remaining ond half oaths 5 th ly of Cstokeraext withJnt tercet to be secured by end wm 19 89 8 11 1 10 If 18 to v-r HlvOC M' t' 't NlllilKVITYm! TB2 GREAT 8TRBNGTHIHO Tbesc Cillers birr prrforned more td 1V Cores I JUAIBKa-B0J3ITE better U3I PEOPLE TO VOUCH FOB KtsJn THEil! Than cay other article in the Sii'S Market- Vs defy my Poe (0 cooiradict Ibii Alter- AXO TILL P4Y $1C0 To aav nn thJ produce Ceridcate pub-li'bed bv tnstis not ersvtxt qebman bit- 'aasai t'f TEES triitvitt cuax xtitrt cars or Chronic or Nt vous pelitityt Diseases of thf Kidneyt qiul Diseases 'arising from a Disordered Storiiath: Ossikva tux Symptom Resulting from -Disorder of the DU gestiveOrgans Consumption Inward Piles Funes of blood in the Head Acidity of the Stomach Nn-Set Heartburn Di-guat for Food Fullneas Weight iatlie BtomschourEructstiona Sinking or fluttering St the Pit of the Stomach Swimming of-tne-Hsad Hurried and Difficult Breathing at the Heart Choking Suiocating Mentations when 14 Iving reatUrn Dimness of Vision Dots or Wobsboforo tho SigbtForer nd Dull Pjn in tbo Head Defit Bwvvof PerspiratioB Tellowues of tbo Skin and Ejes Pain ixtbe Side Baca Cheat Limbs Ac Suddkn Flos host) Heat Burning in the Flash COastsnr imaginings of Eyil grpt Depress- lL5toX32hflM3i3333PtV' THAT THIS BITTERS JSXqTAL-cholic contains uh Rum or Whiskey and niakr Drunkards but is the fat Tenic in (Ac World I I Who Says so zf- From the Rev reek Pastnrof tbe Baptist Church Pemberton N- formerly of the north Bkptiat church Pbilaelphia i 0 o-wH'r-eWk I have ks4u German Vitter f-vorbly fora number o' years 1 hsve ued them In my fsmilt and havo been so pleased with their offecte that I waa indoced to tecommeud tkm to Bssf other aad know that they have operated la aetrikingly bes-ffcial manner 1 take great plea-uro ihu publicly proclaiming thia fact and estliag ho stteution of thoie f-fticted fith the disea e- tor which they are s-ec-matended to theeHittera knowing ft om ex perieace that'my recommendatio'i wiU bo us-is toed I do thi most cheerfully la le'cHded to benefit th afflicted and a rum ourtjru ly -LEVI jSLCS Frsm Rev Newton Brown Editor of the Encyclopedia Religious Knowledge and Chtialisn Chronicle Pbi'ade but Although Batdkpod to tavor or recommeud 'a ont diciaea ia general hrougb distrust of their ingredient and effects yet know or no sufficient ros jon wby a mn may not testify to the benefit bokelieve himself to tore received from any aistphr preparation ie tbo ho-w that he thus oontriboto ihe benefit oCothor do tbls more yediIy in regard to Oerxan CitWS prepared by Dr CM Jackson of this cityIeuo I wa prejsdiced against them for misy years Under the Imprewaloa that they wef chiefly an ah obolic mixjtnro I nta IndeMod td tfty rri ud Robit Sbogmsker Esq tor tho removal of this prejudice by proper tets aad for oneoura gomeai to ry them hen suffering from groat aad long continued 1 he ae ef three fottie of these bitter- at (be begin-aiugorthe presen'yesrws bllewejiby evdient relief sad reirtion to a degree orbodtly and mental vigor which I had net felt tor ix mouths before and had s1most despaired of regaining I tbcrbtor bknk God aad my friend for directing mo (house ef them JNEWrON BROiVN Philadelphia From tbs Rov Jot If KiostH Paator of tho 10th Haptiat Church -Dr Jaekac a I have bson fro queatlv requested te eoanset mv name w'tb comjgneodatiobs of different kinds of mediclBO but regarding the practices out of mv appro pruto apbero 1 hare in sit esses declined but with a clear proof ia various instanras sad particular! iu my familv of the uaefuinessot Dr IlooftaadV Gorman Bitter- I uopart for onae from mv a sal express my full con-victieo th-1 for gmorul debility of thetysftm and ttptrinlfy for Livae Complaint it it a taftand taluailt preparation In some ca-es it msv i but usually I doH not it will bo very bexefi rial to thuo who uffer from the above cause Yours most re-p-t tfelly II KENNa KJ Eighth below Coates Stioet Philadelphia From Rev Warrea Randolph Pastor of Baptist Church Gcrmsa own Pennavivanift Dr Jackson Sir Persoasl experience enable me to Say that I regard the Bitter prepared by to as- a most excellent mdi-cins In eases of tivara cold and geeoral debility 1 ha Tt been greatly benefited by the use of ib Bi'rt end doubt not they will product similar effect oa others Yours truly WARREN RANDOLPH Germantown ral- Fram Tiirner Pas'or Hedding Church Phtiudef pbia Dr Dar Sir German Bitters ia my faintly frequently eur in to ay that ft has been of great erviee believe that most cases of general of ilie systeio it i surest end most valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge ours respectfully tl TURNER No 728 Nineteenth street Fiom the TfevJ Lyon lormerly Pa-tor of the fembus (N Jj and dileatown fPal Baptist Churcbe Ntw RoCBStliLK Jakaoo Dear Sir I feel it a pleasure thus ef my own accord to bear tea ti-nony to tbe excellence tbe German Hitters Some years since bring much afflicted wih Dy pepie I sed them verv beneficial result hae otton recommendeit tbm to persona fm-bled by that torraenting disease ve beard from them the nod flattering testimonial as to their great value In cases of general debility believe it te be a tonic ibt cannot be surpass e-t J- LYONS From the Rer Thos Winter Pastor of Roxbor ougb Baptist Church Dr -f) ir I feel it- to your excel lest prepare tion Qoofland German Bitter add my tettimonyXo the deserved reputation hat obtained have tor year' at time- been troubled with gteatdisorder in myhead and ner voaa yttmi I was advised bv friend to try nbqjtle of year German I did and have experienced great and unexpected relief tny health hat been very materially benefited confidently reemmend tbe article where I meet jspHb eases similar to ry own and have been tured by many of tbeir good effects Rpectfully yours WINTER Roxboreugh Pa Froat-the Herman of Che German Ke for m-- Ct-nreh Kortzt va Berks County Pa Dr Jack an Reepee'ed Sir I hare tea troubled with Dyspep-ia nearly twenty year and have nkver seed sny medicine that did me aa much good as Bitters I am very much improved in health after having taken fee bottl Yur with reject S' HERMAN Large Size IhoIdiHg nearly ooubln quantify) 6 00 per half doz 5 00 -Saall £izo-75 cento per half doz $4 00 CBVAUE ok counterfeits See that the' immature of UCM JACKbON" is the WRAPPER of each battle tot have the ar tide do not bo put off by any tbe intoxicating preparation that May be off -red in Ua place but snd to us and wo will forward securely paeked by exp vea Principal Office aad Manufactory 6-81 Arch Street PiUdvIrl)ia- i a EVANS Strcessora to 11- Jackson fc Co ePlapriofeM For file-by Dre-5f si Dealers in evey IvwR te xi3 C'ite Ziuii i 3 6 5 8 4 3 5 i rsrsofi The X2adder Kidney Gravel nf pnpsicdJhsftthuni This eeielBs laerette the pewsv of dixtioa aa xettse the absorbsata we healty action which thn WATaajar sAMtseoi dcfoaitinns ot v-V-- A A- XJt cmAflTCuciiu Mh! i-e Fee wvakassa mllstsjrfrnm Htbitn Of Early Indiserntioa or Abus with tho LUowiaf aymptoias Indupontioa to xxUoatou Fowpr Lvef Dtaicuify ofBrectMa WokiVrr 5 Tiotoblin FTcnof of Disease Wiksfoino-v sa i Disam of Vision' Paia iu tbo Back MctlUodr Flasbiaa tbo Body yooss of the Sit fft Eruption cm the Fare Cnlvsrsal Lsaaitade of Halid Couatnaaacs Bjsu sv 4 These nyaptmns If allowed ea which tbis'medicins lavartcSly removes oeoa follovr 1MPOTXNCT VATCITT riLKPTIO Fit la one which the pailaut may expire- Who Can sap thovsre not fHhtlrUtly followed bj tboao diroful dUcuea'' a -s utfxamr avo cons'njiPTibif Waoy are oWaro of the sauas a thefr offer icj hot aaae will confess the record of the lylums and ths xntlancholy doatba by 'ion bpsr ampio witness to the truth oCthoaasostioo CONtTlXUIIOlt CJCX fAFcrl 'T Vj oROAvie aAfttrE Rsqulrs tha aid ef medicine to trencttuo Bud nTittcrats tbs evt'era which' ELli BOLD'S EXtBACT BCCHU invariably doaa A trial wilicoavioca the meat akeptioal 7 't fc rtiuLks 1 nuAuql pswals! OLD OaXfOCNa MARRIED OR TEMPLATfSO MARRIAGE Tnlnar feectionA peculiar to Femalsa tba 'leant DiteVn le wwaerwala4 dlhw Atkn 9r Extract Bnehuit unemaled by tny ether reuiei ia or Ret SP5ES lva or I I'or ail complaints incident to the aexvrbe)ber sri By a in Chiorosia Pa infill ntsa or uationsUUers DtW-uA Lencershes or White Sterility and ilorosia of Retaution I rre-u ferities or Supprtrf-cn ef CusteaiaryKvae-erated or Xmrrbona state of tho ainr fTm iilicratica Aabits of Dissipation' ff-faGHZ ii BxcLRffCF cuaxoe oFttysv Boo symptoms above F9 FAkUlf oroulw aswiTncifiT tT -1 Taka ne Balaam Mercury ok UBpteannt if(j sine for unpleasant aad dangarous dlaeasae SBLMXOtn XXtAiCTRtrCRftcnAX8 f-- AKCnST 7 Ia si! their stage at Expenso little nr no chabe of Diet so incoateniesca AM) SO AXlOSU RE It causes frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate thereby removing obstructions and curing strictures of tbo orethrs and allaying ioSsmniatio'd firoquent ia this class ot dinaes nd vpatliny- POISONOUS1 -DISEASED A4B WORN OUXAfA lTER -Thouvaads upon tiwUsaada who hyvy been tke VICTIM OF QUACKS and rkWs paid liCtVY FEESta cured in a-ftboit time hsva Jymt they were deceived and that the a by the u-e ef erfiil been dried up In ihs 311410 ta brack out in a aggravsted form end ptnHAPSArrxa markiaox" V-J jT CSX JIXtM80LR KXTRACTBCCnt? For 11 tfiectlou and diseases ef tbs Urinary Organs whathsr evicting 7 JIALX OR rXMALk From whatever cauat orfghntixg and no matter bow long standing Diseases of these Orgnqs rSquiraha aidef a Diurcticr KXtKtCT BOHU IS TRX ORKAT pIURf TIC' AKD if 19 CCRTAIR TO HATS TRX lit AlL blit at ton which IT 14 BXCOMUkXBXD i blood 1 blood! Blood 19 CKB ATB com rw urn TLCtD BXTRACT BARS AT tEILLA 0 (TFRItlil Tbis ls an affoction of tbo blood and attacks Jho sexual organs lining of the nose ears wkad pipe sad: other mueus surfaces making it appearance iu the form Extract Parsanarill bl jod and removes all sctly erup tkin giving to tbe complexion a clear a a ealtby color It being pxeptred exprooa'vTor this elaasof complaints its blood purilyina properities sra preset red to a greater extent than say other preparation Sarsaparilla 0 BRLMBOLDS ROSB A8H en excellent lotion for disease of tho sy philitic nature sad ss so Irjactien in disease of the urinate organa arising from habits of dissipa tion used in connection with the Extracts Ru-chu andSsrsspsrills in such diseases as recommended Evident of the mbst responsible and reliable character will accompany the mad icinee CERTIFICATES OF CURBS FRok 3 to 20 years btakdixq' with NAMES KNOWN TO SCIENCE AND FAMsi For Hedies 1 Froperties ofBuchu SEE DI8JKN8ATKT OF TUB DNITRD 8TATt! See Prof DE'VERS valuable werks on the Practice of Fhysic Nee remarks made by tbe late ielqbrsted Dr PHYSIO or Philadelphia See remark made by Dr EPHRAIM MoDOW ELL a celnb'aled Pbyaicisa and member tbo Riyal College nf Bttrgecos Ireland and published in- tbo transactions ef the King and Jaunul -See Medioo-Chirutlcal Review published by BENJAMIN TRAVERS Fellow of thoRcyai Cotlegoof Surgeons See most of tbo Isle SUudard works 6b Medl Cine I Describe symptems fu all comiuuniea'toai Cssegusrsnted Advice gratis i mmmmm tyv-1 a 1 v- A I A i'T' Personally-appeared betore me an A Idem in' of tbe city of PiiilsdelpbiaH Hetmboidwhe being duly sworn doth say his prepsrstioncon tins no narcotic no mercurv or other injuiious drugs but is purely vegetable HELMlfOLD Sworn aad subscribed before me this 23d day ef Novembsr 1864 Wm HIBBARD Alderman- '9ib Street bo ve Race street Philadelphia Address Utters for informal ioa ia cantdeacote HOLM BOLD Chemist i i FRINCIFA DRF0T8 BKUlButD 8 DRC8 A CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE -634 BROADWAT T- OR IIUTOLD3 MEDICAL DEPOT 101 Pouib TENTH Street Phila-UIpkia' BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS A ED VNFRINCI-FLBDDEAUtR8WH0 BSDEAVtiR TO Dispose of and articles by the attained by HLMrOLD Genuine Frcparstien Genuine Extract Bur ba LTLt? Genuine Ex-tract NAreapa ilia Genuine 1m-proved Rose wssb Fuld bv all Drvit every wberef Atifor IILLMECLL3 no other Cut out tie advertises) rst sod send for i r-y 1 I to I a en srBSFRf PTMSS 1835 The htv perfected a sy-fem of mXiltoe wbch hy can avsppiy the Lj acazixv and keklT promptly tlwe wh prefer to receive dirc'iy from she Cffi of Pabtiration Po- tm Jem and other dei on Of getting up In'- Will be Mipjihed with b-md-omt pictoral Show-bill osupfitbstif-i Tbo po'geon iaapr-R VVkklt Is 20 rents a year which must paid at the mbecriber'r post-bffice Torm (Iarpfk's "'kkkj-v one year j4 1 An Extra Copy of either tbe rm 11a -Oazixf will be supplied (rat it for every Club of Fivr Stb-Ch buh at 1 Ott e-ich in one rtmit-tance or Sie Copies fer Zr "0 Back Humbert can be snrplied at sny 'ime The Annua' Wcmr In seat cloihbirine' il -be rent by exp tt-r ol expn lor ch A complete Set comprising Eight- Volumes -on on i c-ipt cash at the re of 84 60 e- rl freight at ex-potut of purchaser A res IJaKPER A BltOT lFRd 48tf Fxaxxlix Niv Yl i ori liesl JBxfainrit work of Ibe kind in lh Hew Monthly Magazine Critical Xotices of the Pres It Is the foremost Magiine of the oay The fireside never had a more d-liiih'Ful copaninu nor the million a more ecterpu-ing fie i than MagiztoO Methodist Protestant (Baltimore) Tho mot popular Monthly in the Wt-rld Hew fork Observer We must refer in terras of eulogy to the tone and varied excellencec Maoa jounal with mm hly ccuUton of about 17" 008 roriev-in whose paee ve to be found some of the vhoiceat light and nerai reading of the -Vo vpeak of thi work no evidence of tbe American and the popular rty it has acquired is merited Each Sura bet contains fullv 144 page of red ng mattor ai propria irlv illust- ated wi good wod cut- nd it combines in i'self the racy monih)v ucd tbe more tfuarte! b'enJe: tviin the best feature of tbe dstlv journal I bs great poa-ei in 'he dfe-eminaMoo of lor of pure literature Guide to American Lit-eratvre London Th volume bound constitute of tbems-irel a lib-ary of miscellsneou read in- such as sen not be found in the -sme enmpas in any other pb hestion tha ha coma under our Boston Courier SUBvCIUPTlOIVS 1865 The Publisher bare perfected a ytem mailing by wh hbev can supply the Magaz and v' kxxtT promptly to those who pr'er to i e-cei their periodicals directly fiom the office ot Publication Thepostaeeon Magazine i 24 cs a year which must be paid at the eubecriber' post office -W Magazixk -b- yet J4 An Extra Copy ef either Ma ga zinb vr will betuplied for ever Cjb of five Sce aeiuBKBS at 4 hi tach ia one remit tiine or Si 80 KI-KIT Copter for J2 OO BckX Numbers caw be -uplied at tuv time A Comptei -xei now Twnt nine Volumes ia neat cloJfi bfrf jng will b- -nt bv expref freight at exp ei urcl- mi or82-25 per Tolum Single volumes by rraI postpaid $3 OO Clr ca e- or biudicc 5 re-t- bv mail Addras HARPER A i ROT11ERS 47tf Franklin Square Nr Y'-rk th Phrenological Journal LIFE ILLUSTRATED WELLS Editor is devoted to subject connected with the Science of Man in ids relatione Physical Mental and Spi itunl in the departments 'of-' Ehflohiqy Physiology Phrrn dory Phytignomy ond Psycho! -ry 'embracing our social sn'eHeetoal and rtiigjotis nature inclndins tha tildcatio! training of ch the of ih in the management offn-K-urrs tite -better rcpnliifion of cnraclvee: and of eon ni itj Portrait with biorapliiod -ketches of re-' markahto men ilhi of nff rent races the temp-ramCnts of cltorac-terM as revealed through the head face feet surds walk talk inc-liiding eyes mouth lip chin nose etc will be given' as manifested throrgh orgunizi tion in its icl tion to tbi- life and the life to' come and how tri increase the light of nur Inner and to elevate man to the pi tion hia Creator intend him to fill subjects on which our sciences thrw a fio'd of light and our leader shall have the benefit of its teachings Other Interest Afh 1 as pew invention agriculture -commerce mtdianisui' science art knd 'literature will be considered IV feel it a dutv td participate in and co-operate with all the cheat movement for the femanci-pation of 1 from' error- Ignorance sin- want intemperance and 'spiritual 5 darkness Our work embraces all mankind and all interests-r: Will you join-ri -c- iA New Yolurntf the 39th cemented Tan! Ury j8Q5 publo-hed moj'thlyin a beautiful quarto at 2 0 year Clubs of fire or more supplied al 1 £0 each Sample numbers 20 cents Please ad Ireas FOWLER WELLS 889 Broadway New York MARBLE Works 4 i bu apTEojrra m-re- -Dbalkr- io- American a1! A Foreign Marble 3 S( fNearl Harrington House) La Crosse Kif Would inform tbo doze tm jf Xwrtinn ifigt lie La reco nly oNnmi is Mar lie IVorks Hi La Ck psb anti ia pre- pared to fill all uritors fr vcrv varie ty Monument)' Head Stones Tomb Tops Table Tops Ac' Ac He Will US? DOD-vhlll of MaRBLB from Ital7 anti the Celebrated nUTLIMI (Ft) -r iS- Helng a practiced workman 'and of -long experivticw in ihs Ibioi is confi dent of bw aUIity to suit ail- and WiIt feel! as lo "I -T Anv Establisliment -4 West of the Lakes hi '-ntw ill liwkr regular irij" throurli Vrrnfi giving vai! a to pttre' ae 15 DUDLEY LCrDis spt 20 183 40tL 1 Ef)TK ABTaea a ho FTovrxsrjro TbeHOME MAGAZINE for 1865 wl Le enlarged and improved' and mada still more worthy of tho eminent favor with hie5 it has been received It character as a HIGH-TONED PKRIODICALvf clMiiiiiugjiublic Lttor on the ground of Teal- TwriivwiSl lc carefullv maintxined while for itl-rrstj ttwqfufug and all the atinc Kn -fdititi'tir rtrt essefitiaf to 'a trtif Hcmb -M AGiziHR ti puidiViers will ain to make ii' SUPERIOR TO A LL OTH EllS A hntbbV Enbaviko akd two packs or every number citojee piemr groups' and chirsslSre fHVulitg fashions and a large of pamfn tor frv etc Ij respects We shall giv A EIBST-OLASS MAG1ZINE a price within he reacs of every intelH gent farrilviu the lanrf A mw etorv bv S' ARTHUR win be commenced in the Jahttarc number Tie ably -I skms in-Advakce One co- py $250 three copies: $6i0 five ee -iesr aad one lo getter-up of time copies aud ono to gotier-np of- 5 XiATF Aleautiful PREMIUM ns ia en le i i I IN FA A PEA Hi will mailed i a i iribrs It who-tends ns a crub of 'it A subsen- iI e)o te mnltea to ay tier from sl'om we re--1 fr vVm-60'-- eol? -cuf it hfz ARTauit co riildlPttt- curjRtanoca-'surroundinj us lirn forgltimf tO git 3ae ertdit 8.

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