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Vernon County Censor from Viroqua, Wisconsin • 2

Viroqua, Wisconsin
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LFUAI NOTICFS fERNON County Censor OVERSTOCKED TH WEDNESDAY 4 UNIT 20th 1883 eptern Tlieel Scraper Co UBERB OF" 11 The Only Practical Durable Wheeled Scrapers Besl thing in tho World for Grading Railroads Levees Public Roads -BY Thoir Doubt Bottomed All 8t! Drag Sorapar A Railroad A Town Ship Plow BEATS ALL OTHERS RAYNER SON HENRY CASSON Jr Editor Terms of Subscrl vtion Ana year in advance $100 It paid within the yeai 150 If not paid within the year 200 Six months 50 General Crook has at last been definitely heard from In a fish with a large band of Apaches in Sierra Madre mountains his com- mand routed them and captured 383 'prisoners including six Chiefs The troups suffered no carful ties When last heard frojn forces were in camp in Arizona sixty miles south of Tombstone Is JPlace to GROCERIES WESTERN WHEEL SCRAPER BOOTS Satisfaction Guaranteed Send for CATALOGUES to CO fnt Pleasant Iowa ax 1 'jT' KK :4 AT LOWEST Thoroughly First CLass Ever Instrument Warranted ForStanding ttTuNE Has No Equal 'Upright Square Pianos MANUFACTURED FOR THE FAST 25 YEARS Send For Tllustrateo Catalogue Address The Marshall Piano forte a A our lSHOES CASH PHIOJES THEIR SEASON GROVES DULA-TJER IN Pianos Organs SEWING MACHINES Sheet Music and all Kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Organs sold on time or monthly payments Estey Organs a Specialty All goods warranted Correspondence solicited fail to get iny prices before buying I will furnish you a first-class organ for leas money than you can get it any place else Address Groves Viroqna Wis -ALSO- CONFECTIONERY AND FRUITS Jty Si SI: Ur 4 -M NT ts -c I OF ALL KINDS IN Estey Style SSI mmumuM Quaker city CLOTHING Tate has Just Received a Full Line of AND FIFTEEN DIFFERENT STYLES For Boys from 5 to 1 5 Years imm FR0I S3 TO A TT ew andlGoods First Class WJfcl 7MT A7WTT-B A rwnTTT-By the FJcnrscTzon Sheriffs Sale State of Wisconsin Circuit Court LaCrossc County II A Sons Manufacturing Company against Otis Warner Thomas Eagca and II Dennison By virtue of a Plurics writ of execution to me directed and delivered duly issued out of the Circuit Court for the county ot LaCrosse iriseinsinou the 23rd day of March 1883 on a judgement duly rendered and doekeled In said court in favor of II A Pitts Manufacturing Compuny and against OtisWarner Thomas Eagen and II Dennison I have siezed and levied upon all tbe right title and interest which the defendant II Dennison had on the 8th day ot June 1877 or has since acquired in and to the following real estate situated lying and being in Vernon County Wis consin to-wit The south east quartet of the south west quarter The north eastquur ter of the south west quarter' and the north west quarter of the south east quarter all in Section Five (5) Township lidrtcen (13) north Range Five (5) west and I will ex pose at public sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder ail the foregoing described real estate and all the right title and interest of said defendants therein as aforesaid or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said executions and sub sequent costs at the front door oi tbe Court House in the village of Viroqua iq said county of Vernon on Tuesday the 2flth day of May 1883 at 1 in the afternoon on that day Dated April 10th 1883 11 POLLARD Sheriff ot Vernon County Wing and Prentiss and Butt A Graves Attorneys The above sale is postponed till June 19 1883 2 in 8 Pollard Sheriff of Vernon County VERNON COUNTY 1 Town OF VinoqUA To Samuel Peters Yon are hereby notified that a warrant of At tachment has been issued against yon and your property attached to satisfy ths demand of James ills amounting to 314746 Now nnless yon shall appear before JT Newel) a Justice of the I Peace in and for said county at his offlee in said town on toe 2nd day of June 1883 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon Judgment will be rendered against yoa andyoar properly sold to pay the debt Dated this 11th day of May 1883 JAMES MILLS Plaintiff VERNON COUNTY! tow or vuioqoA In Justice's Court To 8amnel Fetors Yon are hereby notified that a Warrant of At I tachment has been issued against yon and your property attached to satisfy the demand of Earl Rogers Samnel Henry and Williams amounting to $8609 Now unless yon shall appear beforep A Roberts a Justice of the Peace I in andf or said county at his offlee In Viroqna on thewist day of May A 1883 at 9 In I the forenoon judgment will be rendered against yon and yonr property sold to pay the debt Dated this 16th day of May A 1SH3 EAKL KOOKKS SAMUKL HKNKY I) WILLIAMS tSl Plaintiffs VERNON COUNTY I row or visoquA I To Samnel Peters You are hereby notified that a Warrant of At- I tachment hae been issued against yon and yonr I property 'attached to satisfy the demand of Earl i Rogers and Samnel Henry amounting to 313363 Now unless yon shall apiiear before A Roberts a Justice of the Peace and for said eounty at his offlee in Viroqua on the Slut day I of May A 1883 at nine o'clock In the forenoon i judgment will be rendered against yon and yonr I property sold to pay the debt EARL HOMEBSt SAMUKL HENRY Plaintiff Probate Notice Notice to creditors Vernon County Conrt In In tlte ter of the estate of Hans Carlson deceased Letters of administration with the will annexed on said estate baring been ff ranted to Stephen I Stephenson and six months from and after the 7th day of May A 1883 being allowed for creditors to present their claims against said ie eased for examination and allowance: Xoticeis hereby given that the said Connty Tuesday theith day of December 1883 at the Probate Office la the village of Virol qna receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the said Hans Carlson deceased Dated May 7th 1883 BUTT County Judge (First Publication ay 9th 1883 Foreclosure Sale State of Wiaconaln Circuit Court Vernon Conn- Sylvester PUluiiffa I against Hitehoock and Al Hitchcock hU wife Lebbens Mnffley and wife defendants By rirtne of Jodgninant Of foreciusuro and sal rendered In the above entitled action by tbe said Circuit Court on the 38th day of April 1882 I Pbli0 wiU eegl front door of the Cout House In the village of Viroqna aiil flAnntw An il 4 said Connty on Saturday the 80th day oi" June I83! in toe afternoon the following desciibed tog and being situate In Vernon eonntTWiseonsto The east half of the south-west qnarter of the 1 ronth cart qnarter and the north east qnarter of I ln rotioo township 14 north range 3 west I Dated May 4th 1883 8 POLLARD tt i Sheriff Vernon County Hazel ton Previa Plaintiff's Atfy BoacobeLWis First Publication May 9th 18i3J Foreclosure Sale State of Wisconsin Circuit Court Vernon conn- I William Michelet against Anna Goldberg and Peter Goldberg her husband By virtne of a judgement of foreclosure and sate rendered byaaid Circuit Court on toe Mth day I of April 1883 In toe above entitled action I Will offer tor sale at pablie vendue and will seU to tha highest bidder tor caah at toe front door of toe CourtHonso in toe village of Viroqua to said county on Saturday the SUto day of June 1883 at I ten to the forenoon of that day toe mortgaged premises to-wit: Port of tbe sooth east qnarter of toe south we-t qnarter of section twenty two and aU that part of toe north half of tha north west quar ter of section twenty seven which lies east of toe center of lbs Highway across said land known as the Black River road Also ths east half of ths south east quarter of the north oast quarter of See Hon four 4 all in Township towtoen -14 north Range four 4 west to thooonnty of Vernon and State of Wisconsin Dated Viroqna May 2nd 1883 8 POLLARD Sheriff Vernon Ooanty Butt ft Graves Attars First Publication May 9th 1883 Foreclosure Sle State of Wisconsin Circuit Conrt Vernon Henry Tata against A ante Eagan Thos Esgen her hatband end stechel Brundage By virtue of a Jndgment of forecloanre and sale i rendered by said Circuit oonrt on the 28th day of I April 1883 In the above entitled action-1 will offer tor tale at pablie vendne and will sell to too high-set bidder for cash at the front door of the Conrt Honso in too village of Viroqna in said county I on Wednesday the 95th day of Jnly 1883 at ton o'clock to too forenoon ef that day too following described mortgaged premises to-wit: AU that piece or panel of land remaining unsold to lot or fraction No three -S- quarter of section four -4- to township thirteen -is- north i Range seven -7- west to-wit: Commencing at a I stone midway between two springs on too bank of the Mississippi River running east to to i line sf said fraction tbenoe north to ths north lino of said fraction thence west to toe west line of said fraction and from thence to the place of I beginning in toe county of Vernon and State of I Wisconsin Dated Viroqna May 2nd 1883 8 POLLARD Sheriff Vernon Ooanty Butt ft Graves AtCys (First Publication May 8th 1883) Foreclosure Sale The State of Wisconsia Circuit Court Vernon I Connty Mary Osborn plaintiff against Burr Baloom Linda Balcom hi wife Robert McCullough and Sarah Jane MeCnliongh hi wife de fendanta By virtu of a judgement of foreclosure and sale rendered to the above entitled action at a general term of the Circuit Conrt for LeCroeae county the asm being a special term for aaid Vernon county on the 8th day of May A 1883 I toe undersigned referee having been duly appointed by toe said conrt for this purpose will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder on tbe 33rd day of June 1883 et ten to tbe forenoon of that day at the front door of the Court House in tbe village of Viroqna to said Vernon eounty the mortgaged premises described to said judgment as follows to-wit: The north-east quarter -of the north-east quarter of section thirty-fire -35- township thirteen 13 north range three 3j west to Vernon ooanty Wisconsin Dated Hay Bth 1883 8 FIELD Bosk ft Wyman Referee Plaintiff 'e Attye Monk to loan in sums to suit rom 7 to 10 percent interest 1 Campbell Field Genet al Insurance Office Offlee over the Bank of Viroqua Rusk Wyman Representing the following companies viz: and Phoenix of Hartfoid Continental Uundmriters Niagara of New York Fire Association and Americau ot Philadelphia British America ol Canada Milwaukee Mechanics and North British Mercantile of London Total assets: 25000000 surpluses 15-000000 Secure full Indemnit agrinst fire and lightning ere the calamity overtake is the safest investmenl II Teowbbidoe Agent Viroqua Dec 6th 1881 REFRIGERATORS MustSsll Our Eats Espscially Our Straw and Manilla Assortment MOST COMPLETE! All Sizes! Prices RAX GIN From 5 cents to $4 You will show your gumption by examining and buying your Hats of us at Wholesale Prices We Must Sell this Immense Stock of Hats Two Invoices Amt to Ovor $800 Received Last Week! CLARKE BROS Land office at La Crosse Wis- June 11th 1883 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support cf his claim and that said-proof will he made before the clerk of the court at Viroqua Wis on July 21st 1883 viz Ann McCall widow of James McCall deceased homestead number 7406 for the of Section 19 Town 12 Range 3 west He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation oi said land vizi Theodore Boggs of Readstown' Wis Louis Anderson of Readstown Wis Robert Robertson of Readstown Wis Jennings of Readstown Wis A HUSHER Register Land office at La Crosse Wis- June 11th 1883 1 Notice is hereby given that the follow In g-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Clerk ot Court at Virodua Wis on July 21st 1883 viz John Glass Homestead number 7701 for the of self Section 25 Town 12 Range 4 west He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land viz: Wm Hutchinson cl Readstown Wis Benj Regers of Readstown Wis Wm Salmon ef Readstown Wisn John Hall oi Readstown Wis 5t A HUSIIER Register Saloof State Lands Stf at or Wisconsin Office of Commissioners of the Pnblic Lands Madison Wis Maj 21st 1883 Notice is hereby given that all and overflowed lands in Vernon Connty belong- ing to the State of iseonsin which have not heretofore been offered for sale will if not not previously pre-empted be offered for sale at public auction at the Capitol in Madison on tbe fourtn day of September A 1888 at 10 o'clock A and continued from da to day nntil all of aaid lands shall have been oflered All persona claiming the right of pre-emption to any of aaid lands are notified that such claim must be proven and such proofs deposited with theCommissionere of the Public Lands and the lands paid for at the rate of one dollar and twenty-fire cents per acre at least ten days prior to time fixed for the sale thereof as above specified ERNST TIMMK Secretary of State a McFKTRIDGK State Treasurer FRIgBY Attorney General Commissioners of the Pnblic Lands Land Office at La Crosse Wis Jane 1st 1883 follow his intention to make final prool in support oi his claim and that said proof will be made at this Office on July 11th 1883 viz: William Lucuss Homestead No 7827 for the oi 8 Section 32 Town 1 West 14 Range He names the following witnesses prove his eontinaoas residence upon and cultivation of laid land viz Daniel Jacobs John Kile RobL Sols-bury and Isaiah Butcher all of Valley Wisconsin FA HUSHER 24 5t Register siLAiam? id YIROQUA WIS Choice Oeef Pork Mutton Poultry SALT AND DRIED MEATS Fish Oysters and Came GBEE1V AND CANNED FRUITS CRACKERS AC All at Lowest Living Prices Price 1 Brewer HAVE Visited Sparta 4 Over 20 Years And have met with unparalleled in the treatment of suceesi Chronic Diseases OF THE THROAT LUNGS HEART STOHACH LITER Head nerves kldueya bladder womb and blood affections of the urinary organs gravel aerofoil rheumatism catarrh asthma bronchitis dyspap- Onr reputation has been acquired by candid honest dealing and yaen ef snocesafnl practice practice to not on of experiment bat ran ha laws of Nature with year of experience and evidence to snataia it Dot net tsar down make sick to make well: no hareh treatment no trifling no flattering Wa knew the eaoaeand ths remedy needed bo guess work bat knowledge gained by years of experieaee in the treatmant ef chronio diseases exclusively: without a proepeet Caadid in owr opinions reasonable in ear chargas claim not to know ovary-thing or cure everybody bat do lay data to reaaoa and common senes Wa invite the sick no matter what thoir ailment to call and investigate toftre they abandon hope make interrogations and decide for themselves it wiU east nothing as consultation is free Visits made regularly DRS PRICE BRET7ER eaa be consulted at ths RAILROAD HOUSE Krey oa Tuesday Jane 34 and at WARN HOUSE II 1333 Sparta Wednesday Jana IT and at TRXMOH HOUSE Yiroqua on Tbnraday Jane 88 YOU A7ANT A SUIT of CLOTHES Why for sweet pity's sake you GO WHERE THEY KEEP CLOTHING THAT WILL FIT YOU Our Stock larlade by The'Best Manufacturers In the Country and we have on hand The XSeat Selected Stock -OF- MENS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING Ever Exhibited in Vernon Connty Which we will sell at Prices that will Defy Com petition Men's Suits from $3 to 93C Suits from $2 to 92( Suits from 9150 to 910 Call Defore Sizes and Stock are Broken TOLLEFSON tt OlIUNDSON FRANK HIN3HALL PROPRIETOR Viroqua Dray Will attend to- hauling of every description on short notice Apparatus on hand for moving safes anc heavy articles and all goods carefully handled Baggage taken to and from depot FOR THE HAIR INDIAN WINBGAB IMPROVED i Those desiring the best hair dressing ever invented pleasa call bring your bottles and have them filled It will keep your hair from getting gray Try it and be convinced also practical hair dresser I make combings into tbe latest styles the lowest prices snch as switches eurls and puffs My motto is "Honesty Quick Sates and Small MRS WHITE Viroqua Wis Until he has triedit the advantages WEEKLY MAGAZINE like tele conamsEmr (Co nducted by Albion WV Tourgee) It gives tbe Best Literature end the Best Art once a week instead of once month and one-third more ot it every year than any monthly published at tbe same price: $4 a year 10 cents a copy- It makes MOST-ASTONISHING OFFERS To subscribers of which the following have ptoved the most popular: For $700 TIIE CONTINENT One Year and a complete set of Judge American Historical Novevs! Five handsome volumes comprising HA Errand and the Invisible Em-ni 520 pages illustrated $2 A Royal 527 pages Illustrated $2 without 521 pages frontispiece illustration $150 and (536 pages Garfield frontispiece $150) (300 pages $1) This is $800 worth of books ana a $4 magazine Value of pret $8-00 For $1000 THE CONTINENT One Year Volume I and II of THE CONTINENT both bound the three volumes of CONTINENT comprising: Helen Green Apple ($1) House That Jill ($1501 and Julian ($1225) all illustrated and the Five Volume! ot American His torical Novels 10 Volumes and 53 numbers of a Magazine Value of premium $1700 For $4 50 THE CONTINENT One Year and Judge Royal fully illustrated' -a Value of premium $200 These offers are made to be accepted and aie good tor onemonth from the date aaverti of this advertisement No Commissions or Discounts to say one If unacquainted CONTINENT nend foe a free with THE sample coj ipy and enclose Memorandum Book for 1883 stamp for our The more will your surprise at the terms ottered jrou see of the Magazine the greater ADDRESS The Continent Co LVtm MO OHCsrewr sva rnxuFA PROBATE COURT terms of the Probate Court lor begun on the first Tuesday in each month The statutes require that all orders decrees and in this court be made at a regular term thereof to be legal Persons having business in this court are re-tea to attend to it in term time BUTT County Judge Regular ernon county are quest wm Lake Viroqua Wii Stone Mason Bricklayer A Plasterer will take contracts for buildings and oil kinds of mason work plastering bricklaying Ac Households Grocers Hotels lies-tanrants Saloons Stores and markets and Beer Coolers Back Bars Saloon Fixtures Counters DESKS Complete FITTINGS for STOKES OFFICES in Elegant Ii reigns Largest manufacturers of CHURCH COURT HOUSE HALL and SCHOOL APPARATUS The great wagon maker Mandt of Stoughton Wig is reported as having failed in the sum of $250000 Attachments have been made upon his property on various claims in the hands of Tenney Bashford Tenney attorneys of Madison On the other hand i) is reported that he will be able to work through Fifty-two members of the Texas Legislature have 'been' indicted for gambling Each of them will now want a renomination and an in-dorsement and vindication An Illinois paper wishes it could believe that the members of tne Legislature at Springfield do not spend any of their time in doing anything worse than gambling The Fourth at Newton at Newton Grand celebration July 4th 1883 OFFICERS President Hartwell Allen Vice Presidents Geo Swain Chaseburg Henry IV Allen Viro- 2ua Ole Natwick Jefferson Itterson Sterling Henry Schlong Bergen Wm Riley Genoa -Marshals Dake and Brown Orators Rev Critchett Col May Reader -Hartwell Allen Chaplain Rev Josiali Phillips PROGRAMME 1 National salute of thirteen guns at sunrise 2 Forming of procession and marching to the grove 3 Martial 41 Opening remarks by the President 5 Singing by Newton Glee Club Praj-er by Chaplaid -Singing by Newton Glee Club Reading of Declaration Martial music Oration by Rev Critchett 11 12 13 14 Club 15 16 17 Club 18 Martial music Pic-nic dinner Ragmuffin display Singing by Newton Glee Address by Col May Toasts-and responses Singing by Newton Glee Races The Fourth at Bloomlngdale- The Fourth will be celebrated Bloomingdale The Houston Marshall Band will furnish musid for the occasion1 The CelebratioE wil be under the management of the following officers: President Yakey Vice Presidentsyr-Isaac Hill John Norris Owen Knapp Isaac Glenn Henry Acker Bro dy and Cary Marshalls Jere Conaway and A Mortrud Orators Wm Alderman Osborn Chaplain Clary i Programme of Exercises Thirteen Guns at sunrise 10 a at the grove Music by the Houston Band Song (America) by Glee Club Prayer by Chaplain Music by Houstpn Band Reading of the Declaration Wright Song by the Glee Club Music by Houston Band: Oration by Wm Haughton Music by Band Dinner at 1:30 Music by Band Oration by Alderman 1 Music by Band The Committee on Arrangements will consist of A A Calhoun Hanson and Dyson and those wishing to procure stands will apply to this committee A fee of $5 will be charged for a site All sifes must be procured previous to day of celebration and paid for No intoxicants 1 will be flowed on the grounds Come one come all Dr Brewer This able physician and scholarly gentleman who for years has visited Janesville is in onr judgment the best physician for the treatment of chronic diseases that has eter visited this state He deals fairly and frankly with all his patients never promising relief or a permanent cure unless he is perf edify confident that either can be ac-'complished and never encouraging the expense of a trial where there is no prospect of doing good Were we the unfortunate victim of any of the diseases which he makes a specialty no matter how strongly the destroying hand had laid hold in consult- we would loose no time ing him feeling confident that his medical knowledge would be able to insure us temporary relief if not a permanent cure And our candid advice to all suffering humanity within the circuit of his travels is to go and do likowisethat you may not repent when too Brewer will be at the Tremont House in this city on Thursday the 28th day of June i HTT-RTflTTTt ATORS CHURCH PEWS THE it KTT NOTE SCHOOL DESKS For Also Ale Hardwood CASHIERS emd the SCHOOL FURNITURE Waiting Booms Lawns School Desks KEY Best School cannot wear oat made Malleable' Carved Sint fort attainable KDUCATiON to and Western of Illinois Michigan Conrt Booms Court Houses Hotel Offices Croquet Bail Boad Settees ftc Ac ONLY MANUFACTURERS OF SCHOOL DESKS Desk ever made with Noiseless Blare Castings made Heavy of Strong Scotch Fli hick are not brittle and will not break Has aiasyj Back and Sent securing the greatest degree of com toe greatest degree of cot These Desks have been adopted by the BOABDs of Chicago St Lonte Detroit Mil wankee and other Kaat-era cities They are also to nsa in the NORMAL Schools Wisconsin and all other Western States Successors to the 8HBBWOOD 8CHOOL FUBNITUBK CO Buxines established over twenty-four year We an rennlag Tw naateoth Pacterlest 1883 Will Run More Easily Cut Longer Grass Cut More Smoothly Liable to Obstruction Reouire Less Repairs t-e Easily Adjusted And the Most Durable IN FACT LEADS THE WORLD EVERT ROWER WJWRAHTFD SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Lloyd Supplee 4 Walton PHILADELPHIA PA LATEST AIIO BEST SEWING MACHINE It is universally conceded even by our competitors to be tho floret finished and beat madii to the market Etooasr Wood Mfoax EsoMxand Gii-r ornamented with AGENTS WANTED ADDRESS MM MWlIi CLEVELAND OHIO is now made for tho fourth year and has a record of unqualified success It was tho first made and has been brought to perfection while compete ing and imitating machines have been' made for only one or two seasons and some of them are advertised this year for the first time It uses small inexpensive cord nerer fails to bind every handle anil is the LIGHTEST DRAUGHT MOST DURABLE AND BEST FINISHED MACHINE in the market Any one who bays the Deeeing Bindeb avoids every chance of trouble or failure in the harvest MANUFACTURED NT aU7illiam Dccring CHICAGO Kaaafaetarer also of Tha Earing Light Super Tie Leering and Warrior Movers and Tb Leader Eeere ARNICA PREPARATIONS Chemistry has discovered no remedy snperior to Arnioa for healing external eruptions Proper-IV) jparedan cMwmi hi neii 13 has equal aa a mm sation of arnica Will speedily cure chap ped hands cracked lips and roughness of the akin whether caused from climatic influ enees or the nse of HURTFUL COSMETICS Will cure pimple on face and neck rendering the Bkin aoft and flair Invaluable In Salt Kheum A tenyCTedfetoitehnrrig broises and sores TUBES 50 TOILET SOAP peliirhtfWlY 'p rained highly md tea ted Absolateu Keeps tha iy pun Keeps tho skin from and to it UIe nd healthy flow unrivaJied tor eletning Um oalp tnd endioatiog dandrnff The most per fact loUet toap in tho world oenU Shaving Soap A medicated article of rare merit Prevent ail pimple kl sore face and deliuht Irotn pimple Jdt uu incw atuu uova lire rfllth 15 cts tor large cake (il A TOOTH SOAP I 1 th in ltoc a without question the most perfect article ever produced aa it not only cleanses the teeth thoroughly hut the combination with arnica preserve and harden the gums It gives to tbe breath a sweet delicate odor Its taste is delightful Price 35c a box All druggists sell the above articles or we Will mail theiu postpaid on rooeipt of price II CTRCna fc CO Sole Proprietors and Manfrs Chicago Notice 1 hereby wars aU parties not I trust any one whatever oa my account as I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by any one except myeeir FRED ZITZNEB Franklin Wis May 13th 18K3 Lawn Mowers Surpass all others AND ARE THE BEST UGHTRUNNINg SEWING MACHINE CO- ecSiNto NEWVQRKS CHICAGO ILL ORANGE WaSS iL rhe Van eless Monitor UIIEQUALED FARM MILL ths World SEND for CATALOCUE of WIND MILLS Iron Pumps sto Address as te a a EVANSVILLE WIS THE BEST ON EARTH These celebrated Stoves will ROAST BAKE and HEAT IRONS In less time and with LESS FUEL than any other vapor Cook Stovi made Be sure and buy the Dangler Non-Explosive Vapor Cook Stove xamjrarvuBxu bt ths ininjjCoi CLEVELAND OHIO Foa Baut st Oca Aossr at BELDIN8 MICH and 219 A 225 CAXAL ST ClICAIO fV Bend for Catalogue to BOOTH OSGOOD CO Office 225 Canal 8t CHICAGO iUH ETAD SETTEES PEE EUSEE'OBS hi I (F it i I '( 1 i s1 j- -LiSvY-A I TrE VJIXQNA V'- iLniuls Our VI 151 ii2I IB MANOTACTUBHD BT WIS on its ovu IVIerJid VASQTT OT Spring Wagons Fists BHO COW Baclae Wla WK MAKE KVBEY Farm Freight and And by confining ourselve strictly to one else of ef WOItKTlKN using nothing but FIRST-CLASS work by employing none hat the IMPROVED MACHINEBY end BEST of SKLKCTED TIMBER and by a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of the bostoeae we haVa Justly earned toe reputation of making employing none hat the pVfiD MACHINEBY aad the VARY THE BEST WAGON ON VftORfactaren bare Abolished tho wmrmntf bet AgonU msr mm their own roroonslbUltT rlva tho following warranty with each wsgon il so agreed: Wo Hereby Warrant tho FISH BROS WAGON bo wsU mode in otott oortU alor aad ol pood msteriaU aad that tbe strength of th ssxno to oafficieat for nil work with fair sample of to broken or defective parts aa evidence Knowing we tan suit you we solicit patronage from every section of toe United Staten ter Mce end Terms and for a copy of Til KACIXK AGBI AGRICULTURIST to 1.

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