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Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser from Dublin, Dublin, Ireland • 4

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
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Valenciennes Julv 16 1817 character which fuse to make nineteen nbcls of the according it lamp And tlird to tho tnrinnc nt to Barbara of the Lite Campbell Blown Esq ef 'a i fain English Hotel fancying that their dignity is a bit tint worse fur the l( right iii June 1816 by a gutta serena 'Iota! Species arc the daily er himself and therefor Ind Country nipoteniiary to exiikiii 1 10 0 subject which will put IM public in full puso uf ihv I Qt tiu S3J I reen! t'oitujis 0 0 0 Wheat flour Here Barley hits Oiitmed 15 11 0 0 0 Vm Htimersley Brown daughter is re al id equally vain and ridiculous reque i whole proceeding any the annexed letter was forwai tied to nut 13 7 1 that she read about 30 words in half was possible that the letters of a leave some slight impression sensi touch I took from my pocket book Assignat which was hot pressed and she read the smallest lines contained in this AREWELL DIXNER 6TTEX rr orricicas or the sTArroi nsinRE rMi twar TO EAHL TALBOT On Monday last the of the Staffordshire Yeomanry Cavalry gave a sumptuous dinner in the Shire Hall Stafford to the Rt Hon the Earl Tal bot Eord Lieutenant of this County previous to his departure for Ireland to assume the Viqe royalty of that kingdom Colonel Monckton was seated at I he head of the table having on his right the Lord Lieutenant and Earl (lower on his left Captain Kinnerslv Mi is in a respectable situation in life mid as her friends disclaim any intention of deriving gain from hcrcxlrnor dmtu poteen Iy public exhibition there jc Ue 1cm reason to 1 buspect Hny imposture At the name tim as no person is ad I mitted to see Ler cxiept as a mutter of favour it is impossible Mr iimith observes to ue all the precauuons that might be desired to guard against caption 't hough Le has not seen her put to trial he avows his belief that she cannot distingmdi objects equally in the dark And latterly it appears Mix APAvoy 1ms brought suspicion upon hei clf by laving claim to th? power ol naming colours without iii tu touch bv merely holding out her tingei towards the object Air Smith mentions thm he ha recently lAtcuintbritid that Miss M'Avoy is began to tdl the hour by ti etch mig the Glass I'lds lust most cite nmjtnnce liowexcr he gives us mere rumour But if it thou'd tom out that iitthv wujee alluded to the imikes of some other midhttu of iufoi motion than the nene id loach it is still impossible lhac is itlnmt ittra mdinmy means of ome kind she cuult du whu has cu a ted hur prise in every one who has seen her Dr Hemrick a physi ciau in Liverpool Lm nt preset in tbs pret'x a lolutre upon tle rs utciuumersot a foreign empire is as extraordi nary as it is unwise It is a mere matter of cere mony a silly piece of etiquette and so are the oendmgs mid bowings at a levee They are foolish anti very aosurd but whilst they continue what siomd we say of the rationality of that man who would refuse to wait in respect upon his Sovereign caiisc he would not make so many bows and Lwalk bacKward? Saint Paul was all things to all men all things innocent but Lord Amherst is not so wise or so good or great or so mgmhed as St Paul instead cf following tire apos tle doctrine refuses to make nineteen low bows to an Emperor on account of his as the representative of his King When the No ble Lord rots in his grave when bis stiffness will be forgotten when Iris name will be as if it had ne ei een Saint Paul wij live and instruct man kind in that which ig good for them here as well as hereafter He will tell them the necessity of com plying with ceremonies which are not vfeious tdl men are grown wise enough to throw aside these old ringes of ancient follies A cynic indeed must be be who will not in such little matters Iwnd th manners and customs of the times An ambassa dor to refram from making nineteen bows an am bassador from a country in which it has been laid down as a rule that no Earl is ta wash in the pre sence at a Duke without his permission that a Duke may wear a cloth of state flanging within haif a yard of the ground that the cloth of state of a mwqms may reach within a yard of the ground that no iscount may wash with him but at his plea sure that a Viscount may have a dover of essay held wider his cup when he drinks and that his wife may have her gown borne up bv a woman in the of her interiors but by a man Too manvstrn nt i ana camel they will not do in some places certain tlmms on accoumoi tneir dignity but they will do twice as many of the same nature in other places without 1 wear! Such puerile nonsense beneath a meat nation philosophers despise it and the: wisenan laugbs at it though it is with pitty that he sees a laceol two legged animals bearing the name of nian so blind to their own actions as to fancy things to be good or bad beneficial or injurious as they arc performed oirthis or that side ofthe wa ter If this determination of Lord Amherst had arisen from a philosophic spirit (but we do not in tend to accuse liis Lordship of being a philoso pher) stillit would have been absurd because he ought not to have accepted an office if he would not comply with die ceremonies Every nation differs from its neighbouring state on these impor tant points each can deem its own customs wise and consider its as foolish In one place it is necessary to kiss the great toe of the So in another the in a third the cheek in a fourth the tip of the ear here the courtmr must creep to the there bob bis head 19 times against the crawl backwards like a crab or hop on all here licks the dust and tnere twist in all the forms of a mountebank and even devour the sacred pastils of the pretended deity Alfred 51 rSJ CORN Ac with the quantities and 1 rfie of Barley Oattneal uni Sol I the Citv of Dublin and Liberties therein adjoining Week September 1J 1817 mg the fulkming quantities to the Barrel of each I' or Wheat Rye Peas mid Beans Steiiv Hurley nad Bcie 16 Stone Oats la Stone and theming 131 3d oneof Elour equal to a Bant i of Wheat imjV Stcne of Oatmeal tu JDrrel of Ours Tl onrl 4 i 1 1 speed The lioi se had fonnerly been a charger i ibe 10th Royal and the pedestrian who iud knewu him when attached to that reeimeut in gtantly recognized him In a loud tive tone therefore as he dashed by him hi voci ferated the commanding term Halt It was a mandate the animal Lad been txained in obedience to and he had not forgotten it The check it pro duced was as sudden as efieetual cud the rider completely unprepared for such a shock was thrown over the head and alighted on his back yards in advance 1 lappily he received no hurt consequence Some time elapsed however before he was sufficiently recovered to know precisely had happened to him and during which arch commander had considered it prudent to disappear Lieuicnnnt Jebb ot the Navy lias invented a method by which 1O0Q feet of rope can be applied careening vessels or in heaving them up to repair or for any purpose so as to act with greater power and eilect thaii 12000 feet of rope applied accord ing to any method now in practice MIUEAMISfWEtiS LORD AMIUITIST I 'IIIivIkk! A 1 1 1 I anu ihueeu are uif aany grave disputes between the ('burt fi laity as to the cuighty question hether Lord Amheiit did lightly in knock fits head on the floor nint'B'en timc before the Son' of the Sun in Cliin! Jf his journey were intended for any important jtipne Ih return without attaining his end if In? might have obtained it consistently with mondily is the extrcmc'of folly if it were intended for no important iiriani the sooner lie returned the better Snidf niust be the advantage lo be gotten it 'it were no! worth niiietci ii bno inf from a fpiWicr ho yould bow mcty mne timesjbru yard 'or two of ribband cr a little glit tering star Bijt jf the 'advantage were small stores for the true grotesque Valenciennes Aueust 1 On Tuesday July th k'th Messrs Oxbeiry and Penlcy from the Thcatre Rpyd Drury lane were announced to perform at this Theatre biit Tamia arriving late on the Monday evening the English company were compelled to gi've wav to the rench one as there is bat one theatre for both companies and Talma made his first appear ance on this stage in the tragedy of Manlius Ca pitolinus by osse Messrs Oxberry and Penley I am informed waited the whole of Wednesday expecting some appiogy from the rench Manager lor his illiberal and unjust conduct to them and the English company comedians but not receiving 1 1 who on reading it solicited an interview with English Manager informed him that two Eim OxCAMsor In the JdunNArcfMvn has for somy lime wt excited much attention by the extraordinary day jn nnight lhe case of a young Lady in Liverpool who powers she lavs claim xvau trmnfb rir71 H't II i AHCMWWing axe adaitwnai particulars Aliss M'Avoy is about 17 or 18 years of ace she Jiitiio initsvtJUUiJCli 01 jij droLcpiaius and 'a paralytic affection her eyes continue open and have nearly the usual appearance but the power of nson is totally gone Such at least is her own statement which is so ilu confirmed by facts that when a lighted can dle is held year her eyes the usual contraction does not take place It is well known that in persons who lose their siht the other senses particularly the sense of touch generally Ixcomes more acute ibis has been the case with Aliss' AEvoy in a surprising degree To satisfy those who distrust her blindness she suffers a bandage consisting of a lame thick shawl to be put over her eyes and in this state she is able to read any printed book by touching the letters with her fingers By the touch she also tells the colours of cloth and distin guishes the different shades in stained glass Mr SitUh tie Lditur the Lirefpwl Mercury who repeatedly witnessed the exhibition of her extraordinary nowets in camnanv other gentlemen says that a book was placed before her and opened indiscriminately to our extreme surprise she be an to trace the words with her linger and to repeat them cor rectly She appeared to recognite a short monosyllable by tle simple contact of one finger but in ascertaining ti long word die placed the forefinger of her left hand on the begin ning whilst with that of ner right hand she proceeded from tlie other extremity ot the word and when the two fingers by having traversed over all the letters came in contact AVith each other she invariably and precisely ascertained the word my waicn 1 round a minute As it printed book might ble to an exquisite an engraved rench niooin ns iriass VU i Al llilj With the same iacihty as the printed book A litter received by that post was produced the direction and post mark of which she immediately and correctly deciphered She also named the enlour of the separate parts of the dresses of ttie per sons in company as well as various shades of stained glass which were purposely brought Accoiding to her ou staleoignt her powers ot touch vary very materially with circumstances when tier hands are cold she declares that ie faculty is altogether lost and that it is exhausted also by long and unretnitted ef forts that she considers the hours of fnni ten until twebe of each alternate day the most favourable for her performance Her pulse during the experiments has varied from llu to 130 inst in Church hv it arber to Sydmy Aungiir strcet Dublin Esq of Rutland cr of tie late i'ilsworth Whelan i'ii'to Tth the "en il I'ool sucl 3 riHo 10 expense for Inghsh court er should refuse to nake feu and bendings a foreign Court when every onc knows hat he uses forty or filly yev without hesitation at home ami them as be aJcs but c0t ttj nature hecrawl backward like a crab the (at of honour bendmjall thb way like the bra ch ot an aspen storm perveLncss of 1 un mnature IS lWre tuny displayed A man wim bow an Iumlrif times in the presence of hi sovef eign at Lome will crawl backwards like the many egged creeper oi the sea twisting and iWmr'ail toe while and making hmtsclf niore ridiculous to oeigncrs than punch in a puppet show refuses to make nineteen scrapes on the other side of the ocean because it is beneath his i onc of thme species of Ji rce in which the tnphilosophiej are coutmaally performing Any man who has served the reception of a Bill i the House of Lordse ion mg and scraping of the Members ofthe Commons who attend to a little old chair which the seat of the Sovereign the solemn paces of the Clumcellor to meet the bowing men with halfa yard of velvet lus hand decorated will a lit gokl (ace which he presents to the scrapers who scrape again at the sight and perform their genuHec ions and crab hke evolutions on their re treat lhatanyone of such a nation should tp after amusing him with immmcrablt Melancholy Catastrophe Monday afters nooa qii imtortunate accident occurred noar5lalonc mw uuys tne sonsof James myli of aE mg streef Eel fast went to spend the 'ateffi fehd while ray was drawing boine aud on(fhe reVitra of one of tNecars attqr disehargmg itsWd the vouirg est JoBeph line boy of about' nine years of ace go upon tlie oack of tlie Horse along with the I I 1 Vice Chair The cloth having been removed the Chairman gkve the following toasts Tlie Kin Priirce Thy Queen Royal anh'ly 'Hie Duke of York and die Army Tire Charlotte and Prince Cobourg I he Duke of Cla rence and the Navy Colonel Moiickton in proposing the' health of the Lord Lieutenant could not avoid alluding to the manner in which the peace of the County had Been maintained times ot unparalleled public distress The temporary absence of the Noble Lord was to be much lamented but recollecting the dignified situation to which he had been appoint ed and that his services would be rendered so much more extensively useful the regret at his departure would necessarily be much diminished In request ing the Noble Lord therefore to accept the thanks ofthe Yeomanry for the attention which he had shewn them upon all occasions he assured his Lord ship that "the manly and truely British character which he possessed in so eminent a degree was duly estimated oy tne negnnent a i h'lri nnflnurnrl him 1 HUH VUIUHJ ML Idi U1UI U1U value of which ro people were better able to appre ciate than those over whom he was about to takp the Government Tlie Lord Lieutenant of the County Earl Talbot rose and sayl it was impossible to express himself as he felt upon this occasion and he could only return themlhis sincere and heartfelt thanks for the very kind manner in which they had coupled his name with the best interests of the county lie was convinced that any service which he might have rendered had been much over rated mhe was but an individual and live happy re sult of those measures which they attributed to him was principally owing to the gallant conduct and spirit ot loyalty6 which animated the county of Stafford cuiqbined with the wise and salutary coun cils ot the esteemed Nobleman at the head of the Home Department The Marquis of Stafford our late Colonel Earl Gower acknowledged the honour done his Noble ather hethanked them sincerely ile Earl Bra'ltorl a id the jatJeman xrho formerly honoured the Regiment with their support as officers Tlie Duce of Wellington aud the Heroes of Waterloo vranK with enthusiasm Tha of Anglesex The Member for the Earl Gower and Littlcfon Esq respectively returned thanks The (reneral of the District aud his Staff Sir James Lyonreturned thanks Lord Dartmouth and the Own Stafford Col Cavendish returned thanks Earl laloot in a short and handsome address begged leave to propose the health of a good and excellent man Colonel Aloncktan Drank with thunders of applause CoiOnel Moukton Indeed (entlemen cannot express the feelings of my heart for the ho nour you have done Lieut Col Sir Robert Lawlcy and the Seutliern Reciment of Local Mititia Lieutenant Colonel Sir John Wrotteslev and the Western Reginx nt of Local Sir John Wrotte sley returned thanks Lieutenant Colonel Sir John Boughey and the Northern Regiment of Local Alilitia Sir John Boughey returned thanks Lieutenant Colonel Grove and the Central Regiment of Local Militia Colonel Grove returned thanks Iieuteiant Colonel Wilon and the Eastern Reiriment of Ixical Militia The health of Morcton Walhouse Esq the late etajor of the Regi iimt was proposed by one of the officers The Privates of the Staffordshire Yeomanry Cavalry The Chaplain ofthe Regiment the Rev Mr Clare Thu Earl of St Vincent The ri of I larroob Vis onnt Dudley iwount Curzon iscount tison Vis coiint Grairvillfe Lord (Jen Sir Edward Page! Gen St'r Anson Gen Anson L'he Countess of I he Marchioness ot Stafford Hie Countess of Bradford 'Ciscounuis Anson Mrs Littleton The Mayox and Corpo ration of The Hon' and Rev Talbot The Re Air I albot letiini' thanks 'llie Agricultural and Commer cial Interests of the United Kingdom The Chairman of the Quarter Sessions Geo Chetwynd Esq Chairman ci the Quarter sessions John Sparrow Esq Sir Bellingham Giahatn and his tox hounds success to him Die Town aud Trade of Stafford immortal memory of Kelson Moore Abercromby and the Heroes who fell in the late A( ar Lord I aibot and success to the Staffordshire Agricul tural Society Lord Talbot again noticed the kind and flatter ing reception he had met with If he had the good fortune to render himself useful in promoting inc agricultural or general interests of the comity he was ino amply rewarded in the feelings of his heart at tint moment He loved and he should always promote rural pursuits convinced that the "best defenders of this happy country were to be found in its agricultural pomlation Though he was about to leave the kingdom no change could divide no circumstances could separate their inte rests from his own beau his affection tvould be ever with them and he should hail with un niiegled dnh'gbt the htippv day that restored him to his friends in the county of Staffm Alter this addre which was i icivcd with en Tarl lalbot left the tall amidst the most rapturous applause? The I'cnidcm shortlyafterwards quitted the Chair and thcrct ofthe company retired Shift dshhe Gazette talma axd oxberrx a London Paper The Tollowing article merits notice as it shews tie different characters of a rench and an English Actor and as the contrast is so evidently in favour of our countryman It seems that Miss Penley a very interesting actress and amiable young woman was performing with an English of Co metlians at aleiciennes and was to have a benefit on the I uesday All her boxes were let aud Te had reason to expect a very profitable night On the Monday the rench troop of Comedians arrived and the hopes ol Miss Penley wese extinguished by a iehtsal to let the Then! re be opened except for the rench Company With a laudable impulse of humanity and British spirit fxberry addressed the subjoined letter to Talma The tragic Hero how evei was too lofty to condescend to write an an I sent an Imbassador mid UIHDOt Cl I Illi" 1 1 I HYnlun 1 1 vl! i 4 i uu uujiibL iiuuicrSj Ont fiarticnlirly to demand an apology of Oxberry for that passage op)is eI(er whieh ag Qji(j alternative intimated the possibility that '1'ulma had not improved byhis travels 0berry however lough not a tragic Haro uqs disposed to shew that he possesued more than mere comic spirit for he de clared to the Amhassndpr and that it was a rule with an Englishman never to make im 1 ir w7i' was the Hght und therefore ridi Ctilous a nchman to require one Am bassador am! Plenipotentiary seemed to' bestnick wdh this emphatic trait ofthe British character mid lutjeatvd with uob uo abumLinue of courageous lish Generals had just called to pay their respec ami utter amusing him with innumerable triries gentleman on strong spirited Ljrse equally vain and ridiculous requested he would destrian pn the slope of the Downs 'at imorm hi uxuerry Wit lie wins ignorant ofthe whole proceeding wished him a goid morning declared nothing would give him gi eater pleasure than to see him iii Paris (a short journey 150 miles) and that he would there shew him what a grateful recollection he entertained of the hospita ble and generous conduct he had experienced in Valenciennes July 16 1817 Ialm i I shall not apologize for addres sing you in English knowing you are well acquaint ed with the language ut proceed to ask whether it was consistent with the liberal character rennrt had given you after the spirited and generous man ner in which my countrymen particularly the the atrical part of them received you when in England to lend yourself the very moment you re commenc ed your professional duties in rance to the com mission of an act unparalleled I believe in the annals of the histrionic art The Saturday pre vious to your arrival the English company of comedians announced me and Mr Penlev of the rheatre Royal Drury lane to perform in a play and farce on the Thursday following and though you did not arrive till nine on the Monday evun Jll by the same hour the next mornino the renr play bills were posted over the English and Lc Mairevery politely (leaving justice out of the ques tion) sent to inform the English Manager yea hadai nved' and he must give up the theatre for your use My friend Mr Penley and myself have certainly grounds for complaint were our talents much more humble than your liberality can estimaie them but whilst honoured by approving voices on the other side of the water we can smile at every slight that may be 'cast upon them on this You surely must know the performances in question were for the ocnerit oi a lady or no in ean talent and I believe of irreproachable moral character In England Talma such a character is entitled to and re ceives the protection and support of every liberal ivind Surely the boasted gallantry of the rench nation is on the decline or AL Talma is not im proved by travel When I shall tell this tale in the Green room of Drury my brothers and sisters will scarcely credit the story and my friend Dowton must censure his credulity and regret that such things have been I am Sir your humble servant Oxberry BIRTHS On Sarnffiny last in Belfast the Lady of William RHjj Lsq oi a son and bcm On the 9th instant at Brtxnnhall Scotland the Counter of Elgin ot a daiighter On the 10th instant in Edinburgh the Eady of Abercroniby Esq of a daughter On the 1 (Mb instant in Edinburgh Castle the Lady of Major Graham of the 88th Regiment of a son On the 9th instant in Shrewsbury the Lady of Lieutenant Hiffiewood of the ShropJrin? Militia of a daughter On the 96th ult at St Pierre near Marseilles the Lady of Captain Bame of the Roy tl Navy of a sou On Saturday Alatu in John Robert Jane daughter of en On Tuesday lad Betibmi hit a i i Ll 11 Esq ot Rath county Wicklow On Saturday last in Belfast Iieuterr of the 3d Garrison Battalion to Miss 1 a A 1 1 Oarown Ksq ef Antigua Wh uiuxDK in Air namerslevs inarrtaee is th it 's frPn irrnnd Gtlur Tm ix is ovJi! XZUWIHJIg lisq I liana or the Keginient his father ILrnersley Esq and now himself have all courted and got mviried in th ienaerly and still hospitable mansion of Boscift On the JI tli instant at Lea Church Pertariin rton by the Dean cl rtddare Augustus Woodville Amvnti Esq Lieute nant in the 4th or Royal Irish Dragoon Guards only sou of toe late Rev John Aniyatt of South Brent in the cmtnfv cf Devon to Caroline youngest daughter of Anketull Esq of Anketell Grove in tlie county of Mona ffi 1 DEATHS 9n 1 2th instant in Camdeu street Mjss Margaret Roe 'Dus amiable young woman after having felt the ensol itinni of true religion during her illness winch was of some months continuance was enabled to triumph over death mid leitiica the prospect of eternity Her faith was firmly fixed on tbd Lord and die knowledge of bis great atonement produced it! tier peace which passeth all understanding A few days ago in this city Miss Catherine sister to John Arcy Esq of Kiltolla county Galway At Cheltenham where he went for the recovery of his healtn the Rev Mathew Campbell Minister of the Parish of rtilgobbtn county Dublin On the 6th instant of a typhus fever the Rev Georp Mohun Roman Catholic Pastor of Ballibay On the Uth instant aged 34 of a typhJs fever the Revl Constantine Boyle Assistant Parish Priest of Drumaul On tiie 1 1th instant in Belfast of a malignant fwer 3Ir bainuel Green 11C 1 1 th instant at Dunmurrv of a putrid fever Master William Ratcliffe aged 16 On the 6th intt nt at Omagh countv 'IX rone Peter Quin Esq At Madrid at the Louse of her sister Iadv Whittingham Barbara the wife of Bartholomew lve Esq his Mnj'estv Secretary Embassy at the Ottoman Porte Ihe marria had been soemnized by proxy according to the usual form but 3Ir brere having been detained at Constantinuple bv business of the Embassy during Sir Robert absence never had thffiiuppiness of seeing her since their union DUBLIN MARINE LIST SEPT 16 Arrived from Mesfpojt Lively kelp seven colliers Sailed for Holyhead Chichester Packet the mail IMPORTS AND EXPORTS SEPtTiG bortcN Invoice Maty St tallow pot ashes bristles hemp deals lathwood junk oakum watts spars furs Eliza Quebec timber masts oak staves latb vood potashes Rergithe deals deal ends battew ends handspikes oars nud spars ornax Or Shillelagh St potatoes Bkii ish fwvotcv Twenty (Inlli I Published pursuant to Act of 1' JOHN MOORE (' 1: ryr i ki 1 Prtmrietm by Mac I hiso attbi Dime No 1 JYLuty stn ot wln te vibwri'iion arcAIlY ALkm am ErtMxtl Btutu tnoss JUUllXJl and the Paper regu larly forwarded jo ibei idier in Cuuntit why (ucye linn the 'honk eid'unaccustci cd to sucyfcn mcuhibrance became restive and jnadc oq when both the boys were pitched upon the The driver severely hurt andtrtifiek Dy tne tall but the poor infant Mas! cr SnyJie ttas killed upon the spot his skull was tract tired by the rail and the wheel ofthe car cwiiuw across hijffice put an end to his existence The unhrtpoy mother who is tne support of four young children inourhs ncr loss with many a tear A whimsical circumstance but which micht have been attended with unpleasant consequences occur I red to Die north of Brightoir a few days ar0 A rentieinan on a strong spirited Lm so rcn a I k4 i Larrels Average 939 lC6i 1 1 iyl Ji'D6 IJi'nl 2 2 1(M 1 th 0 13 4j 1 3 16' 0 L) 21 1878 19 17 11 1S IS 14 0 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0.

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