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The Santa Fe New Mexican from Santa Fe, New Mexico • 4

Santa Fe, New Mexico
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ike Daily New ItaicEwj SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1. Notice hereby give Mini nnlerh irt oy employees upon the Nkw Mkxican Printline will uot be honored unless orevioualy endorsed by the business man-igfi. Motive Bequests for back number of the Niw If, must stata date wanted, or they rill reoerv. no attention.


ima. HP? Ei inti i at 4 sllis Is as s5 S44 -i "44 SV 1 23 4 81 8H t-W 10 a. m. cloudy omiy 1:80 p. Maximum Te literature Mlulmam fatal Precipitation.

H. B. Ukbsst, Observer. How's Your Liver? Is tho Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a heuithy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bowels are sluggish uid constipated, tho food lies in the stomach undigested, poisoning tho blood; frequent headache ensues, a feeling of lassitude, despondency and nervousness indicate how tho whole system is do-ranged.

Simmons Liver Eegulator has been the means of restoring moro people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any aircncy known on earth. It act3 vrlth extraordinary power and efficacy. NEVE.1 DEEN DISAPPOINTED, Asaeetifrnl family romody for dyspepsia Torpid Liver, Constipation, I hardly evct uso anything else, and Isavo never been nis appointed in the effect produced; It seems Ve almost a perfect euro for all diseases ol Ui. Stomach and Bowels. VV.

J. TWeEutov Mnrrri. ln. DiiSlB.J TI IT TA IH I 2S 2V O. 35.

la ffeet Sunday, November 27, 1x92. IIW 1" 01 am v. Chlrogo Ar. 8 r0am 12:40 pm 12-M pm Kanms clt. i am m'' La Junta "9:10 am am WM WARD BARTWARD.

STATIONS. NO. 1 Nil. 2. 4-2: I.T..

Albuquerque 7:00 5 Sila 2:3" 2 O.i" 9.551. 4:01) 1:40 II 7 10-5 21- 2:85" imre Imrate. Navajo Sprintrs. lliilbrnnk F'BBKtaft Wlllians A Oi Pork PWfOOtt Jimctl Ml I each Si Kluirmau i N-elle.

IWt 4. a a 7:00 a 10:2 1 1: 0" Bp 11:00 a 9 -1 8 41 i tiW, 5: o-l iW 00 IS BO 12 ip I 25 1 1 i'lp tVSOp if 1:85 a 10 20- 1 2 I 10-55 4:20 2:1 10' l-i :30 a a 12:55 1 2:1 It to i) Barow MoJ.ive fm.Ar. nr 7 am 12 pm Ar. San lif. go I.v2 ju i tut am Ar.

Krauciscu Lv pm. COMil CIKS. AI.Bt'QUK''QtIE T. S. F.

Railway for all polnta east and west. PRKW'OIT JUNCTION Prescott Arizona antral railway, for Kort Whipple auU lies-eott. BARSTOW allfornia Southern Railway forbos Angeles, can Liego aud other southern all-fern la points. OJ AVE- Southern I aclftc for San Francisco, SaorauiaBtu and sou hern California points. Pullman Pa'ace Sleeping Cars.

ftclitiKels made by sleeping car passengers between tan rain ls'-; ud Kansas lty, tau Diego and l.oi Aiige es aud i hieago. 1 he Gra nd Canon of the Colorado Heretotore Inaccessible to tourists, can easily he ached bv ta lug this line, via I each Marines, and a stage ride thence of but twenty-line his canon Is the grandest aud Meat wonderful of nature work. Stop Off at Flagstaff And hunt bear, deer and wild turkey In the ftLUlin cnt pine forests of the rraneisco uonutalui: or visit the ancient ruius of the Cave md Cliff Dwellers. T.

K. General Stipt. A shell. Geu. I'ass.

Agt. H. S. VK Sltck, lieu, Albuquerque, N. M.

H. B. Cartwright, DEALER IN AgemtCfar rhaoe A Hanborn'a Tea sub4 Dew Prop Cnnnrd Good anil WpetaWes, lHt-iit ImpoHal anil Pridn of the Valli-y Flours. GROCERIES, HAY FORTY-FIRST kl The Council Concurs in the Jlouse Plan for Dividing the 02,000 Direct Tax Fund. "Pluck-rue" Store Legislationunion County's Victory The Lloense Division Chat.

COCXCIL. TESTEBDAT AFTEBNOON SESSION. The council met at 2 p. and on mo tion of Mr. Hnbbell, H.

B. No. 81, dis tributing tho $02,000 receivable from the direct tux fund, whs taken up and passed without debate or amendment. Tliis act divides tho lund as lollows: For the use of the school of mines, insane asylum, World Columbian com mission, iji ban Juuu experiment station, and the deaf, dumb auU blind asylum, $3,000. 11.

1. it o. uuiiiurizing probnteclerks to uuuiiuister outliB and ullirmations, was tneu passed. buuotitute lor n. a.

JSo. providing fur the pa meat ot wages ot working-men in money, generuiiy kuowij as tne "pluck me" sture bill, was then taken up in its tegular uruer and passed. It pro vides tuut tne law can not apply to con tracts between the stores auu workmen. (J. it.

ho. 20, providing lor a normal school at failvtr City, introduced by Mr Fall was tuen maue speciui order lor Monday at 10 a. m. Mr. liubbell then moved that the conn cil ad iuuru until Monday at 10 o'clock a.

id. Considerable debate was had on this motiun, during the course ot which Mr, Fall gave notice that ou Monday he would introduce a resolution providing for night sessions, and that no adjournment over the regular hour could be Had unless voted iu favor. lbs motion to adjourn was finally carried. hoi yesteuday's aftebnoon session. The house met at 2 p.

and the spe cial order was suspended for the purpose of introducing bills. H. B. No. 158, appropriating $1,000 as a contingent fund for the legislature, one half for the house and the other for the council was introduced.

Under suspen sion of the rules the bill passed. II. II. Mo. 52, to pay the sweepers of the house and council, was then taken up on motion of Mr.

Read and passed, with the corrections suggested by the governor, This action sends tins necessary measure to the governor for bis signature. The speaker then announced the spe ial order, H. B. No. 08, on the subject of public ronds.

Mr. Romero said that this bill was very big one and as it needed careful at tention he moved that the house adjourn until Tuesday morning at 10 clock. Mr. Hopewell said this house wus sent here to pass bills and that business the speakers table was already more than the house could dispose of. It was a shame that the house should adjourn for this length of time when so little of the session remained.

The house however adjourned by vote of 11 to 9, until 10 a. m. Tuesday. STRONG POINTS 8COBED. Senator Hall is in receipt of a number of letters and newspapers criticising hi action and vote concerning C.

B. No. 19, which gives the money arising from liquor licenses to the county school funds. Yesterday in conversation with the New Mexican he expressed himself as follows: "I will state some of the reasons for ad vocating that part of the license money should go to the county school fund. "Results show the school laws of th states, Missouri aud Illinois for instance to be good, and they give this money eitler to the county school or road fund Saloons are licensed on the principle 'unit their existence is a public, and that some of cWo of the crime to be traced to Chem should be defrayed by means of their license.

The tax payers at large prosecute the criminals and support the paupers made by saloons, there-lore the country at large should share in the benefits accruing from this tax for school purposes. These high licenses drive all the saloons to the cities, but it is the county that bears the cost of the evils that come from saloons. "Now the question is exactly as with territorial taxes. It would be absurd to say that a county was entitled to all the taxes collected from its people. A part TETTER ERYSIPELAS (iBclt Covered with Glandular Swellings'.

Scrofula. Kurt Running. Suffered Terribly. AH Kcmcdles Fall. Tries Cuttcnra.

First Application RHieves. Complete Cure in 3 Weeks. Two years ago was poisoned In my bands. Then 1 took Totter. Then liryslpelas went to my head, face, ears, and neck.

My ears were swollen and running from the Inside and outside I could Ho only on my back, sly neck was cov-crcd whil glandular swellings scrofula. I Buffered terribly. I began to uso CUTicrnA Hkmeiiies. I be first application relieved ins very-much, and la three woeks my ears, head, and face wcro well. CimrURA Keheuies cured mo when all other remedies failed, and I had do.

spaircd of ever being any better, cannot be without them now, and shall recommend them to my suffering friends, for I do say that they are the most pleasant and beet remedies for skin diseases Ieversaw. lias. 1.IZZ1K HALL, Falrfleld.IU. Cuticura Remedies TJavo cured me of every form of Fczema from which was ailing, namely, sore eyes. elck stomach, and nervouc Smuuaciio.

I was pro nounccd incurable Vy the doctors. I doctored for four iiuu kept getting worse, until 1 found the Cotic itiia Kbmciiirs which I believe havo saved my life. I highly recommend them to all nj friends, Miss CARRIE f. WniTE, lioi MilfflOi Iowa Wis. Crmcmu Resolvent, the new flood nnr) Pkin purifier and Humor liemedy, Internally, cleanses the blood of all Impurities, whlti Uiiti.

ciiiia, the gn-at Skim ure, and Uutiodha Soap, an eiqnlsito tikln Purifier and lieaiitlfier, externally, clear the akin of every trucu of disease. Sold everywhere. Price, CuTICtrBA, 50c. Boav, Resolvent, (1. Prepared by the Pottkb DRUU AND DUEMICAL CORPORATION, Boston.

How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 60 Illustrations, and testimonials, mailed free. IPI.ES, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, and ony sftiu eurea uy uuticuba boap, MUSCULAR STRAINS back ache, weak kidneys, ntlsm, and chest puios relieved minute by the Clltlcnr Pnln Plaster. Th first and only Instantaneous pain-kllllng plaster. I III 7.1S" ind pains, VI rheunvitl In one Anil. necessarily goes to the territory; and the county very seldom gets back from tlie general government as much as it contributes.

"The public school law which gives 500 children living in a town $16 per capita. and 500 coutitry children less than Spa ach is wrong. In each of the four wards of Albuquerque there is a tine brick school house. if one of these wards did not happen to have saloon would It be fair to say It should not have any of the benefit of the license fund? Well, on just the same principle I say the country precincts should nave B3j) per cent of this fund. As to the argument that these towns have gone into debt to build the school houses, and that it is a breach of contract to deprive them of any part of it, I want to say that as the legislature meets every two years no one can reasonably expect a law to remain without amendment lor longer period.

If I hire a man for two years at $o0 per month and he builds a arge house, am 1 compelled to keep mm longer than his contract simply to allow him to pay for an expensive house? The egislnture simply makes contracts tor two years, that is all." UNION COUNTY. Union connty scored a costly victory yesterday. The position was this: Cer tain gentlemen from Mora and Colfax desired if possible to have a vote on the Union county bill, and some little talk was had about bringing the bill up and killing it. Theretore the Union county men, forgetting that under the house resolution concerning the general county bill no special measure con.d be got up without a two-thirds vote, got scared and rushed through a motion to adjourn over until Tuesday. The motion was successful because of the absence of Messrs.

Knchenbecker, Lady and Sto-vall, all of whom entered the house within a minute or two after the adjournment. This is the situation as it appears to the naked eye; but it may become necessary for the New Mexican to probe some secret and sinister depths. With the Bhort period allowed the house for business it should not have ordered the present long adjournment. It may be said further that eleven votes will never pass the Union county bill, and certain powerful gentlemen in the house vow that this bill will never pass, bix ot the leaders of the house expressed the utmost indignation to the New Mexican reporter and requested this publication. Veremos.

LEGISLATIVE obat. Hon. T. D. Burns is a hard workingand solid member of the council, always in his seat and always attentive to business.

Senator Hubbell left for his home nt Pajarito last night, aud Senator Veeder will spend Sunday at his home in -Las Vegas. Judge W. R. Bowman, of tho house, goes to Albuquerque this evening. He will enjoy the courtesy and hospitality of Senator Saint.

Mr. Hopewell has called a meeting of the house capitol committee for this afternoon, to advise concerning certain features of the capitol burning. Prof. Ramsey of the university, has a normal school proposition to spring in the interest of Albuquerque and it may defeat the Silver City proposition. The capitol movers are still hard at work, but the indications are that no bill will be introduced.

Senator Saint leads one side and Senator Martinez the other. Messrs. Stovall and Euchenbeckerwent down with the Socorro party last night. Mr. Clancy was to have accompanied them, but was detained by private business.

The special council committee to investigate the "militia warrants'' of 1867 consists of Senators Patterson, Hall, Pino, Sanohez and Veeder. Has the committee done anything? Mr. Hopewell was recently approached on the capital removal question, and replied that everybody would know how he stood when he cast his vote. He is plain, blunt and direct, and a hard one for the lobbyists to handle. Assistant Cuief Clerk of the Council Towle accompanied the visiting party to Socorro.

Mr. Towle's efficiency and cour tesy have made him many friends, and none more sincere that the New Mexican, that is pleased to express its obligation auu appreciation. The absence from town of about a third of the members of the legislature makes committee work during the recess almost impossible. Mr. Hopewell was right when he said the recess would be wasted so far as public interests were concerned.

In explaining his vote yesterday afternoon in the council on a motion to adjourn, Hon. Pedro Sanchez stated clearly, that he was opposed to any change in the capital and penitentiary locations, because his constituents and the people whom he represeuted were opposed to any such change. Hon. Benigno Romero, secretary of the board of trustees of the insane asylum, has been in the capital several days and has done very. efficient service in securing an appropriation for the insane asylum at Lias Vegas.

Mr. Komero expressed bis gratification and thanks to the Nkw Mexican for the excellent and constant work this journal has done for and in behalf of iu appropriation for the Las Vegas iu- sane asylum. The house penitentiary committee held a session yesterday and examined Solici tor General Bartlett as to matters con nected with the penitentiary; among other things it was developed that th i solicitor general had obtained judgement in the suit of the territory against Col. f. Frank Chaves, and that tho judgement ins been satisfied, the court having allowed the offset pleaded by Col.

Chaves in this matter; the-full amount of the judgement was for $2,100. Sick-Headacbe yields toBeecham's Pills. Church AniionnrementM. The usual services will be held in the Catholic churches of the city to-morrow. Sermon in English nt the cathedral at a.

m. To-morrow, being Sexungesima Sunday, there will be regular morning service it the Episcopal church of the Holy Faith at ll clock. All are welcome. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. At the Presbyterian church on February 5, Sunday school at 9:45 a.

morning and evening services at 11 and 7:30 re spectively; meetings of Y. P. S. junior at 8 p. senior at 4.

All persons who do not regularly worship elsewhere are cordially invited to the Presbyterian church. The seats are open to all. Services in the Methodist Episcopal church February 6 as follows: Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.

m. Sabbath sohool at 10 a. m. Jnnior Ep-worth league at 8 p. m.

Visitors and travelers are welcome to all the services. Seats free. "I was deaf for a year, eansed by catarrh in the head, but was perfeotly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla." H. Hicks, Rochester, N. Yj Have yon tried "Silver State" cigars? They are the best.

CAPITAL REMOVAL The Spring'cr Stockman Speaks A Housing1 Protest from Citizens ot Las Vegas. A Card from Representative Clancy- Strong Points on the Retention of the Capital at Santa Fe. Capt. Henry Sturges, of --the Springer Stockman has been pleasantly putting in a few days among the law-makers and his friends in Santa Fe this week, and here is an article from his paper that will be read with interest and followed up with expressions of approval by every fair minded man who sees it says the Stockman: Remove the capitol from Santa Fe! Not much. As soon consider a proposition to remove Plymouth Rock or Mount Ver.ion.

Santa Fe has been the seat of civil, church and military government so long that to remove either, and especially the two first, would be sacrilege. It was planted there when the now world was el inuiiuo nuevo indeed, and it has been irrigated by the best blood of the laud. It was selected by the conqusitadores as their headquarters at a time when the whole of the vast continent was open for their selection. It was tho Chief City of the prehistoric people long before the Spaniards undertook the subjugation of the land. Before Columbus lunded on this continent Santa Fe had an existence and it will be the pilgrim's Mecca long after the present geueration is, and generations yet unborn, are forgotten.

Take the seat of government away from Sin.ti Fe Tate away her churches, her tombs, bones ot her heroes and all else that makes her the great attraction to tourists ovor the continent! Take her ancient fort, her adobe walls, on every one of which history has been written, aud are mouuinents ol tho long iorgotten past, and beneath the soil ot which lie the dead of generations beginning nearer to the world creation tlian any othei spot on tho western continent; pull down the ting that was hoisted there by Knar-ney ufter his toilsome inarch of a thous and miles; take the governor from ground cousecrated by the touch of predecessors for centuries in short, take from a nauowea spot tnat wbicn ib dear to New Mexicans; the his toric interests that can not follow it, and pluoe the empty ensket in a new place, to gratily tho lust for power and the greed of self that would rob and de stroy that which wo venerate, for the sake of personal gain! We do not have to look very far backward to the time when Sauta le was New Mexico. It is witlru the memory of very young men that the whole territory looked to the capital city for tho "coming of Montezuma." The lirst railroad that projected into the ter ritory has Santa Fe in its charter, and if it had uot been that there was a con dition that the old city wa3 to be con nected by iron bands with the cities ol the cant, it is doubtful if a railroad would have yet penetrntod beyond the Raton mountains. The building of that road to banta Fe made Las Vegas and Albuquer que and all the other towns along its line. Aud now they would rob their creator! They would parcel out the civil govern ment, the church and the military, and alter a time will dig up the ancient ground for the ornaments buried with the dead We protest against any and all suoh work Let the other ambitious towns carve out greatness for themselves aud not endeavor to gain greatness by robbing others ot that they have well earned. Let the cap ital remain where nature placed it and where it has been reinstated by successive governments since the foundation ol Christianity in America in the city ol Holy aith historic old Santa e.

LAS VEGAS SPEAKS. The following telegrams addressed in dividunlly and collectively to the San Miguel delegation explain themselves Felix Martinez, J. D. W. Veeder, J.

J. Mc Mullen, Jose Ramon Maestas and Tomas Gonzales, Santa Fe. Las Vegas, Feb. 4. The board of trustees of town of Las Vegas as a body earnestly request you to oppose the movement for removal of capital from banta i'o.

By order of board. J. A. Duncan, Mayor. The following is also addressed to the same senators and members: At citizens meeting held last evening, you were unanimously requested to vigorously oppose capital removal bill.

L. P. Bbown, Pres. D. T.

Haskins, Sec. In reply to the above dispotches the following was sent to the mayor, Hon. P. Brown, Judge Long and the officers of the citizens' meeting: "Myself and many citizens express to you our sincere grntitude for your noble action in our behalf and hope opportuni ty win be auoruea to reciprocate. (Signed.) Staab." Mr.

Staab is doing hard and effective work for the historic city. A OABD FROM REPRESENTATIVE CLANCY To the Editor Sauta Fe New Mexican: Santa Fe, Feb. 4. It has come to my ears that some evil-minded and malicious person has been busying himself in spreading reports to the effect that I am in favor of removing the capital from this place. While my friends ridicule such an idea, yet, those who are not acquainted with labor under the impression that there is some foundation for these scandalous rumors, especially in the city of Albuquerque, where, I am reliably informed, statements have been made that I was "all right for Albuquerque." While such rflmors are absolutely false, and while I am averse "to rushing into print," in this case there would seem to be some justification.

It was my intention to make this statement at the afternoon session of the house on Friday, but, owing to the rather abrupt adjournment of that august body, I as out off in my efforts to secure the floor. I trust that this card will set at rest the minds of certain alleged political schemers as to my attitude in regard to the capital removal. Very truly, (Signed.) H. S. Clancy.

SA.TUKDAY LAD. On Monday, Feb. 18, Governor and Mrs. Prince will hold a reception complimentary to the members of the legislature, at the Palace. It is understood that the United States officials, the territorial officials, officers of the army stationed at Forty Marcy, field officers of the militia and governor's staff, officers of the ooun-oil and house of representatives, editors of papers and representatives of the press with their respective families will be invited to meet the members of the legislature and their families; and as this is an official occasion and the capacity of the reception rooms is quite limited, it will not be practicable to extend the invitations farther.

A very eiegant and pleasant card party took place last Thursday evening at the residence of Colonel and Mrs, Pearson at Fort Marcy. The game was progressive euchre and Beven tables were occupied. The prizes were very prftty and appropriate and were won by Mrs. Littell, Mrs. Morrison and Mrs.

Symington; Governor Prince, Capt. KirkmanandLieut. Littell. A most dainty and highly relished repast was served at 11, and at 12 o'clook the guests went home, having spent a most delightful and folly appreciated evening. Among those were: Governor and Mrs.

Prince, Mr. and Mrs. Dorilus Morrison of St. Paul, Captain and Mrs. Kirkman, Major and Mrs.

Palen, Doctor and Mrs. Symington, Lieut, and Mrs. Littell, Miss Bland, Miss Baker, Miss Hughes, Miss Solignac, Capt. Paulding, Lieut, Stottler. Col.

Frost, Mr. Wallace Baker, Lieut. Harrison, Mr.L. A. Hughes, Lieut.

Stokes, Mr. Francis Baker, Mr. Todd. A. R.

W. Robertson, disciplinarian at the U. S. Indian school, and Miss E. M.

Hodge, a teacher at the same institution. late of Iowa, were married on Thursday evening. Aha ceremony took place ai the home of Prof. John Robertson ana was performed by Rev. G.

G. Smith, o. the Presbyterian church. The attend ants were John H. Robertson, U.

S. In dian agent, brother of the bridegroom. and Miss Susie Smith, of Wisconsin. Man) beautitul presents were received by tin happy couple. May long life and pros perity attend them is the wish of a host of friends.

Mrs. Lucas, Miss Etchison and Mrs. John Murray are here from Washingtoi. city in search of health. They have apeni several seasons in California and come te try Santa Fe's climate through th medium of literature issued by Dr.

Dun can of Chicago. The ladies are all ii search of "a neat cottage" for house keep uig, but they are unable to secure one. They are at present domiciled at Mrs Harper in Mrs. G. A Smith's residence.

The invitations are out for the mar riage of Miss Willie Brandon Headley tt William T. Peacock, Tuesday evening Feb. 14, at the Presbyterian church, Lai Vegas. They will be at home, Feb. 2a Hie fair bride is the daughter of Hon.

1. a. Mills and wile, a talented am charming young lady who has friends al over New Mexico. Mr. Peacock is a buc cessful business man in the Meadow city The New Mexican extends them itt heartiest congratulations.

Capt. R. Blakely and party, of St. Pau who were guests at the Palace during the past week, left last night for El Paso They en oyed their stay in this climate vert greatly, and es Capt Blakely has been for lorty years connected with the Minne sota Historical sooiety, he found mucl. here to elicit his study and admiration Hon.

Daniel J. Ryan and family, of Col umbus, Ohio, who have been sojourning here tor some weeks, leave to-night for i. short visit to Albuquerque. They an delighted with this section and will re turn again at an early day. Col.

A. W. Harris, the large mininp operator and manager of Kingston, wtu. has been in Santa Fe during the past week, on important private business leaves to-night for his home, well pleaseo with the results of his visit. Arthur Seligman is in receipt of a com plete collection of the new Columbia! stamps, sent him by his father, who it now in Washington.

There are fifteei stamps of various denominations running as high as $5. Gov. Prince and wife are out to-day on a visit to the turquoise mines and are accompanied by a pleasant party con sisting of Mr. and Mrs. Dorilus Morrison of Minneapolis; Mrs.

Pearson, Mis Bland and Lieut. Stokes. For to-morrow's plaza concert by thf 10th U. H. infantry band, 2:30 to 3:30 the following is the program: March Milbary verture Timer' dl los.sin Air fe.zebub Solo) Catoza Waltz -Elyseum Asel lei tion- honemian Girl Half Kellgloeo Sdluuris Hamll'on The officers of the court of private land claims are in receipt of invitations to the wedding of the chief justice, Hon.

Joseph u. Keed, to liditii Marion Evans, at Mal vern, Iowa, on February 8. AV. A. Hawkins, the leading lawyer of soutn eastern New Mexico and one Eddy county's most prominent citizens.

is in the capital on a visit. He will re main here about ten days. Bishop Chapelle is at present in Strass burg, Germany. He will reach Rome by tne 19th in time to attend the cele bration of the pope's jubilee. Miss Burnham, a Baltimore lady, who has been a health seeker at St.

Vincent sanitarium for some months, left last night for a short visit to Denver. Miss Lilly Wilson, a very charming an pretty young lady, who has been visiting senator ana Mrs. Saint during the week returns this evening to Albuquerque. The concert and informal hop at the Post Hall, Fort Marcy, were well attended ana greatly enjoyed last evening by large member of invited guests. Mr.

George Patton, the wealthy young cmcagoan, who put in last summer here. is now on a visit to the lower Pecos valley. Mrs. P. B.

Lady and Mrs. Hink'e have been on a pleasant visit to Las Vegas Hot Springs for several days past. Col. J. W.

Hess, of Indianapolis, lately connected with the United States land de partment, is at the Palaoe. Hon. M. G. Reynolds, attorney for the U.

S. land court, will arrive from St. Louis to-morrow night. E. Mensch left this morning for a visit to his brother at Los Angeles and may locate in California.

Ex-Gov. Stover left for Albnqnerque last night. He expects to return to the capital on Monday. Clark M. Carr, a well known citizen of eastern Valencia county, is visiting the capital to-day.

Felix Baca, a bright young lawyer from Albuquqrque, is visiting the oapital to day. Capt. T. W. Collier and Judge J.

H. Walker returned to Raton last night. Mrs. J. P.

Hyland, of Kingston, is in the city on a visit with Capt. Hyland. W. E. Griffin and wife have returned from a visit to friends in Raton.

Judge E. P. Seeds and wife are now domiciled at the Gallegos blook. Hon. H.L.

Waldo left last night for a trip to Las Vegas. Prof. Hiram Hadley departs for his home at Las Cruces to-night. The Medal Shoot. In the gnn club medal eontest yesterday afternoon the score in the fifteen single bird shoot resulted: Goodwin, 10; Akers, Harrison, Draughon, Eaton, Jones, 18; Beaver, 11; Davis, Grigg, 4.

In the ten double bird eontest brush the score was: Goodwin, Akers, Harrison, Draughon, Eaton, Jones, Beaver, Davis, Grigs, 8, L. Harrison bad won the medal twice in succession and yesterday 's shoot result ed In a victory for r. M. Jones, to whom Mr. Harrison very gracefully yielded up the trophy.

KOUND ABOUT TOWN. The new sidewalk about Fort Marcy is about half completed and work is pushing along now on the Palace avenue side of the reservation. It is a much neeced publio improvement. Papers are being drawn up to-day, un der Joe Mulhatton's direction, for the Incorporation of tho Eaoyrna Plaoer Mining company, to operate on the Rio Chama. Gov.

Prinoe and Hon. N. B. Laughlin have deeded one and a half acres of land to Cerrillos for public school purposes and an $8,000 Bchool house is now in course of construction thereon. Just received at S.

S. Beatty's: Car of choice Colorado potatoes; car of Kansas Highest Patent flour. These goods are second to none. Best creamery butter, i 35 cents a pound. Call and examine these goods.

Pupils neither absent nor late at Whitin Hall school for month ending, February 3, 1893: Donald Smith, Claire Webber, Prank Newhall, Wilson McLaughlin, Mary Swope, Jessie McPherson. Mattie Long-will, May Davis, Stella Smith. At the Exchange: A. W. WebBter, Monte Vista; O.

J. Kennedy, Salida; A. Vest, Doming; J. J. Gilchrist, Mora; An tonio de Vargas, Ojo Caliente; E.

Galle- ros, New Mexico; David S. Keck, New ifork. Several wagon loads of iron wheol- barrows went out to the water works reservoir this morning. They are to be used in connection with laying the con crete iu the big dura, whioh department of the work is being pushed rapidly. Visitors at Gold's museum: Mrs.

O. G. Long, Jessie Long, Denver; Jas. T. Ar-non, Oklahoma; E.

B. Johnson, Mrs. A. 3endriok8, Monte Vista, Samuel Sphram, New York City; A. Jacobs, Phil-j idelphia; Jesus V.

Luna, Raton, N. Kohlberg, Denver, Colo. Miss Elsie Moore, at present performing iu this oity, is a pretty little singer md actress of more than ordinary ability. Jer favorite songs the "VVasserfall" and "Marguerita," are well worth hearing. Her ttage presence is modest and attractive ind she has mado numerous friends in Santa Fe.

C. H. Curtis, socretary and treasurer of the Sooorro Fire Clay company, is in Santa Fe introducing his brick and other manufactures to notice. This is a purely New Mexican enterprise and deserves support and assistance from all who are interested in the welfare of the territory. Mrs.

M. J. Crawford, the aged aud much respected mother of Mrs. Geo. W.

Hickox, departed this life at 6 o'clock last evening, after a short illness. Mrs. Crawford possessed many fine traits of character, not the least of which were her neighborly charities, particularly among tho sick and unfortunate. She was a good woman and many will miss her. Her age was 69 years.

The funeral will take place at 10 a. m. to-morrow at the Hickox residence. Somebody had best look after the status of the Santa Fe grant before the U. S.

land court. The original suit has been dismissed on motion of the U. S. attorney, and if the city authorities do not file another suit prior to the 3d of next month no end of trouble will ensue, particularly since it is a fact that many claims are on file for smaller grants within the area properly claimed under the Santa Fe grant. Ofllrial lints.

Peter B. Greaves, of New Mexico, has been granted an original pension. Special mail service to Tierra Blanca, Sierra county, N. from Lake Valley is discontinued from Feb. 11.

Acting Secretary Chandler has decided that Wilson Waddingham and Elizabeth Daniels are entitled to certain lands within the Denver land district within the limits of the Union Pacific railway company's grant, upon which Robert M. Cres-well had made enti J. Co'umbia Building Loai Asso'n, OF DENVER, COLO. Authorized Capital 85.000.000 (ubseiilel Capital 14000,000 Mhari'M KIOO carli. SANTA FE LOCAL OFFICERS T.

Catbon President 0. L. Bishop Vice Pres't W. L. Jones Treasurer E.

L. Bartlett Attorney Paul Wunsohman Insurance R. E. Couey Secretary ADVISORY BOARD. W.

L. Jones C. L. Bishop Val. Cabson' J.

H. Blain Henry Woodbutf. Rudolph D. Couey, Local Agent. Jno.

D. Woodruff, General Agent for New Mexico. Santa Fe, N. M. superior stock- At Cost.

At cost, a superior stock of furniture queensware and glassware, picture frames house mouldings, etc. Many latest novelties, away down, for cash, to close out. Big bargains call at once. No trouble to exhibit our goods. AT.

Gbioo. Suite of furnished rooms and also sin-Long, oppo- gle room for rent by Mrs. site Presbyterian church. For Sale A private lodging house; in quire at this office. Notice to the Public.

We the undersigned sell the only genu ine W. J. Lemp's St. Louis lager beer in kegs or bottles. See that our name is on the lables.

All other beers sold under a St. Lonis label without a name are imitations. Knicx Bbobi Sole Dealers. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX," COVERED WITH A TASTELESS AND SOLUBLE COATINB. For SICK Dizziness, or Swimming la the Htad, Wlndi Pale, and Spasms at the Stomach, Pains la i the Back, Gravel, sad fliing- Pslni la la Body, BhenmathuB, stc.

i Taks fonr. fire or even sit of Bsechsm's PHI and in nfas out of ten. (Ary bW ont rHitlntirmttmtitHtut forth pill will iro direct to and remove the eauss, tf eauu being no mora nor less than wind, together with poison-, on and noxious vapours, and sometimes 1 unwholesome food. Of all druggists. Price SB cents a box.

i New York Depot, 865 Canal St. fyvwssWio: Highest of all in Leavening lf PomJe ABSOUUTEUr PURE Tobacco I'aers mil' fc' rtiircs when told that tobacco hurts them; their wives never do, because their shattered nerves, weak cyea, chronio catarrh and lost manhood, tells the story. If your husband uses tobacco, you want him to quit, post yourself about No-to-bao the wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco habit cure, by sendirg for our little book titled: "Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away," mailed free. Drug stores generally sell No-to-bac. The Sterling Remedy Indiana Mineral Springs, Indiana.

julios e. lit fP Ml FURHISHER Clalhlng and fcnlrts Had to Order. Sh tata St It I- GEIES Mil HAVE IT! Mrs. Vandeusen's Superior Cake Recipes and Cake Mold. Perfect succcki guaranteed.

No creating required, no papering necessary. Give tlicni a trial and you will be pleased. Opposite Gold's Museum. Established 1865. CITY RUG.

(33 Southwest Corner cf the Plaza, Santa Fe, M. All Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. SANTA FE NURSERY! GRANT RIVENBURG, Prop. A complete assortment of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, small fruits, berries, flowers, shrubs, vines, creepers and every thing to be found in a first-class nursery, stock guaranteed. Send for ealologue and price list.

jGhA.i:sr oust decki Tho Old Reliable. CITY All First-Class Meats. Prices Away Down. Prompt Service. (V.AXtMILIAN KNODT, Mgr.

HOI.KHtALK ISGAliEB IK in si1 lis id Pr Ciffice and Warehouse, Lower 'Frisco St. Santa Fo Latest U. S. Gov't Report Hall's Hair Renewer enres dandruff and scalp affections; also all oases of baldnsss where the glands which feed the roots of the hair are not closed up. Miss Trixie Wads in her beautiful spec ialties every night this week at Mottlty's opera house.

Mrs. Sophia Koch (graduate of Leipsig conservatory) will give piano and vocal lossons; terms, $1 a lesson; half-hour lessons, half price; also German and Frenoh lessons. Absoluto enjoyment is realized in smoking a "Brown Palace Perfecto" after hearty dinner. Sold by all dealers. Exchange Hotel 6oatlieast Cor.

Plaza. SANTA FE, N. M. Ctntrallj Mttei. TERMS REASONABLE.

Special Rates by the Week, J.T.FORSHA, PROP. 'STORE: MEAT I. MARKE Coming! Dr. J. S.

Hayes, the Consulting Physician, will lie nt th Palace Hotel ten days, beginning Feb. 14. RUPTURE PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAY IVo detention from buHlnenn. We refer yon 8.000 patient, and Mix National Bank. In lien.

ver. investigate i-ur method. Wri-en Guarantee to bsnlu'ely Cur nil kludsof RUPTURE of boih sexes, without the us. of KNIFE OU SYiUKUE, no matter of how long siaudlug. EXAMINATION FREE.

THE O.E. MILLER COMPANY Denver, Colo. Call at office and ri ular. IS New Mexico i if i -THIS LEA1W BUU of -Santa Fe Sunlamp,.

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