Brooklyn Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 9
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- Brooklyn Eaglei
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- Brooklyn, New York
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- 9
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1 More New Films Arrive on Local Screens News of Stage Art Arthur BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE, NEW YORK, MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1031 Vine, one of Broadway's abies comedians. Sincere tributes are paid by every one from Milton Berle to Attorney Sam Leibowitz, which touches Comedian Vine so deeply The Screen Reverting to Type 'The First World War' Due at Rialto Nov. 8 Fox Film's "The First World War," inspired by the Laurence Stallings' pictorial history of the conflict and taken from the secret By ART By MARTIN DICKSTE1N 'tThat's Gratitude' and 'Wagon Wheels' Share, Program at Strand-'Age of Innocence' and 'Have a Heart' Also on View Thespians in Caricature Left Dudley dementi at he in the role of Eheneder in 'The Great H'aJlj, the mu ileal plor which Max Cordon pretenting I at Radio City't Center Theater. NOTES AND NOTIONS George Gershwin and Moss Hart have kissed and made up, with Gershwin telling Hart that he didn't mind the character in "Merrily We Roll Along" that resembled him so much. "Why should said Gershwin.
"The song writer is the only healthy character in the show 1 the others are pretty decadent" Add things we'd like to see: Daffy i Dean and Buddy Baer arguing about the histrionic prowess of their respective brothers And a fight to the finish between Kingfish I Long and Kingfish Levinsky for the Kingfish championship of the world George Bernard Shaw just autographed a book to an old friend thus: "To Sir Ben Turner, to console him for being seventy-one i this year" Broadway movie i house manncers who still feel that the storv for the new Marx Broth-1 Frank Craven's fondly remembered stage vehicle, "That's Gratitude." Is the principal screen attraction on the Brooklyn 8trand-s double-: feature program this week. The accompanying film is a Zane Grey Western entitled "Wagon Wheels." Mr. Craven, of course, re-enacts his original role of Bob Grant In the sight-and-sound edition of his successful comedy. Orant, you may recall, was the down-at-the-heels theatrical manager who, because he had once come to the rescue of a Midwestern business man In I that he goes through the entire evening with nary a flip quip To the Hollywood Restaurant and see Critic George Jean Nathan at the ringside table on one of his rare swings 'round the spots on the Broadway Dawn Patrol. And ha applauds vigorously when Songbird Frances Langford offers her canary-ings In Dave's Blue Room Mack Gordon occupies his usual table.
In the adjoining pew Bert Lahf and Abe Lyman are havic? a terrific argument about Purdue's football team. Which gives Mack an opening for the worst pun of the month. "This all sounds to me." he interjects, "like much Purdue about nothing." Watson, the axe) The value of Mississippi's cotton crop this season is estimated by farm authoritie at $74,340,000 in contrast to $57,820,000 last year. Galveston, recently made its first movement of freight to the East via inland waterway a shipment of sulphur to Pittsburgh. AMUSEMENTS BROOKLYN flnHI ft VJ LCMIUhT UHLUI InCAlHca ratio.
Flatbush and Midwood Kincsway, Kings Isl.Ar. Aralon. Hay. and 18th Albemarle, Flatbush and Albemarle. R6rt Jiaet Konald Robert Hsrole "The Robert Harold Marine.
Flatbush Av. and Klnirs Hsv. Midwood, Ave. and K. 13th St Rialto.
Flatbush Ay. and Aye. Farrai-iii, Flatbush Rd. Mayfair, Coney Isl. Av.
and Ave. Manor, Coney Isl. Ave. and Ave. K.
Ka has the ,1110 A'-BEE Albee Harm llrilt l)rc Irana Dunne In "Too Ao of liirofenoo" Mvnle-Wvrkoff Km Hurra mage "Rliheot Girl In tho World" PROSPECT 9th Ave. "Tho Honest Blrl In Iho World" 4 Pursued" Hirnm Hmkint In "THE RICHEST girl in THE world" pYKrB. St nr. 5th Ave. bi.riem Heakihi In "THE RICHEST GIRL IN THE WORLD" KEITH'S Richmond Hill Acll Sat Sun.
"Tho Richest Girl in Iho World" Til. VOl! Odd. Steeplechase Acli "The Richest Girl la Iho world" BI SIUVirK B'wav-HQtrard Mirlsns in "Tho Richest Girl la Iho World" (REENP01NT.825 Manh'n Ave. Tho R. limit Girl In tho World" 4 "Puriued" ORPIIFUM Fulton and RocKwell "The Rlkhost Girl la Iho World" 4 "Pursued" i :iJ.JILU" "tt-illLE AND atrtttN boko PARK FEATURE FILMS BAY Rllir.H distress, accepted too literally this visit his Kansas home and stay as Those who saw the play needn't be reminded that good old Bob not only remained a decreasingly welcome guest for three months, but substantially altered the destinies of practically every member of the Maxwell family.
Specifically, he a happy marriage for one of the Maxwell daughters and carved for another a successful career on the stage. All this has been reproduced witii reasonable fidelity on the screen, but one cannot escape the impression that "That's Gratitude" is now less satisfying comedy than it was On the stage. Its producers have chosen simply to bring us a photographed copy of the giving no thought to such things as the broader scope of the camera and Its consequent opportunities for more imaginative handling. The result Is a photoplay which, while it embodies an amusing idea, falls sort of being good screen entertainment because of its monotony. Besides Mr.
Craven, who is easiiy "the best thing in the picture, th cast includes Arthur Byron, Helen Ware, Sheila Manners, Mary Carlisle and Charles Sabin. a "Wagon Wheels, which Is coni- mended to those who are still partial to Zane Grey's "horse centers around the historical journey of the covered wagon from Independence, to Oregon in 1844, when the American pioneers first went out to homestead the new country. It features Randolph Scott. Gail Pat-trick and the Infrequently seen, but still popular, Monte Blue. New York in the 80's "THE AGE OP INNOCENCE." an RKO Radio picture based on the novel bv Srllth Wharion: directed bv Philip Moeller and featuring a cast which include John Boles.
Irene Dunne. Helen Westlev. T.ionel At-will and Julie Havdem. At the RKO Albee Theater. Edith Wharton's novel.
'The Age of Innocence," has been transplanted to the talkies, and at the Albee Theater this week offers entertainment pf a polite and engaging, If nwer a very exciting kind. A romantic drama of o'd New York Cits time is the 80's), it Is interesting mainly for the nostalgic charm of its Victorian costumes and settings. Less stimulating Is Its placid story of New-land Archer, who married a girl he didn't love because his marriage to a divorcee would be considered a on the family honor. It is, in its routine way, a iciiuuiiHi tuve story wnicn Deion as easily to today as to the elega it eighties. And Philip Moeller, who was borrowed from the Theater Ouild, has failed to endow it with any particular directorial originality.
However, there are good per formances by John Boles, as th3 unhappy hero; Irene Dunne, as beloved Countess Olenska, and Helen Westley, who Is seen at her best here as the amusing and lovable Granny Mingott. These, with the pleasing mauv decade flavor previously mentioned, re the atoning features of a pro Music of B. II. archives of the belligerent nations, will have its first world showing at the Rialto Theater on Thursday, Nov. 8.
The film represents the first attempt to bring to the screen a coherent chronological motion picture story of the war beginning 14 years before the actual conflict started, when events which made it inevitable had already been photographed and were rcposin; in various government vaults. In addition to editing hundreds of thousands of feet of hitherto un-displayed film so as to cull from these voluminous rerords a concise feature length picture. Mr. Stallings has written a pungent running commentary which is voiced by Pedro de Cordoba. Olga Baclanova, George Givot, Roscoe Ates and Tommy Mack are) out of Lew Brown's "Calling All Stars," and Carol Bergman, the Pearl Twins and Dorothy Raymond are In.
AMUSEMENTS BROOKLYN I IV UllPluaa TP Monttemvy. 4 "The Human SlaV' Gaynor. Law Arm, "SERVANTS' ENTRANCE" Caiman, "Bulldoe Drummoaa' Strikes Bark'' Hm Rithithild" II Dswn to Tholr Last VMht Moationory. "The Human Sio" Mentaomery, 4 "The Human Moo" Lloyt, "THE CAT'S PAW" and "Haapy landln" Houio of Rottmhilo" a "Ooa to Their Last Vetht" Maatioanry, "HIDE 4 "Their Bio 1omonl', Lloyd "The Cat's "Whn Stranoer, Moot" TTS OF LOCAL WINNERS AT LOEW'I BREVOORT ALPINE WARWICK SHOWING TODAY ISLAND ARTHUR ers' picture and his idea is to have the silent Harpo play an opera singer who has lost his voice The Marx Brothers had never heard of McGuinncss until several weeks ago. Then wherever McGuln-ness went people began to tell him, "The Marx Brothers have been asking what kind of a writer you are." The other day he got even.
He sent wires to Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, Joe E. Brown and other comedians asking, "What kind of comedians are the Marx Brothers?" Up on Lenox Ave. there's a restaurant called "The Big Apple," the explanation being that "the big apple" is Harlem slang for ''the main stem," which is Broadway slang for the main dino Writer Irvin Cobb was introduced to little Shirley Temple on the Fox lot the other week and invited her to have lunch with him. Shirley offered her best movie bow and said, you very much. I would like to very much." But imagine Cobb's feelings as he started to walk away and heard the child wonder saying to her mother with a bored air: "I certainly do get them all" Add Time items: The news mag has Just figured out a good stunt for proving to Its advertisers that reader Interest justifies an increase in advertising rates.
Its representatives obtained scores of copies of the magazine from homes of subscribers all over the country. These were turned over to Joseph Faurot, fingerprint expert, and his examinations proved that frequently as many as eight or ten individuals read each copy! Harry Rlchman says he was raised in a Philadelphia neighborhood "that was so tough a man had to be two-fisted even to be a GAY GLIMPSES To the opening of the new Brooklyn Trans-Lux Theater Thursday eve, complete with arc lights, movie cameras, celebrities and all the Hollywood trimmings. But the policemen assigned to keep order seem to prefer playing football with the crowd and many a temper is ruffled unnecessary. Even Borough President Ingersoll is subjected to a pushing around and one spectator observes, "Well, that's one way of stopping an Ingersoll'' Polly Moran makes noises Into the microphones, threatens to take up residence in Brooklyn and scores a hit with the spectators. But Playwright Sean O'Casey tops her when he gives his nutshell impression of America.
"Everything here is speed that some times rises into a reckless haste." He states: "In fact, Americans are all in such a hurry that they never have time to get where they are going!" To the Hotel St. Moritz another night to attend a dinner in honor of Dave AMUSEMENTS MANHATTAN National Horse Show MADISON SQUARE GARDEN Nor. 7 to 132 and P. M. Weekdays International Jumpinr Nfrhtlr Canada's "Mountfe" Daily Jumping Every Performance Gala Night Sunday, November 11 SPATS NOW: GARDEN BOX OFFICII MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG Thti Plan with Kenneth MarKrnna Marr Philip" Walter Abel (erllla Laltsia Jessie RoTee l.andis "THE HIT OF THE YEAR." tiillwrt llHliriel, iirri-ia MUSIC BOX THEATRE.
4.1 W. af B'T Evs. Mats. Thurs. and Sat.
at 3:30 BROCK PEMBERTON Prevents PERSONAL APPEARANCE with GLADYS GEORGE A nf.w emnrtiff bv lawrmcG Rilru Staieri tiy Antointt Parry A Mr. PmlMrUR "tlere'i the f1rt honent-to-God hit of the seawn." Uolton, TeU.aravh. HENRY Mil FR Theatre. West 43 8t. Evis.
Mat. THl'RS. and SAILOR, BEWARE! The Uproarious Naval Coineiiv NOW IN ITS SSth SENSATIONAL WEEK LYCEUM 45 E. at B'y. Mts.Thurs..Sst.
8PECIAL MATINEE ELECTION DAY SMALL MIRACLE The thrillfns. brealh-Uklnn hit with JOSEPH SPORIN-CALLEIA "An aipert piece af the modern reallstte drama at Its best." Hrot'kt Atkinto. Timrn GOLDEN W. 4.1th CH. 4-0144 Errs.
8:411 Matinees WFD. anH to STEVED0RfS' "Deserves a distinguished run r. Ttml CIVIC REPERTORY Theatre. 14 St. Ith Ave.
WAt. 97450. Evs. 1:45 ifl, ta s1 CC NO Mots. Ttm.
and 45 olUt, l.JU TAX SYBIL THORNDIKE JHE DISTAFF SIDE with Estelle Winwood viola Ketits "A nisstfrpteoe of our lime." tiorsnj. W. Tl. BOOTH Theatre. VV.
45 SI. vs. 8 :40 30o ts 12.50 Matinees Wed, and 2:40 5Qo to S2 "Probably the irratest ere-and-ear show of all time." Percy Hammond, Herald Trio. MAX GORDON Presents a Nrw Musical Pliy Production Conceived and Directed HASSARD SHORT THE GREAT WALTZ Rook by Moss Hart. Mtisie bv loliann Strauss Osnees by Albertlna Ranch l-r, at In.
UI. Nst. "it to fiiio OiTh NIkH' ai I'J 20 THE CENTER rHEATRE. 49th 81. and 6th Ave.
EXTRA MATINEE ELECTION PAY JAMES BARTON in JOBACCO ROAD llth Month JACK KlltKI.A.Hi Rased on Ershlna Caldwell's Novel Matinees WED. and IHIc to Xj.nft FORREST 4th W. B'WaT n.rt'h!;'!.5i!'i8'-'--Dr',0" Mur''" Loud Speaker Electee. 5tU St. aud Third Ave The Human side and She Was a Lady Loew Alpine, 69th and Fifth Dames, Hub? Heeler, Dick Powell, Joan Biondell; P'as Our Oai( in Honker Donkey Loew Bay Rldee, St.
and 3d Ave Ronald olmaii. Bulldor Drumtnond Strikes Back; Ft aims, a llu, Th' Vou M. Daniels Park, Fifth and 44th St Draion Murder Case and Stolen Sweets Stanley. Pltth Aye. and 75th St Romance In tbe Rain and His Greatest Gamble Sunset, 47th St.
and Fifth Ave t.lrl in Danger and Beyond tbe Law Vanity. 56tb St. and Fifth Ave Treasure Island, Wallace Beery, Jackie Cooper BEDFORD Apollo, Pulton St. and House of Rothschild and The World Moves On Lincoln. Bedford Treasure Island and Monte Carlo Nijhts Loew a Bedford, Bedford and Bernen Dames, Ruby Keeler.
Dick Powell. Joan Biondell; plus Our Clans; In Honkey Donkey LoewsKameo. B. Dames, Ruby Keeler. Dick Powell.
Joan Biondell, Plus Our Gans; In Honkey Donkey Loew Brevoort, Brevoort-Bedford. Heads on a Pillow. Neil Hamilton: pins Warner Oland, Charlie Chan in London National 720 Washington Ay. Paw and The Defense Rest. Recent, Fulton St.
nd Bedford Romance In the Rain and Sonth of the Rio Grande savoy, Bedford Ave. and Lincoln PL. Rlthaat Girl la the World, M. Hopkins, J. MtCrea.
F. Wr State. DeKalb and Franklin Straight Is the Way and Romance in the Rain BOROUGH HALL AND DOWNTOWN and Fulton Girl From Missouri and Shoot the Works Dulfield.Duffleld and Fulton Sta. Public Enemy and Embarrassing Momenta Loew a Melba. Livingston-Hanover.
Joan Crawford. Clark Gable. Chained; plus Death on the Diamond, Robert Young Momart. 590 Fulton St Treasure Island and Housewife New I'nited. Myrtle and Hudson Avs.
The Personality Kid and Charlie Chan's Courage St. George Playhouse, 100 Pineapple. House ef Rothschild and Side Streets Terminal, Fourth Ave. and Dean Cat's Paw and Side Streets Tivoll. Fulton St.
and Myrtle Let's Try Again; Among the Missing; Vaudeville BOROUGH PARK Berkshire. Eighth Ave. and 60th Romance In the Rain and Girl In Danger Elton, 43d St. fe New Utrecht Housewife and The Defense Rests Loew'a Bore Park. 51 Dtrecht lanet Gaynor, Lew Ayres.
Servants' Entrance; plus Warner Oland In Charlie Chan in Londna Loew's 4lh 46th New Utrecht. Dames. Ruby Keeler. Dick Powell. Joan Biondell! plus Onr Gang in Honkey Donkey New Garden.
New Utrecht-46th St. Grand Canary and Private Scandal Rita. Eighth Ave. and 46th St Romance In the Rain and She Was a Lady Windsor, 13th Ave. and 40th St Cat's Paw and Elmer aad Elsie BENSO.VHL'RST Endicolt.
13th Ave.and 70th St The Defense Rests and The Last Round-tin Hollywood, 78th St. and New Utrecht. The Defense Rests and The Last Ronnd-Tjp Loew Oriental, 86th Dames, Ruby Keeler. Dick Powell. Joan Biondell; Plus Osir Gang 1st Honkey Donkey Mapleton.
6502 18th Ave Man With Two Eacea and Sage Brush Trail Sttllwell. 86th St. and 24th Ave Cat's Paw and We're Rich Again BRIGHTON BEACH Lakeland, 273 Brighton Beach Ave. The Circus Clown and Midnight Alibi Oceana. St.
Public Enemy and Human Side Sheepshead.Sheensh'd Bav-Voorhles straight Is the Way and Charlie Chan In Londoa Sheldon, 1648 Sheepshead Bay Rd One More River and Friends ef Mr. Sweeney Taaede, Ocean Pky. nr. Brighton L. Straight Is the Way and Charlie Chan in Londaa casual acquaintance's Invitation to long as he liked.
1 duction which, frankly, we found only moderately entertaining. On its current vaudeville program the Albee Is featuring Marty Brltt and his orchestra, Wllllsm and Joe Mandel, Joe Morris and Steve Evans. Have a Heart' 'Have a Heart," a Metro-Goldwyn picture, directed by David Butler, lrom a story by B. Q. DeSvlva and David Butler, and presented at the Brooklyn Fox.
THE CAST Sally Moore Jean Parker Jimmie Flaherty James Dunn Joan Una Merkel Qua Stuart Erwln Schauber Wiliard Hoberlion Dr. Spear Samuel Hinds Joe Paul Pate Helen Muriel Evaiie Mrs. Kelly Kate Price Mrs. Abrahams Pepi Slnoll A Janet Gaynor picture without Janet Gaynor is "Have a Heart," current at the Brooklyn Fox, and overflowing with sentimentality and hokum. But like all program pictures from Hollywood, the story does not matter much; for Hollywood Is passingly wise in rouging the obvious and the trite with clever acting and smooth direction.
Jetui Parker has the Gaynor part; pkying a girl crippled on the eve of her wedding day, and abandoned by the intended bridegroom. This is a story that smells of the studio, you can see, but it is rather pleasantly told. Let us continue with the plot. Forced to give up her Job as a dance teacher, Sally that is, Miss Parker makes dolls at her home. Jimmy that name usually means James Dunn, and it doe here is the unofficial Santa Claus to the neighborhood children.
He is a peddler of ice cream pops, have-a-heart sticks, and when the poorer children cant pay well, big hearted Jimmy treats. Sitting by her window and sew ing all day, Sally soon meets Jimmy, soon falls in love. She Is afraid of his reaction when he should learn that she is crippKd but his feelings remain the same after he learns her leg is mangled. Sally has saved up for an operation to straighten her leg, when Jimmy is unjustly accused of stealing $400 from his firm. To save him from Jail, Sally takes most of her operation money and gives it to the boss.
On learning of her sacrifice, accuses Sally of believing him guilty and rushes away, vowing never to return. But don't fear, children, this is noi life, this is the movies. The real thief is caught, Sally's leg is corrected, Jimmy is promoted, and tender-hearted cinemaddicts have had a good cry. Those sterling and ever-dependable comedians or rather, comedian and comedienne Una Merkel and Stuart Erwln, brighten this placid tale with bright wise-cracks and dead-pan humor. Eddie Peabody and A Banjo, spell that in capital letters, headline the stage show.
The Four Flash Devils do some shuffling and stamping with hot Harlem heels. The Bill Powers Girls, Brem Fitz and Murphy Brothers, Henry Youngman and the Charles Stein Orchestra complete the stage bill. L.S. the Day 1IACCI1N; Concert of the National Orchestral Association. Leon Banin conducting, with Osstp Gabrilowitsch.
pianist ag assisting artist. At the Town Hall. Bach Concerto In A major Mozart Concerto In minor Beethoven Concerto in minor style of delicate, exquisite nuance, which he used with unfailing good taste, but which was better suited RESTAURANTS BROOKLYN Wednesday Oct. HALLOWE'EN AT OETJEN'S BOBBING FOR APPLES GHOST DANCING PRIZES NOISEMAKERS LEONARD IS ORCHESTRA Right Cynthia and Gage-Clarke, at they appear to the car-irnturitt in 'Lott the play which con-linnet at the St. James Theater.
Theater News Maxwell Anderson will direct one of his own plays for the first time. With John Houseman he Is directing his "Valley Forge" for the Theater Ouild. Philip Merivale is playing George Washington and he is supported by Ruth Weston, Reginald Mason, Frances Sage and Florence Gerald. Many celebrities will entertain at the Friars dinner in honor of Postmaster General Farley on Nov. 4.
Among them will be Burns and Allen, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack Lahr, Jack Benny, Morton Downey, George Jesel and Clark McCul-lough. Forrest C. Harlng, manager for Dwight Deere Wlman, leaves by plane today for Hollywood in search of players for Maurice Braddell's "It's You I Want." This Is intended for early production. Dwight Fisle, singer and pianist, will have a role in support of Tal-lulah Bankhead in "Dark Victory," by George Brewer Jr. and Bertram Bloch.
Alexander Mckaig is presenting it at the Plymouth on Nov. 6. Briefs Despite the demand, "Conversation Piece" will play only its scheduled 12, weeks The "Ziegfield Follies" leaves Chicago and begins a long road tour on Nov. 4 Matinee prices for "All Rights Reserved," opening this Friday, have been reduced to $1.50 A tabloid version of "Shuffle Along" is the stage show at the Manhattan Palace this week. Flournoy Miller, of the old Miller and Lyles team, Is featured, and Eubie Blake and his orchestra provide the music.
Auriol Lee, co-producer with Dwight Deere Wiman of "The Distaff Side," In which Sybil Thorn-dike is starred, Is forming a production partnership with Jack Buchanan and they will present as their first joint effort John van Drutcn's new play, "Flowers of the Forest," which Miss Lee will stage and in which Gwen Ffragcon-Davies is to be starred. Immediately following the London premiere Miss Lee will return here to stage the New York production of "Flowers of the Forest." which Katherine Cornell will both present and appear In at the Martin Beck Theater some time in February. The first of a long series of theater parties will be given at the Na tional Theater tonight, when the Women American Ort will hold a benefit at "Within the Gates." The proceeds will go to the Ort Reconstruction Work in Eastern and Central Europe. AMUSEMENTS BROOKLYN LJ A I I BROOKLYN 1,1 I IV THIS WEEK Eves. J1 M.ts.Wed.
TC Cf) 7C. and Sat. ADOU-iaC LEAN MAYFIELD 'ZVU "THE MILKY WAY" N. is: Blanche Ring "Her Master's Voire'' SHIRLEY TEMPLE in NOW AND FOREVER" IN PERSON PHIL 5PITALNY 3V2 STARS tho News snout Ftank Craren "'t CratituJe" also en tho screen. Zane Hrey'l "Wsion Wheels" FIRST RI'N HITS, Se P.
M. Iran Dim Mm Boles "THE AGE OF INNOCENCE" MCO Wmflf-SJAIITY MITT snoswis-WHiiaat a ml ri-STrvf (vam na-bMKkm PAS3JEX flaWI-HAVEaNEART" I 1 ijD'CVf Rata I HAYtS WOMAN KNOW!" to Schuniann than to Mozart or Beethoven. Mozart's minor Concerto did not have the tragic Intensity which it had in the performance of Toscanini and Iturbi last year; instead it sighed and fluttered which is what most people think Mozart should do. as a result of hearing him played that way. And portions of the Allegro movements of the Beethoven concerto also sighed and fluttered.
True, other portions had the rug-gedness and sturdiness which Beethoven should have; but the essential quality rt a work must be maintained in every detail, and Beethoven's ruggedness and sturdiness should have been felt even in the quieter passages. The slow movement, however, Mr. Gabrllo-witsch played superbly with deeply poetic feeling. And his silvery legato was exquisite in the slow movement of the Bach Concerto, the most consequential movement of one of Bach's less consequential works. In the Mr.
Gabrll-owiLsch and the orchestra rattled along cheerfully with the music. Mention should be made of the cadenzas which Mr. Gabrilowitsch played in the Mozart and Beethoven Concertos. They were alien to the rest of the music and poor stuff in themselves. Misclia Weisbord and a Spanish Dancer Mischa Welsbord, a young Russian violinist who made his New York debut in the Winter of 1926, made his first appearance here since that season yesterday -afternoon in Town Hall, with Stuart Ross as the accompanying pianist.
The program offered Cesar Franck's sonata, Bach's unaccompanied prelude and fugue in minor, Lalo's "Symphonic Espagnole" and shorter pieces by Dvorak-Krelsler and Wieniawski. Mr. WeUbord impressed as an earnest an 1 well-equipped musician, although he did not always seem to be at hi', best In yesterday's recital. His tone was of likeable quality, bat the interpretative breadth needed to meet the extremely taxing demands of the Bach work for violin alone or the emotional resources of the Franck sonata was sometimes lacking. There was a good-sized and very cordially disposed audience.
Before a large audience Clarita Martin gave her first New York dance recital last night at Town Hall, devoting the program to Spanish dances accompanied by Romeo, Albeniz, de Falla, Forbes and Sopena and popular tunes from various parts of Spain. Salvador Ibanez, guitarist, and Louis Laugh- lin, pianist, were the assisting artists, placing solos In addition to accompaniments. While American born, Miss Martin has studied the Spanish dance both ifi Havana and in Spain and her work last night revealed the results ov very good training and intelligent understanding of the types of Hispanic dance represented on her program. This wbs supplemented by notably effective use of the castanets and well chosen costumes contributing to the atmosphere of the evening. There was much enthusiasm and a call for repetition of several of the numbers.
Verdi's Trovatore" was last night's at the Hippodrome with a cast of singers who Jiad already appeared in this series, including Anr.e Roselle as Leonora, Brona Castigna as Azucena, Pas-quale Ferrara as Manrico and Carlo Morelll as the Count. Cesare Sodtro conducted. The performance of the Polish opera 'Halka" scheduled for tonight has been postponed, according to an yesterday from Max Rabinoff, impresario of the Cosmopolitan Opera Association. The next opera in the regular I schedule at the Hippodrome will be "Aida" next Thursday night. i AMUSEMENTS MANHATTAN Maurice Jeanelte CHEVALIER MacDONALD "THE MERRY WIDOW" An Ernst Lualtsth Production An M.G.M.
Plottro ACTOR I Dally 2:50. 3 Tintes no vn JO. 5:50, 1:50. Sola Mid. Show list.
2:11, And hniisunl'y eluhorslo ilsoo reviw I. VST TWO DAYS GEORGE ARLISS in "The Last Gentleman' UMTtO ATIrl tSrr, "MAN or ARAN" A 10 Wo Mrvae) wiea Daily JiaS-W4 toMtfway CRITERION aatlStfaal the Breen purity seal at the beginning of a picture antagonizes the audience have worked out a new way of getting around it. They show the seal, but Just for the merest flash. If you wink you miss It! Bugs Baer wrote the menu for the dinner to be given in honor of Sophie Tucker on he return to America. And one of the items Is "shoestring potatoes for producers only" Sign in a large and prosperous looking drug store on 7th Brooklyn: "No Luncheons No Alarm Clocks No Tobacco.
We Practice Pharmacy" SHOW SHOPS Noel (Yeah Man) Coward's latest bit of theatrical fluff is "Conversation Piece" at the Forty-fourth Street Theater, but one doesn't quite realize how airy it is until a printed copy comes to hand. Reading it, one concludes that Coward must have written it in a hurry to catch a deadline or something. Certainly Its flimsy texture marks it as one of Coward's lesser masterpieces. All of which serves ortly to emphasize how great a star Yvonne Printemps must be to shine so brightly in the latest Coward creation. She's a delight as much a delight in her individual way as is Lucienne Boyer "Conversation Piece" is exceedingly well staged and mounted, which helps, too.
And Coward, of course, even in his less brilliant offerings, manages to come through with this worthwhile thing and that, nevertheless. Like his "Regency Rakes" quartet in which the roistering roues, sing, "We're Regency Rakes and each of us makes a personal issue of adipose tissue; But still, notwithstanding, our stomachs' expanding, we all yearn for romance. We frequently start affairs of the heart." And so gaily onward. CRACKPOT-POURRI James K. McGuinness Is writing AMUSEMENTS MANHATTAN Opening TOMJGHT at 8:4.
DRKIFItSS OEFNHARDT nrese-it EDITH BARRETT IN Allure A New Pine br leirh Barton Wells EMPIRK. 40 St. nnil R'tm. Tel. PR.
Fes. MaUneen ThiirstlaT and Saturday, 2:30 BETWEEN TW0 W0RLDS A Play In Nine Srenes by ELMER RICE with JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT and RACHF.L HARTZEIX BELASCO THEA 44 E- ot B'y. BRy. t-SIO EVSS. 8 '20.
LA. 4-7135 Errs. Matinees Thurs. and 3:0 D'OYLY CARTE SILBERT 4 SULLIVAN OPERA COMPANY front London OPERAS Tonifht. Tueity A Wed.
Prl. A Sat. Wod. Mat. 2:15 Nlihls sV Sat.
Mat. "THE YEOMEN "PRINrESS af THE GUARD" IDA" Noil Weeo. Moa to "Pstlonoo Tlvjrs. to "Trial By "Plrstos at Penniseo" MARTIN BECK THEATRE, 49 W. ft Ay.
bert lytell First legion "Fresh. Vtioroas. lllKirniHIR I Hr. 7'rihiine. TONIGHT BILTMORE i 47 W.
B'way. CH. 4-StBI Etes. tO. Matinees WedA JUDGMENT DAY By ELMER RICE FULTON 4th W.
af B'way. LO. 3-8825 In. 8:40. Mats.
Wodaesdsv and Satsaday. TILL THAT STORY! Pear fna Prraniar Bono Bit TWO CIGARETTES IN THE DARK" AMBASSADOR Thoa 49th Wttt af R'sny Wednesday ti Saturday LIFE BEGINS AT 8:40 The Muslral Sneeesa BERT RAY LUEU.A LAHR BOLGER GEAR PR ANCKfl WILLIAMS A JOHN MI RRAY ANDI RSON Hrndnrllnn WINTER HARDEN. ws A Slllll. Eves. 8:40 Msta.
THURS. A SAT. Estrs Msl. Elot. Day T.AI'RENCE RIVERS, nreseiiti LOST HORIZONS WITH JANE WYATT "A ttiasulstlnl and Imsffinotivo s'ay.
snfraso- Ina tho end." LOi kllinilK. V. I. (inn. ST.
JAMES Theatre. 44th SI. West of B'way LAt.4-464. Ev.i:308hor. Mots.
Wod. oY8at.2:30 BrSHWICK Hassle, Tompkins Av. at Pulaski Treasure Island and Crime Doctor i Colonial. Broadway and Chauncey St Bulldog Drummond strikes Rark: You Belong la Me Halsey. 938 Halsey St Women ef All Nations and Sky Devils Kismet, 785 Dt Kalb Ave Bulldog Drummond Strikes Book; Onto to Every Rasholor i Loew'a Gates.
Gates and Broadway. Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, Joan Rlondellt plus Vaudeville Jean Sargent Luior. 431 Central Ave Treasure Island and Fighting to Live Marvin, Broadway at Vnn Buren Handy Andy and Charlie Chan's Courage Hige. Wilson and Jefferson Treasure Island and Morning After Gabrilowilsch Heard in Concertos wilh National Orrhentral Association Under Barzin The Town Hall was crowded Saturday afternoon for the first of a series of five programs of piano concertos offered by the National Orchestral Association under the direction of Leon Barzin, with Ossip Gabrilowitsch as the solo pianist, Saturday's program included two concertos that are well known to concert goers Beethoven's In minor and Mozart' in minor, the second of which Mr. Gabrilowitsch has played frequently and also Bach's unfamiliar Concerto in A.
It has been a matter of regret for many years that Mr. Gabrilowitsch has preferred to be an undistinguished conductor rather than a very distinguished pianist, allowing his repertory to become quite moth- Sumner, Sumner Ave. and Qulncy St. Roltdoi Orummoad strikes Bstk; Ones ts Every Bathalsr CANARSIC Canarale, Ave. and E.
85th St Dragon Murder Case and The Human Side CONEY ISLAND Loew'a Coney Island, Dames, Rnby Keeler. Dick Powell, Joan Blondelt) plua Onr Gang in Honkey Donkey CITS LINK City Line, Liberty and Lincoln The Cat's Paw and The Quitter CROWN HEIGHTS Carroll, Otlca Ave. and Carroll House ef Rothschild and Hlde-Out Congress. St John's PI -Bullalo She Levee Me Not and Human Side Rivera.St.John'sPl.atKingstonAv.. The Fountain and Hide-Out EAST FLATBUSH Rugby, Utica nr.
CTiurch Friends of Mr. Sweeney and Harold Teen EAST NEW YORK Loew's Pitkin. Pitkin and Saratoga. Four Star Hit! One Night of Love. Grace Mnoret plus Todd Kelly Comedy, Three Chumps Ahead FLATBUSH Flatbush Church and Flatbush Ne Man of Her Own and Scotland Yard Glenwood, 147o Flatbush Ave Handy Andy and Girl In Danger Granada, Church and Nostrand The Cat'.
Paw and In Love With Life eader. Coney Isl. Dragon Murder Case and You Belong to Me Loew'a Century, Noatrand-Parksldo. Diana Wynyard. One More River.
Colin Cllve: plus zn Pls. Slim Summervtlle. Their Big Moment Loews Kings. Flatbush and star Hit! One Night ef Leva, Grace Moore: R' T'M Comedy. Three Chumps Ahead Nayarre, Ave.
O-Conev Island Stambonl Quest and Personality Kid Parkside, Flatbush and Parkalde Avs. Side streeta Charlie Chan In London GERRtTSEN BEACH Graham. 311 Whitney Ave Handy Andy and rharlle Chan's Courage AVENUE fj Avenue Ave. U-E. 16th Was a Ladv and Down to Their Last Yacht Dewev.
Coney Isl. Ay. nr. Ave. Viva Villa and Laurel and Hardy Comedy ((Dentin, Quentln Rd.
and B. 35th St. Treasure Island and Monte Carlo Nlihte Traymore. Ave and E. 46th St Charlie Chan's Courage and We're Rich Again PARK SLOPE Carlton.
Flatbush and 7th Aves She Love, Me Not and STie Was a Lady Plaza, Flntbuth Ave. and Park Place. Surrell and Son and Cheaters Sanders. Prospect Pic. West-14th St.
af the Terror aad Cross Streets RIDGEWOOD Glenwood, Myrtle Ave. and Decatur. Charlie Chan in London and You Rrlong te Me Oasis, Fresh Pond Rd. and Grove Treasure Island and Romance in the Rain Parthenon, Myrtle land Wvckoff You Belong ta Me and Fifteen Wives Ridgeweod, Myrtle and Cypress Aves. Rulldog Drummond Strihoo Rotk.
R. Coimon. L. Yoeng Bivoii, Mvrtle dl WUson Area Treasure Island and Affairs ef a Gentleman SOUTH BROOKLYN Paradise, St. and Fourth Girl From Missouri and Morning After Sander's Globe.
228 15th St Treasure Island, Wallace Beery, Jackie Cooper WINDSOR TERRA CR Prcapect Man With Two Faees and Handy Andy WILLIAMSBURG Alba, Flushing Ave. and Servants' Rntrance and Charlie Chan In London Folly, Oraham Ave. near The Personality Kid, fat O'Brien; Vaudeville Loew. Broadway, Broadway-Mvrtle Damea, Ruby Keeler, nilek Powell, Joan plua Onr Gang in Honkey Donkey Williamsburg, Broadway and Marcy. House of Rothschild and Going Rve Rye eaten and his playing a little shab- Dy oil uie itxiimciu siae.
mm wi the audience that filled the Town Hall it apparently was a cause for rejoicing that he is again giving enough time to the piano to learn these concertos once more, and one may judge from Saturday's concert to perfect his playing of them. It is a pity, therefore, that Mr. Gabrilowitsch did not have an orchestra playing with him that could produce sounds as beautiful as the sounds he produced on the piano; for at Umes the discrepency was disturbing. The pity is all the greater since in other respects the collaboration of orchestra and pianist was admirable. It was evident that the performances were the result of careful rehearsal in which unanimit- of purpose had been achieved, and at the concert Mr.
Barzin had the orchestra well In hand, so that It dotted every one of Mr. Gabrilowitsch' l's and crossed his t's. The unanimity went even further: under Mr. Bar-ztn's direction the orchestra gave Mozart the same character as Mr. Gabrilowitsch gave it.
Which brings us to the matter of interpretation and style. Mr. Gabrilowitsch played with his own highly personal, romantic style a HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Ifl H', 4 'ClV LONG FOREST HILLS Inwood, Metropolitan, nr. iWnn A. Hue of Rnthsrhlhl and Their Big Moment JAMAICA Jamaica, St.
and Jumnlr.t Ave. Servants' Enlrance snd The Hitman Side l.oew's Valrncin. Jem. Merrick Rd Nwmi Shrsror, Froilrie Marrh. Chss.
Lousotos. "Tho Rarrrtt ot Wlmoolo Vsud-villo, ftrea Hoyes Merrick, New Ynrlt. Jamaica Aves. and An American Tragedy Savoy. Jamaica Ave.
and 15M 8t Dragon Murder Case and Romance In the Rain LONG BEACH Laurel, Park St and Laurelton Blvd Servants' Entrance, Janet Gaynor, Law Ayree MIDDLE VILLACR Arion, 2192 Metropolitan Ave No Greater Clary and Finer and Zlsto.
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