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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 51

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


flrlp Mate Frmal GIRL, ehtte, general ouarfc. tieep m. focwl home, food pav: no o-)eciion to ati' land. MIDwood 4080. 113.

K. s4ii st Cheery, Courteous Service Call Main 6000 if you would know the utmost in telephone efficiency and hear the smiiing voice of an Eagle Ad-Taker. In actual test, it takes but five seconds to get this number from the time your operator starts ringing. This is i record in speed for Classified Ail Service and a great convenience for readers who use these coluiiV.r- to advantage. 1 21 -J aJLLAH We ay a saxary aii a C3ta-tanon the pun bukinesa teaen veu now la se.i.

tne reouir saenta are boneety. hard work and ctdi r.ary intelUgenoe; advajsoemeot assured tg tnose a ho oua'ilv. also nave a uoeret irr.itAAiofi atrangement for part tlenf) man. we oesire voune men neiween zi ai.a 10 Lull at 01 av, Brooklyn. Ak for Mr NechateL 10P13 THREE MEN.

SALARY. COMMISSION; OPPORTUNITY for advancement: wo traigj you to earn 87 to 6100 a week- Apply Monday, to am. Jacoba, 797 proper a rernef ifostrenw av. BroMiyn. ldsit Covanercial EfRployBieni Agrndea Male 33a UTOMOHlLB WASHERS.

pgUahera, carafe men. eaberina ar: rr Aooiv Puiton Employment Agency, 4M Fulton st. Brook lin. 37F5 LAW stenographer, 630 up; messenger boy. unnstians.

Greater N. Y. Empiovmens nrnvv. sra miton st, Hrooxiyn. iiiwa UNITED PERSONNEL SERVICE.

28 COURT St. TRIangle 4329. Toung man icnnstiani. good nersonalltv. assistant to manager high class furniture house; offlrs Buy.

XbbUC.3 Miscellaneou EmploTment Agencies Mnle 33b) CHBPfi, cooks, counter, kitchen men, bus- ouvs, umnweanert. rioor, elevator men. Mullet's Agency, 8 Wtlloughby st. 317E5" Help Male and Female S4 JANITOR WANTED 881 5th av; cold water pxwMrui: mil anowea ior services. Phone ATLantic 8852.

1404E. UPERINT END SNT Couple, white, adults, smaii aparimem nouse; man empinved, outside. AnolV 12-5. 122 Hovt St. 1574E4 COUPLE or small family, take charge 6 jHniuy nuusc; hvv on pirmises; cola water and electricity: rent 811; 8 rooms; Hny-rood st; Information, call basement.

1129 Dean st. 1562E5 COUPLE Man employed, lady to do clean ing; j-roonj new aparimeni in exchange for ervices. Phone BUCkminster 6699. 1516E5 COUPLE, husband employed, 2 rooms, fur- nisnect, small salary, in exchange for services; references. 138 6th av.

1M0E5 COUPLE Care refined rooming house; eapable, trustworthy; references; 3 rooms ana salary. dark sc. 1317E5" COUPLE may have free rent, two basement rooms private nouse. in return ior isnitor services. LAFavette 9859.

COUPLE Mau employed, as caretakers; rooms in exchanee for services: odults. Call Monday, 52 Orange et. 1760E4 COUPLE, chauffeur, light housework; nc cooking; no laundry; 8100 monthly. DFwe-v COUPLE, white, furnished apartment for wire service, to take cnaree in owner 1 absence; references. 99 Lincoln pi.

1332EI ftalpsmen and AeTnts AGENTS You'll never know what big money you can make until you begin tak ing oroers ior my lasi-seinng, iast-repeat ing household specialties: guaranteed crnda ucta; univcfal demand; highest commis sinus: exclusive territory. Write qulcK for particulars. Albert Mills, president, 2749 Monmouth, Cincinnati. O. 17E4 AGENTS We start you in business and heln you eucceen no capita 1 or exper fence needed; spare or full time; you can easily earn 850-8100 weekly.

Writs Madison Factories. 663 Broadway, Manhattan AGENTS Big money selling shirts direct to wearer for large manufacturer, established, iu years; no capital or experience neeaea. write ior iree samples, samueis Shirta, boa Broadway, Manhattan. AGENTS to sell Detectol, the famous pocket enemicai set mat Qfwris wooa aiconoi ana; other poisons, rapid seller, permanent work, tome men making 825 to 840 a day, fastest selling specialty. Apply today.

Safety Sales Room 1 103, 370 Madison av, Manhattan. 1341D30 MAN to oversee county trade; profitable new sine pian; no aeuvery; pay sent weekly. Federal Nurseries, Rochester, N. 62E5 LINEN SALESMEN acquainted with whole salers, Buyers, display managers; exceptional opportunity; high commission; with, groducts of new Invention. Eagle ofllcs ox 129E5.

120E5 NEW INENTION prevents shoulder strapa ouijpuiKt earn boo up weeKiyj selling ex-, perience unnecessary; women adore this amazing comfort chain. FREE tamnla offer. Lingerie North Windham, Conn. 4-JE4" $2,000 TO 84.000 yearly; pay weekly; perma nent position; steady aemana; gusranteea trees, shrubs, roses, Brooklvn territory: complete co-ooeration: we deliver and collect. Brown Bros.

Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. 39SE5 Situations Wanted Female 30 CHAMBERMAID, waiting or assist in kitch en Dy two eoiorea gins; go to country to- 112 3d avor phone CUMberland 5355. 44E5" CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS Lady going. aoroaa wishes to place competent girl, white.

Phone BUCkminster 01 80. 22E3 CHAMBERMAID, colored, wishes portion a wiuuuciimiu, wanrc or general nouse work. HADdlngway 10374, 312E5 tnrwoK, colored, all-around man, for notri or private. JS. smith, 78 Clifton pi.

PROspect 3075. 257E4 CLEANTNO or laurdry work COMPANION attendant to semi-invalid cr piutriv iaay; ticep in or ouu Phon pnor-feci 879C. 2083C4 COMPANION to nice old lady; daily reading. MuiKiiia, uu personal service, eagle, uox 32E4. 32E4 na afternoon; good cook in private family or oacneior apartment: best of relerenr-.

Call ell week. DECatur 0810. 15.15 COOK, colored, wishes position lit small boarding house or private family; Americans preferred; city or country, had-til ngw ay 9005. g383S6 COOK Competent white woman; down stairs wora; christian iamny; no launnrv; reference: city or country; call or write, 9782 Fulton st. 3114E5 COOK Experienced women wouid do smell In un dry; conscientious worker; would gn to country, reference, Kagie Of0.ce Boy 40U3.

COOK Family going abroad wtshea to place ecllitit. competent young Oerman girl. Phone PUCkminMer Olflo. 14tL4 COOK, houaework; neat ralored girl; city of country Christian family. BUShwlck dni7.

Call all week 0IK4 COOK Emergency, refined, light colored girt, fancy work, etpi-rt WAltteas; reaaone able rates. Phone NfcVtna 0470. SM COOK, competent, wane position in christian family; personal -city relerence i J-35, Eagle. 120 Be.lford av. COOKING, downuairs work.

Srat r.M aemsn: excellent guok; good baker; hlfhMt reference. Eagle Iraacn, Box 11 Oafs avenue. 3404 COOKING hcjsewora. Brooklvn NithtJ preferred; rxpe.ieuced. Call MAln vrS, 1 5 7D30 DAYS WORK-White

An erica Wednesday, Friday, laundry or cleaning private houses; $4.10. Answer Tuesday. Mrs. Shaw. 14 Vine tt.

307 JO DAY'S WORK Young OAHreXemaVwlhM nay a wora or part place, DFOiur -ld. 3MFA DAY'S WORK-Tbun: women; good lauti- Twancr; reierence; 1UU, part. Write Cfyte, rarroii at. DAt WORK rtrel by wlrk-w, mnnlrnl. 'Tii iwv, mm waaning, rwrr ence-s.

Bo 12. Pratie'm ay. DAY wtlHK WMUed. hte'lv for Mondav, nwwt wwrfl. 1 ail nmg SlFrhng 84M, DAYS WORK wanted hv frr Mon- eav.

TW-edav end Wedaaredey; rifererw-. PiUF-pecl 2818. 14imeV DAY'S WOBTI wntd every Tweed ay. DFT- t-Ti. r'minn a 3-ie DAY'S WORK or part time wanted be ewt ured woman.

Mrs, Juhnaen, 35a Si. Mark e.rentfe. J1SR4 DOrTTOR SKCRBTARY, ProtUnt woman, a veers reference from lal poaition. Mia Bice, 50 Uvingiton tt I tiKrirnrrd, loimer I'reit gredueu, wiahea cuUMiera by (he drrtara rut and ird by aimoinimrnt j'Fttur am mix rii r.r OlUL'Uolored. wrnis rr Mav IV posinna, haueewofk.

in sen a 11 Chriiaian femtlt; pieinj eoohln: refefeito-; emintry lor riwier, Cllj PROapfet 74 7J OIRL, lri'. eanerlettrfd hmieott-t; ptl-tate rlnTie. pat a'oyie prfTrd; fr1 ehiidiep, yearft lest position, roimi 4a. 3tr OIRL, yewne. Ituh, wiahae KniaeaoYke wtej fniallan "iIt, Write or rail Joaephm Nvhan, 30 Pmt.

eere Mra Len Uj84 OIRL. yeute, wiha poaiMoo ee a-. Mr-a: anv ird of aeartig, thine Allan-He 500, all dav Randoy. Mare B1'Hoaf 88 at, Brne-n GlHL demrfA hmiaofk. plait rooftlna, email eeart.

wae-n Oaa. rail rn 7 ta tttt ad eVlielllne. 1 1 Man-ran et ttlTL, rolered, nt nnaition ea hmiafaori- et sleen in, Mem eok. no re hf reterenee ran er write 83 St. Mais 1 Itr'p VTaVed Male Wit n.

EALajiAA! aaies aciirj- (or eierti.c advrrtifin. ecedium rHsaCi.i.g bvt air No lniestsnent. riio-w for appo.nir.,nt LONgacro uco tar au 4Ut W. 4Jd at. Mit-hansn 101 4J SALESMAN To aU sugh auaLiir uMU Var wn aaarkaa, Aaii trade and ga-'acra, KnMlelf of oils and reaea valuable but not eaacntial.

Mr, Waiave ban Coney Island av. Brooklyn. lALKSMAJt for galMlncry, xparune no neceaaary. Baglo. Boa 16Q2D35.


ASK FOR MR. STE DMA N. SALESMEN Elec trie household device: also young men, 16-31. here la your big opportunity to become a salesman through our training; build a permanent business for the future representing manufacturer of high grade household apnliances fnot vacuum cleaners or washing machines! references required; salary and com mission. Electric Home Servant 113 Chambers st, Manhattan.

19B8E5 SALESMEN One of the best opportunities of a lifetime Is offered to a few bright go-getters; we want first-class men to selt Detectol, the famous pocket chemical set, that enables any one to test for wood alcohol and other poisons almost everybody wants It; big and quick money, commission basis; successful men will be given exclusive territory. Apply Mondav morning, Safety Bales Room 1103, 370 Mr-dhoti av. Manhattan. 1410S3 SALESMEN The Treadmore Rug Cush'on Co. can use 2 more men of abllttv; rug cushions are noncomnetlve but in ereat de mand, contract provides for advance commissions.

Treadmore, 188 Montague st, Brooklyn, Room 604. 1412E2 SALESMEN Two good appearing men who own closed cars required to act as assistant to sales manager. Salary and commission. Apply Monday from 3 to 6 p.m., Heinafone 1519-1521 Bedford av, Brooklyn. 1126E5" SALESMEN Experienced In selling blue to laundries as side line or full time: at tractive commission.

Box 1539E5, Eagle SALESMEN, experience unnecessary, follow live pruspecis, evening worn, arawing account against commission if qualified. Call Room 230, i Beekmaa it, Manhattan. 1583D30 SALESMEN Live wires; liberal commission. Genalr Permanent Wave 335 Duffleld st, near ruiion b. ioioEd1 SALESMEN, to sell Insect spray, seasonabl produce, saiary or commission.


1J76E1 SODA DISPENSER, neat and courteous; good all-year position, call Freeport 4582. SOLICITOR, familiar with Brooklyn terrl vorv. 10 can on weannv ousinesa men: names of head of commerce and finance used. Call 180 Montasua st. Room 901.

130D30 SUPERINTENDENT, laree elevator flnart- meni, nrooxiyn. must oe gooa renter. understand repairs, handling help, lone experience, reierences; state ago ana sal ary expeciea. sagie, uox iurE4. iuscji- TINSMITHS On licht sheet Conner and sll ver worx.

Appiy jonn irageser steam copper vvora, ursna av near uarnnon av. Maspein. jl. i. lsotiEa YOUNO MAN, 17, hardware store, some ex perience.

7721 5th av, Brooklyn. 1407D30 YOUNO MAN as salesman, Flatbush real estate omce. near prospect Park, commit sion oasis. ziuuKminsier bjt2. i.oa4 YOUNO MAN.

bright, ambitious, about 21. to learn engraving, appiv oetween ana v. Hepubiic Kubbcr iib raving R91 Bergen st. 1404E4 YOUNO MAN, about 20. as assistant to suver ouyer; muse oe reiinea.

attractive personality; opportunity for advancement. wimam wise at eon, ruiton st. ttrooic- lyn. YOUNO MEN. Treadmore Rub Cushion Co.

win train 3 young men ior tales position, a very profitable profession and advanced commission meant an immediate Income, rreadmore. 186 Montacuo it. BrooKlvnf Room 804, 1443E2 YOUNO MEN, 3, wanted by lafrge tales or- ganisation to oe trained at our tcnooi must be neat appearing; salary. Cell 8:30 a.m., 1 1 no naiousn av, luusa BEECH-NUT PACKING) COM PANT, 20 TH AV, MANHATTAN. HAS A VACANCY tN ITS POOD PROD UCTS SALES ORGANIZATION.


ALL TVFOTtMATION WILL RE HE7-D TN frTRICTFrTT CONFIDENCE. KAGTJE, BOX 14ROE4. 1439E4 EMPLOYED MKN can make money spare lime, permanent, pleasant, prontable; call an oay rriaay. Mr. Spile, suite so, is Joralemon at, near Boro Hall, Brooklvn or for evening oolntment phone TRIangle 1 ijnsF, YOUNO MAN; neat' apttearlng and well apoaen.

ior taw demnnuratnr in tne eie- tricai anpiianc department at large Broog. tvn department store. Apply teeond flftor, iftrj LjyrifUnn at. H-II, 4-0. Itmwits YOUNO MAN for sale record potting: good penman.

Kagie Box 1480X0. 1 4H.aj ESTAm.lSHKD real estate cnice hat good openinf ior exoerienced aa enman: lotl' ro-onernlton, live leads; no begin nert. Call 0-10 1564 Plalbuah av, oerner No-strand Ak for Mr. Fan pel. 1 2124R4 r.x-ftrnviri! min wantrd.

AN OPPORTUNITY la open lor live wires, sen Aoaariran nasi flur ne seasoi llberei oeAnmlastAns offered for nth. rile. prorrcl Indoraed by IhO American fion. Apptv mornings. Store, 1091 Pit-bh av.

Rntokfvn. ISOIFI GERMAN OR SWISS Of rood en4v ranee. ar over, de-sinng a nnaition wher- earning are large. Vou muat woes en aommta-aton he I rung develop rnie of the larfat reenrt roeamunlttae In this fount ry. Rt-edy all year work.

Mr Obermever. 1457 nroaiwav. 0-t te M6, near 43d it, Manhattae 3MfVD20 IP TOO ABI A MAN Worihv ot Ihe name tnd n. ifralil In work I II wafer that you can wotk for me 30 ciavs snd earn Iras men gtnnoo. Thing I Wuftlnaf Then answer this ad and make me Ktawe It.

Mr. Prledaner. 1451 roadwev. Bulla 0, near Manhattan. g74ZJ OPPOBTUNTTYf Wanted, I married ean wuh ears, mn that he eiermive abilHy, in prepare te take rharea en of O'T offteee In eepariiy et dulcet within th us fw menih; If you meet wiih ttoeee r-guirewienu epolv Mangay arere neea, 170-14 Hillside av Jewaira iiiuli aUMUKH work lot ta lr er aeeed etu-dnt, rael IwaHli fttnf enpiyahle vara-Ueei, fa go gave.

Write Boa I Ml B. 94IA et, Manhattan. I6I0R2 eVRAVS TirMniVeii "twr iwo men, nertna-rtent: adranoaenent: start IW: real Silt hoeterr eni. Beata 010 Jemetee n-lp VTnt-fl-Mile 8 HOLORh.ER. ah.

if. atoall famiiT. fw. eii wut iit children. 611 Aier.M 12V 'DO HOt'SEWOPKER.

grneraL good home tic salary iot a si. ijr.oi.u HOITEWORK5R. 3 adult, priva'" bouse, aieep in, stcaay job. uiwi? HOUSE WoHKKR. general, sleep in.

no cnrx- ire. aooa ce. uo um rro-NAVarre 02H 144RF? norSFWORKCK. general, white: small fen- sierp in. Roth, 1337 9ih house WORKER, general, puia took.

8r-. 161 1 LADIES Decorate novelties. spare tlm if experienced easily lea'n-fl 99 Orange si, nar Pulton. 14E'j LADY German or Swiss, desiring to enter ti profitable business of jriping to billd a new city not far from New York, mav hear of a most excellent position where large commissions are paid every Saturday, by calling for personal interview at 1467 Broadwav, Suite 308. near 42d at, Manhattan.

Mr. fred Lutke 2505D18 LADY, with church, club and charitable affiliations with executive and organisation wanted by World Anti-Narcotic Union, endorsed by the press and people of prominence about to engage in a world wide campaign of War on Drugs, of Inter-esttng and benrnrta) nature. The work Is permanent, pleasant and profitable. Excellent oororluinty Is offered to proper pirty. Address fully In confldenoe.

Eagle Box 1870E3. 1870E5 LADY I need a woman between SO and 40 years of aire with some local connections to help me in my bvmri-ss; the work is pleasant, steadv and aaiiUy to speak Oerman helpful. Pe Mr. 8lenha3 Thursday and Pndav. Suite 201.

187 Joivlemon st. near Boro Hall. Brooklyn. 1454D84 LADY wanted to assist me with personal interviews; i sen, yon no not; permanent, profitable. Call Monday or Tuesday, Mr.

Stephens. Suite 204, 187 Jora lemon st. near Boro Hall, Brooklyn. 2679B LADIES Couv names, addresses: self-ad dressed envelope brinH lull particulars. 4R0 I Grand Central station, Manhattan.

92E1 I LAUNDRESS, white, by the day; must be good. Phone HUOuenot 1838, between ana if p.m. weaisn or uerman preferred. i 12SOE3 MAID, white; neat appearance; housework. assist witn cnua; no wasning, no cooking; no objection lately lanaedi salary.

start. $45. DEWey 9073. 1100E1 MAID, experienced, take -full charge 14 months baby: Lakewood, N. J.

Inquire ftuinusv. jjtirie, nu 'YV. DISS Bt n. X. THAfahar 87B9.

1384E5 MAID, general housework, no cooking. Ru- ueiisieiu, uarrou 61, SLAjcum 7UU3. Call all week. 1203E4 MAID, competent, two adults; one baby; ITTBPO I rncne MAwsneia ota. 1331E4- MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, not over 50, 3 In I 1111 V.


Stern, 3340 Nostrand av. Nostrand av car to Flatbush av. then take shuttle to Avenue 1 IBJ- MOTHERS HELPER, care for children, I year and 3ln yars; light housework; good home; good pay. Apt. 3-F, 225 Eastern rantway.

ij-o MOTHER'S HELPER, to assist housework and take cnarte two children 7 ana years old: other heln kept. Mrs. H. Brody. 1U7U K.

X4tn St. M1UWOOO 'iVliS. MOTHER'S HELPER Youne white ttrl: smaii aparimeui; goon nome. winasor 1603E5 1 8504, mornings or evenings. MOTHER'S HELPER 16 to 18; country for summer, reiaman.

suuu 10m av, Api. Jit; End line to 50th st. 1248E5 MOTHER'S HELPER-Exceptional position, rennea home; cnuaren; assist generally. MOTHER'S HELPER Girl to assist with t' children, other help kept, good home. 1146 Dean st.

1119E2 MOTHER'S HELPER, voung eirl. small fam ily, private room, conen. 1U40 e. zetn st. ESPlanade 2523.

1409E3 URSE. practice I. white, under 50. wanted by elderly Gentile couple for Invalid ladv; one willing to help with housework; maid for eeneral work. Call be tween 1 md 5 p.m.

Monday. 13 Revere pi, near corner of Bergen st end Kingston avenu. zf NURSE, stiona younv wotnan vit'ii some hosp.tal treinipp. to help care ol Invalid I mm; country ior Hirrl. 27 av 1 HUHSR.

sUoiu vount kin some hospital to care of lma'id m.n; counry ior x-''ver: reiercr.c- re- nn 1 reed. 3cx 332F5, 811 I Ni for c'nld: nond wltrr.'-mpn. 93? Ocau pkwey, near A-ere J. MiUV.Ooa 7H3.

JL'Ji. NURSE OIR. toung. white, In 1171 XI NURPEMATD. while, 3-year-oM rniifi, reir.f'nr-es, im iu, 1 I FLAtbuMt 1194.

aW-lvJ OFFICE GIRL aSnled, take care telephone ci r.mail can 0 Monday, 680 t-t. 202iE' TAHT TIME maid. 1 to general house- wnrk r.nnkiii- nn i-lilne: no Blinnri vr, wages 610 weekly. Call Monday, ini4 K.

st. iiuHiiA BAt.PRLAUY. exuerlenced Oh dresses ohlv appiv; person a niy ana ip-raii'T. salary and commission. Rudley lren wron.

B4ii iatn av. SALaM-AUY, es pert-need only. Goldberg l)rfa-, ana coaL anon, Bttu 4 Jimiin Wondhaven. 1759F4 u.w WM'rtM J4 iih hank, t-eal ettabe or suranre experience; spring D'tsine nneis big opportunity, permanent. Mr Stephana.

inwrwiay aim rriT. -M. mon si. near roro nan. nrooKiTn.

1 A a 1 TAWoMKN. li wire: iheral com- mi-irn. Genair Permanen; wae 1 s. near Pnltnn st. loiagv SAI.FSWTlMEN to sll Insert sprsv.

oeaann- a'le product, salary or commission. 1 Atlanta av. IO.8F,4 SEt'RETABY and euunt for d-wioi. mut have airinrrf raihy and lyewriting, hours 8 TO to 1 SO. pave 816 a weHi, prr(r mature Christian aomnn wiHont fumllv riimberaiitv Phone TBIanale M34.

0 lo 12: rto not phone Punday 3 HIIT WRITFR for dipiomaa, Protetant; include sample: will teacn 11 fee tsar Fsgle, Bor ftg) NR1 SKAMHTRKAS. oineh hand fewer; enut tin drtand power maehinf; steadf poattlon. Beverly I)rea Shopie. 2116 Ueverlv rl, corner Plathiish av. mpitairti, l28rtKl aPf'RETARY-SlFNrKlBAPHtR, With at least! on vcr of eod utenoeranhie etorlenee.

rrquired by F.netneeirn fkhool, pef week el start. etritOT advanrment and perma- nnev, give ixii paricuiars or eourauou. nvial trainlne. torritire. reliainn.

tta- linnainv are Appiv bv Mer onlv to irerlnr. ehnt( Slrlenre and Tethnoloe v. Pmit tneiiluta, Rrtofirn. Y. 17 FrTrrvmAPFt-R.

LARGE rotipoHATtoN tOWNTOWN MANHATTAN ifeair the frie al yoMog iedy in taking dtcta- Hon ei a eem.i-rnniraf na'-ire. in r-'v i'a' ae. edueMon, eptlv, arv reltd In lat prttian and tele- ahene numbr. Eacie. Sot liTar.t ia-Tla4 aikMtKI'Ai-Mrfift A laree Ooaniovn hw arrie lr a piimber nnr1 a'eoog miifift; hmrheon riM tf aod other adnteea.

tn replying state arte om tve inpnsrp sum-her A.Mr. T. 7.." Pot Ofnre Bof gri, iv Mail PieMnti, Mnhitei 7701 8Tf Kil7AI7tfl AH1T. It'; Mnt. innr preletfed, inoe1de ot a-'t and Wiaitenc Annie Mr i In, piatbash M.

MH''''1 1 atunw Vnirt or mane. emL tim- I'M r-ifKr pita Rot V1 i 1FtJ.rMi"Ma I irSvHA TOR, M-ti'MrM ik eto-tt ei it me i ea eta. 'e pennrd lp'oe. fi tif ie Ch1Uan iirtf1 a', rftffe oaO salary ait WAiaT AND eWtnT Bnihera faM Mon day, A. C.

Brodwlek. all Cumbt -an 1 WArrpWlra WAirrtn Aee'e rtewilioti it us ti W1TM VAX lf irvniahl rr In ttt fr llB rail ov. Mt apn, a tT Jr nar rvro Fla-I. Tttnriit. rot erenihg eprMnfent phone TRIarte'e l7 Help Wanted Female I I 1 ri JANitOS lor in-J-e.

4 rooms and bath pav Grt-a-pr: erred. Oil MtMiday IVvb A- tinarl road 17 Ka J.NirOR Rt-U av. roonr.J. I electric, hoi water, so near- reasonable Phao lFRuig ta.

JANITOR for 4-fau-ly houe; flat must pay 810 a month. In lia Car-roU st. Swaxta, call BLOcaaa Itm JAK1TOR wanted on fraui.fc, 26-JS llav-Nieyer st and Konh 7th st. Brook i a. 14th su ii.

T. lane, iseoiora av suuon. JANITOR ANL WIrK. hii; children rcAbidered; tree feat for part-time aemce; man nerds have other employment. Reply to Bog 194E5.

(ffrf. 194EV vANrTOR wanted for 13-family house, must have knoalede ol steam and hat aater: do Merit repairs; ecupla preferred. Phone SLOcum 558 evenings. JANITOR, colored, cold water apartments, '4 and 4 rooms; part rent allowed. Oetreu, 141 Nerlns St.

near Bergen. 2218E5 JNriTrt fnr 3 mtvate houses, newly con structed. 4 rooms, grouna floor, nioi coney Island av. 1534E4 JANITOR wanted for slf-family apart- nient. inquire J43 oain si.

JANITOR, eight-family, cold water flat, rent free, reierences. pnone noutn bus. 12B1E4 JANITOR, reliable, for 6-tamily house; to sunniy not water, no steam, sib month. BENsonhurst 7524. 1337E3 MAN voune.

for all-around work in office manufacturing business who can operate tvpewriter; preier marriea man wun some knowledge of shorthand; excellent opportunity for advancement for right mar-Write giving telephone number and qualifications, car of Eagle, Box 1064E3. 1064E3 MAN. experience! in furniture and floor covering store: must be abi to lay linoleum, also to polish and repair furniture and to make himself generally useful In store; state particulars, salary desired and refer-ences. Eagle. Box 55D19.

5BP19 MAN with car for lnteresUng aud proliuble work in lull or spare time, uau Monday. Mr. Steohana. Suite 204. 187 Joralemon st.

near Boro Hall, Brooklyn. For evening appointment pnone jmangie nod. 2874E51 MAN, young, responsible, to take charge es tablished business wroomyn custnci; must be financially able carry stock. Reply giving details for Interview, Eagle, Box 61E3. MAN wanted to assist me with personal interviews.

I sell. You do not. permanent. profitable. Call Mondav or Tuesaav.

Mr. Stephans, Suite 204. 187 Joralemon st. near MAN. reliable, to sell guaranteed nursery stock; appoint agents: pay weeaiy; new Is.

Herrick Nurseries, Rochester. N. Y. methods. MAN for garage; knows auto repairing; white preferred: reierences.

Apply buck Oarage, 18 Ocean pkway. 2079E' MAN, young, experienced, willing to de liver orders, nut mar net, iaeai rruu Market, 1201 Foster av. 1111E3 MAN Willing worker, for shop work; must know now to anve rora; saiary tan 551 Rogers av. ibbueq- MAN Middle-aged man for furnished room house; 525 montniy, room ana ooara. zi MAN to make himself generally useful in paint store.

petevman, wi urmge st, urooKiyn. nw MECHANIC, experienced; one who is acquainted wun uiasmoone preierrea. muck Markowitz, Main and 1st sts, Mlncola, I. 2052E5 MEN FULL OR PART TIME. TEAR this ad out.

Some day you may want to try sometning ainerent. 1 nave 11. 11 you are neat and can read and write I can use vou. Ace is no barrier. My suc cess in the employment of matured people has been commented on by the press all over this country.

Pull or part time. Call soon as possiote, out oniy at iu a.m. or 8 p.m. JOHN BROPHY. 1775 Broadway at 57th, N.

Y. 1011E5 Suite 305, mtrt, racmoersnip committee, 10 ouiiiue oiu esiaoirsnea associations creait-proiertiou ana collection servito io inquirers; aigni- SZSkT" 1645eS MEN wanted, Catholic, four, to assist me in campaign worx. uau Room 7U4, lao ttemsen st. nsouxo PA INTERS, experienced men, to qualify for insiae ana ouisiae, steaay worx, state age, salary, reference: A-l men only need ap piy. cagie, ttox iDutj.

laijjii PORTER, white. caDable of handlina col ored nein in large lactory; state experience and qualifications. Eagle, Box 1406E3. 1406E3 RADIO SALESMAN Frederick Loeser Co. requ re outside radio salesmen; successful outside selling record essential; prospect list furnished and floor time permitted; liberal commissions paid.

Apply at Employment office, 4th floor. 277E4' REAL ESTATE SALESMAN, by the largest developers of Individual homes on Long Island. Leads furnished: commission basis; right man who is hot afraid to work can earn at least 6100 per week. Answer by letter only to Mr. James Oraham, 166 Remsen st, Brooklyn, N.

Y. a lam- real ESTATE salesman; a permanent con nectinn offered in bus office: 100 oerrent co-operation; leads furnished: aoniicaht must be aggressive and have relerence. call between ana iv a.m. nsner roi- 1011. an 14 ad av.

BHore noaa w.vs. rstatk SALESMAN Youne man ore- lerrea; previous ioca raiiy periencr aiMoiutelv Maentlal: commission and draw- ine account. Martin tteai mum imi Clinton St. Brooklyn.

303E5 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN Opportunity for active Meh-erada men. make food Conner; lion, experience ana intimate anwirur Flatbush property necessary. Cook Gloed. 8251 Church ar. SIME1 RFML ESTATE SALESMEN, live wires, expe rience not essential out ear necessary.

com mi'sioa and bonus. Call for interview a Ar Wrieht. 143-18 Jamaica Jamaica, N. Y. 155E4 rrr: rrrrzTrzz a nnu 1 annK.i., 1 must have car: opportunity for high-grade man: knowledge of Flatbush proixrty n-eMarv.

Gaston Koch 1505 Avenue J. I477E5 RkAL tSTATR SALESMAN (or well eatab- llfthed Park 6ioie mnce; must or uv wire; opportunity lor right man. Box 12l7Eo r.sui' nmw. r- nru. ajiTATC AALUiUAN in buav ofbee nit ririneeis: must nave car.

mnn Malsfhen. 710 pleihuah av-. 2276F5 REAL wrT8 SALESMAN, rJp. must hare car. flu opportunity.

Call Mr. evens. BUOminaier 20. 16431)30 SALESMAN WANTED. wr Aitr opkntno otm new WEHTrmsratt property WEDNESDAY, MAY 3 at which time we will take alt applies nu and our regular sales force a trip ot inspection.

Following our Usual policy, we are goirt to sell et low prteea. easy terms choie loU with tmpmwmenta, blah elevtttlAn. overlooking lake wiih a privet lake tight on the property for hatnmg. anattng, flahlnf and also winir aporta PmrKrty ta rieht at railroad itnttn, ereiient iraln service, Karlean Division. New York Central.

We pay Wftett eommlailtm, pmtript'v, la lulL Call any day, 10 in to am. MeOOtRiriC BPALTY INC. THino rwxm. wrsr 34TH ST, MANHATTAN, 841D3I OAl.FWM AN well acquainted with ftoet! etd viirieen )era in Breottvn and utie who hie efcauri eur a or ooratof eMUiirtohlJ Itcenie; a rl opportunity to )nin profreoaive erfaniaeUim with esceilem ior communion I 'latent of weekly earning; writ ullv about eonr etprienee end Mt lormer empmvert and pned ol emnlov reent hy each; state yof ngw, whether married, ana weiy euaranie Mtrfl; pplieetlM Ireo'ed In tonndenee, no Hi' votigaiten until a iter interview. jw Tw Co 80 rnry ai isig gvALFAMAN wiui ear sell ante eaeiMnenia ta aaraara.

service etaiMne ana nt own- era, aVt not rail unieae yn are a Metier atd vtnQ in nnr line eg trad. Call Aalitrday and Monday, Mil Roreri av, Brifoktvn. 144HT.3 iaALKAUAN, for direct Billing eampalen 1 ot iriiHrel merrnaneiae, wun en eii ah liihMt sronelvn firm' rni a rantaaaini 1 in. Jl I mi alaa rA iM Mil It lan Monrtav from 10 In New York Taking Machine Cca, 00 Livingston 1 1 BrootiTn 1 lAijeiisn wun vnr, Bnwiu. 1 1 tnn- BfToHY; MANUPACTFBEB BATTO AAA I 1 to.

9rn flTi MANHATTAN lltlnA.J V. Li ir. cu-p-i rnd t-. vrev Ni'. LAKv-Mtf 217 1 -d I.JQ-- Eistrrn 10I-E5 HOL Si: V.

Ail) b.vd. Aot-iV Mr? FrHiiiiitirn. 59 Phone LAPavrtte 54K 1371 B3 UPtM.MJ. hf. mul ng to da light lumber urk A Fsn.

1041 ash irk v. Am 4U HT81 ROURF.WOUKtK Vourg wome-i. wnite. cooking. famiiv.

uo bie iav.r.ery Araniio C.ty for summer: food agrS-Ml t. 8th at, near CorielyoU rd. WIN-Uor 6i. riOUSFWORKEH. while, two nd ilt and little girl 2 vears oid.

no laundry: able answer telephone: email aparunent; ral-ary mill be arreed unon. answer hv Iftlrt or rail all dav SuiicaT- Dr Horowitr. 187 8)tratoa ar. LOt'isiana 7087. HOrBEWORKFR, pprmanent, German pre-(erred, entire charge veacher'a auiet coun-trv homp.

must be excellent cook and understand care of tlrl of four. Write Apt. 5-H. 1554 Longfellow T. BronK, H.

T. 13H1EZ HOlSfcWUHKtK. tiifl or woman, small lannlv. little cooKing. laurnry, given em, capable answering telephone, good position.

KOiHl home risht psrtv. Dr. Whaw, 610 Sheffield ti Trt. Louisiana 1159. 13? HE 4 HO USE WORKER, white, to sleep out, until July must oe competent ana nave rei-erence; 4 adults In apartment.

Phone MA In 1230. Mrs. R. Root, 114 Clinton It. 1508E5 USE WORKER, experienced, German, plain tokmg.

small wasn. smau lamtiy. good 870. 1210 Carroll it.

SLO-cum 6911. 1762E4 HOUSE WOR KER, general, White, plain cook: Germs preierrea, ior one iaay. nppiy 1B7 Hicks st. Apt. 7.

Mrs. Bchloerb. 1474E5 HOU3EWORKBH Piatbush sleep in; plain rocking: light laundry; two cnuaren; goon mages; separate room. NAVarre 085R. 1473E5 HOUSE WORKER, general; good home and wages; sleep in.

uau moiiuhv. iing. E. 2Jd st, Fiaibusn. lei, Miuwooa m-ti.

2074E5 HOU8EWORKER Part time house worker. young; small apartment; three nours mornings; $7 60; references. Phone BUCkminster 9782. 2001K5' HOUSE WORKER, eeneral. doctors home good pav; sleep in or out.

call 974 4btn st, Apt. 1-A, or phone BERb shire 3388. lIi2RE4 HOUSE WORKER, general, experienced, and care of cnuaren. ior ousiness coupie; reier ences: food home. 2034 75th St.

BEAch view 7046. 1350E3 KOUSEWORKER. white eirl or woman, as slst with child, 4-room apartment, good home. 840. i is.

st. rtAvarre iudd 1553E3 HOUSE WORKER, white, exoerienced; laundry; three In family; good home. Abrains, 131 E. 21st st. INOersoll 0283.

2177E4 HOUSEWORK, cook, German or Swedish, small family, congenial home. Mrs. Cohen, 1787 E. 8th st, near Kings Highway. FSPla-ade 2023.

1078E1 HOUSE WORKER, competent, white, small apartment; good home; goad pay. Meyer, 455 Crown st, near Kingston av. LAFa-vette 1381. 1730E5 HOUSEWORKER, experienced; small apartment; sleep in; no laundry; Long Beach. Sobin, 179 Linden blvd.

BUCkminster 5378. 1051D30 HOUSEWORKER, general, white, with references; sleep In; 875. 8. Stone, 1837 Ocean Parkway. Esplanade 8807.

1509D30 HOUSEWORKER, experienced cook; small family, apartment; private room; couhtry In summer: $65 to 870. 1223 E. 12th st. MIDwood 5897. 1B07E5 HOUSEWORKER, experienced, not too voung; good home; good wages.

Rosen-blum, 623 Avenue O. ESPlanade 5751. 1433E2 HOUSEWORKER, white, not over 40; good references required; plain cooking; no washing- adults, sleep out. Mrs. Bnrber.

38 LivlhfSton st. 128TO3 HOUSEWORKER, white, plain cooking, no washing, light Ironing, sleep in, good wattes. Call Richmond Hill 6134. 110E2 HOUSEWORKER, general, white, no washing; slep in; wages $65-870. 718 Avenue t.

MIDwood 9275. 1571E4 HOUSEWORKER." white, small family; one child; nice home. Arnold, 2224 Avenue D. DEWry B37B. ltVWEI HOUSEWORKER, white, plain cook; good wages; fleep in; private house.

BUCkminster 4347. loi Stratford rd. 2132E1 HOUSEWORKER, general, colored, sleep in. 23 Revere pi, corner Bergen st, near King ston av. HOUSEWORKER.

aen-ral: white: food home; no cooktng. call neiora 9 30 a m. or aftrr 1 p.m. DEWey 32R9. 1101E5 HOUSEWORKER.

eeneral. colored preferred ih. Phone BUCkminster 2600. 1002E5 OTT3EWORKFR 3m 4 11 family; good wages: rpinrrnce. Mcnin, 4B Eastern FiURwnv, LAFarrtte 4690-J.

2T17E4' Oenerel. white; r.mall inm.iy, gnoa salary, vii Avenue v. tm'ia narle I 2 IRS eeneral. white; no oalec- tioii lately landed: small family. 1554 T.n St.

DEWev 63R1. 101 7K5 HOUSEWORKER. general; German or Scan- ainavinn: imuy aauns; sieep out. Apt. -b.

zn.i eastern para way. iz7Ki HOUSEWORKER, general, private room, eootl pny. 1407 E. 2id st. Phone L-EVey 2057 12R1E2 HOUSEWORKER.

general; smalt family; sleep in; no wasn'ng; 5b5 per month. Tei MIDwood 6349. 709 Avenue t. 1M1E4 HOUSEWORKER, midlle-aged woman, white, good homo to right party. PROs.

pect 0494, 120RE: HOUSEWORKER, experienced: sleep in: smail family; plain cooking; good wapr.i. rnone npisnsa'1 kws. i7ft4F.t) HOUSEWORKER. eeneral. white, sie -n in.

smait lAmiiy, gooa rsaiiry. Appiv smith. 1B2 Myrtle av. CUMberland 2949. 10R4F3 rtOUBEWOnKTl wanted; good home.

so Pi. HilB. 1 7H HOUSEWORKER Part time; neat, compe- nfiiaii aparicnvn. till alter JO. NEVIns 5090.

1536K5 HOUSE WORKER, general, white; sleep ir. nrnnn i-miiy. U4i join sk Phone HEAfhview 7058. 140F. HOUSEWORKER, general, cooking: nc laun- ary; mere nee required.

WiO St, Mnrk av, near nodtrsna. lBHE hoi; RE WORKER for young couple with obov; miaaiv-agea preierrea; sleep In. Tel HOi.SEWOUKEK. general, white, pru ste Iiotiw, s'e-p hi. referenced requiredf SOUth 8112 103 Protprt Park West.

1282E4 HDl'SFWORKFR, refined, rellsble. aood ref ni'rp in um at i iHmiiv. vim. a i'hp tt FPPisnnoe 0m 171? HOL'PKWORKKR -2 busineas womn; Knid iowri aaiarvi rererencrs bv gspte rfn-e. 1R57H HOt.KGWOPKER, gwnetwl.

fompetenL, while-, an in mnnv, rriT'iicwi, private nme 1114 17th It. NAVarre 2077. 1416F.1 lifiUSaWoltKHlt. general, whtle, adult fom nr. no cooaittg.

798 K. 2Ut St. MAN rlftd 493.1. 1012K' HnttsrwrBKrT. Mnalt fsmltv.

sKn In 46 -nth -t RHOre Road 20H wr. J'ot: WOh PR, etpetiericed. lor eounie r-terinrr, own room, must aieep tn mo'im rin HOtiE WfiRKEM. general. small fsmtl on nwrn.

references. imw E. 7188 8h 1684F HOmF U'ljtlKf It, general, ahlV girl, good nmiunn. fuu family. wrt m.

MIDwood t2VIJ. lHV.rrWOPKFR. general. whl'e; pli ng. 70.

iiiwo tn. angel, ISM rvrrol s. nwi HfllTlWORKr.R. eeneral, wnfe, rxy encea. airen ui.

iiwn 171JF UARWolKF.H. eetral. nr1- a. Ch-t tiftis. 4-tom apartinent.

good aaiarv. i a SIFrMng Twa eirl, atiile, in HtfW'Uvii, good look, eiwrinr1 fgt, Bo out1 torfcrri lour Roi SFwORKrn. laieiv Uii44: smsil fan vv. rota hnte, oaubek. dli Ocn Fl.Athmh 04M.

HOt RFWOHKItH. eeneral. plain eoak tM aveiitng Mr tonseig, Pia rw-r ital, ahlle, refTn lamii? ol tiire anx'is, rieast antwer prrmn W4 lfstetff gv. IMiF Hot AgWONKtR, amall famii sieeti m. f.5 sni Lenerta av.

nwt torim iie. nrl. ahll. alrvn Kir famti, no Mf washihg, go 'A Htftnnhnrt a ill nf lo to lo it'intfv Hi il SU.W (tHKf H. irl.

ia-o brh Mr Korks, Ureall av, 2 SlSVet 717 oai Mtii srfnf e'fai, en tn tH i- wh'tr prrrertra. li K. MMt fit el "tienrct. rfikmf -r, 2JJ4 Aeno VP- 1 1' Meit arn-ot rnra. 'e.

id e.niry t. good ftsgea. nr A tUe ri I'nsia Mot ettenr4l. thr. in rtrll; no laanrv Ant, l-l.

IM GIRL let clerical oik, cpeiiute unneces-eery; permanent poettton. relerence and sa.ary. Bex iomuev agle. 10ftt3 htte. colored, ore who is looS OIRX, Jer good home, small l-milv 131fl 33th ft.

74J7. Call 8-10 a -v GTRL. young, take ear erewn children, a m. to 8 ne heesewerk. KEV.m Beinhom.

947 Lincoln pi. 1.13.4 iRu'experienced. te assist in dress ship, must be able to sU ind alter. Applj Madame Qeidsaaith, 991 Kin -ion 1123F) lRL, experienced: general housework, good Vein took; references; aeep out; 3 edilts Apartment F-8. 543 21st it.

BUCk-ntnfltri 18f4E. GIRL. eeneral hour-eaork email famllv, no babies food pay, flat work given out Binge reran, 177? s. ita n. UFWff 5870 1035E4 OIRL, Oerman, nurse; only one who knows how to take fare of 16-months-old bov need applv.

David Conn, 61 51st t. Forest Kill. BOUlevord 29t OIRL, Swedish or RorweRtan, for general houtework; reliable, with references; snrnll fnmUyi no cooking; good pay. ATLamlr lBODto OIRL, experienced, white, lor general housework; references required. Call after 4 30.

Apt. 1-B, 75 Prospecl Park West. Telephone ROUth 16l. l34riE3 OIRL, White, take care of doctor's office ovenlngs and Bundavs in exchange lor room. BeiUjr, 638 Howard av.

DICkens 1091. 1472E15 or Oerman. tor gen-ral housework, with small christian family. 438 Oreene av. between Nostrand nnd Beoford.

30E3' OIRL white, general housework, small fam-11, small apartment; call morning anu fvf nines. ESPlanadV 1285 1093E3 OIRL, white, general housework and assist with thlld 8 years, sleep In. MANefleld 84M. 1382E2 GIRL, white, for general housework, sleep in. Phone MANsffeld 5303.

3801 Farragut road. 1288E2 OIRL, white, enperlenced, general housework, tdult family, reference. 768 E. 19th street. 1331B2 OIRL.

Oerman, light housework, small anrt.irtt referenee teouired. wiener 1315 Avenue J. NAVarre 2218. 1317E8 OIRL, In bakery, for cleaning and assiat at um counter lor eaturoay. u-su rumni 1037Ei I GIRL, general housework, white, experienced plain cooking; sleep In.

709 Ave nue K. MIDwood 5214. 1123D30 OIRL, general housework, small familv ood nav. 923 B. 27th st.

MIDwood 1427D10 GIRL to mind child few nights weekly in return for free room. Call evenings. 3017 Ocean Parkway. 1516E3 OTRL for General housework: Polish pre ferred: small fp.milv. J.

Ooodman, 8829 Fort Hamilton ParkwayL Brooklyn. 1519E3 GIRL, white, general apBrtment, airep In. Tel. BUCkminster 0525, mornings OIRL. reneral hcuswork.

answer telephone ood home. 107 Li Lafayette ar. HliBn- Wlck 8920. 1572K1 OIRL, colored, part tlhie. 9 to B.

gpupral housework. 2215 Newltirn a v. APt. 4U BUCkminstef 2766. niRL.

white, eeneral housework, privati famlW, esperlcncen. references, 870. 143 Lenok rd. FLAthUsh 100BE4 OIRL or young woman, experience not necessary, for Ice cream store; steady position, good pay. 8416 5th av.

1784E4 OtRL, white, take care dentist office, sleep Ih. 1002 Avenue N. DEWev 7617. OIRU white, general housework; good home, wowd nav. sis Westminster rd.

Tel. BUCk minster 4814. 2015E4 OIRL. white, sreneral housework. sleeD in, Oertt.n preferred, 50 month.

INOersoM 4294. 1455E-1 OIRL for general housework; no cooking Cohen, 3GQ9 Bedford DEWev B658. 1029D20 OTRL, white, mother's helper, take care or child, Conly. 7501 Bridge blvd, corner 75th st. Bay Ridge.

1173F1 GIRL eeneral housework; good home; small family. Mrs, Siskin, 265 Eastern Parkway, Apt. B-4. 1B39E4' OIRL wanted, white, for general housework: no washing; sleep In. Apply 1267 E.

27th st, riatbush. 1003E3 GIRL, refined, stay evenings with child; exchange for room and board. Phone BEAchvlew 4989. 1358E3 OIRL for general housework, no washing; sleep In. 750 Oreene av.

12ME3 clerical 'orki experience urnrcea-sary; stnte and salary. F.igie 'Bot 1023E3. OIRL to out; 3 -room apartment; simple cooking; Infant laundry. 2015 Foster Apt. 54.

1377E5 GIRL for housework; no laundry; no cooking; Scandinavian or Oerman; adults. Mn 18-th 1435F! OTRL, tming. 3 noun themlcsl work dallv: 1-4 Eagle, Box 1533E3. OIRL, general housework, no cooking. Feld-man, 8000 15th av.

Apt. 3L; West End line to 50th St. 1247E OIRL, young, white, sleep in, small apartment, couple, child yeara. Call after 6 TRl angle 5188. 1484E3 OIRL for cleaning and dveing store; muM Ve experienced.

Apply at plant, Madame Jilie. 834 62d St. a357E5 OIRL, white, for light housework, no cooking, small family. 1089 50th st, downstAlra BERkshlrg 7605. 1294E3 OIRU general houFework: 8 adults; 6yesf old girl; upper apartment.

DEWev 8fm. 1942 E. 10th st. i77TES OIRL for physician's offlre; experience un-necesssry; state age and salary dirvd. Box ZfiPES, Eagle office.

269B3 OIRU clean, lor general housework. 323 Avenue vuiver line to it mas station. 1413D30 OTRL, general housework: good water 1112 53d St. BERkshlre 6443. 1032D30 GIRL, general housework, own room and hath, no laundry, able answer telephone.

Oall BENsonhurst 1615 1383D27 CIRL. white, young for genernlhoue work; experienced Apply 400 Hart st. 2043ES OIRL as mother's helper, 830 per month, with board and tepara'a room. 171 State "treet Ifl'iFl OIRL, wlnte. with knowledge ol;-raphy.

In d.tcttr'i office, from 13 to 5 rr. 258 New York av, 1131E5 OIRL. White, cleaning and eoaiclne: refer. ence. Apply 579 61st si.

Apt, 2B, before 11 a.m. and after 8 p.m. 2MHE5 OIRL OR WOMAN, white, genernl housework: sleep in; sfesdy position, 368 Marion St. FOX rrr ft 4ffl8 2I91E4 OIRL or woftien, no eooklng. light Isndrv 1611 AvenueJ.

NAVarre 6497. liEt uikl. wrute. general haia-ork, with or wunoui isunnrf, a3 ocean parkway. T'l MIDwood 9124.

1 VrK OIRL for light houwwnrk and help with children; tountry for summer. 806 6'h nt. JOQ7E4 GIRL wanted from 8 to 8, general clean- TViervncea. mono BLOCum 6337. I H01 union si.

151 8F4 uiho (General housework, Christian inMy; if-p or out. 244. ev 43M. i icifiwj Olftt White, hoMreoH no JlT 'a tri ttod hme OIRI to c-re for bkby wek dr. 9 to 6 no ecire'irn for 'nuaticn school etrl.

rrnne gTlir t'-BV. i 1 -f'neral honnwork; r.mall Is tool h-xe; good tiri: rrrn preT'-fd raw pi on pi. I.AKayette 6742. lVlip aenetal hmiaork. smail fmil good home.

fnrMf aarea. Rao in. 1311 A'- niie iAvarre 240 GIPU exirteiicd, fnr funeral hoiue gog waeea right part. Phon- urn rmnnrM oa2it IMig OlfiL oeneral ho'isewnrk. German fired; 4 in family, good salary.

07i ftth SI. Mitmnod OIF i Jt, tao, cnok. fhamhetmaid-maiteM. inarmifhiy eompetent, good wages; refer nea, Hol.fta Hill.

irwr JIKADei for enafaxmo covers, two ladiet, good Pattire. Hsrrv fuitn si, near Clark. Ovington fciiiMit ms nh SH. sold to gent i for Mve. s.t i7tn st.

PTwKivn ir)mv 0(ttKtPltn. Pra-teaLnt, no, Htt ivrf. 9Q 40 yr, neiifnhf foun refined Amrtewn illnaer tilh btiki a. 1 10 farfe: Putin conking, nn washing, rfi feflial tMMne hh mtr full detail' rm w-r a puree la led. Marry A.

ifvsf riki rn ir eo'inirv noMte, a mu lw hra fr New Ttk Cue. ail em wnafte; apwneant shnil4 ewifun. gen aval eato of hme tepi. at, es awrience, etc. cagie, bo Imri llr SflMlts: tonhmg.

-o4l h-w. in prte-ncw high whits. lt rati i nffire h1l. mmdla-aifd ehnae aevirea for aHntfhf. vaDdtroiit tt.

nuouenot sooa Ni HO EMPLOYMENT flip WantedrFcmaie WOMAN OFFICB MANAGER. JbENESB, the ladles wonder garment, re quire a wide awaae, amoitious, capaoie woman to manage a new office; experienced corsetierre preferred; one who can alter and lit; musi Know now iv r.uw ana fcrau women representatives; most unusual opportunity lor right party. Eagle, Box WOMAN WANTED English-speaking Oerman lady. 25 years of age or over, wanted by a large corporation to learn our business, which is very profitable; steady all-year work with big earnings. See Mr.

Herzot. 1457 Broad way, Suite 306, near 42d st, Man hattan. WOMAN Unusual opportunity for woman over 25 to establish her own Business Brooklyn without the usual ouraen oi stock and overhead expense. State phone number. Box 337 11 W.

42d at. Man hattan. 2108K WOMAN, young, real estate sales experience. follow uroosiyn leaos ior nrw priory ir- tor; salary or commission. State full particulars.

Address Eagle. Box 1070E3. wnxriu n-hiia thomiivhlv rtpan. SUDerlor. who wants to make 87 50 weekly, light Monday, 11-4.

1382: wriMAM reliable, rood ook and baker, tor lated place on Lake Ororge; no objectlor to child; references required. BUCkminster 8662. WOMAN, reliable, preferably With nursing experience, io cave ivt vim wuj noons a week; Beneonhurst section; reference. BENsonhurst 1656. 1043B4 WOMAN, middle aged, as household assis tant to supervisor inausiriHi nunre iui mc Blind.

520 Gates av. Call after 10 a.m., Monday. 1879E5 MirwtkH fnr hmiRewnrk and Plain Sewing, 9-2 dally, 8 davs weeK, gio weemy. nppiy before 12 Sunday and Monday, craaen, 442 82d st. I'J' WOMAN, white, general housework, go to country; references.

van aner jj.w., Mrs. Breeen, 529 E. 22d ft, Apt. 3B. WOMAN.

cultured, to stay with children evenings during parents science, si. me Brooklyn A. I. C. 401-403 State st, Brooklyn.

208E4- WOMAN of good appearanoo wanted. Ask for Mr. nay, Monaay or iuesnay, duiw ond in? st. near Rnro Hall. woman, vouiiff.

for business couple; sleep in gooa saiary; can an wee. 5033 157CE2 WOMAN, competent, for general housework; leen in. Bimnger, uvo awning pi; api. WOMAN, girl; general housework; while preierrea; Kieep iu, TNOersoll 5423-J. 1278B5 WOMAN Housework, plain cooking; 3 in famllv.

Aimiv 14 enepneru av. rnoiir APPlegat 3839. 2O20E5 WOMAN, colored, experienced, general house- reference. BlEning 7X8. zyu rara pi.

WOMAN, general, lifilit housework; good home to right party ana iza momn. H. Levy, 4 L-Tanoerry si. anm- WOMAN. mtddle-agod, German or young girl; lieni nouewora.

luia innn si. in. nft'tKnire inn WOMAN. Oermn preferred, help all around in bKery. hbi virnna si.

au.wr.j WOMAN Ion complete rharpe widower's apartment; grown cnuaren: very easy wora. Call evenings, SLOcum 10472. 2007E4 WOMAN, white, lot general housework, e-r perlenced. plain conking; relerence; sleep In. HADdlngway 1175 1520D30 WOMEN.

6: oggreestve, now eRtsbiishing a horn ownersnio pitn; remarnanie opportunity for active workers; a monthly bonus Check ana a system mat onne rrsmm; eet your share of unlimited earnings, appiy rr write 9218 Union Halt Jamaica, 'Hte 205-8-7. Mr. Black, alter 1 am. oiBN. young.

tw. house-to-house can- va-; salary ana wmmiwimi, vnu wwi- day, 4 to 6 U81 Platbush av 1029E3 YOUNO GIRL, white, ansisi aith house wrrk and care io-monin-oi vaoy, no rxpertenct aecoaaary, hours B-. MAln rntTNO GIRL Tor bakerr and lunch room 240 Klncs H'tnwar. una YOUNO C'ltU', while or colored, general hOUSeWOTK. one aniriiif -u ni'r K'i Kami biwwI HMia'Man.

Fnona ESPlann" YOUNO LADIES iCathollci; we have a nnenina Ior 2 in nur-Aftics oeparimeni: perlence unnecessary. we tram you in our particular line: can earn 830 wer'-tiv at itH. nppiy sirwauaaj, tan, Room lSH-'iE YOUNO LADY, room only, in exchanre for stavlnr in 9 evenings a wre: anrrnnir Sundays. Dr. Brody.

STAt 7785. I02'F2 wnUAM PflVfPANION. llsnt houf- Bnn( home'. 10 monlh. Tel.

JaTtereon" 2 v. 4 Tooner. 2152 Himrd at. 24or.4 YOUNO woman. Ing lUhneaktng genera houwworic, aseia wun cntm.

reir-rn ATl.entte 2777 IW'FV Young WOMAN as artf tuit.g oiu iioi lelenhon esiKfinre necessary, aaiarv an romnv.Mten. 4fma 4lh av. YOUNil WOMAN, eo and dnwnsiairt worker: Frotetsnt: nure gpt. ut umin-str 1244, 78 Mirihomngh rd lorl rXPKRltNrrn WOMAN who hea a Kit- eef 11 reeora in nouae io nnuse aeumg. and deftirrs in e'shah a for her-a)-'; ho fnvaeing.

espen-es paid Initial work tt helfg dnne and a dhnite re. t-irn gitersnieed to ihe right wnmati. Ad-drea Bos No H.1F. Hl'i FHEKPon, t4 home Ilea to middw-agod rMMMiiinn la elAartV roinl a-ortt. atrtali enmnenaaUon, Pot inrt- arldreM Ilof 2 4, FreMrt, I.

17.171 4 OF.NKPX hmiwwnfk. t'hr Han fftRntlv. two rB in ynitg woman, wageo eaa a motin ri.Atbih 7l I.liM IH an loan ranee freetey afflee, a rrntian girl lo 00 poiirr wrn iff state uneriatif-e and fcalarv fireeA. it ntrvet." Rn 7af4. tife 7sf! oPrRAltiR.

BatMrrtay, iiirtit an hotirtavs ttd onr niM wr-n wih-i maftid woanan tueferred. 7V PMfVeaod IMW HHIF41 1 WO OIRIA. Ofi ttal hniiaean-kr and line, ane er ru cll (111 io between a and 7 pm. 17? IF WANTF-t) -4lond girl for light hmitamk tn 4-room epanmeni s'ey in, rnonth. 'tod h-me.

PHttie for aprtomirmt. I ITU; Commfrrlal AfeiKie p'emalo I ten Mti.iiiIJI lot hiir. rort'e r-'v iih, ato waitrMM, cenaa. Aerirr, 9 Wiiloughby st. lrTAPH'iwt Apwraior.

tva BiiwM e'lt bvaa(ifa, ls -o lrrKrahr Tlowntoan Orm a. if 501 Jib av, Manheiteet, MURtay MU trru a pfaviTir.Na I fr; hntllort gf 1) tiraeiet Ha Tm pmB4e)Bftnt Agenry, 3M Fallon st, .111. I pM.t( trw-n4 Itpiti hrl in, tillaMr, 'e ii 1M bo" "pr aid 1 eta. rhtia(in Tt Ar in, a tprted ttpii. ia ---r.

44 root f.f.'. ai UNfMip ATHaW Pf.plM'- I EMPLOYMENT Commercial Employment Aftncle--1 Female 33a SershSUn'oreaUr Agency. 26C FuUou st, Brooklyn rvviooiirpR. pxnerlencpd. Christians.

alB-o0 typists, derka. $16-825. Smart AL.nVv.V.7Puion ft. Brooklyn. 342K5 LTru--) a -jtrir: nrf oiiice ooaitlons.

Apply Kmr.Iovr.ent Agency. 2207 Church Mrti Platbush. 1248E1 POSITIONS Stenographers, tvDlktt. clerks. Yorke Agency, 44 Couri st.



UNITED PERSONAL SERVICE, 26 Court St. TRIangle 4329. STENOGRAPHER, experienced Insurance. S30 PTENOOR APHER 'Bay Ridge) BTKENOORAPHERa 1-25 SWITCHBOARD operators, typists, offlee boys. 1867B5 Miscellaneous Employment Ajreneles Female 32b cooks, chambermaids, waitresses, houseworkers waineu.

86 7th av. SOUth 3381. Mrs. mnHrcasPS. COOkS.

hOUS6- workers, all nationalities. Erlcion's Ancy. 78 6th av. NEVinS 2087. 1251B1 COOKS, waitress chambermaids, workers, lately nded girli.

Ketwin Agency, 949 Bergen st. PROspect 893- COOKS, houseworkera. nursemaias, fret po sitions. MiOWOOO Agancy, NAVarre 5671'. 1115E2 fin workers a SPf riA Irinh heln.

88 Albans av. LAFavette 6907-6975. 1273E4 COOK, general houseworkers, domestic help, lnTnr1enred. Molter AgenCV, 305 Platbush av. NEVlns 6969-3526.

1126E2 HOUSEWORKERS. nursemaids, all afin.son- lfttelv landed. 860-880. KinoKwaV Aeelicv. 1709 Kings Highway, ESPlanade 2229.

DEWev 345T 129QK4 uniTBirurnliifER'l bahv nurses, exoerienced I or lately landed, a once; aeici; "i0-1 1 850-890. J. isaaR Agency, into kii- i HOUSEWORKERS. whltfl city Aeencv. 726 Rockaway av.

unoa.o uriDDCa i mmori la telv eraduates. undergraduates ana practical; pieuvy m--i- nn hnnd. Marine Reiistry Aiency, 3885 Flatlands at, near Flatbush av. M1D- wond 8454. irfnur.t AGENCY 345 Cumberland St.

High-class male, female, city, country; day wkmj! supplied. NEVlns 6129-8272. CXLORED houseworkers; plenty positions, city or country. Holmes Emoloymem Aency, B64 Washington av. PROspect 4318.

ZMP1I.S- ETHELS AGENCY. 429 Carlton av; male, female heln; private, public; city, eowhtry. NEVins 8038. DECatur 2420, 1208E4' HOLMES a'gENCY, 1B4 Bchermerhorn it; houseworkers. pen time workers, ciiamuci- 1.

.11 noiinnalltt. TRIsnela 2540. 1284K4 nnnPDTBnM dnlVfiY. 726 Rockawav av. 1 Hnmiii hotel heln.

chauffeurs; I couples: country aituattons, LOUlKjsna 091T. 2056 E5 8KLECT household help, 660-8100: lately tended, $50-8nU: ail nationalities, rruoireb 1 Amiey, 287 Flatbush near subway, cars. NEVins 7443-7444. 1285E4 UTICA EMPLOYMENT AOBNCY. tTtlea av: reliable help; pert time, day workers.

I HDdingway Help Wanted ivlale 43 ASSISTANT to surgeon for lew days; one I familiar with anesthetic Box 2081E5, Eifle offlre. 2083 E.V AiiTri RAi.GfiUF.N An ODenine has lust oc curred in our organisation lor a real faai aeiltna line, rich territory, ex- rontinnal nnbortunltT. used car telling ex- m.rini ncceiaarv. commission. Mornings.

9 to 12, Klngsway Marmon 1109 Ouentin rd, Brooklyn. 1051E3 AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN This la the A Ka wiLh a a ood. live concern: Marmon Is one of the leaders this year, I n.innrtunitv to make on excellent con nection. See Mr. Barrse or Mr.

O. Crabie, Mirmon Distributors. 1630 Bedford av. STErllng 3300. 4WE? AUTOMOBILE USKl) CAR BALK8MAN; must he envient: tood opnorimiity.

can i ivvit ttvnT for anDOiniment, MlHI' ran Automobile Warehouse, 1022 Aii.nt'f hr. 1531E3 auiu MKVBsmuon -v with Fornson traetor ixytmiNt. vphiwh Motors, 298 Pad Oo at. 2054E4 riva maoierf. 17 veart old or over.

nrk in aiaeirirai lariorr; wun mi 614 40 per week working 46 hours per meek. Apply after 0 J. H. Bunnell tt tvh floor, 81 Proepect ft, Brooklvn BoVS, TWO. to wora as helpers in boat anop: ana per wv.

I'Mt i.iand creek and Harwaf av, nrook- tvm BRR-KLaVcRS ond helpers, open shop, pay HnhHi PiainneM av and King at. 1 li'tri a ar mak FR. aae no over 3. all 1 1 wnrB in nmniiin. permanent.

Apply after 0 a Room 4ca, Weatern F.1SCUFC eea Manhattan. 2240E8 CrtrtNTER and handy man, middle aged. lae care I-famiiv noueet; muss aiPep -n, im BHnih inr Liaa. iluO aieaaa ava- mm -a nuiinaa nl. near E.

and Kinea MUhway. I3VE4 MAUPFKUR. white. 8 ft 0 or over, mar ried: must hav rrrrnro), Phone a to 11 am. muereoM im, aii eai7.

77K' run rtifn tn rnmmrtrlil lliht eVllrerv, r'wyi apnea re no, amne sns nvnm r'r' ithmeni, Mewde wotser: refiwmt. Ui I 1 tat. Madam Jaiie. nim e.vw luiirFRtin-Vount aaen tiling rtfxw and salary espt'l Vs 1 Fu wiib uin l. white: awl lne1 Jeo Uiitaay, 337 aodmr Wst, P)Xeinrt 3f7 I rTu 1 irnitoa- B.rUMial biU far 3 nrfkrnfWl ShaisMn eolleeu.fe; OttV OOd Twal rtratee.

60 Owart et, Brooklyn. Roon lPPi -Ag all r'luiid, Immmr Can 12.. fil Adamt at kMtMLkiiiMi arrriALlirf aanted. Ihor nu.i i f.miiiae witn ut- ervrtion, in m- pervmion, Ui deaen and anaktr nl inoia lor permanent ntould Iron raaiint. wakelit mould wore and dte (Mimn of i.n im a hi aluminum ailova State fully lo lirat llr.

ee. ediratinet iinrlt. Addreaa Boa 10; 7 Hot-heater, V. lOaiEl Aiiiif Niil' vutt understand Muiity tal4- lt.g. rt ot -Irtek, fnral gatat.lrg Wrtie stna 74, CeeiUel rata, 1.

Af pOOfM UPlI" aaluiiAta rild hv gltbt nlietiai rn wvn riena aiie'ie given beftnner 7d i. Manba I ffyi wr, jANITirfi, ao-femllf eiaaa. Ftaibuah. eV it a man eoia 10 rm "pn'n'i win ftmp tnent, wHe will make aieeli repair ed ke) the hiildine; riewn; 1 es'wiT sod llvire iri'ti Atiplf hr lettet tmlj inM iaa ataaaaii at. afaahaltan 4AHl Im IjieiiF f2 ran actiipy a fo aperiannl at eaa enfl an aitewae of of I 1 4 rif to flr Itftt, fon Snh ttoiM iata eriwiel, atf.

tm fhtuvien. Ore ate! N. I0 Puitea ek IliU arte BuMkleg Henwn ca, I xtnti eare et rerto. IlM SU iNtsvU 9i63. liMiL' ev, earn a ice.

uaaa ae..

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