Brooklyn Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4
- Publication:
- Brooklyn Eaglei
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- Brooklyn, New York
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- 4
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Till: BltOOKTTN- DAILY KAfiT.R. M-3W YOIIK, SUNDAY. PECHMIWK 21, 101' I. 4 A MESS QlllfS; Court Scores Jury Who Gave Her Only $2.8,000 for Loss of Husband have buyers for business improved UTILITY SERVICE What Dollar You Spend Buys More Value? PLEASES LEADERS DEELAHES SCHWAB We properties, or unimproved. Frank M.
McCurdy Inc. 158 Reinsert Street REAL ESTATE EST. 190) Prediction at Annual Din A Merry Ckristma 1 -0 4 Kr Mil. To the peopls of Brooklyn our hsartiect greeting for Christmas and the New Year. May 1025 bring prosperity to all with new and broadened opportunity for us to be of service to you.
House Clears Up Three Supply Bills as Muscle Shoals Delays Senate. Washington, pec. Congresf I'liill work today for over the Christmas holidays, after selling up what leaders regarded as a good record of legislative accomplishment In the llrst Mint weeks of Its present "hort session. Three of the nine annual supply bills were passed by the House ane sent 10 the Senate, where committer have completed consideration of one of them and are wuli advanced with th work on a second one. Tho Senate passed two important measures left over from the last s-s-slon the 1100,000,000 bill for mod.
cruizing the battle fleet and the construction of eight additional light cruisers, and the JlSo.OOa.Ouu Pendency bill, carrying funds for putting the soldiers' bonus Into operation, and enacting a new reclamation policy. In addition. Congress approved the war debt settlements with Poland and Lithuania and sent to the Prcsd-dent resolution appropriating for use in curbing the European fowl plague and other poultry dis-oases. Four new ruin treaties those with France, Canada, the Netherlands and Panama weru ratllied by the Senate, and a number ol measures of minor Importance were passed by each house. After the holiday recess the House will turn to a fourth appropriation bill, that for tho Post-oltiee and Treasury.
The Muscle Shoals question remained at the head of the Senate calendar when Congress recessed today. Consideration of the Issue has now reached the point where Sennte leaders hope to obtain a flnal roll call shortly after the holiday recess. When the vote is callod, the Senate will be required to decide between three plans Government operation, private operation or reference of the whole problem to a commission. Senate leaders had expected to clear the calendar of Muscle 'Shoals before Christmas but In face of opposition to the Cnderwood bill, they were forced to abandon their hopes. Senate Shlpstead, Farmer-Labor.
Minnesota, today accused President Coolldge's friends of trying to place him in "an embarrassing situation" by advocating the Cnderwood bill, which would require the Chief to lease the property. "Muscle Shoals," he declared, "should be dedicated to the Interests of the farmers, but If the General Electric Company Anally obtains control of the property it will took as if a part of this power is to be dedicated to fertilize the barren political fields of the Northwest." Asserting thut Senator Norrls had shown that' the General F.lectrlc mm RECOVERS DOROTHY GISH'S 'SEIZED JEWELRY Husband cf Film Star Pays $12,500 to Customs for Undeclared Gems. Kennic, husband of Dorothy dsn. Ill" motion picture actress. pit.ii thr ciistoiiiH authorities fir (ho recovery of four articles of iiihI'm lured Jewelry which were seized I the customs authorities from (Ik-Gish party following tlieir arrival on the Majestic during November, it was learned from nn a uthrntio source, ut the Custom House yesterday.
A customs oflk-ial revealed the hare facts of lie seizure but was unable to give the He said that Dorothy and Lillian Gish, with their mother and James Itennle, arrived on the Majestic, nnd that while their baggage was being examined on the pier the four articles of undeclared icwelry were seized. When memliers of the Gish party were questioned by customs officials on the pier. Mr. Rennie is said to have assumed the sole responsibility, explaining that he forgot to declare the articles, which were apparently purchased in Europe. The Jewelry was taken to the Appraiser's for examination and appraisal.
Later Mr. Rennie was as-fessed the sum of S12.90Q which amount covers the full penalties, unties and tines for his failure to declare the Jewels. The description of he jewelry win unavailable. The Jewels were finally relensed Friday by the customs authorities after they had received Mr. Rennle's check for the full amount.
LA GUARDIA WARNS AGAINST FUSION OF Mrs. Ida M. Woriu-r a Ml Her Two lilldren. Mrs. Ida M.
Werner, who lins botn awarded StS.llOO (liiniiiges from Hie rlty for tlio loss of Iter husband who drove over the uiillglited foot cf WM Long Island ily, IVb. II. last, and drowned In the I'-nsi River. Supreme Court Sclali B. Sirons scored the Jury Tor not U-turning a verdict for or Brooklyn Edison Company Harvard Faculty to Hear Houdints Proof of Boston Medium 'Margery as Fake BLAMES BRITISH Aunt Wins Child Father Forgot in Second Marriage ner of the Pennsylvania Society.
CharlOH M. Schwab predicted that tile era of prospeilty now sweeping tho country would not bo transient but last for many years, in an ad dress delivered last night the 26th annual dinner of the Pennsylvania Society held at tho Waldorf, Four-teen hundred diners were present In the grand ballroom when Mr. Schwab, us preslde-it and toaslinas-tor, rapped the assemblage to order. Mr. Schwab said that tho nation was to be congratulated on the sweep of prosperity which there had been nothing like for years.
Ha extended his congratiiliitlonii particu larly to Pennsylvania as tho work shop of the Nation, Following his brief address there was a colorful Incident when Miss Clarissa Paulino Lutte pr sentcd to the society ttic (lug of Allentown, I which she had made herself and which, was accepted by Mr. Schwab. Heck Defend. Supreme Court. Solicitor General of the Cnllcd States James M.
Beck, who made the principal address of the evening, m-ide a strong plea for more harmonious co-operation between the Supreme Court of the United States ami the executive arms of the Government and the establish, iiient of a closer contact between that court and the people. His topic was "The Problem of the Supreme Court" and he referred to the recent campaign of Senator La Fol-lette who, "leading a new party movement, made his chief objection the Impairment of this balance wheel of our governmental machinery." Once again, he said, the- Supreme Court had survived a real crisis in its existence. The address follows In part: "Like Dagon In the Old Testament, the La Follctte party put an Impious hand on the Ark of the Covenant, and Ilk Dugon, It was stricken by Ihe lightning of public Indignation. Nevertheless, four million citizens supported this destructive proposal and such a dissent to a vilal part of an institution cannot be ignored hy thoughtful men, for nothing is more certain than that this is not the last assault upon the Supreme Court. "Oiir Greatest Institution." "The cause of conservatism is Ill-served by assuming that any human Institution is perfect.
Tho Supreme Court is, in my Judgment, the greatest and noblest court that the world has ever known. Of all features of our Government it has been the most successful. It is the final conscience of the nation in matters of constitutional morality; nnd no fact is moro cueditablo to the American people than that, In maintaining this great court in its Integrity, the people have shown that, self-restraint which is the best guarantee of the perpetuity of our Institutions." After stating that the Supreme Court had been from the beginning the target of attack by large and Influential minorities, Mr. Beck said: Significance of Attacks. "There is this significant distinc tion between the attacks on the Supreme Court and those upon other departments of the Government: In democracy, no department ol government can escape criticism, but the attacks upon the Executive and the Legislature hi'Ae generally been upon the temporary incum bents of those departments and rarely upon the institution of the Executive or of the Congress such.
With respect to the Judlclnry the reverse is true. The attack has rarely been upon the Justices as In divtduals. "In every other country the Ju dlclary co-operates with other de partmenta of the government and Ihe administration can always havo the advice of the Judges. "I recognize that the Constitution imposes no duty upon the court to give such advisory opinions, but it does not forbid such useful co-oper ation, nnd the great end of our constitutional development should bo to bring the three departments into closer co-operation and not widen the gulf that now separates them. "Margery" Was Musical But Not as a "Medium-," Former Husband Explains (Special to Th9 Eaple.) Boston, Dec.
20 "Ridiculous, ab solutely foolish," declared Earl Rand, grocer and provlsloner, whose shop is at No. 765 Tremont St. Earl is the former husband of "Margery. spiritualistic medium and now the wife of Dr. Lerol G.
Crandon, noted Boston surgeon. The explosive answer of the grocer came when he was asked his views of spiritualism and his former wife. "While 'Margery' was my wife she never had any spiritualistic tho grocer continued. "She look les sons- on tho cornet before we were married. She tried the cello and she could play a few pieces on the piano, but I never knew her to be able to talk with ghosts." The relevatiotis of the grocer bring to light some Interesting features of the private life of 'Margery' and her husband, Dr.
Crandon. Rand, the grocer, while not in communication with his former wife, has kept in touch with her oc tlvlties, according to his statements. Tells of "Margery's" Start. "A little more than two years ago she visited a spiritualistic medium with a friend." said Rand. "The me (Hum told her she possessed unusual medium powers.
Interested by the suggestion, she began to experiment and she apparently met with much success, for It was not long after that I oegan to near ot her as 'Mar Rand tells an Interesting story re gardlng the bitter controversy be tween the Crandons and Houdlnl. He says that at a seance about two months ago and at which Mrs. don mother "A-as present, "Walter' appeared us usual and then an nounced he gave Houdlnl but one year to live. This was shortly after tho magi clan had attended a series of five seances with "Margery." Three of these, Houdlnl has publicly slated were fraudulent. The remainder were "blanks" and at the final one the Incident of the "plant" occurred.
A carpenter's rulo was found on the lloor of a box in which she was sitting. Mrs. Crandon charged that Houdlnl had placed it tiiere nnd Houdlnl said she did it. Rand also confirmed Houdini'; statements about "Walter's" auto cratlc. behavior at the seances.
Hon dlnl has said that at almost every seanco certain sitters wero Informed hy thn whispering voice of thn spirit that they were barred from appear Ing nt future teas. "I have never seen Mrs. Crnndon since our divorce, but the Crandons buy their groceries trom tun," Ran concluded. Magician and Medium Whose Tricks He Will Teil to Harvard Faculty X- fit, 1 asylum for the tredulous. There ought to be a law to stop fraudulent mediums trom operating.
Brooklyn has a nest 'of itheni that ought to be cleaned out. Just as they are cleaning up the spiritualistic churches in California, notably Los Angeles, where 70 alleged preachers were arrested recently. Licenses to operate spiritualistic churches were being sold by the wholesale in that city." Dr. Crandon indignantly attacks tho committee for "lack of harmony," und certainly the committee itself would admit tho validity of tnis charge. "The investigating committee looks well on paper," says Crandon, but when it comes to doing business ho doesn't think much of It.
It Is the fault or the committee rather than of his wife, he thinks, that the year comes to a close without the bestowal upon her of the coveted Scientific American prize. 'Houdini will not trust Carring ton nor turd, and carrington Hnd tiirn return ine compliment. At a committee sitting. Dr. McDougall assures the circle that he has perfect control of tho medium's left arm and leg, whereupon Dr.
Prince re marks. 'Of course 1 know nothing or nut, ur. i randon continues. adding that his wife isn't getting a squaro (teal. The Rev.
-Mr. Worcester is Inclined to believe that Mrs. Crandon must be all right. "There Is one thing which should bo said in Javor of Ihe authenticity of the Crandon phenomena," says he. "All of the scores of other cases which were brought to the attention cf the committee were dismissed alter a few sittings.
This case is still open after some it 0 seances." Whether or not the sittings with "Margery" are to continue or not depends on Dr. Prtnco. "Dr. Prince is chairman of the committee of investigation and I have perfect confidence In his integrity," said Houdini yesterday. "He has been on the verge of resigning a number of times and I told him that If he resigned I would also.
'Bird through bis uncalled for and tin. true articles about Ibis woman's alleged wonderful mediuinshlp, and his statements to the press haj given an erroneous impression In regard to Dr. Prince. Dr. Prince, while he did not detect Mrs.
Crandon tn fraud, which I alone did, nevertheless never staled that she possessed niedlumlstic powers. It was Carrington and llird who did that. "We in nut compliment Mrs. Crandon for resourcefulness. I will admit that her tricks were new and clever.
I have since reproduced them before audiences from New York to San Francisco and not one. or those serving as contmilteemen have detected the methods until divulged tn them alter the blindfold was removed from their eves. Mrs. Cran-don's seances were all in darkness." "jr Mr. Munn, publisher of the Scientific American, had given the prize to Margery, every fraudulent medium In the world would take advantage of it." says Houdlnl.
"I told him so. of course if she were genuine there would have been nothing to expose, but If the Scientific American, by any accident, should declare this woman genuine and she was eventually deleclid In fraud, we should be the laughing stock of the world. And In the meantime hundreds of fraudulent me. Hums would take advantage of our eiror." The most noteworthy claimants of the $2. Mill prize frbm Ihe Scientific American before who still It should go to iier after 911 seances, ore Mrs.
Josl K. Stewart of Cleveland. Ohio; Nlni Pecoraro, an Ilallan boy, and George Valentine of WllUcs-ltarre, all of whom have beet) rejected as frauds. i President 1 DEAD, 3 MISSING, AS PART OF TRAIN DROPS INTO RIVER from Page lne severance trom the rest ot tne train caused the forward end of tho car to swing sharply to the side. For a moment it noised there, and over as it went, and buried its nose bottom tin.
in 'the murky waters ot the river. Ihe slant of ie car brought two rear windows above the line of the water, aiording lite saving eeross for many occupants. Within a half hour the gates', of hA UHnn stream, had been cloned and the water mus was lowered near two leet at Ihe scene ot the wreck greatly expediting rescue work. Negro Steward Hero. jueanwmie tne passengers were doing all they could lo help one an rushed to the scene and luwern ladders from the bridge und brought rowboats into play.
Out of one of tho exposed win oows crawieti cam (uriis. ine negro steward from St. Paul, drenched and freezing he remained aton the bottom of the rar. aiding ns he could In the rescue work, refusing to leave ror tne Hospital until every one in sight had been removed. of the not distant shore by swim niing.
according to eve-witnesses but the U'O feet of Icy Wat. inter venlng simped their strength and tney went down, nennerson was one of them. The Identity Of his companion Is not known here. To facilitate the rescue work a line was run from shore to the part so nniero-en ear niwi tniw linn ct raft was anchored, tho base of operations for the rescuers. Mr.
find Mrs. A. V- Ncclter of Moose who were travel ing with Henderson, counted them selves fortunate ton ght. Thev had seats in the observation car and toreed lo go to one of the forward coaches. The trestle a sine-le track afi'a unci worniuen soon hail It In snapo trains were sent from Minneapolis and Stevens Point, Wis.
5 I)le In Auto's T'liinee. loaning, oeo. zi a- ees irom i-ottsvii ton it state mat a man, a gin. in. anil two women were killed when the driver of an automo bile In which thev were riding lost control or me car am ntiinne, over a 60-foot embankment on lo the UUCKH TIIH IT NV vii in near Schuylkill County ive Die In Him Wreck.
Tacnmn, Dec. F'iv persons were kllbd- and iwo iu Jured when a tree fell across motor bus near Chchalis, AVun ti day. ine bus was on I lie Norton lo Chchalis run and the accident Happened 21 miles east of behasiil i ne (lend are: lean sen or. en uiiiueoimeu noy. vears i a mint nuoien i njioouin vv.
i imim iioi r-tiicK rteiener. i nn in nireii osnorne ot Cen i aha und t.ny Belcher, were taken to a Chchalis hospital. so. "The fill-afro Is a very timid animal." "No wonder. When II comes getting It In the neck look at tl area It has exposed." Courltr-Joui-iiiil.
By MARJORIF DORMAN. Who put the ruler. in the Houdinilf cabinet in which the magician declares he caught "Margery," the famous Boston medium, red-handed? Dr. Leroi G. Crandon.
professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School and husband of declares it was a plant. Houdlnl avows tho medium put it there herself and In an effort to prove to members of the Harvard faculty and others Investigating "Margery" thut they have been for the past eight months the dupes of a clever and pretty young woman, he will go to Uoston next week to challenge his fellow memcbrs of the Investigation committee. He has put up that he can personally reproduce eveiy one of the "psychic phenomena wincn for two-thirds of a year have so dazzled his fellow members of the Investigating committee that they were on the verge of giving the $2,500 prize ottered by the Scientific American. "I am particularly desirous of convincing Dr. William McDoitgall, who holds the chair of psychology at Harvard University" said Hoiidini yesterday.
"As a psychic investiga tor 1 want to say that Dr. McDougall Is a great psychologist, lie says he knows as much about this kind of thing as I do. All right. "I'd like to see us both locked in a box and thrown into the East River and Dr. Lerol G.
Crnndon, professor of surgery at Harvard, thrown in also. I'd like to know which of the three of us would get cut what use would psychology or surgery be to them The more highly educated a man Is along certain lines the easier he is to dupe." Many Charges Made. Meanwhile in Huston ami New York charges and counter-charges are exchanged between tho medium, her husband and the six members of the Investigating committee, one of whom. J. Malcolm Bird, contributing editor of the Scientific American, has already resigned.
The social and professional prestige of till concerned, thn mystery originally made of Mrs. Mlna Cran- don's identity, and the acrimonious nature of the fight which has developed over the failure of the committee lo award her the prize eleven to arrive at a unanimous conclusion after eight months of tnk, make the case one of the most Interesting In modern spiritualistic annuls. Not since the time when the Van-derbllt-Pepper case arose in Rrook-l'-n or Luther R. Marsh and Miss Debar became front-page copy hl-o so many prominent persons been Interested In' an alleged psychic. Committee Disagreed.
The committee which is praetl-cally torn asunder over the powers of the pretty young IJoston medium comprises Dr. Walter l-'ranklhi Prince of the American Society for Psychical Research; Dr. Daniel F. Comstock, formerly of the faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Houdinl; Dr. Hereward Car rmgton, who exposed Palladino; J.
liird and Dr. William McDougall. No two of thein appetir to agree on anything, and Dr. Crandon is hitter in his declaration that his wit? never had a chance In an atmosphere "charged with halo and distrust." Two members of the committee have openly declared that "Margery's" powers are supernormal They arc lilrd and Carrington. and Houdini demanded resigna tion and now asks that Carrington also quit the investigating committee.
Meanwhile, as the memliers of the committee fight among themselves the London Society for Psychical Research is aboul to Investigate Mrs. Crandon. and Dr. McDougall and the lt--v. Elwooil Worcester, rec tor of Emmanuel Church, are at present conducting a separate Investigation, working under red lights and conditions which they de-olare make fraud impossible and getting results which ibey claim inexplicable except by some new physical force or spiritualism.
Many or the faculty at Harvard and some of the coi-imittee mem bers declared Houdini unfair" to Mrs. Crandon. "I hope and believe that the work of Mie commitfe of Investigation will lie continued," said Dr. McDougall yesterday. "The case high In list as one of the most Interesting I have ever known." Clean Thein Out Says llouillnl "ll would be ridiculous to continue he Investigation ol Mrs.
Crnndon retorts Houdlnl. "people like hi are pointing the way to the Insane SELECTED GROUPS Challenges C. 0. P. to Stand for Non-Partisan Election in 1925.
The Republican party was challenged last night by Maj. F. IT. La Guardla, Congressman from Manhattan, to "stand for a real nonpartisan election of the Mayor in 1925, by taking the municipal election out of politics, or to be overwhelmed by the plain people." La Guardla spoke last night at the Boro Progressive Club at 26 Court st. La Ouardia's plan consists, he told the 40 "Progressives" who had turned out to hear him, of having 'the State Legislature pass a law providing for the non-partisan election of the Mayor and other city officials.
"Bach candidate's name would appear on the ballot without a party emblem or designation," the Congressman said. "The candidates would be first selected In an open primary, and the two receiving the most votes would go before ithe nenole in the general election. In that way you would have real fusion, ami an election thut would mean something." At the outset of the meeting La Guardla, who had come on from Washington especially for the meeting, commented on the peculiarity of a group of Progressives, acceding to the principles of Senator La Follette, meeting In a "stock exchange, the home of the predatory interests." The club has its quarters In an old brokerage olHce and market boards have not yet been taken from the walls. The threat to the Republican party was indicated when the Congressman declared: "If the small groups now urging fusion, arid the party now advocating it. refuse to Join In a movement for non-partisan election of city officials, then the people of this city will know that their declarations are being made with lingers crossed, and the people will bo able to judge of their motives.
"If there Is but a fusion of selected groups or attempts to carry on political bargain looking to two years hence, then there will be mighty fusion on the part of the people of New York that w-id mean something. Let politicians ami the exploiting Interests take notice." La Guardla did not say from what source he'-got the assurance of the "mighty fusion" movement. After his prediction he hurried away for another meeting In Manhattan "to make the sum" he said. The 40. less Robert II.
Elder, former Assistant District Attorney, who presided nt the meeiing, left with the Congressman. Elder helped M. I Ross, executive secretary of the club, to put the lights out. ENTERTAIN PATIENTS Patients of the Kingston Avenuo Hospital for Contagious Diseases were guests at a concert given yes- terdiiv by the musical committee of the New York Hospital Vlslling As- coclatiou uinler the direction of tit Slate Charities Aid Association. today In the chapel of Kings i utility Hospital the musical coin i It tee will present Rafaeli Crass t.elll and his choir of Im voices In Christinas carols.
Later all the wards In the hospital ill be visited. r-5AF MUTE ROBBED Thenter of 178 Ten Kyck who Is deaf and dumb, charges that Kraus snatched a roll of b'lls from his pocket last night. I'atrnlinan Warren of Trallic I) arrested Krause at the corner of Humboldt and Grand and lie was held for examination In the Williamsburg court today. Themer was positive of his Identification. Criw Wort! rilFiten.
Forty iur.r.lii tiv ft prl rnniuructora appear In thp Bona Prim- WinnlliK Cmm Word Puzaki. A omcei. department atorea and boo cellvil. itle. I by mall, Adv.
Company was the head of the "power trust" of America, Senator Shlpstead said several members of the firm of J. P. Morgan Co. were on the board of directors of the General Electric Company, and that $26,000 was contributed to the Re publican' campaign fund by members of the board. Senator Norrls spoke for two hours In favor of Government operation as provided In his measure.
HUGE BILLBOARD CAMPAIGN PLAN OF DRY CHIEFTAIN (Continued from Page would bs in full swing by the first of the fiscal year June 3ft, 1S25. In the course of the hearings Admiral Eillard admitted that the Coast Guard was making rum seizures "anvwhere from 20 to 30 miles" lrom the shore. "We would not seize the vessel." he said, "unless we were satisfied that part of nor cargo had already been landed. When asked if the activities of the Coast Guard met with much resistance, Admiral Uillard replied: We have many resistances to seizures of small rum-running launches which shoot at our boats and attempt to ram them and sink them, or throw cases of liquor overboard or sometimes fish nets and other things in an attempt to sink our pursuing boatR." Admiral Hliiara aeciarea inn-, from Julv, 1923, to November. 1924.
the Coast Guard had made 290 seizure of rum-runners. According to the report on this appropriation bill, the Coast i.uuru Is to receive tor us regular marine duties and for the additional Job of suppressing rum smuggling. The money is about evenly divided between the two activities, $9,649,257 going toware tho prevention of smuggling. of the 9. OSS men In the Coast Guard Service.
4,740 are for its regular duties nnd 4.348 are to be used as marine dry agents. Admits Wasliuigton Is Wet. When asked If tho prohibition law-was being enforced In Washington, Assistant' Prohibition Commissioner Jones declared, "Not as well as we would like to have it." admitted that there were "quite a number of petty bootleggers In tlie District of Columbia," but he refused lo stale how many. "This." he said, refer-ring to Washington, "Is a cosmopo I-tan titv and I will admit there Is more drinking in Washington than In some other cities In the country." Mr. Jones repeatedly stated thai, in his opinion, the prohibition law-would be very quickly enforced If Judges would Impose prison sentences on bootleggers ruther than fines.
Taking the witness stand, Commissioner Haynes, Judging by his statements, fairly oozed confidence in the "success of prohibition." He declared "the number of smuggling vessels off the Atlantic coast has been materially decreased." Admiral Mil lard previously stated that the size of the rum Meet had not perceptibly altered. "The industrial alcohol declared Mr. Haynes, "is hy all odds the most difficult situation with which we have to deal." Hayes Confident Public Is for I.n-forccnient. When asked about the public ui-titude toward Prohibition the head of Die I )ry I 'nit said: "I think the attitude of the public toward the enforcement of the law Is better than ever. I think there are certain groups, unfortunately, who have not yet come to see their responsibility with reference lo their obedience to Mils law.
1 think it is necessary to continuously make patriotic appeal to these groups." I'IKi: IV SYX A small fire of unknown orUIn was discovered in the basement of lie Synagogue Zcdnk Rosner, at 25 Montrose avc, last night. The blaz-. was easily extluculshod, auscd damage estimated at $100. FOR EGYPT UNREST Maj. Cen.
Sir Reginald Hoskins Retired, Discusses Recent Uprising. President Wilson's advocacy of self determination for nations was represented as tho source from which sprang the current Kgyptiun agitation for Independence by Major General Sir Reginald Hoskins, K. C. C. M.
tt, D. 8. British Army, retired, before tho Foreign Policy As sociation at the Hotel Astor yesterday. One of the results of the pres ent political unrest In Kgypt was the recent assassination of Sirdar Stack. With Its origin so defined, General Hoskins blamed a short-sighted British policy for permitting It to develop, declaring that It burgeoned because the British Inspectors who had charge of much of Egypt a In ternal affairs prior to the war were permitted to leave that country and enter active service.
In the. absence of these British Inspectors, he said, the peasantry suffered under the rule of the sheiks and the nationalistic party grew powerful. General Hoskins pointed out that British control of the Suez Canal is Imperative for communication with her possessions beyond Kgypt, and declared Britain cannot permit anarchy or serious disturbances to take place beside Its banks. It was because of the Importance of this channel of communication to the empire, he said, that Britain occupied Egypt and has continued that occupation to date. Referring to the assassination of Sirdar Stack, General Hoskins declared It was a Nationalist blow aimed at Great.
Britain and not the result of a personal dislike for the British military commander. He concluded by stating that tho Egyp tian situation was a purely British domestic problem and noti subject for treatment by the League of Nations. General Hoskihs' talk was a defense of the British Egyptian policy In a debate on that subject. His views were supported by Henry Morgenthau, former Ambassador to Turkey; Dr. Herbert Adams Gibbons, writer on international politics, and Sir Wllloughby H.
Dickson, K. B. former delegate from Great Britain to the League of Nations and chairman of the committee on minorities of the League of Nations Union In England. The representatives of tho Oriental people were Blshara Kali an Egyptian; Ryiul Hossaln, an Knst Indian and editor of the New Orient, and Mustl-Zade K. Zla Iiey, a Turk.
BONDSMAN FOUND FOR KEARNEY BAIL Albany, N. Dec. 20 Negotiations wero begun tonight seeking to provide $50,000 hall, for Edward P. Kearney, warrant clerk in the Stale Controller's office, who was arrested Thursday night charged with hypothecation of bonds valued at $63,000. Two sureties were demanded when Kearney's ball was fixed at $50,000, and it was said, arter a conference tonight, one bondsman had been approved.
Friends declared Kearney's release was a mntter of only hours. Attorney General Carl Sherman snld today he had not heard definitely from any of the Albany or New York City banks nnd brokerage houses from whom he yesterday demanded the return of bonds used by Kearney as collateral for loans. The securities, of which Kenruey us warrant clerk had charge, were deposited with the Controller by contractors employed by the Stale pending final acceptance of their work. A child's love is not to be trlfled'S- with, according to a decision handed down yesterday by Justice Selnh B. Strong In Queens Supreme Court when he dismissed an application made hy Adam Kress of Brookhavcn, L.
for a writ of habeas corpus to compel Mrs. Amelia Fusel, 516 Fair-view Itldgcwood, to produce his 4-Vear-oId daughter, Amelia, The mother of the child died shortly after its birth, nnd Kress gave the child to Mrt. Fasel, his sister, to care for. Five months later he married. Only recently he sought to get possession of the child but the aunt would not give it up.
Kress in his application nlleged this was due to his failure to pay board for the child. Hn offered to pay Mrs. Fasel $250 in settlement of any claims for board. Mrs. Fasel denied the charge and said she loved the child as her own and wished to continue to care for het.
"Tho aunt has always acted as mother to the child," said Justice Strong. "Her father married live months after his first wife died, four years ago. The child has been with the aunt ever since. She has learned to love her nnd regard her us her mother. Why should she be taken way and placed in the care of a stepmother who has not wanted her during all these years? The writ will be dismissed.
Tho father may see the child every Sunday afternoon." SINNOTT LEAVING BORO; HYLAN TOO? Secretary Buys Queens Home Mayor May Join Him. Brooklyn will shortly lose one of its Important personages, John F. Sinnott, secretary to Mayor Hylan, Is leaving and the rumor yesterday was that the boro will sutler the Mill greater loss of the Mayor, hint-self. Sinnott, Is shortly lo become a resident of Forest Hills Gardens ir. tho midst of the most exclusive icslilenlial section in Queens.
Negotiations were closed two davs ago by which Sinnott became the owner of stylish eight-room brick house at Grot on and Continental only a short walk from the fashionable Kew Gardens Inn. The price paid for the house was $33,0110. It Is what is known to realtors as a semi-detached house because there Is one house fronting on (Jroton ave. and one on Continental with connection between them. The rumor Is that the other half of the house Is to he purchased by Mayor Hylun and to he occupied by him.
10 OF 20 SURVIVORS OF C. C. N. Y. 78 DINE Ten gruy-halred men, ono-hulf of the remaining members of the class of '78 of the College of the City of New York, met at the th anniversary dinner of their class last right at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.
James Alexander Stitt of II 22 Prospect tho class secretary, was too 111 to attend. Mr. Stilt, was lo have been the honored guest. A poem hud b-i-n written for him by the class poet, E. Yancey Cohen, and the degree of "secretarial art" was to have been conferred on him by his classmates lloth will be delivered to him today by George P.
llotalln-r, class president. But 20 of the original 175 mom-hers of the ehuw fire living. In addition lo Mr, SHU, Philip O'Reilly Is Rrooklvn man. He lives nt 452 751 st. George W.
Lynch was a former resident of Brooklyn, but recently moved to New Jersey. those present was J. C. Morgenthau, brother of the former Ambassador to Turkey..
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