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The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah • 15

Salt Lake City, Utah
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-t VV wr-t 1 rr HWiWfinillli'nmiiirrllBWTBiaBga'wiijiiT'it il tT mWJBvHlkntf tC lyififftlTfflffnffjjj rt' TIIE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 14 1932 Chicago Grain Livestock Market Quotations COOK-COOS By Ted Cook (Copyright 1931 King Features Syndicate Inc) CHICAOO Sept 13 Wheal regained pulse late today and helped by ral he in stotka and rollon recovered in lull Io to sharp early downturn Reports that a iuroneun cartel was ne-otiatmg tor the purchase of 50 ooo out- ousting tor the NORTH BALT LAKE Bept IS 4 65 better trades 180 to 200 pounds Receipt 383 Including 16 for 34 70 Piklii 00 ket lie dirrt tA rcw-r i tattle Receipt 130 dull hardly enough fft An-1 to local packers and 152 to done to establish market general under- bushels of wheat from the United States Ple8 i 60 teers about steady bulk common tofirm board were a late bullish factor Jfl1 tw 210-260-pound 15 25 medium grassers unsold load 973-pound jiere wttS noticeable increase of buying 0 few light lights Ha-pound 34 OGiSteera off ration cake iras and bailey tvard the laH ou the part oi houses witii packing sows (3 00ft 3 10 Il6 00 more (leftrsble light steers quotable connections east 23 Including 11 for around 1 15 she slock small gupplz ln- Wheat closed unsettled at the same market ana direct to local packers uonces hrply higher pait load tftS-poundfyRterciny a finish to higher corn un- arly aalej grass cows $3 50 bulls quotable $3 75 down cianged to down oats off to ad- Blieep Receipts 018 Including 518 forjeaives receipts none nominally steadv market and 400 to Los Angeles packers Receipts none nomftial medium siaeable lot drive-ln lambs 78-pound 14 40 to choice lambs 75 pounds down quotable 68-pound weights 34 00 package 66-pound $4 25ft5O0 vince and provislos varying from 13 cents decline to a nae of 10 cents RANGE OF LEADING FUTURES CHICAGO BULL-ETIN (Interview) I know from daily observation for over 40 years that there is not one per cent of the drinking done in the United States that was done for-merly" Henry Ford Snappy Comeback 1906 your own And Moron ia the office problem-child thinks the Bronchial tubes are part of the Manhattan subway system Be that as It may Benjamin Lebo-witz the pretzel king declares that pretzel consumption has doubled since prohibition Little babies with the croup Taught the world to poop-a-doop FAMOUS LAST WORDS But if I married you lose this beautiful friendship little girL Ten paces turn and fire ST JOSFPH 8et IS U8DA Receipts ftuo1 earlv wiles fat lambs steady choice ranger held $6 00 and above early bulk medium to good rangers 35 tr ft 50 top native lambs $5 50 strictly choice kinds lacking bulk desirable natives $5 25 (5 50 medium quality 4 00 range feeding iambs up to $4 90 Roelpts 3000 fairly active generally steady to 5 cents higher than yester-dav a average spots up nmre on heavy butchers top $4 20 bulk good and choice 170 to 240 pounds $4 lUn4 15 2i0 to 300 pounds $3 4 00 few choice 250 pounds at $4 10 light lights $175t4 00 few best 10 common to medium quality hogs $3 25ftr 3 84 sows moAly 15 cents higher bulk $3 00413 50 top light hows $3 60 Receipts 1600 calves receipts 300 slaughter steers and yearlings moderately active steady to strong instance 10 to 15 cents hlRher on weights and better grades cows firm bulls and calves and vealers steady stoexers and feeders scarce unchanged bulk native fed steers and year lings $7 008 40 load 888 pounds $8 75 some held higher: few straight graders of quality to aell around 4 00fr 5 00 no strictly choice cattle here fed westerns $6 50 vome held higher load 750-pound grass heifers $4 60 bulk beef cows $2 50(Ji3 50' cutter grades I 50w 2 25 bulls $2 25 a 2 60 top vealers $5 50 And then there1 the ort of girl that makes people talk About the weather A MIGHTY NICE LITTLE OFFER (Lamar Mo Democrat) Sim wants two young folks to get married over there at the theater on the 28th He's not only willing to give the couple ten dollars and the marriage license but has sdtured the promise of Judge services free of cost Also he will do more than this If the young folks will let him know in time that they will be married on the handsome theater stage Sim will start a campaign among Lamar merchants to make them gifts No Barton county couple could have a more beautiful and intriguing place to be Married than on the handsome stage of this modern theater Any young couple figuring on getting married soon better snap up offer not only get a lot of nice presents but they'll make a lot of friends take" a kindly interest in them MARCH OF PROGRESS This is Hurowit Doakbaum publisher who will try novel plan this fall to increase the popularity of mystery stories In each volume the last chapter will be printed at the beginning of the book And chapters II to XXIV (Inclusive) will be omitted And If Mussolini ever loses out in Italy he can come over here make good as a theater box office at tendant CAHH QUOTATIONS CHICAOO Sept 13 APi No 2 hard b2c No 3 yellow hard 53c No 4 northern spring 46Uc No 2 mixed 60VU 52 4 Corn No 2 mixed 291429Hc No 8 mixed 28Je No I yellow 20t3Oc No 2 veilow 2930c No 1 white 20i4C No 2 white No 2 white 168kfM7e No 9 white 16i 16c sample grade 14VC Rye No sales 2b Sr 27c lomothy $2 24iff2 50 per cwt Clover 4 65 a 10 25 per cwt Lard $5 00 ribs unquoted bellies 16 00 Produce Market LOCAL PRODUCE (Quotations by Nelson-Rick Creamery Co I BUTTER Extras cartonned lb Prime firsts cartonned lb (Parchment wrapped EO(i3 Fancy poultry farm dozen Selected white dozen Mediums poultry farm dozen CHFFSE Full cream triplets lb Full cream longhorns lb Full crcain saaidwich Loaf lb Jack cheese six pounds each lb Block Swiss 25 pounds each Jb Llmburger one-pound bricks lb Cream brick five-pound bricks lb Roauefort five pounds each lb Full cream daisies Wisconsin cured pound 22 KANSAS CITY KAN8AS CITY Bept 13 Wheat-Receipts 86 rars 1c lower tb He higher No 2 dark hard 46 ft 47 He No 3 nominal Ou 53WC No 3 hard No 4 44 48c No 3 rea 4BHc No 3 nominal 43 ft 49c close September 46 He December 48c Mat 52to Receipts 12 rare unchanged No 2 white nominal 27 No 3 26 Hr No 2 yellow 2c No 3 28c No 2 m'xed nominal 27ft27l-c No 3 nominal 26Hft 27 close September 27 He December 27 He May 32Hc Oats- No receipts unchanged to lower No 2 white nominal L8fl0c No 3 nominal 17'o IRc Rye Nominal 38fM9c Nominal 21ft 25c EXPLANATION OP YFSTtRDAT'S CARTOON Th Fr 1 th Tyrant Deny th Tyrant ol Syracuse became ruler oi Sicily through violence and conspiracy In the lourih century Being in constant and morbid tear of assassination he disgraced his rule by acts of unspeakable cruelly lhe subterranean prisons of lalomie near Syracuse lu were presently filled uh the kings prisoners The prison was so consirurled that the feeblest sound would echo from th ingeniously fashioned vaults of the edifice In the outer extremity of the prison the tyrant constructed an ear-shaped niche for a listening post The acoustics of the niche were such that any sound coming from the casemates of the pnson would magnified In it fifty times Denys wav thus enabled to hear every word whispered by the unfortunate prisoners and artmg upon the information so gathered soon gained the reputation of omniscience I visited the Far of Denys during my trip to Syracuse last year The acoustics of this sinister spot are still as effective as ever A Feathered Honey Glide On observing a man the Ureal Honey Guide of Africa will flutter forward until he Is certain that he has attracted human atUntion The bird will then proceed in a certain direction hopping from branch to branch until It has pointed out the presence of a bees' nest '1 he bird which feeds upon young bees does this curious guiding for a self ft) motive After the honey is removed it atiarks the young bees which have been exposed by human interference Tomorrow The Alien Governor of an American KANSAS CUT Bept 1J Opportunity (Classified Ad) PERSONALS averages 33 25 OGDEN Sept 13 Receipts 355 Including 87 for market 143 to Bwanston paikers and 128 to Los Angeles maiket steady bidding 14 50 ou top me-Slu)J weights few early sales mixed lights 4 40 packing sows mostly 33 25 down Cattle Receipts 215 including 193 for market and 22 to California dairymen low liberal holdover mostly 25c under last week wtth snots off more on undei-grades load 1070-pound steers 35 00 two 34 00 common steers downward to 3100 and under few good heifers 34 25 vArRdes down to 32 75 good cows 32 75ft 50100 klnds 2 00 rtownwrd' bulla Sheep Receipts 10 775 including 830 for market 289 to Los Angeles market 135 to California range 18b0 to Omaha market 4443 to St Jo maiket and 3188 to Chicane market four loads Idaho feeding lambs around 73 pounds with freight benefit 14 10fri 4 25 two loads Idaho feeds 3 85 buyer assuming freight from loading points few lots drlvelns 60 to 76 pouuds 3 254 4 50 nrWFH Sept 13 (USDA) Cattle Re-Celptc 750 calves 50 beef cows steady to weak several loads 32 5073 00 veal-crs strong to 25c higher practical top 7 no odd head 37 50 bulk 34 00ft6 50 other killing classes around steadv all cutter 31 00 175 bulls mostly below 32 50 few heifers 7 00 short feds held around 6 25 grass heifers scarce gtockers and feeders montly steady spots stronger on best ktnda several loads 4 25ft 5 35 top yearlings 3625 low grade small lots 2 50 i 3 50 Sheep Receipts 14 565 Includes around 1000 direct salable supply 60 cars with five loads ewes no early sales most bids on range lambs weak to unevenly lower steady or around 6 00 on best Colorado! late Monday top fat Colorados 36 00 bulk 34 10 14 75 Hogs Receipts 1225: glx single direct four to California no holdovers active strong to spots higher top 34 25 freely on lfln-240-pound some held higher bulk 170-260-pound 4 10'" 4 25 packing sows iteady at 32 50ft 3 25 butcher sows S3 50 CHICAGO Sept 13 (API (USDA) Receipts 10 000 closed mostly steady some clean-up sales shade lower best pigs and light lights 10 to 15 cents and more higher packing sows 6 to 10 cents higher good to choue 1 HO to 220 pounds $4 50 14 65 top 34 65 230 to 260 pounds 34 40ft 4 00 270 to 325 pounds $4 00ft4 40 30 to 390 pounds $3 70ft 3 7b 140 to 170 pounds $4 25ft 4 60 medium grades down to $3 75 pigs S3 604 4 00 choice strong weights to 34 36 packing sows 3 30ft3 65 smooth light weights 3 7514 00 shipper took 2000 estimated holdovers 4000 Cattle Receipts 6000 calve receipts 2000 closed active on all grades and classes strong to 25 cents higher best yearlings in load lots scaling under 1000 pounds $9 35 both light and medium weight steers late 310 00 top 310 25 raid for 1240-pound bullocks weighty bullocks largely $6 50ft 9 2b medium and common grades 36 50 down to 34 50 all she stock active and cutters and common cows strong to hicher bulls strong to 10 cents higher and vealers 50 cents or more up good and choice kinds largely Ift 75 Sheep Receipts 15 000 uneven: few triclly choice native lambs 25 cents higher genera) market weak to 25 cents lower ranee lambs allowing maximum decline extreme top native lambs $6 75 buk $5 50 1 6 25 good to choice westerns $5 75ft 6 35 averaging 82 to 90 pounds moderately sorted range yearlings 14 00 fed kinds 14 7f 4 85 plain clipped lambs $5 00 load outstanding IzO-pound Montana ewes $2 64 most natives $1 6Q42 00 feeders quotable Steady OMAHA Bept 13 (AP Receipts 7500 cuosed dull 5 to 10 cents lower instances 25 cents lower on heavy weight sows plainer grades all weights slow to mote except at sharp discount bulk 250 to 340 pounds S3 50 -o 4 00 around 400 pour da 13 40 top $4 24 paid sparinnv for choice 200 to 220 pounds bulk good and choice 160 to 250 pounds $4 00ft 4 20 140 to 160 pounds 33 30(a4 00 sows 33 003 60 few smooth light $3 65 feeder pigs and stags $2 753 2-i shippers took 2200 Cattle Receipts 5500 calves receipts 300 fed steers and yearlings strong to 10 to 15 cthU higher spots 25 cfnts tip she stock fail steady vealers strong to 60 cents higher bulls strong to 10 cents higher long yearlings around 1050 pounds 38 50 few head I9 60 choice steers 1481 pounds that arrived on train sold at 39 75 beit load lots of heifers 7 10 snnll lots $7 50 practical top vealers $5 50 bulk arwss rows $2 504t2 74 stocker and feeder atre rs $4 25ft 5 75 sto helfeis 33 50ft 4 75 Sheep Receipts 16 000 all elapses steady bulk sorted range lambs $5 50ft 5 75 best held higher bulk sorted native and fed clipped lambs 15 50 ranae vearllngi up to 14 25 ewes up to $2 00 range feeding lambs 14 6075 15 KANSAS CITY Bept 13 (API fUSHAV Receipts 4000 fairly active on 340 pounds down mostly steady to strong spots 5 to 10 cents higher 00 underweights heavies slow around steady top $4 20 on choice 170 to 220 pounds desirable 170 to 40 pourds mosMy $4 10M 20 few 250 to Joo pounds 33 8'7V4 10 better grade 140 to 160 pounds 33 844 4 14 sows $2 841 3 40 few $3 50 stock pigs $3 5 On 3 75 estimated holdovers 740 Receipts 8000 calves receipt laoo medium weteht and heavy s'eer MINNFAPOMA MINNEAPOLIS Bept 13 Receipts 322 cars compared to 223 a vear ago market h'liier cash No 1 northern 54Vi 547o No 1 dark northern 15 per cent protein 56Hftfll7vc 14 per cent protein 56Hft49c 13 per cent protein S'SHftoTHc 12 per cent protein 54 Hu 46Hc No I dark hard Montana 14 per cent protein 5fl7ft497nc to arrive 68 Ho 40Hc No I amber durum 50ft53Hc No 2 amber durum 48Hi'ff52Hc No 1 red durum 40 He September 52Hc December 53 Mat 57 4 Corn No 3 vellow 27Hft')8c Oats No 3 white 18 ft 16 VC? 101 34r RyNo 2 32HP44He No 1 $1 10a 12 YOUNG widow 26 sti anger will ap-preciate social introductions Box 34 Of course she's no sti anger than most widow 28 Babies learning how to walk Have no time for baby talk LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE CnTCAQO Bept 13 (AP) 47 trucks hens firm others steady 1516c leghorn hens llc friers UHvU HSc springs 13Hfi5c roosters Mcw kfyslOif 12c spring ducks llftUc old lid1 12c geese 10ftil3c leghorn broilers 13c Receipts 7847 tubs steady prices unchanged Eggs Receipts 4326 rases: firm Extra firsts carlots 19c fresh graded firsts carlots I8I-0 current receipts 14ft 17c Receipts 31 carloads on track 160 total 8 shlments 49 weak on triumphs steady on other stock trading only fair Wisconsin cobblers 75ft77Hc Minnesota Hollandale section mostly 80c occasional fancy 85c Minnesota Early Ohio 75o Idaho russets $1 NEW YORK Bept IS Receipts 28 927 cases firm Mixed colors standard (cases 45 pounds net) 21 Hu 22Hc special packs including unusual hennery selections si Id from store on credit 23 0 27c refr rehandled receipts 1810c dirties leH 18He white selected specials and premium marks 34U6j36c nearby and mldwestern hennery best open market offerings (6 pounds net) 34c medium 23ft27c refrigerator nearby fancy refrigerator western aver age 2 lft 22c browns nearby and western special packs private ales from store 244 33e western standards 22Hft27c Receipts 16 032 tubs easier Creamery (87-81 score 1 17ft20Hc seconds 16ftl6He 30-31 score 18Hc Receipts 290 pounds no quotations Dressed poultry Steady to firm Fowls fresh or frozen 12ft 22c Live S'eadv Chickens freight 14 19c express 13m 20c fowls freight 14ft 18c express 12ft 19c roosters freight and express He turkevg freight and express 15 1 20c ducks freight 13c express WINMPFO WTNMPEO 8pt 13 Whft- Illuh Low Clo October S2 S1 S2S December MS S3 MS Mav 5'4 62' SB1' Cnh whrat No 1 northern S3'c- No 3 northern Blr No 3 northern Oats No 2 while 38'mc No I whit 2Jc HOW'S THAT? HM-M-M-1 GOT AN ORDER HERE FOft THE UTTLE GIRL- MY INSTRUCTIONS ARE TO TAKE HER OUT TO THE COUNTY KNOW WHEN HAD A JOB I HATED SO MUCH FOLKS BUT ORDERS IS ORDERS YOU KNOW NO- COURSE I CAN'T -IELP tT- BUT I SEE NO CRY1N' RUSH ABOUT IT- WE'LL LET IT GO TILL SATURQAY-THAT'LL GIVE YOU TIME TO GET READY- CONSTABLE -COME RIGHT ON INSIDE MORNIN FRED GOT A JOB ID DO THAT LIKE- BUT DUTY i I RECKON in pr pool LTVFPPOOL 8 pi 13 Rpot wheat Wale fls No 3 Man'Utba U'tafe 68 eloe October 31 December 57 ItC March 58c exchange 3 41 Trade Trends DUTY AND ALL THAT-BUT WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO DO ALL OF OLD PINCH PENNY'S DtRTY WORK? HM-M-M- THE UTTLE RASCAL- SHE CALLED ME "CHIEF SURE A SMART ONE- THE COUNTV FARM IS NO PEACE FOR HER- ept IS Federal- State Market News Service Net whole-seaie prices Butter 92 score 21e 91 ecoro 30c 90 score 19c Egss extras Large 34 Ho mediums 21'c smalls 13Hc Cheese flats 12c iw Ki oe qrucNpTi EGGS NEW YORK Bept IS Eggs firm likely cent higher on standards and 1 cent higher special packs Two sales 60 caws Pacific coast special 32c two sales 100 case rehandled recUPts 20Hc two sales 140 cases rehandled re Ipts 20 Hr one sale 60 cases rehandled receipts 20c standards offered 22c bid 22 ic rehsn-dled receipts 20Hc bid 20Hc b'd on dirties refrigerator standards 21c no bid refrigerator rehand'ea receipts 20c bid 18c Receipt eggs 28 927 Pacific coast eggs fanrv unquoted (By Associated Press Mill are said to be so well suppied witii orders that prompt deliveries on wanted numbers are lmposs'ble Thr larger plants are said to making the heft deliveries Trade circles expeot August fl statistics to show a considerable decrease in stocks due largely to production curtailment Produ( ers continuue to quote 3 R0 rents a pound New York and 3 43 cents Bt Louis Inquiry is said to ba light Machinery Underlying sentiment the machinery and machine tool Industries continues to Improve and an Increase In bustneAs is exmrted shortly according to the American Machinal Retail trade Department stores sale In New York increased substantially last week with the advent of cooler weather it reported In merchandising circles Rusl ness earlier had been running from 25 to 30 per cent behind a year ago Bhoes Trade quarters hear that the International fchoe company and Endioi Johnson company have notified dealers that prices on som styies have been advanced from 2H to 9 cents a pair effective immediately RAW UNCIHVGFD NEW YORK Bept 13 Raw gtivar was unchsnsed today but there appeared to be a better buying Interest from refm era at the 3 10 level for spots with holder asking fractionally higher The only sa'e tonfirmed was 10 000 bags of Porto Rican loading tomonow at 3 1 1 te an operator Fxrept for a little hesitation at the start probably due to weakness in stocks future were generally lusher Influenced by better Inquiry In the spot market The market opened unchanged to 1 point higher The spot mon'h later declined 2 po'nts to I0i whit Jut? reacted to 108 or 1 po'nt umt was smaller than during the past two below the previous cloxe ut der liquids! on or three weeks PrUe advances were real-land tome selling through commiss on I red on some line California greasy comb- houses Offerlmis were readily absorbed ing woos have sold up to IlftiHc scoured however and prnes gradually hardened un-baslf Tejas 13 months' were aellng'der lncreaed coverha and buyinq by at 4lft48o scoured basis with soma choice lota being held at 60c ffotTh above market cover Utah milk hit extras as Pacific coast white specials Utah ml white selects as Pacific coast white standards and Utah white mountaineers a Pacific coast whit mediums houses witii Cuban coimet lions Volume was fair Approximate srles were 11 14 WINNIE WINKLE THE BREADWINNER WEIL IT STAGED ft THERE Ml RIGHT 3 Gone but Not Forgotten HAT CAME SAILING THRU HERE AND WENT fUGHT OUT Op THAT OPEN WINDOW atrong to 15 cents higher other beef steersixtandards 26Hfl30c mediums 24ft25Hc tnd yearhnss mostly steady vealers and refrigerator Large illtnc calves weak to 50 cent lower Lower I 5UPP05E IT'S SHPE TOR ME TO GO ft 11 h'm: ITS NOT ft HERE- -in-GOOD MOWING B'SGS 1' DIP you SEE AV HAT ft HERE VA grade cows fully steady fat cows and helf era slow bu ki steady to strong Blockers and feeders stead? two load choice 1141-pound steers $0 30 no heavy steers offered btFk common to medium western iieers $4 7vtT6 50 two loads rood 1315-pntind fed Kansas grans steers $8 50 eheire 4 tound fed Heifers $7 65 vealer top $6 00 most killing calves 34 50 down cows 12 25473 24 low cutters and veftrrs $1 40ft2 14 medium $2 Sfiirr 2 74 bu stockeri and feeders $3 75dOO two loads meat? feeders $6 50 Receipts 7n0 nattr lamb steady rana lambs 10 to 15 rent lower heft native lambs 14 60 better grade 14 74 0 5 40 choice range lambs held above 36 4 bent Co'orados and Ulahs $6 LI l(q ANGHrA Bept 13 Cattle -Receipts JoO holdovers 301 ful'y steady fariy best steers held above $6 00 few common grasnera $4 40 stockers 14 00 two loads 777-pound Colorado heifers $4 AO few head $4 40 two ldg good Nevada Cows $4 15 common to medium $3 00ft 3 74 cutler grades II Mift 2 75 bulls 74 down calve receipts loo steady plain Arlsona Calves ft 50ft 00 odd vealers to 17 00 Receipts 25 tedy 142-ponnd C1 'orcia grain fsda 14 76 quotable top 15 iee Receipts 100 trurk-Jn unsold jnedlum to choice Jar he nui ah $4 16 WOt TH MN riMNilSfO Bent J3 hi A-Ifogs Receipts 200 flow butch-r barely stead? with Monday float two rar 174 to 2(1 pound aiilornta 14 6) gnrted 15 part load 113 pounds IS Bank Clearings Monday! bank debit 577 frame day last year 3 62 140 00 Tuesday bank clearing! 1 Ml l8 34 fiama day Last year 1873968 01 Rubber tons September closed 1 03 December 105 January 1 01 March 101 May i 03 July 1 12 and nett September 1 15 Refined was unchanged Hef nm lifted at 4 21 and aecnna bauds wera avahabla at from 4 10 to 4 16 FIX) I MrNVEAPOIIR flgut IS 14c lower carload lots family patents 14 Sboji 40 bairrl In 08 pound cotton sack shipments 26 64 pure bran $8 0 0 9 00 standard middling 6 (Km I 60 Wages of construction workers In South Africa have been reduced 10 per cent IX KKW YORK Bept II Fobhef futures closed steady freptemoer 3 64c December I RH3 3 tur: January I 84c March 4 02c smoked ribbed spot closed THE GUMPS The Kind of a Man Who BRINGING UP FATHER By GcorCc McManus VoTirCTTCTTOCT CAN YOU HAV II i WAFT YO 7 WT YH'l CouNTur NatS is a (jrEomt wvninGY0N Aon- FUSiON- ANOMVH AAmaham IINCONN VJSLU UMAT'i THE NEWT) ABOUT CAPUT ANt I Yoo WOOLO AKJf 0rn yhay hxt AND GET AID or THE lttA Of EVER Running FOR PnrlDANT ANMM -Yoo havFKT A ChaX( OF PKAlte acN'TfcO BR'CK-TOP MiNNkTY caught CArrtT AN' RNN AVA-f ViTH THE FUNDV AND WALT TO Ar POUYIC IAN AM A YRU AM 1C AN ClT3N VMO TAKt PRiDR IN MY COONYHT AND MY FLAG- AM A PATRIOT'- A gTATTjMAM I WOuU my oft tKMN CAU-Y TO WRvY TV IS NaTVDN-THAT I THR AMD A FINE BUNCH OF CAMPN ON KS I'VE GO)1 CiR'VT 6CANCY SWIPE'S THE CAMPAIGN PUMOV TVCN CAFPCY sTEAL the ROM BLANCY NOV WHAJS GONNA HAPPEN I WHEN THEY FS-1D CAFF6Y? 1 wtL- I DON'T want yoo TO AC A POLITICIAN NX TYF OM MAM W1 rovxrwr OF rA 's': fwi GASOLINE ALLEY Oli! Old it utwjTOMS that Campaign fund i a lot of Dont womrt' BHlCKTOP Mv-MihnETY IN JA'L NOW' MAS- PR etotw I COONTtHTUT MONEY aul That monit you iuxuueo FHOM Youn RUNOG IT) AtrtOtffVrLYt fvrM WM fttACTFiO WHAt COtXO DO inau K4 rOWda AA Morn A Miwrcr CCHXD 1M1 Cn TMia MAS Aejfl xuAWfl Kao THnm vtatu to Off mrr a mo vva rs tn tfr XT' CAM HCHOvffCg MA4 JUftT PLA (tO 4 UJT CP HARO LOCK JUT CM fr-vA OtVAJCk aormavnT A tOL tWt PH'TLCHk IY fcreMft anno fid fl AejO MAVt SOMf nuiBf AMD prA rn AOfrtbJ NOW WfB uuir rfT xuRouod XV4I4 jrTiTr jpK ifyh iW! v-.

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