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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 38

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1929. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Summer FUm-Rrit or Sale Hoases For Sale City Honsrs For Sale City EEAL ESTATE FOR KENT Snmrarr Placet Brnt or Sale 8d 'fcliMR. jmu'l." ly l.rn.shed btii r.iow in ocean bathing: sfs.ti. ihl 6i0 Avenue M. NAY-rre Qaeens.

Sanaa and Suffolk HoBttrs and Lta. WewtchrUer For Sato Hooses and Lota. Quena, Nanaa and 8 off oik Homes and Lota. PELHAM. $2J OOO.

Engllth hems, within tntnutes walk of tha snaut 11B1 Hatlott Jutt offered at anoat aitractivs figure. House contains center hall, living room, enclosed sua porch, den. dining room, break-last nook, kitchen; 4 bedroomt. 3 batht, second floor; third floor, finished room: suilt-ur gartst. metal weather stripped; adt water heat; oil burner.

CHAUNCET B. GRTFFEN. 533 Fifth av. Vanderblll 2354. or Prlham 1160.

IF YOU WANT A HOME In the hill! of Westchester, see the 8-room, 2 bath houte, new. with 2-car garage, mil. from N. Y. Central nation; taerlfiea $16,900 19 Lincoln av.

White Plaint. Out of Town xTtperty- 88 MOUNTAINVILLE, CORNWALL. N. Y. 50 mllet from New York City, new ft.

room bungalows, each on 3 acres, high elevation, open cellar, large porchet, open fireplace, pipelets furnace, all latett improvements, exceptions! bargain and reasonable terms. Owner on premises. John Johnson. Phone Cornwall 4-J-12. Hfeal Estate fop Exrhanre 88a FIVE-FAMILY AND STORE Avenue opposite snbway, station; new building; will consider lots.

MIDwood 2270. BORO HALL SECTION For sale or exchange, 332-334 Pearl st, two apartment houses, 20 families, all rented; price equity rent $10,000. Owner, 22 West it. New York. Phona WHItehall 0151.

CUMBERLAND ST. 121 Near Myrtle av; first mortgage one-family; driveway; plot 25x100; price exchanga for lots. Apply 78 Ocean Court, SHEepshead 1380. FLORAL PARK Eight rooms, 60x100, ex-change for one or two-family income property or lots. Owner, Bossert, 100-28 201st st, Hollls.

Telephone HOLIls 10411. MYRTLE AV, 995 Six-family, two stores, mortgages $9,500, price $17,500, rent $2,. 400 yearly; exchange for lots or second mortgage. 76 Ocean Court. SHEepshead 1380.

PROSPECT PL 30x131. excellent house, 3-story. basement, one block subway, 5-car garage, rents $230 monthly; exchanga small house. Rlblers. PROspect 6053.

SPENCER ST, 93-95 Plot 50x100. rent $1,200 yearly; with mortgage. $4,550: price $8,500, exchange for lott or second mortgage. Apply 76 Ocean Court. SHEepshead 1380.

FOR SALE or exchange, tew new two-family brick houses, located E. 34th st and Kings Highway, Brooklyn, four blocks from Flatbush av; will exchanga for lots, mortgages or other propositions: sample house open till 9:30 p.m. Call NAVarre 9670. HAVE CALLS FOR EXCHANGE Lots for Income property, stores for business lots; send me Information on what you hava to offer. Arnold T.

Ghegan, 18 Court $ta cirpiiuiie inisiisie lair. INVESTMENT Future speculation, near new subway; three short blocks from Prospect Park, business avenue In near future; eight-family brick house, five rooms and bath, rent $3,360, all rented, very little cash, first mortgage held by T. Q. Si T. will consider good second mortgage or exchange for two or three-family house.

Apply 728 4th av, Brooklyn. Phone HUGuenot 4188. BHOre Road 2854. OUR SPECIALIST will call and explain the advantages of exchanging your property. R.

s. Fisher, 1321 Foster av. MANsrteiq eiio. TWO LOTS, near subway, trolley, beach; will exchange for one-family home. C.

Goldberger, 1964 74th st. WANTED Lots In exchange for improved property. Builder, 10112 Liberty av. Ozone Park, L. I.

WILL EXCHANGE free and clear property and add cash for second mortgage on high-class apartment, might trade for equity in apartment which only has first mortgage. Box M-703, Eagle office. WILL EXCHANGE 1-famlly house in select section of Garden City for 1 or 2-famlly house In Brooklyn. Box B-857, Eagle office. WILL exchange a 3-story brick, 3 apart, ments, plot 20x100, located on Nelson st, between Court and Smith sts; priced $9,500, for lots or house in Staten Island; what have you to offer? Grossman, 308 Richmond av.

Port Richmond, N. Y. Wanted Real Estate 89 ACREAGE Two or more acres, with or without building, within 1 hour bf New York, not less than 500 feet elevation, not over 2 miles frorn station; full Information in reply. Box T-849, Eajle office. ONE-FAMILY house, 6 rooms, garage, be.

tween 87th-95th st; 3d av to Rldgewood; not over all cash. Box H-708, Eagle office. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, with garage or space. In Flatbush: near subway; not over $7,000. Full particulars, Box W-684, Eagle office.

EXCHANGING OUR SPECIALTY Send full details for consideration. F. M. McCurdy 158 Remsen st. FLATBUSH OWNERS Quick action on Improved or lots If price is right.

Cook to Oload. 2251 Church av. IF you want quick action in selling your apartment or business properties, send particulars to Bogosslan, 77 Lafayette av. PLOT 40x100, In Floral park or Belle-rose, south of the track; state cash price 35 Jerome av, Mlneola. WANTED About 20,000 sq.

ft. floor space, 1-story building preferred, within radius of milei from Broadway Ferry section. Brooklyn. Box 896 Real Service, 15 40th st. New York.

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 81 PARK SLOPE 31 feet wide: reasonable offer accepted; 4-story and Er.filMl basement. 18 rooms. 4 baths, all (larquet. steam, electricity, beautiful foyer, dumbwaiter service, stairway; convergent to park and subways; aeen 11 to i p.m.

83 Carroll st. PARK SLOPE Near Piaza; all tubways. 3-ttory and basement; very good condition: price only $14,000. John Pullman R. E.

741 Union st. corner 5th av. PROSPECT PARKModern 1-famlly and 2-famtly houses, near Prospect Park. nansiy. szi neia av.

PROSPECT PL At Schenectady; 2-famlly ttrarcht, brick bay front, must sell, $10,000. Tunny Realty, 485 Tompkins av. PUTNAM AV. 589 Near Lewis; stone. 11 roomt, 2 baths, parquet, decorated; BH.Ton: easn il.uuo.

LArayetie mm. ST. JAMES PL Near Lafayette; 10 rooms, bath. In perfect condition: immediate possession. For particulars, Henry Schenk, 275 Grand av.

PROspect 1752. ST. JOHN'S PL Near St. Gregorys Church: 2-ramlly. 2-storv.

no basement; every improvement: $14,500. James A. Farrell, 852 St. John's pi. at Nostrand av WINDSOR PL lear 10th av; a Calder-built two-family brick house.

11 rooms. 2 baths, parquet, heat and electric; perfect condition: reasonable. HUGuenot 1958. No brokers. WINDSOR PL 2-story and cellar, brick 2-lamny; near rrospect rare $10,750.

Rehbeln, 440 7th av. BIG BARGAIN Owner will sacrifice two- family house, near Ocean Parkway; easy terms; call Sunday. Markowlta, 2170 E. 7th st, near Avenue TJ. BROOKLYN'S GREATEST BARGAIN.

Bedford section: one block to new sub way: kitchenette apartment with 9 apart ments ana oatns, l. ana u-room apartments, steam heat and all other improvements; price reasonable; small cash. Samuel J. Tranumn. 1611 Fulton st: HADdingway 1313.

COLORED BUYERS, modern two-family; separate furnaces; near transit; nice neighborhood: little cash; easy terms; vacant. Box R-699, Eagle office. CRYSTAL ST, 190 Seven-room, modern home, fine condition, steam, nice yara, lots of shrubbery, good transportation; $6,250: terms; ow'ner going to California. LOUISE TERRACE, 7023 Sacrifice corner, brick, 6 rooms, garage, brass plumbing, copper leaders, screens, near subway and stores: 2 blocks Shore rd. See owner, premises MADALINE COURT 68th st-3d av; 1-fam lly brick, corner house, slate rool, six rooms, sun parlor, built-in shower, tile bath: must be seen to appreciate.

MUST SELL my new home for win take small cash for quick sale. O'Brien, 1546 Flatbush av. THREE BUILDINGS Stores, 6 apart ments, all rented; good future; cheap, 3015-17-19 Quentln rd. BERkshlre 1939. 12 ROOMS, two-family, baths, garage, inclosed porches; all improvements; 18th av, between 58th and 59th sts; near school and station; sacrifice.

B. Michael, 5813 18th av, Brooklyn. Lots For Sale 83 E. 32D ST Near Fillmore; 80x100; $2,750 each. Kaufman 6c Kellogg, 44 court St.

TRlangle 5832. E. 51ST ST, and 50x100, E. 49th, near J. 50x100, $4,000.

Box M-706, Eagle office EAST ROCKAWAY Grant av, near scranton; water, station, 78x192; $3,500: terms. NAVarre 2818. ERIE BASIN, B'KLYN For sale or lease, garage or factory parcels; plot 150x200, plot 100x300, plot 200x415, all facing on three streets; accessible to terminals and water facilities; prices and terms reasonable. Box D-706, Eagle office. FLATBUSH Caton av, only a few feet from Brlgnton subway station ana choice site for apartment, 67 feet frontage, facing south.

John Rets 805 Flatbush av; BUCkmlnster 6400. BUILDER'S OPPORTUNITY Corner for apartment house, 50x94; sewer and pavements; 2-family frame house on plot. 93-17 Glenwood rd SKIdmore 5514. PLOT 50x100, on Long Island, 45 min utes irom fiatDusn av; cneapi turK. 375 Fulton St.

TRlangle 4871, PLOT 50x100, on Putnam av, near Bed- lord av; Just ripe lor improvement. Tyler-Warren 1183 Fulton st. Queens, Nassau and Suffolk 86 Houses and Lots. AMITYVILLE Six-room house, corner 60x150, improvements, steam heat, garage, near station, schools and churches. Owner 118 Oak Amity ville, L.

I. Phone B32-J. BAISLEY PARK Cozy 6-room bungalow, beautiful surroundings: near lake; tax-exempt; 40x100. 120-08 153d St. BALDWIN, L.

I. Well built, modernistic home, 9 rooms, 2 baths; reduced to restricted residential; 20 minutes to Long Beach. Wm. Stiefel, builder, 1 Garden st, near Foxhurst rd, Baldwin, I. Freeport 4413.

BELLPORT About 1 acre, beautiful trees, 500 ft. from beach; beach rights; price $1,600. 149 Kensington rd. Garden uity BELLEROSE New one-family house, taken In foreclosure, to be told at $1,000 less than valua for quick sal. Sea Mrs.

Smith, 242-24 88th Drive, Bellerose, or phone AMBassador 1798. BELLEROSE 94 Superior rd; 6 rooms, stucco house and garage, tiled bath and kitchen; open fireplace. Floral Park 3548. BRENTWOOD IN THE PINES Health resort; 3-room bungalow and bath, furnished, all improvements. In A condition.

Call or write, Anna M. Freund, Brentwood, L. Box 115 BRIGHTWATERS Lake section; 5-room frame bungalow, 6-roorn stucco, all lmprovementa, plot 70x140. Packard, owner, Plymouth av and Bright-waters Drive. Brlghtwaters.

EAST I8LIP Plot 60x190; $300; two minutes to Oreat River station; new high gzhool on property; two blocks Merrick rd. Owner, Joseph B. Sharkey, 104-35 104th st. Ozone Park, L. I.

VIRglnia 1807 or at Great River station, Sunday, 10 to 4. FLORAL PARK VILLAGE. SACRIFICE BALE 6-room house on 3 lots, all Improvements, sidewalks, shade trees, shrubs and fruit; large barn; near station, stores and churches: owner out of town; 1st mortgage $3,750: full price cash $1,750. Brush, 39 Atlantic av. Floral Park 2784.

FLORAL PARK Beautiful English type stucco, best grade slate roof, price and terms reasonable; east side of 89 Walnut av, 4 blocks aouth of Bellerose station. Builder on premises, or phone Floral Park 1140. FLORAL PARK Home built to sell tacrine, latest improvements, double garage; terms. Owner, 103 Whitney av. FIEIdstone 1843, FLORAL PARK Ideal bungalow, modern 6-room house, near station, 2-famlly, fine location, bargain, $12,000.

O'Connor Bldg. Phone Floral Park 733. FLORAL PARK Beautiful corner, 40 ft. front by 127 price good bargain; act quickly. Rellly, 1445 Flatbush av.

FLORAL PARK HOMES Send for complete list to "Floral Park'a Leading Realtor." William O. Simpson, 148 Tulip av Phone P.P. 180 FLORAL PARK Under construction, a tery limited number of high type bungalows of Individual character; prices $7,930. Edmund D. Purceil, at station.

FLORAL PARK 8 roomt, frame, stucco, plot 60x100. modern 2-csr garage. 89-18 Pflth tt, Woorthaven. Richmond Hill 5918. FOREST HILLS Best location, beautiful English brick home, 12 rooms, 4 baths, oak paneled living room, 22x24; play room same size In basement; owner leaving cltv; will sell at less than reproduction cost.

219 Ortenway North. Boulevard 5i54. FKEEl'ORT FORECLOSURE. One-family bungalow, all improvements, near the bay: sell for amount of mortgage, $3,750, $250 cash, balance Ilka rent. Phone Freeport 40B-M, OARDEN CITY ESTATES.

Striking new Enillsh brick and atone dwelling; best location: 3 batht, tiled lo ceiling; latest fixtures, rear stairs, attached aa rage, Tiffany oak trim, open and Inclosed porches, beautiful interior: low price. Tel. Builder, BUCkmlntter $857. GAItDKN CITY Idrtl lilhurban home. Dutch Colonial ttueeo frame; A-l cnndl tion; 10 rooms, 4 batht, brass plumbing, oil burner; 2-car garage; plot looxloo, beautifully landscaped and planted; near Nassau blvd station; price less than reproduction coat for quick aae; easy terms.

Simonson-Flemlng. Frarutlln at 7th tt. Garden City 3452. OARDEN CITY Chant. In business forces owner to tell beautiful Colonial home, 7 larte rooms, 3 batht, tun pnrrh, nil burner, Frlgidaire, corner plot.

140x100. double farscre; asking $15,000. Oliver Chlrheater, 17 North av, Nassau bird a'atlon. OAHUTN CITY A lew special opportunities tt this time In large and small houses for tale and rent. Call at Oeo.

M. Trvinr, 101 7th it. Oarden City 140.1. OARIIEN CITY Stewart Manor station; 3 lots 60x100; close to station: $2,800 rash. F.

t. Coyne, 106-18 227th at, (utui VUlage. atOUa MM. Hoasn For Sate City TOWAOO. N. rooms furnished."y, cooitcuuiig distance, leut a c.e BAKcla 3 77 a. WiKISBORO. K. v.

Available now Juiv 1 or for rat-nth of September; ai-ifkctue bjrt-ilow, 4 roomt. b.Lh, eiectric, Grep.ace. wide piaira. spacious ere :r.cs. rush r.etat.on.

E., H. r. No 1. V.


BINGALOWS. BATHING BOATING PISHINO. FIVE BOOMS, all lmprovementa: 3S minuses from Timet 6quare, Bnghlon ea- prest to ssneepsneao Bay station, bus to ET.m r.s av and bav. Waldorf Bungalowa. Phone SHEepshesd 1589.

BLNGALOW on plot, real Smith' toa, beautiful section; only $1,800: very easy terms. F. O. Ingwarsou stn av. BUNGALOWS To rent, furnished.

South hnore. Long Island. $200 and up. J. Swane.

1 East Rockaway blvd. East Rockawav. L. I. COTTAGE for rent, Woodmont.

"Newport" of Connecticut: cottages, all modern Improvements, from $360 to at.Juo a season; Catholic Church. Applv A. Bradley, 50 Hawley av. Phone Mtlford )2f7-3. DO YOU WANT A SUMMER HOME? Beautiful location.

2 trout brooks, near new Sacandaga Reservoir, reasonable. H. Yates. Mayfleld. N.

Y. FOR RENT Bungalow on Bolton rd, wonderful location; five bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen," electric lights and fully furnished; hotel privileges; rent $1,000 per season. Hotel Antlers, B. a. Brayton, Proprietor.

FOR fa.t.S i-a-3 or 4-familv houses; all lmprovoments atld furnished: one block from ocean: refined neighborhood and good Rummer rents; the 3-famlly house is suitasle for rooming or boarding house. Apply Peter Mr.charte St Son, builders, 805 A st. Belmar. FOR SUMMER MONTHS Pleasant house with 4 bedrooms, all conveniences; garage; easy commuting: reasonable rent. C.

F. Carpenter. Boonton. N. J.

Phone 397-W. NEW BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, furnished, on Hudson River; boat, garage; $200 from June to November. F. K.

Mlnerley, Cats-kill, N. Y. SUMMER BUNGALOW. 36x16, furnished, modern plumbing, electricity, piano: for sale $750 cash, 10-year lease. 65 Bedford av, Rockaway Park Apply SHOre Road 7154.

TO RENT Colonial house on harbor front estate, about 50 acres, 60 miles from city; view Long Island Sound: bathing, golf; house has 6 latsie bedrooms, living room, commodious hall, dining room, furnished, all improvements except gas. servants quarters, screened porch, garages. Rent $900. For sale. P.

H. Hopkins, 102-15 86th av, Richmond Hill, K. Y. Phone VIRglnia 0013. TOP OF POCONO MOUNTAINS On larie lake; 7 rooms and hath, furnished: only 100 miles from N.

Y. beautiful trees, large grounds; only $350 for summer and fall. Sawyer lOwnerl. 137 W. Broad-way.

Manhattan. Phone BARclay 5263. 5 ROOM COTTAGE, running water, gas, electricity, on the Lone Island Round in Connecticut, for the month of June ior 5du. r-none NEVIns 4862. Wanted to Rent 81 BUSINESS girl desires small unfurnished apartment, or will share one with other lady.

INGersoIl 4075-J. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Apartments Apartment Houses 81a BAY RIDGE 6-family brick, right at sub "siiuii, eiectric ugnt, steam neat; price $23,000: will trade for L. I. lots or bungalow. F.

O. Ingwarson 6726 5th av. BEDFORD SECTION Eight apartments, 23 rooms, corner, all Improvements; colored or white; terms. Box C-706, Eagle office. FLATBUSH 12-famlly, corner, modern, luny rentea, isu a room; muse sell at 5 tlms rent.

Froscla. BUCkmliiSer 9103. STERLING PL, 176 Furnished apartment iui Bttie. finpiy evenings. Apr.

l- FLAT HOUSE, 12 apartments, 2 houses t-ittiiiiiy, unimproved, lot luuxiuu; Georgia av, near Atlantic av. Box O-702, Eagle office. KITCHEN, bedroom, living room for eale; rent $28; first floor left. 1446 Broadway, Brooklyn. ONE OF THE FINEST BUILDINGS in Park Slope.

1 block from Prospect Park, rents $34,000, can be bought with $15,000 over a present mortgage; a rare opportunity, Kenmore Realty 839 E. 19th st, cor-ner Avenue H. MANsfield 5472 or 6673. Business Prop arty 82 GARAGE, 25x100, new, all improvements, steam heat, for sale or lease, 248 42d st, between 2d and 3d avs. Information Lo Blanco, 334 51st st.

SUNset 7707. GARAGE, good opportunity, excellent for liiuitury aim cumpiete service station, only no brokers. Phone LAFay-ette 9571. LOFT BUILDING 5 -story and basement, niitii ultimately az.uuu sq. sprinxier, steam, elevator, centrally located for help; good traveling facilities, sufficient vacant grounds adjoining and in rear; suitable for warehouse, show rooms, etc: owner desires to retire.

1610 St. Mark's av, Brooklyn. DICkens 0698. 3D AV, 114 Bargain; brick, 2 stores, 2 apartments, $9,500, small cash. Owner.

Phone MAIn 3954. FULTON ST Corner. 100 ft. front; 6 stores and 13 apartments, rents price $70,000: terms arranged: must be liquidated. Henry Ollllgan it 133 Uemsen st.

TRIangle lr.00. HEIGHT3 3-story building, garage for 12 cars, loft floor and 8-room apt. Mayo. HERKIMER 8T Near Schenectady av, for sale or rent, new 1-story fireproof build lng, 93x25, suitable for giuage or Hen; factory. L.

Fox, 270 Herkimer St. OCEAN AV SECTION Corner taxpayer, 7 stores, fully rented. Income about $4,700, price best buy In Brooklyn today. Allyn 8. Crumm, 1564 Flat-bush av.

MANsfield 3682. WASHINGTON AV, 650-652 Near Bergen, 48x75, unrestricted; $22,000. Thomas J. Kavanaugh. 375 Fulton st.

Factories nd Sidings. 82a 2-STORY BRICK 11,500 sq. leet; steam heat, high celling; $12,500. Baffa 4c Dixon. 135 Remsen st.

TRlangle 8630. Farms and Land for Sale 83 LAKESIDE, 4 la acres, $750; wholly delightful spot with pretty 5-room cottage overlooking lake; nice shade, good neighbors, near advantages, ample barn, rich soil, only $750; terms arranged. Picture page 21. Send now for your free catalog. Strout Agency, 4th av.

N. Y. City. Homes For Sale City 84 6TH AV Near 14th st; beautiful 3-famlly brownstone parquet and. heat; sacrifice, SOUth 3153.

23D AV AND 79TH ST Benson hurst; corner house, 40x100, 10 roomt and garage, suitable for doctor or dentist; must sell at once; owner leaving citv, will sacrifice qu ck buyer. Tel. HENsonhurst 6264 or rml and see property. BAY RllMl. New one-family brick house ami guraie, bright rooms and sun porch; additional large plavroom in basement: five bedrooms with mirror door In closets, glass enclosed shower, fancy tile bathroom and kitchen; Frlgidaire, Hooiler cabinet, cedar closets: finest construction throughout; In refined section, near schools, churches and stores; price cash and terms arranged.

McATEEIl REALTY 6022 Fourth av. ATl.atltle 4294-S-S. BAY RIDGE One-family sm.detsched, set hack on a terraced lawn. In-closed porch, stenm. parquet, tile kitchen and bnth.

brass plumbing, screens, awnings; convenient 4lh av subway, schools, rhurrhev owner must sacrifice: you iriav get It for $,000 hv quirk action. A-k Collins Brown, $102 3d v. ATLtntlc $290-0291. Open evciilngt and Suiitlayt. BAY HlOtlB 2-famllv brick, private driveway, garage; 8 rooms, all Improvements; owner must move to Bronx-bargain.

Charles Collins, 7622 12tb v. IIFNs-nhurst fmv UAL RIDGE Neir Ridge blvd; 1-famlly brick. 6 moms and garage; price $9 $1,000 A Michaels 6t V402 Id av A 7 f.antlc 3020. isEN's6HMuimT--4-famlltr bTiTk hmnj 2'jxl02; paved street, shade trees, blork from sihool. stores; near subway; bargain prlte, $16500.

Hea Beach Hue lath av station 501,, st BE N.H( 1 I It S7 -O tier leaving ctv will sacrifice dcla'Red 2-fmlly house, gnrs.e must be seen to appreciate; no reason- I'KNHONMl'HftT--! fti iatrst imprfivrtncntii. pint OI(0 or i.nfiirrmr'1. nnrrlfW, luiuhlf will hom nt treat rrifW- 8pnrH'i CARHOJX HT. citArhrj )3 roornn. 3-mr rarnf: v-ry mod "in lm-prQvcment, 122,000.

Oirnfr. Ira Lin. MUM AV. Ua Kw My Hit. 2OB.00.

two itttn he led. pamuft, Bmall rsh. Ovmr, 192 Clermont. CONEY ISLAND E. 3X fturf Jcur tvo-lamUy houses; teX Mcnflce.

tdw. Lvnoj 531 Noirnd f. LAF.y-fite 30) DtAN ST. 20622 G100. 12 rooms, 3 baths, hot ir good block.

Ovuer, 402 State st. DECATUR ST. 559 3-story and basement white stone hous. Bishop buut; 12 rooms and bath. Apply on premises.

DOWNTOWN BARGAINS Near new Smith st subway; 93 4th st; 2-story and store, $6,750. AIM 296 Bond corner, brick. S12.250. 240 Hovt corner; small cah; owner. 563 9th st.

Phone EAST PLATBt'SH Two-family. transit near oy: excellent neinDornooa: v.vdo; easy casn; terms, box tagie 01 flee. EASTERN PARKWAY. $500 CASH. NEAR BROADWAY; two-family, only 5, 750.

easy terms. Meyer, 1666 Broadway. FLATBUSH. SWEDISH BUILDER SACRIFICES Beautiful New Corner, 34x100. fw mlnulea walk New kirk av subway.

$7,650. INSIDE HOMES. $7 250. J5O0 CASH, REDUCED PROM $9,500. Here Is the finest 1-family Spanish Colonial home ever offered: southern ex posure, 6 or 7 large sunny rooms, vesti bule entrance, sun parior.

parquet, nre-placo, tiled kitchen, brt.fSa$t nook, embossed Craftex decorations, sidelights, 0 closets, tiled bath, standing shower, brass plumbing, sewers, Richardson double hot water system, itnisnea pretty peaked roof, garage, private driveway, shrubbery. 14 feet between houses, high- class restricted section, handy to both subways. If you are looking lor a home on a iargs- piot art at once, DETACHED, $8,400. Beverlv rd section. Beautiful new one-family English Colo nial aeiacnea nome, 7 rooms, 4 oearooms, brick enclosed sun porch, parquet, tiled kitchen and bath, real booth shower, breakfast room, beautiful fixtures, embossed decorations, finished room in basement.

Richardson boiler, brass plumbing, sewers, garage, driveway; one block stores, school: 5 minutes walk subways; bargain; act quick. A. NASH. 1537 Flatbush av. MAN5neld 8580.


CONCRETE BLOCK GARAGE. Six or 7 rooms, 3 or 4 bedrooms, vesti bule entrance, sidelights, parquet floors, paneled, craftex decorations, steam heat, tiled kitchen, tiled bath, built-in shower, finished room In basement, close to Catholic Church, school and stores. Investigate today. Open Sunday. PRICE 47.250 COLONIAL DETACHED HOMES WITH GAR AGS.

PAVED AND SEWER STREET. 6 rooms, detached home, brick open fire place, sidelights, parquet floors, paneled decorations, steam heat, large lot, private driveway, small cash. Total carry ing cnarges $01 monthly, 01 wnicn you save $25 as payment off principal; 3 minutes walk to Flatbush av subway, stores, schools, churches and theaters close by. "WEBB HOMES." 1380 Flatbush Av. Newkirk Av Subwav Station.

INGersoIl 1058. Evenings SHEepshead 8991 FLATBUSH rtJTA PRICE $6,750. CASH $500. PAVED STREET. 2-CAR GARAGE.

NEW DOUBLE DETACHED 1-FAMILV. Something different; 18-foot house with every advanced home improvement, con slstinu of electric Frlgidaire, Hoosler cabinet, bricic front and side entrance, new steam coal saving heating plant with double hot water heating system; a free title policy with each house, whlth means a direct saving of $75; located In restricted Christian neighborhood, close to schools, churches, stores and subway; nothing like It anywhere. Come today and see for yourself. Only 3 houses to sell at this price of $8,750. J.

T. O'BRIEN, 154rl Flatbush av, at Nostrand ay. Open Sundays and evenings. FLATBUSH. NEW ONE-FAMILY BRICK DOUBLE DETACHED.

Oarage; Driveway Large Plot. Near Brighton Subway Ocean Ay. Price $7,950 Small Cash. First Mta. $5,500: Eaav Terms.

This house is situated In a beautiful Christian section, near Bchool, churches and stores: surrounded by homes valued at $15,000 and up; built to sell for has parquet throughout, beautifully paneled walls, Craftex, sidelights, tiled kitchen and bath, standlns shower. plenty of closet room, every modern ap pointment; crass plumbing, double hot water heating. For further information apply to L. R. GOLDIN, 1400 Flatbush Av.

INGersoIl 1083. Near Farragut Rd. INGersoIl 5833. Open Sundays and Evenings. FLATBUSH.

CLARENDON RD SECTION SHORT WALK TO BEVERLY RD SUB STATION. Also close to Nostrand, Flatbush and Ocean av cars. BRAND NEW BRICK HOME. 1-CAR CONCRETE GARAGE. On wide sewered avenue.

Paneled decorations to miff PRICE $7,950. CASH $500. 1ST MORT. $5,250. $25 MONTHLY.

All houses were originally sold for $9,250 ana as mere are two ieil, builder will sacrifice at $7,950 to close out; six rooms, extra lavatory In basement; shades and Located In a built-up section; handy to lores, scnoois ana cnurcnes. FI.ATnriRH WlTTOWiT uoomin 1487 Flatbush av. MANsfield 5337-5338. upen uaily. Evenings an4 Sundays.

FLATBUSH CORNER. FEW MINUTES WALK SUBWAY. TsDTnV nffT.eucn nrawa -n Selling to prevent foreclosure. $250 cash, tuiiciutit aim ueea; Balance lou montnly: beautiful 1-famlly solid brick home. 6 rooms, vestibule entrance, parquet, paneled decorations, coppper clad 20-year roof, garage, driveway, beautiful shrubbery; act qiick.

BIDrliTU $7,150 Frlgidaire. beautiful one-family vuioniai nome, reaueed from $9,000. 6 rooms, sun parlor, colored tile Kitchen and bath, standing shower, beautiful fixtures, Craftex decorations, 9 closets. John Mansvllle roof, garage, driveway, flower beds, shrubbery, minutes walk Newkirlc av subway; act at once. A.

NASH. 1537 Flatbush av. MANsfield 8580. FLATBUSH. ti a i 41 0.

PRICE 17.500-17,750. CASH $500. REDUCED FROM $9,250. ONE AND TWO-CAR OARAGES. Near Bedford av, Beverly rd tubway.

nnu l.oairnilU SV Cart, NEVER BEFORE could we offer this type uniLR iiuine hi sucn low erices: seven large rooms, separate tiled booth shower, brick fireplace, brass plumbing, one and two-ear garages, metal weather strips, recreation room and other extra features; near public and parochial schools. INVESTIGATE TODAYS SHANNON REALTY COMPANY, av, at Jtltmas. BUCkmlnster 20fia-2O6g. Open Sunday. FLATBUSH.

FARRAQUT RD SECTION. PRICE CASH $500. Near Newkirk Ar Subway station, wai Foreclosed. Now Sscrlflcea at Reduction of $2,000. BRAND NEW BRICK HOME WITH 1-CAR (lAHAcr Seven rooms, 3 or 4 bedrooms, furnished uom in Dasemeni, vestiouie on'ranca.

poured concrete foundation, tile kitchen and bath, paneled Craftex decorations; only 1 left; built on a large terraced plot; near paroehlal and public srhooU, FLATBUSH NATIONAL MORTOAOE. 14B7 Flatbush av, MANsfield FLAT BUSH FULL PRICE $5,450. rARtf Balance $2S monthly until paid; 7 rooms, laieai improvements, i-car garage, Inclosed porch, all rooms large and beautifully decorated, Berlin tile kitchen and bath, houses built on large terraced plots, southern exposure; noth-lug like It anywhere at this price; must be seen to be appreciated: 2 block) achoolt, churches, stores; 1 block Flatbush av; suhwav and theaters ciose by; act quick and call today. Get keys from BOYR Ai crinnri.r. 1542 FLATBUSH AV Near KintVTB tarn Open Dally, Sun.

to Eva. MANsfield 3M FLATBUSH. NEW DETACHED BRICK CORNER WITH OARAGE PRICE SMALL CASH. First Mortgage Balance $25 Month, ttntlt a. 14 8 and 7 roomt.

3-4 bedroomt; brass Dlumei- inej steam, parquet, Windsor tile kitchen and bath, finished easement, located 3 minutes Ptwtbush av: subway, storet achoolt, churrhea and new park dote by Christian section. READ WILSON. (tok for the namel 1578 Flatbush av, at Nostrand, Four doors from suha'ay nil, MANsfield 321.38'.'4-702n FLATBUSH. 10 Unn-SACHTFTrr! NEW HHirK ti.rtiuiise BEAUTIFUL section, treis. paved street, few minutes tubwsy station: well nous rooms, 2 tile baths, brass phimblne, Frlgidaire, Honsler cabinet, booth shower, tile kitchen, thad- and awnlois, nice plot, separate 2-car garage; excellent home or InveOment- r-doced from $13 000, only 17.10 casti on contract on deed; rest bargain In all Flatbush.

n-nel Realty 553 2'ltl. st. at P.aibu.h ar. INOerioU 0032 ojen 8 nils) snd NEWBRICK CORNER. LARGE LOT.

JOABAGE WITH PRIVATE PRIVEWAT. $7,450. CASH $500. $33 MONTHLY. WONDERFUL CHANCE FOB BPECUT-A-TION home: must tell at once to take new position out of town: reasonable offer eontidered: 7 rooms, sun porcn.

(lie bath, shower, dining nook, Craftex paneled walls: all floors are parquet; latest electrical fixtures and tide lights; 20-year roof: steam heat; awnings, screens and shrubbery: Title Co. mortgage block to Flatbush av line subwav; stores, schools, churches very convenient: can be teen dulv. eveninvs or Sundav. Key, lt Flatbush av. MANsfield 5040.


7 rooms. 4 bedrooms, naved street, no assessments; 1 minute Flatbush av. 3 minutes walk I. R. T.

subway. Well vorth while inspecting. Onlv 1 READ ft WILSON. fLook for the number 1578 Flatbush av at Nostrand. MANsfield 3623.

4 doors suhwav exit. FLATBUSH Builder sacrifices new one-famtlv brick, detached, double garage, six rooms, sun parlor, tiled kitchen, breakfast room, extra lavatory, green tiled bathroom, separate shower, open porch unstalrs, parquet, steam, finished room in cellar, laundrv. cold storage, Craftex throughout; will exchange for mortgage, lots or other property. 1788 Troy av. 1 vik Kinirs Highway.

STAgg 9944. HAVarre 6630. 1LATBUSH $250 CASH On contract. $250 on title buys a new one-family home with every modern improvement, including brass plumbing, tiled kitchen an dbath: breakfast nook; Inlaid linoleum on kitchen floor; garage with independent driveway over 14 feet between houses. Builder, 1870 E.

38th st, between Avenues and S. Open for Inspection to 9 p.m. FLATBUSH Sacrifice detached home, overlooking Marine Park, on large plot: side entrance; 6 large rooms, unusual arrangement, open fireplace. Inclosed porch, every modern Improvement: 2-car garage: wonderful location for dhll-dren and future values; only $750 cash required. Inquire Weslev Homes 1566 Flatbush av.

Tel. MANsfield 0073. FLATBUSH Near subwav; mortgagee's sale; new 4-family. brick, 15 rooms, modern improvements; title company mortage price $15,000: cash take back 2d mortgage, $125 auarterly till paid: 2 sold. 1 left; act quick.

Agar, 988 Nostrand av; open Sunday. FLATBUSH Two-family brick corner, new. double heated garage, tiled baths, showers, southern exposure, side entrance: one-half block Flatbush trolley; have Inside houses at $10,950. Allyn S. Crumm, 1564 Flatbush av.

MANsfield 3682. FLATBUSH 9-room house, brick porch, 'a parquet throughout; all modern improvements; 2-car garage; plot 30x100: house must be seen to be appreciated; could be made Into 2-famlly. owner being a builder; best of material used throughout; price $10,700. MIDwood 9580. 1085 E.

42d st, Brooklyn. FLATBU8H SOLID BRICK PRICE $7,250. Six rooms, bath, play room, cement block garage; Farragut rd section; practically new; close to everything: first mortgage, $4,250: see us today. Stewart Associates, 1567 Flatbush av. MANsfield 5530-5531.

FLATBUSH $500 cash buys thl3 delightful new home, reduced for quick sale: 6 rooms, tiled bath, brick enclosed porch, electric, parquet, brass plumbing; fine Christian section; convenient to everything: only $8,500. Inquire 1566 Flatbush av. MANsfield 0073. FLATBUSH Builder will sacrifice detached home, 7 rooms, bath, finished room and extra lavatory In basement, brick enclosed porch; every modern improvement; fine Christian section; cash required, $750: balance easy terms.

Inquire 1566 Flatbush av Tel. MANsfield 0073. FLATBUSH Beautiful detached 2-fanjily brick, 11 rooms, 2 baths, plot 30x100, 2-car garage, parquet, steam, panel decorations, tiled kitchens and baths, screens and awnings, floor rented at $65; sacrl-ftcc, $12.750: cash $1,000. 3093 E. 42d St.

FLATBUSH 1546 E. 2d st; six-family house, Just completed, finest construction, brass plumbing. weather strips, seven-eiprhths floors, copper leaders and gutters, private block; builder will sacrifice $22,000. MIDwood 7719. FLATBUSH New one-family brick houses In a real high-class section with all Improvements, close to schools, churches, rtores and transit; very latest design throughout.

1184 E. 28th at, between Avenues and L. FLATBUSH Beverly rd section, 2-famlly brick, 5 and 6 rooms, all Improvements; hot water heat, priced at $9,000 for quick sale; opportunity for speculator. Myers Spiegel, 1459 Nostrand av, near Church. FLAtbush 7768.

FLATBUSH One-family stucco housei all Improvements, built-in tub, shower, garage: near schools, five short blocks B. M. T. subway; price terms arranged. Phone builder, BEAchvlew 9412.

FLATBUSH 957 E. 40th st; redecorated 1-famlly, 6 rooms, porch, steam, parquet, garage: short walk to subway; a bargain. Call Owner for appointment. Missouri 1619. FLATBUSH One-family, all Improvements, two blocks from parochial school; restricted residential section; price $7,950.

Builder, 3906 Avenue near Ryder at and Flatbush av. FLATBUSH For sale or lease, new one-family brick, large plot, garage; beautifully decorated throughout; every modern Improvement. Call HADdlngwBy 6627, or write Deer Park, N. Y. FLATBUSH $65 down, $65 monthly; paved street, concrete garage, six rooms and sun porch, parquet, brass plumbing, tiled bath, price $7,250.

Hoyle Hughes, 2145 Nostrand av, near Flatbush. FLATBUSH 2-famlly house, 2-car garage; 13 large rooms, parquet floors, built-in showers, steam heat, Inclosed sun rooms, tax-exempt; owner out of town: $13,000. Write 1801 Main st. Niagara Falls, N. Y.

FLATBUSH 961 E. 40th st; tax-exempt 1-famlly, like new, 6 rooms, porch, farage, steam, parquet; Christian seo-ion; paved streets and sewers, near $ub-way: small cash. MANsfield 5040. FLATBUSH Must sell at sacrifice 2-famlly, 13 rooms, 2 porches, 2 baths, all improvements, block from Brighton line, $10.000. CHIckerlng 2308 until 8 p.m.

FLATBUSH 1242 E. 23d st: one-family home: garage; exclusive neighborhood; splendid location. For particulars phone NAVarre 3544. FLATBUSH 2-famlly house, 13 rooms, 2-car garage; plot 36x100; all improvements: reasonable. R.

Praver, 1230 E. 12th st, between Avenues and M. FLATBUSH Prospect Park South, Rugby rd corner; 1-famlly, 10 rooms, 2 baths; fine for doctor, dentist; price reasonable. M. 4503 Snyder av.

FLATBUSH 390 E. Bth st; 8 rooms, detached, 40x120; newly decorated, up-to-date, garden block, open for inspection. Mlnden. BUCkmlnster 3880. FLATBUSH Two-family brick, 11 rooms, hot air heat; near tubway; $11,000.

WINdsor 4528. FLATBUSH Are you asleep? New subway booms, 2-famlly steam, drlvewav; 10 rooms: $7,500. 446 Coney Island av. FLATBUSH Two-family corner, fully detached: double garage; excellent condition. Owner.

MIDwood 9053. FLATBUSH Near transit. 7 rooms, drive-way, good condition, cheap, 3G2 E. Bth st. BERkshlre 8536.

DtTMAS AV FLATBUSH, NEAR BRIGHTON LINE Detaehe residence, "bungalow large open porch, garage, 8 roomt and 2 baths, decorations in paint; bargain at $25,000. James B. Fisher 160 Remsen St. TRlangle 2200. GATK8 A Price $.100: three-story Drnwnstoiie.

Vaughn, 909 Fulton tt, corner Clinton av. GREENE AV, 778-A Between Lewlt and Sumner; three and basement: 14 roomt, 3 baths, Just decorated completely; home and Income: sacrifice. HANCOCK ST, 433-3-ttorv and ha.em-ht brownstone, 2-famlly, newly decorated; reasonable. Owner, DFX'atur 2:179. HERKIMER ST.

179 Brick. 20-foot; tacri ne. aii.MKi; worm 814.000; new rterora-tlona, new parquet floors, new plumbing. Owner. PI Nevlns St.

HOYT ST. 180 -Corner Warren for sale or rent. Kaohourlati, 4127 58th at, Wood.lde. L. t.

NFWtown 0062. LINCOLN PL, $15 Near Noetrand; ele. gant 3-tnrv extension none, 9 roomt, steam, electrle, parquet: open Saturday, Sunday, 2 to 8. Van Bergen, 623 Nostrand. Drcat'ir v.

Mcdonough ht. 20-toot two-family stone; all parquet: newly decorated: bona, fide bargain small cash. Abel, 437 Somner av. MACON ST -At Sumner; 3 family 13 rooms. 2 batht, newly decorated, parquet, heat, electricity, $10,750.

Tunny Really, 485 Tompklnt ev. MACON ST, Ihree-tlory nrownsione nouse, twelve rooms, two batht: flrit class condition; mutt terrific, i MIDWOOD ST 2-ttmllv, brick, at tub- way; li roomt. 2 baths; bargain. Agar, S88 ISoiutnd av; open Sondav, PACIFIC T. 40114 roomt, bathf, $11 improvements: open a to 6 PACIFIC ST.

40-3 and baaeroenl, brick 13 rooms and bth. owner will sacrifice'' terms to suit Frith. 45 Nevins PAHK SLOPE Above 7th av; 3 stories. 10 roomt, otint. moaern, rash: very cheap.

Walker Agency. 311 Flat bush ntvni ROCKY ILLS CENTRE Belore purchasing ae Patterson. Lyons Me.ioct, m. opposite ttation. Rockviile Centre a-toa.

6T. ALBANS TWO-FAMILY HOUSES. Newly buut. ail improvements; beat neighborhood: 3 atinutet from station: asoder- tl prscrt; easy terms. Tioga ar.

LAureiion ec-a ST. ALBANS Builder will iter lie two 5-room Colonial homes, open fireplace. shower tull, extra lavatory, asbestos room: as ooo. rnoos iureiu tutu. 120-32 193rd st.

SAYVILLE Whole acres "at ot lot; former Bourne estate; very amall payments. A at W. B. Robinson. Bayvilie.

Phone 19. SOUTH JAMAICA BARGAIN New one-family semi-detached brick, roomt, bath, parquet, stenm heat, party driveway, price $7,500, easy terms. A. W. Schultz.

105-06 Jamaica av, Richmond Hill. Telephone Richmond Hill 4410. SPRINGFIELD Six-room bungalotr, stucco; businest plot, 41x98; $6,975, cash $873. Zoeller. Fanners and Mayer avs.

LAUrelton 2120. STONY BROOK, L. I. Choice Bunding lota far tale near water. L.

C. Clarke, mony Brook. WANTAGH Excellent Investment; lou $200 each: easy terms. Write Poetomce box in. rreepori, u.

or lei. rreepori 2828. WESTBURY, L. I. 10 rooms, stucco.

2-car garage. acre, beautiful planting; 1 mile from station. BARclay 6317. WOODHAVEN 3-story frame house for tale. 8415 83d it, 140 feet from Forest Park; highest altitude In Queens; plot 40x100; 2-car garage; large enclosed porch; hall, living room with open fireplace, dining room and kitchen on first floor; four bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath on se'eond floor, two bedrooms, wash basin and toilet on third floor; light basement with laundtsr, toilet and storeroom, hot water heat, automatic hot water supply.

Seen by appointment. Phone PROspect 4307 or Richmond Hill WOODHAVEN Saoriflce, new brick; 7 rooms, tiled kitchen, bath, garage, all improvements; 1 block Hudson st station Lefferts av line on new Sunrise blvd. Buckholts, 107-35 80th St. Michigan 1954. WYANDANCH.

L. I. Bunaalow: 4 rooms. acre, garage, near station; price $3,800. u.

watkins. pnone rarmingaaie 4h-n. BEAUTIFUL new English Colonial house: Jamaica'a finest restricted hill residential park: attractive winding boulevards, aon- tlguous woodland, large trees, 500 trains aany; penn station 20 minutes; nve-cent lone; near new high schooL Hunter Col lege, parochial schools; colored tiles, narawooa noors tnrougnout, Duut-in batn, standing shower (plate glass enclosurei, fireplace, terraced plot, brass plumbing: day's work construction; best heating; fine garage; $13,950 buys this $16,000 type nome; little cash: rental terms. McNeece, Exchange Bank Building, opposite main Jamaica station, hjuj Butpnin bivu. Jamaica.

1 tone JAMaica 8010. Free photos. BUILDER'S HOME. ROCKVILLE CENTRE 2 Va stories, Ituceo, 2-car garage, plot 55x100, 6 large rooms, bath, sun Dorch. laundrv.

larce nantrv. extra lavatory on first floor, tile kitchen, bath, plenty of closets, hardwood floors, iiui, water neac, line electric fixtures, beautiful lawn, shrubs: copper screens, awnings, 4 entrances to house; 8 minutes walk to station; must be seen to be ap- preciatea. u. urener, 1B4 s. centre av, Rockviile Centre.

Tel. R. V. C. 6448-R.

BUSINESS WATERFRONT LOTS IN BABYLON. LONG ISLAND. I have Just been asked to sell a few waterfront lots at a great sacrifice. They adjoin the famous Babylon bathing beach and large swimming pool (finest on Long Water, gas, electricity Installed. Owner must sacrifice them for half their value.

You can pay for them on easy terms. See these waterfront lots at my expense as soon as possible. Frank Bailey, corner Carll av and Merrick rd, Babylon. 1 eicpnone oabyion no. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY.

Bathing beach front for lease or sale. cheap little cash required. 3 blocks to i-roiiey. nig cnance. Act qtllCKiy.

call or writ-e, uieaenkapp, 241 w. 34th St. Room 1201. HERE'S SOMETHING GOOD Only 2 down and 3 a month buys choice bun- lutfl, Wll-lllu 1CBI, Ul UCpUi; only 510 feet to concrete Merrick rd; 3 minutes to Moricnes nay; oatning, boating, fishing and surf bathlnir: fins he.lthv location: shade trees; nearby farms raise fresh vegetables, eggs and poultry; present tprlce only $75 each; send for map today. Harold Abrahall, East iviui icnea, u.

1. OWNER sacrifices beautiful Colonial uuuac, wun garage; large plot; near depot; 24 minutes Manhattan; 5c fare; near great Sunrise Highway; pavements; every modern Improvement: little cash; rental terms, $25 monthly principal. CIIUUB iinMBIES OU1U OWNER going west must sacrifice beauti- new uniy year, oiu; brick, 8 rooms, sun parlor, extra built-in anower, o-ceni iare; minutes to Times Square. 50-68 46th Woodslde, L. I.

Bliss station. TO PROSPECTIVE BUILDERS 12 lots on selective corner In Garden City; all Improvements; 75 percent subordination. Box C-857, Eagle office. TO CLOSE ESTATE will sell $29,000 house in Rockviile Centre for $25,000. HOLlla 0963 evenings.

WATERFRONT HOMES with private bathing beach on famous Great South Bay; all improvements, latest decorations, $4,395 up. liberal terms. Write for colored booklet. Charles F. Behr.

owner Grand- view Gardens. Blue Point, Long Island. Telephone 1353. New Jersey For Sale Houses and Lots. 86a ASBURY PARK 1304 Third av; eight rooms and bath, garage, plot 60x140, six trees, shrubbery, owner desires to tell Immediately, furnished: price $12,500.

In quire on premiset or Donald C. Strachan, 111 Broadway, New York City. CALDWELL Very desirable home, centrally located on one of the best residential streets, containing living room, reception hall, dining room, kitchen, but-ler i pantry, outside pantry, three bedrooms and bath on second floor, sleeping porch; two bedrooms on the third floor: two-car garage; lot 50x298 feet, It offered for immediate sale. T. C.

Provost, 279 Bloomfleld av. Caldwell. BERGEN COUNTY ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS I HAVE for sale several apartment and num. 011 me ranaaaes overiooxing Interstate Park on Hudson Terrace, Palisade av and Sylvan blvd. GEORGE D.

BEATTY, 34S Central av, Web. 8772. Jersey City, N. 3. Englewood Cliffs Office fDyckman Realty Sylvan Blvd, South of Palisade AT.

Phona Englewood 3485. Open Evenings Until DUMONT 7-room house, aun parlor, hot water heat, garage, one block from tchool, conveniently near stores; reasonable. Inquire 107 Crestklll av. Phone liumont 7B2-M. ENGLEWOOD For sale or rent, reasonable, house, six rooms, sleeping porch, garage, property 50x123.

shade treei, conveniently located. Appointment Hacken-aack 1822-M. A PLE WOOD, N. Attractive new house, for sale or rent, 6 rooms, aun porch, breakfast nook, tile bath with stall shower, garage attached: price i-none ooutn orange B352. MAY WOOD Attractive 6-room bungalow, initio, awnings, ataeat- MIDLAND PARK, N.

J. 6-room home, sin, iieam neat, git, hot and cold water; lot 75x225; reasonable. P. Chapman. Chestnut it.

MUSCONGETCONO MOUNTAINS, N. i acres, nve-room house, barns, good water, 910 elevation, 60 miles from New York; but from Astor Hotel, 900 yards from Stats road; $3,500. Lynch, 1778 E. 14th st. PLATTMOUNT, N.

J. Near Atlantic Highlands; five-room bungalow, with large screened pitch and garage, plot 50x100; very cheap; terms to tult; boat, lng and fishing nearby; near Stone Church. Watson bungalow. Newtown 397.V RAMSEY New 6-room houte, tils bath. tiesin neat, open nrepltre, Oak floors, open porch, large plot.

Improved street, your termt. Rlchtrd Morrit, J. Rsmsev 373-409. RIDGE WOOD 6 roomt, bath, wetther- Miiprq ana tcreenea tnrougnout, 2-car garage, convenient location, excellent condition, beautiful thrubbery; price terms. Phona 4063 orr 70 Hope street RIDOEWOOD.

N. Upper Rldg.wood; .1. room, ana ostn, every improvement; well Iheded plot, 85x163: newly decorated throughout; hot water heal: very dettrtble location: convenient to churches, trhoolt and railroad expren station. Telephone Rlrtgewond 55S. RIDOKWOOD, N.

J. $1,000 cath buyl 6- room an near tta-tion, garaee. Rldgewnod 3167 or 773. WOOIlRIIXIE, N. Bungalow, new.

ft roomt, bath, glaat conservatory, treat, thrubbery. lot 50x105. 18 minutes N. tartly furnlihed: price $9,000. Box -703, Eagle office.

UPPER MONTCLA1R teven roomt and bath, perfect condition, 60x100. Box F-702, Fagle office. Manhattan, Uatn I aland, Bronx Bob ANN Af Alt. 8. I.

2-famlly, 4 end rooms. BEliMORE. 1. I. Dct.rab.e it.

a rui.s.i' or r.etr iwa end Dti-irt- forth, 407 Uerurk or W.r.'.nh T63. I. Write A. Lawless iaruist.ed or.

pine be.t. 7 ro.T. e.cctr.c. porch, garag. ideal lor children; trains PEKKSHiFKS for season, furnished oi.i'.

i'a ho art from 4Jd si: Lake Ger-fir Monterrv. near Great Owner and puotos, 63 Myrtle av. 1RI-s-np'e TV KFKKSHIHLS lit Gain Id. near Urt BarriTistcn. Monterey.

owner cottage, boat house, private fcfach: June l.s 10 August 1 or BuCkmlntter BROAD CHANNEL 6 large rooir.s. furnished, up-to date, all mi-provemrnts. taming: dock in rear; rent for season. Owner, phone nntnu r.i lull) furnished.

fLSO season. 204 Bth rd. in. ai ii. r.iKn i.i CALDWELL, N.

J. Nicely 6-room house for summer lo desirable fam- lly; garace. all conveniences: easy com-' muting; high: $350. Miller, Fiuroy SoBl: Caldwell 609. N.

J. Furnished 6-room house, all modern Improvements, screened porch, 2-car parage; very desirable location: from June 24 lo Sept. 3, $300. Caldwell 1B4B. OATSKLLL MTS.

Leeds. N. Svngalowa, eiicelv furnislied. electric, beautiful grounds, tearoom, bathing: $75 up. season: $10 weekly; call evenings.

LAFay- ette 6P74. "CATSKILL MOUNTAINS Leeds, N. Y.l bungalows, nicelv furnished, electricity, beautiful grounds, bathing; up. season; $10 weekly. Call evenings, Nep- perhan CATSKILLS Roxmor Colony; furnished bungalow, will share, lent or sell; Chrls-.

phone evenings. PROspect 33.9. CONEY ISLAND 3017 W. 31st st: Ocean-, Iront bungalow, 4 rooms, porch, $350 season: also room. Smith.

CONNECTICUT Foothills Berkshire ideal 6-room furnished home on -trautiful lake, all sporting: conveniences, season rental, sacrifice. STIllwell 6869. ABT AMITYVILLE, L. I. Beautiful home lor rent for season, with option of buy- )ng: 8 large rooms, screened porch, 2-car 'outrage with loft, all improvements: fruit end shade trees, flower garden; between Merrick rd and Great South Bay.

P. O. Box 541. Phone Amiiyvnie EAST SCIIODACK, N. Box 83-A Fur-, nished camps for season; beautiful spot, fronting Burden Lake, near Albany: run- ning water, electric light; write for details.

VR ROCK AW AY 1141 Seneca st, near station; beautiful rooms with large porch. 'Tar Rockaway 8895. fREElPORT 6-room furnished house for July-August, all improvements. 263 Mrana av. net-yon FREEPORT Bungalow, 5 rooms.

2-car farage. near station; July-August, $2j0. V. U. WRIT.

1 FREEPORT Fish off back porch; 4 rooms, lustfully furnished; $550 season. Fred C. Ware. 21 Railroad av. rreepmv HEMPSTEAD Rent $15 monthly, unfur-'nished bungalow; bus to beach.

Box K-7UO, E-Cgie oilier HIGHLANDS. N. J. 6-room furnished bungalow, improvements, ocean bathing. rttvins o.iuo HUNTINGTON My home, completely for rent for months of July and August or longer; 6 rooms and bath, all improvements; garage.

L. W. Taft, 15 av, Huntington, L. I. Tel.

Hunt ington ooj LAKE OWASSA. N. J. Bungalow, nicely furnished: boat; rent weekly; Christians. -Corscadden, niu a.

loin at. LAGE HOPATCONG, N. -J. 8 -room fur-jllshetl cottage, lake front, hot and com water, electricity, $500 for season; also -l-room cottage, $150. Eingholm.

Phone SJjucum ttoiw. LAKE HOPATCONG Mountain resort, well furnished bungalows, season, month, week; rooms, board, home cooking. Mont- fntnery 410i. lo raiiaaura nv. v.

fjDNG -BEACH Beautiful stucco home. lust completed; 7 rooms, bain; separate built-in snowcr; extra isvbwij, porches: tile kitchen; hardwood car garage; craftex decoration heat, screens: landscape; value sacrifice terms. Owner 2 open floor; 2 steam Gluck. 502 FranKiin Diva. Long pencil 1573.

LONG BEACH Five-room bungalow, near ocean; $3,750 up; terms; rent $250 up. iU)lllil, lun Dt. LVNBROOK, L. I. Six rooms, bath, private house, all Improvements, garage, $600 season.

LYNbrook 3759. MILLER PLACE. L. I. North Shore; furnished cozy 8-room colonial; electricity, ahade trees: near Inn, beach: $350 season.

Wagenfohr, or PROspect ujos. MONMOUTH BEACH Several waterfront bungalows for rent for summer, some ln-'mid, $300 up: also waterfront building lots for sale, $300 up. John F. Conrow. 00 Atlantic av.

North Long Branch. Tel. MORRISTOWN. N. J.

6-room bungalow lor sale; garage; large lot; In hills, near Morrlstown; easy commuting to N. li. t.lin Vaalm nfTir leusuiin Die. pua MOUNTAIN VIEW, N. J.

Dandy bungalow, furnished, 3 rooms and porch, running water electric; near railroad, buses, bathing; 50 minutes New York; $200 season. Call or pnone tiiniricn MOUNTAIN VIEW, N. River front house, center hall, beamed ceilings, 10 rooms: improvements; boating, bathing; 21 miles N. Y. Rent furnished, $250 ae.ison.

Selllnc price 8.50O. H. F. Pollock. MUSCONGETCONG MOUNTAINS, N.

J. 1U acres, 5-rooni house, barns, 910 elevation: 60 miles from N. bus for 1.50; price $3,500. Lynch, 1778 E. 14th treet.

NEW CANAAN. CONN. For rent, fur-nished, 6-room house, commuting distance, near station and town; large Ikcoded rrcpertv, all conveniences. June l.vsept. 15 $550.

Phone New Canaan ring 4 NEWTOWN, CONN. 3 rooms, furnished for housekeeping, nrivate h'nel rooms if ret.ulred; modern Improvements; fcolf links, lakes, streams nearby, saddle horses obtainable: refined surroundings; Inspiring outlook; references exchanged. H. J. A.

Bodlne. Phone 167-3. Furntsh-d house, six rooms, bath, electrlc-Itv garage, telephone: high land; on Lau-i el' Hollow rd: rent $700 per season. Rlch- Hra PATCHOGUE 6 rooms, bath, garage, ail improvements: near beach; $300 season. Li.

Hrail, OJ PELHAM HEIGHTS 254 Clllt av; aitrac-uve 9-room house, 3 baths, 2-car beautiful shade trees and shrubs, near New Haven Railroad station, summer ren- tl. PELham PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD Ten-room house, all Improvements, hot water heat, fireplace, two-car garage, beautiful shade trees, some fruit, one acre: three miles from Poughkeepsle. L. O. Hulst, owner, Ponghseepitie, w.

ROCKAWAY POINT 33 Market st; for sale, 4-room furnished bungalow, with toilet and shower; no reasonable offer refused. JEF'erson 5308. nOCKAWAY POINT, L. 1. Furnished bun-giJow to rent for reason; Christians, i ftcld av.

Rorkawav Point. FOXcroft 7117. jfJitKAWAY POINT 70 Held av; 5 rooms, ftricity; sell reasonable. FOXcrolt TTT43. ROCKAWAY POINT 4 Janet lane, furnished bungalow; 4 rooms, porch; near ocean; open.

IlKCntur ti-'lO. BALTAIKE, FIRE ISLAND, N. Y. For sale, 4room bunKitlow. For Iniormatlon tele-phone BAItrlify Mr.

W. B. Hcnnf'-sy. tAYVILLE Furnished bungalow. Ideal io-MVIon on the Sound; 5 bedrooms.

$500 eeason. Inquire Gould, care Wilson, Hnyvlll bv, near bathing pavilion, or phone I.AFayette Kio7. SAYVILLE A supreme seashore resort, known for Its beautiful trees and clubs. Rent or buy vour home through Jean lie Payne, opposite Catholic. Church, Bay-ville.

L. I. Tel. Havvllle BEA CL1FP, I C07V bungalow for fo'jple, all Improvements, no moMiultos, delightfully located. 1.1 Lit-tlewtirth Lnne.

lien Cove 3Q13. FLA OATH. Cottage, 14 rooms. 2 hatha, large grounds, seil reasonable to close estate, or might rern to lefcponsible partv. M.

Mlsch, 12 West 721 st, Manhattan, or Bra Gate AMorlsMen. erA OATS HARPOR Brooklyn; one, two or three roomt. private beach, for aeor. rr 'Weekend. Phone CONey Island 0to5, to ft ni.

ifl.LTIH INLAND Ci'iitlenian furnished, 9 rooms, 2 ba'ht, garage, all rlfwlern beiutllul plot about 'i acre; also 40-foot mahogany varht, one of the fastest, most beantlful boe'S on lying IUnd Sound t)ner. Scannell, Shelter Island Y. fcUrKPSHFAD BAY Christian colony waterfront bungalows, all-veer ronstruc-tlen. furnished, 4 rooms, penh, private bathing hearh, tennis court; best residential section; nee ocean: 50 minutes I irnes Ho'inre: June-Metemher- Ore.n Inn, Emmons eilteepsnean ni'is CI At I.N IHI.AND -Ne-itoip B-ncli, bntir-ii'-v. 4 roon, 2 porches.

reen a-id sf-utters, running wate-, aas rid erticltv. rrc-nljv prtvxtc berh: tsx prlc $. HOO ev terms. Write or phone owner ef-er 'ker, 77 54th It, Brooklyn. HEMPSTEAD.

$31 500. Plot over half acre: new Colonial brick, slate roof, brat, plumbing. 3 baths; Hempstead a finest near ttatioo, shopping center and achoolt; priced to tell quirk. Builder, telephone BUCkmlnster 857. HEMPSTEAD.

FOR HOUSES AVERAGINO PROM $2,500 to $25,000 SEE THOMAS r-c-u 124 JACKSON ST. TEL. HEMPSTEAD Tt. OU1SUAIB. HEMPSTEAD New house for tale or rent, near station.

rooms, tun nnreh garage, tile bath, kitchen; hot water heat, easy terms. Phona Hempstead 4266. D.inims pi. HEMPSTEAD rooms. 3-car garage; bargain.

Chat W. Walker, 68 Main HEMPSTEAD -Wonder tiZ iou; lurnisnea ana neatea; oally lnspec-tion Invited. Martha Ellison. 97 Main st. HOLLIS 104th av; 6-room Colonial house and garage, exceptional layout, owne- must sacruice.

HULills HOLLIS 1 -family, 7 roomt. modern im provements, convenient transit, sacrifice, quick sale. Phone HOLIls 3432. HUNTINGTON to Rlverhead property of every description tor sale. Harriet Hawkins.

Box 153, Smithtown Branch, L. rviiiaa rsis ru. HUNTINOTON 8-room house, newlv deco rated, 2 baths, all Improvements, hot water neat, garage ana other outbuildings, planted garden, fruit trees, an acre ox tana, win sen or rent; terms to suit Mrs. E. K.

Tabbot. Call Huntington 703 HUNTINGTON. L. I. Bareain: nrettv 4.

room bungalow, cellar, garage, an plot 150x217; small down payment; easy terms. Write owner, Mr. Benevento, 530 5th av. pnone VANaeront 1507 after a p.m. ISLIP, L.

I. 8-room house, all modern Improvements; 112 feet front on State nignway, lau xeet aeep; aouele lawn, shrubs; will sacrifice to quick buyer. f. u. gox xai, isnp uue-w JAMAICA ESTATE At Exeter rd (185lh stl, 1 block north Hillside av; attractive 1-family brick and stucco Colonial type homes, six rooms, large and beautifully decorated fireplace, oak floors, tiled kitchen and bath, steam heat; built on large plot; must be seen to ba appre- ciateq.

Hunger on premises. JAMAICA ESTATES Two plots, 80 feet each, on Midland Parkway, running back 175 feet on level to Radnor rd; sewers, gas, water and electric; terms, French, HAuaingwav vzuu. JAMAICA Bungalow, easy housekeeping, 5 rooms, batn. Dig it tic: lot 23x100, party driveway; cash $250; bal ance easy. Theo.

J. Van Horen, 90-53 Butpnin Diva. Jamaica. jAMaica oaia. LAURELTON Bungalow, 5 rooms, steam heat, plot 35x100, block station, 30 min utes New York; cash $750.

224-32 Prospect Court. LITTLE NECK. L. I. On north shore beautiful hills and trees, Ideal restricted home location for all year; bathing, tennis, golf: only 30 minutes from Penn.

station; will sacrifice 8-room modern home for $12,500, can be bought tor less than $100 per montn. can BAisiae Z4iu, or 1487-J. for appointment. LONG BEACH (Eastholmel; stucco home, xirst-class oonstruction: rooms, batn, breakfast nook, large porch, hardwood floors, steam heat, large open xirepiace, extra lot. Owner, BOWling Green 10380, ueaarnurst 710.

LONG BEACH 6-room house, garage. neat; ao.outi, casn aoou. wyaier jsuuaers, 1020 Beach et. LYNBROOK 6-room home, glass Inclosed porch, genuine brick flreplaoe, as burning logs, steam heat; commodious Ivingroom. Dutch paneled dlnlngroom, partitioned basement, trees, shrubbery; for sale or rent; easy payments; 9 min utes walk two stations.

rnone ijxribrooK 3782. LYNBROOK For gale; eix-room corner house, enclosed porch, modern improvements, streets and sidewalks laid, garage, plot 65x150; terms reasonable. Owner, Sheehan, 4008 95th st, Elmhurst. LYNBROOK Modern seven-room house; plot 53X100X76x102; select section; near schools, new station; shrubbery, shade trees, garden tools, copper screens: sac-rlflce $8,800. Phone LAFayette 1493.

MEDFORD, L. I. 2-story shingle, 6 roomB, bath, all Improvements, garage, chicken house, acre plot, convenient to stores, station and school. Must sacrifice. Box 8-702, Eagle office.

MERRICK English type home, garage attached, corner, plot 75x100, fully landscaped; sacrifice, owner, corner Thelma av and Washington st MERRICK. L. I. Bungalow: 4 rooms, ga rage, screens, awnings, corner plot; price ai.ouu. pnone BKiskman oauu Detween 10 and 12 a.m.

Saturday. M. Latham. NORTH JAMAICA 5-room bungalow, corner of 160th st and 78th transit one block from Parsons blvd; 3 blocks from Union Turnpike rd; price $5,500. Phone Missouri 1082.

NORTHPORT, L. I. Seven room house, bath, electricity, city water, steam heat, gas, barn, chickens; 4 acres near station and Sound: cash $4,000. Tel. 807 North-port.

Room 1009, 32 Court st, Brooklyn. NORTHPORT New bungalow for sale, or rent furnished, 4 rooms and bath; garage. Thomas H. Rogers, 21 Hillcrest av, nunungioB, 1. xei.

nunungton 608-W. OCEANSIDE, L. 40x100; 2 minutes walk from station. 7 minutes from Long Beach; ideal location. Owner, Wm.

A. Haywood, 153 Beach 117th tt, Rockaway Park. Belle Harbor 1142. OZONE PARK New 1-family houses, 6 rooms and bath, all modern Improvements, cent fare, 1 block from Sunrise Highway. Phone JEFferson 7185.

PATCHOGUE Sale or rent, Jointly or singly, 3 bouses, IB rooms each. 420 S. Ocean av. Caretaker on premises. FLAza 6390.

PLANDOME. NORTH SHORE. $29,500. Near water and station, 35 minutes out; 66 trains dally; beautiful new Georgian Colonial, Mission tile roor, 3 baths, brass plumbing, rear stairs: garage attached; 100x125; parklike surroundings; low price. Tel.

Builder, BUCkmlnster 9857. RICHMOND HILL Sacrifice; owner leaving town; one-family house, rooms, perfect condition, screens, awnings, extra kitchen In basement, tiled kitchen and bath, parquet floors, ateam heat; act quick; on Lefferta blvd. Phona CLEve-land 3774. RICHMOND HILL 8419 116th st; 6 rooms, bath. 2 tun Dorches.

stairway to open at- real fireplace, hot water heat, brass plumbing, sewers, double garage, 39x190 lot; price Sll.uuu, casn ao.uuu. rnonc HOLIls 1977 for appointment. RICHMOND HILL An Ideal home In per fect condition: 1-famlly aeiacnea nouse, corner, 6 roomt, all modern Improvements, garage, near school, stores and transit. Phone CLEveland 2233. RIVERHEAD.

L. I. One mile from village, 400 ft. on State highway, leading to Pe-conlo River; bargain, $23 per front foot. Apply to C.

W. Sanford, Rlverhead, L. I. Tf 736. ROCKVILLE CENTRE Restricted residen tial section (CanterDuryi, one-iamuy house, plot 60x125; 6 rooms, tun porch, tile bath, lavatory, laundry and garage: 179 Harvard av; terms, cash $5,000: first morteaae $8,000: balance arranged owner.

Phona Rockvlilt Centre 331 n. ROCKVILLE CENTRE 235 Oceanslde rJ; small chicken farm, heart of village, direct road to Long Beach; ft rooms and bath: best location, all Improvements, hardwood floors, small barn, house for 500 rhickena: plot 3-4 acre: sell on an. count of denth at sacrifice. $8,900. Ura Bertha Relfert.

Tel. R. V. C. 152-J, ROCKVILLE CENTRE Beautiful home, 8 roomt, breakfast nook, 3 baths, 2 sun porches.

3 open brick porches, open flre- flace In living room, walls decorated Itroughout with art craftex, Frlgidaire end oil burner, 2-car garage attached to house; plot 50x100: easy terms; can be teen at any time. 293 S. Park av. Rock-vllle Centre R5. ROCKVILLE CENTRE 11 Chester It; bungtlnw.

first ctatt condition; ft roomt. bath, all Improvements, enclosed porch, large itttr; entire house weather-stripped ana tcrrened; plot 50x100; bargain at $7,500, Mrs. Bertha Belfert. Tel. R.

V. O. 152-J. ROCKVILLE CENTRE Near Hempttead av and acnooi: a-room uoioniai atyie house, sun porch, garage, all Improvements, plot 5012S feet; nice lawn and thruht; $10,300, very reasonable termt; bv tppointment, no agents. Box C-706, Eagle office.

ROCKVILLE CENTRE Our molt complete list Includes the horns that will meet all your requirements. Canterbury Realty Corp Sunrise Highway and North Village av. Telephone Kockvllls Centra 3800, ROCKVILLE CENTRE 9-room house for tale or rent: corner, plot ooxlno, beautiful treea and shrubbery: 1 block from school. Mrs Wttton. Phona Rocktllle Centre 2009.

w. CENTRE Modern t-room house with garage; all Improvements', newly decorated: lot 80x125; belt tC-tlon; mutt be seen to be appreciated; ready to tacrine. 5ft Dartmouth tt. Tel. LATtVetie 7401.

ROCKVILLE CFNTRF. House built for owner, 8 rooms and hath, decorated, nn.iFii, iiu.vw- mwiT rat, av ROCKVILLE CENTRE Most modern ih usnri, ally builder on property. N. Boyca Jenklnt. 53 Kennedy av.

CENTRE Seven-room mod ern nouse. ti minutes to nation. 401 Mer-llck id. Phona 3401-W. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ON WORK TO BE DONE FOR OR SUPPLIES TO BE FURNISHED TO THE CITY OF NEW YORK.

The person or persons making a bid for any service, work, materials or supplies for The City of New York, or for any ol Its departments, bureaus or offices, shall the same in a sealed envelope. In. I dorsed with the title of the supplies, ma. terlals. work or service for which tha bid Is made, with hit or their name or names, 1 and the data of presentation to tha Presl.

dent of the Board or to the head of tha Department, at his or Hi office, on or be. fore the date and hour named In tha ad. vertlsement for tha same, at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened by the President of tha Board or head of said Department, and read.Tind tha award of the contract made according to law as toon thereafter as practicable. Each bid will contain tha name and place of residence ot the person making the bid, and the namei of all persons In. teretted with him therein, and if no other person be so Interested it thill dlttlnctl state that fart, also that It is midi with, out any connection with any other person making a bid for tha tame purpose, and la In all respect! fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of theBnird of Aldermen, held of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer or employee ol The City of New York, Is, thai be or be coma Interested, directly or Indirectly, at contracting party, partner, ttockholder.

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Bidden will write out the imount their bldt In addition to Inserting tha sata In flturee. Bidden ara requeued to make their a-eft upon tha blank forma prepared ind fur. nished bv the Cltv, a copy of which, wna the proper envelops In which to Inclose tha bid, together with a copy of tha contricr, including the tpeeiflcttiont. In the for pproved bv the Corporation Counsel, eaa he obtained upon application ther.for at the office of tht Depirtment for which Uva W0rK it tO be don. Or th.

S.r1e- I. be furnished. Flam and dr.wlnn .1 li s.ragv; a BllOUtei tta Uoa. 100. Aidea av.

atruction work may be teen there..

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