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Brooklyn Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 30

Brooklyn Eaglei
Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lO A THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 192G "THE MASQUE OF ON STAGE AND SCREEN Arnold Dahj AMrsKMKNTS BKOOKI.YX. AWSKM ENTS AXH ATTAX Patricia Collinge Plays and Things Br ARTHUR POLLOCK: 'The Masque of Venice' at the Mansfield Theater, Is Comedy, but It Cannot, Without Exaggeration, Be Described as Sprightly. ri ff '--r 48m uMatJkt Patricia Collinge JVfls a Lcadwrf Role in The Actors Theater Revival of "Iledda Gabler" at the Comedy. "jHK MASQVE OF VKNKT." a comody in three acts, by Georga ounnlng tirlb-I'te.

Fresentod ut the Mannrtolil Theuti-r Iy Brock Pftnhertnn, William A. lirarty mid DwiKht Deern Wltran. Staged I'y Mr. Ptmberton. iiuUiuys by Jo iJiel-incr.

THE CAST. Annunslata. a wrving Pfidalin Jonathan Mumford, a popular nuthur. ArnMd Duly a latter-day nym ph Koyle Joshua L'ux, a liturary dlvin-. OBgoo! i'erkins Mad go Cox, liia anianuenai.

Kllzahpth Taylor Hon PMro, ri) exile Wilfrid SctiKruin Jack CAataucuve, a mom I complex. Kount'l cKen na Sophia Klplitnstono Wttlr, il tlfirary, i-eluUrity Antoinutic Terry "A- MJ those things do me hut befall preposterously," paid Shakespeare in "Mid- punimer X.kIU'h Dream," a sentiment -Mr. Onrge Dunning; Clrtbble ha caused to he printed xjii the program of his piny that was Inst night jtrc-e Med at the Theater. It is a comedy gently preposterous, a comedy of a sort give greater pleasure In the reading, perhaps, than in the acting of it. The acting at its ttrst performance failed to provide the c)inpletest enchantment, und so the play's conceits took on tn air of self-consciousness.

The actors constituted themselves only a crutch that emphasized rather than aided its limping. Not tox nuch imagination has gone Into the writing nor the acting nor the Arnold Daly did his best for though he went unrewarded by the best of opportunities. Ho has been asked this time to play a popular novelist, Ipft a little starved by life and dim of intellect, happening too late upon a knowledge of how sat-tufyinsly life can be lived. His past has bf-en pure nnd humnrum, equipping him insufficiently for freedom. Mr.

Daly makes the poor but f'UUy fellow a mumbling dotard now and again, hut always true and steadfast ly himself, always resilient. Klse-where resilience 1 not to be nnticod. Happluesa has come to htm at the hands of a beautiful. Intelligent, philosophical young lady, serene to the point of Inflexibility, who known 11 the varying values of virtue and finds calm and content and slf-re-ftpect in easy virtue. He had been kind to her once when kindness to a girl of her sort might easily have injured him with his vast and dtdtish public.

So sho in turn is kind to him without his understanding too much of the, character of her kindness. He has among his friends a lady novelist, a kind of super-silly Ueor.te Sapd. who lives in false heavens nnd Is attracted toward even fdlser In. 1m. They Are two of a kind, though their absurdities vary In degree and sin cerity.

Which fact one of many that prompt his calm mistress to leave hini in ho end to b-; happy with the infantile, slighuv stout and elderly lady of the hollow mind, while she herself, the mistress, re turns to a former lover who is ll' herself in that ho has no ned of hucKing pretty illusions. Meanwhile the elderly lady has played at love with a south of compii cated Instincts, a descendant of Jacques Cft.sano a and one of prim KntrllNh victims. And the bliss ful gentleman with certain gifts for putting fiction between book covers plays at throwing the two into echj others arms. A palace in enice Is the, setting, the time the present, the, day a carnival day. The fiesta spirit makes the wo KnKllsh writers of worthless bestsellers a little mad, whicn madness merely heightens their constitutional ineptitude.

An Kuglish divine and his wife contribute their quota of AngLo-Saxon absurdity, while the young lady wtm finds snug morals superfluous and her ea idler lover look on from a cal indistance sympathetically enough. The play is. 1 suppose, a contrast betwvit life an It is lived by rote anil as Is lived by instinct nnd intelligence. It is a nice Idea, too. Hut the en tertainment it provide.

Is not of the tinest. Dullness hovers over it the evening long. The it of it. in tit'Ht rate, the fancy In no bounding fancy ruir exquisite either, the skill the author shows falls short of hm intent. He cannot avoid the literal "Sit.

JL Afr. Daly play thm leading role opened at the Mansfield Theater last Goings-On in Deota and Lola Lane, who up until three weeks ago had never ho much as seen a musical comedy or a revue, were on Monday night Installed as principals in the Greenwich Village Follies at the Deola is a coloratura soprano and her sister mezzo soprano. They are graduates of the conservatory at Simpson College In Indlanola, Iowa, a town some HO miles from Des Moines. It was in Des Moines that Cius Edwards "discovered" thiitn. Next Tuesday afternoon, at o'clock, Henry Hull, vho is playing with Denore I'lrlo In David Helas-co's "Lulu IJelle" at the Helasco, will address the memfters of the "Make-lip Box," the dramatic society of Hunter College.

Karl Carroll commissioned Murray Phillips, dramatic agent nnd editor of the Stage Manual, to cast "Ashes of Love," the ploy by the Countess Cathcart, which wilt shortly be presented with the author in the leading role. Mildred Booth, Corlotta Irwin and Carleton Macy will have important roles in "The Trouper," the new comedv by J. C. and Klliott Nugent that The Playshop will present at the Fifty-second Street Theater next Monday. Kuth Nugent, who is remembered pleasantly through hot-work In "Kempy," will play the lead.

Lenore Vlrie introduced a new Hong during the cabaret scene In "Lulu Helle'' nt the Helasco Theater Inst night. The nong is "Lulu written by Leo Kobln nnd 1 Menard Myers. Another bidder for the Pulitzer prize for the finest American play of the year is "The Wisdom Tooth," Mure Connelly's new fr.ntastic comedy, which, next Mondry night, enters its fourth week at the Little Theater. 'haracterized as a "great play" by William Lyon Phelps, professor of dramatic literature at Yale. "The Wisdom Tooth" Is something different in the New York theatrical fare.

A new comedy hv Cusmn Hamilton, entitled "The flirl in the Car-den," which has been adapted from I Si in 'Tne Masque of Venice" which night. the Theaters the original French version of Louis Verneuil, la now in rehearsal. The fit st presentation takes place at the Droad Street, Newark, March 8. "Groucho" Marx of ho Marx Brothers in Sam H. Harris' musical com-, edy at the Lyric, the demon wise-cracker.

Is saving money these days by not buying cosmetics. When he enters the Lyric. Theater for his performance he takes the soft coal soot from his collar and uses it to make up a mustache on his upper lip. A Special Enemy 1 of Chamberlain Brown's three matinees of "The Kncmy," undertaken to assist Crosby Gaige in casting the five companies to be seen in the play next season, took place yesterday afternoon at the Times Square Theater. The audience was composed chiefly of Mr.

Galgc and Channing Pollock, the author of the play. Mr. Brown's Idea in giving these performances is to enable managers to see actors in parts before they are enguged and especially to managers an opportunity of seeing the work of players who have not recently been in New York. The matinees were suggested by thit fact that the so-called "Sew York actor" is getting scarce, while Mr. Brown believes that a la t'M a number of roses are blushing unseen (n companies throughout the country.

If the companies of "The Knemy" prove successf ul, there will be future matinees of other plays, including Mr. Pollock's "Such a Little Queen," to which all the managers In New York will be Invited. These matinees are given by special arrangement with the Actors' Kqulty Association. The cast for yesterdav's matinee of "The Knemy' included Maudo Fealy, Hernia Lien, Buford Arm it age, Kthel Valentine, Bobert Bristor, Albert Ta vernier, Wallace Kolb, Philip Tonge, Mabel Montgomery, Billy (Julrm and Howard Merling. The general understudy is Gertrude Bristol and tho stage manager, Kleanor Wilson.

The company has been directed by Kalph Siiuone, stage director for Mr. Gaige. The subsequent matinees of "The Knemy" will be given within the next week on days to be announced later. MARK PARTNERS AGAIN With MDNKY CAKK (i.LA MIMIC I'HIKiHAM TRAN 1B1U.YH II ARMVTTK lU rlln v. with Mrx llvil 4 Camrronn.

Ilortor 1' A Mont, Hritint rrlm-to uln. Olli. lll.SIM hKM.KV, HI AS. Rl KM, Trunk Vnn llovn, Hert KrFul. Olhr.

MAT 'KKK Kcllh KiiniMly Karnlval. II S. tKhcm. I'hetn-tlav: M-hlldknitit In "Th- Rntwl to Vetttfrdny." SAVE THAT TRIP Over to Manhattan for Your THEATRE TICKETS Ticket for Lending Now York Attraction! Muy It Obtained ThroiiKh THEATRE and TRAVEL Mohnaton lliillillnt K-ti Nevlna rit. 'I'rliinKlr 3IHMI.

Special arriiiigcmunLa lur Thvatro I'artlpi UUOOKI.VN APADKMT OF MISIC Miir. at p.m. N. Y. SYMPHONY OTTO KLEMPERER fJ.Uf.T ALBERT SPALDING 'lickrt Xntr, Institute Office Mtri-liuy 6 MAJESTIC 'I'lm lii.lml Ci.nirtlr of tontll HELLO LOLA 2 Kelt li-A lhp t'oncf rt Hiindny )J UntH.

K.ntlre OnheNtrti, tWc, NEXT THE STUDENT PRINCE With IlK WnlJ' IIOI'I'KH WEEK ''uilH(l lHt'h' fttu llnvenpurt I and I.niira Arnold BWFRBVS LY NMAT1NKKS Jt. ATI! fl.t KAVIIl Pr.mii, LADIES TFE EVENING Ulth RKTH MKRHII.I KIXA HIHB.K1 und- Original LYVKVM II HAT It li VAiiT ext JKRANK I HAVKV if Weelt i ii hit latent mire' new Drooms tollmw lutMj HUmm TRIr JvllTV IIIS nnd llrr tZ.TIMK KKV1 20 M'KI'I'KKS 50 KxtrtHiriltntirv Atldetl Attrluillim THK ATI.AM KKi.iN.ti.ri iicavv In "i iillfuriii HlritlKlit AhriMl" KK" III I VKRM" ltlt Irrnr Hlrh pKAMEO "Wlir WOMKN I.UVK" nllh Illanrlio Hnrrt and ltohrrt Frwtr-r 31 The "Ml. Ill' IIAK" Willi Hill (nrmm, lllllv Mnmiry -0 MIIIM I Kill MIKKN il) CASINO Nnrrlal Ijidlm' l.MIU HraU tic III hI KS anil llmiUIn'n Own lllili llnrklimn Follln Nrl Wivk "MO KY NHINKK" TELLER'S HUBERT MATS. WKI. ft HAfl PAT ROONEY MARION BENT In "Tli.

Ilauirhlrr of KomIp O'lirnHr" Tint M'l IIKT l'HIX EM It'Hny ft hHlh I f'olumhlw 114 A A UA7II I. SiiitIbI 1. 000 hnin Zlii-. f.KK.tT Al.f. (III IIHUI F-f -f 111 KI.KNI1I HIIIIW dmM.M.

Srxt Wn-k " or THK TOWS" 10EWS METnOPOLITAN BEHIND THE FRONT Willi Wallarr llnrr, Ho.vmonil llallon Kallr I li (Ilrndurf Hlntrra ft 4 Otlil, IIKtMIT'H Thralrp. Vl.ll.n.h and A It I. I' Ntrnlh Air. 1 odav anil Tmiiornm TOM MIX In "V.tNhKK KKMin" H. ft hat "KIB I MITIIKH" IIHOIIKI.VN AfAIIKtir OF Ml MC 'I'l-Ilihnne sliTllnir IITlill T1II IIS.

Mi ll. Mill. AT I 15 Only llrmiklyn A pM'rni of CHAL1APIN Sftiln at (fftr- 'V' AM MANHATTAN. The CREAKING CHAIR Tlirllllni MjNliry I'lay llh I.KOO I aim In NATIONAL hrniiMllonal Ummatia hmtrM The Monkey Talks lur. A.

11 4 Krlnrr Ml WVil. anil tint Jack llitfhrrf and ru-rlr I iMirlnrlila. la ItlMION'H IINMKKI KKtIK BY THE WAY tiir. A. T.TBF.RTY M- l.rLMiiK'-r M.

MM. nnd Ml. TIP-TOES wltli Ol AIr: WWI I II. AM. klMRa itJIIIl.

liAiwi.i Jr. BEUSCO l.v-. .1 and hat. nt Il Will linLA-UO l'r. lit a I MX Hi.i i.

r. liLRIC Hunt. ii ifii by IIKM'T Hi l. rTHTTRION 4tii hi. REX MARE NOSTRUM INGRAM 3 Alt' Tsrry An'nnti J1nrtni aenij miuei sat tl 1.1 i I 1 HUM STILL WATERS uiDPnnniMC iai.

ii.ii. tFtH'S HUI1F IKONtHll. lint. Ilorr lll'l' Miiry llHini, Ota l.l.t, lar.nrrt III i trrn, Ju.k Mi lj.llraftHarali.Olli. I' IKK tl Mar Murrai.

1 Miinni. r.M K1alr.uh v.i iirllon. Kliliuh Ttli Av iHitnvtil, lnn hi ht. iUm fr Kfl. f'h Av atn ti LBEE Albee Sq.

Trfangia vm MM I 1 Unfortunately the actors for ha interpretation of his play.j greater limitations man lie. ana the producer's wisdr in casting awakens little admiration. The comedy proceeds faintly und seems often downright foolish, in agility, rwmbteness and grace It is almost pathetically lacking. acting (if i. r.d less liters I might last night ha set the author's fancy free.

You may duubt it, though. Of the characteristics demanded of Selena Koyle, who plavj the all-knowing girl, described by the dramatist as a latter-day nymph. Miss Koyle provides ch.efiv a meis-ured calm. Kenneth MacKcnnl brings willingness only to his task, dilitcu.t Nera Ha-ialir, mikes a na'ural sei vi.ig maiu and Wilfrid Sc.jgi.itn appears at homo on the stage if none too Latin. Arnold Daly alone, however, contributes gifts for which Mr.

dribble has to be graterul. He is an n'tor to be admired, despite a certain looseness of speech that i revealed Itself last night. Open Door Film Policy Is Year Old This Month The open door policy of the motion picture Industry is one year old ihis month and the first year has been a success. Last March the committee on pub-IU; rela tions, which was organized by "Will H. Hays shortly after he became president of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors nf America, developed into the department of public relations.

All interested groups and individuals everywhere were Invited to co-opera to with the Industry by offering helpful suggestions and constructive criticism. The response has been tremendous and the good great, according to Mr. Hays. The motion picture Industry, incidentally, it was pointed out, has gone further than any other industry In enlisting the co-operation of thoughtful groups. Lenten Scents in "Btn-Hur" Among the grandly impressive jcenea in the las part of "Ilon-Hur" ut the Cohan Theater are the picturing of the first Palm Sunday, the hast Supper, the mob and Pontius Pilate, the Via Dolorosa, and the quake that toppled towers and palaces nt the death of the Saviour.

Without attempting to portray the Passion, the picture gives an unforgettable Impression of Holy Week "The color sections suggest the work of the Old isters," remarks the Churchman, "that taivdtiness that mars the majority of films dealing with religious themes is refreshingly absent, md in its stead is good taste and reverence." As in book and stage play, the love romance of Rcn-Hur and Ksther is Intertwined with the historical framework of "A Tale of the Christ." as conceived by the late X-ew Walluce. Leased! The Talbot Productions, the recent producers of "Hamlet" in modern clorhes, and the current producers of the revue "Hunk of IK-'ti," yesterday signed a five-year lease for the Hecksher Theater at lOith st. ami 5th ave. The revenue derived by tne rental of this theater will be applied by August Hecksher to the maintenance of new and important branches of welfare work among childrrn. The Hecksher Theater is one of the most modern and best equipped of playhouses.

Its seating capacity of 700 is equal to that of a number of liroadwny theaters. Willy Pogany has made the mural decorations. Cot. Karl a Hoot he. who is now In London directing the production of "Is Zat So?" at the Apollo Then-, tre, Iihs com missioned Francis De Croisset, the French playwright, to inn ke a French translat ion of the prize-fighting comedy.

It is Colonel Itoothe's intention to present "Is Zat So?" in Paris, with Georges Car-pent ler In the rob- of "Chick" Cow an, the prizefighter. This will not be the French fistic idol's first acting opportunity, inasmuch as he has appeared in several American films. HE5 OTILU WATCHING 0VE1? us! 7 Orl wen in te nrAEna AND SOON MMK3 AND OOL i Close-Ups Patamount's Graduation Day and Other Topics of the Screen World. Tho graduating exercises of the first-class of the Paramount Picture School, which opened last July at the Long Island studio, were hold last night ut the Kitz-Curlton Hotel. In addition to the graduation ceremony there was a reception and dinner which, besides tho 16 students, was attended by lie executives of the Famous Pluyers-Lasky Corporation and newspaper and magazine film writers.

After tho festive boards had been cleared and Jesse L. Lasky. as chairman of the executive council of the school, had bid the departing pupils Godspeed along the hazardous road to movie stardom, there was a preview of "Fascinating Youth," a Paramount production with all the students In the cast. Tho first of the subscription performances to be given by the International Film Arts Guild will be presented nt tho Cameo Theater (Manhattan) on tho evening of March fX. The occasion will mark tho first exhibition In this country of "The Three Wax-Works." The featured players will be Kmil f.s "Haroun-rtl-Itaschid." Werner Kratis (the doctor in "I as "Jack-the-Uipper" and Conrad Veldt 1 he somnambulist in as "Ivan the Terrible." On the same program will he shown "The Lr earns of Young Films," described as an experiment In the cinematography of the future hy Comte do Beaumont and produced in the Comte's laboratories in Kurope.

Charles Chapliiii Douglas Fairbanks, Knnnle Hurst, F.rnst Luhitsch und Alolphe Menjou have been invited to uttend. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks are reported on their way Kast to attend tho opening next Monday evening of Doug's new picture. "The Black Pirate." They are due to arrive here Saturday.

Following a AEE IN THIS "A Super-Melodrama A "Krrp. you tremblln on ed Jour WarAJ Hat-" Gabriel. N. T. Sun.

ri.TMOI'TH. 4lth. W. ol B'wair Kv. 8:30.

Matli. Thur. A Hal. The Al.f, JEW YORK 18 TALHISti BUNK Al.r. Sr.W VIIKK IH HKErNO HECKSCHEE Av- lnll s'- 8.48 M(, TuplI.Sat.

i ts AS TOR BaODWAVA A3 ST TmiCE Daiiv SUNDAY MATINet 3 miGPARADf CIIAMS'S iRtl, Of B'. Ev.1,19 Wd. Bat. A'eio 7fl nntiiif Greenwich Village Follies Dillingham" Mati Vd. A fat.

U. H. Frazee'i TTound Mujlcl HnnuNtlnn NO, NO, NANETTE witn hjuimk koi jut una Hiar t-mos GRANT MITCHELL In tli" ComvUy ONE FAMILY ELTINGE w- 42,1 Mat'' illKATIIK I.I II II I'KOIII CTION nilTTT) w- 62,1 st- UUAAOJ MaHnM, Thr, GOAT' SONG MflBflSTO Wmi 4blh Bt. En Th CRAIG'S WIFE Lirnmatlr; fceniialUm With CIlBrNTAr, HKRVB "DKHUSTFIX FANTASY." The WISDOM TOOTH TTTTTT W. 4th St.

Kv. Mats. Wed. and Sat. at 1:111 Ibsen's "HEDDA GABLER' with Actors' Theutro east at.

Comedy W. 1,1 St. Evening 8: JO. Mats. Wed.

und Sat. at 2:30. nn JT Went 4 Ht. Kvea. Mm Wed.

nnd Hut. at 1.30 GEORGE JESSEL in The JAZZ SINGER ceo. ru ThpRtre. R'way A 42d Ut. Twlro Datly Bumlny Matine" 8 B.

N. MOHS COLONY The COHENS and KELLYS Ornrvft hldnfy C'hurlwl way 6Sd St Murray vrm Oorclon AIho on th HHik, Ml NT HAMIltKN THK H'wity Ac AXd Ut. Matlneca Wed. and Hat. 2:30 in CYRANO HAMPDEN daHKIMIKRAO Mlllnn (llh I Dnhomil Klni Vlilor'.

IjUUUIICIIIC rru, tlon EMBASSY iZH.Ti All Snta Hi'mTVod. Hiyn'nt Irtl'll. KiilrkrrlMx-kFr. way ft II St. Dir.

A. Erlnninr. l. Wd THK 100 AMKKICAN DEAREST ENEMY With HELEN roKU ft CHA8. rUBCBL amoassaaor Wert, 4 The Great Gatshy Kr 'Onrn Darla.

with JAMKS BF.XKIB BTTTMORT. 47 B'war. B. uii.imuiir.Mlllln0 WMli 4 Hlt mt ,.3, EASY COME EASY GO A lJellrhim of I-atiirliii, by owwit Iavli. with UTTU K.KLGi.K ftiui Victor Moor 62 Rv.I:8u vtlUUHl KiB.irt a Km na The Student Prince llh HOW tin MARHH and OI.0A COOK TaQTWrt St.


3 40 1'A Wot ol Lau.htor" 8u. rvpipt T1IKA H'aay ft 40 Bt. Kii ll M.nn-o.' Wed. and Sat. I.

It JANE COWL in EASY VIRTUE WARNER Broad wa n4r tit John Barrymore THE SEA BEAST Twlca Dally, 1:44 A 1:41 LYRIC THKA. W. 4J nt. and JjA1. a.Jl The Marx Bros.

inTheCocoanuts IMPFBIAI Tin a. 4ilh W. ot Bway SWEETHEART TIME WithKddlit Hutarll and Utnettf Tobta Love 'Em and Leave 'Em Itr.l nf til Amrrlran f'omrlra til II. IIXKKIH IIIKMHK. W.

4d St. Him. MtflNKIH WKII. ft SAT. 12 11.

A Mf tfhK. 4th. B. nt Vf Mallnffn anil Rat. Wm Antlnmr M-Qulra fremiti MILES OUT 4.KO.

UNI IK' 4lit Wrat of H. apollo jirv'-r'it. STELLA DALLAS I i CC THAT OFF I i now NAHM. Aw 4 I. a a Wallrk'iw 48 E' A I.AU.II r.VKB TWK.NT kKCO.Ntl AM MkrH TO MO HOW Hutt.rfly I nm jm 11 nrhanlHl tt II 1 H.

Itt. Hf-IMfn liiildrH ualaii palrl'n) a um a nt thm rld nl lt Ofwr MaanmiulN Tha 4tna Ham brief stay in New York. Mary nnd Doug will sail for a vacation abroad. Cecil B. Ie Milie has signed Rudolph Sehiklkraut to a long term contract.

The elder Schildkraut, whose last screen appearance was in the Universal production of "IIU People," will begin work soon on "Young April" In which tho younger Schildkraut, Joseph, also will be seen In a prominent role. The American Invasion of London theatricals takes a new twist next month when His Majesty's Theater, hitherto sacred to offerings of the "legitimate" drama, opns Its portals to "The Big Parade." Though this film has enjoyed extensive engagements In the larger cities of the United States, its booking it II is Majesty's Theater marks its first showing in a foreign land. Marlon Davles arrived from Hollywood yesterday on the Twentieth Century. Her work completed on her latest picture, "Beverly of Graustark," her trip Kast Is in the nature of a vacation. "Beverly nf Graustark" will be released by Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer late this month.

Miss Davles' visit to New York will nee-ssarlly bo curtailed as she is scheduled to Vtegin ork shortly on "The 3 ted Mill," a cinema version of the Victor Herbert-Henry Blossom operetta. The Warner Brothers announced yesterday the purchase of three stories which ultimately will find their way to the serein. "Black Ivory," a utory of romantic New Orleans In the old Creolo days, by Polan Banks, is promised an elaborate filming by the Warners who hint that it will become "the biggest American historical picture ever made." Tho other two are "The Better the comedy hy Pruce Bairnsfather, and "Kevll-lion," drama by the French uu-thors, Meilhac and Halcvy. A Tirooklvn girl, Clara Horton, has been selected by I in-ha rd Tal-madge as leading woman in his next picture, "The Gallant Fool." Miss Horton's first screen engagement was a.T a child actress In the old Vlta-craph studio in Flatbush. Luter she, went to Hollywood here site has appeared In various screen pro-ductionn.


'EM ALL OVEP AMU VjE'RE i 7 THERE ruti 1 lirti -7 DFAD 6ERM5, ED SP2AY ul'T KJ rn.r.. PANCH SUDDENLY A AT AND PIP, PIP, PlP i A V-t' v. IV Xv SCMEED The YJAij4 with thtiR petcioui SrOiS f'R-rr', when Jl'- SUDDENLY A VOi-WJ LEY0FGH0T5 KMC OUT! THE CEOUND WAS COEEED WlTH LIVE SOMEBODY'S STENOG By Subway )' I n' 1 lit 1 I UB VAUV.LII3E I To iToP AT i I I i iiii I I il if v.Oi fcH t-UL MVS ir3 it source of ths KiCV5 WHFPE IT C'OMti U0 WAT WnCK't rl r. i-i finder. out 'wat ry Kfwitf'a.

HI VniHtl. Tb I lot HMil mimn nnntiii ih imImI Hi Mii.ikraiit. IM i mIm Mavf NrH AllHnltr, A 1an. Iront- Hlth. I at)' lltr ran ala Ht fcllt H-Mr Mrlla M-rtai al- drvlll Av, A uaan.

I- lliar. I'haaiwm lha itr Tha Ha ma I.I. lM TIOM umberland. 327 Cunib'd. lw tm4r, rim tha nmdiaMi alaa Uiin fr Mlrra HMlfOMII MM I MS nlfM.

H-dfnrd Hfpfn.alitfif No it Ii, Tba tauhaMtnta Wlffl alaa Vaadfillla Mrarnl. Fultim A lum Mia, 1 ha inakra ariHr I MAY MIIM.K hr( riON Ihiy Hldi, 3d Av A Ht uaatanra tw-aarll, Tha Pint Hllleri alaa VaadaTllla I I. A I HI Mil HI I TION tlhin.arlr, VU.t A MIMa Wlla. Tttt I Miaarttrd llar I rHliiri. S-iiMn-l I'kniil l.rtfflili, ll.nt.U pt hIm II.

I jmnhm Atiitnly I trniaMt, A Kitinmml Itririifh. Ilxada I m. humm KinaMa I Av All- Jittf, M-ta4ta i. I imlm. I UtlMi-h A v.

AH- J.ttf, MnnMla 'd hmm 1 QeT to yM I'J I A A Ihr WmIiM Itrtilfj nIm lir a a N-UMr rrllnw uiiln.Hl. la 1311. Ht llrlrnr I haiiwl.b. NrMklrk. I'.

IHI 1 1 l'lt Nrirl. I'rtrkaiilr-. 3 a I ln Av. i hnr, ftwUI Flrtlbuali Av, Ht allHM HM HON Alnnlal. Pwav lirar Hronm Tha Ham Mlar, llaar llttlj it.

lima -ajH-a. 1 Ha I swlwr and I ha attMlaaai Jaa tadatlll f.MKKNrtllT HON OrM-apulal, 12a MaahaC, Av.AII-Mr laal, Mtrlla Martai alao Yauttatllla.

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