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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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flENRY WEBER, The Merchant. Tailor, does flrgt class vork. Stylish and well flt- ttoffototbea made. Cleaning and repairing neatty done. See him.

324 PEARL STREET. Kroeger Strain. UNDRRTAKRRS oromptly attended to Da or Night, 818 Broadway. TKLKPSONB Offloe, Krower, 18 M. SETH M.VELSEY Loans Money at 6 per cent, Makes Abstracts unrt Writes Fire.

Tornado and Plate Glass Insurance. W. f. Barnett, successor to c. Embalmer aad Funeral Director.

417 Market street. Calls attended day or nteat. outfit in the (J. 8. Col.

0. Woll, wlH remain with mo. Offloe 16. Residence-Mutual' u. IBS.

When You Need an ABSTRACT or a LOAN -GO TO- H. Wipperman, Street Opp. Court House Bntranoe. DR. F.

M. BOZER'S DENTAL PARLORS. Over City National Bank Comer of Fourth and Bi 1 Oentntf Telephone No Offloe MS, residence 343 E. H. GRACE, D- S.

DENTAL PAHLOBS, SI6 Market Street. New Alumlnlte Bubber Platen. SHANAHAN. Buy and Sell Second Hand Goods. Give us a call.

209 8th street D. E. DELZELL, Dentist, 416 MARKET STREET Upstairs over Bruggeman's Millinery Store. Private Money to Loan No Delay- C- 0- HEFFLEY, Insurance and Loans. Fourth Street.

OITYNBAVS. Charles Rothermel is on tae sick list. Lon Campbell has returned from Chicago. Mrs. Bird Insley has returned from Champaign, Ills.

Mrs. Walter Uhl has returned from -visit with her parents at Warsaw. Miss Evelyn Fowler returned from i fire days' visit In Chicago Thursday evening. Wanted A. girl for housework at once at 1006 Broadway.

Must give reference. Grasp the opportunity and buy a remnant of carpet or some odd pairs lace curtains at H. Wller Go's. The funeral of Mrs. Nettle Fisher, wife of William Fisher, of near Ida- was held eaten Jay from the Patten church The ladles of Llnoola Circle of he 0.A.R.

will give their entertain- merit of living checkers Tuesday Jan. 13th. Admission 10 There was a large attendance today at the funeral ot Miss Anna Wagner, held at 8 a. m. Kev, Koehne officiated.

Interment was made In Mt. St. Vincent cemetery. The semi-annual convention of tbe auxiliary to the board of missions In the dlocose of Indiana, will be held In the Episcopal chuirch at Terre Haute Wednesday and will be by a number of thd members of the church In this city. The Indiana branch of the American Bible suoiety has baen discontinued, owing to poor support, and Her.

Vigus, formerly a Methodist pastor in Peru, was the deputy superintendent. of tho state society. He is now out of a job. Some of his friends think he may enter the regular ministry again. The sccumulsitlon of dirt on the oor of the Circuit court room, hulls and stairways, last week, carried in by the crowd In attendance at 'the THEATRICAL.

Lewis Morrison In ''Fanst" Tomorrow "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Thursday Night. Lewis Morrison will appear at Dolan's opera bouse again tomorrow night lo his elaborate production of truly Immortnl "Faust," which has been seen throughout tbe length and breadta of tbe land and for tbe past ten years or more always meeting with financial returns justifying tu'e belief that it will, like ths brook, "go on forever." Where so much has been said of a play it would seem impossible to add anything new, nor is it necessary to commend the merits of the production, It has stood the test of criticism ot both pruis acd public too long, however, it will be of interest to know that this season it will be seen with entirely new scenic surroundings, every stage picture has been newly painted and is of new eiery costume Is also new, In addition of Mr. Morrison as Mephlsto clever Florence Roberts will be seen as Marguerite and White Whittiesey as Faust together with a capable company in the minor characters. "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN- 11 The Davis company, celebrated for Its work, will present that old but ever popular play, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," at the opera house Thursday night. The scenery is excellent.

The plantation scene depicts a typical southern home with its cotton fields, its mansion and Its log cabins. The last scene in this picturesque drama, The Gates Ajar," has perhaps taxed the skilled painter and mechanic more than any other spectacle that the stage can boast. KOKOMO TALENT. Identity of the Chicken Thieves Dis- Jail at Delphi. Tom Coy, Mart Short and Dess Hardlnman, (the latter, colored) are cbe names of the men arrested at Deer Creek Saturday morning, for making a general raid on the hen roosts south of Logansport.

They reside at Kokomo, and referring to the case the Kokomo Tribune says: "Both Coy and Short are widely known in this city, but if either were ever mixed up in such business before, it has not become public. Coy Is a laborer. He was recently divorced and has frequently been In trouble for drunks and fights, but never, so far as is known, for theft. Short is also a laborer, Is married and has a family of children. Thursday the men hired a horse aod wagon at the J.

B. Butcher livery establishment saying that they were going to the uountry for the night, but that they would return the rig by Friday noon. Tbey failed to appear at the time set, but little was thought ot the matter and no one had any suspicions that tbe men had gone on a thieving expedition. But when they failed to appear this morning Mr. Butcher began to have some anxiety for his absent property and Instituted inquiry as to the men and their pos- ADDITIONlL ITEMS.

Frank Bauman, of Washington township, is sick with lung fever. George Stout, of the Marion Chronicle, Spent Sunday in Logansport. Jim Knauss, the printer, was over from Anderson yesterday visiting his parents. Mrs. John Ludwig and daughter, Carrie, returned today from a visit at Lucerne.

The Harmony Half-Dozen was entertained Friday evening by Miss Mary Boyer. A great many odd pairs of curtains at remnant prices at H. Wiler Go's. Shelbyvllle has typhoid fever. The sufferers all drink or have drunk fiydrant water.

Judge Bluffton, has begun to frown on divorce suits based on trivial charges. Cftarles McMurdy, in advance of "Tbe Foundling" company, Sun- dayed in Logansport. I. N. Clary, of Lucerne, who suf fered a stroke of paralysis Saturday, is in a critical condition.

The new United Brethren cburch at Darwin, Carroll county, will be dedicated next Sunday. Anderson is moving to have the region of prehistoric mounds near the city made a state park. Evening services will be held each evening this week at the Cumberland Presbyterian church at 7 30. Mr. McGrath, of Detroit, repre senting the George Worthlngtoi company, ol Cleveland, In th city.

Cissy Fitzgerald, that much-talked of actress, will appear in this city on Monday night, the 24th, in "Thi Fondling." A party of young people was hand somely entertained Friday eveninj by Miss Daisy Fisher, in honor of P. Jones, of Chicago. From the number of children seen upon the streets after 8 p. m. it evident that the curfew ordinance is practically a dead letter.

The Penny social of the W. will meet with Mrs. I. N. Casn to morrow afternoon, at the corner of Twelfth and Market street.

Abraham SCrowell, a very wealthy and eccentric farmer of Carroll coun ty, died Saturday morning. He was 84 years of age and leaves seven children. Kentland Democrat: Jacob Beamer of Logansport was In our ctty Wed nesday and purchased a team of horses from Daniel OHael, tne new dairy caan. Uy Vigus, a member, was given THE DBAS BESIDESCE Damaged by Fire Last Was Occupied by Charles Stoll and Family. The Dean residence on Coal street, SouthslJe, was damaged by fire evening.

The house was occupiad'by Chtiries Stoll, the butcher, and family. They were away from home visiting Mrs. Stoll's parents, in the Easiteiid, and the fire is supposed to have been started from an overheated stove on the second floor. Aflier the fire bad been discovered the neighbors broke into tbe house and removed all the contents escep a part of tbe furniture in the kitchen The kitchen and roof of the main building were consumed by the flames, and consider-ible damage wa done by water. The fire department was at a disadvintag-e on account or the long run.

The loss on the boose and contents Is estimated to be $400, and is fully covered by insurance. The property belongs to the Home BuildliDgand Loan association of Logansport. PEOPLE WILL DECIDE. Question of the Standard Will Be Settled by Them. NOT BY A GOLDBUG COMMISSION, on the Report of the Indianapolis Side Show of Idle Capital Don't WftBt StaU-tnents ot Fact.

-THR New Furniture Store. Cor. Market, 3th and Erie Sts. CIKCCS sible whereabouts. Nothing definite was learned until towards 9 o'clock when Mr.

Butcher received a tele phone message stating that the trio above mentioned had been arrested for chicken stealing at Deer Creek, that the men were in cuatody and that the horsa and wagon were there subiect to the owner's order. R.ULROAD CROSSINGS. An Important (n the Supreme Court. trial, filled two bushel baskets. The janitor and six assistants worked all night Saturday night, cleaning up the building; und getting It In shape for opening of Jmslnesa this morning.

The Supreme court has made the following ru'ing on the question of railroad crossings: 1.. The fail)'" of an Incorporated towo toenactf for the Improvement of one of Its streets and fix the grade does not relieve a railroad company, whose track crosses such a street, from the duty to properly construct crossings over Its tract on ihe sitreet, and the town may maintain an act! for writ of mandate to compel the company to discharge this duty. 2. A complaint alleging defend ant's refusal to perform a public duty need not also allege a demand by plaintiff- 3. The rights of the railroad and the town are not changed, no matter when the straets were dedicated or how they became streets, provided they are such, at present and the railroad now crosses them.

4. The grading und planking of way across its track by a railroad company and permitting It to be used as a street lor seven years shows a dedication of such was to the public. 5. Actual dedication Is a conclusion of law and not an ultimate fact. a pleasant surprise Friday evening, at his home on the Southside, by the Cltiisn's band.

It was on account of his birthday anniversary. Lucheon was served. On Saturday Justice Wilson, of Jefferson township, dismissed the case of the state against Ray Martin, of Burnettsvllie, charged with raping a young woman named Clark. It is said there was no foundation for the charge. of Pjtaias Ouce.

The Knights of fytiilas of this city will give their next dance of the series on Wudnesdaiy evening, Jan. 19th, at thekr Castle hall, corner of Market and Fifth streets. All Knights of Pythias and persons holding special Invitation to oar former dances are cordially tnrlced to attend. Misses Nora Bronsoa, granddaughter of ex-Country Treasurer (Jrasen- meyer, and Misses Lucy and Agnes Devlue to Peru Saturday. They were accompanied by Miss Agnes Snider, who spent Sunday there.

Special union services will bs held all this week at St. Luke's English Lutheran church, Rev. C. Wleand, of Three RlTers, will conduct the services. He will be assisted by the pastor, Ber.

B. E. Sbaner. This evening's subject will be "Judgment, or Four in One," beginning at 7:30 o'clock. District Deputy A.

B. Armstrong, of Kokomo, has granted a special dispensation to the Fort Wayne lodge of Siks to initiate one hundred and four new members at a meeting to be held tomorrow. The work will begin at noon and continue all night, closing with a b'g banquet about breakfast time next morning. Hon. C.

Bell will be president of the day and Major Will Wilson will be toastmaster. A large number of visiting Elks are expected to be present. Logansport lodge will be well represented. Siawn is Clever. The success of Tom Nawn as an Irish character, lies in the fact that in dialect and action he gets nearer to nature than most comedians, aod he fits well in '-Shanty Town," a play written for htm by Opie Read, the novelist.

The company which appeared here with Nawn Saturday night gave him good support. An average sized audience enjoyed the comedy. Released on Bond. Chas, E. Everett, of Fort Wayne, known here as the man, who proposed to baild an electric railroad south to Indianapolis, is again at liberty.

Upon being arraigned at Decatur. upon the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses, he furnished a bond of M.OOO for his appearance for trial: during the February term of court: and was released, I At the Kora Karniwil Amusing. LJ i By request the burlesque circus will be repeated at Che Jtorn Kar- nival tonight. The price of admission is but 10 cents. The parade of the band and circus performers at noon today made an- ottier hit.

The Karntrali closes tomorrow night. THE NATURAL KtSULT. Election Gave the Control of Public Affairs to the Plutocracy. Tho New York "World did all in its power to bring about Mr. McKitiley's election.

Hence the following World editorial will be of interest: of Pennsylvania for chairman of tho commerce commission is another and valuable instance of that tenacious con- iistenny which has been Mr. McKinloy's chief characteristic. Our president is a of conviction i and of courage of them. How shall I intrench myself in power? How shall arrange for a rrnominationr These are the inquiries that are ever uppermost in hi and heart. To answer them ho looks about him for th "powers that be" ill order that he may mals friends with them.

He has become convince that those powers are the trusts, the niouopo liisi, the corrupt rings, the busses, the variou elements that industriously and most success ftJly cajole and cheat the people. Arrived at this conviction, lie has acted upo: it with courage, steadfastness and minute con sisteuey; hence the selection of HcKeniia fo the supreme bench, hence the Paxsons for hig! executive places, hence the inexpressibly fon Kimberleys, Demasea und Cohens for uiino federal offices; hence, ceo, the pardoning a 'respectable robbers," with Republican na tional committoemen BE backers, at tile rateo ue every throe weelcs. Mr. McKinlcy has decided tlmt the contro our public affairs has passed from the pco pla to the plutocracy and its allies, the bosse rail political cornipdouists. Ba js using hi best judgment in furthering his ambitions By that judgment he will stand or fall.

Why does tbe New York World com plain of the man whom The World oelped to elect? When The World gave McKinley valuable aid in the campaign that newspaper knew that under a JVic- Kinley administration the railroads would be permitted to control the in- commerce commission. The World knew that "tbe trusts, the monopolies, the corrupt rings, the bosses, the various elements that industriously ind most successfully cajole and cheat were large contributors to the campaign fund. Did The (Vorld imagine that these elements were zmking their contributions out of a of liberality? Did not The World mow that these contributions were in- pestments rather than gifts? Did The World expect any bank wrecker to remain in prison so long as Mr. McKinley find eveu a poor excuse to pardon him? The World does right in making its riticisins, but chat great newspaper ought to understand that the time for it do effective work on behalf of good government is prior to election day. Jc annot expect to obtain good government from men who are elected to office men who have more concern for spe- ial interests than they have for public World-Herald.

Bnalness In Chnr-chea. To be a working chnrcb our cirarth irinst be founded on business principles. There is a close connection between a otmd financial condition and success in distinctly spiritual work. And so I say the business man is needed in the church, the man of mature years for his advice, the young man for his energy and awakening Leslie Moore, UniTersaiisL Washington. How fellow Icing la Made.

Sift a cup of powdered sugar in a small saucepan, add 2 iablespoonfnls of boiling -water, a teaspoonf nl lemon jnice and a drop of Persian orange coloring. Mir well and pour it over tbe cake and smooth evenly -with a knife. The Persian orange COHHJS in liquid form in small bottles and may be bought at all first class groceries. Pure Blood Is tho basis of good health, steady nerves, mental, physical and digestive strength. If you are ner- TOUS, enrich and purify yonr blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla.

If yon are weak, no appetite and desire to be strong, healthy and vigorous, take Hood's Sarsaparilla, which will tone your stomach, create an appetite and build yon tip. HOO(J'S paHUa UK; fa fact tbe One True Blood Purifier. cure nausea, Indigestion, PillS The self constituted "monetary commission" has completed its report to the self constituted executive committee of the self constituted and appointed Indianapolis monetary couveution. It is a somewhat lengthy document and need not be seriously discussed. Though it has already been indorsed in advance by McKiuley, tho only effect that its introduction in the house can have will be to demonstrate the active and actual lack of harmony thaC exists in the Republican party on the money question.

The report will doubtless be introduced in congress as a ''nonpartisan" ficheme, but the moment that discussion begins the fact will develop that it is not only a partisan but exceedingly inflammatory in its nature. There is BO doubt about the serious defects of our national bauking system. The Constitution has been calling attention to them for years, and on more than one occasion its motives have been misconstrued by those interested in backs. The system, as we have pointed out a huadred times, was not primarily intended as a banking system. Its whole purpose was to furnish a market that would uphold the value of United States bonds.

It was not conceived in the peace interests of the people, but was invented for the purpose of enabling the government to sell its bonds issued for war purposes at the highest figure. Judged by what it was intended be, and not what it purports to be, there is no doubt that the national ranking system has been a success. We learn from the report of this self constituted currency commission that 'the most serious evil affecting our present monetary system is the threatened degradation of its standard." In other words, there is a threat somewhere in the air that gold may go to a premium aad the people get higher irices for their products and higher wages for their labor. Even higher jrices, withont any premium on gold, would be a "degradation of the standard. The "standard" was "degraded" from 1862 to 1879, the people received profitable prices for their products, men of enterprise built railways and established industries, and prosperity was the portion of the people.

It was too much for the holders of inactive capital. They shared in the prosperity, it is true, but they wanted to have all the prosperity to themselves. They set up a cry about "inflation" and they talked about "inflated prices" until tbe people reajly believed that prosperity was hurtful. So the people sent men to congress who voted for repudiation. The congressmen called it "resumption, but it was really repudiation, for the people were compelled to pay in gold debts that were contracted in depreciated paper.

This was repudiation, and this was what forced resumption meant. It had the practically unanimous opposition of the Democratic party, which has always and everywhere been opposed to repudiation. The self constituted committee makes some remarks about the "standard." It says that "there must be some standard of value." It "must have a market value as a commodity independently of any governmental fiat and of all legal tender laws." It may be remarked here that there never was and never will be such a commodity. Let those governments which have gold as the standard demonetize that metal, and its value will fall below that of silver. Even when coined as money it never has been used as a circulating medium, except in the mining regions.

The committee proceeds, "It must have, as a commodity, as stable a market valne as possible, and in order to secure the stability of that market value the rela- between its supply and demand must be as constant as possible." The 'act is notorious that gold does not ful- 311 these conditions. There is no rela- whatever between the demand and the supply. The demand for gold is the multiplied demand for all other commodities in countries where gold is the itandard. The supply depends upon the accident of discovery or on the caprice of nature. To that which we havti quoted the committee adds, "The civilized world las therefore determined that the tandard shall be gold." To.

this it may replied that the European governments are wholly controlled by the selfish interests of those who own the gold. In this country the gold standard vas imposed on the people withont their knowledge or consent. The deed was iut into the form of law by means of landestine legislation, as the record shows, and was covertly carried ont that the president who signed the bill id not know what its effect would be. With these statements of fact we have he report of the self constituted com- ittee to speak for itself. It is entitled no more measure of respect than the tierance of an individual.

Its form Bid substance were dictated by the Gold rast, and it will have just as ranch ef- ect on the public sentiment of the more, no if it bore the ignatnres of British bankers. The question of the standard will be setrtled by be people. If they want the gold standard, wich poverty prices and panper wages, we are perfectly willing that should indorse the gold stindard. their interest we should like to see iie standard "degraded" by a rise of wages and property values as jcjpared with gold- Bus this matter will be settled by tho eople, and not by self constitnCBd coxn- ANOTHER SPECIAL BARGAIN. THIS COMBINATION BOOK CASE.

Only $6.90. Hero's a real gem for alow price, BOIld oftk. its worih $vi ITou can buy it of us thia week for only We show an elegant line of Combination Book in Oak or Maaosrany finish OJ rt f-xv at $30,125. $15, $12 and W- 5 Our buyer ie now at Grand Rapids ranking selections for our spring" trade. The Logansport Commercial High School, If you wish to secure a position to work for Experience Only.

attend iiOiranBport Commercial High If you wish to secure a position that will pay you from 1 to $2 per vraek. Don't attend tke Commercial School If you wieh to attend a School where you can have plenty of ua. do as you please, and have attend Commercial High ftchool But, if you wish to attend an ft Duto School -where yo.1 will receive lu uaic the best instruction and the best preparation, for the responsibllicies of life: waere you will receives thorough mental and moral discipline and traiamc that will develop yo intellect, arouse your ambi Jon aod equip you so that you may Jive worthily, than you may lead a life of usefulness and that your may bo crowned with tbe laurels of success, tho esteem of your fellow men and the approbation of your own conscleoce. tben, Attend, The LoQcunsport Commercial High School. M.

W. MURPHY I J. w. HOOKK Over 321, 323 and 325 Fourth Street. REMOVED Into tbe Block on Pearl street, formerly occupied by Harry Tucker wnere you are invited to call and see a fine line of Winter Woolens For Suitings and Orer- coatings that cannot be beat.

Tai ior. PearlStNexttoJDr. Bell's Offiea. The Detective Wins tho detective story of bow did it one of tbe mott exciting told. YoaccuFMtditi A Conflict of Evidence It TTM -wrfttea by Ottoteagn, the witlxjr of Artist ia Crime," nal rf the of tective stories for this thrilling int chaptan itffl anca i.

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