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The Courier News du lieu suivant : Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 10

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

PAGE TEK BLYTHEVILLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1953 IN BLYTHEVILLE! AUGUST 12th, IN CASH PRIZES Es Free Balioons for the Kiddles Everybody Conies fo ille en BVD MOVIE SPECIAL! Children under 12 accompanied their parents can pick up tickets at any BVD store and be ad nutted to the Ritz Wednesday for only lc Parents mnJiP BVe accom an lhe to the movie. The picture: "Lovely to Look At" Oil DAY ONLY! 3 Lge. Bath Size Bars GATEWAY GROCERY "Air Conditioned for Your Comfort' DAY ONLY! Nationally Advertised Children's Mens and Values io SSe ea. EXTRA SPECIAL! ash Cloth Asst. Colors Size 11x11 Reg.

(Limit 10) 1 Rack iort Coats i i I 3 USiS Dy Swansdown Jaunty Junior The EDYTHE SHOPPE 319 W. Main Palmolive, Cashmere Bogquet LET SOAP REG. SIZE BATH SIZE 'j None Sold to Merchants WADE 5c and 70c Store Kitchen Ware includes Cannister Sets, Bread Boxes, Pickle Dishes and many other items, Come in and see! IJ irdware Co. 126 W. Main Phone 4515 Strong enough to protect you Large enough to serve you Small enough to know you FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Only National Bank in Mississippi County Blytheville, Arkansas Complete $35 TV INSTALLATION Inelurlei Aerial With Any Set You Buy Blytheville Sales Co.

109 E. Main Phone 3616 All Nationally Advertised RADIOS FOR F.XA.MPl.E Radio Now MODERN HOME ECONOMY STORE 10!) Alain ('hone .1585.

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