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The Coffeyville Daily Journal from Coffeyville, Kansas • Page 2

Coffeyville, Kansas
Issue Date:
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THE COFFEY VILLE DAILY JOURNAL, THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 1, 1917. -a 1 f- PAGE TWO CLASSIFIED ADS. S3''- Ch risimas-- Rough Faces-? Chapped Hands This is the timeof year when frosty winds roughen, 7 191 Your friends can buy chap and irritate the skin. Chaps are unsightly and they are more or less distressing. FLOREA'S LEMON CREAM softens and smoothes the skin as well as any preparation on the market.

This Cream is a desired preparation for all toilet purposes, very beneficial at all times. Ladies approve of it because of its creamy quality and speedy action. anytnmg you can give them except yoiir Photograph GLASSES THE ONiv INVISIBLE BIFOCAL LENSES GIVE a young look to people wearing Double Sight Eyeglasses The- KRYP-TOK kind. Why not come and have your eyes tested for a pair today? BUCKMASTER'S Good Sight Optical Shop 815 Maple St. Kress Bldg.

Little'Locals Asking For Passports. W. O. Truskett "and George At-wood, of Caney and Will L. Palmer and daughter, Pearl, of Cherryvale, yesterday afternoon filed for their first papers asking for passports to Mexico.

They will complete the pacers COMPANY rush by making your appointment soon with Avoid the final 813 Maple FaWs 5 PORTRAITS OF QUALITY WANTED You to list your farms WANTED TO BUY Second Haml and city property for sale; also to Coal Stove, at 1024 Walnut, Union write your fire, tornado and liability Pool Hall. Tel. White. 11-13 insurance. Miss Roue M.

Hawthorne, over Peoples bank, Coffeyville. 9-8- TRY THE NEW Union Pool Hall at tf 1024 Walnut, everything clean and up to date. You are welcome. Un-WANTED To huv waste naner. rairs.

ion Pool Hall, 1024 Walnut, C. C. Saturday. The party plans to be injirTPCT ri acc Jf mm 813 Maple Journal Complete Report of MARKETS 1 Kansas City, Nov. 1.

Cattle, receipts, Market steady. Prime fed steers, 15.5016.75; Dressed beef steers, 1115; Cows and heifers, 5.50 12.5,0; tockers and feeders, 6.75(a) 11.50; Bulls, 6.007.75; Calves, 6.50 13.00. Hogs Receipts, 5,000. Market 15 to 25 cents i higher- Heivy, lGJ)0i 17.00; Packers and butchers, 10.50(2 17.10; 16.00(a16.80. Chicago, Nov.

1. Cattle, receipts, 16,000. Market steady. Beeves, 6.85 17.50; Cows and jneifers, 5.00(o 12.25; Calves, 8.0014.75. Hogs Recipts, 15,000.

Market strong. Light, 15.4017.15; Mixed, 16.0017.25; Heavy, 15.9017.25; Pigs, 1215. Cash Corn Steady. No. 2 mixed, 1.962.00; No.

3 1.901.98; No. 2 White, 2.082.15. Cash Oats Steady No. 2 White, j60V261; No. 2 mixed, 53459.

Cash Kyc 1.72. Cash Hay Strong to 5c hikher. Choice Timothy, 27.5028.00; Choice Prairie, 22.0022.50; Alfalfa, 31.50 32.00. 1 Beceipts, Wheat 81 cars. Close Corn May, 1.1314 Jan.

1.15; Dec. 1.19. Close Corn May, 1.1314; Jan. 1.15; Dec. 1.17.

Close Oats May, 60 Dec, 58-. Close Pork 42.67. Close Lard 25.07; Jan; 23.00. SAY HERTLING IS REJECTED. Tjut Amsterdam Dispatch May Not Be Latest Authority By The-Assoclated Press.

tudid FOR RENT 2 or 3 furnished rooms for light housekeeping, also sleeping room; modern house with private family. 905 W- 6th. Phone 636. 10-31-3. FOR SALE Used cars.

Ford touring car, $300. Ford touring, $250; Ford touring, $150, Dodge Roadster, $550; Maxwell Roadster, $650; Stude-raker touring, $300. The Isham Garage Co. 4 10-31-3 FOR SALE Dandy 80 acres. Well improved, 12 miles out; $3500.00.

Terms. Phone 426. Embree W. Morgan. 10-31-3 FOR SALE -50 acres, watermelon land; i room house, barn, spring.

Get ready now for next year. Price $2600.00. Terms. Phone 426. Embree W.

Morgan. 10-31-3 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room in modern home. Two blocks west of postoffice. Rent reasonable. Call at 709 Spruce or phone 711.

10-31-3 FOR SALE One black hors, with harness and wagon; must sell at once. Phone 160 or call at 606 Central Ave. 10-31-3. WANTED: Position in office by young lady, experienced on typewriter and adding machine. Phone 1035.

10-29-3 WANTED A good house to house man. Must be a hustler. A good opportunity for a good man. The American Tea 126 West 8th St. 10-30-3 1 iiavivoiiiii.ii noiaiuS work.

Address, X93. Journal. 10-30-3. TURN YOUR SPARE TIME Into money. Man with any kind of pep and ambition in couple of hours each day can make at least fifty dollars extra money every month.

Previous experience unnecessary. National Casualty Detroit, Michigan. 10-31-3 WANTED Prairie Hay, good wheat straw and oats. Will pay top price day of delivery at barn. Grant Williams House, 1518 Walnut, Tel.

16 10-30-6 FOR SALS One good auto trailer, with 30x3in. Non-Skid Firestone tires; $40.00. C. E. Page, Edna, Kans.

01-30-6. FOR SALE $1750.00 equity in good 7-room modern residence, property in Joplin. Rents for $22.50 per month. Inquire box 235, Edna, Kans. 1030-6.

m. i mm I i LOST Saturday, afternoon, a heavy brown and black lap robe, within XA mile of residence of A. B. Roberts, three miles north and mile east of Dearing. Finder return to above ad dress or Journal office.

Phone 907F31. 10-30-3 TtTT ed in Coffeyville, to work; good pay at the Crystal Palace. 10-30-3 LONELY WIDOW Owns Farm worth $22,000. Anxious to marry honorable gentleman. Mrs.

Warn, 243 N. Coronado St. IjOs Angeles. Cal. 10-30-6 FOR SALE On installment; Jersey cr7C3 l.iiorncov nnwrn cfmn TTrl stein-Jersey mixed, one red Pole, one Shorthorn, all good, the right kind.

Sam Richardson. Phone 1116. 10-29-6 FOR SALE At a bargain, send in your offer. Lot 1, Block 1, Stubble- field's first addition to Coffeyville. Address George Emo, 210 West 15th Sedaha, Mo.

CARPENTERS AND LABORERS wanted for construction work. K'n- sas City Stock Yards Company. Ar- uly at Company barn, 1618 Xlenesee Kansas City, Mo. 10-20-12 WANTED Old false teeth Donrt FLOREA Phone 29 i. News in Brief C.

Pool of Welch, was trans- acting business here today. R. J. Myers of Harrisonville, was a visitor here today. Luther Inge of Independence was in Coffeyville today transacting business.

ti.iitiSi Big reduction sale at Staats Mil linery. John Doty of Siioam Springs, was a Coffeyville visitor today. Pete Case made a business trip to Cherryvale this morning. L. F.

Woodruff, tuner. Vhone 99. i John Doty of Siioam Springs, was a Coffeyville visitor today. Pete Case made a business trip to Chanute this morning. Big Reduction sale at Staat's Millinery.

Frank Maynard of Tulsa is transacting business here today. Mrs. Emma Bolton left this morning for her home in Cherryvale, after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sealy L.

Brown, 412 East Eighth. L. F. Woodruff i'hone 99. C.

E. Paige of Edna was a Coffeyville visitor today. Mrs. I. B.

Manne, who has been visitintr her brother. Herman Li. Kaiser, and other relatives went home to Kansas City this morning. Eat a dish of ice cream every day. Ice Cream Depot.

Phone 616. We deliver. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shull motored to Coffeyville today from his home in Carwy.

i James Miller and wife of Garden City, who for three weeks has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Miller, 516 West Twelfth, left this morning for Emporia, where they will visit before going home.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Groom spent yesterday in Parsons on Salvation Army business. Mrs.

Groom went to Liberty this morning to spend a few hours. i i Plenty pure pastuerized milk, crean: and buttermilk. Ice Cream Depot. Phone 646. We deliver.

Sam Mayer returned to his work at Bartlesville this morning, after a short visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs T. S. Mayer, 508 Maple. Carl Knox, an Emporia man who lays claim to being a poet, spent last night and this morning here on business, lie left this morning for Bartlesville.

Mrs. Jessie. iWebb" made a business trip to Bartlesville this morning. Mrs. V.

Darling of Cedar Vale, is here visiting relatives. DRUG 1 i i. 4 i 9 1 1 1 Xondon, Nov. 1. Count Geo.

Von Hertling has been rejected as imper- ial chancellor by the Reichstag majority leaders, according to special dispatches from" Amsterdam which construed this as a rebuff to the -peror and a victory for parliamentary. The messages however, appar- cntly were written before the German wireless statement was sent out terday announcing that Von Jlertlingn.r,.- had been offered the place and was-rti consulting with the Reichstag' leaders. 120 W. 9th St. Mrs.

Mary E. Pens of Collinsville, who has been visiting here with her daughter, Mrs. Carrie Fulk-erson, went to Chanute this morning to visit a son, Gil Pens. Dr. E.

C. Brann, osteopath physician and surgeon, Suite 2, Columbia Coffeyville. Office phone 170. W. J.

Latta, 608 Maple, went to Cherryvale this morning. Banded sailors of plush, your choice $3.75 each at Staats'. Assistant County Attorney George Higgms was here today from Indepen dence to appear for the state in. a number of cases but found the defend ants' attorney unready for trial in all of them. Dr.

F. L. Flack and Dr. G. C.

Mc- Cormick spent this morning in Independence on business. Glenwood Garrett of Sedan is here looking after business interests and visiting friends. Mrs. J. K.

Morgan is in K. C. for a visit with her son, Loren, and family. PEN DRAFT RESISTERS Twenty-Nine Men Who Participated in Oklahoma Reign of Terror Get 10 Year Sentences. F5y The Associated Press.

Ardmore, November 1. Sentence was passed by Judge Ralph E. Campbell in federal district court here today on twenty-nine draft who had entered pleas of guilty. H. H.

Munson, H. G. Spence and J. L. Bene-field, considered ring leaders in the anti-draft disturbance in Seminole.

Pontotoc and Hughes counties in Oklahoma were assessed penalties of ten years each in the federal prison at Leavenworth. FOOD THEFT SCANDAL Petty Naval Officers and Civilians Arrested for Stealing $40,000 Worth of Supplies. By The Associated 'rress. Nov. 1.

Three petty officers and five civilians are under ar rest today in connection with charges of the theft of from $40,000 to $50,000 worth of food stuffs from the Great Lakes naval training station at Lake Bluff, thirty miles north of here. Police Court Session Tonight. The trial of J. P. Hudson and Eve lyn Hail, both charged with disturb ing the peace will be held in police court this evening at 7:30.

The trial was to have been held last night but was continued by Judge Wilcox, who came down to his office and convened court long enough to order the con Eugeno' Perryman, a colored lioy, was arrested this morning on a charge cf being drunk and lighting, and his case will also come up to night. Event 2 and 3 Whl White. 11-1-3 MAN TO BEAT RUGS Wanted in the morning. Phone 1893 if you want several days work. ll-l-l.

Look and Feel Clean, Sweet and Fresh Every Day Drink a glass of real hot water before breakfast to wash out poisons. Life is not merely to live, but to live well, eat well, digest well, work well, sleep look well. What a glorious condition to attain, and yet how very easy it is if one will only adopt the moaning inside bath, i Folks who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when they arise, split-j ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid 'Stomach, i i by opening the sluices of the system ru mnrr. ar.rl findhmo- nut th whole of the internal poisonous stagnant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well.

shnnlH. pirh mnrninc. hnfnre breakfast, drink a glass of real hot I water wim a Leaspooniui oi limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stom ach, liver, kidneys and bowels the vprevious day indigestible waste sour uiie unu puisunuus luxmis; tnus cieaiis-ing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is won derfully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast.

While you are enjoying your breakfast the water and phosphate is quietly extracting a large volume of water from the blood and getting ready ioi a thorough flushing of all the inside organs. i The millions of people who are both ered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatism; others who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get- a quarter pound of limestone phos phate from the drug store which will cost very but is sufficient, to make anyone a pronounced crank on the subject of internal sanitation. The Vio1iri Classes If you have a violin or can obtain one it will cost very little to enroll in the Community Violin Classes now starting. Phone 2054 WILLIAM V. HOYT i Daily Between Caney and Cof- feyville via.

Tyro and Dearing Short Line Stage W. M. MINOR, Manager LEAVES CANEY 7:00 a. m. and 5:00 p.

m. Waiting Room at HARVEY'S CAFE LEAVES COFFEYVILLE 9:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m.

Waiting Room at I METROPOLITAN HOTEL i and other junk. I a 1 l. tm tntn 1 Phone 1649 and wagon will call. C. A.

Lewis. -28-tf WANTED White woman for general housework, $6 week, permanent po-sition in private home with room and board. Phone or write Sam F. Wilk-erson," Nowata, Okla. 10-31-3.

STENOGRAPHER Wanted for pe.r-manent position In bank; must have had office experience; $70 month. Phone or address Commercial National bank, Nowata, Okla. 10-31-a. FOR SALE A $400 Vose Sons piano at a bargain. This piano is in fine condition, cash or payment to reliable party.

H. M. Keifer, 811 West Eighth. 10-31-3 FOR RENT i rooms over Florea drug. Phone 2156.

10-30-3. JUDICIAL BONDS Guardian, administrator, receiver, trustee, appeal bonds, etc. executed in my office. No delay. Andy Curry, agent.

Room 15 Terminal Bldg. Phone 96. 10-10-tf THE J. BOUILLY-FORD Transfer Storage Co. is prepared to do all kinds of light and heavy transfer work.

Prompt service given and satis- action BTiaranteea. nre nrooj stor- i i se uouse xuu j-wciitu. 220. Seth Ford, owner and manager. $200,000 to loan on First class Mont gomery county farms 5vb interest.

Interstate Investment room 8 Tor minal building, Coffeyville, Kans. 10-ll-9andW. COLLECTIONS MADE of your good and bad debts; 15 years of experi ence; prompt and etticient attention given all matters referred to me. P. L.

Piepmeier. Phone 666. Suite 19, olumDia g. lu-ies-ti WANTED Experienced dry goods sales lady and buyer, exceptional opening, steady employment, position open now. 4.

Must know the piece goods business. Liberal salary, according to ability. If you can make good this is your chance. State all in first letter. Box 393, Parsons, Kans.

11-1-3. WANTED Paper hanging at 20c and 25c per per bolt; work guaranteed. Phone 1406. W. F.

Wilson, 906 W. 11th. 11-1-3. trie machines. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co.

Phone 166. 11-1-3 FOR SALE 2 Fresh Jersey Cows, 1 giving 4 other one giving dvfc gaL, 1 Holstein and heifer to be fresh soon. 1 good work horse. Sow and 5 pigs, at 616 W. 1st.

11-1-3 Leave Parsons 2:00 p.m. Leave Cherryvale 3:30 p.m. Arrive Independence 4:30 p.m. Leave Independence-Leave Cherryvale 4:45 p.m. 6:00 p.

m. 7:30 p.m. Arrive Parsons. Leave Nowata. Arrive Coffeyville Leave Coffeyville :00 p.m.

4:00 p. m. 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Arrive Independence.

Arrive Nowata- p. m. 5:00 p.m. Leave Independence-Leave Coffeyville Mexico for several weeks looking over spvoral woolo a. mining interests there.

Four to Pen. Sheriff Backus, County Attornev Hill and brother, Cherley Hill left the county jail last night for. Lansing with lour men convicted this term of court. The men were: Oscar Rilev. Elmer Smith, Charles Williams and Wash McKim.

Lost a Finger. L. Smith, an employe at the Robin son Packer had the misfortune to get his left hand caught in some ma chinery yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock. The hand was badly crushed and one of the. fingers had to be am putated at the- third joint.

Damaged Fire Hose Truck. The auto fire hose truck from sta tion No. 2 was slightly battered in a collision this morning with street car Isio. 36 on the Belt line, at the corner of Eleventh and Spruce. The front i axle of the truck was bent and it will dc out oi commission ior a day or two.

The truck was not answering an alarm and was not traveling at a high rate of speed when struck. S. E. Kansas Hospital News. Miss Maude ooper, a sister of Dyron Cooner, 305 est Third was op erated on this morning at the South east Kansas hospital.

A daughter was born at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the hospital to Mr. and -Mrs. O. Byrum of Quapaw, Okla. Mrs.

H. E. coop was able to leave the hospital today and go to her home in Nowata. She has been ill with typhoid fever for several weeks. Good Game in Spite of Rain.

Rain marred the success of Walter Johnson Day at Humboldt yesterday. Humboldt, with Johnson pitching, won the ball game from Ira Bidwell's Red Sox by a score of 1 to 0. The score was made in the ninth inning, so those who battled the elements to witness the game were repaid for inconven ience by the weather. Leslie Johnson and wife, and Russell Con-gier and wife accompanied Walter to Humboldt and attended the celebra tion. A foot ball game preceded the 1 ase ball game, and a dance and sup per toilowed in the evening, but Wal- ter uiu no remain ior tne evening iestivities.

The score was made in the ninth on error and Markley's 3-base hit. Loren Bader of the Boston Americans played third base for the Grays. Walt er Johnson struck out twenty men. lhe score by innings: R. II.

E. Red Sox 000 000 0000 3 3 Humboldt 000. 001 1 7 3 Batteries Red Sox, Falsken and Wallen; Humboldt. Johnson and Woods. Umpire Burtiss.

Still Missing. Mary Callendar5, who disappeared from her home in Aganippe Park. Saturday morning with $40 in bills. has not been seen since, says today Independence Reporter. Reports came that she was working in a local res taurant, that she was at Dewey and at rort bill, but she has not been found.

i Journal, want ads bring results. Plain Questions to Coffeyville People Every Coffeyville Reader Will Admit I the Soundness of the Logic Would LOifeyvule people recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills as they do if the medicine were not reliable? Would they confirm their statements after years have elapsed if their experiences did not show the remedy to be deserving of itT Statements like the following must carry conviction to the mind of every reader: Mrs. M. H. Graves, 316 East Elev enth street, Coffeyvillft, says: "I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at J.

S. Lang Son's Drug Store. Doan's re lieved me of a weak and aching back and other symptoms of kidney disor der. They have never failed to act promptly and I am now free from all symptoms of kidney disorder. No Trouble Since Almost five years had passed when Mrs.

Graves added: "The relief which Doan Kidney Pills bave me has prov en permanent. I have not had the slightest sigri-of kidney trouble since 1 last recommended them." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask -for fa -kidney remedy get' Doan Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Graves has twice publicly recom mended, oster-Milburn alrgs matter if broken. I pay $2.00 to FOR SALE Six used sewing per set.

Send by parcel post chines, some good as new. Terms and receive check by return mail. 50c per week. Call and see our elec- Mazer, 2007 South Fifth street. Pnil adelphia, Pa.

10-2-26 MEN WANTED For handling stock, etc. bteady work; good Call at timekeeper's office, six a. Sixth and Genesee Stock Yards Company, Kansas City, Mo. 9-l5-tf i I CHAMPIONSHIP 1 Attention Shippers and Others Interested "Below we give you schedule of express trains operating over The Union Traction Lines. It is the aim of this company to provide express schedules which meet the requirements of shippers located along our I line.

We appreciate the patronage given us, and if any shipper de- sires to make, suggestions which will improve our service to the ship- 1 pers whom we serve we will appreciate hearing from them. Kindly address the Traffic Manager, Coffeyville, Kansas." Very truly yours. a THE UNION TRACTION COMPANY, w. -W. M.

CASEY, Traffic Manager. I Moving to Virginia. 'Mr. and Mrs. Hallau and Hazel and Ruth, and son, Shirley, who for several years have lived on a farm south of town, left last night for Shoies, Virginia, where they will make their home on a farm.

They shipped a car load of several days ago. Home from California. Mrs. C. S.

Stevens and daughter and Mrs. Emma Griffith returned last night from a trip to California, where they spent four months. They returned via Salt Lake and Denver, stopping at both places. Township Board Met. The township board composed of T.

E. Storm, C. S. Carlton and Lee Har. bhaw went to Oswego Saturday to at- tend a meting of the township officers cf the county.

You are not through reading Th HI pasaiad 9Aq na rnun rcuano classified column. Journal want ada bring results. Old Hats Made New United Hat Works Felt and Panama 1 Hat Renovators Phone 174 908ft Walnut FRANK N. SKINNER Undertaker Phones 117 West lOth'St. Residence Office 161..

Anywhere RESIDENCE; 312 N. Sixth Independence, Kansas NO. 1 PARSONS EXPRESS i Openfto the; World $3,500 in Prizes and Trophies Wild Bill Ervdicott; R. Burr Ldmpkin 1 Farmer Henderson Floyd Bo weri And Others Entered Fastest Cars on Earth 6 Events Each Day -6 Leave Parsons Leave Cherryvale Arrive Leave Leave Cherryvale Arrive Parsons 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m.

.10 :30 a.m. 11:00 a. m. 12:00 a. m.

1:30 p.m. NOTE Parsons Express makes connection at with No. 3, Nowata Express leaving Nowata at 8:00 A. M. and arriving at Independence at 2:30 P.

therefore, freight from Nowata is delivered in Parsons on the same day, provided this company receives the shipment in time for No. 3 Express leaving Nowata at 8:00 A. M. Added NO. 2 INDEPENDENCE EXPRESS Leave Independence-Arrive Coffeyville Leave Coffeyville 8:00 a.m.' .10:00 a.m.

.11 :00 a.m. Arrive Nowata. 1:30 p.m. NO. 3 NOWATA EXPRESS Eighteen Years Experience Call Home Phone 1606-W Inde- Thorough Judge of Live Stock pendence at my expense FOR DATE Or Claim Date at Coffeyville-i Journal Off ice, Phones 71, and 74 COL.

CHAS. BUGG, General Auctioneer My Motto: "Fair Treatment to Buyer and Seller" Leave Nowata 8:00 a.m. Leave Coffeyville 11 :00 a. m. Arrive Independence 1:30 p.m.

CoffeyyiUe Friday and Sat. NOTE Nowata Express makes connection at Independence with. No. .1, Parsons Express which leases JParsona at 8:00 A. and- armes at Nov.

Cry Sales REFERENCE: Any Bank in Montgomery, or Labette County Independence at 11:00 A. Mi, therefore, freight delivered to this com-H pany at Parsons before 8:00 will be delivered in Nowata on the GENERAL ADMISSION-ALL EVENTS 50c Buffalo, N.Y. liu.iimni iWl illiUtllulllrt.HNJill.

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