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The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut • Page 16

Bridgeport, Connecticut
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Third Graders Pen Letters To Governor on Road Safety Teacher, in Reverse Twist, Alerts Children to 'Educate' Parents THOMPSONVILLE, Dec. 24 (AP) Mrs. Catherine Mazur, a third grade school teacher here, is giving safety education a reverse twist. Instead of urging parents to counsel safety to their children, she is trying to persaude her pupils to get their parents interested in safety, particularly highway safety. To that end she assigned her third graders the task of writing letters on safety to Gov.

Abraham A. Ribicoff whose two-year- old program of suspending the licenses of convicted speeders has gained nation-wide attention. The Governor also is chairman of the Highway Safety Committee of the National Governors' Conference. The laboriously penned letters, third grade phraseology unchanged, reached the governor yesterday. Accompanying them was a letter from Mrs.

Mazur who wrote: "I have been trying to develop in my pupils an awareness of the need of safety on the roads. The children, I feel, can be valuable instruments in making their parents more alert while driving along our fine roads. The class wanted you to know how they feel about your work." The children appeared to frown on litterbugging as much as on reckless driving. "We like the way you want people to drive cars safety all the time, and the way you want the town and the people not to throw things in the street," wrote Geraldine Bugby. But Elizabeth Ann Foley had some information to pass on to the Governor.

"Children are still throwing things in the road," she reported. For Karin McLaughlin there may be In store a Madison avenue career as a coiner of slogans. She wrote that "traffic roads are made for cars, not for accidents." A boy who signed his letter "your friend Milton" wrote simply: "I am glad that you make cars drive safely. I think you make good laws." Ribicoff wrote Mrs. Mazur that the letters pleased him, and that he agrees that children can become good safety campaigners.

PILOT A PLANE ON BUSY EXPRESSWAY ATLANTA, Dec. 24-(UP) A veteran Naval reserve pilot crashed his twin-engine plane on a crowded expressway here yesterday "because it was the only place we had to go." Lt. Cmdr. W. A.

Rosser, 32, said the Navy SNB was on a one- engine takeoff from the municipal airport when the one "live" engine failed. Rosser let down in a gap in traffic but one wing hit a pole and spun the plane off onto the shoulder. Rosser was unhurt. Lt. (jg) J.

F. Hahn, 42, and Lt. (jg) Grey Lindgren, 32, who were with him on the training flight, had minor cuts and were shaken up slightly. The single-engine takeoff, made with the dead engine's propeller feathered to prevent it from "windmilling," is a procedure in check flights for transport pilots. SILVER WILL JINGLE; NOT I BELLS TYLER, Texas, Dec.

(AP) There'll be lots of jingling around Tyler this Christmas, but it will be money, not sleigh bells. The $4,078.43 quarterly payroll for the Tyler National Guard unit arrived yesterday, all in silver except for the odd cents. The 300-pound shipment was flown in yesterday from Fort Sam Houston, Texas and was distributed last night. Capt. Norman Flippo, guard commander here, said the payment in silver dollars had a twofold purpose: "To let the merchants know what the National Guard means to Tyler, and for the jumpoff in a recruiting campaign." NECROLOGY John Chirry.

42. Kul Hotel. Deo. 17. Wllllsm J.

Talc. 62, ol 540 Bond sliwt. "Vloi-rii Cohen. 75. of 138 wheeler ave- May' Alpcrl, 71.

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Dec. 18. Alexander 1. olow. 79.

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ol 25 Sleuben ilreel Calaldl. 69. ol 58 creicent place "'Slchael Znber. 60, ol 676 BUIIman Bickley, 54. a 220 Main Muitun, ot JO School ilreel Bee.

SOVIET BOSS HINTS OF MILITARY CUTS vict communist leader Nikita Khrushchev hinted today that Russia is preparing to cut its armed forces in view of NATO's atest declaration against the use of force, Moscow radio reported. Khrushchev, in a speech to the Ukrainian republic's parliament Kiev, said the Supreme Soviet parliament) had recommended a study of such cuts last week. He added that "developments of science and engineering in our country" makes reductions in armed forces possible. LYDDY SEEKS 43 MORE COPS (Continued from Page One) Head near the City Dispensary milding. The department also needs seven new patrol cars, an additional car for patrol assignment the East Side; one pick-up truck or the sign painting branch, a one ton patrol-wagon, eight motorcycles, and two black sedans.

Several older model vehicles will be turned in to reduce payments, Supt. Lyddyj told James Tail, board president, when the alter inquired about the present motorized equipment of the department. Capital expenditures total $98,436. A separate appropriation of 1229,350 is requested as pension ayments to widows of policemen and retired policemen. Other new items sought in the proposal budget are new radios, pewriters, office equipment, steel filing cabinets, identification equipment, and new alarm and signal system.

Urges Police Academy In his budget report, Supt. Lyddy said he favored erection of a building in the upper North End area, possibly near 90 Acres ark, for use as a Police Train- ng academy, "Such a building should be of modern design with classrooms, nside shooting gallery with suf- icient firing points, a workshop or department mechanics, provisions for radio equipment, and other necessities that would be part of a modern police acad- the superintendent explained. He stressed that an outside shooting range, instead of the old ype now used in the basement of olicc headquarters, would be of help to the policemen. "I do not have figures on the cost of such a project, but 1 dp conscientiously feel it is worthy of favorable consideration. It would satisfy a need and it is in teeping with progress in the ield of police service," he said.

Lyddy Favors Pay Hike Supt. Lyddy ended his budget message by saying he was in favor of a salary boost for the department members. "While the matter of salary increase may not have its place in his submission of our police mdget, and while we are conscious of local problems and the iresent national economic situa- ion, I do hope that some means vill and can be employed so that avorable consideration will be for a substantial pay increase for the personnel of this department. A contented personnel enriches the moral of any )olice agency and I feel an at- ractive salary will produce that contentment," he said. The board voted to send a copy of the budget to the office of Vlayor Samuel J.

Tedesco and City Comptroller John J. Morris. 3 oliceman Cited or Capturing Suspect Patrolman Joseph Dzurilla has been commended by the Board of Police Commissioners for his art in apprehending a safe )urglary suspect two weeks ago. The board acted last night on he recommendation of Supt. John A.

Lyddy who cited Patrolman Dzurilla for "quick thinking and keen observation" in the arrest of Tibor Bihary, 19, a Hungarian refugee. Bihary, charged with breaking and entering in the attempted safe burglary at the Brewer- 3org company, State street, is awaiting Superior court araign- ment. The patrolman summoned ex- help and then entered the Building with two other policemen and placed Bihary under arrest. Supt. Lyddy said he cited Patrolman Dzurilla in a letter recently, and suggested that the board should give him a similar commendation.

The ckation will be recorded on his department service card, James fait, board president, said. YOUNG GOP EDITOR HARTFORD, Dec. 24 (UP) Appointment of Ronald M. Schwartz of Stamford as editor of "The Connecticut Young Republican" was announced today. The newspaper reports the activities of Connecticut's Young GOP clubs, Pastors' Sons Augment Choir Post photo Plummer Choristers in the traditional Christmas Eve candlelight service in Southport Congregational church tonight at 11 o'clock will include a trio of sons of ministers: (left to right) John R.

Feare, whose father Is the Rev. A. George Feare, member of the New York Conference of the Methodist church; E. Burnell Chaney, son of the Rev. Elwyn B.

Chaney, pastor of the host church; Robert W. Samuelson, whose father, the Rev. S. Willard Samuelson, is minister of the Baptist Temple, of Bridgeport. Mr.

Feare is a teacher in Horace Hurlbutt school, Weston. Mr. Chaney will graduate from university in June, and Mr. Samuelson is a member of the faculty of Grasmere school, Fairficld. DRIVER, CHASED BY COPS, HELD MILFORD, Dec.

24-- A West Haven man was arrested last night after a police chase through Milford, Orange and West Haven. Alfred lelpi, 29, of 52 Richmond street, was charged with speeding, reckless driving and resisting arrest. Police, said he has been taken to the Westport sanitarium by the Chamberlain ambulance. Patrolmen John Zientek and William Shea reported they were on patrol on the Post road at 7:30 p.m. when they saw the lelpi car traveling about 35 miles an hour in the middle lane.

They said when they motioned the driver to move into the right hand lane, he accelerated to 55 miles an hour. They stopped him a short time later. Asked why he had increased his speed, Mr. lelpi told police "It was in the interests of science." They told him to follow them in his car to police headquarters. Instead, Mr.

lelpi turned on the Post road toward Orange. The patrol car gave chase over the Orange town line. Headquarters radioed for help from Orange police and to West Haven authorities when Mr. lelpi reached that town. Chases Patrolman According to police, Mr.

lelpi chased a patrolman directing traffic in front of Barker's store as he bore down upon him with his car. The policeman ran into the parking lot as Mr. lelpi drove his car all the way over to the fourth lane in the oncoming side, police said. Police said Mr. lelpi at times was traveling at speeds up to 80 miles an hour.

He turned off the Post road in West Haven into Bull Hill lane. From there he drove on to Jones hill road into Woodmont road in the direction of Savin Rock and then turned into Richmond, finally halting his car in his driveway. Patrolman Shea said that when he went to the lelpi car, the West Haven man swung at him with his fist. He was overpowered and returned to Milford. SCHOLARSHIP CARD HEMPSTEAD, N.

Dec. 24 (AP) That Hofstra college "family Christmas card" offers not just sentiment-- but scholarship. About 125 staff members signed the card, each of them chipping in a donation as they did so. The $500 contributed will be applied next year toward sx- penses of two sophomores working their way through college. Home on Leave Pvt.

Michael C. Evancho of 181 Euclid avenue, Fairficld, ll at home on leave for the Ic training at the Marine Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S.C. The 1957 Bullard-Havcns Tech graduate entered the Marine Corps In August. He Is to report to new duty at Cmnp Gelger at Camp Lc- jeune, N.C. St.

Nicholas; His Legacy By INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, would have been rather surprised at his imitators of today, at cries of, "On Donner, Blitzen," at the jingle of sleigh bells, a laugh and a home at the North Pole. But he would have been delighted and certainly not surprised at what the modern day St. Nicholas, or Santa Claus, has come to mean, a spirit of anonymous giving. Over more than 1600 years, the man in the legend his changed, but the spirit of the legend is still the.

same. Almost all that is known about St. Nicholas is that he probably died on Dec. 6, about 343 AD. He lived in the busy port city of Myra in Asia Minor, where the little village of Demre now stands.

Watches Flock He watched over his flock of Christians, suffered with them the dioclctian persecutions that ended with the reign of Constantine. He was buried in a church now covered by eath and the newer church of St. Nicholas. There is a broken vault in the subterranean church from which his remains were stolen by Christians from Bari, Italy, according to legend, to protect them from Moslem hands. A church was built to honor bin! in Bari.

Many stories were told of Nicholas. According to one, he threw gold to three maiden daughters who had no doweries, and thus no hope of husbands. When caught by their impoverished father, Nicholas begged the man to keep his good deed a secret. Thus began his association with anonymous giving. He also brought children back to life-- thus becoming patron saint of small children.

Sailors and merchants took his name from Italy west and north. Traders and diplomatic emissaries took it north from Constantinople through Russia. Name Spreads Then his name spread even further north to the land of the Lapps and reindeer, and, having gone as far north as possible, turned south. When the Dutch settled in New Amsterdam-- now New York-they named the city's first church for the saint they called Sinterk- aas, who was changing rapidly. His nose turned red, his belly grew.

By the early 1800's, he was pictured as jolly, fat, red-suited and white-hearded. The practice of exchanging gifts had been shifted from St. Nicholas day, Dec. 6, to Christmas. Once more the legend turned back on itself, and now it is slowly working its way back through Europe, where St.

Nicholas Day and Christmas apparently are merging gradually. PEOPLE ARE SAYING By INTKHSATIONAL NEWS SEIIVICK WASHINGTON President Elsenhower: "Only (upon) evidence of (Kremlin) Integrity and sincerity and with (he spirit of conciliation on both sides, can there be achieved a definite beginning of progress toward security and peace NEW YORK-- ActrcssHclen Hayes: "I received a letter Anoullh. He said he was so honored that the of the American stage was playing his lead I looked (that word) up, and means 'the most ancient of the aged In a 2 SHANLEYS LOSE INCAPTAINCYSUIT (Continued from Page One) cil's power of limitation over the number of police officers. List Established In On Aug. 24, 1953, an eligibility list was established for the grade of captain to continue for two years in which Thomas Cafferty placed first and the plaintiffs Raymond and Francis second and third respectively, it was disclosed.

Subsequently, Cafferty was appointed to the newly created position of relief captain and plaintiffs were placed first and second on the list. At a meeting of the Civil Service commission July 19, 1955, Personnel Director John J. Linley read a report in which he suggested that the positions of clerk and training officers be allocated to the grade of captain, at that time occupied respectively by Sergeant James E. Falvey and Lieut. Francis Shanley.

However, the following month the commission voted to allocate the two positions to the ranks then in effect. This was done after City Attorney John V. Donnelly advised that the number of police captains could not be lawfully raised above seven as provided in the ordinance. The plaintiffs asked for a judgment declaring the ordinance null and void and an injunction enjoining the defendants from promoting any person other than the plaintiffs to police captain pending outcome of the action. Council Is Governing Body Declaring that the Common Council is the governing body of the City of Bridgeport and that "it can exercise all the powers which the charter confines to it except those expressly granted to other agencies," the Supreme court stated that "there is no express authority given to the (Civil Service) commission to fix the number of officers in the city police." Continuing in part, the decision reads: "The only authority given by the Civil Service act to the commission which impinges upon the power of the Common Council and the Board of Police Commissioners is the requirement that the board make appointments to the city police from lists of examined and qualified personnel certified by the commission.

This requirement meets the commonly accepted purpose and function of civil service. "So construed, the provisions of the charter and the Civil Service act as they bear upon the issues of the case, instead of being repugnant, fit together into a har monious body of legislation, as the Legislature presumably intended that they should." "The Common council having fixed by ordinance the number of police captains in the department at seven, the commission could not increase the number. "Nor can the board's appointment of Cafferty as relief captain in violation of the ordinance help these plaintiffs. One violation cannot justify a second and a third. "The later action of the Common council increasing the number of police captains to eighl was within its power.

The action of the commission in reallocating the position of clerk to the class of sergeant and the position of training and court liaison officer to the class of lieutenant was within its power. Neither action can be labelled arbitrary or unreasonable, because both manifested the purpose of complying with the law Misunderstanding Seen "The plaintiffs are the unfortunate victims of what appears to have been a genuine misunderstanding concerning the limits of authority of the Common council, the Board of Police commissioners and the (Civil Service) commission a misunderstanding which, from a study of the record in this case, appears to have plagued all concerned for a considerable period." The court concluded its observations by noting that employment list upon which the plaintiffs' names appeared expired by operation of law on Aug. 23, 1955, and the action of the commission canceling it proper." Associate Justice Haymond E. Baldwin wrote the opinion for the Supreme court. City Attorney John V.

Donnelly represented the Civil Service commission, the personnel director and the Board of police commissioners. Brennan, Daly and Seymour were counsel for the Shanley brothers. MAIN ENGINE FAILS; SHIP GOES AGROUND FORT WALTON BEACH, Dec. 24-- (AP) The Coast Guard said today the main engine of a small freighter failed in the gulf last night and the vessel drifted hard aground on the beach" at nearby Mary Esther. The vessel, the Ba- no apparent danger.

The 80-foot tug, Commander, was dispatched from Mobile, to pull it off the beach. The Balearls, flying the Costa Rican flag, was en route from Mariel, Cuba, to Pensacola, OBITUARY Speraadlno Arduinl Services for Sperandino Arduini, 69, of 135 Aih street, who died yesterday in St. Vincent's hospital, will take place Thursday at 8:30 a.m. In the Frank Polke and Son funeral home, 1546 Fairfield avenue, and at 9 o'clock in St. Peter's church with a solemn high Mass of requiem.

Burial will be in Mountain Grove cemetery. Born in Italy and a resident of Bridgeport many years, Mr. Arduini was a member of the Subalpino club. He retired four years ago as a press operator with the Decca Record company. He is survived by his wife, Mrs.

Elvira Arduini; a daughter, Mrs. Nicholas Bychkowski, of Fairfield; a sister, Mrs. Theresa Terusi, of Bridgeport, and one grandson. John Buckley Services for John Buckley, 54, of 220 Main street, a New Haven railroad employe, who was injured fatally Friday night when he was struck by an auto, took place today in Sacred Heart church with a solemn requiem Mass. Burial was in St.

Michael's cemetery. Mrs. Lewis Brown Services for Mrs. Louvenia Brown, 61, wife of Lewis Brown, of 62 Lawn street, who died Saturday took place today in the M. McDonald Isaac, funeral home.

The Rev. Thomas C. Me- Dougal, pastor of the Walters Memorial A.M.E. Zion church, officiated. Burial was in Lakeview cemetery.

Arthur Chaves Services for Arthur Chaves, 43, of 11 North Washington avenue, who died Saturday, took place today in St. Augustine's cathedral with a solemn requiem Mass. Burial was in Michael's cemetery. Louis Fiells Services for Louis Fielis, of Bethpage, N. uncle of Mrs John Moranski, of 42 Waldorf avenue, who died yesterday, took place today in St.

Ann's churcl with a requiem Mass. Buria was in St. Michael's cemetery. Mrs. Emll J.

Mangines Services for Mrs. Margarel Greene Mangines, 60, wife pi Emil J. Mangines, of 20 School street, who died Saturday, took place today in St. Ann's church with a requiem Mass. Burial vas in St.

Michael's cemetery. The celebrant was the Rev. Edward F. McCall. Seated in the sanctuary were the Rev.

Joseph A. Heffernan, the Rt. Rev. James F. Murphy, and the Rev.

Alfred D. Talbot. Sisters of Charity of St. Ann's church also attended. Bearers were Angelo Marse, Thomas Nucifora, Benjamin Nailer, Thomas Mangines, and Robert Brennan.

James S. Mellas Services for James S. Mellas, of 1592 Park avenue, who died yesterday in his home, will take place Thursday at 1: 15 p.m. in the Mullins and Redgate funera home, 1297 Park avenue, and at 2 o'clock in the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox church, with the Rev. William S.

Kehayes, pastor officiating. Burial will be in Lakeview cemetery. Trisagion services will be conducted tonight and tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in the funera home. A retired restaurateur, Mr Mellas was born in Greece, and had been a resident of this area over 40 years. He was a veteran of World War I and II.

He is survived by a daughter, Miss Barbara Mellas, of Bridgeport; four sons, Peter, stationed in Germany with the U.S. Army, and Stephen, Charles and Christopher Mellas, all of Bridgeport; three sisters, Mrs. Catherine Pee- pas, of Worcester, Mrs. Helen Mosdos, of Bridgeport, and A a a i a Yemnopoulos, oi Sreece; two brothers, John, and William Mellas, both of Greece; four grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Mrs.

Helen E. Nash Services for Miss Helen Evelyn Nash, 49, of 64 Meadow street, Stratford, who died Saturday, were conducted today in St. James church with a requiem Mass. Burial was in St. Michael's cemetery.

The celebrant was the Rev. Jean Tetrault, and the committal prayers were read by the Rev. Austin B. D. Sanders.

Bearers were Richard Noble, John Callachan, 'Charles Cullen, Robert Daniels, Joseph Swenk, and Stephen Roach. Edgar C. Smith Services for Edgar C. Smith, 42 of 1123 Central avenue, a truck driver employed by the Connecticut Paper corporation in Waterbury who died Saturday, took place today in the A. G.

Baker Funeral home. The. Rev. Howard C. Nutting, assistant pastor of the United Congregational church officiated, and burial was in Lakeview cemetery.

Clayton B. Proctor, Sr. Services for Clayton B. Proctor, 79, of 2654 Redding road, Fairfield, who died yesterday In his home, will be conducted wlvately. He was retired president and owner ot Proctor Broth- a lumber firm.

Burial will be private also. Mr. Proctor was a 32nd degree Mason, Knights mp 1 a of Nashua, N. H. He is survived by his wife, Alice Mae Garland Proctor; son, Clayton B.

Proctor, and two daughters, Mrs. James B. McKinney and Miss Patricia Leigh Proctor, all of Fairfield. Mrs. John F.

Fulop, Jr. BRONXVILLE, N.Y. Dec. 24-Services for Mrs. Ellen M.

Fulop, wife of John F. Fulop, who died suddenly Saturday night, took place here today. Burial was in St. Michael's cemetery, Stratford, Conn. Mr.

Fulop's father died last May and his brother, the Rev. Francis J. Fulop died Nov. 20. Herbert A.

Humphreys DANBURY, Dec. 24 Services for Herbert A. Humphreys, 76, of 20 Abbott avenue, a retired hatter, active in church and Fraternal affairs, who died Sunday in Danbury hospital, will take place Thursday. They will be conducted at 11 a. m.

in the St. James' Episcopal church, with the Rev. Richard Constantinos, assistant minister, officiating. Burial will be in Wooster cemetery. Mr.

Humphreys was born in England and came to this country with his parents when he was six months old. He was employed by the Mallory Hat company 35 years, retiring last January. He had served as a vestryman in St. James' church and was a 'member: of its Men's club. He was a life member of the Danbury lodge of Elks, which he joined in 1910.

He was chaplair of the lodge for more than 2( years and was exalted ruler in 1927-28. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Lillian K. Dean, with whom he made his home; a grandson Thomas H. Dean; a sister, Mrs.

Ernest Fuchs of Danbury; two brothers, Alfred and Robert Humphreys, both of Danbury; and several nieces and nephews. Mrs. John E. Hungerford NEW MILFORD, Dec. 24-- Mrs Lillian Adelle Wanzer Hunger ford, 95, widow of John Edward Hungerford, died yesterday morning in Avon.

She was a former resident of New Milford. Services will take place Thursday at 2 p. m. in the Peelen and Plahz funeral home, Grove street, with the Rev. A.

Russell Ayre, pastor of the First Congregational church, officiating. Burial will be in the Center cemetery. Mrs. Hungerford is survived by a son, Donald E. Hungerford, Bloomfield; two granddaughters, and three great grandchildren.

Mrs. Michael Shea NORWALK, Dec. 24-Services for Mrs. Rose Lee Shea, widow of Michael Shea, of 62 Putnam avenue, who died Monday in Norwalk hospital, took place today in St. Joseph's church, with a solemn requiem Mass.

Burial was in St. Mary's cemetery. A native of Norwalk Mrs. Shea had been a member of the Norwalk Council of Catholic Women. Surviving, are a son, Edmund Sfcea, of Norwalk two grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.

John Bailey NORWALK, Dec. 24 John Bailey, 51, died Sunday in his home, Roodner court. Services will take place Thursday at 1 D.m. in the Downer funeral home, 2 Stevens street, with the Rev. Felix Bagby, pastor of the Bethel AME church, officiating.

Burial will be in Riverside cemetery. A veteran of World War Mr. Bailey had been employed by the Lockwood Fur company. He is survived by an aunt, an uncle and several cousins. RATE SET FOR FUND TO PUBLICIZE I HARTFORD, Dec.

24 (UP) State Milk Administrator Donald 0. Hammerberg has set the rate for contributions by Connecticut dairy farmers to publicize their products. Hammerberg ordered an assessment of four cents per 100 pounds of milk produced, starting next month. This rate had been suggested by the farmer themselves. The money will be used by the wl organized Connecticut Milk for Health, established by the 1957 Legislature.

During a public hearing Dec. 11, the Connecticut Milk Consumers' association criticized this as a 'dangerous precedent" but Hammerberg said that only the lawmakers could change the program. POPE TO CELEBRATE MASS, GIVE BLESSING VATICAN CITY) Dec. Pope Pius XII will cele- irate midnight Mass in the private Vatican chapel. Earlier the aging Pontiff will press a button in his apartment ighting a huge cross on the side of the colosseum as a sign of the riumph of early Christian mar- yrs.

He then will impart to the world his apostolic blessing. On Christmas day the Pope will exchange small presents with vis- POLICE NAB 10 IN POKER GAME Bowling Academy Owner, 9 Players Held in Fairfield Raid Ten men were arrested by Fairfield police today at 3:30 a.m. in a raid on a poker game in the Fairfield Bowling Academy, 27 Unquowa road. Lieut: Harry A. Day led the raiding squad of six policemen after their suspicions had been aroused by a number of autos parked outside the establishment.

Police cut a chain on the front door to gain entry to the building. Lieut. Day said $5.50 which was on the table and a deck, of cards were seized as evidence. Frank DiSasi, 44, of 110 Brookridge avenue, Fairfield, operator of the bowling alleys was one of the 10 taken into custody. He was charged with operating a gaming house and released on a $25 bond.

Police identified the nine others, charged with frequenting gaming establishment, as Louis Martinelli, 49, of 98 Washington terrace; John Russon, 34, of 88 Marion street; Alfred Seperack, 38, of 157 Marion street; Henry Markiewiczj 50, of 656 Laurel avenue; George Dasakis, 47, of 835 Broad street; Anthony Mobilio, 35, of 501 Wood avenue; Philip DiPallo, 43, of 7 Ascolese road, Trumbull; Erwin Rubenstein, 41, of 108 Lighthouse avenue, Stratford, and Ross De- Primo, 43, of 630 Reservior avenue. All were released in bonds of $10, and are scheduled to face Town court Jan. 6. Participating in the raid with Lieut. Day were Patrolmen John Stciner, Ambrose Smith, Robert Janco, Gordon 'Edwards, and John Cataldo.

U. S. CLARIFIES STORM SIGNALS By SCIENCE SERVICE Dec. 24-- Beginning Jan. the Weather Bureau will use a new simplified systerr of flags and lights for warning ol storms along the seacoasts and the Great Lakes.

The new system requires only four separate flag or light signals, instead of the present seven. Explanation of the new signals: Small craft warnings: One red pennant displayed by day and one red light above one white light at night to indicate that winds up to 38 miles an hour sea conditions dangerous to small craft operations are forecast for the area. Gale warning: Two red pennants displayed by day and one white light above one red light by night to indicate that winds ranging from 39 to 54 miles an hour are forecast for the area. Whole gale warning: A single square red flag With a black center displayed by day, and two red lights at night to indicate that winds ranging from 55 to 73 miles an hour are forecast for the area. Hurricane warning: Two square red flags with black centers displayed by day and lighl between two red lights at nighl to indicate that winds 74 miles an hour and above are forecast for the area.

CLIFFORD KNIGHT, 72, NEWSPAPERMAN, DIES HARTFORD Dec 24 (AP) Clifford Burnham Knight, 72, outdoor writer and copy reader for the Hartford Courant, died yesterday in Peter Bent Brigham hospital, Boston. Mr. Knight, also a cartoonist, suffered a ruptured thoracic artery last week, and was transferred to the Boston hospital when a kidney condition developed after he had been in Hartford hospital several days. Mr. Knight who began his newspaper career as a cartoonist on the Akron (Ohio) Beacon at the age of 20, had been a member of the Courant staff since 1945.

His home was in Rockville. A native of Norwalk, he worked on the New York Evening Mail, the now defunct New York Graphic, New Haven Times- Union and the Bridgeport Times- Star and The Hartford Times before joining the staff of the Courant in 1945. Mr. Knight leaves his widow, Mrs. Daphne E.

Knight, a daughter and and three grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. HAMDEN FIRE SWEEPS SHOPPING AREA STORE HAMDEN, c. 24. (UP) Flames raced through a store in the Plaza Shopping Center last night.

Firemen spent two hours keep- ng them from spreading from An estimated 1,300 youngsters attended the PAL Christmas party yesterday -in rhe Bridgeport Brass recreation center. Patrolman Daniel J. Izzo was master of ceremonies. DEATH NOTICES ARDLLM In this city, Dec, 23rd. 1957.

Swrandlno Arduini. beloved husband ol Elvira Arduini. or 135 Ash St. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral from ihc funeral residence of Frank Polke and Son. 1546 Falrtield corner Hancock on Thursday.

Dec. 26lh at 8:30 a.m., and from St. Peter's church at 9 a.m. with a solemn high Mass of interment In Ml. Grove Friends 'may call Tuesday from 6 to 10 and Wednesday from 2 to 10 p.m.

BROWN-- In this city. Dec. 21. 1957. Mrs.

Louvenia Brown, beloved wife of Mr 'Lewis Brown, of 62 Lawn St. formerly of 207 Beardsley St. Funera services will be held from Home of McDonald Isaac 965 Stratford on Tuesday, Dec. 24, at 1 :30 P.m. The Rev.

T. C. McDougal Pastor of the Walter Memorial A.M.E. Zlon Church will officiate. Interment In.

Lakeview cemetery. Friends may call Sunday from 6 10 P.m.. Monday 2 to 10 P.m. CLEVELAND-- In West Haven. Dec, 23 1957, Arthur H.

Cleveland of 13 Mill wood Milford. In his 95th year Funeral services will be held af the Cody-White funeral home, 107 Broad Milford. Friday. Dec. 27, at 8:30 a.m., with a requiem high Mass at st Mary's R.c.

church at 9 a.m. Inter ment In SI. Mary's cemetery. Friends may' call Thursday 3 to 5 and 1 to 9 p.m. mUiCSON-- In Southbury.

Dec 21. 1957. John E. Ferguson 'of Klsh pock southbury. Friends are In vited to attend the funeral frorn the Honan 'Funeral Home Main Hew town.

Tuesday. Dec, 2-1. at 3 P.m Interment Thursday In Green Moun cemetery. Philadelphia. Friends may call, after, Monday.

Hiram Lodge. AFAAM will exemplify its funeral ritual Monday at p.m. at the funeral home. MELLAS-- On this city, Monday, Dec. 23 1957, James S.

Mellas, husband of the late Zoey Thouas Mellas, of 1592 Park Ave. Friends may attend the funeral from the Funeral Residence and Redcate. 1297 Park Ape. on Thursday, Dec. 26, 1957, at p.m.

and from Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church at 2 n.m. Rev. Pastor William Kehayes will conduct the services. Interment In Lakeview ceme Trisagion memorial services Tues 'day and. Wednesday at 8 p.m.

at the 'funeral home. Friends may call atte p.m/Tuesday. rROCTOR--In Falrtield. Dec. 23 1957.

Clayton B. Proctor, husband Alice M. Garland Proctor, of 2654 Redding In his 80th year. Sen- Ices private. Please omit flowers Nashua, N.H., papers please copy.

WALSH In Philadelphia, Dec." 22nd 1957. William Walsh, husband Violet Adams Walsh of Chestnut Hil Norwalk. Private funeral serv Ices will be held at the Charles Lewis funeral home. 83 State St. Wwtport, on Thursday.

Dec. 26'-r interment in Willow Brook cemetery There will be no calling, WIIXIAMS-- In Stratford. Dec. 23, 1957 Edward J. Williams of 85 Johnson Ct.

Stratford. Friends are invited to atteni the funeral from the Dillon Coll In funeral home, i Stratford Ave. Stratford, Friday. Dec. 29.

at 2 p.m Friends may call Wednesday 7 lo 10 p.m.j_Thursday 3 to 10 p.m. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear husband Ernest Dlsbrow, who passed away Dec 24th, 19Sfi. Little did I know that morn The' sorrow that day would brlnz; The call was sudden, the shock To part with one I loved so dear. To love, to hold, and then to part, Is the saddest lo the human heart. Only those who have lost Can tell, the pain of parting wlthou farewell.

Sadly missed by his Hetu Dlsbrow. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear lathe and grandfather, Stephen Popadlc, whc passed away Dec. 14. 1950. Deep in our hearts a memory will be kcp Of one, we loved and shall never forget Sadly missed by his daughters, son daughter-in-law, son-in-law, grandchild ren and wife.

IN MEMORIAM In loving tnemory of my dearly belnvcf husband. John Petrus, who passed away Dec. 2Jlh, 1955. Gone Is the face I loved so dear, Silent tbe voice to titar Of the one I loved and lost; My heart will hold It fast. It's said, time heals all sorrow.

And helps you to forRet, But so far time has only proved How much I miss you dear. May Ood grant him elernnl rest. Sadly missed by his loving wife Martha Petrus. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our mother, Mrs Mary Jack, who cited Dec. 24th, 1938 God knew that you were weary.

The road was hard to climb; So HI- your weary eyelids And whispered: "Peace be Sadly missed by family. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our beloved -son and brother, Andrew L. Casglnello. who passed away Dec. 24th.

1950. I cannot say. and I will not say That he is dead-- he Is just away! With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand. He has wandered into an unknown land And left us dreaming how very fair It needs must be since he lingers there. And you-- you who the wildest yearn For the old-time step and the glad return Think of him faring on as dear In the love of there as the love of here Think of him still the same, I say.

Please. God. grant him eternal rest. Sadly missed, by his mom, dad, bra Iher and sisters. IN MEMORIAM in loving memory of 6ur dearly LeJoved mother, Mrs.

Sadie Luciano, who pa set away Dec. 24. 1956. Dear Mom: We do not need a special day To bring you to our minds: The days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. It's said-- time heals all sorrow And helps you- to forget; Hut so far time has only proved to us How jnuch we miss you yet.

We wish the 'day never dawned That we- had part; For you Were fiber and core-Of "our hearts. As the years.roll on and the pass by Deep In our hearts a memory T-IH be kept Df one we loved and shall never forget sadly missed by her children and irandchfldren." IN MEMORIAM In lovlns memory of our dear father and -husband. Nichols Hrltz, who passed away four, years 'ago, Dec; 24, 1953. Your gentle face and pleasant smile With sadness we recall: You had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. The voice is mute and stilled the heart That loved us well and.

true. Ah. bitter was the trial to part From one so. good as you. You are not forgotten, loved one, Nor will you ever be As long as life and memory last will remember thee.

We miss you now, our hearts are fore Aa time soes by we mlsi you more. Your loving smile, your gentle face No one can fill your vacant place. SADLY MISSED BY HIS FAMILY. 1 Imiin InMrtlm mid In wrtt. lux 14 twin IN publication Htefi to 1 State 1 BrMitpwt the Eli Moore store at 2100 Dix- well avenue.

Damage was called 'considerable." Some smoke damage was re- 1 ported in other establishments. 1 llnJ Throngs of Christmas ammed. the area during the two-.

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