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The Parsons Daily Sun from Parsons, Kansas • Page 3

Parsons, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TH2 PARSONS SUN SATURDAY, JULY 21 1333 1 1 "MtVnmpn a tl7a.II at her home on Belmont women as well as Mca mn. After ILL TOCILDHEf PREACHERS THE GlIIIAL high five games were over It wpa dis In Society covered that Flossie Alder, Dorothy Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. at birth inherit a predispo. Shirt Annual Hammer and Marian Sly were tied LAXATIVE GOUBI! lost mi i siuon to Doouy ms and ail. ments more or less serious.

for the prize and in the cutting Dor-1 I.N'rw here is a scng for the baseball nine. othy won and was presented with 9 Ihe stomach and who strangled anJ vaUiantly fell. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, di pretty sUver nail file. Dainty refresli- I A song which (ball cheer tike a bumper of bowels are the most prolific sources of ill- sourafes ana lessens ambition; beauty, vigoi I nients were served. CHANUTE MADE IT TWO OUT OF wine.

And never a funeral knell. health. They are the hotbeds THREE AT ATHLETIC PARK YESTERDAY For the nian ho struggles and does his test ana cneertulness soon I Thursday High Five Club ueVS flf nil At nrAvi I 1 With never an effort the less. of disease, and because less at Wig. CD I Though the wreath of the victor were ne'er or diseased.

I Tbe Thursday High Five club met Kidney trouUs haj witn 5Ils Helen Hammer this week on his crest His failure is still a success. OTHER LEAGUE GAMES tention is given them, more evil can be traced Decome so prevalen' ana naa a pleasant time. iMiss Saran I Now here Is a song for the case ball jilne. mat it is not uncommon I Tart wa the winner of the prize, for a child to be borr Iwhich was a jeweled hat Din. The U't failure nut teacn yon tbe war.

directly to them Cherryvale Lost to Coffeyville by a For success that is snatched from our fail thantoanyother afflicted with weak kid weather was very warm tut the lovely mm ure is fine As tlie courage that springs from dismay. icys. 11 me cnua urm home nf tho Hammers was eml and organs of the bodv. Score of 7 to 1, While Independence Won From Bartlesville By Score of 4 ta 1 Preachers at Chanute Today. So up, and be doing, your victors were men.

Friday and Saturday, July 20-21, alc3 100 CI, en. It the rMnir Hifraehmonl. Where there is the least indication of Ana so, by tbe heavens, are you. Take a fresh grip on courage, hold to it.anl reaches an age when it should be able to the SuesU to forget lh heat trouble or you are feeling out of sorts, men rnnlrl Ih, I- nx UdL 111 (llMITS. We'll see what the morrows stall do.

In a game which was remarkable for bed-wettine, deoend unon it. th cm AMD the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the firsi Letters From Mrs Atkinson Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin In Honor of Myers A To) lack or judgment on the part of the nm pire, wild throws tn pari of Cha-niite, and errors by Tiotn sides. Par step snouid be towards the treatment Several friends of Mrs. W.

D. At- -I Mrs. G. W. Koch entertained Thurs kinson have received delightful let tnese important organs.

This unplea-an' trouble is due to a diseased condition cf th kidneys and bladder and not to a habit v. sons lost to Chanute yesterday after day and Friday in honor of her guest, ters from her about her trip over the Visst Itprtrmlo Tvnrs. nf St Ismla noon toy a score of 4 to 3. Neither BAft'iTntivftHnnnvMilTarhaN should be taken at once. "great divide." The judge pnd Mrs.

Atkinson are now, if all has gone well The daintly furnished home of the 5Upp5e- It is the best preparation for the stom- improvement over all Cough, Lur md heroic that tune there was noth- JauZ ing to rrar the sport but a few dec! Pfrnchial nmetUes. It CUta hu. was beautiful in it party and according to schedule, enjoyine I ach and bowels. the beauties of Yellowstone park they are all out of order, it will IT samished wWn decoratioos of and both need th; same ions of the umpire. irom ins mroai, arawt where your Uncle Samuel has neither eradicate the trouble, tone up the parts In the seventh Chanute got ore man 0Ul 109 iniUUTirnatlOn, reU8Ve3 U19 titv nor rural route.

rest0in ro tneir natural con- iiwa uuu fuu mitre, a idific luu he mud anj the irnmedlale of the latter lining been sent to Mrs. Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is by a friend In Cherryvale. by druecists. In fiftv- f-'K uiuon.

SYRUP around the bags, and in the eighth feverish conditions and strengthens three more got free passes around the muC0U8 membranes llnlnfiT tha communicates itwlf tn tKo Thursday morning at eleven o'clock I cent and one dollar A Dance Monday Evening whole system and its beneficial and tbe diamond.In the ninth Inning with throat and bronchial tube8. It acta On Monday evening boys of the curative effects are pronounced and the guests were invited to the high sizes. You may have a five t.tbles and a pleasant time passed sample bottle by mail younger crowa in society win give a i instantly experienced. r. eenuy on ma ooweis, inus expelling Dennis, who pitched for Chanute, ho- Ln 'a Dki vinsr the nomilar same.

An in-1 als pamphlet tell- homo Swamn dance in the pavilion at Forrest prk I It will keep you in good health will take place our annual shirt sale. Hundreds of shirts will be slaughtered during this sale. Shirts worth $1.75 choice for 89c Shirts worth $1.50 choice for 89c Shirts worth $1.25 choice for 8'c Shirts worth 1 .00 choice for 89c All our soft and neliee shirts go in this salt-. Shirts manufactured by the best manufacturers in America, such as Wilson JJros KclijHe, and Anchor brands. dr.caldweLLWyrW OI games at me ClOSO CI piaymg 5.

number nf h9v showed that Mrs. Oeorea Faxnaon I 01 tesiimonial letters receivec I been issued and a general good time 7 I FrAtM u(la. a 1 I h.i.l iw.n tho nri7P liMiitifnl rhrtn. in wriung ur. Mime: can be obtained in both dollar and half- nl in" sections, ceicre ne 7 dollar sizes from all druggists.

te1 he had been lefUhree "f19 Harmless Cure lor all Your money will be refunded If It of the Ministers had circled the dla- Coughs, Cold8, Croup, Whooping ft I Kr IJ Rinnhi I ah Ht L- sure ano is anticipated eusnvurc entitled, 'Peach 1 1 .1.1 wua I I XL. 1 Tl 1 TV 1 wmcn was graciously presenter to me rwt maki mltlaV, Kl aoes not Denent you. IU nuu snuas in ine organ i uuuij, eu. Dy nne-uif nf Thft ronsolation nrize.

c''o. -any mexx i uescay Your Dostal card reouMtwmhHnrh.fnm manhs to a series or hases on I Medicine Chicago. U. S. A.

uMiin, ijwa iiuiuui. ur. r. nmir Miss Clara Osgood of east Grand mail our new booklet, "DR. Caldwell's Iballs, hit by batters ap.d errors and S9K9P WONDERS" and free sample to wjm throws HerP WaHon nut In 1 1 rTVs anrA1.

ne picture woooay loves aie, was bwamp-Koot. and the ddress, awarded to Mrs. W. H. Penham.

JIlss on every bottle. avenue, has issued invitations for those who have never tried this wonderful ffiiity served punch to the ladies t'ur- next Tuesday afternoon when she will entertain for the Misses Louis rciueuy. rue tor it toaay. the box. and with only one score need --x i a ed to tie the game, the tafenders in MaS 1119 System 01 a COl inz the games and the hostess was as- and Cornelius Corse, of Kansas City, the batting list of Duffey's Dubs came b7 A3 A Cathartic CH sisted by Mrs.

H. Denham and lowing were the guests- Miss Gracio Missouri. PEPSIN SYRUP CO. HonUeello, Illinois 4 1 J. A.

1L. 1 Bcnha Tratber in serving the I Sanford, Miss Nana Madden, Miss delicious two course luncheon. The M-ei'a Talbot, Miss Helen Hammer. mmtrner's bench ln short order. 1118 DOWeiS.

C0ia Dy Harlan was In th box for the locals cuests were Miss Gertrude Myers, of Ms Cecil Wright, Miss Gertrude A Special Event on Now REEME'S PHARMACY. Miss Flossie' Adler has a "special wun cdmcot i wnnn and Ditched eood ball, but was iriven St Louis: Mrs. E. C. Clark.

Mrs. J. A. sevens, Miss Beth Spooner.Miss Ima poor support. in tne ma tne uuims- McGinnis.

Mrs. E. D. Carriuger, Mrs. s' 'ton, Miss Escn, Mis Mable 'late" with tlie m.

ai. v. tens auernoon George Ferguson, Mrs. A. Adams, McLaughlin.

Miss Sarah Taft. Hal Me- and is entertaining them at her home He Ci3imtd to Live Pars0ns and lers played like a lot of ruperannuated w)loe nose wis brolven at Parsons nil mJ wA I daris, Ralph Hacker, Worthy Wolfe, on east Corning avenue. Mrs. J. D.

McCaffrey. Mrs. W. H. Deserted His Br'is in Fort Scott rreiienck utivis.

Ernest Damtith, Ned wunicu, aim uiauc inn iw early tu the se is iii was put out of thfc necessary. Harlan stiffened up in hy a blow on ho side of the his "jints" and wants a rest for a few head. lirown was put in and Decanler Denham, Mrs Otto Feess, Mrs. F. P.

Stocker, Miss Flora Evans, Miss Ber Hammer, Martin Satterburg, Jack Chanute Visitors The following anneared in last McCurry, Harry I.usk, Freddie Rogers, Mrs. P. H. Dunning and two little 3. r.

winning auu iwu tha and Miss Bailey. uav ami ne can u. ju rtuu i was Iu the field, rrac- WOn the fame with hta htttlna Hugh Kieiser, Mr. Delaney and laughters of Chanute, are spending run for a first prize in a slow race, tfcally mm w. no.

Mrs. Koch gave her second party ln the "week end" With Mrs. (i. H. ut- honor of Miss Myeis Friday morning Cassedy, who pitched the second game and fielding Cv Ma-son got back on with Chanute has been released, Rnd first after a six 'weeks' lay off with a Xick Carter will the team at Cha- broken arm and played fine ball.

The at ten o'clock. This event proved a 1 1 IrrlUinlt a MnmA nn llf 1 A Birihdjy Party delightful musical given by Miss Tbir- 1818 and 1820 Main St. Si MerSstfdX MiT Bert "Seeing is believing" with one little SOCIAL.STS MAKE NOMINATIONS TSSTi iS Ut as accompanist and Miss nb. at least, in this city. Alice Cor- PtJ Um'aeri5 DSi Wilson a 'broken "y13 Nell Fergusson as elocutionist Miss was five years of age Wednesday Fred Warren, Managing Ed.tor of the se strand i Ha swore the team t0 join score RUE Ranlesville 00000 00101 107 Independence 01 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 5 3 Appeal Treason.

Fop Congress cross between a hospital and an or- Batteries Murnhy and Rartlev. Mosher has a lovely voice, is an ac- anJ C(Hlld not believe that it was her lUf Phan's home. Richardson Haas and Brown. Urn- coirplished vocalist and a favorite ultX wunoiu a paiiy ana tne m- Atkinson, who umpired yesterdays nires Brandon and Reuber. with Parsons people.

Miss Fergusson's I0.rmal aDair slie manipulated anu me young man was worneo. jie aiairn.ii, game, was at his bpt, wftich means were beautifully rendered with several of her little playmates as candidite for congress in this that he was a little better than noth Read The Sun. those from Paul Lawrence Dunbar's was all that was needed to con- and a call has Leen issued for a conn- Rn( thI, done He writings being the favorites. Mrs. vince her that she was "growing old" ty convention to be held in this city thlt npjr ing.

When Chanute changed pitchers tate and that the condition was that for at least ten minxes while Masnn he was not to marry until he was 22. changed his shoes and wirmed ttp.No He was then 21. The next d.3ry they Woodruff is a skilled pianist and one anJ at 01ir clock, when the next baturday. a the members or of the ravorite numbers was a solo in her biock, commenced to this party take any pleasure in playing rendered by her. Mrs.

Koch's as- arrive with gifts for her she spid: politics no objections should be trade sistants in entertaining her guests "New mamma my birthday has come." for they certainly cause no one any were Miss Bailey, Mis Prathcr and A picnic lunch of cake and ice cieam 'uneasiness, and do very well for a Mrs Denham. The two-course was served on the lawn snd many very political side shew while the main were married by the courtThis morn- one objected to his warming up sc long as he stayed in fie pitcher's box, but hc chanced his shoes right in front mT the fellow deserted his bride. They secured rooms from Benton (incl'oon was or bread and butter sand P'euy gifts left to remind the littlo performances are going on in the big Strnig for two days and when the tho Knii 8tirr'1 wiches. pressed chicken, salad and "ostess ot tue loiiowing lnends who tents. Ihey are what the fit woman ot ne pulIod up 8n(j-ieft- all kinds cf trouble.

Atkinson Is lives, cake and ices. The following eie present: Laiua rainier, 01 Ale- nmi tne snatse cnarmer are to the The POIlrt todav invMtirated the case to he an 'l and -ihe nests hope that Miss Myers will Lain, III Ida Fitzgerald, Lticile and main circus, where it doesn't cost lt developed that neither amount only thin: to hc hnnf''', he IlMKe an eitenueil Visit 111 rarsens; I "uuvijuii, wic man.i, uuiru iu s-i ouu uu "tu In mnrh The nrtlnns nf lhf vnnnr a neuer nail in i an urn verv much. nire or be will be fnrrod to play with Mrs. Arthur Lucas, Mrs. Ira Wherry, "oris Mevens, riora veiauie, uiancne couple, especially the young man, are At the congressional convention WiIontnn ind

Mrs. C. E. Snoouer, Mrs. J.

L. Walsh, and Lula Undger, Jlmta McLaughlin inexplicable. The court and the news held at Neodesha there were fiie can- Mrs. Malone. Mrs.

H. L. Ben and Elsie Baird. This morninar the Procher. left for paper men were worked." Mdates for the nomination and on the Chanute.

where thev will piav three diet. -Mrs. Young, Mrs. W. Denham, ilV aULli UIUII IVC J-41 UVOI Ul WVA Mrs.

Forbes Entertains third ballot Fred Warren, whose main Fames in relnrn. The will be oil Miss Lonora Hacker, Miss Mosher, Miss Bailey, Miss Nell qineations are that he is a little tZtrll lZt t'Jt lU and od and pnt the repair here have Thursday afternoon Mrs. P. J. and postoffice departments Forbes entertained several of her Li ore wild eyed than any of the rest Evans and Miss Be; tha Prather shop while there, and will lip In cool 't'-r TV.

i no knowledge of a man by that name. friends in a delightful manner at her nf the candidates was nominated. War- The records of the postoffice show "1 beautiful new home. The afternoon ren jS managing cdiior of the Appeal A Club Anniversary IS ll'l IfdM'll Vr. UTI.llM'JJ,'! nged.

Being at the bottom of the lad- was spent in playing various games to Treason, a socialist handbill print Three years ago, July thirteentlrthe that "Ernest Wood" receives mail on rural route No. 7, however, but the initial is missing. The probabilities i "EVtisioI T. Wrin1 ta Cnii ind the pleasure of the occasion was 0d somewhere in the jack oak swamps der the Prefcher3 only huve the'r Mpha XI was organized and the an- added to by a dainty lunch of cream, along the banks of Lagh'tning creek. choice of one direction md be, wia r.1tfiKr"ltki1 llV tn0 mOlll- 'eslcy aml cake scrved the nos- IK candidates were Dr.

one ho lives somewhere else than T'l0" 5. Bendure, The wants expressed them- of oswego, Dr. C. Baxter 7Z1 i selves as having spent a very ple-isaut of nartktt, Sam Smith, of start. Yesterday's score- RHE Chanute 0 0 0 0 0 01 04103 Parsons 0 000000033 7 3 Parsons and he gave his address at this place in order to gain the girl's Benedict.

1 These present ware: Mrs. and T. C. Davis, of f-onfidence as it is well known all l1 .7 P- J- Forbes, Mrs. Phil Boner.

Mrs. B. own dear Niels Larson was eleet- Battorins rarons, Harlan and Er- over the world that Parsons men al IS 'IWl UUIUIIflTS, JC'l I.IIC CLIVUIilUVIII I II. Stotts, Mrs. Osear Kyellandcr.

Mrs. Pj chairman of the congressional com It Is sympathetic, rich quality of tone which lias win: Chanute. Dennis Muson and this was not only on the thirteen- P. J. Nagle, Mrs.

Sterling, Mrs. Liittee and will have the directing of Bloom. Umpire Atkinson. Time ways wake good husbands, unless spoiled by associations with Other peo gaint.J lot th of 'the month, out to ftill further 'r, niZrZ' "A th FHtiiv th t.htr. P.iV,,L0C,,.n,,0.r' campaign, while Geo.

D. Brewer, 1:20 i ple or they marry someone withwhom Other Games In Tne State Leaaue M. i-S n. was elected secretary. pie or they mary someone with whom I 1 Vnt I v.

M. Mrs. w. Jones, miss i lungs that ever happens to a member FM Mrg MdneI.nVi L. of this club is tu set married, and fi ioUge Mrs.

H. 11 iwm pamp jjiackJmrn easily THE GAS SUIT MONDAY. spoil Sin. 101 tutt fonk thJ 0(1(, of th, serlofl ff0m have bwn the trouble In this case ut i ium u. 0oartn- Mrs, pan Bowser.

Mrs. W. Cherryvale yesterday The visitors Hearing cf the Injunction Proceedings in uif tiiUJ. it was tu iiu iiiicc siiiu A. Smith and Mrs Its great reputation, and it Is this quality, combined with punty an power, which mates this piano superior to others, and therefore the choice of great artists of the day Rei.scn.iuer, Oabrilowitsch, Campanarl, Lurmeisfcr, Nordiea and others.

Douglas. Mrs. II be Resumed in Probate Court. LABETTE ITEMS C. W.

Muiier. ontbatted the Blackbumwas light when men were on bases. The score RHE Coffevville 30 1 0100 2' 79 0 niierrvvale 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 103 vacancies that on this occasion Miss lhorta Talliot, Miss Rhoda Bartlett, and Miss Georgia Terwilliger wero duly initiated into the mysteries of The recent heavy rains no doubt The hearing for a restraining order asking that the Parsons Gas company Lodge Ladies Entertain VYf1nfis.lnv the Ii A. to the make corn, but not hay. Frank Cooper and Ves McConnell be restrained from illegally demand' the club with all the arpuitanancea nrothcrh(Krot Locomotive Fireiren Batteries Blackburn and Finney; ing a deposit of five dollars from the Csl1.ll I'UllUJlli, UCW vaiUaj.

We will take oui oM pianoln part payment, lowing you every penny it is worth, aud give you time oa the Wauce. Thus you may have the use of jio Uiett piano while yon paytoj fix Twill a at no tu-r than your effort come ao.1 talk uvs wStH Mk aad rtal caat UU what juv aw do matil rv trr. ind emoluments thereto pertaining. inJ that or(ier hc(, thoir niJU mect. The celebration of the anniversary wasL incn th John McConnelU was elected clerk 111 consumers before turning on nucpcnucncc odiiicsvnie i.

of the school board Thursday. held at Hoke's grove four miles from a' were i(n1ted t0 be resumed in probate i court next Mon Independence July 21. In a Clif Woods of Dennis is visiting rel- game full of hair raising plays, R.vrt- iowii, tne young laaies tahing meir ()r eterta'nment given un- lut siiimer with them in thirteen baskets, nf uvhh petitioners is that tho gas com- itives here. C. M.

Johnson's Music House Jim McConnell has moved from Par lesvilie was beaten by Independence yesterday hy a score of 4 to 1. Brilliant ind srending the afternoon in initiat- Th nroram carried out princi- temanding a de- BEN FAQAN That Funny Fellow. At Moorhead's CENTURY AIR DOME. Every night this week. sons to this city.

He occupies the place doubles were made on tioth sldes.Rich us iu meiuuvia am. u.v.u.s a i bv tne children, and to my thai 1 rood time, and while only a hazy i nnV l.intine at not om others. Several aiffidavits rrown as the Harvey property, corner ardrnn was hit harder than Murphy, of Parkrow and east First street. port comes from the grove, the stories manner a which each did Xheir ,0 this effe were submitted and it is but not effectively. Catcher Hiias, The K.

is putting in new rougnt to town Dy two iarmers, one rf fwn-l entertaining the members P11" win ue pienty oi sucn hat he had seen thirteen birds of par- L. tho tn F--nJal credit is affidavits produced at the hearing Mon- telegraph poles along their road. Mrs Henderson is visiting in oFrt Tq Scott l. I I I iilise roosting high In some trees In tIue t0 Mrg vebb for the manner In This, if proven, will bring the HoKe's grove and the other that "he which she the little ones and officers of the gas company within aw thirteen mermaids wading in the thanks cf the members are due to the law against d'serlminatlen ond a river, probably explains some things. heT an'(j alj those who took part iu the criminal prosecution may result which The Church of Christ commenced ColoreLdo Excursions a series of meetings Friday evening.

A man from Winfield will conduct tho meetings. 1 I If (XI Rev. Rhea and Arch Piper and his Everything passed on pioasanuy tor excellent program which proved so en- proven may land eomo or tne oin- he thirteen young on Frk'ay, tertaining. cers the sas company in jail, ds well he thirteenth day of the mcnth until as make them liable to a heavy fine. hey were about half way home when Mr6 ohler Entertains.

The opinion prevails here that there be single tree to their ark broke and Kohler entertained Fri- is going to be some pretty close skat- laughter, Helen, went to Parsons on THE "DODGING PERIOD" of a woman's We, Is the came often given to the "change of life." Your menses come at long Intervals, and grov scantier until they stop. Some vomen stop suddenly. The estire change lasts three or four years, and lt is the cause of much pain and discomfort, vtlch can, however, be cured, by taking Tuesday to hear Dixon and Sam oJnes. Mrs. A C.

Lamm Is visiting her mother and brother in Colorado. they were. delayed while the damage at her borne on Grand ing along the edges of mighty thin Ice was being repaired. But even this avemie jn compliment to Mrs. Will The outcome of the suit Monday will was not regretted because it extended c-f, nf pawhiiskT Okla who has bo watchd with interest by the Par Mr.

and Mrs. Bennett ot the Hotel Bennett, were ln Parsons Tuesday the pleasant time until 11 oclock GSt for the past week, sons people, ordering a new organ. vhen they arrived home.confiuent that nriv whist wns the sramo and a very All Summer via the Santa Fe. Tourist tickets on sale every day at very low rates. To pain a pleasant and auspicious introduction to Colorado you should travel Santa Fe.

Tlie magnificent mountain panorama--over one hundred miles long seen en route to Denver and through Pueblo and Colorado Springs prepares you as nothing else can for those other attractions offered by this great vacation land. Tullmans, chair cars, fast trains and Harvey meah. A combination appealing to discriminating travelers. far as thirteen being an unlucky -95 "loved In rlav and K. T.

Excursions Frisco fcxcurslont. Round trlD tickets on salo to Ken- number is concerned, there is nothing I voting with Mrs. Steele ho has a Chicago and return, rate 21.40. in I i I 1 11 1 great many friends in Parsons who 1111111 ijy, tuckv, Ixmishna. Mississippi North and South Carolina, Virginia, Florida VIHE A i of Wm and Tennessee at very low raws.

would be pleaeed to have her return it Church Affair. anJ aainPmaUe this city her home. Springs, $19. return trip limit The Parsons auxiliary to the delicious were served. Mn 11150 Women's Board of Mrs.

J. A Murray of St Louis anc tssions held an Interesting Mrs E. B. Corse of Kansas City, were and return, 121.40; Milwaukee. and return, 124.75 on sale daily untl September 30th.

WomaiVo Relief Summer tourist rates to California, meeiing in me panors ineitne wner out oirowu quests Desaiptire literature h. For rates, time table luIJcit, 9 reietvatiom, apply to Homeseeker tickets on sale erery L. B. Smith, Passenger Agent, Kansas City, Mo. Christian thurch.

The meeting wa3 first and third Tuesday in each month Oregon, Washington and Idaho points it very low rates. in chanre of the seventh division. I A Party in Prospect For further information see E. N. Ogden and Salt Lake City, ind leader.

Mrs. Bertha 0en3 and One of the delightful events which airCn pars0DA Kas. Mrs. Ella Gilbert Fang a duett, "India" is in anticipation Is a party whtcn win return $32 on sale daily until September 30. return limit October 31st ith Mrs.

Mary Owens as chairman, be given by Miss Rhoda tiartiott ena It quickly relieves the pain, nervousness, Irritability, miserable-cess, forgetfulness, fainting, dizziness, hot and cold flashes, weakness, tired feeling, etc. Cardut will bring you safely through this "dodging period," and build up your strength for the rest of your life. At all druggists In 1.00 bottles. Trylt Denver. Pueblo and Colorado and as this was the tutiect for the Hattie Planck at the pavilion on afternoon, it was very apprcpriate.and Wednesday evening of next week.

The Ld unfair to pricklayers' and Masons' Springs, $19 round trip, on sale daily nntn September 30th, return 'Imit, October 21 sL '-nesn much appreciated. Mrs. Ubby W1L- invitations nave Deen issuea. No- 7 Kansas B. and M.

V. It. J. Churchill, secretary. son read a paper on "Eelaopur" which We have excursion rates to many gave interesting Information on the An M.

M. C. Session Miss Louise McCurry entertained Read The Sun manners and customs of the people points. If yon are contemplating a trip, call at Frisco station and let ns rjuote yon rates. that part of India.

Calcutta was ably disctused by Mrs. Miirgaret (Wells "EVISYTSINO EUT BXATU, I suffered," writes Virginia Robson, of Easton, "until I took Cardui, which cured me to tuickiy It lurpriid toy doctor, who didn't know I was taking it." wins us a lima freely and frankly, telling as all your troubles. We will send Free Advice (tn plain, scaled envelope). Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept.The Chattanooga Medicine Outtanoota, Term. while Mr3.

Emma Bennett told of Rath C. Knight, agent Stereopticm Lectures Five nights in the holy lands by scenery, people and their customs. Mrs Arden Smalley gave some facts regarding Mahaba and the establish HOSPITAL MUSICIANS SAID: "IT VOUU DELIGHT t'S TO FIND SOMETHIHfl TO ClEZ THIS DtAI OLD SuTtTUL" Uk. B. W.

Eosa, St tools. Mo. BiCHMOSB, Not. A 1Kb. Rev.

M. R. Murray at the Christian fc I ii i urn. r- 1 ment of the mission field at that point while Mrs. Helen Gchring told of the Diar Sir: Tbe charity patient In whom I am so mnrh lntomtd church.

Monday, Tuesday. Thurcdar Friday and Saturday, July 23. 2 2C, rAid the Southweft Have yon seen the new magazine, Southwest? It is published in St. Louis (formerly the Frisco Magaiine). It is published by a Southwest man, contains stories of the Southwest and sr tides of interest to Southwest people, contributed by Southwest writers.

It circulates in the Southwest, and contains the advertisements of Southwest firms. It will aid the Southwest in all her aims for more people, for more factories, for advantageoss legislation for investment, immigration and irrigation. Aid the work and benefit yourself by subscribing. Send 50c. for year, 25c.

for six months, or a postal for a sample copy FREE. We also ansnvr free of charge, inquiries from persons interested iii settling or investing in the Southwest and furnish advertising rates on application. Address SoUthweit, 102! Frisco Building, a Loua wan eveDiy-nve years old at tne time mat sue naian toe eaeoi -w and berweichtwaslJUlbe. IlerhralUi hu been poor for eocne time Mot, women of India and their need of mis 11 and 28 at 8 o'clock p. m.

Admission 15 cents. Children. 10 cents. iron spioai trouoie, acooraina to we uiacixi ui ise i dance, gbe hu been a hard vorker all her life, having sionaries aud the advantage the made ibe living for her family keepiniborden. Some hat over a year American women have over their sis ters in India.

Mrs. Bertha Owens Pont neglect having your baby's ang a beautiful solo which was very picture taken. It don't cost much at much enjoyed and Mrs. Alice Thom- )ates' gallery. asson conducted a contest on the "mis ionaries of India," which was both 1 atltf make a 16x20 portrait free and entertaining.

Dnring with a dozen photographs a Gates' Cillery. the social hour light refreshments were served and a pleasant time was mo eciema btaa to trouble her. it cradoaliy frew won and won until her entire body was affected, le being a sua of tores em-Stsotly separatinir. Tbe itebing and burning nenution was so dreadf ol atumesiuatitwMlmpowiblelor hertosleepdayoroiFht. Tbedoctors (two of our best) pronounced the earn incurable, sod when 1 asked permission to ese "Zemo" promptly said, "It would delight as to find something to core tbn dear old auflVrer." "Zemo" was brat osed on tbe upper pan of tbe body and soon relieved tbe paiientof tbe terrible di-trussean-d by the lu hiug and born inc.

Toe doctor bad been dressing the l(wi erery dav. but aa soon as tbey saw Urn wonderful change is tbe skin where Zemb" bad been consent to bavelt ed on the legs. Gradually tbey began to improve and are bow almost aa smooi as the ace. It was prubably about a month before ranch relief experienced in this part of tbe body, tbea skin scaled ofl. itching, burning arid aching gradually eeaied.

It seems now if ateMlmonial Blight be given, not the patient thinks that sba had better -Zemo" a few weeks longer before taring that she is cured. However, abe Is very grateful to ail who have been Instrumental In serahnc your wn-Cmlai rcaioly and thiaks that 1 1 ban a great futare before it. Eespecifnlly, (MRS.) MARY PERRY ELLIS, Nurae in Hospital, tU. 2QS 8th St. ECZEMA, PIMPLES Mrwsi enjoyed by all.

Don't pay two price for photo- A ff MxtCr' om- A 1 iniinnl, Go to Oates sailer. In Honor of Miss Sanford Miss Margaret Gaffey was hostess at 'tfmfa To GOLOHADO, UTAH mm AHD PACIFIC COAST POKJTO The Missouri Pacific Kail way offers an excellent route through Scenic Colorado with service second to none. Thronh Standard Pullman and Tourist Sleep Ini Cars and Dlnlni Car service all tbe way. Tte Best Route to St. Louis and dl points East Fall Information by Addressing cTe.

STYLES, S.E.LOWE, Jr. assisTSMT atNtasL passcaeca ascNT, tmssuko rasstnoca aacaT, KANSAS CITY, MO. very I'elightful party Ttnrsday ev Cc-ccr Cea fcs Cured. For year Canxr baa been classed among ening. The event was in honor at th Incurable diseases.

It la now proves to M'sa Gracie SanfnH. vhn left today WITH nilKIAftlCi (in for her new home in Dallas. Tex. The ajjo aix Sox ass tcaxs cuxasEs cut ctrus it ntertaining consisted of the variety be both tocal and constitutional, and wba treated from that standpoint can 1-e cured. This, no doubt.

wiU be gratefully received by many poor sufferers. Dr. O. A Johnson, room 152, Ml E. 12th St.

Ksnras City has just Issued a book describing the differ which Is known as "the spice of life" i there were a. few games of cards. I 1 little dancing. nonsense and a a. -1 yy ent varieties or cancer, giving sympwns, and his Mild Combination Treat EXACT FACSIMILE OF PACKAGE little sense, and a whole lot of general ment, which is applied both locally ana m-ternall.

It eliminates all poiaoaona sub sood time that made it one of the A CZXAN UQVI9 VOX. EXTXK5AL VSS PIXASANT AND COKVEKHKT TO VSB Delivered to Your Door, 45 Cents A a jost delightful parties of the week. stances amd destroys the eaneerooa growth. Writ to Dr. Johnson and ha will send bis Tho refreshmeuts, which the by3 es book free, also absolute and convincing Hi 3 CJUAfiajtTIID) AND BOLD CY W.

C. McKEE proof of his ability to car this dread dla- pecially liked, were pineapple sherbet, macaroons and lady fingers. The fol-J.

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