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The Twice-a-Week Dispatch from Burlington, North Carolina • Page 3

Burlington, North Carolina
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The5 State Ditch VH' 'J- show that the shooting was' done Mortage Sale. 1 1 i "1 1 milT- ttancron one had discharged dynamite. Items of General Interest tSV.i... By JJ S-'Frost, D. S- Defective teeth And Disease! Dr.

Henry Mison a man whose opinion is highly regarded by the dental medical profession, and who is'a professor of diseases of the nervous system in the Western Reserve University, has published a little work on "Instfir -nia and Nerve Strain, in which he cites numerous cases where insomiiia, neurasthenia, melancholia -dementis, precoxxand mania were discovered to have their origin. diseased or impacted teeth. The bacterioloerist has found tne uncared for mouth to be the best possible olace for the culti va tion of bacteria, (germs) and as nearly all bacteria enter the body through the mouth, the importance of the care of the mouth and teeth as a factor in maintain ing public health is established. Disease germs lose their strength and activity when the mouth is kept clean, and this is true of the germ of pneumonia which is present in' at least 15 ner cent of the human mouths. If the mouth is well cared for the danger from pneumonia is very much reduceo This disease frequently follows another! and in Tire vai tin tr tnis the cleanliness of the mouth is of great importance.

Neuraltria. earache, evetrouble also swelling of the glands of the neck are often dependent upon diseases of the teeth. Falls Ylctom Tt Tbiem. S. fiends, of Coal City.

Ala, has a justifiable grievance. Two thieves stole his health for twelve years. They were a liver ard kid ney trouble. Then Dr. King's New Life Pills throttled them.

He's well now. Unrivaled for Constipation, Malaria, Head ache, Dyspepsia. 25c at Freeman Drug Co. Handsome Scarf Pin FREE A Pbeaomeoal Offer Made by a New York Firm. Thousands all over the United States are taking advantage of a generous offer of the Gotham Company' 1161 Broadway, N.

Y. City, making request for a beautiful gold-plated scarf-pin for lady or gentlemen, which is mailed to any one sending name and address free of charge. This offer is made to Introduce their catalague of general merchandise, household goods, jewelry, novelties, Readers of this paper are requested to send name and address immediately, inclosing five two-cent stamps to cover packiife and postage. Send to-div and receive with out cost a piece of jewelry that you will be proud of. Read the ads in the Dispatch.

Under and by virtue of th; power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed oh the 1st day of April, 1897, by J. P. Westmoreland. L. H.

T.nv nrrl Y. M. Westmoreland. asTmfifpps of the Christian Disciples church of Elon College. N.

C. to Graves. Trustee for the A mpri- can Christian Missionary Society and recorded in the office of Kesrister of deea for A iamanw County in Book 21 of Mortgage Deeds, pages 201-207. The said Hj. r.

Graves Trustee, through his attorney will offer for sale at public out cry to the highest bidder for cash at the court -honsA door in Graham, N. Alamance County at noon Saturday February 25 1911 the foowing described tract of land lying and being in Alamance County and State of North Carolina to wit: Beginning at a holly bush on West side of the Shallowfbrd road, said Patton's corner, running thence with the line of the said Patton's, South 8 deg. E. 1 ch. to a stone on said line, thence 85 deg.

W. 2 chs. and 50 links to a stone thence N. 8deg. W.

1 ch. to a stone on the said Pattoris line thence with said line3. .95 deg. E. 2 chs.

and 50 links to the beginning containing one-quarter (1-4) acre more or less. On whicfr is situate a frame church build ing in good repair. This the 20 day of 1911. 1 American Christian Missionary Society. E.

P. Graves, Trustee. Jno. R. Hoffman, Attorney.

One Magazine AND One are indispensable to every person of intelligence. The "one magazine" is CURRENT LITERATURE, because it alone sweeps the whole field of human thought and action in both hemispheres. It contains a monthly review of the world's news; quotations from and comments on the press of the world; nume- rous graphic cartoons and other illustrations: photographs and biographic sketches of the conspicous personalities of the month; the most recent ad varices th science mi recovery; the noteworthy events in religion, literature and art; critical reviews of the best fiction, dramatic and musical works; a page of the best humor and a condensation of the leading play of the month. It gathers impartially from every field of human thought and activity those, facts which are best worth knowing and gives the reader a clear, well defined and illuminating view of what the whole wrorld is doing. CURKEKT LITERATURE I Rnth far for one year $3.00 i UUIU IUI THE STATE DISPATCH dQ for one year $1,00 1 M0.

After La Grippe "I had suffered several weeks with LaGrippc. Had pains in my head and eyes. It felt ms though there was a heavy weight on the top of my head, until it seemed that my brain would burst. I was so nervous that I could not rest or sleep. When I dozed off I would awake with a sudden jerking of my whole body.

Dr. Miles' Nervine, Heart Remedy and Nerve and Liver Pills cured me. A number of friends have since realised the same benefits." MRS. ALVIN H. LOCKS, Seabrook, N.

H. The after effects of Lsi Grippe are often more serious than the disease, as it leaves the system in a weakened condition that invites more serious- troubles, such as pneumonia, etc Dr. MiW Restorative Nervine should be taken for some time to thoroughly restore nerve strength. Dr. Miles' Nervine told by all drug gists.

If the first bottle does not yeur druggist wlU return your, MILES MEDICAL CO, Elkhart, ineV Newspaper in self defense. Ifoemtrto Cbroitcte. The first train to run on sche dule on the Southbound Railroad arrived Monday shortly after 12 clock from Winston. The train stops at Albemarle for the pre sent but a large force is employed in putting the track in readi ness for the opening pi traffic on the entire line. Ml.

Alrj Leader. Dr. B. W. Mebane a former pastor will preach at the Presbyterian church, in this city this evening at 7:30 o'clock.

This will take the place of the regular prayer service and the public is cordially invite i to be present. The compressor at the big quarry near this city broke down on yesterday and temporarily suspended work at this enter prise. This simple demonstrates how a small accident can effect a large piant for this one threw a- bout four hundred men out of employment for a few hours. Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County, made in the special proceeding entitled Jas.

A. R. Davis Adminstrator of Caroline Lee deceased vs Addie Moore and Sadie Moore the same being No; 624 upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commissioter, will on the 11 day of March 1911 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in Graham N. for sale to the highest bidder for cash two certain tract of land lying and being in Burlington and Graham Townships Alamance County, North Carolina Lot No.

1 and bounded as follows: On the north by J. H. Brooks and others, East by Glenco Road and on the South and west by R. J. Hall containing one acre more or less.

Lot No. 2 Beginning at a stone, corner of Lot No. 2 running thence S. 4 1-2 deg. W.

10 chs. and 25 links tu a stone corner with lot No. 2, running thence S. 84 1-2 deg. E.

5 chs. and 15 links to a stone corner of lot No. 4, thence N. 85 1-4 deg. W.

5 chs. and 15 links to the beginning, containing 5 2-10 acres more or less, J. A. R. Davis, Com.

This the 7 day of Feb. 1911 life Saved At death's Door. "I never felt so near my grave writes W. R. Patterson, of Wellington.

as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 100 pounds in spite of doctor's treatment for two years. My father, mother and two sisters died of consumption and that I am alive today is due solely to Dr. King's New Disco-1 i i i very, wmcn completely cured me. Now weigh 187 pounds and have been well and. strong for years.

jQuick, safe, sure, its the best remedy on earth for coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, and all throat and lung trouble. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Freeman Drug Company. Administrator Notice.

Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Carolina Lea, late of Alamance County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Burlington on or before the 3rd. day of February 1912 or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Jas. A.

R. Davis, Administrator. This the 1st day of Feb, 191L Tertnred for 15 Years. by a cure-defying stomach trouble that baffled doctors, and resisted all remedies he John W. Modders, of Modders-ville, seemed doomed.

He had to sell his farm and give up work. His neighbors said, "he can't live much longer." "What ever I ate distressed me," he wrote, till I tried Electric Bitters which worked so wonders for me that I can now eat things I could not take for years. Its surely a grand remedy for stomach trouble Just as good for the liver and kidneys. Every, bottle guaranteed. Only 50c at Freeman Drug Company.

A young man named Roosevelt has dramatically appeared in the New York senate, leading the Democratic Insurgents against Sheehan. i The country sits up and watches him. 1, 0. C. Cars pass the door to all parts of the City.

Kear State, Nary and Treasury Depts. A first class modem hotel. American plan. Moderate rates. Rooms single or en suite, with or without private bath.

The service and cosine of the Hotel Bancroft combine every convenience known to hotel manafement. RATES American $2.50 to $4 per day. European $1. CO and upward. IL H.

BENSON, Prop'r. -THE- Baltimore American 1773 The Daily American Terms Irf Mail PUg Prepaid. Dftily, One Month .25 Daily and Sunday, One Month .40 DaSy, Three Months -75 Daily and Sunday, Three Months 1.15 Daily, Six Months, 1.50 Daily and Sunday Six MoBtbg 2.25 Daily One Year 3.00 Daily, with Sunday Edition, Ow Year Sunday Bdition, One Year. "L50 The Twkc-a-Week American Tbe Cheapest and Best 'Family Newspaper Published. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR 8ix Months, 50 Cent, TH tWltE-A-WEtK AtiEfttCAtt ie pnb- liehed in two iesmes, Tuesday and, and Fmay nornin9; with the news of tm week in eonnct shape.

It also eoni tains intrestink special entertaining fopmnces, good poetry, lo- eal matter of general interest and fresa miscellany smtable for the home circle. A carefully edited Agricultural Department and a full and reliable Financial and Market Reports are special features. IICHAS. C. FULTON Co." FELIX AGNU8, Manager and Publisher Anericu Office.

BaHkssre, Md THE Charlotte Observeif TheLargest andBest Kevr' paper in North Carolina. Every day ia Year, $8.00 a Year The Obobbteb consists of 10 to 12 pages daily and 20 to 32 pages Sunday. It handles more news matter, local State, national and foreign than any ether North Carolina newspaper. THE SUNDAY OBSERVER is unexcelled as a news medium, and i also filled with excellent matter of a vxl cellaneous nature. Address THE OBSERVER CO: Charlotte.

N. C. Mother's Jay. One bottle of your Mother? Joy Quickly relievedjmy- EtJebor, Who, in delight Mother I Please send down town and get another. I complied at once with his re-- quest And relieved aJl pains in back and chest, Should hold you as a -vice Jus1send at once to R.

F. Rice HisfMother's Joy will, curejycu too With this advice I 11 sey wasbfngfor No one seems to know anvthiner about how it happened who did it SreeisDm Patriot Jim Suits who has been wanted by the goverment and state officials for several years to answer the charge of bfocading, was captured last Friday morning in Greene township at the home of his mother near Mt. Hope church. The arrest was made by Deputy Sheriffs John Weatherly and George Crutch-field of this city and Henry Andrew of Jefferson township. The officers also captured a portion of a blockade distilling outfit although the distillery had been removed.

The distillery was located on the Al. Neese place near the Clay township line. Suits was brought to Greensboro and com mitted to jaiL Tuesday he was given a hearing before Squire Collins and held for the Superior court. He was remainded to. jail in default of a bond of $500.

Elfdi Times. Mr. J. C. Brann a successfull fanner of the Hamptonville sec tion was in town last Monday on his way to Winston to have a modle of a tobacco caser made.

Mr. Brann has recently invented this caser and a patent has been applied for. Mr. Brann is sure the caser will do the work and the price he says will be in reach of every farmer. John Cook, Sandy Taylor and William Simmons were tried last week in the Surry county court at Dobson for the killing of a negro named Tilly at Pilot Mountain some time last year.

The men were found guilty. The Judge gave Cook five years in the pen- etentiary. Taylor and Simmons were each fined $125 and costs. Webster WeeUj. Somebody is dispensing wnis-key in Reidsville in sufficient quantities to make men beastly drunk.

A white man was full Saturday evening to the back teeth and he didn't from Danville Mrs. Joe Cates who went to Burlington some time ago to visit relatives died Monday. The remains arrived this evening for interment here. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved young husband and other relativer. Before her marriage last year Mrs.

Cates was Miss Blanche Toler. ORANGE COBXTT 9BSEBYER. Mr. James McAdams one of the best citizena of Orange County died at his home in Cedar Grove Township on Tuesday night Feb. 7 about 11:35 o'clock Having been born on the 10th day of April 1.8-18, Ms.

McAdams would have peen 93 years old on the 10th day of next April and one of the oldest if not the oldest citizen in Orange County, He was in good health all of his life and only confined about one month before his death. He is survived by six sons and three daughters, his wife having dieci a good many years ago, Mr. McAdams had been a faithful and consistent member of Cross Roads Presbyterian Church for many years, The funeral and burial services were conducted by Rev. W. O.

Sample' the pastor at Cross Roads Church Thursday afternoon. SUer City Brtt. Mr. Evander McKernan, of Sanford while working on the bridge force of the Southern Ry. at Cumnock, fell from the trestle Sunday a distance of thirty feet breaking thereby his ankle.

He is a very heavy man weighing possible 225 pounds, and it is fortunate his injuries were no worse. Deputy Sheriff Hackney broke up a blackade outfit in Baldwin Township Thursday and Deputy James T. Wright broke up one on Hickory Mt Friday. Both outfits were carried to the County jails where they will later be destroyed in the presence of the County Commissioners as required by law. The officers are quite active and we hope they will continue their efforts.

Robeson Adyance Chess Green shot Lewis Pur-cell at a negro party" in Blue Springs Township Thursday night It seems that the negroes had some ort.of disagreement with the result that Purcell was shot just below the heart and probably fatally wounded. Green im-mediatly left that part of the country and was later xiaptured at Pinehurst. He wasrouerht to Lumberton by Deputy F' J. Adams Sunday night and lodged in jail. The negro who, was shot bears a rather unsavory reputation in his neighborhood, -and the eviden ce- at the trial' may likely From our Exchanges.

TaacejTtlte SeatlneL Mr. William Warren near Pros pect Bill lost his kitchen and contents by fire Monday afternoon. The fire was supposed to have been caused by a defect in the stove flue. By the assistance of the neighbors that gathered the dwelling was saved. A pack barn about forty yards from the kitchen caught fire but was ex tinguished before serious damage was done.

Leaks villa Spray Gazette Earl Turner a young white man who was recently arrested in Winston and turned over to the Spray authorities was on Fri day arraigned before Squire W. A. Manley on the serious charge of abandoning his young wife. The State was represented by attorney C. O.

McMichael, of Wentworth while' appearing for the defendant were Attorneys B. H. Custer and Harry Wooding Jr of Fanville and A. W. Dunn.

Squire Manley-bound Turner over to court which convenes Febuary 27th on a $500 bond. Failing to give this he was committed to the Guilford jail, Rockingh un's depository for prisoners during the, construction of her new modern jail Isttsrillt Etritw. Mr. J. H.

Brintle 78 years old, dropped dead of heart failure Tuesday morning at his home in the Atlee section. The remains were buried at Wolf Island Wednesday. He is survived by a large number of children and other relatives. Mr. John W.

Lea a former citizen of Reidsville died at the home of his son in Spray Sunday, the 5th at the age of 71 years. He was a Confederate soldier and a member of the Scale-Boyd Camp Confederate Veterans. He enlisted in Co. G. 14th N.

C. State troops. Ijrti VBkcsHr BtsSer. While cutting down a tree last Saturday near the home of Mr. Manley Parsons in Boomer township Dave Lane was seriously injured.

In falling the tree lodged and was held by a portion of the stump not being entirely cut. Lane attempted to chop off the remaining portion and when the axe served that part under tension the shattered splints struck him upon the left jaw painfully wounding it and terribly shock ing him. Dr J. M. Turner went from here to attend him at the home of Mr.

Parsons Saturday. l.tias Pitritt. Isaac Edminsten a young man whose home id at Ready Branch accidently shot him self in the left hand with a 32 caliber pistol at his home early Tuesday morning. The bullet passed through his hand inflicting a painful though not a serious wound. The young man is employed as mail carrier between Ready Branch and this place, and his mishap does not interfere with his duties.

The officers located and destroy ed an illicit whiskey plant in below Call postoffice a few days ago The still was of a hundred gallon capacity and the other equipment was equally as large. It had "run out" just a short while before the officers arrived and as operators are not accustomed to spending any of their leisure and unoccupied time in the vicinity of such establishments no one was present and no clue was found which will help in setting upon its ownership. Ctapel Bill Km. Alph Menton, of Chatham county the well known sqirrel hunter was out hunting recently when his dog treed a squirrel, Menton saw the cunning little animal go into its hole in the tree. He waited for the squirrel to come out, finally an 'opossum came out of the hole instead.

That excited Menton's curiosity and he felled the tree to the ground. From the hollow he pulled out three fine 'opossums and two squirrels. And it was not a good day for 'opossums or squirrels either. Sunday night a terrific explosion occured up about the college. It was just after the electric lights went out and the noise awoke many citizens from their ful slumbers." The report- was heard for miles around here.

Window lights in one or two" "of the college buildings were cracked, and broken out and the-' students rooming in the buildings were badly frightened. Upon "jovesti- gation it was 'I Pi 1 Hill "r- i 1 I i 4 mm- (MUM SROCU EO A DCF wiag or photo, for expert aearca and free report. JTeemdriea, bow to obtain pataota, trade mario rarttfi. in ALL COUNTRIES. Busbtesa iBrect -with WmsVigUn mwi JW mtomeyandefUntktfmteni.

Patent tad bf rlngeamtt Tndk CxctoataSf. writ or oome to mm mi ni BgUk atntt, mh MM BtetM htetVInk WASHINGTON. D. C. A A OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE A I a trade Marh Ac tnyentVra la probably pnf-entjibfe.

Communications trtotlr confidential. HAhOBOO cm Patent sent free. OMett agency for seouriog' patent. Patents taaeq tnroagb Mann A Qo nomtr tptdal notic, without in Scientific American. A handsomely mnttrated weekly.

circulation ot any-eeientioe Journal. Term, $3 a rear oar months, Sold by all newsdealers. IMlNfl Go.3618 Hew York Branch Office. 625 Bt. WaabiDeton.

IX C. Srjcceed when everything else fails. Ih nervous 'prostration and female weaknesses the supreme remedv, as thousands have testified. F0 Kit) EY, ER AND STOMACH TROUBLE is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. I mm I adieu.

x-- mmmyyMmmm For Sale) KB-yMfty MftllSftfi i r. yyyywZyy? yh-' yyt yxm.

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