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Weleetka American from Weleetka, Oklahoma • 5

Weleetka Americani
Weleetka, Oklahoma
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A Want Ad Will Tell It Sell It Trade It or Rent Try It! MB IMO Tax Cut Won't Offset Dollar Inflation in Coning Year Prices to Continue Upward 111 A wi ill 5 1 a 01 dllEIIMbm I Ck 47111'4N 1 ------a- 0 4 I zps ffr---- 11 I ''---4--4z 'e Ir le 27 5 ATIF I sow 071 IL aftb-P4-r It I WI 111 lc my Pts dlir ft '1' 1- I LI i'l -4116f 'ai' "Ct ri i)0P-Z ikk ek 106 Nt40 10 vr tr --r 1 0171 hi ilitip' AttfAsooscl p-t vi WO-----'4- 9 vo "00 i Pricel will ri-A again this year and there is no end in sight to stead'y chop in the value of a dollar according to editors of Changing Times the Kiptinger rnagazi The ravages of inflation taxes and high prices are having their effect on almost everyone The dollar you sirnd cents less than it beught in 1ClJ A tax co: the- edors siy nor in the cards this year Next year you may get some relief hut you shouldn't exp-ct it to make much of a (lent in your money problems there will be no let op in the hidden taxes ises nod local arid slate tax collectiovis Higher prices are in the wind tor the rt st of this year so there he no relief front this you know how to get around them by searching- out the good buys Steel prices will go up ihis summer When steel prices rise other prices (such as those of cars) rise too Also goirr up is the price of wool things l'ospectiv( home buyers will find tkut house prices still edge ahead The dry cleaner the doctor the the local garageman the lioridryinan the shoe repair man and 11'13 tme else providing service to the family will up his bills Clothing and recreation will also tost more In short juggling the I udget will be even more tricky 127 fall This series of questions and answers on highway safety is intended to give information on good driving practices la7iiitiarize you with Oklahoma's model traffic code and test your knowledge of Oklahoma's traffic laws Plcase direct any questions to your local patrol troopers in care of this paper Quest ions: 1 What trailers are not required to display a license tag? 2 When is it legal to stop on the traveled portion of the highways? 3 When am I required to use my emergency brake? Answers Below 11119g IT GOT IT MN ME log WE WANT ADS lialIT ADS I GIPT IT IMall ITIE gritTn antil a aw rit 8g 71 1111169 mi TATn 1111711 Tit Ink au Obo a BAII1( Drive-in Theatre FOR 9 -room 35c medium 40c Every egg guaranteed For delivery Friday morning call Veda Allen SU 6-2609 19 tre modern! FO SALE--8 large room farm house known as Lockhart house ighway Must Le moved from location terms 2'2 tfc Ideal for tearing down and re- building or moving See Don A Wade 2 tic highway terms 22 tic modern ol Easy house 11! acres north of St 6-27)70 FOR RENT 3-ro(on FOR SALE-8-ft Phi Ico and 11- ft Wizard refrigerators Cheap Western Auto store 5 tfc 0 1 Mile North on Highway 75 WELEETK OPEN 8:15 ADULTS-50c Children with parents FREE house Cal! Spence 22 tfelerEMSERWING11111oNS Dierur to Ile Served CLASSIFIED RATES Vomit art- kels IC) A -v: -A4 FOR TV's and radios used Maytag washers All guaranteed Gene's TV Appliance Eery ic at East Side Laundry 35 tic Mr auti Mrs Carol Harmon Parks Wichita Kansas are announcing he adoption of a son Thursday July 11 Ile has been named Steven Andrew Mrs Parks is the former Zona La Dare Silvis and is a niece of Mrs Jess Wagner She has been a frequent visitor in Weleetka The WMU Of Weogulkee Eapfjt thurch near Hanna will have a dinner sale in Weleetka in the heme of Mr and Mrs James Had() 416 3rd 2 blocks north of seh601 Everyone and eat all you want for only T100 a rlate Saturday July 27 begins at 6:30 FOR SALE 5-room modern house close to school Call Aubrey Scott SU 6-2418 21 tic Paid in Advance (Includes regular accounts) Three cents a word first insertion two cents a word subsequent insertions Cards of Thanks-75c lkirs Onyx bolt is seriously ill and was admitted to the Physicians and Surgeons hospital in Holdenville Thursday Her room number is 120 AwissOmonpmasanomicapi NOT SINCE THE CAINE maw RAS TIDE BEEN A DRAMA LIKE IRIS! -0--- J-- NOT ts: INCE THE CAINE munkr RAS THERE BEEN ''''') DRAMA LIKE IRIS! im-o-m '4' 18 tli 1 'w 4b i ofHp 14 a ItitlIC IF I 1 ''''s FOR shop gas Serve refrigerator 38 Colt pistol See Jess Smith 11ii blocks west of Cal White Service Station 21 3tp New Addition News FOR SALE-1 garden tractor with lawn mower cultivator breaking plow and attachments Western Auto store 19 tic Mr and Mrs Marvin Williams are in Texas seeking rnpioynent Almost 90 per cent of all so-called "accidents" on the highway involved at least one traffic lation highway patrol sources FOR Rape home See the Jess CeavErs 41 tic FOR SALE-2 houses for the price of one known as Durkee property See A Wilson for price and terms 21 tfe Fri and 26 27 Charge Ads Ads not paid for in advance 50c minimum first insertion 35c minimum subsequent insertions Please pay for ads prompty as the price is too small to justify repeat billing INOMMONEO FOE SALE 5-room modern house close to school Call Dean Trammell SU 6-2646 15 tfc Church and Sunday school was well attended at Pilgrim Rest Sunday Rev Emery and Richard Noble of Wewolia were dinner guests in the Alford home Sunday Visiting in the home of Mr and Mrs McMillan are her brother and wife lIr and Mrs Walter head her sister Mrs Tairne Douglass of Los Angeles Mr arid Mrs Henry Johnson Mr and Mrs Henry Johnson FOR SALE Assortment of useful items Every Saturday 10 a m--6 Former Peoples Lumber Bldg CLARA'S BEAUTY SHOP For Appointments Phone SU 6-2222 Tzt rititigo title akistv'' it 441A IONNIUSIBISSWIIMENONIMMUINZIOQUr5 -G ROCK HUDSON tAIIREN BACA!" MEI I RCEERT STACK DUMMY MALONE goon um I LINEREA INTERNATICIAL PCTURI 4" 0 3 't4tit lett ff Z4r) i 4 4 Ilz 11-- 4- 4i'0t rollil Nt I 4 t- 11 INs i-14f vk 1- '6 ti ii'--- k--z v-414-- t- 4 ef4- ----r lz A41 FANILI-RATED twice as east GA times cheaper 10 year 'zra7rant3r Sun IGrL 28-30 CP004C114 11471PAL 41 rem atrirrogrod sac rocercazAmd4 tir and on of Kansas City were visiting in the home of Louis Williams Sunday Other visitors in the Williams home were Mr and Mrs David Marks of Clearview Mrs Amanda Brown is spending a few days in Oklahoma City visiiing relatives and friends Mrs Emily Alford Emily and Alihe spent a few days last week visiting friends in Seminole Bo ley rind Okmulgee The Home Mission met in the home of Mr and Mrs Buford McMillan Monday evening The next meeting will be in the home cf Gracie Carroll Mrs Wessylyne Alford Kelly left Friday night to spend a few days in Montana ott4tir EITLES OZAJ)IiiS 416 Heljetie MANArtha 'Z i iZia I 1 i I 4 1 t- i1' if 1 9 It 1 tout miNat is COMA A PICTURI FAIR GIRLS California Redwood Empire beauties at Santa Rosa frolic in hay they'll feed to livestock at Sonoma County Fair AM PEEINICIAS Wed hur- 11! 2I-Aug 71111LIMMISMOMMEJIMPLIIIMISIPAIIIIIIIMOMMEMINIIIIMINOMPOSOMONEWMONIMISUMMIS1100131111111 THE GLASS-LINED WATER IIEATER During the hour of 5 to 6 almost half again as many died in highway mishaps than during any other hour of the day or night the Oklahoma Highway Patrol reported for the first months of 1 3 57 7-7 I tv7k1 tt4 P4 with 1' 1 vii sIs I Others A WE HAVE 111 i lli IIA I --r 46 ra 4 Mr! ill 5 A I RD 1) HA 151 Certified Laboratory Tess EUE II TRAVEL ACCIDENT INSURANCE PROVIDES DEATH BENEFIT MEDICA LA PAYMENTS DISM EAIBERM ENT Answers: 1 Farm trailers and any trailer whose gross weight is less than 1000 pounds not used comer-daily 2 At the approach to the various types of traffic controls and when a vehicle is disabled to the extent that it is impracticaUe or impossible to move it 3 Any time the vehicle is parked and to supplement the service brake in case of an emergency PERMAGLAS lasts 55 (i longer than the of 7 leading brands tested average CFP stands for A Smith's exclusive Controlled Fusion Pro What cess in which glass and steel are fused together permanently to means to you x-lore perfectly combine the corrosion resistance of glass with the strength of steel CONSTRUCTION PAPER EXAMPLE: $1000000 principal sum days $635 $5000000 principal sum 1 I (lays 3155 CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO HAVE IT? Policies written here See Us Before You Go! Hughey Insurance Agency I 12x18 or 9x12 Come in and let us show you PROOF AVNILABLE IN RED YELLOW MEDIUM BLUE LIGHT BLUE DARK BLUE WHITE GREEN ORANGE PURPLE BLACK Brown Trading Co Phone SUnset 6-2311 Weleetka THE AlUERICAN OFFICE SUPPLY I WELEETKA OKTAII0A1A Phone SUnset 6-2311 WE 1LEETKA OKTAII011A THE AMERICAN 1 1 Weleetka I I OFFICE SUPPLY II A' 1.

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