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Deseret Newsi
Salt Lake City, Utah
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1' Historical Documents RTl Elder Benson Files Stale Papers in Church Archives A valuable collection of doc-uments and papers compiled by Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of Twelve during the eight years served as Secretary Agriculture in President Eisenhowers cab- inet has been turned over to the Church Historians office for safekeeping and availabil-1 ity in research. In turning this'-eoUeet ior member of the Council of the-Twelve, personal mementos, awards, and recognitions of outstanding service. In the agreement of trans-fer. Elder Benson retained for members of his family the fight to retain title to scrapbooks and- volumes of ad-di esses until such time as released to the library. The library has full right to retain copies by microfilming such Commenting on Elder Benson's contribution to the Church library, Pres.

Joseph Fielding Smith of "the Council of the Twelve and Church Historian recognized the-historical value of such a collection preserving a record of service to country by one of the General Authorities of -the Church. "In considering the final disposition of your, papers, President Smith told Elder feel that -the H--T6nanTs Office Library, as the-main archives of the Church -and thecentral depository for important records of the Church and its members, would be a "place where your valuable collection would serve to reflect the accomplishments you have made. Your collection would be a most valuable asset to our library. The survey of documents in Elder Bensons collection made by A. William Lund and Earl Olson of the Church Historians office showed 48 volumes of scrapbooks, more than 30 volumes of addresses, recordings of talks and Agricultural Department publications, memorandums and interoffice memorandums of the department, correspondence with government officials, correspondence as a over to office of the Church Historian, Elder Benson ex-- piained that the coilection- eo tained originals of everything-except those papers required by law to be retained in their original form in the National Archives.

Copies of such papers, however, can be retained in the Church archives. Elder Benson has received requests orchis complete collection, from several outstanding archives, including the Na-tional Archives the Eisenhow-er Library, and the Agricultural Hall's Fame Library Every effort is being made to cooperate with all libraries. Elder Benson said copies of speeches he made while Secretary of Agriculture and other documents, filling 20 large volumes, have been prepared for I the National Archives and Eisenhower libraries front originals to be filed in the Church historical files. Important historical documents from files of Elder Ezra Taft Benson (left) are turned over to Pres. Joseph Fielding Smith for Historian's' office.

'Papa and the Playhouse' Rehearsals under way for musical to be presented at MIA conference 'mTcVdmnTcopiesTo the family if requested. Special space in the ChuFch libiary has been recommended by the Church librarians for the Benson collection. Elder Benson is still in much demand as a speaker in vari- ous organizations' throughout the country because of his experience in agriculture, scout ing and Church work. Typical of sych recognition waska digest of his talk made before the last General Conference and carried in the April 23 issue of the S. News and Woild Report.

Other magazines and newspapers throughout the country give full coverage on many of his talks before agricultural, business and national club organizations as well as talks before Church groups. Gym with appropriate trophies to be presented. designer for the pioduction. The 'music was written under the direction of Crawford Gates of the BYU music department Composer-orches-trators weie Ardean Watts, Bob Brunner, Gaylen Hatton, Eaql Holt and Rowan Taylor. Advisers to the production committee are Marvin J.

Ash-' ton. fust assistant in the YMMIA general supei intendency, and Dorothy P. Holt, activity counselor in the YWM1A general presidency. All of the participants have been drawn from the wards In Salt Lake Valley. The principals are all seasoned performers.

Mrs. Cutler is Ensign Stake Singing Mothers director. She has sung in University of Utah operatic productions. -Jeannette Morrell teaches English at BYU, has written several plays and has been active in Ogden drama groups. Mrs.

Clawson has played on Broadway, i on the West Coast and in a number of the University of Utah summer festivals. She is a member of the Tabernacle Choir. Volleyball gets the attention of committeemen from left, Dale R. Curtis, Dick Ball, Jack Goddard, Ed M. Evans, chairman; Keith McLcren, Ray All-Church Tourn-Jt(, ament is scheduled May 3, 4, 5.

VOLLEYBALL TOURNEY PLANS LAID Casting for the MI June Conference musical, Papa and the Playhouse, is almost completed and rchcaisals aie under way, the MIA executives announced this week. Leads in the cast of 20 are Jewell Johnson Cutler, Jeannette Morrell, Robeit Taj lor and Ruth Clawson In addition, there is a 30oice choius, 12 dancers and, a 40 piece oiches-tra. One lead I ole is vet lo be filled, the executives said. The production will lie presented during the week of June Conference on the 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, on the Kingsbury Hall stage, University of Utah campus. The story, centered aiound the old Salt Lake Theater, honors the 100th anniveisary of the historic playhouse.

The authors areAlbert Mitchell of the BYU faculty and L. Clair Likes of the YMMIA General Board. Dr. Mitchell and Mr, Likes are also direc- tor and assistant director the production. Music director is Lorraine Bowman.

Shirley Ririe is choreographer. Ariel Baliff is Week Ending April Volleyball appears to be gaining momentum as a fine recreational sport in the Church. That was the feeling of the committee as members met this week to plan for the. annual All-Church Volleyball Tournament scheduled May 4 and 5 in Salt Lake City. Ed M.

Evans, chairman of the program this year for the YMMIA Athletic Committee, said everything points to the finest tournament yet held in this sports category. He noted that several members of the committee tfnd some division athletic supervisors have in- creased the interest and fi- nesse in the sport through volleyball clinics conducted throughout Utah, Idaho and other western areas. Chairman Evans said the two-day tournament will be preceded by a banquet on the evening of May 3 in the Holla-day Fifth Ward Cultural HalL This year as in the past 32 teams will compete in each' the junior and senior tourna- ments. Play Will be scheduled in the Deseret Gym, Riverside -Stake Gym and East Mill Creek Gym. Mr.

Evans also noted that plans have been considered for building the volleyball program so that it may soon match the par of the All-Church basketball and softball attainments. Included will be theutilization of the finest films available on the game and the encouraging of wards and stakes to begin earlier in the winter with the sport. Most of the division playoffs will be held the latter part of April, it was noted, to select winners for the All-Charch Tournament. Mr. Evans is being assisted on the committee by W.

Floyd Millet, chairman. Dale R. Curtis, Morris Hansen, Lester F. Hewlett of the Athletic Committee; Ray Hale, Dick Ball, Jack Goddard, Keith McLaren, Cal Woolley. Finals of the' tournament will be held in the Deseret Part of the cast of the MIA Conference musical go over parts at rehearsal, left, to right, Jeannette Morrell, Jewel Johnson Cutler, Francis Urry, Wells B.

Wilkinson and Ruth Clawson. 1 28, 1962 CHURCH 13.

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