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Lawrence Daily Journal from Lawrence, Kansas • Page 2

Lawrence, Kansas
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Tlifl friends. Emigrant Aid and Famine farm and residence of sorns member THE OLBEST GOODS HOUSE IN KANSAS. THE REPUBLICAN JOURNAL St. Loms, July SO. Flottr Iflftn to have given very general satisfaction, and the party are all well pleased with the metropolis of Kansas.

of tho association, and after cxamin- for low grades super extra funds, ecnt here by patriotic and geuerous hearts in the East, to help a brave and struggling people, were diverted from their sacred uses, and ing tho fields and orchards of the oc Wheat Quiet, unchanged JNo. 2 cupant, read the proceedings of the last meeting and discuss various new red tan jo. no. made to promote the selfish aims of these bad men. choice fl.27Jal.35.

topics bearing upon the growth and Hundreds of thousands of dollars Corn inner mixed evaaic, fish-house vocabulary and whose education has been entirely in the same line. Such vulgarity Such nasty, indeceut obscenities Arc there no laws to prevent or punish such shameless exponre3? Surely there ought to be. And yet if the parties who run that concern can stand it. you should, I suppose, bo coutent. Or, rather, to put the matter more appropriately, if tbeir subscribers and readers can take such literature into their houses, to be perused by their families, and congratulate" themselves that thev have done a good thing, I culture of fruit, until two o'clock.

white 89a93c. Oats Firmer 40a41c. for new. 42a45c for old. were use wise pinnaered irom ine Government, during the war, by these men and their satellites, among whom none are more prominent than Speer and Clarke; and these hundreds of thousands of dollars Rye Inactive; 75a80c.

Chicago, July SO. Flour irm steady. JSfo. MassaclBtisetts fSireet. were invested in fine houses, great Wheat irraer; closing ai i.t-:j business buildings, grand establish for No.

2. SUNDAY, JULY 31, Kepabllcaa State Cewral Committee. A. meeting of the Republican State Central Committee will be held si the city of Lawrence, on Tuesday, the 9th day of August. 1370.

P. P. ELDER, Chairman. IX. M.

Mraoocr. Secretary. HO MET Wo suppose in fact, we hare good reason to know that tho people of this community understand the utter falsity of Speer's raving3 about U8. "We court investigation, and defy proof in every individual instance in which he-charges us with wrong doing. TTe challenge him to publish the proof of a single accusation he makes against us.

But how is it with our accuser? Does he court investigation when we pronounce him a thief and a forger? Not at all. Ho begs and ments, and newspapers conductors nnnnose von will not feel like com Corn Quiet; Jc. lower; cloemg thrown in. Hundreds of thousands at8Sic. for Ao.

2. Oat3 lfc. lower closing ai oc. Political. St.

Louis, July SO. A dispatch from Springfield, says Colonel Gravelly and Judge Ryan will address a meeting there this afternoon, which is regarded as a bolters' movement. Also that a call for another- Congressional convention is out, to advocate and urge the" adoption of the suffrage amendment, oppose protective tariff, and nominate some independent Radical as candidate for Congress on such a platform. Capital Removal. Cincinnati, July SO.

The agent of the executive committee appointed at tho it. Louis convention for devising means to secure the removal of the national capital, has secured Pike's Hall, in this city, for the next convention, which will be held October 25th, 1870. The convention i to be composed of three delegates from each Congressional district, Bix from each State at large, three from each Territory, and three from the District of Columbia to be appointed by the Governors of States and They then repair to dinner, and this is a big thing. The good women bring in baskets of provisions by the wagon load, the occupants of the farm where the society meets furnishing the cooked meats, tea and coffee, Wo have set down to a great many excellent picnic dinners in Kansas, but tho one yesterday beats them all. After dinner, the society again meets and discusses fruit topics.

Yesterday the main topics discussed were pruning and the borer. Mr. Deming reported that many grafts were injured last winter. Ho thought the Bcions were hurt by freezing. Othors contro WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL.

plaining. And yet the people have a word to. say about such publications. I have no doubt that the continued in-dulscnco in journalism by Sneer has for No. 2.

more were Invested, every political campaign, buying voters corrupting conventions, and subsidizing legislatures. ESTABLISHED 1858. Simpsons' Bank, corner of Mas There has, indeed, been such con stant familiarity on the part of the sachusetts and Henry streets, Law Clarke and Speer political household with the lamiiy crimes of steal had a more hurtful and noxious influence upon the morals and virtue of the young who read with zest hi low and vicious outgivings, and listen with excited imaginations to his vulsar and obscene story-telling, Mt STOCK IS LARGE, AND KM UK VCKH KVKHYTHISO THAT RKLONua It; rence, Kansas. ing, lying, perjury, iorgery sou Eastern and Sterling jsx- ririvai! lor in luiua vjmu.iv. than the letting loose of a' whole THE fraud, that the mass or them nave to "possess the power to discriminate between a lie and the truth, a god act and a crime, de- penitentiary of felons in our midst.

Thesa thouirlits I throvr out In United States Jcsonds Doujfm passing. There are some considera eold. verted this opinion. Mr. Baldwin, from the committee on pruning, thought this an unfa cency aad indecency.

inany oi me readers of the 7t ibune actually grow tions that have occurred to me in rftrlinr thft lfttter allndd to. and iu jubilant over the vulgar blackguard- Revenue Stamps for sale. Interest allowed on" time de- bv Mayor of Washington, or by a ism, and tne wretcoea ana utterly thinking over other things quite in-timatelv connected with this bi posits. WwrusKT. auf alio bedeutnae revolting obscenities aaiiy hud back as answers to the solemn and terrible arraignment of Speer for his enormous peculations aud start steal," a3 it is forcibly, but, possi-blv.

anite vulgarly styled. peer Plsetzo Deutschlands. AA. nrt. RMKfir anv of these accusa Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Curtain Goods, and Furnishing Goods, Weilar pa och fratt Svenge tions of embezzlement, iraua, lorg- ling frauds and forgeries.

But the dav and the hour, I tru3t, is near couvention called for that purpose. The Riotous Convention. Chicago, July SO. The Radical Congressional convention at Springfield, 111., had another boisterous session yesterday, but they finally effected an organization by the election of an auti-Cullom chairman. Eight ballots were taken without result.

There are four candidates kones och frosaljes har. erv and perjury, upon the proper yyhen these base and perndiousmen the examination ci tn Collections made in all parts oi vorable time for pruning. lne suckers from trees 6hould bo cut off. Most pruning should be done by the time or before tho treo i3 a year old. Tho suckers from tho roots of the tree should also be cut off.

Large limbs now on the tree should remain. Mr. Ingersoll wished to know whether sprouts were useless for fruit propagation. Mr. Baldwin replied that fruit propagation iu this way was too expensive, and was det will be arrested in their career ot accounts bv the duly appointed the United States and Can ad as.

nrimf. when tuev will be obliged to the government. Tfcro nrhcrn WO Would uatllfallv face their long and infamous record of public robberies, forgeries, frauds whines to be let alone. lie snivels around the grand jury, and cries like a dog, not to be tried, as we can prove, lie howls for sympathy on account of family afflictions, lie wants everything but a thorough investigation of his crimes. 'And what about the pure patriot whom he serves, and whose obedient dog he is? If ho would have the people discard us and our warnings on account of our moral influence, what has he to say of Sidney? Of his little family record? Of his Washington entangling alliances And what about the antecedents and footmarks in the sands of time of Sidney's partner in tho Tribune If Speer's pious sensibilities are bo badly shocked, we shall soon expect to see him quitting his confederates in iniquity, and retiring from tho concern.

But wo repeat, it is of no use. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. von suppose he would have made his one supreme effort to have vindicated ho did utterly fail. ow. before the convention, the friends ol and corrupuoua, wmcu luugnuuw-iog and deeply-outraged people have HOTELS -AJSTD DWELLIN GS.

each sticking to their man. The probabilities are that anew man will at last resolved tney snau ausw cr ior. Established la ISS9. IV. 8CHAEFFEB, XAXCFaCTtrME OF when assailed by the journalists who nniirhhnra to him.

and who are Continue the brave worK you be taken up and nominated. have commenced, ruonsn, cour iniimaMr nun ninted. with his hab irrm- wtmi tnsT I Dir Mmmt h.Mila iIaIh. IiIibIii. II ill! imntwl'atil nifllllf Ml.

Chicago, July 30. The Republican Congressional Convention of the Eigth Illinois district, which has ageously, the facts about that greedy aud all-devouring plunderer of the its, and with tho facts of his official with these charges of stealing, SOAPS.CANDLES DUlinu vivrvio K-ta, vaau him v. ab'eametoseU at the lowtt Prices kowa In I be Land. EVKKY ARTICLE sold in my store is WABRASIliD to be as represented, and should it prov. rimental to the parent tree.

Mr. Furman had sprouts that partook of the graft, and did well. He would trim any part of the season, ik.U.a otherwise, the money wiU be refunded. myao-qwu been in session at Springfield for the people's hard -gathered money-Sneer. Don't be softened by his forcery, iraua ana perjur, mo Lard Oil and Glycerine.

of whicu weroBUDBLnwii past three days, adjourned to-day until Tuesday next. One hundred but large limbs should be taken on tar(jy investigations of tho miserable whimperings and farcical manifestations of grief over family-domestic losses and troubles. Thev are heartless and simulated. Dealer in PRESSED Laud, Sprouts should in I eovernmentofiicials, his only defense and twenty-two ballots were had. early in the year, ISHAM, SARGENT HARFORD, AGENTS FOE or explanation is the lowest and rfirtist scurrility and blackguard the result being the same each time 22 for Cullom, 14 for McNutts, 7 Nos.

325 327 N. Second 8T. LOUIS. 29 -fori twfcweowam ism hurled hark at those who ar for Merriam, and 6 for Parks. Cul-lom's friends, before adjournment, raism him for his unpunished crimes, Mo large-grown man, wuu a uiue and honest heart in his bosom, would hawk about tho country; through his own newspaper, the and whose highest duty it is to con- proposed to vote for a new man, but the friends of the other candidates eerve the public weal, oy awakening Q500 REWARD.

dead bodies of his own sons, in ex the public conscience against open BnrJ arravinff the judgment refused to accede. More of the Secret Treaty. STOLEN FKOH THE 1MB. United State tiaprew Company, at the against the criminal. That change for public sympathy, as a capital in trade to help shield him from just denunciation for crimes Depot, on the 87th day of JuW, at 9 o'clock W.

S3 ta Bolf.nnii viction. Paris. July 30. The Journal he had committed. Private grieis.

Mr Snnnr falls back upon the th. inuinnt nf about Si .200. the above i ciel publishes Count Benedetti's ex onnimnn ri crht shown murderers in reward win be paid upon the arrest and convic planation oi the secret treaty an air, if real, are too sacred ior puoiio advertisement. Good people know AitnA fnr thfiir capital crime. He It is well known that Bismarck made tion of the thief ana tne recovery oi ior property, or one-half Jor either.

nwird will be naid for the recov- aka that ho shall be treated at least nf the bair or either of the three books France an offer before and after the war with Austria. Tho substance this, and quietly wonder how a man can be so utterly wanting in the higher and better sensibilities of human nature, as to attempt such with as much leniency that his case shall not bo tried, in other words, contained therein, the return of any envelopes, or any information that will lead to the detec of the offer was, that France should Kit t.liA HfWRHflDerS and the people, take Belgium as a compensation for tion OI We onenucr. i j. avat AirentU. 8.

Express. vile uses of private, sacred and holy Knf.irn Hia mfifttinff of tho court be the aggrandizement ot lne memories and griefs. R- ta which he is summoned to ap Emoeror in all cases declined the no case be allowed. Mr. Coleman would cut off a limb where it needed pruning, regardless of the timo.

He had followed this practice for thirty years. Tho head should be cut back, and tho tree made to branch out. Trees branch out of their own notion at tho East, but not here. Mr. Hill was opposed to miscellaneous and continuous hacking.

His orchard had grown too fast. Excessive growth is what we most should fear here. He would trim where limbs conflict. This middle and conservative ground on the pruning question, seemed to be the philosophy of his science of pruning. The last of June, and early in the spring, he considered the best time for general pruning.

Mr. Randolph said an acquaintance of his, Mr. Hornsby, would have 8,000 bushels of apples this year, and he had pruned very heavily cluring the last two years. Ho seemed to favor the low-head system of pruning. Mr.

Furman thought it questionable policy whether to head back or Lawrence, July 28, 1870. jy29 PIANOS! PIANOS! We mean business, and we shall attend to it. We shall push these thieves to the wall. We shall continue to denounce and expose them. We shall fight it out on this line.

And if they expect the people to bo satisfied of their innocence, bocause they make an outcry against us, they are welcome to their opinion and all they can make of it. Meantime, Sidney Clarke John Speerl Stand up! and receivo your sentence. You have stolen the people's money! You have violated their confidence You have robbed them of their hard earnings You have run your scandalous paper with the profits You have controlled your caucuses, and packed and purchased your conventions, with tho money you have stolen! You are trying to do it again! But it is too late. You are found out. Your days are numbered.

You are weighed in the balances, and found wanting. Dear. But let us look at the matter proposition. Tho very moment the rpaty of Prague was concluded, BY TEIiEGK AJbi a little. Nearly four year3 have passed since Mr.

Speer was excused fPAm further dutv in the Internal Bismarck agaiu betrayed a desire to restore the equilibrium, and made PLAIN AN1 ORNAMENTAL FtNCE rtAvnnnA Hollector'8 office. He has Prus- several proposals, looking to the Organs! Organs General Movement or the FOR been able, with tho help of the Con- combination affecting the integrity 1 slan Forces. oTPssman. who is a partner, at least ot tno states Doruenng on rauce, to that extent, iu his malfeasances, to YABBS. LAW5S.

CHURCH ERIK. CEMETERIES ASD FOLIC FAEKS. During one of these conversations, maninnlatn and fix up the Govern W. OARPKNTKB, Bismarck dictated to Benedetti this secret treaty project, which has been ment officials who had charge of the A Battle Soon to Take Place. mttv.

RTVT.V.S MAY TIM SEES AT OUR STORK. NO. 113 MASSACHUSETTS business of investigating nu made public, and whica uismarcic Street, comer of Warren. Tnis teace is superior, in many resperos, 10 oua siyts una I 1 m.ttT. ftilver and Plated Ware.

has has kent ever since. This accounts i counts, so that there should be no determination of his case for that lpno-th of time. So exceptionally Call and see this novel invention before purcnasing. for the handwriting of Benedetti, added to his Dusiness mk orated Hsssn Hamlin Organs, M-Pnatl, larlor Gem, and Vbiekeruig Pianos. Benedetti gave notice of the contents Fenton Throws Up the Sponge.

successful in that quarter, is it sur of the proposed treaty to tne xum LARQK STOCK Or peror's Government at the time, but An flaDAPtmunt rf Orff-ftTin on hand, and Pianos the proposition was promptly re on the way. Those In need ol instruments wiu Hardware, prising that Mr. S. should leei a great decree of confidence in going before a court, simply upon a trial for the rwnvnrv of the money Of course, Important Political Movements. do weU to call at W.

CARPKNTKU'S store, o. jected. Benedetti adds that the King A DAT AMOXU THE rRCITISTS. A biff meeting was expected of 127 Massachusetts street, lawrence, ias. nrosprvA the central stalk, lie naa of Prussia was not iavoraDie to Bis he should have been handed over, at Mechanics' Tools, Builders' Material, marck's plans.

once, to tue unueu otateo vuluu- EE. Red W. KLEMP, Manufacturer and Dealer in Amnesty Granted to me sioner: and with his accounts com- From North Carolina. avi inr nut as thev have, and as all the River Reneis. NEWEL POSTS.

BANISTER A BKD8THAU nmminent nersons of Kansas who had access to the original sources of TURNINGS. Agricultural Implements, AT WHOLESALE OR KKTA1L. information knew they wouia, ne Also, all kinds of Adjournment of the motous would have had speedily meted out to him 6uch punishment as all such criminals deserve. What will the Job Work, Scroll Sawing Slitting Convention at Sprmsneia. tho Douglas County Fruit Growers Association, at the farm and residence of our esteemed friend, Mr.

Joseph Savage, yesterday. Buoyant expectations were more than realized. Mr. Savago entertained his friends with tho most generous and liberal hospitality, assisted by his excellent wife and beautiful as well as accomplished daughter. We have before complimented the intelligent farmers and fruit growers ol Douglas county.

We could repeat tho compliment a great many times, and it would always bo worthily bestowed. Hero is a sun-burnt, PEOMPTLT DONE TO OBDEIU i.llr nvsnuvd to all kludt Of seen the choicest of pear trees with tho central stalk twenty feet in hight. Mr. Deming would let the central stalk grow, and keep the treo well bottomed. Mr.

Steele said if fruit was to bo tho object, he would never lot sprouts grow. Mr. Ingersoll wanted to know whether the theory was not of modern origin to cut back, and whether it did not produce fruit at the expense of longevity. Mr. Brackett said moderns held to the theory of a central stalk, but they would head back.

If unnatural, Raleigh, July 30. Geo. Williamson, a citizen of Caswell county, went to serve writs of habeas corpus, issued by the Chief Justice, on behalf of Hon. John Kerr and other citizens of Caswell, who were arrested by Col. Kirk's militia.

Kirk ordered him to leave or ho would have him fired on. Williamson made a return in accordance with the facts. Tho Chief Justice decided that the writs were not properly served first, because Williamson was not appointed by the Chief Justice to make such service, and second, being a citizen of Caswell, he was an insurgent AGEMTH FOR I)ode Jolrafton Reaper, Mansfield A Cycloid Jtlewcr, And the Kxceliilor Thraalier. i nd heavy taming, such as Column, Pil court do to him? If his case is ever called, it will bo largely due to the influence of the uncorrupted press th stfttA and the aroused moral lars, Arrived. London, July 29 Midnight.

The 023XXj OHJE3AP FOR OA.ert. Shop, cor. Vermont wintnrsp LAWBESCB. Jy24-d1y French fleet has arrived at sensibilities of the people. And ihon hia caso is tried, and he is apil-dwtt litr a Hi ii Hcnd to be a de 03EJ LOOK HERE faulter in the sum of $159,000, Germans Gone.

New York. Jul 30. Tho steamer urhiroin i the exeat wrong nzht C. B. SCHMIDT.

H. K. OSOOOD. SCHMIDT A OSGOOD, a tho preat crime he has enmmittPil dulv rmnished. No prop' Angolia, for Glasgow, took out 300 Germans, who will enter tho Prussian army.

DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCV GRO-CKKlkS and Provisions, Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Market Grocery, corner of Ver prtv can be collected oi peer, uu'i ho would reply that horticulture it it. nuito well known that hia sure mont and Henry streets, Lawrence, Kas. 1 Goods delivered to order. my-dly Amnesty.

Toronto, July SO. A dispatch 3 TT 33 JEL E3 S3 (SUCCK8SOE TO ED. SMITH.) No. 33 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence ICnnsns, dealer 'r ties havo long since put their houses in order for an adverse verdict all nf which c-oes to Drove that Speer DAVID O. BEACH, from Ottawa says the yneen nas thA S159.000.

and that granted amuesty to all parties con- Attorney at Law and Notary Public, there, and could not serve the writs. The Chief Justice reaffirmed the opinion that the habeas corpus act was not suspended, and ordered the Marshal of the Supreme Court to go to Caswell and serve the writs. There has been no disturbance or resistance to law in any portion of the State. A telegram from Hillsboro states that Kirk's men arrested thirty citizens of Allamance to-day. They hung William Patton, a respectable citizen, three times, cutting hiui down each time to make him confess hr is niustlv persecuted.

His near neClCU WUU rcuumwu rtt friends have sriven ample tceti river. Af.KN WTJEDGMENT8. TT71LL TAKE mony of their unflinching confidence make out Deads and Mortinures, examine HE iflA. hfAri fnr nnn.reflldenta. AC.

In tr-A honnstv Oi tnc lunu. uso brawny, Scotch-looking Yankee, who, in the fall of 1851. paid $300 iu gold, and gave his note for $200 for his claim. To-day it is a farm, with the improvements, stock, fruit trees, vineyard, worth $40,000. And its occupant is no plodding, thick-headed digger In the soil, but an intelligent, cultivated gentleman, who likes books, and reads and writes for tho newspapers.

His articles, essays and letters that from time to timo appear in tho Jocrxal, are read with interest by all, and show cultivation and great good sense. His daughter translates Livy with flnonrv. and is in every sense an ac Fenians Sentenced. Windsor. July SO.

General hrnl thAtr Rubacribed to. and a sig niflmnt. notice of their opinion about O'Neil, convicted of violation or tne neutrality laws, was to-day sen nice with K. E. Lewis, Land Agsnt, Kl- dride House Block.

ma-dtf LAFLITJ RAND Powder Company, tho verity of the overwhelming rob self is not nature, but a service. It proposes to assist nature. Nature herself tires. Wo see dead limbs upon the tree, and what is this but nature's way of pruning? It docs not Bhorten the life of the tree. Short life is caused by execssivo growth more than anything else.

In the afternoon discussion, Mr. Brackett, from tho committee on entomology, read an article from the Kansas Farmer, ou tho borer, by Prof. Mudge, and combatted the theories and statements therein made as being unsafe and prejudicial to the growth and health of orchards. He stated that tho borer is here. He is camped in the forks and limbs of tenced to two years' imprisonuieui bery charged against tneir iinutii.

There were other important poin ts intnndori to have noticed, but will Prorations, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Pickles, IPBlUITS I 7 01 ALL. KINDS, IN THEIR SKAR0N. who murdered the outlaw. The last time they cut him down it was over an hour before he recovered. He made no confession.

and 10 fine Col. J. H. Brown was sentenced to nine months and $3 fine Capt. Monahan was sentenced postpono tho business, as Clarke did OB AXGE DUCKING, "AUDUBON," ORANGE RIFLE, LIGHTNING, to six months and $1 fine.

favorable period. OREAD. The Diamond Wedding. New York. Julv 30.

A Havana OF JCDO- Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City, FREE OF CHARGE. It Is the best powder I havs ever nsed," correspondent gives the sequel to the famous Bartlett diamond wedding. ntST-WHO IS tO B1AMET Clinton, Douglas July 29, 1870. EAitora Republican Daily Journal: A Share of Publle Patronage Respect fully Sollelted. myt-dtf The Senor died leaving no will, and The European War.

Berlin, July 29. A general movement of the Prussian forces in front of the French line has commenced, and it is evident that operations aro near at hand. TroopB are rushing on to Mayence from all directions. The King'bade adieu to his guards yesterday. England's violation of neutrality in supplying articles contraband of war, is bitterly complained of.

his American widow gets nearly a Tho articles, appearing daily, iu million dollars, while three million ST. LOUIS SAW W0UKS. the Journal, making uew and is divided among his forty-four drcn, most of them illegitimate and startling exposures of the Speer de free persons ot color. falcation, aro exciting, among the neoolc hereabouts, a new aud pro John Taylor. "Has beaten the best previous target 50 per cent." The powder to be the Orange Rifle." N.

Y. Specifications. First prize at Wimbledon Rifle Meeting-. Jfaglish Trial, June, 1866. First premium in great American trial.

-National air, Chicago, 1858. Ten thousand rounds fired continuously with-oat a miss Russian Government Trial Adopted exclusively tor cartridges by Russian Government, STRONG AND CUBAN. For sale at retail by all gunsmiths and defers, and wholesale from agents throughout th countrv. and our rks at Newburg, Kingston, and Cabkill, H. Soraoton, Carbondale, Potteville, Pa.

Baltimore. Md. and Platwvl Je. Wis. Office, No.

218 Second St. Loots, One door be'ow Olive. Metz, July 29. Great excitement found interest. BRANCH, CROOKES MANCTACTTjRERS Of, tho tree as well as in the roots, lie had taken borers three feet from the ground.

The coddling moth is feeding upou our apples. It is a very dangerous insect. One female will lay two hundred eggs, and every in-soct hatched will destroy each an apple. Mr. Byram thought the coddling moth was the insect we had most to fear.

Mr. Lovejoy had never lost but one tree, and ho had never taken out Drevails. The news that the Prus Tho mystery is how Speerhasbecu sians are moving, causes a general ftWp. so manv vcars. to foil all the Financial.

New York, July 80. The week closes with a steadier feeliug on Wall street. The marked, however, are generally dull. The bank statement is unfavorable money easy. Gold firmer, on reports that the hurrvwer forward of rench opera attempts of tho Government to ex EXTRA ME CAST STEEL, SAWS tions.

There is little doubt that the main body will strike through Rhen ish Bavaria, and an advance of the amine his accounts, when such open publicity was given to the charges. Thn wholo amount for which the Of all the Descriptions bow used In tbe United State. French had crossed the Rhine open Prussians on the left is expected. The beginning of the strategic S. H.

LAFLIN, Resident Director. Government has finally commenced movements is at hand. The German hut nna hnrr. Ha had one of tne BAKER. Ag-enta, Lawrence, Kansas.

KIDEWOCR. A Jy 28- eol weowlra programme is neither inactive orex- tt0 I suit (civil action) against tne aeun I nnnnt and hia sureties. I am credi oldest orchards in tho State. i ed at 1.20, and closed Clearances, $82,000,000. Swearing Mad.

Washington, July SO. There is a great deal of swearing among the clerks in the departments, to-day, over the circular letter issued by the pectacive. tuc army wui epcouiiy assume the offensive, and a great IFilPROTANT DISCOVERY battle is imminent on Jb rencn sou. hly informed, is over Now, how was it possible for Speer to so honey-fugle, or influence the officials who had the revision of his Two thousand men are strengthen REMEDY FOR SORE WEAK EYES. ing the Mayence fortifications, whicn were declared incapable of resisting accounts at Washington, as to make complished lady.

When wo observed, at the University, the readiness with which her Latin translations were rendered, we had no idea that this was the daughter of our favored friend, Joo Savage. And yet she is only a farmer's girl tho daughter of plain, honest Joe Savage. Tho young men of Lawrence, and the young men all over the country, can do as they please, but if we wero a young man, say a young banker, lawyer, or journalist, we know from what class wo should select a wife and we fancy there would bo some powerful sparkin in the vicinity of tho rural home of Joe Savage, daring the bright moonlit evenings of August and September. Mr. Savage place speaks for itself.

It shows his industry, and that a strong arm, as well as intelligent brain, has beea at work upon it. He has about ninety acres under cultivation, with about twenty acres In nursery dock. He has splendid groves of timber of the walnut, the cottonwood, and other native trees. The cottonwood he has obtained simply by letting them alone. The generous winds wafted the seed, in their downy covering, that produced the germs of these fine cottonwood groves.

His farm is protected with belts of timber, and his orchard and nursery stock especially the latter showed careful culture. His farm is supplied with two of tho best springs in the State. In a modest paper read by Mr. Savage, he gave a history of his claim, what he had done on the farm, and what his expectations and hopes of the future thought old cstablistiea trees naa better be left alone, as more injury would be done the tree in searching for them than would be done by the insect. Young trees should be carefully watched.

Mr. Steele had found borers pretty plentiful in his orchard, in spite of his plentiful use of ashes, washing a sudden" attack a fortnight ago. They can now stand a long siege, and furnish a base for offensive attacks. INSERTED Vi PATENT Vv.TEE-TM The report that the Prussian King would make Frankfort his head nPAfJr.n rtRnfiHTS AGO. with soap, lye, quarters is improbable.

r.Y AN FACTURERS. Paris. Julv 30. The French 3Jr. was troubled a good wr iournals say -the Prussians have oi with them last year, lie naa 300,000 men at Treves, men in the Black Forest.

100,000 near found the eggs from June to September. Trees affected by them should THwarthOTlnaTo Pi'ufc. and approved by mill men wherever known. Mavence, 100,000 in Schleswi, and 80,000 near Baden. The triangle be destroyed.

lie should not have had a tree left, if he had not gone FOR SALE THEIR WAREHOUSES between Treves, Mayence and the river Santera is well filled with soldiers London. July 30. Bets are freely for" them. SO Carowdelet Ilreil, New Orleekoa, La. It was agreed that the topic to bo I 11C and 118 Tine str, I I at.

lODla, Mo. I r.aJhe Street Cblere. III. SUFFERERS FROM SORS AND WEAK Eyes will be rejoiced to learn that a valuable remedy, discovered many years ago by a gentleman, has been recently, pot betvre the public, and is now accomplishing miraclae in offered that the Prussian army will discussed at the next meeting should be that of mulching fruit trees. them parties to this criminal postponement of his summary and final settlement? Those officials knew, upon the first examination of his returns, that he was a defaulter had embezzled immense sums of money.

They must evidently have been "seen" by some one whose influence with them, from high official position and relations, was all-potent. As I have observed, these charges were made openly by Speer's neighbors and the people generally, whose hard-earned money he and those who participated with him in the result, had so wickedly appropriated. These people were the constituency of Mr.Clarke. Ilts business was first of all to see that the oflicers who were appointed through hia influence to places of great trust and responsibility, did their duty well and faithfully and upon the first discovery of a disposition to abuse their trusts, to have them removed and adequately punished for their dereliction. In a case like this of Speer's, where the plunder of the public treasure was wholesale, as well as reckless and persistent, the culpability of Mr.

Clarke, even in permitting the work to go on and the crime to go so long unpunished, is so pronounced and great as to justify the suspicion of jcom-plicity in the malfeasance; then when it is charged against him be in Pans in a fortnight. tne way or relieving inose wno nave neen on-fortunate enough to have their organs of sight London. July 30. It is now Mr. Coleman gave notice of an 3 thought that the Prussian army pro- 9 NATIONAL BANK amendment, that he should propose SS poses to cross me rmne iroui uaucu into France, near Hnningue, two miles below Basle.

There is much at the next meeting, to the constitution, so as to elect officers at the a 'A activity in German military circles I regular monthly meeting in September, instead of the first Ifonday in 1 7t IU Republican Congressional committee calling for contributions for the camDaign. Many clerks have determined to appeal to the heads of their departments before paying the sums assessed upon them, Exhibition. Indianapolis, July 30. The exhibition of textile fabrics, to be held in this city next week, promises to be a great success. A large number of invoices of goods have already been received, and more are coming.

Tho exposition will be formally opened on Tuesday, August 2d. Many of our prominent public men will be present, from whom addresses may be expected. Fenton Throws TTp the Sponge. New York, July SO. The Tribune this morning publishes a letter from Senator Fenton, in response to its suggestion that he give public his reasons for opposing the confirmation of Collector Murphy.

Fenton declines to protract or revive the issue, after its decision by the Senate. He denies that he ha9 or had any personal end to serve, and is quite willing to drop the whole affair. Sheridan's Rejection. London, Julv 30. The Daily News savs that Dr.

Evans, an American resident of Paris, authorized the rejection of the offer of General Sheridan and other Americans, who were said to be anxious to serve against Prussia. The French wanted Gen. Sheridan to bo authorized to go a professional spectator merely, but this, too, was rejected by the government. The Editorial Excursion. Leavenworth, Ju'y SO.

The Iowa editorial party, numbering SOO, arrived here this morning at nine o'clock. The excursionists leave in the morning for Topeka, via the Kansas Pacific Railroad, and return in the evening, when they will proceed immediately on their way to ConnKl Bluffs. The reception seems September. are. The springs furnish abundant 6 Lawrence.

Kansas. Depository and Financial Agent of the United States. 91 Massachusetts Street. to-dav. The French press, regardless of politics, praise the Emperor's address to the people.

Paris, July SO. To-day the Emperor assumed command of the army. He has heed hard at work to-day, with Gen. Le Bcauf, arrang water for bathing pools, fish ponds, It was voted to hold the next meeting (the last Saturday in August) at Mr. Steele's, in a skating rink, fountains, all of 9 3 which Mr.

Savage expects to have, ere long. He already has a very MOKE CHARGES -OTHER Editors Reablicaa Dily Journal I. 8. SECURITIES of all kinds bought aad a old at best rates, Collections made on all met eeasible points. rOREiUN KILHAMjH rornisnea in sants tc fine artificial pond, twelve rods in length by two in width, which he expects to improve and fit up for bathing purposes.

As a stock sr.ii. J3O0TOIU3 affected. This is no humbug or quack prescription, and such as are in doubt will please read the following certificates: Means. Dnnn, Bro. A Co.

I have been troubled with sore eyes for the last two or three years, and had exhausted the best skOl in Rochester, N. to no purpose, and was cured by your Eye Water Rochester, N. T. Messrs Dunn, Bro. A Co sirs: I caught cold, tUia winter, and it settled In my eyes.

I nstd one bottle of your JSye Water, and it eared m. entirely, -tf. THOSIAS, 2f M. R. R.

Kessrs. Dnnn, Bro. A Co. Sirs: A young lady stopping at the house where I am boarding has had sore eyes evrr since she was a cb Id. and I got a bottle oi Tour- Eye Water, and she used it as directed, and soe is entirely wellnow.

MUX3UN BEACH, Cor. Eighth and Olive 6C Louis, Mo. Messrs. 1 snn, Bro. Co.

I had very sore eyes; one swelled entirely shut. The first application took all the sweuing ot, and ta two (lavs I was entirely well RICHARD M. FHATES. Alton Junction, May Stb, 18T0. Messrs.

Dnnn, Bro. A Co. I caught a severe cold, this winter, from exposure, and it settled in my eyes. I need one bettle of yoar Eye Water, and was cured I Snpt. of Transfer 'Buses, St.

Louis, Mo. For further Information, address BtX5, BRO. A Co-, Sole Proprietors, No. 435 N. fclxth street.

ft.Xonis, Who sell at Wholesale and Retail. Jy37odtwweowly I. PATTEOMX-Dentist. Office, No. 79 Maseachusetu street, over House's clothing store.

Teeth extracted without pain, by the tee of nitrons oxide, or laughing gas. IU-dWtf O. COmS. Fresld -nt fnneaMAw in that he has been the main farm it cannot be surpassed, as the It. A ti.

K. 1 1 OHon. J. IlenMl j. UK.

PEKOTS WINE. water is easily carried in pipes to i XZomeopatliiatsj. HIS WISE HAS BECOME WELL KXOWH different fields. The water on Mr to tbe people ot Kansas, and is one of the Once Mansaehnsens street, SoUllTs Bloee best articles for uroer use, ana ior gentle stimulant, and well summer use, and si miuiMi. for 17 Ohio street.

ing the necessary details. a ce Prince Imperial visited the camps to-day, and was received with great enthusiasm. The health of the army is perfect. No serious engagement yet. London, July SO.

The proposed Gallican demonstration at Limerick, to-morrow, is forbiden by the authorities. The Birmingham Gazette hints that the Irish affection for the French Emperor is nourished by the French Government. 1 The French army is placed as fol? lows: First atStrasburg; second, Gen.Frossard, at blavold; third, Marshal Bazaine, at Metz; fourth, Gen. Ladminault, at Thionville fifth. Gen.

De Failly, at Bitche; sixth, Marshal Canrobert, at nhalons seventh. Gen. Douay, at Savage's place is worth a fortune, an will yet be utilized and made ID UDII. A 1 adaoted to persons in delicate health, It is strumentality in staying summary examination of Speer's accounts, and in so managing his case with the Government officials as to shield him (Speer) from public condemnation and just punishment by the courts, and the charges stand unrefuted nay, stand almost confirmed by tho appearances, how shall we decide which is the guiltier man? LAWRKVCE, KANSAS eiiCH-ritf exceedingly valuable. We have Still additional and grave charges are preferred against Mr.

Speer, late Internal Revenue Collector, in a letter written from this city to the Leavenworth Times, and republished in your issue of Friday last. I awaited a reply from Mr. S-, or some of his near friends, with considerable interest. I may 6ay here, that whatever impatience I felt in the matter was speedily dissipated by a perusal of the Tribune, published this (Saturday) morning. Mr.

Speer's habitual answer to these overwhelming discoveries of bis exhaustive spoliations of the public treasure, was flung back with a glibness of tongue, an apposlteness of rhetoric, which could only be exhibited by parons who yernaenlar is tbo written thus at some length of Mr, WANTED. manulactnred by Dr. Percy, from grapes growa in his vineyard, seven miles south of Lawrenee, and the wine was ned last summer by aim-dreds of the people or Kansas. Tbe prtoe has been greatly reduced, and we now ffer following rates at wholesale Isabella Wine. 1 per gallon.

Concord 1 Savage ana ni.iarm, oecaueo we know that ho and his-place are only 10,000 POUNDS OF T1LL0YV, representatives of hundreds of farms Persons desiring small quantities, oi course FOR WHICH THE HlfSRkJJT CASH PRIC will be paid at the will be charged an advance upon tneee rates. Orders lew wun Horace mm vra and farmers in Douglas county. The order of these monthly meet LAWRENCE SOir 3lAXrFACTC3T. Everybody kuows mat lorinessi. eight years the public men in Kansas hare been running riot with the people's money.

Pomeroy and Lane commenced tbeir careers by buying supporters, right and left, with money had under one bad pretext or another, from the publle or store, opposite tae Haraei nmw, to uwj Street, will receive prompt araeniion. Srrs cf the Douglas County Fruit Belfast eighth, Gea. Baurbaky, at PERCT, at. Lairrenee, Saa. lOaeSi-dAwiy apfo-Mra Association is as follows the array neaaqusrtf ft.

i at eleven o'clock at the ft 1 i-ef" S-.

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