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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 1

Logansport, Indiana
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LOGANSPORT, INDIANA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY I. 1895. A PERFECT WAIST IN FIT MAKE FINISH. WE, EXCEL! Not only in' Dry Goode proper, but in all its kindred lines which oome within the scope of a vast retail establishment.

Excuse we are boasting about our SHIRT WAISTS this time It's to to keep to ourselves. They could not be made better in fit or finish, if you paid twice the price. The better ones are made Of finer fabrics. We fit every Waist if you wish. Wo-know they 11 fit.

To open the season we have a few special inducements this week. SHIRT WAISTS AT SOc, 60c, 98c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 They should and will bo more. One thousand designs but only two makes and they are the best. We offer little inducements in Belts, Belt Buckles, Beltings, and Belt Pins. Watch what we are going to say about Serge Suits next week.

The Busy Bee Hive 1895 SPRING 1895 We take Pleasure in Announcing the Arrival of Our Spring Suitings! And we feel justly proud ii the success of our untiring efforts which enable us to thow you this season the Latest, Most Stylish, Most Attractive and Exclusive Line of woolens in the city. Carl W. Keller, Tailor Draper. 311 Market St. MOTHERS! you want to dress your little ones in Up- To-Date Clothingjsee my line of Combination, Reefer, Junior and Jersey Suits.

They have never been equaled in Logansport. JOS. G. GRACE. 426 BROADWAY.

MUST WITHDEAW $77,500 Nicaragua to Pay on Conditions. with Our Attitude A Boycott Proposed Against' England Nicaragua, April Nicaraguan- government has formally decided-to-accede to the compromise proposition of the settlement of the pending- trouble and this decision, has been communicated to tho authorities at Washington London. According to this agrees to pay the 577,500 in.Lon- don fifteen days from the time the British ships leave the harbor of Corinto. It now remains for Great Britain to agree to this condition. The government's course is regarded as shifting on Great Britain all further responsibility for.

the trouble. The most positive of the prompt payment of the mojiey have been givun, so that there may be no question of uncertainty on this point. Nlcarncuttin Ancry lit MANAGUA, Nicaragua, April leading Nicaraguan statesman, in an interview Tuesday, said: "Our (rovurnihent lias received no official ftdvlccs Jrom Washington, by wnlch TVO giitbor lhat the Americans have turned tholr backs upou us, and ro- runo to succor us In tho hour trial. Tho English havo at least pluolt In their favor. They have the Insolence to doty, through us, tho entire American continent, while the United States can never Justify tbolr of action which will remain a blot upon their history.

Weak and small as our nation is, wo have shown more courage than tho United States, who encouraged u.s, only to desert us at the last moment," In he said that ho would have preferred to see the much-vaunted Monroe doctrine die a more dignified death. To Boycott NEW YOKK, April special cablegram from Honduras announces that British. aggression in Venezuela and Nicaragua has caused so much feeling throughout Central American republics that a boycott against English importations is seriously talked of as a means of retaliation. The cablegram states that the boycott has already begun among the merchants of Honduras, and that concerted action throughout Central America may be expected. Such a movement would, of course, increase the United States' exports to Central America.

Warships Are Sont. WASJIIXOTOX, April several conferences Monday with Secretary Greshain aud Secretary Herbert, the secretary of the navy sent dispatches to the commanders of the United States gunboats Alert and the Atlanta, directing them to proceed 1 without delay to San Juan del Sur and Grey town, Nicaragua, respectively. "When Secretary Herbert was asked the significance of these orders he answered promptly as follows: Knasons' for the Action. "Tho newspapers say that a revolution 1 Is probable in Nicaragua. They state thftt the people are very much' dissatlslled the course of the government and ure attempt to overthrow It.

In order to prolgct the Interests of American citizens, their, lives nod property, and following tho policy always pursued in such oontlnscncies, I havo ordered tho Alert to San del Sur, and the Atlanta to Grey 7 town. In addition to these vessels the Montgomery, now at Mobile, will sail on May 7th for Greytown, tho Nlcarnguan canal commission to that place. The Monterey, which has sn.lled for Panama 'will remain a't Panama for the present. With two.Unitod States ships.on one side of Nicaragua and one ship on the other side, It Is plain that American Interests will bo well protected If tho rumored revolution should take place. But I wish It distinctly understood that these vessels are sent to Nicaragua for tho purpose of earing tor citizens of the United States and their Interests, and not on any business connected with tho situation at Corinto." Why Wo Can't Interfere.

While the policy of this povernment in the trouble at Corinto is well understood, the first authoritative statement on the subject was not made nntilMon- day. A cabinet officer said Monday evening that the United States could not interfere between Great Britain and Nicaragua in their matter of difference because Nicaragua was a sovereign state, recognized as such by Great Britain and the United States, and must hold herself responsible to Great Britain'for offenses committed against British subjects. He said: "The United States: government does not undertake to extend a protectorate over Cen-i tnil America and South America to such, an extent that a sovereign stale of one or the other of these countries may insult 'on- other sovereign nation with the expectation that this government will protect It from forcible resentment by. tho nation insulted. Such a principle has never been recognized by the United States, and Lf -we attempt to assert it, wa -would secure the enmity of every nation having dealings with Central and South.

America. 'PROFITS OF ARMOUR CO. BeinlU of Cattle for the Put Sixteen Slonthn- April J. Martin, Armour Chicago, has submitted to the secretary of agriculture statement of. the profits and of Armour Co-'sheef-slaug-hter- business for the last sixteen months.

It consists of four exhibits, summarized these are as'fol- of a losses ing Briefly lows: Tno first shows the results on 421.7^) cattle and marketed durinz the year Tie cent, for crage ending November Tne live weight was 479,917.300: dressed, tie average cost, total cost, To to Is added cost of labor, J738.01U. receipts from the offal, fat and hides deducted, and after taking out lOpercen depreciation and 458,000 for bad debts the loss Is given for the year loss per head of 17.4 cents. Tho second exhibit shows tho results M.3+4 cattle during November and Deceml 1684. Tho weight of-these was: Live, 59,778, 400 pounds; dressed, 32,709,432 pounds; average cost, total cost, Labor, sal- aro placed at JOS.lOi Against this Is credited for oflal, fat, hides, etc. Tho total loss Is placed at or a loss per head ol 167-10 cents.

third abstract gives the results on slaughtered and marketed during Janu nry and February of tho present year. The! live weight was C2.813.644 pounds, dressed '-it, 390,5112 pounds, and toe average cost to" cost. with labor, salaries, It receipts from cheek-meats, hearts, ta low and hides are deducted and tho net gui was 835,726, or 45.IS csuts per head. The depreciation and bud debts are estimated on the basis of thoso for ISO 1. The last abstract shows tho results on eattlo slaughtered and marketed during th period from February to April -'0 lust.

Th live weight was pounds; dressed. OD3.07i pounds; average cost, 54.05. anil tota cost, including labor, Deductions are made on account of the sale of cbeel- meats, hearts, livers, tallow and hides und the beef was sold at a. net Ruin of $0.389, 01 cents a head. At Some in Nebraska, Michigan and Wisconsin It Winter Wheat Up.

itnl CHICAGO. 111., April as to the condition of crops throughout lr the country and the general influence of weather on cultivation and growth of crops were made by the directors of the different state weather services today. The. reports and synopsis telegraphed to Chicago aro follows: a few southwest counties winter wheat in excellent condition; all small grains growing well but slowly; rainfall neod- eil. Corn land being rapidly prepared: planting processing In southern und beginning iu central and northern counties.

Fruit blossom- Ing settiucr in profusion. wolithor and few showers were ber.eilclal but rain is ncuiled: wheat on favorable soil promises good crop, on clay ground It stands thin and spotted; plowing for Mr. -Martin says the talk that the wholesale slaughterers manipulate or control prices of live stock or dressed 'beef is silly and will not be credited by any person who studies the question. Armour Co. own no cattle on the plains and gain nothing by the advance in cattle.

They buy in competition with over JOO others who slaughter locally or in the ditferent cities export their purchases, and Armour Co. sell in competition with other large slaughterers, VOORHEES FOR FREE SILVER. The Indlima. Senator Saya tho yocuMou Should lie Settled. INDIANAPOLIS, April Voorhees submitted to a long interview Monday, in which he flatly 'pronounced for free- silver at the 10 to 1 ratio.

He said the question had been agitated for years, and it was time the question was settled. The time has come, he said, when the labor- prcducing people Of the country are to decide whether they will submit to be longer "bullied out of half of their debt-paying money." He says this country should not wait for England's approval. If gold win's 'in the fight it means the destruction of half of debt-paying money of. the United States and of the world and will double the burdens on pvery. debtor and multiply the gains and incomes of every creditor wherever sun shines.

WASHINGTON MEMORIAL ARCH. Tho Beautiful Commomorutlvo Monument In Now IL'orJr Cnvellod. NEW YOKE, April Washington narch, erected in Washington square in commemoration of the centennial of the inauguration of Washington as first president of the United States on 'April' 30, 1780, was 'formally unveiled and dedicated Tuesday with appropriate exercises. The arch has been in process of construction for four years. It was erected by public subscription, Jhe contributions aggregating 8128,000.

Stanford White was the- architect and William MacMonnies, of Paris, who became fa- mous through his great fountain in the Court of Honor at the world's fair, was the sculptor of. the female figures with which the arch is adorned. LEVI B. TAFT DEAD. Eminent Jurist of Michigan Passas at I'ontlno.

PON-MAC, April B. Taft, one of Michigan's eminent jurists, died his home in this city Monday night, aged 73. was born in Massachusetts. He took an academic course at Hopkins academy, Massachusetts, and graduated from Dartmouth In He removed to Chicago about 1850 and was associated with eminent lawyers there for sixteen years. Ho was the solicitor for tho complainants in the celebrated case of J.

C. Freer, administrator, vs. Horatio Seymour et and Henry Seymour, executor, which, was tu the United States circuit court for tho northern district of Illinois for twelve yearsland which decided In favor of tho complainants. Ho came to Pontloc in 1868 and was appointed judge of tho SUth judicial circuit In I87ai Potterj Combination CLKVELAirb, 0., April dispatch from Akron to the Press says: The combination of pottery manufacturers, known as the Akron-Canton Stoneware agency, which has sold more than two- thirds of the stoneware of the United States for the last ten years, has been broken. lUilrond Man JilmMlf.

ST. LOOTS. April special to tbe Chronicle from Omaha says that Augustus Egbert, one of the leading raifroad men of that section, for many years superintendent of the various railroads in the west, killed himself Tuesday morning. A Governor'" Son Killed. April special to the.

Post from Louisville, says: Archie Brown, son of the governor of Kentucky, was'shot down in a bawdy house Tuesday afternoon, by Pulton also killed his wife who was with Brown. VfUm and -Aprfl Young, the courthouse, shot and'killed his wife at Eoosierrille Tuesday- He then drove to this city, went to the courthouse and shot him-' to death. WINTER WHEAT. Good Conation Reported Throughout Northwestern Statesi corn nijarly ended; planting begun in most counties. too cold and dry for crop growth; grass and oats making slow progress: winter wheat largely winter killed and land hown to other grain; about 50 per ceuu of the crop saved In east portion; corn planting begun.

rains in. northern and central portions and light showers In southern portion; warm sunshiny days with frosty nights; early sown grain good stand and sprouting nicely; potato planting well advanced und corn planting begun; grass and lute sown groin need more rain In southern portion. week ended warm ana favorable; a fair start has been made in corn planting; all small grain crops doing well; winter wheat in good condition. i North weather, wheat seeding about ilnishcd; oats, rye and ilax being sown; grain coming up niuoly. South an average temperature, wlth.about average rainfall, and sufficient sunshine caused satisfactory progress In all vegetation: wboat, oats, gardens ana grass growing flaxscediag progressing: potato planting advanced; corn planting becoming general.

week with but tow showers injuring small grain; wheat improved In western counties, but much of it planted to other grains in central counties and beginning to lire in eastern; northern counties bettor than southern; corn doing fairly well, oats poorly. sunshine above normal; local showers badly distributed, light in all sections except, southern, whore rains wore heavier and more general; oats, corn and grass Improved. have started everything to growing rapidly; cotton planting nearly completed, and tho early planting coming up liicoly: corn coming up to good stand uud being worked Urst time; wheat, oats und grasses much improved. dry weather has greatly advanced farm work, but hold baoU vegetation is badly in need of rain; ull winter In fair condition, except in eastern third of central counties, where it Is poor and winter killed in spots. In central and western co'untles becoming serious and wheat, oats and grass making but little growth; rain badly needed except In some northeastern and southern counties, where moisture Is sufficient and crops aro doing ilnely, continues to Improve, and in fair condition except over the northern portion, where it Is thin and yellow; growth of grass, clover, pastures retarded by cold clghta; oats coming up and doing well, also potatoes; corn planting progressing, fruit blooming.

abundant sunshine, scat- SSJESS I 0 ijJPjll.SftJlfl&W?.. -ftlj. 0aRSSJ of vegetation; winter wheat Inmost promising condition In all sections, though growth. slightly backward; out worms damaging corn and clover seriously and causing suspension of corn planting; army worms appearing In numbers in plaoes in central and western counties; farmers ditching their fields to guard against injury. havo grown slowly owing to dry weather Urst ot last weeK, but rains the past three days make the week close with all crops In excellent condition.

Winter wheat good in extreme southeastern counties; elsewhere mostly whiter killed has been plowed up for other crops. Fruit In remarkably good condition. Death of DenerCed Wife. DESTEE, April D. Campbell, a beautiful woman, was found dead in a- cheap lodging bouse here Tuesday morning.

She was married in Chicago in October, 1883, it be-, ing a fashionable wedding. She came to Colorado two years ago for her health. Her husband, a well-known lawyer, now of 2G1 Broadway, New York, deserted her. Mm, sutng-lor HITPTOI, LOXDOS, April has been learned that immediately her husband was arrested Mrs. Wilde took her children and her belongings from the Wilde residence on Tite street and instructed her lawyer to 'institute proceedings for a divorce.

Allchlgan'i Tax Lerf. LAXSESO, April is officially estimated that the tax levy of the state for the present biennial period will be nearly Compared with the levy for last two years this is an increase of Police Hag-Utratcn Bill N. April as- sernblv has concurred in the senate amendments to the Kew York city police magistrates bill by a vote of 86 to 17, and the hill now goes to Mayor Strong for his approval Charged T-itb Mjmj 0.. April body of Joseph Denman, 45 years old, was found in the river. He liad committed suicide because he had-been charged with forty-five crimes of which he declared he was innocent.

Stove 3ten Meet. CHICAGO, April annual convention of the National Stove Fouc' ders' Defense association was held at the Auditorium Tuesday. STATE NEWS BY WIEB. Dispatches from Numerous PlaoM In Indiana. Killing Abont a Boycott.

ANDERSON, April killing of Arthur Schuoider by Officer Painter at Alexandria is bringing on labor and capital complication that IB out of the ordinary. Schneider was flint glass worker and belonged to the union, which is strong at The union is fighting the dend man's cast. His opposed to Fain tor's being put under bond, but he was let out upon furnishing- 510,000 security signed by business men. The uuion ham. posted a notice nil over the city declaring a boycott of the men who signed the bonds.

The union has gone so far ns to boycott all persons who do business with tho men who wettt on the bond. Another Mrnltfry Solved. HAUTE. April body found hnnginpr on npple tree i r.t i'ai-niersbura- Thursday morning is now thoug-ht beyond doubt to be of Ka.ves. a farmer who resided near Versailles, Ky.

William he is satisfied it is the body of his brother, whom he hns uot seen but' once in thirty years, which was thir- teen years ago. The rope thatstruny him was a grass halter strap. There is no evidence that he died of strangulation or any kind of violence, aud the in which hi' met death shrouded iu mystery. How he came to is also unknown. Crupii In Nevd of Halo.

i IsniAXAPOLlS, April Indiana weekly weather-crop bulletin saj's; Dry, warm, fair weather, with bndly-dlstrlb- mod local rains on two days, was favorable for farm work and also for crops, but ruin Is needed much, especially (or wheat and Winter wbcnt In general is promising good harvest. Onts are sprouting slowly. Kye is Itt good condition. Clover and timothy In general stuud well, but pustnragu Is short and but' 1 little live suiclt on It in many counties. Plow-' Ing for corn progresses rupldly und has begun In most counties.

In the southern and-central portions tipple, plum, poar Had some cherry trees are In full bloom. Inipormut Decliton Kondnreil. LA PORTE, April Eubbard, of tho La Porte circuit court. passed upon the legal questions involved iu the case to determine who is the legally constituted warden of northern Indiana prison, sustaining, the demurrer of Plaintiff Uarley answer of Defendant French, thus deciding the act of 1S05 providing for election of warden to both prisons stitutionaL The case will now go supreme court of the state for final decision. Child Burneil to DcHth.

INDIANAPOLIS, April McCoy, aged 4, was burned to: death. The child clad in some light gauzy material went into tho cellttT, and her clothing became ignited at furnace. Her mother, hearing her screams, ran down into the cellar and was herself severely burned about the arms while attempting to smother flames with her own clothing. Aflosr'ci Pnnecutlon, ANDEBSOX, April $10,000 suit for damages has been filed ag-atost the city health officer. Dr.

Cbittenden, by H. Reynolds, a physician who- was arrested and prosecuted by Chittenden for failing to report a death: within the five days. Eeynolds acquitted and now claims persecution as his grounds for action. 5g? SurprUei HI" Flock by ConraBCS, April the conclusion of his sermon Rev. Gilbert Dobbs, pastor of the First Baptist-church of this city, surprised his congregation by announcing his tion, to take'effect May 13.

No cause is assigned. Killed by llorte'l falling. EL WOOD, April 30. Hornet Thomas, a relative of Dr. Baker, of In-! dianapolis, whose home at Charleston, W.

while engaged in horse racing on the country roads cast of here was thrown to the ground by the horse's falling. He was fatally jured. i Innocence. FOIST WAYSE, April liam Newman, arrested in church at the funeral of Mrs. Savannah Dugan charged with murdering the woman, declares he is innocent and can it.

His-preliminary bearing has been fixed for Saturday morning. Haft Never April who owns a large farm just west of ll the city, has mystel-iously disappeared. He left home, on Tuesday of last presumably to go to a neighbors, 'ind has never returned- Some hint at mar- Jj der. Thief April Bridenbach, of Dubois county, traced. John Shooley, a horse thief, to this city and through Deputy Sherifl effected his capture, recovering two-' stolen horses.

Tired of Life. April JohnTnller, coafinedin Indiana, prison attempted to bang, himself his cell. He was discovered and cnt but it is thought he eanaot cover..

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