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The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee • 1

Knoxville, Tennessee
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HOME US EDnOiirSiSsS Snoxviiie i Fair Saturday night and Sunday Not much change in temperature Temperature Friday at 7 a m- 16 Saturday at 7 a 63- VOL 5 No 156 KNOXVILLE TENN SATURDAY MAY 22 1920 Y'hrwo rnti a Copy N' Ay OuTtocr Ton CnU a Woo DEARIE MEET MR AMERICA! 1 MINORITY FIVE DENfSECREY SESSION PRIME MINISTER BANS Romance Leads Youth to sWk Duty OWN SON FROM NAVY MOVE FOR REFERENDUM EXPANDING Oilier Colons Join Drive For National Poll A Shaken JUed What People Think About 0 A Ever An Issue a The Dry Csar's Cossacks Liars and Hypocrites ip Hr Virttnl Fww 1 Prtrno Minister l'angalos who Is virtually dictator of Greece haa Issued a decree dismissing his own son from the dieted By Statement navy The young man second Lieutenant Chesenx loft for abroad without the permission of the minister of marine 1 rnivor Picking Managedfl NEW SUPPORTERS In Whole Council Tbe five members of tbwi minority group of tbe council lti 1 I a signed statement leaned day denied that they have for 4 BEIGR AUK Romanes lies behind the absence of Lieut Cbeseut Psngsloa son of the dictator of Greece from his native land Young Pangalos told tbs United Tress that be expects to marry hla Serbian fiance Mila Jleta Trlptsch and taka her back with him to Greece despite hla father's opposition any secret meetings purpose of selecting I ilo not care what my father thinks even If he la the ruler of ha added But Handsome Sam Is Poor Beside Homely Paul Uy KOY GIUUONH KEA Narvtoa Wrtttr Consider the Inequalities of beauty male beauty at that! Here In tbls city are two men each with the same last name Neither knows the-other One is beautiful and one Is homely Tbe homely one la Paul Ash wbo gets paid 11000000 by contract for leading a Jazs orchestra providing he does nothing to Improve his appearance for live years The beautiful one Ram Ash gets paid a fraction of a million dollars for singing sweet tenor songa on the condition that he retain his manly figure The Handsomest American Sam has just been picked as the handsomest American by the famous sculptor Henri Matisse form is divine if tbat can be said of the male figure Likewise he has a face which women rave over Matisse tells you It represents Justice and mercy of sterling manhood and says why he chose San of all Americans as "Mr -And now we come to Paul Ash Long hair bulldog phis and ears that stick out like semaphores tough being homely" says the unbeautiful Ash "But if I Can make people laugh and bring them a little fun why should 1 care? I get paid to keep my same old face too That's better than borrowing soma other -Lots of Mash Notes Both Ashes receive love letters by the score And the homely Ash gets more than the pretty Ash r'S r'-'v' I i'-K COOUDGE SIGNS): PARK BILL i Sinoky-Slienaudonli Project Now a Law a have discussed the mat ter on tho streets and also the statement declares but at no time has them beoit secret i In tha absence of ambiguity with regard to what constitute "secret meeting1 thla statement contradicts the information given The Newe by one of the five and-published in paper This councilman whose name The Newa kept In confidence at hla request atated to Tbe Both Parties Figuro in Growing Demand lly LKO It SACKS Krrlppa-Hnwar Matt CerrMpoadeat WASHINGTON Two United States senators and a member of the House of Representatives Saturday approved the recommendation of Senator David A Reed of Pennsylvania tbat the states conduct referendums in order definitely to take the prohibition question out of politics They were Senators William Bruce of Maryland Hiram Bingham of Connecticut and Representative John Philip Kill of Maryland leader of the inodlfl-ratlonlsts In the House of Representatives Their approval la Indicative of the rapidly Increasing desires of officials regardless of party to take the prohibition Issue out of partisan and personal politics "It la a matter of the highest concern that there should be a referendum in every state where the prohibition Issue has become acute" Senator Druoe said Ilia Reasons "I am In hearty accord with 8enator Reed and Indeed I should like to see a nationwide referendum first because that all to be said ellbtv pro or con on prohibition has been said forcefully by the respective (Turn to Page Two Please) SUPS BACK Colonel May Never Gain Bank Prrai WASHINGTON Col Alexander Williams sentenced to loss of four numbers In (he promotion list for drunkenness at Coronado Beach probably will never become a general In (ha corps That was the opinion Iuto Saturday Williams now goes to 26th on tho list of marina colonels Ha la 49 years old Tha sentence while comparatively mild was deemed a complete vindication of General Smedley Butler who brought the charges against Williams Hr i siimI rim WASHINGTON i ont I the Coolidge Saturday signed the bill their candidate for the city man-establlaliing the Shenandoah and agershlp and that thla agreement Smoky Mountain national parka was reached in seeret conference tho former In Virginia and the 1st- Among the five to which th ter in Tennrasee and North Caro- majority members of the eouclt Ins They will be the first large were not Invited national parka eaat of the Mlaala- "We're got our the News that th five members of minority had agreed upon alppl river liy TRACT HERE la a Reed abaken In the wind and he's from Pennsylvania not Miuourl Up to last Tuesday he was happily dry and willing to swear that the liquor question had been settled for all time Like Secretary Mellon he thought Vare was making an unnecessary rumpus over a dead Issue Now he's ready to sing a different tune and to go farther than humming It too has reached the point in our national he thinks "comparable only to the question of slavery In the fifties" He thinks that the government will grow more and more Inefficient if this question isn't taken out of politics That there Is such "courage of on both sides as will' boost liberals or prohibitionists Into office quite regardless of other qualifications and that the hope of tbe country lies In a referendum Correct brother Reed but too late for the fullest benefit A1 Smith has beaten you to It Democratic New York comes first and Republican Pennsylvania can only make a good imitation a a a WHAT the people want to think about they will Eighteenth amendment or no Eighteenth amendment Volstead act or no Volstead act Go Into any hotel lobby stand on any street corner or visit any home and you will hear prohibition mentioned ten times where the World Court or the tariff or the Income tax or any other issue that Reed Mellon and their crowd thought so much alive by comparison before last Tuesday Is mentioned once Law mass Issues or suppress thenu-but-simply grows out of them They are never settled until public opinion does the trick The law Just gets everybody Into trouble when It tries to go faster than public opinion or lags behind Owing to confused state of mind six or eight years ago the professional reformers were able to stampede the country and put over a constitutional amendment and an enforcement act which public opinion was not prepared to accept and which It never has accepted YOU can say that prohibition Is no longer an Issue because It has been written Into the constitution but that Is nonsense Whatever vast numbers of the people disagree with remalna an (Turn to Page Two Please) councilman aaid on Thursday "and are ready to go Into election at any People eloee1 the five eounctlmen know this Drat cholee of tho five Trotter and Tha News learned The signing of the park bill Sat urday by President Coolidge marks tha last atep In autborlxa- tton of the Appalachian national park projects by the government The park bill is no longer a 1 It la now the law of tha land Bnactmont of thla law means to that BATH TUB ISSUE GIVEN REST ivlore Witnesses Summoned For Resumption Monday Xo Denial On TroUer No denial mad In Batur-i that the United Htatca government I day's atstemsnt that the flvqi stands committed to create the na-1 have agreed on Trotter aa their tlonal parka In the Great Smofc lea I choice and Phenandoah valley whenever )( could name the eily proponents of the parks furijsh manager as a 'bine1 we would th land and the money to eelffb- refrain from doing so" tho etata-llsh them Iment says "The responsibility la With the park law a reality one that we do rot want and hackers of the movement will have will not have Wa deslra only a new Impetus to go out and to aerept our part or the rcepon-i solicit funds In tho eastern atatea IsIMIIty on the rouncll aa lndl-r and Ihruout the nation to Unties vldual membrTa We wish tho purchase of mountain land it mada known that we aland Th gorernmnut authorisation ready to co-operate with the will also open clear way for the rouncll na a whole and to meet state legislatures to condemn for our rnlleaguea hair way and Vo park purposes such land aa la Imre In mind In our transaction discussed "tub of Three employes of a 1 newspaper gave a graphic description" of the events which brought Carroll before the federal grand Jury to ezplain and upon which explanation he was Indicted for perjury ua follows: Carroll stood by the tub Mist Hawley the chorus girl stood In nr i-onm run NEW The- efforts It Attorney- Emory Hurkner la knight Earl Carroll with th Order of tbe Bath will be resumed Monday morning Friday's testimony definitely established pretty Joyce Hawley's position In regard to the much- AlSHJ JMOAT BSfAUTIFULv- MAN IN AMERICA ABOVE BELOWTPAIX ASH? LOSE 1 1600000 IF HE IMPROVES HISLOORS i needed AUTO COLLISION of the public business the welfare nf the rltlzena and tai- payers of Following la tha statement la I full: T- (Na Tha MNSaralsaa rafarra la la Iha ja-npaiaia aa Iha -eilaarllr ef I iha i lls raaall hare haiS aa aarrat ae 4arh laatera raaraara far Iha ears ef Belarus a H'y mahai-r There (iIsm t'Miiimny Kniphiye Are Nllglitly Hurt llazler Wiliams lg 603 Ylr- Th roups Await Promised urn to WtUlfgrmi 108 Preparation for the on Sunday of Almev Semple McPherson mlaalng evangelist were mad Saturday by many of her follower Hundred of tbe revivalist's disciples declare she will aria from the see Sunday at tbs spot where sh Is believed to have disappeared last Tuesday while swimming la the surf Throngs plan to atteod Ihe to lift" glnla-av and Elmer Redmond lie sa a aiestml affan aa iha pan af 1037 Plewert-fd both employe ael few Ieare BBS her iiu away In fha ramu-ll far a raailaaallae or the Knot villa (lane Lo werel Vui mi s-aaineiie af iha th wings of th thcator in which tha of was performed for guests Th girl came out A rob was wrapped around her and so ins flimsy lingerie slipped out from undurnesth Then she went Into the tub unmindful of the coldncee nf the bevermge within It What the beverage was Is yet undetermined Carroll claims It was sparkling ginger ale One witness said wine Another took champagne ns his guess Until Monday the hath and Ihe enamel tub will real At least 10 more witnesses are believed lo have been subpensed Miss Hawley Is expected lo be the leading government witness ami probably will bo put on Ihe stand Just before the government rinses Its rase Phnuld Carroll he found guilty he would fare uiaxl mum penally of fSuou flnet nr live yeara Imprisonment or both on each of six counts nf Ibe In diriment It 1s rare that penalties In perjury ease ever exreed the maximum far one count SENATE TOUR rmuilgn Uliml Cndiere To hit Hinrm iVnim Tl- penal trimary campaign Investigating mmmlltee probably will lour Ihe country for a personal survey of renditions touching first Pennsylvania sad llllnni prnnlnr William II King (Di Utah annunred Paturday WASHINGTON GOES IN FOR i Hearing Reveals Large Following Among Mediums and Astrologists II KARL KPAHUXH is the White House neighborhood haunted? A stage magician two dozen practicing mediums and 200 professed spiritualists reconvened Friday ror further dlaruaalon 1 Real reason for tha meting naa continued hearing on a bill to regulate the practice of Washington mediums but Interest off 1 several thousand spectators Jamming tha committee room was plainly centered In testimony of alleged activities nf ghost and1 lh Iha spirits In thu nation's official lh Tfrjr hldw of circles At present tho situation Is this: Miss Hose Msckenberg a professional Investigator alleges that Mrs Jane Coates a Washington medium told her that "table tipping seances-' were a regular thing In 1 the white House under Coolidge occupation Miss Msckenberg alleges Mrs Coates Whlte Houas" Madam Marcia a Washington astroliiglst admits that during the Harding occupancy sh waa often consulld by Mrs llardlng Madam Marcia admit farther that alia predicted President Harding's election Mrs Fletcher wtr of the Honda senator admits she HOLD SUSPECT IN ROBBERY Keys Furnish Clue INtiut-intc Crippled lVddler Diamond rings valued at 9760 belonging to Mrs II Clark and Mm A Clark wero stolen from the Clark home 1216 Broadway Friday after-noon while members of the were In the rear of thu house Albert Itandes eilrnrt peddler of Chicago Is being held la the City Jail la ronaertlon with tha rase arrordins lo Chief Deter-itlve Well He waa arrested by iMertlvea II bolder ai Wauxb Officer allege trades la th man who entered several homes on Broadway and at Fountain City but did not get any thing eseept from the Clark DAVIS BE MANAGER Says lull Has Now Be runic Political One Injured Paturday when a pany Iruek In nhlrh they riding rlllled wllh no automo- 5 bile at I slloway-nv and Arthur laals iha alMlIaa af a lily atanairr Sal street Ibith were treated atlia 'he eSeilaMraiiae af iha arfairs af General hospital Williams was rt able lo leave after first aid but i -wSf o4J2m iarn taTTSw Rfdtnoml im Urld for olMru Tk rwiMiity tnt (Inn kani will hv Wi Mir ii mi sjwisrxrSiMy: Iruek and A Peandlyn 1301 1 smb xaiihar wa waai ia plara rn rnlloeray-av the other far Of- If paaaiNlliy -a Iha mayar ae hi fleer Grady and Pwanaer an- aarered a call lo the scene I -If awm- la na lhal ihara era raarara apae la iha ranerll ana far Mar la name iha maaay-r I raihl-aa DIRECTOR HERE f-r Iha rauel uiniivivn uunzi (a HM MMMr ana liil raaia iha Mppari af Ml iha mm Maya VMie Wynn nt IVidilhUUMiP rMIM Varied Program For Next Week's Weather herself haa practiced mental telepathy throwing her thoughts all the way from Washington to Jacksonville Ilondlnl ihe stage magician declares all medluuilst wrk la fake and haa UffioO posted to prove It bout the only certainty as lold hr iUo hil mMy blxh of- Hg t'glld gpggg WASHINGTON-Weather outlook period May 16 to II Inclusive: Ohio valley and Tea- nessee Fair Maaday showers Tuesdsy or Wednesday again I Drtertlve Fogarty sad Day Pat about Paturday Rising tempera- iday afleramig found all but one turu Monday cooler WsdaesUsy of tbu ring gloleg from Ibo lark flirim Tha lair ISIaraH an fariianal Mifara I lr raaraa 111 Ira la paara flclnla were regnlar consultants Capper of Kansas Dill of Wash-Irnion Watson of Indiana Flvtchrr of Florida Mrs Costs dank tbs allegation dwlarlug she merely 1 said that "splrltuillsni liaa pens- idni mhibi- nr Thursday Friday Hon dlreftor for Tennrasee SOdlm-mSera ara aiirni la falMy lalaiaailr eould rernmmend surh procedure Rent ueh) allh headquarters In Hhw piie Mwoser abiee ih In nn effort to naeerialn th fountains of Ih elrrlnraie me being polluted" II IIKIJi has qualified ns deputy sheriff horn Three were Igtge din mood ring suidded with sapphires valued at (lit which ike prisoner bad moresled under his necktie a It plailnam wedding ring and a while gold ring with I wo small diamonds and several sapphires raised al IS A 113 parl nan la si ill missing Tk latter two were found In lomdes' room at Ike Kant hotel In ibis room were also found several hundred dot While members of Ihe family Urs worth of valuable linens of Carton were out In the mnleu recently from the home of yard Paturday someone slipped II Campbell 3131 Matnolia-av1 Into I heir house at Rlouai-si Thursday Loadrw alleged in Ponlh Knoxville and set on nge taken hla Ford automobile Umlavllle was Vlalllnn I VilT aawweM Ti rhlrf rahlhlon iKNt nf Lirii mt tth mnhni tn 4 thu Rt TrmiriKH fnrriHi XaturM iimi day and also making nn Inapec- Tt'-rlTmrMiiB llfttl Ilf Ihe ftMIMlry Thl It of Iha mhimI Mn INM fimt irMII lo Kettf TrtmwMNMi hhmihi Nm nmMir in i ia-- ri'-'K-r: twee a Mlat M-aUaa TSa erietaaaw paaapapars SppataM'p far the pitpaaa ef ofownis la eap imhm Iha Mar rtibt I ar pMesila MIC Ie eaasiilaea paMlaSa ee enaeanary laiaa eonoM ef IS tel TVl'P Say iHwinai aa 110 ms 4a heaoe isn a raae la ra-asMSia llh IS ran-rU aa aNe as la smm per mll-asa-e Salt a a a la Sat la we ear Myself Forty Five Months 99 Gibson famous womnn writer 'How Reduced Pounds In FOR NAUGHT VrjTKS Crack Safe But Get Only $1 Yegumen look Mg ehancs for a small amount of money when they blew tbe safe In Ibo Arlington Lumber Co office near Arlington on Broadway some time Friday night All they got was II Tho yeaas used dynumlt la blowing the safe Tbe aafe which waa about Ihre feet blab and two and a half feet wide waa blown In piece according to Detective Chief Well yrt In regard to the selection of new rliy manager Is the announcement of Howell Davis Saturday that he positively will not swept the place even If It should he offered to him Davis has I wire supplied the office temporarily once before lmls llmwnlow came and Iasi winter while Urownlow waa ab-twnl on awo'tnt of Illness lie has been looked on by many people as one of the likeliest pros-pwts to succeed Urownlow don't want any political Job sow and that la what tbe rliy managership has become" Davis stated (Iff Arrangements for talking over the different persons nho have applied or bate been mentioned for the place are not rsperled to be derided on bp the council until tb tegular meeting Tuesday nlsht Refusal of some of the Taxpayers league couarllmen to agree to Mayor Morton'e suggestion of a private conference In ohkH tbe rounrllmen could express themselves freely about ttyf qualification of tho various prom perl has killed that project an far as ihe major la concerned Dr A llujnea has stated that be esperia to sponsor i resolution providing that Ik council mwt as i commiitee of eleven tn talk things over Hu would uot evrlude tbe public or newspapermen If they wished In ntiend It is understood (but still soother plan lo bring aheut an agreement among ike rouscllmen aa tn the method to be pursued Is on foot bnl details of It conld not be teamed ffaiurday Just As Easy As Looking Down A Street If all Ihe houses that you can buy or real la and around Ihe city were dard asst lo each other along both of a Horn hunting wouldn't be so much of a Job aflr all would ll? And It la mad almost that simple- for those who look thru the Kaovvlll News Real Fatale Ad Ih thla paper's Classified Pee-lion Try It and find out for yourself Instead of rows of house you'll mo rows of lliilu ad about the most desirable properties I Pat are now on tho market Well dusrrlked and all together In place hero's real hunting amleo fur tverv body Turn CtaselflmlloM id II and II today! "Lnnh up and down tho Not up and dawn thu street traaa-rllaaa af ilia saSHe smmm im -ifara at IM UllaaM sag IsiMtaiS al Saat-IUe 1 RK MrWttaV A Ml VXg STkniie rnunev ailkh maeco i fire in fiv different place A bed ess fired In one bedroom flam started land trunk In soother lent room some bed lathing In bsll won set fir to nod lighted matches srallered shout sinned two her blmeg The I'nrionn Util daughter mw th smoke sad railed bar mother In time for ibsin to stamp nut part nf Ibe flam before firemen arrived nrmtding lo Adis i Chief Johnson Firemen finished sslintuishlSf Ik fires betnru mueb damns van don Pm bop In ih neighborhood nr suspected Dot lee am Invest! paling Thai I ibe slury Idnh Mctilohe author of "CnnfeMinne of ir is serira of twenty mtickn which nUrt In The knoxvill New Monday May 31 Thee nniclea offer the women render of the Knosvin News a triple barreled (nturi Mr Hibson leiis: How she brought her sr If down lo her correct well hr bout the ns of any rick nnsirnma and by tbe simple sppHcnilon of safe and approved physiology Relate laiimaie bmaly secrets which bat helped to keep her looking young Pkowa In personal pkotngrnpka used lo lllenirsl the ankle ih 1st eel Carl gown and explain Ihe material snd pallets ef thee gowns In key grilrle Whether yo are Interested her rednemg regime er hat yen will find much lo Initigee pen In Iheee article Mre Hibson minces no word "Pomeenw bsa said that a woman ia as eld aa hr I she wrlie In her aecwnd anirle are showing them a sell aa ualag them today and II be-hooves I nri them In good condition" Fvrry woman whether she in concerned about taking slf weight or nri will waat lo read these articles They start in Ihe Remville News Mopdsy May 16 DnaY mis th Drat no and then walch for Ibe ethers aa thiy will appear from day lo day in lmon-Keller to hove a halierp charged II bad a hueeh ef keys which he seed lo nntorh eempnrlmenl en km far Gsotne lstllferd Bed Uerenre turns smpleres si Yemnn Keller SB Ibe hey Friday Martin lmon lmnnKelbr Ue found man In bln bouse nave rbnse but lb man eeitd tenvieg hi ky In lb door si hem Uri Ilford and Un he Identified key being lb same keve that liM bad 1 lb service stall tAhdea police ny Ms the de seriplion ef ike mss ub entered lb Clark horn and who wa seen by Mrs Clark Revernl ether peep! Pave notified Wells lhal (hey ran Identify UM na bring lb man ub entered several hem en hcraunt ef his knvtnt rlppld arm Copeland Coal Bill Blocked in Sonalt Cnnsldrrs-i (Ion ef ih Copeland bill reau-lallsg Iho real industry and authorising thn president I lake ever tb mines in times ef dir emergency again waa blocked la Iha Penal Friday when Peoaior aim Republican Obi eb- Jcetcd In request by gentler Cvpelaad Democrat New Ycrk ta lab the hill up May Ohio Power Company Emerges Strike Victor Or laMed Pves AKRUM Tk transport lion sink of th North Ohio Cower IJght Co marred by many acia of violence waa called off Saturday Th walhuut began nu May 1 Tb men will retain their seniority tight but will receiv nu Increase In pay Th settlement waa considered a victory for tho compasr tlllcaiwT MRT nl Ih horns ef I Mynnil irsvsling man for Alin Pmlm nnr Fennimn Uily nan rehbed ef nheui ll chtrlsen Crldsp nlphL Wntrh the Ctnswfied Columns V- 9 O- ar.

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