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The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut • Page 19

Bridgeport, Connecticut
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SIXTEEN THE BRIDGEPORT POST, MONDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1947. BOOK INCLUDES POETRY BY STRATFORD LYRICIST Passing Show NOW it loth Wtrnsr Iroi. Theatres -By Preo Kumel) w2 RE-RUN NITS! STEWART-WYM AN isedway," an exciting alory of For Your Christmas Two by Dnllno Ijydi'la 117 Underwood court. Strut, foi'd, ri IiiiiihIi'mhh who compuxou In "tonuHomo irioodB," aru Included In ii volume or poalry and lyrics just off tliu Vnllunt Houuo proaa, W.rltlcn rrioru Hum ton yours ago, tho Brlclgonorl-born authors work appoHi'H In print for tho first tlmo. Sharing honorn with nor arc two KrldgoportorH, Mrs.

Mildred D. Mc-CSovorn, 605 taurol avonue and Olonn E. Groono, 005 Howard avenue Tho volume l-called "Important Amorlcan Poots and Sohgwiitors, 10-17." mncic Town ELLIOTT CARWMX Catharint TRIEDA'SiS lull KsrWAM tiim tftsKVr man in giduimbr men mum bmih bmm UtvTI cm I ENCODE Mm MirleH DIETRICH John WAYNE PITTSBURCI I Dautlit FAIRBANKS Jr Join BEMETT CREED HELl imi trtciui aot Ntwimtl IN Tr.CHHICOLON jf k. 0rAI WIDDINO 01 MIMCIII IMtSSttN iS; STARTS WEDNESDAY "FRANKENSTEIN" rim "DHACUIA" A BIG MYSTERY HIT I rt photos Brln.ho BROOKLAWN CLUB CONDUCTS FASHION 8HOW Amonfl participants In a fashion show conducted In tho vBrooklawn Country club Saturday night visro (left photo, loft to right) Leo Cory, Dorla Clark and Mra. Dorothy Jnegors.

Outstanding (right photo) wns bathing suit modeled by Mra. Helyne Day, Conover-Powers model, Pitching Horseshoes -By Billy Rose POWER OIL BURNERS SERVICED INSTALLED Draft, Temperature and Co2 Road-Itifln. A(IJutment made tor fuel economy, JOHN J. LINK Tel. 0-4014 UNITED" DECONSTRUCTED ado?" he asked a member of Haga- "Slmple," aald his friend.

"The refugee ships hid out in the Mediterranean and wait for a storm, Whan tho winds are so florco thnt the British pianos are afraid to take off, and the waves so high that the warships tie up in port, the Illegal Immigrants make for tho beachM in small boats, Of course, some drown, but many get through," Another reason I'll buy some Palostlno honds la because I think thoso plonoera have the grey mat-tor to match their guts. Along theso lines, tho story that tlcklea me most is the one concerning Mra. Feitplbaum's Rod and Gun club, Mrs. Foltolbnum, proprietor of a IMHES CACNIT OENHISMDRCKN Wit WTMKH "BkDMEN OF MISSOURI GCORCE WW 'EACH DAWN DIE'' pxviivf Spcfof-i LOUIS WALCOTT STASH WIDNIIDaY BOTH TNtaTMi 'RED STALLION" IN GLORIOUS CINECOLOR STRATFORD TYRONE POWER In "NIGHTMARE ALLEY" with Joan Collssn Dray Shorts News ot tin Pay Psyns Drsn BROOKLAWN "IT HAPPENED ON FIFTH AVENUE" Don OeForc Ann Hnrdh "WEB OP DANGER" Adult Mara Dill Knili Hi i i ill' I 2ND ATTRACTION! Early Bird Show 10 ROGERS T1ICR, flift tot t'i "Mil WgJ. CO.

FEATURE! 1 with MBnjcpiiHBi (tnutict Btntwt mm Cimui fUiMI' 141 rlriiclcl Avo. Ph. 5-4114 i ViV "D.i.. traced T' c(eBnm lee mlr. Modorn.1"1 modern-day racing and highway problems la being prepared nt Metro-Galdwyn-Mayer, with Goorge Haight as producer and with top flight roles for three of the com pany' stare.

William Llpman, who has done me of the itudio's beet action yarrui, It writing the screen, etory. It concerna an automobile rac ing veteran who comes out of re tirement for a come-back; a hot- 'oo eninusiasi wno ourns up city street and an auto racing cham pion of the present day. The Secret Life of Walter Kil ty," Samuel Goldwyn'e production of the James Thurbur Sketch about a little men who made up for his frustrations by dny-dreaminc hlm- eelf Into heroic roles, I the No vember winner of the Blue Ribbon Award for family entertainment sponsored by Boxoffloe Magazine, The picture was released through RKO Radio. Honorable mention went to these other pictures for their outstand- qualities: "Song of Love" (M-, "Body and Soul" (UA), "Fun and Fancy Free," (RKO), "Thla Time for Keeps" (M-G-M), "Maglo Town" (RKO) and "Ride the Pink Home" (U-I). Ronald Regan, Jack Canson and Wayne Morris havs been set to star In Warner Brothers' pictuiiu- tion of the Norman Kraana Brood- way hit, "John Loves Mary." David Butler will direct and Jerry Wald will produce.

company of "Make Mine Manhattan," Joseph Hymen's new muelcal revue, arrived In New Haven today where the show will open Wednesday night at tho Shubert theater, Staged by Hnssurd Short, the revue, which has sketches and lyrics by Arnold B. Horwllt nnoWi music by Richard Lewlne, employs a cost of 40, hended by Sid Caesar, David Burns, Sheila Bond, Joshua Shelly, Danny Daniels, Kyle MacDonnell and Jack Kilty. Following five performances In Now Haven, "Make Mine Mnnhat- will open a two-weoks engngo- at tho Forest theater In Phil adelphia on Tuesday, Dec. 23. The show is scheduled to open on Broadway the week of Jan.

5. Maurle.i Evane, who Is enjoying the most enormous hit of hln career as an aotor-mnnager with Bernard Shaw's delightful and witty com-edy, "Man and Superman," hn decided to remain in Now York until summer. Originally it was planned to start a transcontinental tour in mid-February. Since Its opening last Oct, I "Man and Superman," with Mr Evans as loquacious, woman-flee Ing Shavian hero, John Tanner, has been Broadway's top-ranking i edy production. It has coneletently grossed $31,800 weekly, Indicating stanaeis at every performance.

On Feb, 16 "Man and Superman" will transfer to the Hudson theater from the Alvin where It is present ly quartered, The Hudson theater wa where "Man and Superman" played in 1905 and again in 1012 on lis only two previous New York productions with Robert Loralne starred. Samuel Goldwyn'e RKO-Radlo-re-leased "The Beet Years of Our Lives" has been considered of suffi cient value by the Union of South Africa to warrant the elimination of all. Import duties on prints shipped to that country. CLAUDIA DELL WEDS HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 15-(AP) Actress Claudia Dell, 33, former Zlegfeld Follies dancer, ha taken her third husband, Daniel Enimctt, 43-year-old retired chewing gum manufacturer, It was Emmett's fourth marriage, The oeremony was performed Saturday by Judge David Coleman at the residence of film writer Stanley Davis, THREE OF A KIND" TORRANCE, Dec, 15- (AP) It's a third girl for actress Rosemary do Camp.

The radio-film player gave birth to eight-pound Valerie yesterday, making It three of a kind for her and husband Jonn Biuciier, city Judge at Inglawood. Their other daughters are Margarol, lour, ana Martha, 16 month. Theater Time Tabic LOEW-POLT "Mnglc Town," 2:50, 6:15, 0:45, "Blondle in the Dough," 1:35, 5:00, 11:25. March of Time, "End of Empire," 1:10, 4:35, 6:00. MAJESTIC "Frieda," 1:20, 4:35 and 8:06, "Ths Fabulous Texan," 6:25 and (1:50, LOEWS GLOBE "Green Hell," 1:00, 4:35, 8:20.

"'Pittsburgh," 2:35, 6:20, 10:00, WARNER "Each Dawn I Die" nt 12:45, 3:45, 6:50 and 9:57. "Bad Men of Missouri" at 2:12, 5:17 and 8:24. Louls-Wnl-cott Fight Pictures at 3:22, 6:27, and 9:34. MERRITT "Bad Men of Missouri," showing at 6:38, 9:45, "Each Dawn I Die," at 8:13 also Louls-Walcott Fight Pictures. LIBERTY Gary Cooper Dsns Andrew "THE WESTERNER' Bofttwick Baxtsr 1 Holdsn "BLAZE Or NOON" FLU "A LIKELY STORY' wmuxi Dr.

Cham Wolzmann C-O The Jowlali Agency for Palos- tino 16 East 66th Street Now York City Dear Mr. Wolzmann: Sunday before last, I hoard Drew Pearson predict over tho radio that you would bo the first president of tho Jewish Republic In Palostlno. Well, I hopo oo. I can't -think of a bettor man for tho job. When the new nation sets up hop, it's going to need monoy.

Turning a desert Into a breadbasket figures to cost plenty of monoy. I hopo Pnlostlne doeBn't try to put the bito on Uncle Sam for nil of this money, This Is one'republic I'd like to sso go into buslnoss without resorting to global panhandling. Whoro will you' got yenr. money then? Woll, I havo a simple notion I'd llko to try out on yon. Why doogn't Palestlno go out and got Its money llko U.S.

Steel and A.T. Why doesn't It got organized to. sell $500,000,000, worth of throo per cent bonds, redeemable In 1068? Who'll buy theso bonds? Woll, to NAACP Membership Meeting Tuesday, December 16, 8 P. M. Messiah Baptist Church Arch St.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS ANNUAL REPORTS tmrf relief in 30mbutes? Unloosen the torturing grip of cold mluorlos In ns llttlo as Mr nn hour. iiiko mono bdocIbI tUot thnt brine mjlllons such comfort so quickly. They net to: frlvo wonderful mild laxutlve c-tlon help rsllovo your oold's minoni. blc uchy pnlna enso colil'a hciidnclic ootho mimculur noronoM cool that ho- MihihhI feeling. Hill's Cold Tablots contain 4 proven medicinal Inaicdlents.

Go to work fan. uoublo your monoy lmck if you, too, don't 1 irelbiimiuInK rollof from nchos nod pains of colds within hour. Tnlic only ns I dlreotod. Uuy Hill's Cold Tnbloti Hay. MODERN! JTlTYTJJfrBl SUN.

MON, IfJlTillll 13,4 I Ll 1 BJ I to 11 R0 SKWMon VlralHlfi O'Brien 'Mcrfon of tht Movlti ROSE" TUtS. Wr. "To "wii.n HIS OWN" HAIWI'ST" "IT'S A SON" BUCHAHOOS" begin with, Uin people who contributed over $20,000,000 In tho past couplo of years to United Jowish Appeals. It figures that if they droppod that kind of monoy Into a tin cup, they'll do oven bettor whon you offor them papor which 1 a first claim on tho present and future assets of New Judoa. In addition, there aro tho men and women of all faiths who will always gamble a little something on a guy who's in there punching.

And who knowd? Maybe oven some of tho banking housos will docldo that this bravo llttlo nation Is a bettor risk than Chile or Peru. I understand Groat Britain has boon siphoning off about $80,000,000 yoar In taxes from Palostlno, Woll, after August, you will bo collecting that $80,000,000. Throo per cont interest on half a billion dollars' worth of bonds comes to a year, You should bo ablo to "pay that comfortably and, as your industries expand, put O3ldo tho necossary sums for tho eventual repayment of principal. Incidentally paying that three per cont on tho button oach yoar wlll'create rrioro good will for Judoa than all tho ideological mumbo-jumbo In the world, Llttlo Fiinland Is a caso in point. If George Gallup were to take a poll, I think it would show that this tiny nation has as many, friends over here as France or England.

Why? Because It met Its obligations whon everyone else was reneging. Would I buy some Palostlno bonds? Yes, I think so, A bond is a loan, and a loan is only as good as tho character of the'ro lending your monoy to. And' I llko what I know about tho character of tho peoplo who aro going to run v.p that-now bluo-and-whito flag. First, I llko their courage. As somoono said, It Isn't 1047 In Palestine it's 1776.

For two thousand years, a homoless peoplo have boon droamlng a dream. They figure to break thomsclves In half to mako that dream como true. Second, over 50 per qent of the 600,000 Jews in Palestine aro under 24 years of ago and were born there. I recently talked to Samuel Cherr, vlco president of the Young and Rubicam advertising agency. This practical buslnossman had just roturnod from and ho was full of facts and figures.

"Make no mistake about it," ho told mo, "Palostino is a going concern. Glvon half a chance It's a cinch to wind, up In tho black." For hours I listened to storlos of horoism whloh had me bug-eyed, Mr, Cherr Lold mo that one aftor-noon he stood on the terrace of his hotel which overlooked Haifa harbor. A few hundred yards apart, British gunboats wore patrolling the watcrso. Low-flying planes wore crlHsoroHslng tho ultlos. Despite this round-the-clock vlgllanco, 15,000 rcfugoos had funneled in through Haifa.

"How do thoy beat the bloek- BRING YOUR CAR TO CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE FOR RELIABLE Fender Repairs Body Work ADD TO THE VALUE OF YOUR CAR WITH A NEW PAINT JOB STEEL CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE CO. 1027 FAIRFIELD AVE. PHONE 4-6144 BLACK ROCK AND WEST END 2 TOP HITS 1 WILLIAM LLI.IOTT VB.RA RALSTON JOHN CARROLL In "WYOMING" i LYNN HOBBRTS "THAT'S MY CAL" Musical In Color -COLONIAL Don Aineehe CatlisrliM McLnod "THAT'S MY MAN' PARKWAY CROSS FIRE Boh Mtlchum Hoi) Youni ShsTyii MoMu "OjiiIO'1 genoral atoro In one of tho dosort colonies, was tipped off that some unfrlondly Arabs wcro planning to attack and massacre evoryono on tho morning of a Jawlsh holiday. Tho colonists had no guns the English wouldn't permit It. Mrs, Foltclbaum aat down and wrote a noto to the British general in charge of tho area, She Informed htm that some of the sports- minded colonists had organized a club Mrs.

Feitelbaum's Rod and Gun club. She told him the club had plenty of fishing tackle, but was short of rifles and ammunition. would the general give hla ap proval When the desert version of Colonel Blimp got this application. It hit him right in the eld school tic. Ho opined tho colonists must bo a jolly fine lot sporting blood and all that, don't cher know? He immediately okayed the application for gunB.

When the Arabs attacked on the dawn of Roah Hashonoh morning, Mrs. Feltelbaum and the Gun club members ware waiting for them on the roof of their small synagogue, I understand the members 1st their sporting blood boil over a bit, and the remaining Arabs Jn that part of the Negeb have decided not to moss with Mrs. Feitelbaum's colony any more. Out In California, a gent by the name of Glannlnl runs tho biggoat Panic in the world. I understand he built up his.

Bank of America by otton ignoring conventional collateral and lending his money to peoplo who shaped up as sincere, smart and Industrious. On the basis of these qualities, Mr. Wolzmann, I think Palestine ought to be able to wrllo up a pretty good prospectus for a bond Issue. And I think a lot of Investors will believe you-when you tell them that folks who woron't frightened by concentration camps, Immigra tion quotas and Arab tribesmen aren't going to be frightened by mroo per cont, Sincerely, BILLY ROSE JEWISH WAR VETS "plan installation Veteran groups In tho city will be invnea 10 attend the program con ducted with Installation ceremonies of the Jewish War Veterans Post, in the Jewish Community center, Sunday at 2:30 p.m., according to anaac j. aaurov, commander.

Now officers to be Installed are as follows: Harold Bufferd, com mander; Nate Sussman, senior vice commander; Martin Turk. Junl. vice commander; Herman Pollack, quartermaster: Melvln judge advocate; Olga Kornfleld, ad- Guest speaker will be the Rev, Russell J. Cllnchy, pastor of the cnurcn or Christ, in Hart ford. ROTARY TO MEET "A Hindu Look at the Occident" i the title of a talk Pasuouletl Gopala Krlehnayya, editor and publisher of "The Orient and U.S.A.", will give at a meeting of this Ro tary club tomorrow In the fltrat field hotel.

The speaker woe graduated from the University of Madras, whore he subsequently taught, A former lieutenant In the British army, he wns graduate student at Columbia and New York universities before becoming active In radio and lecture work. VR. QUARANTEI 35,0 3 oash MOOItl 11.80 TO )M DOWN 2oo mMf MONTH. FREE HOME TRIAL METAL COLOR FUSED ON MODERNIZING PLAYROOMS i PASTEL uRiirut)-iuywiTHcoriDiNdi 239 John St. SENSATIONAL! NEW! WALL TILE BAKED ENAMEL ON STEEL SURPASSES ALL FOR KITCHENS BATHS HELLO, SKATERS SKATING WILL OPEN TODAY LAKEWOOD MANOR UPPER STEPNEY.


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