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The Parsons Daily Sun from Parsons, Kansas • Page 4

Parsons, Kansas
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THI FARS3N3 DAILY tUN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1534. JOCOOOOOCOOOOCOCOOCO' at Lawrence Sunday and continue her studies. W. C. King was a visitor at Oswego this morning at which place he Is awaiting the hearing of a case la which he is interested.

i- Fifteen Parsons people took transportation yesterday for the Fair In order to be present tomorrow to attend Roosevelt day. exercises. Charles; Allen Hess, was up from Baker, I. yesterday to spend Thanksgiving with his "small brota-er" and also to visit with friends. Dolph Rockhold returned this morning to his duties in Oswego, after being here to spend Thanksgiving with his mother on' East Corning avenue.

Miss Seen left yesterday for Pitts guests of the former's and Mrs. W. B. Gragg, left this morning for their home. Mr.

Gragg was well pleased with the reunion, of his family yesterday. Ha said this morning that all his children with the exception of one took dinner wjth him yesterday. H. 0. Peterson returned this morning from Kansas City, where be spent yesterday in attendance on a conference of Y.

IL C. A. secretaries. He went to Kansas City In response to a special Invitation from Miss Helen Gtould, whose money paid all expenses for both car fare and entertainment The secretaries met and spent the day In discussing the plans for the betterment of their respective societies. Word was received In the city yesterday that William Lohoff, brother of Al Lohoff, the depot master, died Tuesday evening at 9:15 in 8t.

Louis of pneumonia, and will be buried im Let tine Women Have you seen them? The Flat Iron Something New in Men's Hats burg at which place she will remain until the close of the session of the Southeastern Kansas Teachers Associ ation. Do the work Do the work Do the work Miss Louise M. Schaub and Mrs, mediately. He is the last brother Mr. Emma Sackett.

left yesterday for St Louis, where they will visit the Fair for a few days, returning home on Lohoff has and with his death only two remain in the family. Mr. Lohoff left here about five days ago and spent the last few days at the bedside of his brother. He will remain Sunday, J. R.

Whisner and wife who spent yesterday at the home of the latter's in that city until after the funeral has parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gragg.

been held. left this noon for their home in Kan Dr. Loo B. Van Fossen, who Is now sas City. here from Kansas City, has con Mrs.

Brookney, principal of the pub lie fchools of Joplin, was in the city yesterday the guest of Mrs. J. W. Dutton. She will remain in the city That goes in some cases, but not with Clothing.

We have Tailors do ours, which does away with that old saying, "Wife please sew a button on." They are hand-inade from top to bottom, and are sold with our usual good guarantee. Satisfaction or money refunded. iluded to extend her stay in Parsons for she already has so many patients wishing to continue treatment, and 30 many more new ones coming, that is impossible to get away at the time stated, so if you are sick, do not The Topio The Correct Cap for Men All the new shades of brown until Sunday. One hundred and twenty-five people took advantage of the cheap rates over the Katy and spent yesterday out 'ail to call on the doctor, for she treats all diseases, but makes a specialty of of the city. The excursion tickets iiseases of women.

Consultation free. were called "turkey tickets." W. D. Rhea, yardmaster for the Ka Her office is located at the Thomasson residence at 1712 Forrest avenue. 2152 Only a few days more and the great ty, has resigned his position and ac St.

Louis Fair will be closed and then eepted a local run from Parsons to the territory. His place has been filled the officers will have their hands full Lambert Duffy by one of the engine foremen. taking care of the bums and profes sional thieves. The north will be too A. Barker, superintendent of the Parsons and Chanute field of the Metropolitan insurance this moruing for Chanute where he will cold for them to live with comfort and the south will be their only field.

In addition to the national talent of spend a few days on business. crooks, there are now in the country hundreds of characters who have a. u. Watson and wife will leave this evening for the state of Montana after a few day's visit with relatives found their way to this country from across the ocean and will spend the in the city. Mr.

Watson likes Kansas winter prowling over the United but is more than wedded to Montana 3tates. W. Harlm who spent yesterday Pat Kennedy of Bloomington, 111., i arrived in the city yesterday with a in the city the guest of relatives, left last night for hie home. He was well pleased with the city but because of business duties was forced to return heavy load and showed himself to be disturbing element. He began by immediately.

picking a quarrel with Fred a Johnson avenue drug store. He proceeded to slap Norton in the barber Y. M. C. A.

LECTURE C0UR8E. uespite the fact that tomorrow 'is Roosevelt day at the Fair every train 5e(fln(llii(l store Secretary 0. Peterson Has Secured shop and then followed him to a livery stable where he renewed the fight but Some Excellent 8peakerg For the leading out of St Louis is crowded to its limits with passengers. All roads will likely have to put on extra trains Norton was not in search of trouble Parsons Organization. so made a second attempt to get away A new departure in medicine is offered in Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar.

It contains no opiates, and is a combined cough and cold cure. The clover and the honey bee is on every bottle of the genuine. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar cures all coughs and assists in expelling colds from the system by gently moving the bowels. A certain cure for croup, whooping cough; an ideal remedy for children. Sold by W.

C. Holmes. The announcement that members of about next Wednesday evening. The Thanksgiving dance at the the Y. M.

C. A. will be granted a treat 0. V. W.

hall on Forrest avenue last from his man. He was faced by the same character later in the Katy depot when the visitor drew a razor and threatened to cut his throat. Norton then swore to a complaint and this jf intelligence and eloquence in the Bargains" in stoves, bedroom suits, baby buggies, glass and china ware, chairs, stands and odd furniture. Wa make a specialty of re-silvering mlrrers. LOCAL MENTION Hhlch l'iace th.v entertain this evening, given by the young society aear future comes as welcome news sit of Parsons, was a delightful suc to every member.

There nave oeen entertainments given for the benefit cess and the little folks tripped the morning Marshal Jones arrested Ken light fantastic-until a very late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Wharton and daught nedy and took him before Judge Scott whore he pleaded guilty and was sen of the Y. M.

C. A. before. Speakers have given addreeses on the subjects of religion and morals but this is the Peanut crisp, cocoanut bar, Italian creams, taffies, all flavors and many tenced to the county jail for thirty lays. He will be taken down to Os first, time the local association has er of Carthage, are in the city the quests of Mrs.

Wharton's brother, Frank Wharton and Mrs; Wharton's sister, Mrs. J. Higdon. They will other kinds, all for 10 cents per pound. wego tonight.

been given an opportunity to hear the Will be sold at the Dennis Candy Par best talent in the country on the sub- Hugo Felix returned last night from lor, on Saturday. 26th at 209-11 remain In the city until Sunday even ects that pertain to their every day Kansas City where he witnessed the C. R. BELL 219 South Central Ave. Pure Drugs North Central avenne.

21 2-8 ing. work with the encmMs and machine game between the Kansas Jayhawk- W. P. Talbot, on East Appleton venue. J.

D. Lusk and hit; mother, Mrs. D. W. Lusk, returned last" night from Chetcpa, where they spent yesterday vith relatives.

Roy Helfriteh of Las Vegas, N. spect in Parsons with his sister, Mrs. J. H. Hibben of East Forrest avenue.

Mrs. G( Reiglc and daughter, illas Fay, went to Kansas City last Wednesday night to spend the with friends. Mrs." J. W. Athy of Ellsworth, formerly Mies Grace Barr, Isjn the city for a short time visiting her mother, 'Mrs.

M. E. Barr. Miss Pearl Maser is spending the with her parents, Dr. and, Mrs.

G. W. Maser of Forrest avenue. 3he will attend to the State University shops. vemng.

Arthur Cranston Wt this morning 'or Os-spso v.htre he will sjcnd.a tfw i'ays attending court. The "Kitr yesterday and all tho boys spent the day home or out of the city. Al Braunsdorf left this morning for Osvego and Chetopi where he will spend the day on business. Workmen are fast tearing away the old bridge on Johnson avenue and getting ready to build the- new bridge. In yesterday's game John Hanna, one of Chanute's, players was badly knocked out, as was Matthews and Hemphill.

Miss May Tall ot came home from Lindenwood St. Charles, Wednesday morning to" spend tha holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. srs and Missouri Tigers. He said it a R.

Lfr wag tere from Altamont day oa lness. Miss Minnie Sourbeer is In Tyler, ylsltlng with relatives for a few days. Guy Mosher Is home from K. U. spending the vacation with home folks.

Mrs. C. W. French of Kansas City, spent yesterday with her sister, Mrs. M.

E. Barr. Edwin Potts left this morning for Oswego to attend the district court for a few days. M. F.

Smith and son left yesterday evening on the Flyer, where they will spend a few days at the Fair before ft closes. The Crampton Concert Company left yesterday evening for Big lines of ranges and heaters just The idea is an eastern one and was vas a great game and the only thing received by the Payne Hardware Co. brought here with the comlug of H. 0. that he disliked was that Kansas Peterson the" present secretary.

He didn make two more touch downs, For building hardware see Renewed activity in business circlet iias given such Impetus to our trade orderi areflowing in In numbers to almost overwhelm us. We must 'ave struck the keynote of populai favor with the garments we make. NIELS P. LAR8EN, believes that if the Y. M.

C. A. stands He said it was a one-sided game and Payne 215-3 Hardware Co. at no time did Missouri gain more than five yards Abe Van Meter, one of the members J. S.

VANCE, We Kve you tbe bett the market affords. Prescriptions carefully Oiled by an expert cLeraif-t. Our Stock is New Rasbaeh Block. Tailor )f the National Guard, while trying to keep the crowd from the grid-iron at for anything it is for the benetit of its members in every respect then why aot practically as well as morally and theoretically. The first of the series will be given the 12th of next month and then every month for five months succeeding.

Tha speaker secured will deal with subjects that interest directly, the working men and men who are connected with any kind of busi Coal iied Feed torrest pars yesterday, came near is'ng his bayonet on several of the spectators, thinking that it was no General Nelson A. Miles and Capt Richard Pierson Hobson were in Parsons yesterday evening and took supper at the Katy eating house. The gen-eral and captain are both popular and where they go they always attract ad and fretli. including I'atcul Medicine We solicit your drug trade. Full Line of Uuilding Material Always more than right, as he wore a suit of blue.

on Ban4. ness. Georgy Maser was badly embarrass- mirers. On the" 12th of next month, Ira C. i yesterday evening when told that C.R.HIRSHGCO An exciting game of basket ball was Hubbel, of St.

Louis will be heard Morgan Avenue, M. F. Smith's played yesterday evening in the gym and give his famouB lecture on "Valve he had tackled Mr. Crampton of the concert company on the streets for i quarter to help defray the expense nnn Old Stand. naslura of the Y.

M. C. A. between the Gear and Its Relations to the Use of r. I.

WATTS, ff. U. IE efilf! high school freshman team and the the Cylinder of the Engine." This ad of bringing Chanute here. OH 1111 mgnt pnysical culture team. The dress will be of special interest to en- Charley Hand, who began playing freshmen won the game by a score of heft hand for Parsons yesterday gave glneers and men who work about en glues whether the locomotive or the up the struggle in a little while and Mrs.

M. E. Caskey and Miss Barnes laundry, whether in the machine shop his place was 'taken by John Maser WATT a CO a teaciier in the public schools of or a foundry. Mr. Hubbel 1b the presi who has never failed to do his part in Joplin, were in the city yesterday dent of the Locomotive Appliance and he game.

me guests of the former's son, W. K. KACKLEY, THE TAILOR, THAT'S ALL JOHNSON AVENUE. and is as well read on the subjects of C. R.

Thomas, secretary of the Here taskey. They will remain here until DRUGGISTS ford Stock association of Kansas City, engines as any man in the United States. Sunday evening, and then return to arrived yesterday evening from Em their home. In the practicable lecture course will Without reserve everything in our Millinery room in Trimmed Untrimmed Hats from Tomorrow on will be sold at One-Half From Former Price to make room to show our bijj line of Holiday (voods, China ware Toys of all kinds. poria where he has been attending a Chief of the Muskogee fire depart be included addresses on how to meet big stock sale.

ment, T. T. Smith, two of his men, T. an emergency In case of a wreck, by Miss Emma Pritchard who has been PARSONM, KAKN1S. J.

and A. E. Welton sDent several and some one who understands practical in the city for the last few days the hours late yesterday, on their way to guest of her brother, Tracey and fam-j surgery and who has had experience. jopim, where tbey attended the ily left yesterday for her home in Em annual ball given there last night by The subject of the air brake be treated. The machinists will receive valuable instruction from one who has poria.

Indian Territory Now Open V. Gov't Now Giving Good Title I. LenniiihoutKiPHt chfino-ii to mon? In rich fnrni Imirl. oil.

riml. hit Ih I ie firemen. miss Maude Mosher of Oswego came illiMCtet John Hammer and Ralph up today noon to attend the concert had experience in that line of work, and every feature of railroading will v. Coon, left this morning for the and building oK-iiliiir. hfnd your name 8ihI HridrPM (or frm elrcnlur tluy.

of Sousa's band. he treated by experts. country to spend the day shooting rabbits, bagging quail and killing Indian Territory Red-Book time. They are sure for the last fea A. F.

Cornish who has been living tJB New Ridge hiU- Khm Cltjr. Mo, ture of the day but for the others they at Montana, has moved to R. F. D. No.

Tomorrow at 9 1 m. We will place on sale 250 Fancy Imported Glass Medallions, ranging in size from 6 to 8 Inches in diameter, fitted with 2 inch gold mat, gold rimmed frames, brass hanger ready for use. They are the showiest Medallion ever shown and the price will only 10c Each. 'teowd ill next Week We will eeil sll our 45c and 50c Mer-ceiicd DartnsV. pure white grounds, hanjsome small designs.

These ocods Ere mercerized in the yarn and rttain their lustre when washed. The price from tomorrow and all next week will be 29c Yard. are not certain A line of La Porte Buggies, including our com 1, UDDCU. i Officer P. Murphy went to Mon August Nelson of Mound Volley is TENDER PAGES tana yesterday morning to hunt rab business visitor in the city this aft- bits and qn ail but upon hia arrival crnoon.

ih-3 found the game "about as scarce as Miss Corbin and Miss Mahen are to hens teeth, so retraced his stens for In the fall of i8os I contracted that fear- at the First M. E. church to plete stock, must be sold at once. Ttey are Going nt (ost. I till liedaeA mwI on.

T. i 3 1- home and decided to eat hen instead night at 7:30. 5 Itut iliuuu V19VU, 41 gtUUCU BUVU headway that I was forced to resign my I nf mini! nn inae i Bert Southwlck is here from Little wu i eoiuems who i Alter spending all the means I had I went Are treated with care at THE STAR nd TUB fUSKACn Barber The bet shops sod barber in tbe city. attended the dedication of the Neosho to Memphis. In less than three weeks I Rock, visiting with relatives and friends for a few days.

dte's loot (iMs Sixes to 12, made of green Zebe-line Cloth, trimmed, worth $3.00 on tale tomorrow fcr (Site's Long Sizes 6 to 14, made of brown and $reen efoth n-ixsrf, trimmed in braid, worth 13.75. cn sale for county court house at Erie yesterday I hospital, and after nine weeks of were Mr. and Mrs. F. H.

Foster, MrifcS; Miss Jenle Dakan of Parkorsburg, 4 W. arrived in Parsons yesterday and Mrs. Irvin Smith, Brewster and seemed to be affected and felt as if ther family, Ed Maher and wife -and Mr. onld break at the least eaertioa. Again morning and will spend the $1.98.

and Mrs. A. F. Neely. 1 waj nipeijea resign, ana i returned i the city with M.

O. B. Dakan ana ram $2.48. GEO. D.

ROM. Ptcp. We will move January and will not have room to carry Buggies. This is a cost sale. The high school chorus, accompan- laT IcZV Jjj led by other members of the public I farming.

When I first went on the farm I Go see the Lyman Twin's at the Ed Misses' 27-inch Jackets with belt back, brown and blue cloth mixed In red and green, worth $4.48, will be on sale for lack-black, belts, 4 pcneois, will leave this evening over 00 onlf bm who handled ladies' fine Kersey cts, ttsck, brewn, castor and Iccse end ekie ttcd backs, worth $7.50, lor wards theater on the night of Novem the Frisco, for Pittsburg, where they I jT PJl cSS2SZSZS2S2S I will i. i 1 ber 28th. I to be pulled off by the Southeastern I with boils and In thementWm 3 $2.98. I I WjitP ft Cnn Kansas Teachers Association. I iruggist bad gotten two dozen bottles of I $5.00.

MERCHANTS CIGAR CO. rut CJZZIZ 5. or ne I began ft. 5e7.Bd CI. 15.

-HUM) tlUII. Heals brans, cuts, rr rr1- hft ta. the thirteenth botue wounds of any sort; cures gore throat, nan cueu went jopun yesterday I jore or boil was visible. R. B.

PowEtL rvemns 10 taena tae annual call glv-1 Ta ai wiwe kock, Art. croup, catarrh, ainma; neyer raiis. 0 Manufactures of Home mace! and until the small we hnr9 L5.1 aseCmitagion, Blood Caridr sale on Saturday, 26th Special Prices on all Furs Special Prices on all mtfmm i ruiBB Luc man nifwm. an of the' night danced to the merry mus- The nctia is tortured with eatta? elcen! I at the Dennis candy parlor. 212-3 C.

A. BUGG, General Auctioneer, 1420 Craw-ford Avenue, Parsons, Kansai. lie furaished by the MIzzurlans. I iores and abscesm, nnslghtly blotches. The telephone.

Uhemen announced 1 Short order meals at Dudley's. 1S11 mm I i i -7- M. VJb Uk uu l.MrtT TIHMI I yejjiernay mey care nnaced Tir- 5Jesfife11 tnr "1 "TT. lAh inmna UJ-tf i WT I Produced Ggars. "MERCHANT'S ADVERTISER- 5c.

"EL MODELO" 10c. On h'dh even The "Mrs. Doolcv," 'jcaji and it was installed today. et- lid roisea; con "I ow my vhole life to Burdock an tie new Ln renortg that I no mszzurr, Oloo-l Bitters. Scrofulous sore, cover IV I mta.V.

i 1 will cy -ale anywhere 'io the 8-a'i I aske jpeishy tl Slock Sales. Les.e order st Burn.t'e's Printing OfBce. 1S28 Forrest anno Back reference on application. 5 0 I v. the: new board.

In addition to the A treatment book ed my -1 seemed beyond cum. B. B. B. has made me a perfectly well woman." -Mrs.

Charles Hutton, Ber-rtile. Mich Fl rst ward' the Jell board has been! giwsallthesytBp- nt irA niwthe now nrt'trh bonrA. il 1ft. i I i wsl WIS dis- Medical ad H. M.

Gragg and wif of Ccffeyville J. KT A 1 Kennedy's Uxafive Honey and Tar Cure, all ewfj. 4. tj i ere In. the-city- the The rlfl Cts Ca.

The Bun the tms.

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