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Lawrence Daily Journal from Lawrence, Kansas • Page 1

Lawrence, Kansas
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Associated Press Dispatches exclusively to th Daily Journal, up to four o'clock this a. m. to prime $5 00a5 75; light $4 25a4 75; batchers $4 00a4 35; cows and heifers $3 25a4 00; stockers and feeders $3 00a 4 60; corn fed Texans $3 50a4 25. Receipts 175i HOGS Steady; light fancy $4 90a 4 Receipts 650. SHEEP Still in good demand for best grades; fair to fancy $4 2oa5 75.

Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, March 17. Fioar steady aai unchanged. GRAIN Wheat dull and a shade lower; No. 2 spring $1 22J caah; $1 April; $1 27 May; No.

3 $1 14. Corn lower; 39ia39c casia and April; 42Jo May. IE MP10I JiRIAL. TEBM OK SUBSCRIPTION. j)aily by mail, per annum $8.00 Do eix 4.00 A discount of 23 per cent, will be made from the above when paymen is made itrictly in advance.

No dallies delivered by itail to city subscribers. To city subscribers, daily delivered by earners. 25 per week, pliable to the ollice or to the City Collector. TIE WESTERB HE JOURNAL. (Weekly.) TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.

Good News For Grangers. Chicago, March 17. Freight rates on all grains but wheat from Kansas City to St. Louis and Chicago have been reduced three and a half cents. The new rates are to continue until April 1st.

When the new passenger rates to New York from the West were announced by the passenger agents who met in St. Lonis, the Lake Shore Michigan Southern R. R. refused to accept the advance and continued to sell tickets at the old rate. This action was understood to be in furtherance of the Vander-bilt policy in the New York Central competition.

It was expected that the Lake Shore Michigan Southern R. R. would soon agree to the advance, but that not having been done the other roads will undoubtedly return to the old figures in a few days. Late this evening all the roads interested in the late advance made in St. Louis came down again.

The figures of the Lake Shore and New York Central is nominally $18 from Chicago to New York, and corresponding figures from other western to other eastern points. This is an official restoration or the figures which prevailed during the fall and winter, A dispatch received here says the Illinois Central raiiroad to-day bought the Jackson and Great Northern railroad at New Orleans, paying for it $10,500,000, and assuming all mortgages and indebtedness. The northern section of the road will be bought by the same company and give tho Illinois Central an outlet New Orleans. Swan, one of the jury in the Sulll-van-Harfard trial, was arrested today on a charge of perjury in swearing before he was accepted. The evidence against him is said to be strong.

ty attached with the high office he has held, have not only approached but excited our warmest admiration. I move that the resolutions be adopted. Mr. Williams I second the motion of my honored brother. I fully concur in all that he has said as to the merits of Justice Davis.

Everybody in this country acquainted with the Supreme Court will feel the loss the judiciary has sustained in his retirement, but it is a consolation to know that what the Judic- ial Department of the government has lost the Legislative Department has gained by his election to the Senate. I do not consider it neces-rary to add anything more to the ex- pressions contained in the resolutions. The resolutions wore unanimously adopted and the meeting adjourned. At the reception this evening many Senators took an opportunity of paying their parting respects to President and Mrs. Hayes.

There is an exodus north aud south to nignt. Numbers of prominent politicians here since the adjournment of Congress have decided to linger no longer, and with a green flag went out as a national emblem. Judge M. V. Gibbs, colored, of Arkansas, elector at largo on the Republican ticket, had an interview with the President this afternoon.

In the course of conversation Judge Gibbs remarked that the nomina tion of Key as Postmaster General had excited some alarm among the colored people, but it was offset by. the nomination of Mr. Douglass, and he assured the President that the colored people intend to support him in his measures of reconciliation. Judge Gibbs says the President remarked in reply that he was siucere in his policy, and would adhere to it unless it should prove impracticable. For eight years the policy ot force and muskets had been tried in the South but had failed, aud public sentiment now demanded a change.

Washington, March 17. Mrs. Ida Elder, of New York, presented to Mrs. President Hayes to-day an elegantly bound copy of a Centennial temperance volume with the following note: "Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace to silence envious tongues; be just and fear not. Henry IV, chapter 3d." The national temperance Read street, New York, March 17, 1877, St.

Patrick's Day. Hon. Wm. E. Dodge, President.

To Mrs. President dear Madame: With sentiments appropriate to this anniversary so cherished by the nation, aud with an earnest appreciation of the favor you have already expressed for our cause, I have the pleasured offering to yen, through the hands of Mrs. Ida Elder, this Centennial temperance volume, with some minor publications. Be pleased to accept them, with our best wishes for the prosperity of the President and yourself. Very truly Your obedient servant, John Farnell.

Mrs. Hayes accepted the book and very gracefully returned her thanks, saying that the cause of temperance was very sacred and should receive the encouragement of the citizens, and especially of tho mothers. Tne Chinese Massacre Sau Francisco, March 17. A Chico dispatch says: Great excitement is prevailing there from the fact that a number of citizens this morning received threatening letters through the postoffice, reading "get rid of your Chinese within fifteen days or suffer the consequences." The officer received a notice warning him if he attempted to discover who killed the Chinamen he would be himself killed. Rewards offered thus far aggregate $3,500, including $1,500 from the State.

Two young men were arrested on suspicion last night. Circumstances point strongly to one of them. The matter is creating a general sensation. The press of the city is pronounced in demandiug the discovery and punishment of the criminals. The Dancer Past.

Omaha, March 17. The gorge of ice in the river has somewhat subsided and has permitted the water to escape through its natural channel. At present all danger from the overflow is passed, and the probability of anew channel's being made is removed. General Celebration or tne Day. Tnrouffhont tne Cosmtry Unfavorable Weather In Chteaso ana Hew Yorlt.

Cincinnati, March Patrick's Day was appropriately celebrated by the different Irish societies of this city, this morning. Chicago, March 17. St. Patrick's Day dawned bright and cheerful, and though the ground was covered with snow the processions formed in various parts of the city at an early hour, and after church services had been held paraded the streets to the number of about 8,000. Among the notable features of the procession were the 2nd regiment and various Catholic temperance societies and civil organizations.

New York, March 17. The Police Commissioners gave orders that the streets be thoroughly cleaned for the processions of to-day, but a enow storm coming up last evening and continuing throughout the night made the clearing impossible, so that to walk in honer of St. Patrick's Day is a Action, to wade ankle deep through slush and mud is the reality; however, Irishmen in the line which was not as extended as that of previous years, are as enthusiastic as ever. Neither bands nor banners are as numerous as heretofore; hard times and growing indifference to the street, parade having their effect. Spectators, however, are as plenty as formerly and just as pleased.

United States and Irish nags floated in unison from many flag-staffs, and banners were everywhere. The day will be closed by balls and banquets. Brooklyn and other adjacent cities had parades, with the atmosphere and temperature as uncomfortable as that of New York. In Washington President Hayes received the procession, the bands as they passed playing "Hail to the Chief," while the President remained with uncovered head. In all places special religious services were held in the morning, ane the churches were crowded.

la; a rain, hail and snow storm preceded a public parade. In the evening a theatrical performance was given for the benefit of the poor. In Boston the enthusiasm was less than heretofore and the procession was smaller. In many New England cities there were parades. St.

Louis, March 17. St. Patrick's Day was celebrated here with the usual honors. High Mass was celebrated at St. Malachas Church in the forenoon and an eloquent panegyric pronounced by Father Zeigler.

This afternoon there was a very fine procession, of nearly all the Catholic societies in the city, accompanied by a large number of citizens in carriages, on horse-back and on foot. To-night the usual number of balls are in progress and the Knights of St. Patrick are having their regular annual banquet, a notable feature of which is the presence of Mr. 'Conner, Power Member of the English Parliament, who will reply to the toast, "the Day we Celebrate." The day was bright and the streets along the line of march of the procession were densely crowded with spectators. Memphis, March 17.

St. Patrick's Day was celebrated by the various Irish societies by a procession and the usual religious exercisee. Charleston, March 17. The St. Patrick's Day parade included all tho white military companies, whose appearance in public under arms was forbidden on Washington's birthday.

San Francisco, March 17. St. Patrick's Day has been celebrated with considerable enthusiasm by processions, literary and musical exercises to be followed by a number of balls and parties in the evening. The weather was warm and pleasant. Bobbery.

New Orleans, March 17. The express messenger on the train from Mobile reports that at Lookout Station a man boardrd the express car and presented a pistol at him. rHe made a rush at the man and re ceived a ball in the head, disabling him. The highwayman then grabbed up a $5,000 package, jumped from tbe train and made his escape. A Jail Oreaser.

Louisville, March 17. At Lancaster, G. Kennedy broke from tbe guard who was taking him to jail by order of the court to answer a charge of murdering his brother. The prisoner fled to an old house where twenty-five men joined him and defied the authorities. The guard fired on the house and wounded one man.

A hundred then aur-rnnnded the house, and serious trouble is anticipated. CONGRESSIONAL. SENATE. Washington, March 17. It was agreed to print 10,000 extra copies of the Monetary Committee's report.

The Committees on Printing and to audit and to control the contingent expenses of the Senate were Authorized to sit during recess. The Senate then went into executive session. When tho doors were re-opened the thanks of the Senate were voted to the Vice-President, who replied as follows: "Senators, I thank you sincerely for the complimentary manner in which you have alluded to my duties as discharged during my brief occupancy of the chair. 1 came to you almost wholly a stranger and a stranger to your rules, I trust in future to be better acquainted with both. Renewing my thanks I declare the Senate adjourned without delay." WASHINGTON-, Confirmation or Fred Douglass Honors lo Ex.

Justice Davis Presentation to Mrs. Hayes Adjournment of the Senate. Yrashington, March 17. The Bar Association of the District of Columbia last night appointed a committee to rait on the Senate and protest against the continuation of Frederick Douglass as Marshal of the District of Columbia. The Senato after a long discussion by a vote of 59 yeas and 8 nays a resolution was agreed to authorizing the sub-committee of the Committee on Privileges and Elections to visit Oregon during the recess, if they deem it expedient, and examine the charges against Senator Grover, of that State.

A delegation of prominent business men called upon the President to-day asking the appointment of two out of the three commissioners of this District from among the citizens whose interests are identi fied with property in the District. In the executive session of the Sen ate there was a debate lasting an hour and a half concerning the nom ination ot Fred. Douglas. Senator Conkling made the principal speech in favor of its confirmation, and Senator Whyle was tho most prominent speaker against it. Tho arguments of the opposition were addressed to.the question ot the business qualifications of Douglass for this appointment and especial stress was laid on the fact that the bar association opposed it on the ground that in tiieir opinion he cou'd not successfully administer the affairs of the office.

The nomination was, however, confirmed by a yea3 and nays vote by five or six majority. No Republicans voted against it and Gordon, Hale, Beck Garland and other Democrats voted for it. It is understood that Lamar, who was absent on account of sickness would have voted aye if present. Senators Morton, McMillan and Salisbury are the Committee appointed to inquire into the charges against Senator Grover from Oregon. At a meeting of the bar of the Supreme Court to take action as to the retirement of Justice Davis Senator Carpenter was called to the chair and Secretary of State Evarts made Secretary.

A committee was appointed to draft resolutions and Mat H. Carpenter, G. H. Williams, S. T.

Phillips, R. T. Merwick, J. H. Aston Joseph Casey and W.

O. Grc8ham were chosen. Tho committee reported through ex-Senator Carpenter, who said: Mr. Chairman: I am instructed to report the following resolutions: Resolved, That the bar of the Supreme Court have learned with deep regret of the resignation of Mr. Davis.

Resolved, That they desire to record their high sense of his learning, ability love, of justice and fearless independence in the discharge of hi judicial duties, and their grateful appreciation of the courtesy which he habitually extended to them. Resolved, That the Chairman be requested to communicate these resolutions to Judge Davis and the Attorney-General present them to the court and ask that they be entered upon its minutes. Mr. Carpenter said: In moving the adoption of these resolutions it is unnecessary for me to make any remarks. I believe every member regrets his leaving bench.

His faithful discharge of all duties, his willingness to meet all responsibili Chicago Cattle Market. Chicago, March 17. Cattle receipts C60. Active firm, and steady; sales good to choice shipping $4 75a5 25: prime $5 80a6 00. HOGS Receipts Active and firm; higher; light $5 10a5 30; heavy packing $4 70a5 40; choice extra heavy $5 40a5 55, cloalDg firm.

SHEEP Receipts 800. Dull; nominal. Sew York Money Market. New York, March 17. Gold opened at; $1 04f, nd closed at $1 04gal 05.

LAWRENCE No. 52 Mass. Street. LAWRENCE, AO. Genera! Bankingand Savings Inst tution, ENOCH 110 A Frettdttiit cUArt.

ltiaioUN vto President John a. Casoter. Depoait to one dollar and ovo will be received at UuJ banking house duxLa the Ofiaal banking hours, aud will draw inurefcl at seven per cent, per anna in. to be paid seml-unnuaUy, In the months of April and October in eaoh year, and if not withdrawn will be fcdC and draw interest the same as Ueprlncip Interest Allowed uu Tltuo no alyadt r) A DAI at nome. AgtnU epx6 Oucut at term tree.



Resolve That it is necessrry for the public good and convenience, that sidewalks be con-Htiucttd and built on the east side of Mississippi btret. irom Henry street to Warren street; and on the West side of New York street, from Her ley street lo Hancock etree-; and the building ot said sidewalks is hereby oidered. Said walks shall be ot tbe width of lour iett, and shall be constructed ot tbe lumber known as pine lenoiog boarda. not Jens than one inch in thickness, and not wore than six Inches In width, and.shall be laid on three stringers ot native oak or walnut, each three by four ir.ches laid edgewise, spliced and nailed, and the Doards covering said stringers, shall be nailed as heretofore by Ordinance provided. Provided also that said walks shall be laid under the superintendence of the Stieet Commissioner.

ihe above solution was Introduced by tkuncilman Kilwortb, and adopted by vote of tbe Council at its session held March 12. a. D. :77. Fbancis Meet, City Clerk.

Published March 17. 1877. Sidewalk Resolution. lUsoiteJ, That it is necessary for the public good and convenience, that sidewalks be constructed and built on the west side of Mew York street, in front of lots No. 21, 27 and 37, ew York street; ano on the east side of Tennessee street, from Je tt-iet to Adams street, and trie buildirg oi said sidewalks is hereby ordered.

Said walks shall be ol tfce width of Ave leet and lour inches, and shall be constructed of the lumber known as pine fencing boards, not leas than one inch in thickness, ana not mor than lx inches in wlatb, and shall be laid oa lour stringers ol native oak or walnut, each three by lour inches laid edgewise, spliced and nailed, and the boards covering said stringers, shall be nailed as heretofore by ordltuinoe pro vidid Provided also tbat said walks shall be laid under the euperlntendence of the Street TnT'abSvf Resolution waa introduced by Councilman Kilworth, and adopted by vote of tae Council at va session held March 12th, A. City Clerk. WANTED Energetic MEK to trite 1 and siicit orders lor our gOOds. PXHMAKXKT IM- poymxnt and good salary. Necessary traveling expenses paid by Cempa-ny.

Also one or two good local salesmen. Address Uiien lMDVSTaiai. oiki CinelnnaU Ohio. l-UW5t One copy per annum .2 00 do six month I ADVKUTISING RATES. REPUBLICAN DAILY JO0HHAL.

One dollar per square, often lines nonpareil, for the flirst insertion, and fifty cento per aquare for each subsequent insertion. Rates in Triweekly same as the Daily. WK9TERK HOMK JOURNAL. Two dollars per square tor each Insertion. Subscriptions invariably in advance.

All letters should be addressed to JOURNAL COMPANY Office No. 60 Massachusetts etreet. Notiob. No person is authorized to contract any indebtedness on the account of the Jouhval without oar written or der. Journal Co.

WantsFor Sale To Rent. Advertisementi under this head, of five lines or less wilt be inserted for twenty five cents each nsertlon via re than five lines at five cents a in. WA.TKI. IF YOU WANT RTAR RKADY FJR TllK Hop. in small or large quantities, or wan your plafttring donerepair or new work on short notice, by Rood workmen, call nt the carpenter shop northwestcorner of Vera.oat ami Wintarop ttreeU, Lawrence, Konsas.

8-15dtc A. SHA.W. RENT A SMALL STORE. TWO GOOD front windows, eitnattUon Massachusetts street, betwetn Winthrop and Warrep Rtreets. Address Lock Box 3TB.

3-7dti WANTRD TOTRADK A LOT OF NUB-sery stock lor a horae ani Uuirpy. Inquire at this office. 3-lAit FOB SALE. FOR SALE-SEED FLAX FOR SALE OR to loan. Apply at Wilder Palm's 116, Massachusetts screet.

3 tues.wedAsat FOR 8ALE A BttAltf A HOTJdE ON Ohio street with eight rooms. Half cash. jJ-Hdti WM. C. TltNNEY.

FOR SALE A GOOD, WELL IMPROVED stock or grain larm: good house and orchard; well watered; pleasant neighborhood; convenient to church, schools and railroad. Price reasonable. L. S. SlEELE, 2-lldlw At Court House.

A CHANCE FOR A HOME. FOURTEEN acres of land, good house and other improvements; thirty miles outh of Philadelphia in the beamilul town of Vinland, N. Will exchange for land in Kansas. Addreps M. Box S-2dtf Lawrence, Kaa.

FOR SALE CUE AP, AT THE JOURNAL onlco, a tiret rate ten-quire day book, made to order, but too large tor the party's sate, and ordered sold by them. 3-16dtf FOR SALE AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE, All kind of blanks the best lorms in the itate. 5M4dtf OR SALE AT THE JOUHNAL OFFICE old papers, fifty cents er minor e-. S-14dtf 10R SALE SUPERIOR ENVELOPES, FOR our own trade, at the Journal office. S-J5dtf FOB RENT.

TO LET TWO SOUTH ROOMS, WITH good light, on third floor cf Jouknal office. 8-12dU TO LET TWO FIRST CLA-S FRONT Rooms in the Journal building, third storv. 8-13dtf J. D. PATTERSON, Office inCornar Rooms over D.

V. Woodward's Drug Store. Monej to Loan. I procure a few loans ot $500 each, or OTer, tor three years, or longer upon first class rtfti estate security, on reasonable terms. Siadtt A.

H. FOOTE. "i Greenbacks cloeed in New York ta tho Exchange yesterday, at 95.3 eta. on the dollar, being 4.7 cts. on the' dollar belo gold.

fUtltCMtlUUS. Washington, D. March IS, 1 a For the Upper Mississippi and Lower Missouri TaUeys: Partly clear weather, and occasional snow in the northern portions, winds shifting to the southeast and a slight rise An the temperrture VJxa- Ynrt MarrW 17 A Wash lngton special says many Americans tiavn filed rnmnhinta crn.lnftt "Ran- croft Dayis. Minister to Berlin, for -ais courtesy ana grayer onences. Bismarck ana fills Enemies.

London, March 17. A Standard Berlin dispatch states that the government intends to Introduce a bill in the Reichstadt empowering the Emperor to publish the laws for Alsace and Lorraine. After they have passed the Federal Council and the Alsace and Lorraine Committee, but without the previous assent of the Reichstadt, a majority of the National Liberty party will claim the Reichstadt's right to veto such legislation. Th same' dispatch says the German newspapers continue to comment on Bismarck's speeches upon the organization of an imperial ministration. The Hanovoreau Causcer, a national paper influenced by Beuning-8eo, President of the Prussian Diet, has a specially interesting article, which concludes as follows: "We openly profess that the real obstacle to the better organization of an imperial government is the Chancel lor's' personal behavior and autocratic nature." A correspondent remarks that never before would the National Liberal papers have dared to publish anything like this.

Vice Chancellor Milans on taking his seat to-day said the man named Cosgrove who threw an egg at him yesterday as tho court adjourned, and whom he committed for contempt, on being searched in prison was found to have a loaded pistol in his pocket. Cosgrove's sanity is being inquired into. Exit Flncbbaek. New Orleans, March 17. Tho Republican State Central Committee met to-day at 12 and in accordance with a resolution adopted at a previous meeting, Mr.

P. B. S. Pinchback was expelled from the organization, by a vote of twenty-five to four. A.

Dumont, who, during the campaign was Chairman of of the Campaign Committee, was then elected President of the State Central Committee. Telegraphic Markets at. Louis Produce Market. St. Louis, March 17.

Floor firm and unchanged; fall supers $5 25a5 75; extra $6 OOaG 40; XX $0 12aG 25; XXX $6 85 a7 00. GRAIN Wheat higher; No. 2 fall $1 50 bid cash; $1 53 May; No. 3 $1 45 cash; $1 46 April; $1 47 May; No. 4 $1 40 bid.

Cora lower; 35ia35io cash; 3Gc April; 38o May; 38f a39c Jane. Oats inactive; bay era and sellers apart; B'jc asked; 33c bid. Rye inactive; C4c bid. Barley steady; Nebraska 50c PROVISIONS Batter unchanged; dairy 17a25c. Eggs qoiet; 12al2Jc.

Pork higher; $14 50al4 75 cash; $14 55 bid May; $14 80 Jane. Balk meats better; clear rib bid cash; sales 8o Jaj; clear ribs at Leavenworth, private terms, pap-posed to be 7c. Bacon higher; Of 8Jc, 8a8c Lard higher; $8 WHISKY Steady; $1 05. St. Ziouia Cattle Market.

St. Louis, March 17. Cattle rathar easier; bat not quotably changad; choice to fancy shipping steers $5 25a6 00; good -V Counted nt. Washington, March 17. An old man, Springer, the sixth person who has come here to be inaugurated bas been sent to the insane asylum.

Reform. Cincinnati, March 17. Ex-Detective Jas. White was to-day sentenced to the penitentiary for thirteen months, for implication in the election frauds last October..

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