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Lawrence Daily Journal from Lawrence, Kansas • Page 4

Lawrence, Kansas
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if iv Mm bm wm fill Whitman lemon lit a ti miy irv ih lh eh Men's May's amd Children 11 Mill ill VI viauiuvi Heal Estate But an examination of our stock will A FEW CHOICE OFFERS. STRAW fere offering such special inducements, in every department, as will justify the statement, that we not only offer a larger variety, superior qualities and lower prices than any house in Lawrence. If you will permit us we would invite your attention to onr now Very (Deletorated Ilk 'stock. In which you will find bargains that will reav a careful insre.p.finn and com -AT- parison with stocks held in this city or Kansas City and vou will assuredly return a verdict in our favor. We hold the Largest Ml of Silks Im Slow in Lawrence AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE QUOTED.

SUM 'MEM SILM All of this season's purchase in the latest colorings and desien NOTE THE PRICES: As the sky above is clearing Tis time your old hat were disappearing. Take our advice to Steinberg, the King Clothier go, And then bob up serenely; bob up serenely from below; Beeaof you cannot fil to find a Straw Hat to suit you. Fifty Cents, Sixty Cents, convince the more skeptical that we Seventy-Five Cents Silks we have all the urn. UVU. uuu uuu the REPTILE, French Nainsook Bantings.

3. j.ney are worm ouc, foe, ana you can Hake a Selection from Over Fifty Pieces In Colored Gros Gram RtTJiwTiivrrlAK. 7 X' And in addition Largest Assortment in the City Tie Latest ai Most Unassiin Summer Ms. They Have the And many designs have been manufactured exclusively for them." Mint's Castam Siprl It will do You Good to Gaze upon the Hany Beautiful arts iub vuiy nuuso iae cuy mac carries tne above WORLD-CELEBRATED BLACK SILKS. Color, ftc, they are noir exhibiting, Our offerines of dress materials for this occasion are very complete and EMBRACING EVERY VARIETY OP FABRICS: India Ianen, Persian Lawn, Nans Veilings, o- Alascas, etc.

Fail to Snit 1 Poor the King Are as celebrated a3 our silks, which is a sufficient guaranty of their excellence. We are showing many new makes of Black Dress Goods, Batiste, Surah Royal, Cashmere Oi toman, Crepe Jrnaiii, all MASSACHUSETTS STREET. FAHASQLS In Ottoman, Satin, Sorah and Twilled Silk. For Dress Parasols we have the most elegant desicrns produced, both as regards shape and artistic combination ot colors. us last season is the leading shape in the nr Hosiery Is full of novelties and bargains, every Our BalbrJggan Hose at 25 cents And you will thank us for introducing them to your notice.

THE GLOVE DEPARTMENT Contains every variety of color and style in Kid, Taffata, Lisle, Fii d'Ecosse of the most celebrated makes, including Alexandre's, Foster's, and Dent's. Ladies' Neckwear and Lingerie. Every desirable style in Lawrence, Has. OS E-STOBY RAMS HOUSE, bricked inside. 4 rexsms ana summer kitchen, good cellar, well, bam, well located.

Price 8800. P. STORY STONE HOTTSE, 8 rooms, good well and barn. Price $1,350, on easy leims. P.

19. GOOD 1M STORY FRAME HOUSE of 5 rooms, with good cellar and well; smalt stable and carriage boose; two goad lots with plenty of fruit Price only $1,200. P. SO, A NEW HOtfSK OF 9 ROOMS, uuisueu in uaiuiai wuouj, neaiea uv iurnace, good cwlar, well, cistern and stable; "lot 200 by 250 feet. A very desirable property for WOO.

P. 30 -LARGE 2-STORY FRAME HOUSE, on Massachusetts street, 9 rooms, cellar, well, cistern, house heated by furnace, all finished in excellent style, large grounds with fruit and hade trees. Prioe $3,750. P. 46.

GOOD 1 STORY STONE HOUSE, on Tennessee siret 5 rooms, cellar, well, barn, fruit trees, etc, or $1 ,000. P. 46. NICE FRAME HOUSE, 1 story, with basement, 4 rooms, all good repair, well, cistern, fruit and shade trees. Only P.

47. FRME HOUSE of 9 rooms, with good cellar, well, and cistern, eood barn, coal and cob bouse, all in good repair and shade trees, grapes, etc. a very desirrble location. Price $2 600, easy terms. Gr-AT A.

BAKWAIHr. ELEVATOR OF 6 ooo bushels capacity id a good town on U. P. Railway. Machinery all new.

Owner com- peueu id aeu uu account 01 neaitn A rare cnance lor a gooa business man. Can be bought iui irasiunuuiui uriK'Ual COSE. w. SlUttX rxtAME HOUSE, 7 rooms, 11 closets, good well, barn, splendid cellar, plenty of fruit and shade trees, for 600. P.

51. 2-STORY HOUSE, on Ohio street, 7 cio3ci3, auu pantry, weu, cistern, and cellar, new barn, fruit, eand shade trees, all in Ifa Sails genrual. LAWRENCE, APRIL 29 1883 Notice to Advertisers Copy for changes in display advertisement uiuou "1 lino ima umce do lore 4 cloc t. uu" iure cnDges Deli made this rule is not complied with. tickets to all poinst East or West, wm you do me the personal favor of eeeinc me, I can do you good in ways not for the public to know.

R. K. Tabob, Agent T. S. F.

R. R. CITY BRIEFS. The Santa Fe'd new time table pops tntn effect to-day and will be found in anotter column of the Journal. Officer Grant steered into the r.1t'a hivea of rest, a drunk that was unable to navigate yesterday afternoon.

The boom in real estate goes on. The aggregate oi the transfers for the week ending last night was 147.176. Mrs. Henry Wallace died on ner icinerai was largely attended yesterday, from Mr. Wallace's home in West Law rence.

One couple seemed a marHatm Hnoo vtMwv from Judge Foote yesterday, but did not uesire meir names to be given to the ruth less reporter. The Imperial club that has given such a ucccestul series of dances during thewin tei will close the season with a calico bill next Tuesday pni, A number of friends of Mrs. G. Grove- nor were entertained by that lady at her residence, corner ol New Hampshire and Berkley streets last evenine. Rev A Nelson leaves tc-moirow for Xenia, Ohio, to attend a meeting of the uenerai Assemlly ot the United Presby terians, to be held in that city next I he Whipple suit went to the iurv aoout o'clock yesterday afternoon a.iter remaining out about two hours the jury returned with a verdict of 5.000 for the plaintm.

No new cases of smallpox have de veloped in North Lawrence and the patients are in about the same condition as on Friday. The strictest care is being kept to prevent the spread of the disease and no further danger is apprehended. Two colored boys got into a conflab over the poseeesion of a fish vesterdav at the dam Blows became in order and were followed by one of them stnkin? his on ponent on his pate with such force as to knock him into the shute. He was fished out, his anger being considerably cooled on by his bain. The members of the Phi Kappa Psi fra ternity was tendered a reception last nieh' by one of their number Mr Gault.

The boys betook themselves to Weide mann's and enjoyed the good things he al ways has for his customers A very pleasant time was spent in social converse. Silk umbrellas at Bromebick's One case four-fourths bleached musliF a well known brand, worth ten cents, ctr price eight cents. It will do you good, to look at it. Geo. Innes Co.

"Little Joker" is the best smoking to bacco. The English Lutheran Sabbath-school will give another one of their delightfu concerts, on Sunday evening, commencing at o'clock p. nv, sharp. Jbriends are cordially invited. Beats free.

Collection taken up for the benefit of the Sunday- school. Black silks will be sold low this week by Bullene Co. Mies Lillian Bell will receive a limited number of students ia vocal and in strumental music. For terms and par titulars csll at residence on east side Mississippi, filth door north of street or at office of the Business College or address through P. O.

Reference, Dr'F Ziegfield president of Chicago Musica College, Chicago, 111- 3-29 2t. Straw hats in all the latest styles a Bromelsick's Corset and Underwear. We areoffering excellent corsets at 50 75 and $1.00, and as for Muslin Under ware, we keep the celebrated Rochester mace goods acknowledged to be the best In country. Fvery lady in Lawrence knoa that we sell them very cheap. Geo.

Ltoes Co. For a good driving glove call on Brom elsick's Commencement. Young ladies desirous of appearing to nrivantaire ut Commencement and at all other times must purchase their Uom rj mencement Trosseau at Geo. Innes Co. Where they will find the choicest fabrics suitable for such and all other interesting occasions.

HATS, as as lo lii. Clothier, Milliner Opening. Ye3teryay and to-day a thronar of ladies filled the elegant millinery store of the Misses Magler, examining their magnificent display of millinery goods just brought by them from the east and handsomley arranged for insnection. All who saw the display pronounced it perfect, and the ladies were profuse in their praises of the beautiful goods. It was certainly a most attractive display and was most tastefully arranged.

The Misses Mugler are always careful to select only the latest, most fashionable and handsomest designs, and ladies patronizing them may be assured that they will obtain not only handsome goods but correct styles. Among other hats and bonnets noticed in their display were, the lolanthe, the very latest and most stylish of hats; handsome pokes in myrtle green and shrimp pink; misses Leghorns, in ottoman silk, shirred crown; the Danube, a large black hat trimmed with feathers; same in terra cotta shade; an elegant poke in lace and gilt, an exact copy of an imported bonnet costing $75; straws, in marine blue and dasies; white Milan straw, with lace and feathers, also the same in flowers and ribbon; a handsome little bonnet one-eight of a yard wide, made entirely of leaves; tin Fifth Avenue, a leading shape; the Princess and the Dn chess, new shapes; a poke entirely of white silk, and a lily of the valley crown one of the newest styles; Langtry cap, the newest combination of white and yellow, finished in Ori ental lace and wild roses; Fishwnife, a fine manilla straw poke, trimmed with China crape and black velvet; the Critic, a white Neapolitian with crape to match, plon-plon, feather and bird. There was also an elegant and comj plete line of childrens' hats, pokes and Mother Hubbard bonnets. The large display of fine flowers, feathers, silks, satins, velvets, Ottoman silks, embraced everything new in color and style, and ladies having hats made up can secure any thing they desire. So great was the rush, that the store was kept open late both Friday and Saturday evenings.

8hirt waist for your boys at Bromelsick's Two fine Cabinet Organs, cheap for cash at Murdock's. dwlt. For a nobby shirt waist for your boys, call at Bromelsick's. A gooJ, two story cine room house lor ale. Tennessee Street, North of Qaincy, 4 29dl DP Biolow.

E. and W. collars and cuffs at Bromelsick's. Wanted A good girl lo do general housa work. 28dtf O.

P. Babbeb. Large line of children's straws at Bromelsick's. Lost A bundle of proof papers. The finder will be rewarded by leaving thm at the office Li.

WHENCE PoBLISHIHa COi Fin Mackinaw straw hats at Bromel? ck Marbleized Mantels and Grates I have just rtcfived a large stock of mantels and grates tf 4he latest styles which I invite everybody to call aid see They wt re bought for cash and will be eold lo- Axsos Storm. 4 MjccC; 164 Mifsachutts St. New style ot summer underwear at Bromelsick's. Boys underwear at Bromelsick's, wo JLinen, (inipure and Irish Xo. FIRST-CLASS FAKM OF 00 8 miles irom rence st zcn nicer ieno.ea lu six neias living wsier pas- urea a No.

1 stock farm. Can be bought for $16 an acre. -l fllo. aw 40 Atna rAiua, ouiy a nines from Lawrence, 30 acres under cultivation location healthy, lard excellent, good orchard. two goon wells, rrtce Acres, with 1 story frame house of 7 room, noesrove hdoue we uouse, wiui.never-iaiuuK spriug Price $V00.

The aojoininar loo acres can a so oe nau. vuiy iur iuo ui quarter section flin. 307. AN ELEGANT FARM OF 206 ACRES, with two extra good houses, aid all conveniences; large Darn, granary, corn crio, atd sheds, large orchard and vineyard, only 6 miles from Lawn nee rriee fto per acre. Xo.

ACKE rAilll. WITH aD4 stone house, well and cistcra and good orchard otly 2 miles from Lawrence. Price $35 an acre No. 34. 160-AUKis JfAKM, 2 miies rrom Richland station 15 acres timber, 90 unGer cul-Liva loo.

eood house, stable, granary, fine orchard, aud plenty of good water. Pi ice mo. AUKts, 3 nines west oi Law rence lA story irame nouse or rooms, weii. and cistern smau barn, well, and spring never failing, (rood orchard. Price $1 600.

So 358. One of the best farms In Eastern Kansas. 960 acres fenced in 15 fields well wa tered, good house, barn, 'arge orchard. Price $18 an acre. i o.

aukjCi wiin lmnrove- mhts. thar, make it one of the most home-like places in the county, 9 miles from Lawrence good house, stable corrals, orchard, good well ana spnne. jmce 3.oiu. N(. uoou 8U acre larm in duerxoa jo.

Six room house and fine orchard. Price 12,400 So. 361. 100 ACRE FARM, 7 MIL. lis FROM.

Lawrecce, In excellent neighborhood; good houfe and barn fen ed in four fields orchard ana 28 acres of wueat race Icct lee! lee! For family use order of A. G. Eidemil- ler, 49 Massachusetts street. 4 14dtf Ladies do not fail to visit the annnal display of millinery at the Misses Mug lers' Friday and Saturday. LlKhtRln Mud Wagon r.

I have a good lightning rod wagon for sale. O. Carlson. 3 27 That Husband of Mine. Is three times the man he was before he began using "Wells' Health EeBewer.

If Druggists. Depot, Geo. Leis cs 13ro' Lawrence. For Sale. New Mill burn wagon.

Inquire of J. K. Neisley, corner of Rhode Island and Berk ley. 424dlw. For Sale.

Solid silver and plated ware at a rare bargain at the residence of Mrs I Mossier, corner Henry and Rhode Island streets, 4 lOif For (Sale. Cookins and heating stoves at your own price at the residence of Mrs I Mossier, comer of Henry and Rhode Island streets. 4 20dtf Annual display of millinery goods at the Misses Mujlers' Friday and Saturday. For Sale. Family horse and carriage and house hold furniture for sale.

Third hcuse north of Adams on Kentucky street. dtf. Top Bossy and Harness for (Sale. At a bargain. Frank F.

Dinsmcor. Eastern mark ct piktebeaten in way paint, varnish and kalsomine brushes at Leis' Drug Emporium. 4 10d2w Ladios of Lawrence are invited to attecd the grand opening of new and fashionable styles of spring millinery at Misses A. C. Muglers' Friday and Saturday.

4 25d4t 7. "I DON'T EEL WELL The stomach is ouJ of -der; neglected, this means chrrnic dyspepsia, You should take A ker's Dyspepsia Tablets and avoid this terrible disease. Sold by C. W. Straffon, 161 Massachusetts street.

Wanted. A half Norman gelding or mare of good style and action, weighing from 1200 to 1300 pounds, must be ot quiet temperament and safe for a lady to drive; between 5 and 7 years old and either blood bay, brown or black in color, and perfect ly sound. Address with discription and price, Lock Box 17, Lawrence, Kansas wtt. Sick Headache. Mrs.

J. C. Henderson, of Cleveland. Ohio, writes: The use of two of Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets a dav fnr a few weeks has entirelv cured me of sick headache, from which I for merly suffered terribly, as-otten on an average as once in ten days. Ut all I druggists.

35 cents will buy a three button kid glove during Big Bonanza kid glove sale this week at Steinberg Bros'. Dry Goods jjouse. Mam money to loao. In sums of $1,000 and upwards, on one and two vears time, interes reasonable: securitv real estate. In quire at the office of the Business Uol- lege.

J3O0R MCILBAVT. "Wanted to Eent For the summer a small furnished house in eraod Iccalitv. or a suite of furnished rooms with board. Address A Noble, General Freight Office CL 8K railroad. dtf Silk-Raising in Kansas.

The book on this subject by Annie Diggs just issued is for tale at Crew Co's book store. 4 28wtf Piano for Kent. have a eood piano to rent. Call at once at 34 Rhode Island street. dtf J.

M. VAsnmsT. Wanted. Mules of every size or age at Donnelly's Uble. W.

W. Dayis. 12 21dtf For Sale. Parlor set of the latest patterns at the residence of Mrs I house from the confer of Rhode Island and Henry 6treetp, 4 20dtf SfclnnsCaen. "Wells' Health Recewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Im-otence' Sexual Debility.

$1. Depot. squares, in rompaaores, spanisn JLace, Crape and Mull. Buttons We have the Button Stock of the city We can say the same for our BIBBON STOCK. We Came Near Forgetting the Positive Bargain A 21-Inch Gros Grain Silk in Seal Brown, Myrtle, Bronze and Navy.

We offer it at $1.00 at which price one of the largest New York houses advertise it as the greatest bargain ever offered by them. Our House is Full of the Best Goods, Novelties ot this season. SHADE The BOULEVARD introduced by world ol fashion. epartmeitt grade of goods is fully represented. are Worthy- Your Attention, Point Collars, Fichus and Buttons department that can be shown either J.

W. PIATT PIATT, of all and JPoiiliry. aiency to Lob. Moneyfto loan on real estate security, in Shapes, It Prices wii will it teinberg, PERSONAL Mrs Thes 8weeney is visiting friends in Denver, Talcott, of Iola, was in the city yesterday. WELacey of Chicago is stopping in the city.

Master George Meeker of Denver is in the city visiting his aunt. the 8t John Advance was in the city yesterday. Theodore Little, of Abirlene, was in the city yesterday, visiting his son, Little. James Aaher, of Junction City, is in the city, visiting his brothers, and Wm. Air McMillan of the Coates House Kansas City illuminated the streets yesterday with his presence.

A Stacy, the energetic Topeka correspondent of the Leavenworth Times, was in the city yesterday. Miss Brlggrf, from Coffee county, is in the city, visiting Miss Herma Kelley, who is attending the Univeraity. Judge 8 Thacher has gone to Boston where ne will meet his wife and daughter, and sail for Europe this week. Rockwell, whom many will remem. bar.

as one of- those who went home sick last winter, from Pro! Canfleld'a, was in the city yesterday from the Hot Springs. Burlingame has received an appointment as head of the commissary department at the penitentiary, and will leave in a day or two, to take charge of his new office- Miss Jennie Hill ofjNew.YorkCity arriv-ei from the east last night and will visit for some time her brotner Mr as Hill, superintendent of telegraph of the R. The many friends of Miss Sarah Flyna, late with Marshall, Field of Chica-ga, will be pleased to learn she has returned, and accepted a position with Bros. MissFlynn will have charge of the notion department, and under her management it cannot fail to add to the increasing popularity of this Arm. Fine kid gloves at Bromelsick's Black goods, choice new styles at Bullene Cc.

Great sale of Misses full regular dark spring styles hosiery. We are selling a regular forty cent Misses hose at tweniy- flTe Geo. I uses Co. Tenth Anniversary. Friday evening was the occasion of tie teath anniversary of the foundation of the chapter of the I Sorosis at the University, and the young ladies of that seciely entertained their gentlemen; friends in handsome style at the residence ot Dr Morris.

Everything was done to add to the pleasure of the evening and all came away voting it a charming affair. The "Ioianthe" scarf at Bromelsick's Bullene offer this week new lines of spring dress goods. Mpeelal OffetB. Special orders for any goods rot carried in our stock. Customers who have oc caaion to order goods from any oth er ma-ket can do so through us and aare money by the transaction Gko Co.

Helmet hats at Bromelsick's Read Bullene Co's list of specialty black silks. Our ClockxlBalbriggn Regular made Ladies Hose at 25 cents, and the best ever Sjen at this price, and none better in this market at 35 and 40. Look at them. Geo. Iiotks Co.

BneUen'a Armies 8a Tf The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure burns, bruises, cuts, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, cancers, piles, chilblains, corns, tetter, chapped hands, and all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure ia every instance, or money refunded. 25 cents per box. For sale by Barber Bros. 60 1 and you will find the best value in each East or West.

(TJeoree Innes Oo. Iolanthei The first production of "Iolanthe; or the Peer aud the the beautiful and last work of Gilbert and Sullivan, will tate place in Lawrence, on Monday evening, April 80th, at Bowersock's Ojtera Housr. 'lolanthe will be preaented by the full strength of Chas. E. Ford's English Comic Opera Company, led by the famous singer, Miss Letitia Louise Pritsch, and Miss Maria Bockel, and supported by the distinguished American comedian.

Mr. Wm. H. Seymour. Mr.

Ford's company now number up-war da of 40 operatic singers, among whom we may mention the following well known artists, who have achieved for themselves a natu nal reputation Chas- W. Dangan, Chas. F.Lang, L. W.Raymond, Phillip Branson, Geneive Reynolds, Louise Cissing, Alice Butler, Clara Peck, etc, and made the name of Chas. E.

Ford well and favorably known in every city in the United States, and in the British North American possessions. The critic of the Cincinnati Inquirer, in writing of Mr. Ford'a first presentation of lolanthe," in the 'Queen City of the West' after bearing testimony to the beautiful manner in which the opera was rendered, says, in speaking of some of the members of Mr. Ford's company, that Phillip Branson, the is what Castle was in his young and glorious day," and again, that 'Chas. W.

Dungan Is -a most delightful actor, and has a baritone voice delicious to hear, and full of manly and tender tones, etc." 8ilk underwear at Bromelsick's Read Bullene Co's list of bargains in summer silks for this week. House cleaners and bouse keepers take notice that we are selling carpets of every grade at low figures. So low that you cannot afford to put down your old carpets. Gko Iknes. Court Notice.

Court cases are set as follows May l3t, to-wit, 5241; 2d, 5277 3d, 5301; 5th, to end M. Summerfielp, Cierk. Have you seen Bromelsick's the new neckties at Dress Silks Special. On Monday morning we will open out a large line of summer silks, ai 50 cents a yard, worth 6U Gko. Innks Co.

Fancy trj pe summer Bromelsick's underwear at Dress Goods. Oar stocV ot drees goods is twice as large as 1 other here. We 'are now offering special drives purchased under vslue. Bilk umbrellas at Bromelsick's Drtfis Ginghams 100 pieces, choice, fast colarj at ten cents valued at twelve ana half cents. Gao Ixmss.

Elegant summer underwear at Bromel-sick lee! lee! leet Order you ice of A. G. Eidemillcr, 49 Massachusetts street, 4 14dtf Blue green and terra cotta shades in straw hats for.boys, at Bromelsick "Glad News If or the Uafortanate. The orld renowned "Henry's Specific" positively cures all cases of Nervous Debility and weakness of the generative organs. In a varied practice of over thirty years in treating men's diseases and disabilities, Henry's Specific has met with udt parallold success, having sold during that time upwards of forty thousand packages, and in no instance without success when "Specific" was used as directed.

This "Specific" is pleasant to take and does not interfere with business pursuits. Sufferers may consult free, inclosing stamp for reply "Specific," one dollar per package; six for five dollars sent free of detection, securely sealed, by mail, on receipt of price. Ad cress all communications to wneeier cs cnemiBia. xasi wen ty-seventh street. New York.


DlnlnsBoom Girls Wanted At the Eldridge House immediately. 2. A THOROUGH COURSE of sum9 to suit. Interejl very law. 3 16itf Chaklton Stetjexs.

fiiesZanaUais. Flies roaches, ants, bed bugs, rat9, mice' gophers, chipmunks, letred on; by 4Roughon Rats." 153, Gilders whitings, Paris white and dry colors in immense quantiti- and low as t'ae lowest at Leis' drug store. Booms to Kent. Nice large office, front room; also back rooms and two large room3 suit? for secret societies or clubs, in No. 60 Hassa chusetts street R.

J. Bokgholthatjs, 4 15dtf Law Office, Acker's Blood Elixir will remove all taint from the blood. It cures Scrofula, Ulcers, Boils and Pimples. Sold by W. Straffon, 161 Massachusetts ttreet.

A cordiil invitation Is extended to all to inspect the millinery display at the Misses Muglers during Friday and Siturday. A Heating All members of the Lawrence A TJ are requested to be present at their regclar mreting next Thursday evening, as lmror tact business will come before the Unit n. Wood, Secy. I.

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