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Lawrence Daily Journal from Lawrence, Kansas • Page 3

Lawrence, Kansas
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IMMIGRATION BILL. DUTIES OF ELECTORS. the Tote la Countnd nd Transmit UnioaFaafio OTerUadBrer, i Will from Rot Accept Any Ulfts Work of the National Congress at Orlando, He NEGRO LYNCHED. Robert Morton Hanged for Writing a Note to a White Woman. Girt la HlsOwa TaamU7.

i The Senate Disagrees to the Con- Uncla Ephram waa at th whit heal of rage. He stood the. corner ferenoe Report. Fla Resolutions Adopted. Oklahdo, Feb.

5. At -yesterday's session of the National Good Roads congress Gen. Boy Stone, of the board of inquiry of good roads of the agricultural department at Washington, was named as permanent presi Broad and Marietta pUcete nd It wa hours to DenTer, MmMytwo hows to Baa InuulMo, of the latest isprorav masts oa this trsia, Plate lights, rtean heat, air signals. rtatibaM altepm dining cars, toulav Oheranas to Lot Aagelea, cohered porter oa saoh oar. la alas itnotty Americas, uanrbody aaa ride oathis train.

Its colors are red, white aadbtaa. Equal rights to all. something more than impatience that A COUPLE 0FDDIAIS MURDERED. LIQUORS 15 THE 5ATI05AL CAPITOL5 1 caused him to toss his hoary bead petulantly, and snort like a porpoise in a ted to the Co p. tel.

Just how or where or hen the electoral vote is cast seems to be some thing of a mystery to many voters who are well-informed on all other subjects. The votes are cast in. each state, on the same day, in accordance with provision of the United States which reads: "The electors for each state shall nteet and give their votes upon the first Wednesday in Decenfber, in the year in which they are appointed, at such place in each state as the legislature of each Have Pity On YourNeighbbr Who coughs all the evening i in churchy or at the theatre. He knows he is a nuisance but he cannot help it, for the under mem-, brane of his throat is a mass of inflamation. Profit by this warning and take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey choppy sea.

It was not difficult to ob Senator Hill Tries to Defeat the Measure I An Unconfirmed Report That the Sac and Fox Indian Agtmcy Has Beea Raided by Outlaws A Wife Sold tar Twenty-Five Dollars. dent; T. J. Appleyard, of Florida, secretary. The committee on programme suggested the agitation of legislation, co-operation in road building, discussing the best methods and materials for construction and the best methods of arousing public interest and edu serve that there waa aometntag oi mora than usual Import weighing' upon his mind, as he was inclined to disregard.

Taelr Guests. K. Talbot Kelly, an English artist who has lived long among the Arabs, in discussing Arabian hospitality in the Century, says: I had not much time for quiet observation, aa one by one all the head men of the tribe called to pay their respects to the "stranger within their gates." Taking off his shoes at the entrance, each one advanced with many and kissing my hand, uttered the single word, "Ma-hubbahl" They then seated themselves in a long -row at the other side of the tent, discussing me in undertones. No one spoke to me unaddressed, and even the sheik himself, whose guest 1 was, would not sit on the carpet beside me uninvited. Literally, while the guest of the Bedouin your tent is sacred, and all the tribe PraUbttma; Their Use Am On- eventful Day In the House.

any Questions put to him by several wliite friends who gathered about; The Union Paotte aaa added a baffst oar to thsir Dearer traia, 8:43 ta, Oa this caryoxi order nhst you wiihr and par for what yon get, from soap of coffee up. This-with tho short tame. Washington, Feb. 5. The session of hi plaint waa heavy audi the spirit, of the old man sorely grieved.

I aint gwine to do it," fee said. cating the public mind. CoL W. IX Chipley, of the cornmittee on resolutions, offered a series of resolutions favoring the enactment of laws by which all classes and interests shall bear the burden of taxation for road quia- Tame, mootn trees. ear the senate yesterday was one of unusual activity, sharp colloquies and vigorous speeches, which drew large crowds to the galleries.

The ball was set rolling early in the day when with steam, gas lights, makes tt the de wagging his head from aide to side. ain't gwine to do it, an' dat ain't all, I low shell nt dem keraipshus nosnuna Bowijko GBraH. Feb. 5. Wednesday night near Boclrfield, a little station on the Louisville A Nash ville, ten miles from this city, a negro, Robert Morton, was hanged.

Wednesday Morton wrote an insulting note to Miss Tommie Johnson, a popular young white woman, and when, it became known a posse went to arrest him. He ran, and they gave chase, capturing him after shooting him several times. While the officers were guarding Mor- ton a mob overpowered them and took as soon as you feel a cold coming suable tram to Denver aaa the coast Goodbye to old ooal oil lamps end soft coal stores. We now hare perfect Urht tad regular heat. improvement, the employment of con state may direct." In Ohio and in most of the other States, there is special legislation providing that the votes shall be cast at the state capitol.

The federal statutes have provided for any contingency that might arise. Each state may, by la, provide for the filling of any vacancies which may oc- outen dat big head er hern 'fo I gits dun wid her. Dafa what." Mr. Morrill endeavored to pass the bill prohibiting the use of intoxicants in the capitol building. This aroused the opposition of Mr.

Hill, of New York, who denounced the busy-bodies and What's the trouble, Ephram asked Country. on. This whiskey is pure as ocean air, and of rare medicinal virtue. It wards off Pneumonia and Bron- some one, who had just stepped victs in road work, placing the control of such work in the hands. of boards of county commissioners; the creation of the office of county engineers; authorizing counties to issue bonds for road improvements upon a vote of "Dat gal er mine; flat's what it am, dat same new-fangled, butt-beaded, out-da clous gal er mine; dat's what it mischief-makers inspiring this class of legislation.

The senator spoke for the fullest enjoyment Of individual liberty consistent with the common good. The arc your willing servants; and though I 'have repeatedly paid comparatively long visits to them, I have never yet succeeded in pressing a gift upon my host. I remember asking the sheik Saoudi el Tahoui, chief of the Hanaardi Arabs, if he knew any of the Pyramid Arabs at Gizeh. He replied, spitting upon the ground: Tney are not Bedouin; they take bakshish" thereby expressing his contempt for mercenary service. "What's the matter with, ner, jupn- chites by nipping a eold in the bud.

Druggists and grocers sell it. three-fifths of the freeholders in each county; allowing a county or city to hire its convicts to another county un For. full formation regarding fruit, Tegetsble and field crop farms located in the coartjconAUj otTexavpply to Q. T. Nicholson, Q.

P. A. T. 8. F.

Tens offers tempting inducements to the homeaaftksz. your elf. Excursion rates via Santa Fa route nun?" "Dai's what I say, an dat's what I der proper conditions; providing for speech was not only notable for the vigor which Mr. Hill threw into it, but also for its effect in prolonging the debate until two o'clock, when the bill wants to know what's de matter wid her, an' ef you kin sot yer head to fin' the appointment of a state highway commission to superintend the distri the prisoner out of their custody and carrying1 him three miles from town hanged him. The body was found yesterday morning.

The matter was kept so quiet that it was not known here until noon yesterday. Morton was 21 years old, the son of a section hand. A COUPLK OF LSDIAN8 MURDERED. ErjFATTLA, T. Feb.

5. Israel Garr, a young Creek Indian, was killed Wednesday at his ranch, west of here, dat out I won ax no mo was displaced bv the Nicaragua bilL bution and expenditure of the state road fund, and state aid not to exceed The old man. stopped, gave a sudden Mr. Hill made a motion to commit. It vor in Its college ci electors, wnen suc college meets to give its electoral vote.

In Ohio, should a vacancy occur, the Ohio electoral college has power to elect persons to fill such vacancies, and should it happen that two persons Receive the same number of votes, the governor makes the choice by lot. It will be seen, therefore, that no adverse state administration could affect the electoral vote. After the votes are formally cast, three certificates are made, in which the votes for president and vice president are given in separate lists. The college then chooses a person, not necessarily a member of its body, to snort, and looked indiffeffently across was a tie at first, but the summoning the street. one-third the eost of such permanent i improvements, the remainder to be borne by the county or divided be of senators defeated the motion.

Yeas, "All at once he broke out again: 87; nays, 30, I ax dis question," he said, "what am Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, presented tween the county and the people di- i rectly interested. The congress then On another occasion, while living with the Nephaarta, the sheik MansourAbu Nasrullah had attached to me a young Arab whose especial duty it was to attend to my various wants while painting. At the end of the month I tried to induce him to accept a sovereign' as bakshish. Looking very much alarmed, he exclaimed: "Oh, my master, 1 cannot; it is not allowed; the sheik would kill me if he knew I had accepted a gift;" and all my arguments de gals er dis day camln to, knee I dent a resolution requesting the president for information as to the arrest of Cas know, an takes a heap er etudyin' in European Excursions.

To those who are contemplating an European trip, this season of the year offers special advantages in extremely low rates with first class service, and ample accommodations which are not easily obtainable at other times. There are also cheap excursion rates to Honolulu, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. Circular tours and found the world trips at greatly reduced rates. Those having a trip in view and desirous of information in regard to rates, time of sailing, accommodations, are requested to at Santa Fe city office. Leis drug store or or address the agent.

per Betancourt at Havana, whether a The Union Pacific new train His-our! river to Ban Francisco sixty and one half hours; Portland sixty-four and onehalf hours Angeles aeventyfour and onehalf hours. The finest1 and fastest traia weat of Chicago, and aV.O. Strictly American: free to all. i7attAM The Leavenworth train leave at ItXS natesd of 8 m. on the Union Padflo.

change your blue time card to 725 adjourned subject to the call of the executive committee, NEW TARIFF MEASURE, i de dlcahunary to keep up wid defee demand for his release had been made, women folks. I aint got much book sense, lease etc. The resolution was agreed to. Mr. of en dey didn't hab none er dese here nigger Framers of the law Expect It to Yield aa Enormous Bovenue.

deavored to have the canal bill give personally take one certificate to Washington. This he must deliver to tho president of the senate before the first week in January. In the event of that officer not being in Washington when colliges an' sioh lac In my day: Dutl low dia, datsknle hunin" ain't gwine do failed to persuade him to take the -tip." IN CHEAP RESTAURANTS. way temporarily to permit action on the conference report on the immigra fer gala, kas it makes 'em worsen er tion bilL No objection being made, Washington, Feb. The framers of the new tariff law are counting upon an increase of $60,000,000 in the revenue above what is yielded by the present law.

The exact elements of this increase cannot be determined until mule colt in de green pajaiur. by one of his tenants, named Wheeler. A young Indian named John Tyler was killed at a dance near here Wednesday night. A man named Noah, who was drunk, shot him while he was acting as a peacemaker. Noah has been arrested.

SAC AND TOX A6ESCY. Gtjthbie, Feb. 5. An unconfirmed report reaches the city that the Sae and Fox Indian agency was raided by outlaws, resulting in the killing of three men and the wounding of the agent, Gen. Thomas.

The telephone wires have been cut. A payment of 926,000 is in progress at the agency, A WIFE BOLD. Grand Rapids, Feb. 5. John Lane, of this city, in consideration of 825 has, under written agreement, sold and released his wife to James II- Mr.

Lodge moved to take up the im Dar'a dat gal er roe what Jedge Waiters Are Almost Invariably The the messenger arrives, the secretary of state is empowered to take charge of the certificate. migration report, and the motion pre Andy tuk an' sent to de stockade, an. vailed 35 to 13. Mr. Hill appealed to First published In Lawrence Dally Journal Februarys, 1897.

Proposals tor Fir) Hose. SEALED BIDS lor E00 feet of double jacket robber lined SK Inch fire hose, will be received ud to m. Saturday. Febraanr SO. den she up an' ax me if I ain't gwine pay The second certificete must be sent Mr.

Lodge, in charge of the bill to al Gad. C. Bailey. Tacks are from a quarter to a half inch, through when accidentally stepped on. this lenrth seems to be multiplied by dat fin.

No, sah, I ain't gwine do it to the president of the senate by mail, twill she take out some er dem monkey the new measure is more nearly complete than at present, but a rough calculation can be made of the sources from which the increase is expected. These may be stated as follows: Sugar, so as to reach Washington before the low the bill to be recommitted for modifications in the age and illiteracy provisions. Mr. Chandler seconded the appeal, saying a recommittal would noshuns what she got out dar at de 100 A nni A r9 (Via amftHeat or7 a( mna Have to be complete with universal couplings and guaranteed for 6 years, FRED READ. first week in January.

skule and endurin et de expopishun. The third certificate is delivered to Chairman Fire Dept. Com. secure the desired end of uniting polit Americans A Theory. A New Yorker who in the course of a long and varied career has patronized all sorts and conditions of restaurants has discovered that the cheaper and poorer the restaurant the more likely are the waiters to be born Americans.

At the more expensive restaurants, says the New York Sun, the waiters are, as a rule, French, and always foreign. English, Irish and German waiters are usually found in less expensive places, and one is not sure to find an American until he reaches restaurants of the Ehe gitsoutdar, she did, wid all dem big-headed niggers what talk erboutdis, an talk er bout dat 'twill dey dont the federal judge of the district in which the electoral college meets. (First published In the Lawrence Dally Jour- ical parties in immigration legislation. ami rnu. mw.i On the second Wednesday of Feb- A- tains 16,000 tacks.

Our people are growi ng more and more in the habit of looking to Barber Bros for the latest and best of everything in the drug. They sell Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of bad colds, croup and whooping cough. I ail know what side dey 'sputan on. Mr. Lodge yielded to the appeals and thereupon moved that the senate disagree to the conference report and the Hurst.

All concerned are celebrating the event. mary, congress is session, ana tae electoral vote is formally canvassed. her what de matter, an- why de name er Gord she come prancin roun wid her head hlsted lac she got one er dese motion was adopted. -f. ii To peranos owning real property ua Rhode Island street between Berkley and Qulncy Streets: rfIHE FOLtOWINO RESOLUTION WAS adopted by the dtr council of the elty of wool and woolens, tobacco, agricultural products, spirits, flax, hemp and their manufactures, cotton hosiery and other cottons, chinaware and glass, miscellaneous items, A deficit of $25,203,245 for the fiscal year 1896 and a probable deficit of $50,000,000 for the fiscal year 1897 would be more than wiped out by an increase of the revenue by the amount WHOLESALE ROBBERY.

Should it happen that neither of the Mr. Nelson introduced a substitute for the bankruptcy bill now before the here race horse bits under her chin. 3 first two certificates reach Washington by the second Wednesday in February, When in need of such a medicine give 'Den she switch round sam' aa er this remedy a trial and you will be more session held February 1st, jjawrenoaas lis cheapest sort. the secretary of state at once sends a- 1887. than pleased with the result Barber cow.

what got a wolf on her back, an A Fort Scott Gang Had Plotted to Bob a Bank Murder Alleged. -Fobt Scott, Feb. 5. By the confessions of a woman held here as a witness in a criminal case, it was learned that a gang of robbers, who That It la neeessarv for the irab- Resolved. special messenger to the federal judge Bros.

Ho sood and convenience that Rhode Island senate. It provides for voluntary bankruptcy on the part of persons owing 8200 or more and gives preference to debts due the United States or the state in which the debtor lives and ahc say: who is in possession of the third certih- Ta, Ise er member er de Saasiety fer cnte, and that is then taken to Wash Condors are from 4 to 5 feet in length, having a spread of wings between 12 and de Elervashun ear de Kulud Glnerashun. hi ton. to those due servants or laborers. what she say, an' I low I ele 20 feet.

Condors and vultures have Each messenger is paid mileage upon The debate on the Nicaragua canal vstft' vou wider Ulorht'ood knot ef you been seen to circle slowly in the sky for street in the city of La wren te from Berkley to Qulncy street be curbed and guttered." Witness mj hand at Lawrence, this 2nd day of February, iwr. A. O. HONNOLD. sail.

Olty Clerk. (First published tn Lawrence Dally Journal Feb. S. 1887.) Notice. hours without any appprent motion of bill was then resumed, Mr.

Vilas speak-in? in opposition. Mr. Vilas had not the surrender of the certificate to the omcunt of 25 cents for each mile he has traveled by the most direct route. As sling sich stuff aa dat outen dat bigmcrui eryourn. An'dataln'tall; here she come the wings and their means of doing so is of $60,000,000 annually.

It is probable that the surplus will be much larger by the close of the fiscal year 1899 than these figures would indicate. 1 The Bible for the Oath of Office. Xehia, Feb. 5. Bishop B.

W. Ar-nett, of the A. M. E. church, who resides at Wilberforce, left here for Cincinnati last evening to select a Bible to be used by President McKinley in concluded when, at 5:15 p.

the sen er trottin' an' er switchuf an' sue aay. ate went into executive session and still a mystery to scientists. The little daughter of Mr. Fred Web his transportation does not usually exceed six cente per mile for the round she dos To on Rhode Pa, Ise gwine ter ride er wheal. nersons owning real soon after adjourned.

i THE house. trip, he is a few dollars to the good. The New Yorker who has made this discovery accounts for it on the ground that less servility is expected at the cheap places than at the more expensive restaurants. The same feeling of independence which keeps American men and women from becoming household servants prevents the first from becoming waiters at restaurants where too much deference to the customers is required. Unfortunately for his theory, he has discovered that fees, which a truly independent man would spurn, are as much appreciated at a cheap restaurant as they are unexpected.

They procure a deference, too, which would not be out of place in restaurants Americans are presumed by him to be too independent to work in. The theorist is not so much annoyed at his theory being in part contradicted by his experience as at the practical inconvenience Island street between ber, Holland, had a very bad cold arrea and Berkley Whar dat gal eber knows enythiag streets Washington, Feb. 5, The proceed and cough which he had not been able Messengers from the remote states are thus quite well paid for their time. made their headquarters at Mamie Price's house here, planned to blow up the vault of the Bank of Fort Scott with nitro-glycerine, just before last Christmas, but were prevented by the fact that a policeman happened to be near. It was also confessed that the same gang committed burglaries at Bronson, last August; burglary and larceny at Uniontown on November 19, and entered the L.

Stadden residence in this city on December 26 and attempted to chloroform the family and steal costly jewels. They robbed the Goodsell Calhoun store here on January 4, and blew open the safe and robbed the J. Bole-var store here on January 7. On September 16 last murdered a stran to cure with anything, I gave him a 25 bout gittln on. one er Cese tandruma, or what-you-callem, I ain't hearn tell, hut, boss, dar she wuz.

Yaasir, sah, ah wus The man who will carry the certificate cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough ings in the house yesterday were very dull and almost entirely devoid of public interest. The major portion of the day was devoted to the District of Co for California will be ahead about $600 all done rigged up worsen er rope Remedy says W. P. Holden, merch on the trip. Toledo Blade.

taking the oath, of office on March 4, the honor of furnishing the Bible having been accorded the A. M. E. church by Maj. McKinley when a number of the bishops went to see him recently.

The Methodist Book Concern of Cincinnati will furnish the book and it will be encased in a black walnut case, walker on oirkus day, sax I'll be got ant and postmaster at West lumbia appropriation bilL The amend darned ef she didn't come out wid pante. Bucklin'a Arnica Salve. The best salye in the world for cuts, field, and the next time I saw him fTlHE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS adopted by the city council ot the city Lawrence. Kansas at Its session held February 1st, "Besolved, That It neoesaary for the pub lie good and convenience that Rhode Island stieet In the city of Lawrence mm Warren to Berkley street be curbed and guttered Witness my hand at Lawreaoa, Kansas, this Snd day of February, 180T. A.

GK gSALl City Clerk. (First published In Lawrence Dally Journal Feb, 8, 1887, Notice. ment to that bilL made in order by the lac de men hab, 'ceptln' dey wuz big at he said it worked like a charm. adoption ox a special order Wednesday, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever der bottom lao er balloon This remedy is intended especially for acute throat and lung diseases such as colds, croup and whooping to repeal a law by which the court of claims was engaged in passing on claims aggregating $1,400,000 against the District during the Gov. Shepherd "I say: "Name er Gord, nigger gal, whatdatr "Den she cackle same est er settln sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac cough, and it is famous for its cures of finding the practice.of feeing extending to the cheap restaurants.

There is no danger in giving it to hen: regime, was adopted with practical children for it contains nothing injur ious. For sale by Barber Bros. tion or money rerun ded. race sso cents per box. For sale by Barber Bros.

unanimity. ger in this city for $40. One of the men implicated is now in jail at Joplin, and two others have just been sent to the penitentiary from here with the Price woman, at whose house all the deeds were planned. Lordy, aba aay, deee am bloomers what ladies wear ridin' down Peach tree. All de folks what keep up AN AWFUL BATTLE.

Bills were passed to authorize the The humming-bird of Central America A size in gloves is from a quarter to. trimmed with gold. No Definite Tender of a Portfolio. Boston, Feb. 5.

The Herald prints an interview with ex-Gov. Long at Hingham yesterday regarding the rumor that he had received his appointment as secretary of the navy from President-elect McKinley. "The rumor is unfounded," ex-Gov. Long said. "There has been no definite tender of a portfolio as yet." Treaty Action Not Ukely.

Washington, Feb. 5. The under wid de times has construction of a lighthouse at Orient point, Long Island; to authorize the establishment of a life saving station half an inch. The size of gloves furnish is the smallest bird in the world. It is five-eights of an inch from beak to tail and its wings spread almost an inch.

It little indication of their probable fit, as at Point Arena, Mendocino county, Cal the gloves of some manuf acaturers To persons owning real property on Kentucky street between Lee and Haneock streets: THR FOLLOWING I RESOLUTION WAS adopted by the city council of the city of Lawrence, Kansas at its aeasloa held Febru. ary 1st im: "Resolved. That it Is necessary for the public good, and convenience that Kentucky street between Lee and Hancock streets. In the city of Lawrence, be curbed and gut terad Witness my hand at Lawrence, Kansas, this 2nd day of February, 1W7, .) A. O.

HONNOLD, ssai. city Clerk. ifornia; to grant the Hudson Reservoir stretch much more than those made by is only a trifle larger than a blue-bottle fly. others. Between a Ball and a Rhinoceros, la Which the Boll Conquers.

When I was on the Zulu frontier, said a traveler recently, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, I stopped for a week with a native, a splendid fellow, who had a fine farm. Among other animals he had a young bull called Hulo, Which he and his children fondly believed could vanquish any Canal Co. a right of way through the Gila Indian reservation, Arizona; to errant a pension of $50 per month to In wr. peace, on land, or sea, you will find Bergs' Germnn Salve the King.

Threw Away His Canes. Mr. D. Willey, expostmaster, Black A KANSAS CITY ROMANCE. William Kyley, a Wholesale Grorer, and His Wife In a Sensational Episode.

Kansas City, Feb. 5. William Byley, head of the wholesale grocery firm of Ryley, Wilson and who has maintained an elegant home at 2620 Troost, has within the past few weeks disposed of 8200,000 worthy of property. The reason for this active movement in real estate has only come We keep it. Barbbb, Druggists.

the widow of Maj. -Gen. Joseph B. Carr, and senate bill to increase the pension Creek, N. was so badly afflicted with rheumatism that he was only able to standing among fenators at present is that the general arbitration treaty will not "come to a vote at this session of congress.

No one doubts that it will be debated, but the opposition makes no secret of its intention to consume of the widow of Brig. -Gem John Hough. On motion of Danford, of Ohio, hobble around with canes, and even First published In Lawrence Daily JounaAb January th, 1887, Sheriff's Sale. LADIES do too ram "Dat's all I wants, moo. I grab hoi ter de seat er dem pants an' I fotch dia here hick'ry stick down lac er batterin' ram.

'Bloomers, sex I Til make you bloom lao er mornin glory in, de son shine 'fo I gite fru." "But it was jea lao lmepin de sow in de pen es to hoi' dat gal when she gits dem' pants. "It wuz yiatiddy when dey kotched her. I hearn de perlice jist now tell all 'bout how come It. Dey say aha cum er skeedaddlin' down Yailibamesr jerf lao de 'Iectric car. Dey tells de Jedge how she wus er scorohln.

'Jedge, sez I ain't ax you ter turn dat gal loose, but what I ax is, jesf turn me loose in da earn' room wid her, an' ef I don't make her eooroh.den you kin the house agreed to the-senate's re- DR. FKLIX LE BRUITS beast on earth. Hulo was a great pet, and not in. the least vicious, so 1 was surprised on the second evening of my stay to see Hulo sniffing the air and pawing the ground in evident rage. am nnnin nw st.

quest lor a runner conference on tne BY VIRTUE tOF to me Issued out to me Issued out then it caused him great pain. After using Chamberlain's Pain Balm he was so much improved that he threw away his canes. He says that liniment did me of the district court of immigration. bilL At 5:10 p. m.

the house adjourned. o-lnal ana only out within the past few days. It appears that Mr. and Mrs. Ryley have agreed upon a separation, and that Mrs.

Ryley has accepted a large pecuniary consideration in connection therewith. so much time in discussion that a vote cannot be reached. Burglars Work for Nothing. Flokence, Feb. 5.

Burglars broke into the post office and M. S. FRENCH, safe and reliable cure on the market. Price, seat I was about to ask what it meant, wnen out of the forest came an ugly A PLACE FOR COBURN. more good than all other medicines in treatment put together.

For sale at 60 cents per bottle ty Barber Bros, by mail. Uanurae sola only xsg AdminiHtrc on W1U Perhaps Make Him Barber Lawrraes, Kan. Douglas county, Kansas, wherein Elizabeth Llndley was plaintiff and Susan ah Jones, the widow of H. W. Jones, deceased, Rndaley Jones, and Sarah Horner, all heirs at law at said It.

W. Jones, deceased, and Rebecca New-lln, a lien holder, were defendants, -1 will on Saturday the 13th day of February 1887, at the hour of i o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the court house, In the city of Lawrence, Douglas county, Kansas, offer for sale and sell to the highest and beat bidder, for cash to hand, all the right, title and Inter est of the said plaintiff and each of the said defendants ta and to the fouowlaz described Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. Miller's store at this place last night and drilled a hole in the post office Washington, Feb. 5. Secretary Co- safe, charged it with powder, but were burn, of the state board of agriculture of Kansas, is to be assistant secretary of agriculture.

The place will be for unable to explode it. 'lhey also went The amount is positively stated to be 830,000. Mr. Ryley is now somewhere in the west. It is stated that he has gone to California for the purpose of securing a divorce.

Mrs. Ryley is in the east. They left the city January 19 last. The woman is Byley's second, wife, and until their marriage was acting as his typewriter. My host and I hurried for our guns and Hulo dashed at the beast -With dauntless courage.

A rush, a crash, and the bull was hurled 20 feet. Fortunately the horn of his enemy had not caught him, and the first rush had taught him a lesson. His horns were like sharp words, but the hide of the rhinoceros is remarkably thick and he young through Miller's safe. After drilling a hole into it, they found it was not lrvlrM. Nothins of value was secured mally tendered him very soon and it is lands and tenements, situate in the oountv of NOBODY READS quite certain that tie will not refuse.

Coburn was a candidate for secretary from either place. Dorglas and state or Ksnsn, to wit: Begin rung at a point on the west line of Vermont street, sxtsndlng south from th cltr of Lawrence twenty 2U) rode south of the north Una of section seven v7), township thirteen (18), of agriculture, but his boom failed to alUMM newspaper Advertioemento. ita range twenty (80); thence west parallel wit inflate. The Kansas delegation has recommended him for assistant secre This liniment Is different la the north une of said section, twenty (an rods with the west ofVer une tary, however, and the place is to be thence son th, parallel mont street, twenty nty can rode: thence due east Eats Sometbing. Weilaie SometoingtoKat.

given him. This is probably the most to the said wen Una of Vermont street, thence Mother of the Greer Boys Dead. infield, Feb. 5. Mrs, Cle-tilda Hilton Greer, widow of Samuel W.

Greer, is dead. Her husband was the first territorial superintendent of public instruction in Kansas. Mrs. Greer has four surviving sons, three of whom. Ed P.

Greer, of the WInfield tioa from any other liniment oa the market. It is a sdeatiflo discovery which results In being tbs meet pence traUnr Llalmsnt ever There bull soon showed signs of So he resorted to strategy, and dodged behind his clumsy foe, giving him vicious stabs in the thighs. This was rapidly weakening the rhinoceros, and just at this time we found some steel bul-, lets, leaden bullets having no effect on this animal, and quickly completed pass de Jedgemen' on me, too. "I ain't enquire fer nuffin' mo' en ter Sit dis fis' aide dat butt-head er hern, ut Jedge Andy he sorter laf to hisself lao, ah' he argyfy. dat dat same gel er minis had ter pay fivo dollars an' carta er git in do zebra waggin an' go tex de i "Den she 'gin ter cry an' she luk at me outen her eyes an' she say, she does: 'Pa, pleas pay me out dis time an I dont do lac dat no "Hon, it wuz all I could do to hoi znyeef off er I ain't say in nuffln, but I thinks pow'ful lots.

No, sah, I ain't gwine pay it.1 I ain't gwine do lt i U-: The old man stopped, snorted again and hobbled toward the Westview car. important position Kansas will receive in Washington under the new admin north, along said west Une of Vermont strew twenty (80) roda to the point of beginning, containing two and one-half (2) acres more or leas. Bald sale is made pursuant to an order of istration. More Kansas Post Office Changes. partition maaen toe sin amy ot uecemoer.

are numerous white imitations, which may he recommended because they pay Os esBsf a greater Beware of iswh saia iana navinsr appraised at Courier; Frank H. Greer, of the Guthrie Washington, Feb. Several changes 81.800 oo to be sold aauDon executlrm, for not the work Hulo began. Then the bull stood on the carcass and bellowed his in Kansas postmasters are expected in less than two-thirds of the am) raised valne. those sad demand Amis Z4fr The proeeeds of said sale to go to the plaintiff a few days, besides those already an and the said defendant according to their re- nounced.

There will be a change at It positively cares Rheumatism, respective Interest in said land ss determined Joy- A Boy's Letter. The Buffalo Commercial quotes the Cottonwood Falls' as soon as Chairman oy saia court. Given under my hand this 8th day of Jane- Henrslfia. Sprains. Bruises, Wounds, Oats, Solatia and Inflammatory Rhea Ilagan names the successor of the State Capital, and Bert K.

Greer, of Kansas City, are in the newspaper business. Probably a New Trial for Dnrnntti San Francisco, Feb. 5. The supreme court of California has handed -down no decision on the appeal of Theodore Durrant, found guilty of the murder of Blanche Lamont, 21 months ago. It is ary.

low. J.O. MOOKE, dtd Sheriff of Douglas County, Kansa. from a bov's letter to nis which was approaching. 'Dat's what I say bout dese here new aftsi.

Burns, Beaios, sore s-eet, mm-treated Musoles, Stiff Joints, Old Bom. Palate Barb Wire Oats, Bore Ohest or Throat, and Is especially bsne- (First pubished rn Daily 3 mother: I am glad I have a new sister but wish she had been a boy. Seems angled folks," he said, "dey's worsen present incumbent; there will be a shake up in the Smith Center office, and it is not improbable that a change may be made at Newton. Agent Pearson Accused. Washington, Feb.

5. Charges have mule colts in er green paMur. Atlanta I---. AIM.) Publication ot gammons. In the district court of Douglas counrt.

fletal ia Farslyals. nolo, ay sarnei Everything we make is a health food. Any tack with our brand, contains the best of iti data and Is always wholesome. It amuses a manufacturer of legitimate wheat foods, that intelligent people who eat should be caught with such chaff as "gluten and other high sounding terms, when a pure whole wheat flour like we call "Twilight'' contains all there is in wheat except the shell. At the Pacific Hill we make Corn Meal, aid-fashioned Buckwheat flour.

Bye flour and "Twilight" 4 At the Douglas County Mills we make the finest winter wheat flours. The highest crtades are: "Head Center;" soft wheat; and "Zephyr." hard wheat. The I second it- grades are; -A; 1." soft wheat, and "Quality "hard wheat Constitution. understood that the appeal has not yet to me if the Lord couldn't have sent a boy He might at least have seni a pony. Can't I have griddlecakes the davs 1 don't have salad? You always The American eagle is about S3 inches Horace Pease, Plaintiff vs.

been preferred against Agent Pearson, There is aotbias; Just as good as Tr. Jennie R. Pierce, Allen Pierce, Jennie B. Osd in length and 8 feet in the spraed of his wingB. It is this wonderful wing power used to let me.

mere is iois dis, Chester Oadd; lis. nrtue snocsev. w. w. Shocker, and A.

Pease, aadmlalstrator of Baoejcey, ana of game here. There are mice in tne house and rats in the barn and chip the estate of H. Pease, deceased. been considered by the supreme justices, but many attorneys believe that the justices will grant Durrant a new trial. No Mother-ln-Law 'Need Apply.

Gttthbie, Feb. 5. The house has passed the marriage contract bilL It prohibits the intermarriage of whites and negroes or Indians, and especially which gives the bird not oniv niB neei-ness, but enables bim to remain in the air an indefinite length of time. Kinct asw Disoorsry for OoasoaptioD. Ooaxhs aad dsrasad It and do awHperaitths dsalsr to ssll yea some abstitate.

HswUl aot olsim there ii who has charge ox the Fottawatomie Indians in Kansas. It is said that Agent Pearson has 'been remarkably derelict and that the law has been frequently violated on the reservation under his charge. Defendants munks in the woods. I am going to brine home one. Is a boy a pig if he's helped three times? I mean saythinc better, but ia ordsr to stake sacra moat as bist claim sosastaiac else if they are small helpings ana iney Blood is thicker than water- Pore blood is the secret of health.

There is no better preparation to improve the blood and prolong life than Beggs Blood A Robber Breaks a Farmer's Lcf. Atchison, Feb. 5. Frederick Insist?" mHE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALUEIf Pleroe. Jennie R.

Pierce, otherwise known as Jennto R. add la, and Chester Gad dis. greeting: You and each of you are hereby notified that you have been sued In the above aaaoed court, together with Mettle Shocker, W. ahockey and.O. a.

Pease, administrator of the estate of W. H. Pease, deceased, by the above named plaintiff, Horace Pease, and that you mast answer the petition Bled by the plaintiff oa or before the mth day of feb-laary 1807. or said petition will be taken as true and lodgment will be rendered aosordlng. prohibits that no man shall marry-bis own to be just as good.

Too waat Dr. Kibe's If aw Diseorery because yoo know It to be sals and reliable, aad nsraateed to Dorer, a wealthy farmer of Phillips runner and -Blood Maker. jfarner Not Much Left to lxeT The sea was pretty the ship county, was knocked down on the do good or mou st refunded. For Ooarhi Colds, Oonaumption. aad for all affec street here last night by a robber and left unconscious on the pavement.

He tp? oft YOUR GROCER. was pretty rocky and the sick passen- iid. tions of Throat, (Jhast aaa Laags utsrs druggists. The talleat smokestack in the world, that of a chemical factory in Glasgow. Scotland, is 488 feet in heigth.

of which 454 feet are of masonry, the other 84 feet Iger was leaning agamsi me run. ic ia nothing so sood ss is Dr. Junes new eareful. cautionea an omcer, or you had just sent to his home, andthe robber secured only $25. His leg was broken and he is in a critical condi Discovery.

Trial bottle free at Barber ly. Said action la brought upon two prom-laory notes, one of 81 ,800. TO and one of MOOjat and for the foreclosure of two mortgages given to secure said notes, upon the southeast Quarter V) of section twentr-six (Ml town Thomas Martin, a clerk at the Bona-venture hotel in Kansas City, Ma, was caught stealing and -The disgrace caused him to commit suieide by taking morphine. A new steel plant, to cost 81,000,000, in which it is said Mark Hanna is to be interested, is soon to be constructed in Buffalo. drug store.

will lose your balance." The passenger went through two or three spasms. ueguiar stseBg seats saati.c being a copper pipe. It has abase of 33 feet, and cost about 140.000. ship fourteen (14) range nineteen (is) tn the tion. He Murdered His Father.

"Well," he replied, -if this thing keeps county Douglas ana state oi ansas on there won't be much balance to A ciatern5 feet in diameter contains O. JC L.I.MDLBT. Feb. 5. Bob Love, Attornev lor Plaintiff.

d3w The Most Fatal Disease. It is generally known that more adults 4,06 barrels for every foot of depth. A 6-foot ciatern contains, 8.61, a 7-foot 100 Beward, SIOO. who shot one side of his father head off with a shotgun Sunday, December 20. last, was declared guilty of die of Kidney trouble than any other coauins ft.18 one ef 8 feet contains 11 98 barrels, one of 9 feet 15.10, and one ot The readers of this paper will be pleas (First Pnbushed Jan.

SO, 1807. SherifTa Sale. WHEREAS, OF THE TAXXS ASSESSED unon the tAWrence. Emuovla a South. murder in the second degree.

disease. When the first symptoms of this disease appear no time should be lost in taking Foley's Kidney Cure, led to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disaase that science has been 10 feet 18.66 barrels. Glad Tidings to Asthma Sufferers. western Railway eompany for th year 180S, there is aae aaa uapaia we sunt os able to cure in all its atages and that ii Postmaster Allen II. Fay, of Malone, N.

is short 87,500 in his accounts. which is guaranteed or money refunded. Barber Bros. Foley's Honey aad Tar gives quick and and whereas there was issued to me by the treasurer of the county of Douglas, state ot Kansas, on certain warrant commanding me Catarrh. Catarrh Care is the only Cole Reduced One Dollar alon He has gone to Canada.

positive relief to all cases. Barber Bros. A locomotive engine, according to the a snenn or saia oonror to levy tne amount oi positive cure now known to the medical fraternitv. Catarrh being a constitution such unnald goods and chattels of oi ise The avenge size of the ksngsroois nnrnoae for which it ia designed, is from the saia The Lawrence, nrpona a Bontnwess Emporia a South1 from 8 to 4 feet in heigth. Specimens Cn to PATO7AV 20 to 40 feet in length The lsreeet lo era Railwar al disease, requiaes a constitutional treat' company.

How, therefore, by comotive engines weigh over 100 tons from to7 feet are mauenti? net wim on the Anstralian olsins. A kSBgaroo vlrtne of said warrant, I win on Tnisday, TAB DAY OF MARCH 1807, Imnnt. Hairs uatarrn uure is isaen internally, acting directly upon the blood and are about GO feet from cowcatcher of the Cxpecteet Mutkcf rtiasnrrB tsrk. has been known to make leap of 00 feet 1 at lo'clock in th afterooon of I and mucous lurfsoes of the system. Per Ton, a -a day at the front door of the build- ttunp OolxOv to the end of the tender.

CWM AC1 DAY I thereby destroving the foundation of I in cr used as the court house the the disease, and giving the natient Per Ton- OmoliGd Colto Statistic show that thousands of infants and children yearly die of mem branoua croup. Wedo not exaggerate I strength by building up the constitution Take Laxative Bromo Quinine. Ta dtyof Lawrenea, county Douglas, and stat of Kansas, offer for sal at public auction to the highest sod bast bidder for cash in hand, the following described property to wit; All of the railroad of the said The Lawrence, Emporia a Southwestern Railway and sssuttdg nature aoinr us won. lets. All drncgists rafuad the sooner l' Jtfaaiotare, SSa, The proprietors have so much faith in when we state that every one of these innocents could have been saved had its curative powers mat tuey oner une 'The American crow ia larger bird than Hundred Dollars rot any case that it company, also knows as the Lawrence a bb porta railroad, as Dow constructed extending from the point of Junction of the railroad To be thirv tor a batTy.

is to be aVprtved cf its natiflral case to suffer and not be able to feel it; to wear a sad pinched bee; to live on the edge of dekness i to grow imperfectly; and to lose the power of re-clsthig disease. When a baby is thin it needs more tat than ft gets from its food; it is stanred.tattarved. ScottTs Emulsion the cadest' jbt I fails to cure. Bend for list of Testimon most people auppose. body, from the tip of the bill to the tip ot the tail.

I averagea 18 inches, and his wins have a Address, jr. Cheney uo Toledo, Lump coke finer fee hot water end air furnace; crushed coke cheaper for atOTes and grates than hard coal and just as dean. It fa the cheapest, cleanest fuel on the market Try a load cf lu tale by with the Union Pacific Railway compear in north end of th dty of Lawrence, ooaatyof Douglas, state of Ksntss, through said city of Lawrenos, to the west line of said county of Douglas, including- the track, roadbed aad right of -way, arancbes, fpers and. sidetracks; Jroiey xionev ana tar neea- given taem ia time. Gsn yon afford to be without it In your household Barber Bros.

Wild eats are extremely variable in alze, some kinds being no more then 2 fert in length, while others ere 5. The am sliest varieties of wild cats are about anread of 8 feet. The crow is said to li for the rteaqu tsaasf iMi htl hom is robbed of naaejer. tta saw assares safety to the Kfeof both ssottser sad cMo, eadasslres tmZUOrtk eaey aad receveiYSBorarasM. Sold br Druggists.

TO. Hall'a Family Pills are the beat. 100 years and it is believed that be arenas at least aeventynve years in ynuauint; -The oldtime bob tailed ears, now dis for grub" used in most cities, were about 10 feet Friead is the areetest the else of the domestic variety. and depots, viaduct, water tanks, bridge Be they asw or be they tough, all ia length; the electric- ears of the latest I build are from 80 4o 46 feet. rsawaiaakUoksV.

I TTaatad sgsatatassaia an parts of aad timbers. Said property to be eold to satisfy said war- Givea under my band at my ofnc la the eltv of Lawrence, this ssth day of January, A. W.a.KSWC0WIewi ef the Sew hair, brilliant hair, halt on heada moralists have broken akin enetfgh to i warrant a purchase of Beggs' Genua he is wise as Solsraaa wh I trasta iu healing power. Kept by Bar. Louroiico Gas -frllGGtrfe Light Co.

I thai have no heir at all. is aeeured bv Seat by Msll on receipt of ptiee, at POI sVJTTtl. hiffkest grade. Tot farther partisalera tlcsa hare the fat tt necii D. 1 jMOK-TOJSzneetaatMotDers-Bwuea zree.

sjodress, Fsristsa Toust Oe 1S9 githr- the aaa Bergs Hair Beaewer. J.aMOOKE. Sheriff of Douglas County, Kaa. dtd. TMCSJSUOrniLO Banana Baoa Dracsitte..

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