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Carolina Watchman from Salisbury, North Carolina • Page 3

Carolina Watchmani
Salisbury, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Convict Labor oh the Streets. MINING. OCA L. Prolific Mary Phifer, colored toward Shoe Heel. We expect to lay, say, hlf a mile of track a day.

From Fayettevilta to Shoe Heel is 34 miles. The proposition has been made to work tbe prisoners sentenced or tno interior woman, living on Maj. James A. Ciaige's farm, boasts of a cow which T. K.

BttirSEK, MANAGER. TlrUKSUAY. MAY 31. 1883. Court to jail, on the streets of the eity, and to-morrow mornin at 9 o'clock the IRON lae 3SL tAKeM VhlNeSi lair of twin calves recently beauties.

board oe aldermen will meet to consider here this week, Several mining men and so ninch alike she will never know ubscription Rates tlie proposition. Tho Inferior Court will 'tot her from which. who seem to be busy. and from Gulf to Greensboro 51 There is, ot course, considerable work to be done in leveling the toad bed, for in some places this has been washed or worn away somewhat, and there are a few bridges, culverts, to be built JOHN WILKES, Propto rates of ho Carolina meet to-morrow to hear what the aiuer-men desire to do in the matter, and if it WaWnnan are as follows Decoration Yesterday morning Th The Designolle process is now working CHARLOTTE, jSTiL should be decided to work the convicts on the streets, the court will give the was ushered in by the booming of can at the New Discovery mine, with what 3 naynrt delayed nio's 2.00 na m't dol'ed 1 2 mo's 2.50 prisoners to the city. The idea is gener non desigued to ronse the country for success, the writer is uninformed.

ally regarded in a favorable light and our mues around. At an early hour the The first shipment of steel rails for the road has been made. This is of 400 tons, from Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Four new, first class locomotives have iust MiDinfi Machinery a SBecialty people seem to be pleased with it. 1 he The placer washings in Western Caro streets were crowded.

By aooointment -Sec Wsiter Power for Sale. cenvicts can do as good work as anybody and with their labor our streets can be "uc" I ftdyertfemeut in another column. lina are attracting considerable attention. The Carolina Queen and tbe Shuford been purchased from the Dauforth Com the 30th day of May is annually celebrated by the colored people of this section by decorating the trraves of Hm fVoWnl We invite the invest isntif owners and 4: pany, Patterson, New Jersey. Arrange mines are paying and other placer dis Mill-Men sceking-MACHlHERY.

macadamized at a third tbe cost heretofore paid for labor. The cast attending the con ict labor will be no more th an will be required to hire a guard, and to tricts are promising equally good re We can furnish on lioard 1st i rorks, or set up soldiers at this place. It is a day of processions, scattering of flowers, listen ments are now being made for the manufacture of a large number of freight cars, itc.n at the mines an where in the soutl sults. gold region, on feed the gang. Journal-Observer.

The Bauk of Salisbury, is to bo a Xationfil Dank the stock has beeu raised to cine hundred thousand dollars. I liirtw is yer. Merrier Only short notice ing to speeches, and atteuding a festival $AM "PUMPS at night. Extensi Ve iim were President Giay may have the cats made by the North Carolina Car Com Mining in Cabarrus. i AW MIMAS' made for the occasion tbjs ear, and large (tor wr ev mrPemii), Jane- ver no I hain't bin well TDK PniXKIX MINK MKARS PROCESS.

crowds ca me in from along the Charlotte pany, here at Raleigh, as he expressed his desire to patronize such a reliable -fww frr ti mouths and better. Daft so, I Editor of the Salisbury Watchman: Now, that is getting thiugs down to a practical business basis. It is the very best that can be done on all sides. It re-lievct the county uf feeding the prisoners; it furnishes tbe eity stieet labor, and it ensures tbe prisoner health enables him to keep bis physical organization active and to sleep well. It is humane, and kind to him.

Such an arrangement might be of ad- REVERBBKATOKY FLRaAuBS, REVOLVING ROASTING FURNACES, CONCENTRATING MACHINERY, ROLLS, CRUSHERS. CONVEYORS AND ELEVATORS, Ud from yer pearanee, nor company and encourage a home enter and West. N. C. Railroads which provided extra trains for their accommodation Tbe ceremonies are usually con Tbe mining outlook in this county is don't look pale, jer baiut very flattering indeed, tho most promi lookiffl ball.

Mariah wheighed over two Ketcsand Observer. More Tornadoes. Indiaonapolis, ducted with decorum, and the speakers honored ud was a dark "Mahogony HOISTING ENGINES, BELT AND FRICTIOK HOISTERS, WIRE ROPE, RETORTS, BULLION aud INGOT MOULDS, JLC. E7Estimates furnished and prices quoted on application. are select, and generally men of educa tion and ability.

nent mine in the county is the Phoenix, which is worked under an act of Incorporation as the Phcenix Gold Company although an Incorporated company there drsb May 29. About six o'clock last evening Wantage to our town and county. a cyclone struck tbe town ef Edinburg and following it a heavy rain fell. The Y. H.

James. L. fc. is P. S.

The Beard has since declined to it not one share of stock tor sale, its here ii mil will resume the werk ou tbe take the prisoners on the gronnd that storm lasted 10 minutes and raged with aisksvi li.k, If ay 28. Nelson Jordon, negro, while drunk and riet-eus, resisted arrest at Archer. Alachua country, Saturday, and shot tbe marshal they can secure cheaper labor the con great violence. The spire of the Metlio NEW GOODS, I Mil victs costing 90 cents per day, and hiied dist church was blown down upon tbe roof of tbe parsonage, crushing through it owners have the most implicit confidence iu their property as being a permanent and profitable iu vestment, based on the actual monthly retnrus of bullion receiv ed by them from flie mimV: this property ot 626 acres is owned by three individu tabor only 75 cents. So the prisoners Picnic of 'S3.

The committee have decided to hold the Masonic pic nic this year in the grove near the brick school just a half mile from Mocks-ville. 4VofW- H. Near with a band to be chosen by himself will have charge of th music. VVru-ston the distinguished orator from Forsyth county has neon invited and it ia believed will deliver the address. in the bowels.

Other negroes then join Yadkifi Kivcr they begin about 20 miles abevefthe bridge, where work was sus-pendejl last fall. They have only a few miles! to JSwicegoodV mill, where the work roust terminate unless right of way iigivfm. will have to bleach. ed Jordos. The mayor summoned a posse, who were fired into by the ne CHEAPER Aa ETEB! als ouly, who are perfectly satisfied to groes.

1 he posse then returned tne nre 'The board of Commissioners have deemed it for the beet interests of the the town of Salisbury to elect a colored killing Jerdon. Sam Duncan, a colored very body is invited and a good time politician, formerly ia the United States 0u las! Sunday the McNeely House Mired ever oite huudred guests for drn- policeman Pink' Hall, a noted political generally is expected. A full programme of the exercises will soon be announced own aud hold the stock withiu themselves and receive the benefits derived from its productions. This company adopted at its commencement of operations the Mears chlo- land office, was arrested, among others. The prisoners were brought here to the Th business-of the house is grow- leader is the chosen person to guard the ner through the Times.

Davie Times. Yhm have h-i! compel l-d fo rent rights and liberties, and the property of county jail. This has been known as the Shoals our citizens. ing-the in rination process, which they have con picnic for the counties of Davie and A grenj; deal of talk was occasioned by The Nohth Carolina Press Asso residence nxt IImt Hotel 'ilrritn supply ftr regular A good, dl ki'j't nous is a lo.vm ltowan. The reason for changing the tinued to use with much success; this process is being adopted in different parts ciation.

Mr. Jordan Stone, Secretary. place of holding was because of the gen the action of the board together with bloody threats in case "so aud so" should to the gronnd. South of the town a grove of timber belonging to George Cattsinger, was demolished, and four miles further South the cyclone struck tbe farm B. J.

Denning, wrecking tbo barn, killing Mr. Denniug's eon, Frank, and injuring a farm hand. Terrbhaute, May 29. A double tornado swept by Clay City at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the extremities being a mile apart. Clay City, which was in the centre escaped with slight damages, but at Neal's Mill on one side a house was swept out of existence, six persons killed, a bridge destroyed, and general destruction prevailed.

On the other side in a little settlement five persons were killed, houses were blown away ajnd one child was blown away aud has not yet beeu found. Twelve persons were injured besides those killed. Trees have been blown down over a wide area. credj in a circular letter says "It lias been4 of the United States, and bids fair to be eral unfitness of the shoals it being out We have received our new Spring end Summer Goods. Our stock fs Large and happen.

It is best to say nething aet decided that the eleventh annual meet come in general use in the treatment of of the way and exceedingly uucoinfortabh Miss Kesa, the talented daughter of iu such manuer as will not require yout Complete, consisting of the auriferous sulpharets, the accuracy The new location is a pleasant one, and presence in the Mayor's Court, aud vote and cheapness by which ores cau be treated by this method is attracting the for a white man's government at the will doubtless be honored by twice as many visitors as ever atteuded the other ground. next election. attention of those who are engaged in gold mining, uot only in the United J. MMcCforkle, was brought home from Pea re Institute by her mother on rtoeway ironing last. Her physician, Dr.

Haywbod, advised tbat her heailth woul in 6u wise admit of further prosecution of Ihn studies th-re. The mur-ijeleisly ppiJ progress of this young ladyl music has unquestionably iter as a genius. Sl'icide. On last Saturday evening, WESTERN N. C.

K. K. States but other parts of the world. It is just alter dinner, Mr. Chas.

Kluttz, for a' well known fact with those conversant DRY GOODS GROCERIES, BATS AND STRAW GOODS At the meeting of the stockholders of souae past, considered slightly de- with gold mining that by the best known ing of the North Carolina Press Association shall be held at Haywood White Sulphur Springs, Waynesville N. beginning on the 3rd of July, 1883. Jeffersou Davis is reported to be eut of danger. Exchange. 'Jeff always had ente way ef keeping "out of danger." -Chicago Inter -Ocean.

He did not have ncuir way of keeping oat of dan gei" at Hueua itn when his Mississippi Itifles saved the day after the Indiana Rt-giment bad hVd the field in -gJorieasly. Mr. Davis has never been suspected of being a coward and it is a slander to insinuate or charge it. TVt7. Star ranged, shot himself.

He lived about 8 mechanical method of treating ores by miles east of Salisbury, and the circumstances of the killing are brief. 1 -o- What those events are which are to It was noticed on that day that he was play such au important part in the world's the West. N. C. R.

Tuesday, Judge Schenck was made a director iu the placo of Maj. Dooley, of Richmond, and Mr. J. W. Daniel was elected to succeed Mr.

Macmurdo as Auditor, and W. A. Turk, assistant general passenger and freight ageut. After the 4th June the traiu West will leave this place at 12.30, SaSJ'l Fkost, of the Methodist Ep. occupied -Mr Wheeler's pulpit worse, bis actions snowing mm to oe in fijtlH atFairs as to become of historical moment amalgamation, that a loss is sustained from various causes of from 25 per cent, to 40 per cent, from the assay value of the ores; to secure those losses it is necessary to adopt some chemical method of treatment which lis cheap and effective, this they claim to have in the a state of lunacy.

The family had beeu Surrll ay night, and preached to a very it IS often difficult to determine. It is for and attentive congregation. Dr. lar time to develop results and small circum watching him, but just after diuner they were all out of the bouse when the discharge meneed his ministerial life F.if stances may become the foundation of Boots Shoes, Drugs and Medicines, a. and reach Warm Springs at 12.10 fiun brought them iudoors to find Mr his place, having been appointed to in 1 great events.

We thiuk it not unlikely, Arkansas did an active business in Mears process which is said to work on an extensive scale, within 14 per cent, of Klutiz with the whole top part of his head jueicli hefe very shortly after he entered tliofininisfrv, many years age. however that there has. been some little history made of late. The inteuse bos- blown off. He had taken a double bar 4- I i i t- I IM p.

m. The new schedule makes close connections with the roads at both ends of the line. One may leave Salisbury at hanging scoundrels ou Friday. Three "went down" at three different points. the assay value of the most refractory ores.

Respectfully. reled shot gun and placed the muzzle just I -o cuity oi tne irisn to cngiauu lias as a Let crime be punished everywere. Exe a above the right ear aud discharged the OT 1018, 12.30, a. aud reach mnuy of the great basis a traditionary hostility founded on May 23d, 1383. II 0.

Libera i. Ofkeu. We learn from a cute the laws. Let Governors keep their piece with his right hand. His brains hands off the Courts.

11'. Star. cities West within about 30 hours. The application of the Chester and Le were scattered all over the wall aud Mr. Editor ceiling.

noir Narrow Gnage for laying a third Iu last week's Examiner appears an He leaves a wife and six children. No MARRIED. QUEENS WARE, CLOTHING ail from Newton to Hickory was referr editorial paragraph which disserts that reason, except insanity has been traced, ed fo the President and Directors. your correspondent reduced the town debt of 1878 from $5,000 to about $2,500. and the Coroner's jury returned a ver The Board comprises the following not merely the fact of repeated conquest and continued oppression -but ulao a diiforence.of religion.

The attachment of Ireland to the Papas has been firm and unwavering daring all the vicissitudes that have marred the fort nno of that unhappy isle -and indeed much of the oppresion which made the iron enter into the soul of the Irishman iiad its origin iu this circumstance. The clashing of religious beliefs has coutribu- dict in accordance wiul vue Tacts as gentlemen Bv Rev. K. L. Brown, at bis residence, on the 27th of May 'S3, Mr.

John W. ieukius to Miss Grace Ann Earn hart. Both of Rowan county. reliable stiu ice that a farmer in the coin -MUnUy pfnposes to utilize the excreiueu-tidjuiattei of our privies, and only asks eitpeusui place it iu some convenient redeptacli for removal; He will supply dri earth jpr road dust to those who will uaj it an co-operate with him to tho ex tet tof utuUiug the removal convenient. 1'eVsons wishing to avail themselves of th easy method of clearing their premise! of a nuisance, are reqnested to send iu their names to the Mayor's office.

1 stated above. Gen. B. B. Vance, Judge A.

L. Avery, AND This is not so The figures given to the public in the Watchman of May 17th, were, as stated, taken from the City records and are correct, and those given in a previous article made no reference to a debt of $5j000 neither was any such snm as 42.f00 mentioned in niv commu Col. Wm. E. Anderson, Col.

A. B. An- Last week Dr. Clemcut, iu riding drews. S.

II. Wilev. Col. Frank l.l. 1TT-.

BUSINESS LOCALS ownsuip, saw a negro Pnr tfVl A Itutnril JuilnA Snfioiin.L tDTOUgll UnUV everything kept in a First Class Store aH of which we offer as -CHEAP as cheapest for Cash, Uood Produce, or Fit Class Chattel' Mortgage. If you vroa SAVE MONEY, do not bu until examine eur stock. man sitting by the roadtdde who ran as he und T. M. Logan.

i be nication of the 17 anv Ver date. So ted largely to the want' of harmony approached. He (being horse back) gave Col. Andrews was re elected Presideut "Smoke' organ's cigars, tweeu the people of tbe two Islands. To pursuit but lost his man.

Later iu the clear Havana at K. M. Davis' Furniture Col. Frank Cose, 1st Vice Preadent, and Ireland the Pope was all in all. To-day -ame day he encountered the same man Store.

A. L. Rieves 2nd Vice President, V. E. however, we find the Papacy at points at another point and pursued him again McBee, G.

P. Erwin, Sec. and with those who hoist the ensign "Ireland DR R. P. BESSENT, well known in this for the Irish." It is a remarkable event Treasurer, aud Geo.

Gates, M. M. The negro only made his escape this time by jumping into a creek and disap it is plain that, unless the Examiner learns to make more accurate statements than those it has endeavored to manufacture in condemnation of your correspondent, it will display more wisdom in laying aside much of its assumed knowledge, and try to imbibe, at leastj some of the principles af truth. Why the delay in giving the public the promised light on the management of the town govern meut, Why this dodging behind a brassy conceit to ecreen such dazzling Never before has Rome beeu meutioned community an experienced and skillful Dentist, i9 now stopping at the McNeely 1 he outlook oi the road was never pearing in a thieket. Tho Dr.

found his lAvoipi the Wood Pile. Henry utts, af deputy sheriff of this county, si i wo white men the other day, ru was marching them off; and march ink near a wood pile each prisoner seized an axe and demanded a surrender of the officer. They had the start: he ail they inarched him across the lile intof Cabarrus county, aud then le-ldased him in neutral territory. Officers by those lips but with revereuce now mere promhijg and the meeting was ex House, and will be pleased to serve those "paxk" which contained a lot of bread seeding his Professional services. It Rome is felt to be en the side of the op ceedingly encouraging.

Through freight and a suit oi clothing. he negro was and passenger rates have been scheduled pressor, and a breech is matle until now unknown in all tbe centuries. It may be seen to approach a laborer in a field, and from Ciucinuatti and the west, and goes hold a conversation during which he effrontery Dkm. SALISBURY MARKET. that the matter will have no great signiti into effect ou Monday night next.

is reported to have confessed that be This through freight schedule at a low should make (heir prisoners march be cance but it is not improbable that like the scratch upon the bark of the young was escaping frem the officers: he want The Shelby Bank Swindle. rate places our merchants ou a bette fire them and hold up their hands when footing than those of Danville and other ed something to eat and directions to go to Statesville, avoiding the pub phasing a wood pile where axes are lying great depots for Western bacon, grain. lic roada. It is suggested that he is the I Genuine Check for 20 is Hatted tr $1,200 and Cashed by the. Unsuspecting Bankers A Ketcard of 200 f)u.

flour, buggies, wagons, Our nter ajroand loose. Ueurt i in sesieu this, week, His Honor iifvro. Meeks. mentioned two cams can now gee tnese things 'Cheaper in lodge Graves upon the bench, Solicitor vum ttmy uvuoi 11 luereiore of Further particulars of the swindle per Corrected weeklj J. M.

Knox Co. SiLiPi nv, May 24, BACON 13 HAMS 15 BUTTE 11 20 CHICKENS 25 to 30 EGGS 10 COTTON CORN 56 FLOUR 8.10 te 2.25 FEATHERS 40 EODDEK 00 HAY baled, 30 MEAL 0 OATS 0 WHEAT 80 to 90 WOOL 35 fers te them an opportunity of making Capt Marsh Fagg has brought to the pobsen being unable to attend by reason petrated on Messrs. H. D. Los this a great distributing depot far the ar- Asheville market some of the lime from We keep constantly on hand THE VKRT BEST BRANDS of COTTONaud TOBAC CO Fertilizers.

fPWe have a special prepaiation for Tobacco that we warrant to give entire satisfaction: Don't fail to get it. Last but not least, is tbe large brick Tobacco Warehouse in rear of our Store, conducted by Messrs. Gray Bell, where you can get the highest prices for your tobacco, and good accommodations for man and beast. GiveThem a CAM. No.

1. Murphy's Grsnite Row. J. S. if cCUBBINS, Sr.

Salisbury, N. April, 1883. To lie Owners and Hirim Cft The undersigned prepared to purchase ores of Gold. Silver. Lead, copper, and Sulphur, in unlimited quantlU8, to be delivered at nearest railway ataUoo, according to market prices.

Cash Oonr enterel Into for one to Orteen years. RioHAKne Powim Cotay. London and Swansea, Xngtaad. A 11 letters should be addressed to M. Parry r.osst, TbomasvUle, sole Afent for the United states.

tfclypd a ill health, R. B. Glenn, took bankers of Shelby, of which mention was tides mentioned. Should thev sn av the kiln near the warm springs, it is eaarge of his docket and discharged Uie oak, time will only serve to make the scar more ugly and more observable, Possibly the influence of Rome over the Irish mind may become much weakened by this di vergence of eentimeut, and great historical results may spring from so slight a cause. -Xeuts Observer.

What Hurt Him. Tbe young man Webb, who "borrowed" Sheriff young's horse some days ago and was brought back and jailsd, endeavored to escape Wednesday eight through the tarns hole made by the recently escaping prisoners and by the same method. lie, with ether prisoners, effected an entrance the same, made a rope of their bed clothes, i the proper energy and act in time, a large I uusarpassed for quality and is remarka- first made in the Journal Observer Sun day morning, have been received through States affairs with very great ability. and remunerative business can be built bly white. AshetHlle Citizen i The usual number of larceny cases are friend irom Shelbj, aud goes to show conspicuous by their abaenee, aud all UP- Tne Balsom mountains, near Wavnes- that the check was originally made ent pMBnerof bloedy affrays have been the villa, were white with snsw fer two davs for $20, but was "raised" te $1,200.

pre rale. 1. 1 11' ,1 sonted at the bank and cashed. It seems CiTan Yoiik Whatii havo met WOCK' "uu I -A i. .1 i i a.

John Brown whs urruiged yesterday that in January last a draft for $20 was two or three democrats who were indie- uwn v'ul- SaliSuHry Totacco Mel CORUECTKI) WBRKLV BV JKO. 5HEPPARD. periling, for the murder of Mag Partee, nam at tho unnointmont Pink Hnll are damSged. AehevilU issued by the Greenville. S.

Bauk on land the plea 'ef not guilty was entered It a i tn i rr nam VUJVW VA IVvlIlttli 1 1ST I Wr II the Fourth National Bank of New York, and made payable to one J. W. Sim ms lienor ordered a special renin of reasonable aud should restrain their On a Bombay railway traiu an eugineer and Webb, first undertook to get out aud fifty and set I lie case down for Monday feelings. Have they forgotten that they was seized with a eataleptie fit and fell mons. But the after prefix of a "1" and suffix of an "0," with.

some change of the down but he bad scarcely put his weight fof the second week. met the euemv iu open: field and. were senseless on tbe floor of the cab. The Lugs, common to tueU. Lugs, raed.

to good, Lugs, good to fine. Lugs, tine to fancy, Leaf, common to med. Leaf, med. to good, Leaf, good to tine, on the rope before it broke, "and it EVAPORATING FRUIT wording, aud the draft was presented at beaten I "lo the victors fireman, in affright jumped from the en was hitting tbe grouud what hurt him." 4.25 to 5 00 5.00 to 5.50 5.50 to 10 00 10.00 to 14.25 5.00 to 6.58 8.50 to 10.30 10.50 to 15.50 10.00 to 12 80 12.50 to 15.00 15.50 to 87.50 37.50 to 62.50 i the bauk there as a $1,200 check, and a 0m JlS The defeated party in a contest are notlgine and was killed. The train rushed He remained there a while almost sense me Annual Concert ef 'Mrs.

Neave's music school, will be given in Meronej's letter of introduction accompanied the responsible for the acts of tlie victors, nor by fonr stations, but by means of tho Wrappers, com. te med. less, bnt finally got up and went off. He draft, purporting to be from J. W.

Sim have they the right fo 'dictate to them telegraph tbe track was kept clear until got about a mile, aud had to lie down, Opera Hall, on Wednesday and Thurs daylights, June bihnd 7th. mons, the superintendent and treasurer Wrappers, med. to goed Wrappers, cood to fine, Wrappersrfine, measures or policy. It is the office of the engineer recovered aud stopped the where he was found Thursday morning, of the Mica Miuing Company. After be the defeated to submit, aud te make the train.

these two entertainments will be the all bruised and sore, aud brought back ing satisfied that the draft was genuine most they cau of it. If Pink is the man The license law recently passed by the the present Board neede, so democrat greatest musical treat the citizens Salisbury have bacTfor many years. On Wednesday evening the entertain Missouri Legislature makes the minimum it was cashed, less the discount. Tho money was paid to a young man named Mason, from near Marion, X. by whom has any right to demur.

He may whistle, Tbe ether prisoners, seeing tbe footprints the other great mind had just left, and being moving a rope, concluded to make ne footprints for themselves, and remained in. All are safe, now. Asheville Citizen. SALE OF Real Estate IN pursuance ef an order or decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, the undersigned ce-tnmissiener, appointed by the Court, will sell st public sale, at the Court House in Salisbury, on Monday the 28th day of May 1883, the following do license fee for selling liquor 550 and the maximum $1,200 -per the courts and say, jewbilikius, if be chooses, but nent eonjists of a programme of 18 selec Wrappers, fancy, none offered. The breaks continue light swing to dry-iugwinds.

Look for heavy breaks as soon as the 'weather turns warmer and farmers can handle their tobacco with out breaking it to pieces. There ha been a heavy advance in all grades this week. Quotations are changed wheuever there is any advance or decline in tbe tuarkfs. Our manufaclurers require ovearne million pounds of leaf tobacco Simmons had seut the draft and message. that is about as far as be can go.

Pink tiens. ehibracing solos, duetts aud quar having discretion to fix the fee at any Upon the testimony of young Mason iu the lettS tSr anlna nnil A is uoi likely to nave any business with intermediate sum. The St. Louis Eenub 1 .1 A.I justices court, it seems that A. rfecutier Uj ca 8ay8 the law is heartily approved and we nope tney win au sustain that i i- character, white and black.

Policemen are not seut after that sort, but after Governor Bntler is much stronger than and J. W. Simmons reaped the benefit of this raise, who, when hist, heard from, were going in the direction of Yaucey county. A reward of $200 is offered for their arrest. Bechler is well known in this community as a notorious character.

Journal Observer. whimi they desire to purchase on this market and will pay the highest market prices for all manufacturing stock. Wrappers, cutters, smokers are in demand and high. those who break the laws aud disturb the he was when elected last November, and public peace. Law-breakers have no I if there is no change in the public senti right to be squirmish as to the agents sent men he can very easily be his owu sue- scribed real estate to wit "A tract of twenty-five acres of land in Providence Township adjoining the lands ofMese Brown, Jane Brown, and the Lot belonging to Brown's School House," being a part of the Muse Brown tract, on which theiwis supposed to be a valuable Gold Mine.

Terms, one third cash, and tbe remainder ou a credit of sis i months with interest from date of sale, at 8 per cent. JOHN M. HORAH. Commissioner. to briuir them to the bar of indement.

cessor if sach should be his desire. Bos- Concord Market Pink is very black, it is true, aud it is Globe. it tl. I COBKKCTKD WEEKLY BY CiSXOKS FBTZKR. Valley Cape uy some psm ue is a sc-oip oesiues; Iu tL vear 1830 ther ou, biht Fear and Yadkin Railroad.

I Experiments recently made iu Europe with a view to ascertaining tbe best method of preserving manure show that manure allowed to accumulate under cattle three months or more iu specially constructed deep stalls, was found iu every case, as compared with that of ordinary manure heaps, in a more workable condition, and kept the ammonia! salts better preserved and tbe useful ingredients in greater proportions. A Minuesota consumptive went to North Carolina to spend (be winter. While there she met an old negro woman who told her that dog oil was far better and less disagreeable than cod liver oil. The lady bought a fat dog, had it killed and tlio rendered into oil. It arreed but there is a uiacaer aim more aisrepu- in81ine ngviura8 in the Uuited Stale8 Coxcokd, May 23, 1883.

wvavw ani i x. i i. a piano, Trombone solos, Cornet solos and duetts, jvith piano accompaniment, making onejof the finest aud most diversified 1'iogrnmiues ever presented here. Tickets to this concert entitles the holder po an Dpperetta Check which is gpod fet the evening, when I "Tub Twin Sisters," delightful opperetta will be giv- in lull. lto W.

H. Neave has given Hie class his coustaut attention for son time past aud ws feel assured that th is presentation will surpass any Opperetta giveu here by traveling organizations. We predict a full and appreciative house will greet these entertainments, gotten up at home and auiougjour own people. A small admittance is nocetsp'y to pay fxpenae attendent upon entertain -ments Of these proportions 50 cents will "bntt adults, and 25 cent children, 1 1 Veil it te: tain incuts. table, more powerful aud relentless agsnt Now tbere are over ninttjt 8ixty-six of Bacon, Hog round, for bailing men and women than Piak, which are 8Upp0rted wholly or in part by it our teachers are correct, uesiae whom atna niil the latter would be considered a gentle Miinhattau Island coutains about 12, man.

It will be well to live blameless lives and so fall into the bands of Batter Chickens, Eggs, Cotton, Corn, Flour, Feathers. Fodder, per Hav, (KX) acres, of which 8,500 acres are cover 12, 20 to 25 20 to 30 10 to 12t 8T to 10 40 55 to 57 2.15 to 2.25 40 to 50 75 to 85 50 to GO 55 to 60 35 to 40 iK to 100 SO to 37 ed with houses 1,000 are in parks, aud President Julius A. Gray, of the above uaniTrrd, was in the city to-day. The inevitable reporter interviewed him in regard to the road. President Gray said "We are going right ahead making preparations to begin track laying.

The woods areTull of darkeys gettiug out eross ties. We expect to begin track laying on the 1st of July. The work will begin simultaneously at the Gulf toward Greensboro, and from Favetteville neither. Executors' Notice! AU persons hSving claims against the estate of Daniel Corriher, dce'd, are hereby notified that they nn-r present them to the undersigned on or before tlie 22d day of March, 1884, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons ir.debteq to the same' are requested to make immediate payment.

Jno. C. ConniHKR, C. W. CosKinsn.

trs-Blackmcr Jb Henderson. Atvs for the estate March 17, 183. 3,000 nre still unoccupied. In the last ten years 2,000 acres have been built up When one of our Asheville girls says ,1 Meal. In a recent speech the Prince of Wnles said London uew had aUout 5,000,000 "Dude drop iu," it makes the young man addressed look as if he had beeu sent for atid couldn't go.

Asheriilc Citizen. than the other, aud she says she is gelling Wheat, well. 9 1.

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