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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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'EXPECTANT We Oiler You REMEDY Which INJURES safety ol Life to Mother Child. "MOTHERS' FRIEND" 1 Robs Confinement of Us Pain, Horror and Risk. 1 My wlfo used SornKHS' rfllEJfb'" bo- J.forc birth or her. llrst child, she did nol. suSor trom CHAMl'Sor WM quickly relieved tlio critical hour suffering but sho.lmd no pulii3 uttcrwurfl and her recovery wns rnpld.

E. JOHNSTON, Eufniiln, Ala. Sent hy Mull or Express, on rocoint ol i pilco, Mtlo. Molh- era" mulled Free. BB liMlUI.ATOR Atlinti, fli.

SOLD BY ALL DRVOOISTS, TIMK TABLES. Bradford and nmidelphla N. Y. Richmond Ind'pls EffBCr Foorla Cvown Point fc Chl. Richmond Clntl.

Crown Point Chl. Jlontlcello 4 inner Bradford ft Col Bffner local frelRht- Lad-pis Richmond and Cliul. Bradford and Phlla New MontlCL-llo EKnoV. a 1:00 a 3:05 am 5:45 am cm-n Ch ft IntoiTOodlat KoWmo Rich Bradford Col A. McCXJLLOUGH, a 6:00 a sflO I'M 7:56 a 8:30 a 2:15 2:10 2:05 1:10 nt 1:10 2:20 a pm 4:30 ra Agent, Logansport.

WEST BOUND. HIM' it liulfJIn-MKKJnllj, last 'oiu tulles Clly Jirmx dnllj Uu i -a HJ.HM No. EAST BOUND. 2 Y. 4 Boston lira (I dally 'old no 42 6 Fast mail Unlly, 'old noli! 4'Atlantic Llm oall) ox Snn 'old no -H 7-1 Local frt.

AKOID. EEL RIVER DIVISION. WEST BOUND. No 35 airlv" No 37 lUrtve EAST BOUND. No 3d No 84 111 III 3:1 lip in 10 It" li 2:41 a ra a 4:53 12 60 ...10:30 a 2 36 a in VAN DA LI A TND.

No ilnli n. No lor Josei.h, Uul.y fa Sunday Joseph, exSuo 4S) No 16 to St Joieph Sunday -on If No 8 ex Sundaj for Soutii Bend 8 J6 No 8 has through parlor car, to South Bend via Colin. No bus through St Louis toMncki nSH- FOB THE SOUTH No 13 Hants 713 Noll M5 No SI daltf ex an No 13 has ihtouxn parlor car, Sooth Bend to IndlaMpolbTiaColfax. So 21 through' Sleeper, Mackinaw, to St No is No 17 Snndaj.onlJ For card, glvlnr all for full information to through cars, BDQEWORTH, Agent. Logamport.

InU. Or B. A. Fort, General er Bt Mo, .7 or. OISOM nxf orunwprlco under ty.

GOSSIP FEOM CHICAGO. mrmnntcetoenn. Ufa ores tbe world aumotearo. Till ft Died thj skillet thejnmt Ssoa, -HINDOO nopvca KerTouf coibraiufnori rigor olaoryouitff. TMIIT roBtonij irrit 1 1 2 fa.

PAFU, li Balsam, of Copaiba, iCubebsdrlnjections and HOURS -'diseases 1 IOD, Irrltolloa or tlon uf ni.ii 1 uln olprwu for .00, ur 3 Lottlw, wet Two Aldermen Exchangro Heat OompHinentB. Corruption In Varlotn City DopartmoaM- Clilof at 1'qllco to Sfvtpaptr Entorprlno FlRurH Compiled from New City Directory. ChlCttBO If you wnnt to study humnu nature of iv certain- li ind, or rather an uncertain kind, visit the Chicago council chore-. ber-wJien the honorable aldermen, who, In nine, cases of ten, inisrcprosent Uieir constituents, are in session. ThCj other iiipht.

one of pur eity.fu.(Jiers arose Bad, turoing to orie of his esteemed col- Icnyucs, nccuncct him of having nttempt- ed to bribe other esteemed colleagues, the speaker Included, to vote for oer- MATOH SWIFT OF CHICAGO, tain street railway ordinances. The -Honorable jjorsonnge charged with tliifl heinous offense, breathed very ha.rd and, iiddresMiusr Mayor Swift, said, with more emphasis than elegance: "Mr: Mayor, all I to say is that the gentleman who has Just spoken is a.liai-." Thereupon his accuser retnrtert: "You're another;" and peace nnd harmony seemed to be restored. At the earnest sol iia tat ion of honest members of t.he council an ing cointnirtec was appointed to inquire into the charges so public manner; and if everjTWng- poesvrgll this committee will, in due time, file a report that will arouse envy in Hie breast of every professional whitewosh- cr In the land. Meanwhile tbe accused alderman bos taken the press in his and a score- or more of reporters that his accuser was dead drunk when he made bis sensational would recant as soon as the influence liquor had worn off. 'As birds of a feather are supposed to be-intimately acquainted with each other's frailties, it.

may be taken for that the trifling episode here recounted will be barren of results, OK far as the public is concerned; and the boodlers will continue to give away public thoroughfares whenever corporations rony show u. willingness to put up a reasonable amount of. monej- for Uie councirs purchasable vote. How Arc Bobbed. Tliat, such a council, corruption Khould dominate other'bran dies of the city government is.

For years Important offl'ceB'wcre-glVento ward bummers' Who' were, in every sense, 'sores' on 'the body; politic. Several imonthfl ugo the voted tor the establishment 'of -service commission, and although this body haa not accomplishing very roucb, yet investigatlonx have brought to light many abiises of a-serious nature, -notably in the street paving-department The'Commission was extremely slow in fo'nu'ulatiug'charge' ngainst the offending officials, but a few. days' ago itself, j-eady for tie trial of an inspector whose duty" it was, to see that paving contractors did work-in accordance with their agreemejvU.j Instead of comply- i.h.'is.oat^|of. offlccl 1 this inspector colds, old confhs, bronchitis pltnrlty DENIS CHIEF rjEPARTMBNT. Irnporttmc'fl a contractor tor-bribes and condemned' some; pf-'his mnterlal because he would not be bled.

The taxpayers of Chicago pay millions of every, year. for. special paving assessments. In every instonw tbe contracts call for the best -ivork nnd choicest materials, yet the pavements three 6r; four years. newspapers have, time.

iLnd.ngnin hinted at the of the-insppc- tors intrusted with superintending puA- -bnt until the 'nji'd'iotber city- offlniiiili" been unanimous in denoti-noing such press. reports, us "silly Rerisat.lpn*;" The Jnvestigatlou" about'to the "th'e In'ewspapers' b'ave been' on' right 'u-aoki-'ancUth'e taxpayers ow-elone 'firratitndo of 'whoilnitfc-tiine dnd'rignJn stood between -puolic stfd.VtJj.lerlng 1 dis- graeeful qoancil and their 10 Speaking of municipal cfyil service reform reminds 'the peculiar action of DeuU J. SyveBli, chM.of ihe Chicago deparimenti ijtfRcial jhiir evolved, ont if aelepttri, riicn't anied thrbugh'dnt the oountrjrf or Itt efllclency and.perfectdiscipllnf, He has held. his prewht position years and his popularity uncl s'no ceiiH to vhii'iidujitlon of a civil service system, devised by himself and tiicltly by uuccession of ir.nvovs. And yet this olliclul threiit- encd to resign recently becnuse the cif.y civil service commission insisted n- tbe promotion in the- depai tinentof several official." cnlitlccl to if, by virtue of length of service, and g-pncral nliility.

The eliief, grown frrcat. liy pruiw, nt- tenipted to make himself a.di.ctatc-rniid, sole awiior of i'lir department. Fortunately, his frir'mls suou-i'di'd in convincing Jinn that no man can be than the power Unit orcntvrt him; and nt-thr eleventh hour submitted to the ruling's of the t-iimniiBslon-- ers anil mnde his proinol-iuns in conformity with the rules ofthi' city servr ice. His submission wiif liailnl with delight, not only bwiiuiiij Swpiiie is a most efficient fireman, but beeaitse be hns for years fought single-handud lor the separation of the great city depart-, ments from iililermonic and other political influence. Doenn't Like the In Ohlcapo, as clscwhi're.

whenever a public official is twitted with disorgani- sation in his office, he Ijcgiiis to abuse the press. The-latest is Chief of Police JBadenqch, who the city papers nnrl the various press or yar-ixnition-s which ojiteide papers with nows have published entirely too much nbout 18 store "liold lips" mystified the fly. rops of citv for mnny weeks. Day after, day merchants wore robbed in thi-ir stores nnd offices, nnd tiny after tiny (lie. rs of the country published accounts of.

tbe crimes. Descriptions of the mod- cm Dick furpins were given to tlie police, but tor weeks no arresti mnile. It was probably the latter fact which led -the- chief of police to pive Httcrunno to his nbout Ui? l-rcss. In, reporUupr these that is the police term for store bery the newspapers difl their rluty. 1 'They put merchants on their puanl, and t.heni to nrr.i their onshiers with firearms; and this precaution, which was nlso made public bv the papers, probably bus had moru to do with the cessation of robberies than tbe.

wholesale arrests mnde by a tiesporttte. police force. Instead of condemning the Boik-- noch should have moved a vote of Ihnnka. Why Pi-oplc Srollr. 'More pleasant than the tion of munioipiii govotrment and its abuses, to the average Chicagoan, at THE CURSE OF HUMOR; ''MARCUS A.

HANNA. Icosti Is n.glnnce at the new city directory, which I'ontttins 55.000 names more thaii last' year's 'edition trnd -indicates a population of i The book has more niuneB and addresses than ariy other. city directory published in. is generally an JBduiputu.ble -proof the h'cftl'fcby -erow'th uf.tlie western metropolis. Another surprise was furnished by leaders of tie republican aud democratic parties whose manur fi crs have 'decided' to cnrn- palfrn at Chicago.

the presidential campaign: of 'u892 committee maintainpd- nn wta.blislirn.ent ri'nme of 'Viilirbcoclfljiaf 1 but 'this yr-ar rhirago'AvIlV have the 'wu'fi-anled tobe an complete' 1 nV -'New York 1 'estfllilLsh- ments. A. Kaunn. McKinlfy's an 11 tn hei-ome impressed wlt.U..tne^inpopUinwof.ChABjgx) as a-politic'al center, nntl by 'eatnWlsh- inp henclqiiarte'fs the-gpod opinion or all' Ch'taiRontis. democrats as well: as TheJmpression that, the battle between two great parties will have to be foupbt.

in Illinois and adjoining states been Btronp. n'tno-ng: western jioliticiaus for some time, and ore quite as well pleased with the action of the national committees as are the people of Chicago. Campaign it Is true, are not great institutions hi themselves, but they lend prestige to a city aa being the renter of political and intellectual Chicago people, with prover- bic) rhodWity. claim west in the backbone, of 'the eornitry and that their city is the Mecca of 'most glorious 'ami intelligent section of the United States. And just because Mark Hnnnn Senator have said na jnuo.h t.hi?> immensely populaj- in this neighborhood just'no'iy.

W. TvlErPPIERT, How Fooled Miles Gen-rhart's hen.s not liafeh, and that being his only way Incubating he was a loss to know how -to Increase his- stock of poultry. Finally, says the Pittsburgh on unique plan, with flattering results. Selecting- the biddies did not Lay and inclined to htttth 1 he made them a close-fitting- cap of henvy cloth, which completely folded them arid was impossible tio shake off. When obicktu is folded It will sqnntdown there.

Miles altogether hat each day liberating them ioodfand "T6 allj them tiireevaiid ore an proud of their'-famillea they poluntarily them. T. BY IAN MACLAKEM.'one of the few clergymen with whomii layman feels nt home, nod whom lie may dnre to express jiis miud without, offense. Many of his "will converse only oa one 1 state what they believe, to, and Unit the.

considered -as closed; and-if upon tills papal bull any ventures" to dissent, the good and often, as it appears, in proportion to their good arch their backs and futt very unpleasunitly. One is careful after a -few scratches to avoid every subject on which there nan be two opinions, nnd one makes 'every allowance for this supersensitiveness. plant be. reared under glass, it takes 'ill 'with northwester; -Vnd if a hian lives constantly in a circle, of admiring (us well as charming-) young ladies, or with old ladies of the" mule sex in the shape of ecclesiastical laymen, be would be more than human If he were not offended by the independence of men who are accustomed to think for themselves and will even say what they think. -My friend had the.

singular advantage, from my outside standpoint, of not having been Isolated umong people of the religious profession from his youth, ami of having kept-himself'afterwards in touch with the world. He. had therefore no shock- Ing- point in the matter of opinion, and would five a cnndid hearing- to any heresy, one might ventilate. It struck mo that-he did not lose by this--toleration nnd sympathy, for there lire at least six outsiders, simple.pariahs of the religious civilization, who worship at St. Grig-ens.

Fletcher delighted to define himself ns an evangelical high broad churchman, which many pronounced "very 1 a vagrant who traveled anywhere so long as he found some pood nnd who had no li-gal nddn-ss whore summons could be served upon him. He threw into ject he treated with such unguarded enthusiasm that I trembled in my distant scat, and was quite prepared to bear that conventional people called him names, till he bad acquired almost tTie complete stock of religious abuse. One day he waxed, eloquent on foreign mission's, and went out of his way. to pay a tribute to Xavifir. A year afterwards it still hinted that the rector of St, Origens was a Jesuit.

He must needs hold up the Salvation Army to admiration'for their'immense scc- rifices. n.nd was spoken of as a ranter for weeks nt certain dinner tables. When he declared that theUni- tnrion faith hud produced some of the finest ethical types in England, a lady called next had long suspected the fact, and only wished to have it confirmed from hisown asked the rector Whether he was indeed 'So, madnm," he replied; you shrewdly suspect that not nn Anglican, 'it happens that I have never quite.seen, my way to become a Soclnia.n. SwMlcnborgian, with leanings to Mohammedanism." This was a very foolish speech indeed, ns- I'told-Fletcher, and brought Its just that excellent woman's, peculiarities was a hopeless incapacity of. giving account of anything had either seen or the evening of same' day she told me, between the soup nnd the -fish, that the truth had' come" out nt'last'nbout the of St.Origeris.

"I put it to him plainly; ho admitted that he-was an. atheist, but I do not end be has. hardly scraped off that label to-this he yirijpiwd'jn'last evening and into his'favorite chair, anticipated-some new cnn.ird, "Are you really an Irvingite?" Ibf- iKVltV nothing of that-kind just now. (lie victim r.pirit which is going to' min'me," and then he denounced humor up hil! ami down dale, declaring itto be an unmlt- eiirse, -and. ainrminR- that he would cheerfully barter any share he nd far' 1 good "It is enough to loaigh, you, my would, take anot'u'ei' view.

Twice'this week- have I disgraced myself before companies of religious.respectables, nnrl -I do not how I can recover the sciindal. Monday, ns I begged for details, I was so foolish as to attend drawing- room in aid of tbt- Door-tn-Door Visita tion myself with 50 of the most solemn-looking people ever gathered under one-roof. "Van sire a Celt, so of course you Will not despise- the idea of presentiments. I -svu-s haunted with a sense of calamity dr.y, nnd it deepened in the room. the secretary, a young man with un indescribable air of.scLf-satisfaction, to.rcnd extracts from the visitors' biters, 1 ought to bavo risen and If'I hail only ad the courage to walk out before And took a turn of regret on the "What was it? Ob.nothing-remarka- you can hear such things it found mo: 'Called r.t 101 Jemima street.

Mollier and boy nged six in house. Boy'had nothing on except a few sins! I -boils. Mother said 1 she was washing Ills-clothes. Spoke to her from text: 'Except ye mpcnt. ye shall'-all- likewise and left her much af- "Ycs, I dlJ my best, and perhaps I might have'succeeded, hart not an elder- lv lady beside tne murmured: 'Very suitable, indeed: Mr.

Poplinm has quite turn for application. 1 Tlien I laughed aloud Joyfully, after- which nothwg re- unob'tmiRivei'y ia's -would -situation. so very much? 1 1 more. PLUG Sometimes quality is sacrificed in the effort to give big quantity for little money. No doubt aboiit that.

But once in whik it For instance, there's "BATTLE AX." The piece is bigger than you ever caw 1 before for 5 cents. And the quality is, as many a. man has said," mighty good. There's no guess work in this statement. It is just a plain fact.

You can prove it by investing 5 cents in "BATTLE AX." IBATTU. es-r IN THE In H.althy tvays than one. Don't you see, man, that I've hurt the feelirigs-bf many excellent flouted, us apppears. good work, and-convinced everybody who had: any dbubtrbefore that I really am It was on.the face of itan unfortunate circumstance, and one could only suggest that people's memories are very short in these busy days. "The people in that room don't forget," said Fletcher, gldomily.

"And this very day I.crowiicdymy iniquity; it's no use fighting against fate, by Vhioh I mean this vice the la iny bad turn my mother did me. happened tordoy Qh, nothing- again, I simply stumbled iuto tlie of the 'Sisterhood of and was drdgge'd -to the platform, where'I sat facing the audience," and he shuddered the "She was a most eloquent speaker, and BUS, was. enlarging on the courage it needed to "ask stranger, to join the sisterhood. --'Well do I jny then she into autobiography. 'Jl'our feelings that day were doulitlcbs the same as and, again she turned aside, and we were kept in jmgubih.

'Yes, you and I had same experience, and we shall-never, never forget every one mlide ready to riot each' of iis burst that minute into a violent, 1 There seemed no wuy of getting out-except through, the hall, und it was really very good of them not to liiss me. "Of course I'll never rim such risks again, but it does not matter where 1 am, tbis evil spirit will seize it is-my uvofouud conviction that there is a. personal devil, uud that humor is One of his choice instruments. "You know that wonderful verger of ours who is au understudy of an alderman he took charge of a. party Ktarig'e'ra had como, atthi; v'euitc, ntid'Sturjteil chanting'as, Vie and gciitly Iwatiug time with' his left Lund.

Then he turned at a certain and motioned to his convoy to enter, but tliere was nobody. The people had found heats for themselves cessioni-had. consistcil of fh'e great mail hirnself. atj.the sight came to pieces' over the word "As for funerals 1 wasude- termined to make a r.lcun breast of "they are siiaply a terror to me; men play such pranks and are so unreal. You know Dibby, what a droll, chubby- I JMbby.pHVeH-.ifie ca'me ycs- 'terdny into the room wewereoll sitting, in.

that awful silence with nn' expression so thnt could have shaken- him; he sat down me, and sighed like a blssit furnace. 1 "Which was.too.much your.wict "I only said in a natural voice: 'Bitter cast wind. 1 and if the wretched did not reply: 'Ah, yes. Tery did not know*»*ire» by sight, and bad.mistaken.the,doctor; for the chief are there here Then if be head, Satan seemed to lakc'posfcession bl-mfc "It isn't that I am notoshamed'of my? self, or that I.don't take precautions, 1 have not preached a.sernion. lor without once special purppso of, scoring out gle word provoke a.tmi'.a.

people laugli.when, I preach' ta strange churches, although I am as soV- emri as a a resfiallr, newspaper called me nri omusiiif preache i. As for the public executions I have conducted!" a counteractive, do you mean?" Yes, of course; the moment I see any danger, condemn some poor wretck to death and aniliplace him oil tbe trap door, and put on the white pull the rMt. Surely that is enough. The nurnber of people I have hungatnn co- clesiastical pathcrinp, say the diocesan- conference, to mnintnin my characten, often fills me with remorse." "Do ecclesiastics never laugh.7" -I dared to inquire. "Never, except in a.quiet, regulatett.

'fashion at some jocose, time-honored clerical pleasantry, nnd then only if tt proceed from an archdeacon upwaj-ds. Jf a mere commoner like myself, being 1 suddenly overcome by the pedantic abr surdity of ecclesiastical ways, should express himself frcelyi-you woiild see sickly smile, on; the'i'faces. of superior ineij, afterwards you might. overhear them: "Great ness; light mettle, fact," and became almost bitter, "if you wish to succeed in. church or state, jest, ar.d bor our Kcg-lish humorist saift when, with his friends, he was tastinp some'agreeable talc: 'Look solemq, here's fool coming." It was in that I labored at consolation.

urging 1 the wooden ness of men. hnO 1 their, Jjlunders. wcariccES, and' inanities, from all ot which-w sense of humor-surely a man. No poor words of mine could litt th'e-dejcctcd ri-ector, of-St Origens, whir- declaring'that he was a disnblcll' man, and that the conditionsjof solid in public lifp were a stout.figure, a manner, un impressive clearance of the throat, but chiefly m-ind 1 rfenasetl and delivered urJt p-uarcle-J from ihe wicked and live spirit of trade dollar 420 gminS. cronp,.

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