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The Irish People from Dublin, Dublin, Ireland • Page 15

The Irish Peoplei
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AfKii 30, lif 1' i Royal, a1 tragedy of nd' the songs 27. This being the eve of spruijf-pfeat MunMtr fair, which opens' td-morrow with 'of horsns and pigs, i lie city is astir with business, as each sucecedingttahifcfcriiJgs i i sjt i Allow COIHCUy Ob tuo liaYilinmou unuvi lue t-ibici vi iv i ,1, IIUW i ntllllllftra off fltrflnnrnra flYinl.fell 5: la ia nonnl tmnn will introriuca Mr. Sothern as the trreat and versatilo casions the Jadgingrhriuses and 'not to-night, over A BE 2LJ COlBN EXCHANGE f. By.DA"Vp' Ebrroit ok the N.Vtioai, Liberator," Qn MAY 3, 1864, 'a ffitcnf u-" Front is. do, LAMENTABLE FACT.

Dtiring the week ending' "Jan. 9i nnmbeV of deaths in the borough of Liver-? pool from cough, asthma, bronchitis, 'and'" consumption, was nearly 200. Pi.EXsiiii FACTThat LLOYD'S COtJjGn CURE LUNG PRESEli ATIv an unequalled remedy for the above compf aints. The cures are perftcthjaslohkhpii and almost incredW'e. "Sold.

in, bottles, 13 Jd, crowded, are nearly all to order." Numbers of gentlemen interested in the sale and purchase -of horses are in town, and al-roadyn engaged inspecting the studs at the llffeteiit local repositories. Buyers from fondoiv and Liverpool and. different towns in England have J'-enterct lan appearancei" Thi Dubljii dealers are all here, and. will, no doubt, pick' Up 'the best stiids? Troopers are in, frwat request, but a fan as the' 'display has gone there a. poor chamje efita supply ctilculated to meet tho, Cnvalrj pfiicers arrived, from Curragh anil C'ahir to riiake purciiasesT Ilartiffin'j repository, the chief one of yas, densely thronged at four o'clock.

L'pon inqoiiy there Vnfdecj, Qiai 180, of tlie Arstclasft horses, steeple cliasers were thei-q stabled." During the day a few sales were effected thrcq four year olds sums, if td li0 each." this uiart a'stirrijigirade is gouijj ewlule, at the othef rpositoiies of whh. arealsb well, filleii, ex-. artitnfltions'a're being made by the gnranteeJpg. As yet it would be hazardous to givp an opinion, but it is generally believed the horso fair riij notjeome up eypacttion; 'Pigs Aufiie'rous droves are, pouring in, npd'the. principal buyerj from Coil-, Watcrforaiyubliiiy.IjiverpopI.'&'c.j A fall i in the price of swine'is The iair-greco is in firs-rate order, au'd stibuhl tlie -weatljer coi-tuiuff'une' all will go MONETARY AND 1 (From the Times' Article.) -The discount demand was again completely light, 1ut" iii the Stock "Exchahgb short loan's were hi slightly increased request at 4i to 5 per cent, Confederate Government anu s.

jq, eacn is. saved py, taxing tne zs, va. ana in Lozenges," the same prices, free to arfy address for 16 or 30- Prepared and sold by Lloyd, Chenust, ScotlandTroiid, Liver-ooi (near Boundarj'-street). Sold' at 72, Dale-street 151, 2, Mill-street and 30t, Park-roadv, 1 for. Dublin Mr.

RICILVEDSON, Chemist, 21, Cora Market IXFOUMATION WANTED OF ttXifr 'nTAMl of the. City, of IA(far sailed from jthat port in May, 1349. ilis last addrassjwasU Monmoiith-street, llastj Boston. 'State of sired infomiation willbe.tbarikf ully received, by his RicfiardT Launery, 138, Francis-st, American papers will pleasecopy. have recently passed laws to preverij; the importation of of MISSING' FRIEND IN 'AMERICA.

SIIOUL'D'tln meet Ih'ccye of Mr.N.ELSox SeiitRASi late of Sfew notyV tclwvedj to bof New York, he would. much comfort and relieve In communicating, his affectionate- sister Catherine 32, Berry -street', i Irish-American papers please copy. ,1. actor thd Batterings ot tne iewisn maiueu ai tue win at last be assuaged, for the days of Leah seem numbered while at the Olympic, the two now pieces, by Mr. Tom Tnylor, which, ever sine'e; Christmas, have beeo underlined, aiid then withdrawn every two or thtee weeks', will shortly give the public as opportunity of testing" tmt therits.

1 IJL new jjurlesgue, By fcyroii, is in prearatipii'at he 'Stand, iajut will shortly; be prodiiqed. this, Ji'otise. is to, close jui for two mojiths of certain alterations aud rcpairCduripg.whick rocess portion of, the conipany will take a provincial tpiir, is also ft rumour prevalent that Mr. Emden, ot ike ito become a partner in, the management of -the JaaI-mentLwed. house'; and seenw an fact that Mr.

sole dirtqrjcthQ vi; Flotow's popular opera of Mai-ta" was given on Thursday and Ralitrday evenings at hep Majesty'sThcatrOj wlihMdlle Vitali as the Lady- Hm-tehettn' Mdlle Betfciheint as 'Nancy, Signer as Lionel, Mr. Santley as Plunkett, and Signor Mazaetli(his flMr appearance) -as Lord Tristan. Mdlle titari sung the" Winste'ftl LdV F.nHchetta If ifh neatness and finish, find Mdlld BrttclhHm Mri thtf characterof francy bad ane-pporiuftliy' of -irovm; that -she1 poW sosses a remarkably 'fine t-ontralto voite, tliat' requires nothing but practice to make it perfect she if, boweverj youiigand has plenty of time before bet to study and become an ornament to her nro fpsstr J- J. Ih'S'fi i 'it i equestrinna.a the who recently made are beginning to be talked about, and so exceileut is the, epiupany that the fallen art, or the neglected art, is. likely through it to revive t.ho There is every thing thq.dancing and the elegant style which is attractive and one bare backed rider, who has the." cur'ioiis riamo't'O Knglish ears of llevr' Gntz, is perhaps the" very best bare-backod rider we have Seen in Loudon since the (avs of EtonStonb.

1 1 Mr. Feclrtor, has sent 10ft to Mr, T. Jessop, Mayor of Shoffijald, for the sufferers by the JshomolfV disaster, lie profits of a beuetit given by him-last Sinrday wcek Va mmt not iccj the, great honour'of Mr. Fechter, sinnds nione among his brother managers in this act of generosity, to. do a foreiguer he is less called upon than they, A late letter from Leipzig mentions that it wnsi "feared that national-jealousies would mar the projected Shakspeare 'Festival' at Frankfort It was projected that, at Leipzig, the'.

cn7fer 'I ere'i should take the imatter tn hand. "There are difficulties, however abdtlt the theatre, writes onr Ittfonnant "it is in a transition state the manager, Who has left for Pi-ague and delegated his authority to deputies, having taken with him so large an amount of sqcneVy and prdpkrtie's that it is dimcult to moiirit a 1 When we spoke of at Santiago, with reference to things theatrical, not forgetting the jdeath of poor Emma Livry, by fire, on tlio stage meutipn was made of narrow escape of the Dresden Armida, Mdme-, JJurdo-Ney, wjbo wa ret ued (and only just) from perishing, 'm ft like fearful manner. was saved by the presence of wind of thn lnuchiniat, Horr Ifahuc, but at the price of his life. lie has since died ot hs woundsi Such tales cannot be too loudly $ohJ. Mina" Ti iiNK.n's Mastkhy of In pictures, like his Ulysses and bn irtiprwtsiwi is left upoii the' mind much like reading a poem of Ossian's.

lie deals witli tho wild, the shadowy, and the mysterious, and' for these he has rooonfsfe to his wonderful atmospheric effects. The old blue creeps slowlv up the horiaonj-blending with tho iiiistis of The smi bdrns lfttc a ball of lire through the dark fod'aml terrible' the rellection falls uon the swelling waters. The indistinct forn of the blinded Cyclop is faintly seen in the distance, his huge hand clenched over his head in the hnpotenca. of maddened rage, and- in front the graeef Ml Nereides Are just diademed amonir the waves guidtnfr kyrtrf: INFORMATION WANTED OF lUAur, aim iusu pinciik "CAOi. iuuu cufcLou, uuiVsa a cur-- tain proportion of the'clirgobq ori tlio avcpuut pf, Government, or in redemption of Confederate boniU'V)( -j," 1 THE DUBLIN MARKETS- SptT.Aj.FiRt.nft, rasr-cet tr day firm, at iin advanc-eof Is on light new parcels; old descriptions and heavy slow of sale, at lust week's prices American unaltered.

Butler unaltered. -j i EOS ANNA and DAN. PORTER, 'who went tm' to their Father about the year 1850. in-" telHgChce of either of tliem' will be thahkfullv received by their -uncle, William. Warner, 20, Wehtworth-place, Dubliii.

Philtidel-plilii papers pleac copy. 'y 1 JJacon rulcb, obi to 01s; heavy, Sis to; n.iditles, Oos to-' GCs; American, 41s to 41s 3 ts' ta shoulders, 34s to 36s. i --j. Hams Wicklow, 5fis to COs; long tfne, 7Ss to S2sT JUaddered lard, 4s to 5S. INFORMATION WANTED- OF 1 BANIEL NOONAN, aged about three years, a naiv6 of Kenm'are," County Whett last heard from' he was hi America, three year' since.

Any information respecting him 'Will be' most "gratefully; j' received NooSajt, br his mother' Nei.i.y -Noosan Kehinftre. Kerry, Ireland. Irish American. ButterCools lOd to PJJd per lb Sd to 11 id. Eggs; 6a 2d to'5S lOd ducks, ei.

4 i Salmon, Is 4d per lb. i.Vt it i Coiac'BtTTKit MAistcw, "Arftti; mit se1- 'fiosdk f-ilbt, please copy. comb, thirds' 100s SonrtUV fifths, In Mild-chred-flrSts- not quoted seconds; 1 13s thhp: market, 850. -in CORK s-i HZh National Read'mg lldom, 30 'DmwbridgesteVdy" I 1 -C'k, March 2, WM f. 1 Sin I am dii-ecWd by tho Cmuiitte of the Relief to cn- Cork Con? MARKir, -Arnrt' 27.

Harley. 3d black fia Rit tn r.Q All. nntt in Iti Ldose you a copy of an address issued by them also copy of reso (lo- LoSDorf ProduCb Makxet Apuil 27. Sugar Fair mand prices full up refined quiet vSilue unchanged. Coffee- don: and on the increase, and prices lire on the rise for Ceylon.

Tea purchasers not and value "Kiee Several 'parcels sold at full Saltpetre- very dull. steady 40s to 40s Cd spot, and earl 1 London Cons Avntt. for all articles ex- frpmolv nnipf. nnil rtrieM tirtininnHtr niifomlav. 1 "sborno's Report Market steadv Monday's -prices f- ioi articles.

i LTVF.r.roor. PitonucR Maukf-t Arnir. 27. Sugar and QBiy smajLi iiuce i wo cargoes no tiangoon soiu aisou lor Liverpool, qirut, iWfli-r-Ji 9 sale reported, Ml 1 1. A i the gatle.

What Homer iitiagmed Jin A ChalijTove, Smitli.CU'cnlav-vouit.itUe wife of Peaipscyj Zsq lutions adopted at a puutic meeting on yesterday, requesting you to give them a place in your journal, -rl obedient servant, I Muniuiv, Sec. 1 Believing those young men to be punished, we deem it the duty of all true Irishmen to assist in-, procuring a fuud for tho relief their families. Therefore, Ave propose lectors be appointed, who shall receive weekly how- ever small, for that purpose. That 8 o'clock on evening be wbea; every Vqllector, will expected to hand in the amount of his lection' to. pie secretary, by whom a moutlily account ofthe receipt and dlsbiirscmeuts shijl be published.

"TO THE OF IUELAXI). "Ff.i.i.ow Covstbvmeji Wo are induced by the reBftlt of recent trial, to addressypu thus publicly, uad to solicit your aid am" co-0)oration. rt. Doubtless you are already aware that 10 young men for walking after a band on a of recreation (St. tepjion's day), were prosecuted for, and Found Guilty" of marching and drilling," ami notwithstanding- the reeohimeiukntioii or the jury on (he'groimd that they were ignorant of tho law- in that respect, were cruelly Sentenced to Ticr.lce Montis i 'i-3 I In sol.citing co-operation, we do not ask vou to identify yourselves ith'aiiy political party but'ftlmply to'aist'-us in procuring fuud to families of those young (men, so Unjustly punished, ju i.

It is our intention to organise weekly, collections to ucd during tho period, o(. their imprisonment, and wn suggest the formation of. committees throughout the country, order that tho fund may be sufficiently, large to keep their families from Mantj "--'t I't, at Jlerlnvo'iilV House', coilntv'Tipperarv; ttiq wife of, Eobort ri, at r.iilIykilbrK Houne, county Down, tne wire or wimam jnnn- It; 1 ul iii1J. I SlARISlAGKS. 0, at Rcnuffirt, ftp6 -of lml tlrtpe, Thomas Evens of Towyn, Wales, In -oiinra.

ol ilenry K. ntzniHiiriee,, oi in-oiunnu, mid nlpw ii l'i xnijiiri-ii't Kin. 'Kvorton. 1 a 'llEAItrS. April MulIhigaK Thtmiiw elilesH fvti of rohorty.

April aii.tit M'avlcw(crro, Jlnunybrook, Joseph Brj-im HOios, eldest son of tlie -i Ap'rll 2.1 Mutitrmo ten-see. Klii(Sitmvn, eUlcsf surviving, -flattghteraf VHIMra i LL 1 1 RAILWAY 1 'IlitC; ttTED PARISHES MlpILiEL AND, JOllN. At a JiUnierous and 'culla meeting of the inhabitants until they are again jetored them. i i The Very, cy, feQCIIE, iu tlm 'Chair. Ralph AValsll ftiyl 11.

Nowlaii, llbimrary fj i' viiniiuiiivjmvii ummiv-cwvi w4 U-viviiim Rending Room, 30, Cork, for the Secretary of Relief Fund. R. Vakiax, 11., Treasurer, jt 'MC. MuiUMnSeqretaiy." i The Committee of thoejief thankfully acknowledge the f-ll tun louoyviuj luuuwiug auuscripiioiis 14 Previously acknowledged ParisheA of SS. Michael and John, have beard with the deepest :1 t.

St'M .1 i .0 James t'erk Jlryan, Passage West, (to bo ine mouem artist translates glowing colours, a cram-, in "ins scenes of have an instance of khH peculiar a skill not exercised with the kilo inteukidit merely excitin'd vnigirr terror, but generally of impressing some great moral' lessen upon the lniuds of jHie spectators. The artistic merit of the 'paintvr in depicting the writhing coiling forms of the watet, the prolonged agitation of the bursting surge, and the wreathed drapery of tho yesty 'wave," already bruh stlftlcienfly attested by many1 of the conrtoisjeurs. Hut' it was tho enthralling sentiment, combined i with lluv" fcspecial of treatment, which gifted Turner with his poveY over the English people. As in tho darkening horror the shadow of the i iAngel of hangs over the guilty slave-ship, toiling amidst tho yuwning breakers of the maddened sea, from whose fury sb.6 is in valn attxmptihg to protect herself by encumbering the tossing foam with the' ghastly corpses of her cargo in al his pictures of sea-motion, mist, and drivi.uj Turner impresses us with the i tremendou immensity an Omnipotence hich mortals must passively watch iu awe. Tho artist has us entirely in his powers and 8ft js reality which he tins ennjured un, tluit we tremble a gaze upon Hi Woo, to the helpless barks, built by the pride of man, which-, are; being rocked by tho sepulchral, waves of tho great deep, daabed the crashing and recoiling nuiuutnin of heaving watery ready tot be engulfed by the hungry chasms which are gaping beneath I.

Woe to. the dismantled hulks, left alone with, their doomed qrow beneath the lurid and fiory clouds, till he day wlwi) Uw sea, shall give, back ita dead and woo for tiia forsaken beings folding by wuae most or rock, or pH5 drifting fragment of broken spar, scarcely) realizing-, that thoy are saved, hut straining tloir agoniied eyes, towards the dreadful tomb of beloved ones, whom tlwy may never again welcome on earth, as if, in a prolonged endurance of drowitiugt they arc gating upon dying men, and for them the, work) aivl its doings are diminished to a great distance! wf CoHffvtratwiHtl MtnKo'sTRorniEH. Just before aupper I was told that Mirko had been hovering abotit my wanting to show me soWthlnjr. 1 went out at once, and he said, Von must not leave oar moan-tain without seeing our best and moat interesting poseeesibrt.t 'So he led me to the end of the corridor, 'where a g1ass caM was nr-ranged, protecting two or three hundred medals of gold and ailvnr, taken from the breast of the Turka in last yeara war. Score them were English and Fn-nch Crimean A 1 dof en soiled and batturod Turkish oartners stood beside thorn, and along the wall htthg very large number i of taken at the Mind time, It that Mirko should show me thesv not the Ptluce Mirko glories in the War-it he Prince sorrows for A Turkish Tasini had tome to Tsetlnjo to settle some businm with the Prbioa a week or two! Iwfore uiy visit but Whrt I alluded, te the medal, it, the Prince saiii, eagerly, Oh 1 would hoVbe guilty of aaeb a rudsiiess that i I carried them ell 0 continued weelUv) iFour Wpmen ond.

eleven Lnbourcrs, per Bryan, IIsq. Qd each 1 Per Timothy Croniiv, Blackrock, 0. tiroduced to which proposes tlw Vdemolition of our Ptttt)c1iill hiirchi; Presbytcrj-, and Xoor unaniri iii'oiiJy, 'i Moved by tho 0'IIaulon, C-C- 5 econdod Jby Mr. Oiyen rh. Bdsolved That, w'e'reas he rcmauts of many piemberf, of tho most respcctilhlQ families hi these parishes, 'and the cjty generally, are Church, wo viow horror and li i O'i 0.12 0 2 6 0 si Rrembers of Quarry-road lemporancellall Mr.

George Warren, Fair-lane, Cork April lSih, Weekly Collection; Midlcton i MarylchoBa; Branch of. the St. Patrick's Drotberhood iA." Limerick Nationalist" i indignation this projected Inyasion and desecration pf hallowed 8 1 1 0 it Cfafiey: Move! bv flfr. Jylin Mulldny seconded by io 10 0 0 Besoiyeil-tiihi the- C(hoU inhabitants of 'orishe pf Hoeses of Parliament, against tho' parsing of tlie Dublin -Railwau ii.H..;. SliavenauMin Branch (London) Mr.

Corneliu. 08 9dr John Moore, (id Laurence Foresters, 2s. Gd; John Moanyi MO'Connell, small sum, Usihl. "TTtjcceds of a sectmd Lecture by Rev. William f-it-1 'r 1 1 xif(, ur iiy poriioii pcviiim uioivuij wiiH.ti( viu civiuniH iuv promoters p( 'said Biltft dijblislij or injure odr Paroqhkl Church, Mved scopde y.Mr.

Michael -2- 3 ,:3 April SC'th, Collectious 'liesolved that the Petition how read he, adapted as tho' reti- i Total 4' 7 Uv. ton 61 this Meeting, be left far sign.aiiarca within this Parish, and, that said Petition be, brcsonted to both Honses of pArljaiuauC h-L Moyed by iiey. 'jNt, Walsh, 'CsepQued. ilamea The first suhscription from a few readers of the Irish People "Hi U); Oil 5 Sir Lasct'lles WrsxaU'ti Ufa and Timet of CaiJoliae Matilda, Queon oi pemuark, from Family lJocamsnU and State Pajwrs will published hx Jane. i- I J.H':: T.i?.',?4 Jcvv the lliat the Rev.

Canon Rochq, away Doioro tie camo, and shut them up in my own bedroom." Is I Miclhael Heeha bq ca.led iheroto, was wu.tmM.iM4i inieieiiig.A.Miifc farce yrhte tmrtT-Thanks wcri volcd to the former, CUairuiao 1 ois pwaiure in te, war SQnge. with.yrhioh gulled the evening. Thi Ififlarn Jhgrti of if Aihiqtk i counts StMk fori. ft- ji Mr. T.

li. Pinches has produced a bronze medal, commemorative oi ibt Tisit Garibaldi to this country. The UkmMe to pretty7 good and tne workmanship is altogether effective..

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