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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • 2

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

frrrTirOTf jrarbst laaisvtUs Jowual.j.u TUtaa. QFOR Real A Busin tes Reuse ea foe wort ride of Bullitt street. Apply et this office. 7 -We are mow pipwt IQU; bur vwr ewotpttea ot an Mats umwiw I prim mu. IB than thr in ta VO VSpimte MERCHANT.

jfoECUUT. TO plctfaR BRAD Y-M AHoizR KKT. hw klMiMM 11 I I If 1 1 1 i nil I.k um (iuEDtMO WITH When'S, Tfca modteonnsi jJOfT iplay to till the The great art of tillage is better dis; bought I Bisk Blgli In lwhra. betu surra. ER EBH A largo supply ef Black and Ik I Green Teasjurt received and foreale very cheap LOUISVILLE JOURNAL.

IUHTID ADI ntlLIIMU PRENTICE WEIS8INGER, ckmm MtumnAtiu. Dully, 910; TH-Weekly, 0j Weekly, $9 60. The Tri- Weekly Journal publbhed on O. CAMPBELIii Merchant Tailor, No. 64 Third street, hstwesn Mstn end Market, OI CXeOTHjWO! drOTHIHJ TT ATI HQ eUU ea hand a large lot ef Clothing V4bfe'Woncer is to be eiosed vory eooo, jneotm gains are oow to be bad thaa were ever offered west ttie mountains.

Country merchants would do well giving ng a eaU Immediately as ws are determined i dose our eeaesm la a few weetoa, for rah woie' and retail. JAMBS SPROULB to CO. lft dfi OW stand oorner Wall and Water stfo JH2L H. FBBGUBON to BoNr Respectfully announces to Ms frieode and foe i public that he le ennsts niiy nnsnu te make tkt air, Ikmih which to (ibi we soar htr hongs a wand ton vine ter draft sued From (tot to wood their leafy branches gild ad Uka and mount beneath thalr felloes bk. through thee la quest of glory fly ad hara oaah day do tangled ihsu 4t mm mvsmrnm' wheat-culture than in any other crop grown at the North.

The earth should be broken up exceedingly fine, if desire to develop its highest capabilities, and at a reasonable depth; Jethro Tull made a yepotatioa which tin, alnadi which has, alrestay 1 rUDo. ai put pura hlo. utuxuhwt th. tut that thtr. hi treat ad (rawtn.

dmud thravMrat th. tea U. HtMa'hl MADT -JUJB C1ATE IK hu ma Important aod pnlukM put oi th. country merchant ttook. tullY inn ot th.

Importance oi ttata trad, te th. dtp ot aod the 0enc oi facllttle et th preeeot time, ecoh era reqeir 1 to meet the went of entry merchant generally, we her. Mm aniy Cft Tlnegur. barrels pure Older Ylnegar la More and tot sale by tft MFBRGUSO to SOX. iaur i i Alt.

aumr Katas, Latom, tah Kadvm, Owturs, fca. vhloh v. nr. oflwtal tt reduced prleee. renone mu ot Mtb wUetee u.

Untied As examine our ml before pumhulaa- Iamuiat A Botuns, 11 Mein one Third. NEW Orleooa Haowr. prime in store and for i endured over century, and is likely to last for several tp cotne, by bis skill in Comminuting the Tuedy, Thundzy, nod Saturday. rri rwTha Weekly Journal ia publizhtd on TueJay. HWTha Country Daily Journal, 95 a year.

GRAY to BROWV bolow fleoend street. If seme porebauoa la Vhay flad thalr ttfl Bara old Oblivion Oiopaa through tho ad lathortng up tha 18 1 i Mrtn 4 doers order of the finest and beet materials, aod at arod orate prloen every article of fashionable Clothing constituting a gentiumsos wardrobe, for which hi complete stock of choice and carefully selected Glottis Casslmeros and Vestings, of foe latest and mtret eauonabls patterns Just reoelved era pertiraiorly designed. His owa practical knowledge of foe business end personal attention to every garment enable him to give oseuraooe of entire satisfaction to nil who may favor him with their patronage. To both eld and new customers be respectfully tenders an Invitation to call. B.

tng la constant raoelpt of the latest fash ton and best styles of goods, be is prepared to accommodate customers in the brat manner. all 04 EXTRA Family Flnar. ioa bbl reeetred this day by simmer Blue Wing No. i gw for erne by 18 GRAY to BROWN. TAALI CuUory-A mml a mtment amUI TMOe CutUay aad mod tor ni bj 9 CAH8MPAT A HOMEIMfl.

LOUISVILLE. eor CLOTHING WAREHOUSE GARMENTS OF XVRBT? DESCRIPTION suited te afl MCtieas ef the eenatry, aod ef the most appreved styles and We are prepared te sell ear Clothing oa such terms to tho ooua-try merchants as will give them faculties not heretofore enjoyed in this market. Having ia view the establishment of a Urge busmens we have seeorad a full eumber of hands In order that we may keep up onr owe assortment which at present the largest in the West. We solicit tha attention of eons try SOL. HART to GO.

Manufacturers 468 Matot su a few dews above Journal off! ee. DCtoV UKKHftWAU Glee, end Otoiao-ws have ao ILOPB. 600 bble of superior qeaHtyv la store sod for sale by 18 GRAF to BROWN. ACM kto 400 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1861. Xf OLABHER 76 bbis a prime article ta cypress cooperage iu store aod for sale by GRAT to BROWN.

nuas seenrfit Qevenswara SS casks seanrtQl goalie Chita; ISO taxes 0a Hawr4 and for sale Or 919 QA08KPAT to HOPE 1X8. Plantation, BUtm, Stock, and Wood FOR EAJUE. OFFER for nolo eo liberal terms, fi PTanUilo about lB90eeres, In flptoa county, and oa the Miseteelppi riwer.and being port off lelandfifi. Abort lzhud are ebove the highest overflow. Over ftOO are and corn cuiUvetiea.

Tbs piece bee leaf been oe a convenient weod-yant, and the old river greet foelUUee foe boating the wood from th rear to the front. Thera ara on tbs plantation a comfortable raleut office or store, ora cribs caMoa toe. This property can be bad on tong credits for undoubted Security end et low price. fc If not sold et private sale before the Iftth ef November next It will be offered at euettou oa that day Memphis; and If net then sold It will be for rent et a low rata te a careful tenant with or without the privilege of ittingwood Also for sale at this plantation for cosh or satisfactory paper Slavue Males 8 yoke ef Oxen, 69 brad ef le over 160 Bogs about SJNO bushels ef Corn Wag-Plows, Farming Toots, Wood Boats Skiffs end about 8460 cords ef Wood ranked oa the river beak. If not disposed of at private sale before the Wtho November next this psrsrmsl property will be oflerad rt soettou at foe place enttmt day.

Apply te Mr. James Deosford on the place or Louisville fiept. fi d3towt HAMILTON SMITH. Jvdox Catoni CHAaoie Jadge Catron, one of the associate judgee of the Supreme Court of the U. States, on Tuesday last, delivered his charge to the grand jury for the middle district of Tennessee, in relation to the infractions of the law by those persons who have engaged ip the Cuban movement.

We And the charge la the Nashville Banner 'of Wednesday. It is very epar abd explicit reaper ting the lew of the land and the duty of the citizens. It will be read with interest, end we therefore subjoin its Gentlemen of the Grand Jnryi From the limited criminal jurisdiction of this court, and the gratifying fact that it is not often required to exercise that jurisdiction, it is seldom that we feel ourselves called on to address the grand jury upon being empanuelled, except on offences for the commission oi winch parties are in cusioay. But recent acta and demonstrations, too prom neutly notorious to have escaped general attention, nave been committed in this city, and which acts were professedly done in violation of the treaties and laws of the United States. Our streets have been paraded by military music, accompanied with banners, for the purpose of exciting ihe vicious, the idle, the young, and the thougbilesa to enlist as soldiers for the purpose of invading the Island of Cuba, and aiding mere a portion ot its population to overthrow the present Government.

This Island is a colony of Spain, and has been governed by that kuigdom, since its first conquest tom the natives, tliree nundred and foty years ago We are at peace won Spain, and bound by several treaties to maintain peace; and Congiess has enacted stringent laws to secure an observance of our treaties wdn Spam and other nations. By the act of 1S18, it was provided: TTTHITK Havana ftgw-4 boxes to store sod for sale low by GRAY to BROWN. The expedition did start from New Orleans; Fillmores Whi officer did not prerent it, nor did be try. A great fuss was made, but nothing done; just fuss enough to produce confusion and embarrassment. Fillmores theory of his dutv is bad enough, but his performance is still worse.

If it be the duty of the President to interfere to stop-such expeditions, why is it not done? Lopezs leaving New Orleans was open and above board; and 3 it was the Presidents duty to pie- DAIRY foU, SOU bags received and for sale by lft -V RAWBON BA0OM to CO. D. C. Merchant Tailor, Main artet, oppotut Ike Gait Hanot, LonuvUle, Would must respectfully inform his customers and the public generally that be has just feturusd from New York and is now opening bis PALL STOCK, of CLOTHS CASSIMKRBS, and VESTINGS of the latest and most fashionable styles, and of superior quality. The great increase In bis business In foe last year has enabled him fo exhibit to his customers a much larger stock than he has ever had the pleasure of opening to them.

He would cell the special attention of those In want of WEDDING or PARTY VESTS to examine bis stock before they purchase elsewhere, feeling confident be K--foe finest ever brought to this city. Very thankful for past favors, he hopes by strict attention to business to merit a oontiauanoe of the same dl 90 boxes 6ter LOOK HERE! LOOK WHERE? WBT, look in at KD WARDS to RINGGOLDS and see their last arrivals. Another lot of that popular work the Ooreair by Sana. Ralph Rutherford, by Sir Admiral Fisher. Lewis Arundel or Railroad of Ufe tomplele tdb tton.

Mabel, or the Child of the Battlefield. Paul Parrywlnkle by the anther Cavendish. The Sister by Henry Ceofcwn. The Fat by Jassea. Stray Subjects, humorously illustrated by Parley.

The Chronicles of PlnevlHe, do do. Also a great variety of School Books and Fancy aod Plain Statii Oandle 0FROCXJB aCAJYDZmUA GBHTLUJUUre 9 ASHl A LU UiAJTUlM AMD VOTt-NlftUlNG STORM. THIS popotev arcuated tfce comer ot fount and Mala emeu hae for ye aa enjoyed a repauuoa amoos tte eltiaeae ae a Ant eleee nor. (to ptrobae of material every attention te paid to UMB Um very wet etytee la votoe ae won ae strict ro-gard to the darahlltty of tho arttclea and their fltaeee to Ibe waau of thUe cuetemw. Thalr Unmenao aeeort-it of taehtoaohlo sanamu at all tlmee oa bend Is a i fuaraaty le thaeo that parohaee Clothing that they not toll to ohuta every deelrable style of dreed aod long experience jnstUUe flpvonle to Maadevllle In My lag that their etoek comprieee Clothing suitable for every elS 60 1ft for sale by RAWfiQN, BAOOX to CO.

OLD Beorben Whisky. 70 bbis for sale by 8ft RAW8QK BACON to CO. TWDIANa, OUs, and Virginia Currency pnrehaaed at low rates by 18 CtoD HUTCHINGS to CO. Call aad examine onr stock at 99 Third st. slO TO MERCHANTS.

A SITUATION ta desired la mercantile bouse as general clera er assistant book-keeper by a person who ixteealva acquaintance experience la buelnme furnish good city references as to espehillty toe. box 896 Purt-offloe. sift di IN Shirts AOdoxen superfine Shirts Jurt reoefved SPROULB to MAXDBV1LLWB. EXCHANGK oa Boston New Tork Philadelphia, Baltimore Pittsburg Cincinnati aad St. Louie for 1-181 mm In eui 18 OtoD i te suit at market rates by HUTCHINGS to 00 4ffT Mala St.

SPR4H7LB to MANDBVILUPft. FINE Dresa aud Frock Coarts Juat received at sis AO aud flhupod lack Cants. Another lot BY Express. dust received the following new works: Reveries of a Bachelor by Ik Marvel. Reveries of an Old Maid embracing important Hints to Young Men.

Travels ttrthe United State during 1849 and i860 by die Lady me line hurt Wortiey. Amaricnu Railway Guide for August giving a full description of all the Railroad and Biaamhoal rentes in the United States. Travels and Adventures tn Mexico by W. Carpea er, U. S.

A. elO BDWARDS to RINGGOLD No. 99 Third nfc. mak their way, plamM lr tor. th.

fraud, Ihu Hal; Ml would, which vouli bar. Abed Pnpww wltk mile big rer dnwalw. tad. Hr death, th. Blew, emu eel mat tola, HU wealth ot Imnbe, far eprmd wit oer plain.

Herb Uka poor Abaalom, full many thought. It. Sowing tocka amid the branchee caught, Hath yielded Ufa and left tta body bar. To feed at glut tha rultara. sf deepalr.

Thau gallowe ot tha aoull thou poata euraal Sad faUurea baplaaa workU thy name la Far. J. O. Axotheb Fillibdstxs Exfiditiwic. The following is from the laat number of the St.

Louis Republican: We understand from a source which leads us to give it implicit credence that for some time mst a number of Americans have been concen-rating upon the Rio Grande, near Fort Brown, to assist in an attempt to rerolutionize the State of Tamaulipas, Mexico. At tha last account, the numbered soma 300 men, ready tor the expedition, and were waiting the signal from Car-rarajail, a noted freebooter in that State for yeara past, and well remembered for bis depredations upon small parties of American troop, in that part of Mexico, during the last war. He was to nave taken the lead in a pronunciamento and the revolution of Tamaulipas, and the Fillibusteros from Texaa were to invade the Territory and to aid in the establishment of the new government The prospect of a revolution in Cuba, under the fiag of Lopez, diverted the attention of our Ta maulipas patriots, and we recollect that one of the accounts for the New Orleans papers stated that about three hundred men had congregated about Mustang Island waiting the arrival of a vessel to take them to Cuba. They did not go, however, and now the old expedition will be, no doubt, revived. One would think that the very name of the freebooter who is to take the lead io the Tamaulipas expedition would be sufficiently repulsive to deter any American from engaging in such aU enterprise, but it is quite certain it is not.

We hope that the government, already probably advised of this foray, will take the most decided measures to disperse those engaged in it. To the Editor of the LonieviUe Joarnalt Louisville, Sept. 7, 1851 Gentlemen: I feel warranted in addressing you this oote by the hearty support extended by your valuable paper to the interests of the Jef- The very TENNESSEE Money purchased at low rates by 18 CtoD HUTCHINGS to OO tillage was a perfect substitute for manure if well performed. In this he erred, but his practice nas not been materially improved upon in one hundred and thirty years, with all our modern science. Deep and fine tilth with proper drainage were the Alpha and Omega of his system.

A wheeled cultivator is a valuable implement for putting in seed or preparing the land far it but a good harrow wiU do excellent work if thoroughly used. More farmers neglect the harrowing than the plowing of the soil in aU tillage where both are required to mellow the earth and subdue grass and weeds. Be careful to open water courses where they are necessary to prevent the washing of a light soil, aod to cover the seed at as uniform a depth as possible. Wheat washed ia strong brine and dried in recently slaked lime will seldom be affected by smut. Geneses Farmer, Sowing 'Grass a 1 a Caor.

In Hamilton county, but in no other that we know of some of the best farmers sow their timothy as they would a crop of grain. They prepare the ground thoroughly, by plowing harrowing and rolling till it is well tilled aod smooth. The seed is then sown early In September and bushed in. They put on about a peck to the acre. The results are very striking.

They have crop of hay the next haying it is the kind they sow and no mixture of native grass it is free of weeds and the meadow will endure about twice as long before it must be broken up. Thus the increased labor and expense is returned many over. Weete ns AgricnUwiet. IB.IIS 0 Th Valu or Beside their intrinsic value how desolate is a home on a farm or in the city without fruit or ornamental trees. To the generality of people you might as well recommend a person without mind as offer to sell a homestead without trees and shrubbery.

One thing should be observedrin planting to lect good varieties of fruit trees as it is a disgrace to any one to plant and grow others. Be mindful of these things and a reward will follow, We are reminded of this subject by a sale of land just made in this vicinity on particular advantage and inducement to the purchaser being the assortment of choice trees already grown to his hands. -Rural New Yorker now SPROULB to MAXDBVILLBS. SELECT ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. Number of Pupils to be limited to twelve.

EI BEARS A. will open a Day School for Boys. rt hie rooms. No. 6 Court Place, on Monday next, I6fo Sept.

Inst. The course of Instruction will comprise the English branches generally the Classics, and the Modern Languages. From bis experience and success as a teacher, Mr. S. flatters himself that he will be able to give ftt satisfaction to such as may favor him with their patronage.

TERM8. For the English oourse including Mathematics, per term ef 6 mouths. For the full English course with foe Classics French, Spanish, or Italian toe. $40 per term. Hall to be paid In advance.

The most satisfactory city references given with other particulars, on application. Private tuition in the Languages toc given es usual, in the evening. slOdlO OU SEVILLE If for sale by alt CtoD amd Fraakiert Bellrsnd Blech HUTCHINGS to OO. NEW Style feerols aud Ties now opening at 18 -v SPROULB to MAXPEVlLLWa. ITY Warraata purchased aod sold at fair rates by sl3 CtoD HUTCHINGS to CO.

ID laves. Black aad colored CM Gloves at SPROULB to MAXDE71LUTS, siZ No. 487 corner Fourth and Mala rta. NEW Work on Mexlcfo Travels and Advuotores ia Mexico In the course of Journeys of upwards of 3600 miles performed on foot by William W.Carpenter lata of the U. S.

Army. 1 vol Price 76 orate oeived and ter sale by 10 MORTON to GRISWOLD No. 4fl9 Main st. American gm for earn by 13 CtoD HUTCHINGS to CO. American and the highest rates by sit CtoD lgn BUver purchased at HUTCHINGS CO.

CARAT ELECTORAL HRSSLAN STAY LOAN OF 6,725,000. THIS sen Is guarantied by the Government, and eoo-wuetsd by the eminent Banking-H ease of Messrs. M. An Von koTHJCfl ild to Bobs, In PraokJort-an-ihrtMrtn. Hie following capital Prises must be gained vis: 14 $4MKW 66 of $4000 98 0...

96000 60 of 8000 84 Of 82000 180 of 1600 80fo 181 of toe. The smallest Prise is $56 The next Drawiag takes piece Irrevocably on the 1st ef Docsisajut 1864. The price of Tickets is os ftUows: One Ticket $6Slx Tickets $86 Thirty Tickets for Tickets for. $200 Remittances can be made in Bank Notea, Bills or r-afts ra Europe, toe. Each Shareholder wiU receive, five ef expense the Prospectus with full particulars; and after foe Drawing the List of foe successful Numners which will also be published la the leading Journals The Prices will be paid in cash rt Frankfort-en-the-Moine, Paris London New York or New Orleans.

Apply without delay, to STiE9XLSoits Bankers and Merchants, Prankfort-on-tbe-Maine Germany er to their agents Masses. A. Stixbel to Co. Merchants, 83 Nicholas Lane, Lombard street Loodotu F. Remittances which arrive foe late will be re turned to the sender; or.

If be prefers It Shares for foe following Distribution win be forwarded. N. Bn Ths Prospectus ef this Distribution may be Inspected at the oAoe 6t this paper. septdft octdft to oovdSbeforelSth JAMES'S Lost. The Fate, a Tale of Stirring Times, by G.

P. R. James Haq. For sale wholesale and retail by sW MORTON to GRISWOLD. STERLING Exchange, Remittances of 6 and upwards made to any part of Great Britain at best rates.

HUTCHINGS to CO. LOOSE Such Cats, well wadded and silted a very desirable article for winter foreale eg 10 CtoD SOL. HART to CO.S. Tennessee Money for sate 13 CtoD HUTCHINGS to OO. UGAR.

MBtobds fair and 999 hhde prime for sale by B. BUSTARD. CHEESE 100 boxes Western Reserve Cheese Just reeeiwd and for sale by JNO. F. HOWARD to CO.

tft 1 Main between Third and Fourth its. QUCK6L-44 boxes Western Reserve Cheese Just ra ce! ved and for sale by DlhfeOLLTlON OF COPARTNERSHIP. THK copartnership heretofore existing between MOFFETT to FORD In the GENERAL COMMISSION business Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tha business of foe concern wiU be settled by James Ford, tr. who Is authorised to do so.

W. A. MOFFETT, Louisville Boot. 8,1851. JAMES jr.

jamxa roan, jo. chajuxs r. ford. COPARTNERSHIP. TUB undersigned have this day entered Into partnership, under the firm of FORD to (successors to Moffet to Ford for ths purpote of transacting a GENERAL COMMISSION and FORWARDING bustiMm, Particular attention will be given to the sale of Bogging Rope Jeans Linsey and the Produce of the Country generally.

From our acquaintance with the 8outh and by our prompt attention to business, we respectfully solicit the patronage of our friends. PORD to BRO. Office on Wall street formerly occupied by Modeu to Ford. Louisville Sept. 8 1861.

sept 10 d4Awt ANDnr BUCHANAN A OO. SUGAR llOhhds Sugar for sale by ANDW DR. HOT.I.TCKB NEW WORKS. TBH MARRIAGE GUIDE, or Natural History of Geu-sratlon a private instructor for married people aad those about to marry both male and female In ei thing relating to the anatomy and physiology eg the generative tysteas to both saxes and the process eg reproduction; Winding a foil description of everything that Is now known respecting ths prevention and production off coupling, the saasee af the difference in sex, parental fndutum natnral adaptation philosophy off marriage, toe. This is heyud all comparison the moot axtraerdtnary worh phyaielogy ever published.

Thare is nothing whatever that married people oaa alther require or wish to knew but what la folly explained and many matters are Introduced of the most Important aad interesting character to which no clleeUe even cam be found In aay ether mork la our language. All the new discoveries msay of them never before made public are given la foil especially thoae relating to conception and sterility. Nh married person ef either near ehoold be without this booh. Is utterly unlike nay other ever published and the matter It contains can be found nowhere eiso. It contains numerous engravings and colored plates.

Price $1. A Iso, by the same author, the Male Generative Organs, In Health and Disease. Price gl. The Matron's Manual of Midwifery mid the Diseases Women daring pregnancy and childbirth. Price 1.

The Diseases of Women their onuses and cure familiarly explained. Price $1. Also, several othess by Um same anther all of which can be bad of the authorised agents. 18 G. HAGAN to GO.

Fourth fU BUCHANAN to CO. MOLflESFS. 160 bbis Molasses for sale by 13 ANDW BUCHANAN It CO. UGAR-HOCSE Molasses. 86 bbis Bugar-Honee Molaaoea beet brands, for sale by lft ANDW BUCHANAN to CO.

A VALUABLE Presents In all cases where the RltoCTOICAL rtlRlrtOC foils tO CUTS FSVBOS Of any type er grade 'la from two to twenty boon when bought of ue and used according la directions, we will not only refund the money paid for It but wui pveeent to the ladlvtdaal who bought a copy of tho GasmsscM Makualop Health a most valuable family medical work ef more thaa three hundred page. This medicine Is prepared from a single vegetable lately discovered and never before used as a remedy. Meet even yield te It in less than eight hoars. Prepared only by a company of physicians in New Orleans. RAYMOND to FATTkN 74 Fourth st Louisville, 10 Agents for the Northwestern States.

VINEGAR, 8S bbis best Cider Vinegar Just received and for sale by AXIPW BUCHANAN to OO. FauiT-RAistifo Hr Nw Jbbsky. Mr. Geo. W.

Obert of Pennington Mercer county N. J. writes us that be has a peach orchard of 3,300 trees nine years old winch has borne six full crops in succession. It occupies twenty acres of ground. He states that in 1849 his crop cleared $6,000.

The peach crop in general was that year a high $0,000. The peach crop in general destroyed by frost. Tne orchard i handsome majority given is proof positive that the project has but few enemies in the city of Louisville; and, being partial to the enterprise, I have taken the liberty to submit the following BOURBON Whisky. 47 bbis Bourbon Whisky Just received and tor sale by ANOW BUCHANAN to OO. GRECIAN FANCHERONIAN DROPS, A SURE and safe remedy for sad will positively cure the Sick Headache, Chills and Fever, Jaundice, Dyw pspsia.

Chronic Dlarrbcra, Bee-Stokoees, Cholera, and Cholera infantum, and restore a healthy action to the Liver without a particle ef Catomet, Mercury, Quinine or Morphine entering info their compound. They do not purport to be a remedy for ell manner of diseases fort flesh la heir to but experience warrants os la saying the above they will positively core. They will also correct all derangements of ths stomach and relieve from those aches and pains throughout tha system commonly called Rheumatic. It Is ra excellent remedy for foe Gravel, aad as a Vermifuge or Worm Medicine there is none better. Prepared only by Dr.

J. S. Paweno 140 Fulton street, New York a few doors from Broadway. For aale wholesale and retail by Geo W. Straw Wholesale Agent at No 19 Fifth street, between Mein and Walnut south side Cincinnati; J.

R. Meotgomury to Oo. 609 Main street, and John W. Gamble to 401 Mata street, Agents Louisville, Ky. mar 8 aod weowly LAJI KB ftteelery.

oeived STAR CiaflM.50 boxes Star Candles for sale by AND BUCHANAN to CO. COPARTN ERSHIP. 77ie underatgued have this day formed a copartnership under the stjle of E. WEBB to HUSTON, end will continue the GENERAL AGBNCt COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING BISI-NEfiS, on Third street, between Main and Water. The subscribers will also oomiuue the Cotton, Tobacco, and Produce Brokerage and the agencies of the Ohio, New Tork and Pennsylvania Canals.

Particular attention will be paid to Receiving and Forwarding Goods and to selling Produce and Merchandise (Cotton excepted) seat to our address. E. WEBB, Sept ft, 1861 WILLIAM B. HUSTON. northern exp blossoming til O.

states that be put out 500 apple trees last of the choicest kinds and that he did not spring, rpOBACOO- 100 boxes Edwardss Chewing Tobacco for sate by 18j BAW8QN BACON to OO. STARCH. 16 boxes Pearl Starch for sale by lft AKDW BUCHANAN to 00. XJAIL 1600 kegs for sale by jl 18 RAW8QX BAOOX, to 00, -A superb slock has Just boon re- Mode ooiored spun 8Uk Hose; Black do do do, fleecy lined; Saxony Wool Hose; Arnes km Wool Huee; Lama Wool Hose, Derty ribbed; Biecfc Moravian Cotton Hose; White and brown English Cotton Hosa; Heavy Peart SUk Hosa; White Silk Hose, open-worked Mode ooiored Cotton Hose; White aod colored LislaThraed Hose. We am ore the ladles that our assortment Is oom pi ets, embracing every desirable kind ef Hoe and the pries le such ae canuot fall to please all who call.

10 TAYLOR to RAYMQN 48 Main st. TIN-PLATE Tf bases Tin-Plate beet brands foe sale by 1 AXDW BUCHANAN to CO. Wall rt. lose one of the trees. Several of them produced apples the same season, 46ay Cultivator, ing.

They are anxiously making President is bound by the law and by his oath to prevent such expeditions, when the notorious fact is that he did not prevent this ill-starred one. The President did not do what his friends are so anxious to prove it was bis duty to have done. Democrat. The New Orleans collector wss an officer whom the President trusted and whom the people of New Orleans trusted. There was no reason to believe that he would fail to execute any orders given to him by the government.

The President gave him and peremptory orders to prevent the sailing of any vessel upon a Cuba ex pedition. Of course the President expected, and had a right to expect, that the order would he rigorously carried out by the collector. The collector however failed in the discharge of his duty, permitted the Pampero to sail for Cuba, and has been properly punished for his delinquency. Of all the collectors in the United States, to whom the President gave orders to prevent the sailing of vessels for the invasion of Cuba, the late collector at New Orleans is, so far as is known, the only one that has been guilty of a violation of orders. No possible vigilance on the part of a President can be expected to insure the per formance of duty on the part of every subordinate officer.

The Democrat asks, in reference to the sailing of the Pampero, if it is the dulyof the President to stop such expeditions, why is it not done? A great deal of stealing of money was done under the Locofoco administrations by the subordinate officers of government, but we cannot remember that our neighbor then asked, if it is the duty of the President to prevent stealing, why is it not done? Newspapers as well as commercial ports have collectors. We presume our neighbor of the Democrat considers that he does his duty to himself if he appoints as his collectors men in whom he has full confidence, gives them stringent orders, and promptly dismisses every one that he finds unfaithful. In like manner the President does his duty to the country when he appoints as collectors men in whom he and the public confide, prescribes to them plainly the duties to be performed, and forthwith turns them out for disobedience of orders. The Democrats vituperation of the President because a single collector of a port chose to disobey his positive instructions and to permit the sailing of an illegal expedition is illiberal, unjust, and utterly unworthy of an editor of respectable standing. What could the President properly do beyond giving strict orders to the constituted local authorities and trusting to those authorities for their execution? If he had done or attempted to do more, would not such papers as the Louisville Democrat have been the first and loudest to denounce him as going beyond the line of his official duty? Th Democrat speaks as if the President had nof prevented expeditions to Cuba.

Indeed it asserts that he has not prevented them. But he hoc. But tor the interference of the Administration, expeditions would long since have sailed for Cuba from all parts of the United States. We should suppose that the Locofoco editors would be reluctant even to speak or to hear the name of Cuba. They cannot but feel in their hearts that they themselves, in defiance of their countrys laws and of the faith of nations, incited an insane enterprise which has resulted, as all reflecting men predicted that it would result, in the butchery and imprisonment of hundreds of the poor deluded dupes of their misrepresentations.

C9FBS i 76 bags old Government Java; FLOUR! FLOUR) FLOUR! ON band constantly Flour of the beet brands and for sals low at No. 48 Third street. 1ft H. O. FATE to OO.

10 Mocha Ooffee; 96 do Lagnayra Coffee; Just received aud for sale by i a faTnAdvertieemenio are inserted in the order io which they arehanded io and, unless handed io by 4 are liable to be left over FONDA to MORRIS. 90 KANAWHA Balt for sale at No. 43 Third street. CFProdoce and Merchandise taken In exchange. I dd H.

C. FATE to OO. GENTS KJd Gloves. 100 dosen gents Rid Gloves, white, ooiored aad black, of aU tiers, have been re- SfiQO REWARD. Ran away from tha subscriber living ta Shelby oounty, Ky on Tuesday, tbeftdtnsL, a Negro Man named BERRY about 88 years old 6foot7 Inches higb, eoel black.

Was l.u,) bought, to Baltimore of R. Oampboll. No scare recollected except ratae jew. Quick spoken, and bed on when he left a blue cotton shirt, white cotton pants and peeoele I wiU give the above reward for his delivery to me If taken out of ths state, $66 if taken la foe State, or $96 11 taken la foe mraty of Shelby, rt deodtowtf PIERCE GRIFFIN. TAYLOR to RAYMOND.

oeived by slO hags Pepper; 10 bags AUapIca; 10 do race Ginger and 4 hags ground Ginger; 100 mats Cinnamon; I bbi Oievse; 1 bH Nutmegs; just received aad for sale by 18 FONDA to MORRIS. QILBERTH BOUDOIR FIAJTOS. CURRANTB-X) casks Rants Currants Just received aud foreale by 18J FONDA to MORRIS. CHILDRENS Hosiery. Received by express a choice and varied assortment mimes and boys Hosiery White, brown and striped Half Boon for boys; Do, do do do Bom for misses; Striped and plain Worsted do do; Black white, and gray Lambs Wool Hoea, for misses.

10 TAYLOR to RAYMOND. 80 barrels soft shell Almonds; 6 do Filberts; Just received and for sale by FONDA to MORRIS. SHELLED Almonds, toe-30 boxes ahstled Ai moods; 100 IS Hsrrings; just received aad for sale by FONDA to MORRIS. Sec. 2.

That if any person shall within the territory or jurisdiction ot the United States, enlist or enter himself, or go be ond the limits or jurisdiction of the United States with intent to be enlisted or entered in the service of any foreign prince State colony, district or people as a soldier or as a marine or seaman on hoard of any vessel of war letter of marque or privateer every person so otfending shall he deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor and shall he fined not exceeding one thousand dollars and imprisoned not exceeding three years. Sec. b. That if any person shall within the territory or jurisdiction of the United States, begin or set on foot or provide or prepare the means for any military expedition or enterprise, to be carried on from thence against the territory or dominions of any ioreign prince or State or of any colony or people with whom the United States are at peace every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor and shall be fined not exceeding three thousand dollars, and imprisoned not more than three years. In open violation of this law a large public meeting has been held at this court-house a few weeks since professedly and notoriously having for its principal object the raising of money by voluntary contributions to equip men and send them off in detailed numbers to he afterward organized at New Orleans or beyond there into companies and regiments, and to act in array in conjunction with others thus to invai Cuba overthrow its government and establish another.

This was done in contempt and open defiance of our treaties with a foreign nation with which we have much commerce and a deep interest to maintain peace. In all our relation with Spain for more than thirty years she has fairly nd fully observed the faith of her treaty stipulations with the United States nor can we violate these treaties without national disgrace. On their observance depends our honorable standing among civilized nations of the earth. It is idle to suppose that other nations will respect our institutions if our government is so weak that our laws may be disregarded at pleasure by disorderly and lawless mobs that solemn treaties may be violated, foreign consuls be driven from the country and the subjects of foreign nations residing in our seaports under ex press treaty stipulations be moobed and their property destroyed. That such has been the case at New Orleans within a few weeks past we all know.

There the law is trodden under foot and that is the headquarters to which our people are invited. It is the imperious duty of the federal courts and the district attorneys representing the United States in the several districts to act and to suppress crimes arising under the act of 1818. If they fail to perform this duty as part of the government little can be done by the President; as no power to punish rests with him. That the Piesident has not been enabled to enforce the act of 18l8, at New Orleans up to our latest accounts from there is too manifest for contradiction; there the law stands unexecu ted and the question tor your consideration is. whether we here, are to treat it as a dead letter also? So far in the history of Teunessee a deservedly high character has been ma.ntained to: the certainty tod ease with which we have administered and executed the criminal laws, both in the State and federal courts and it is our duty to act as we have always previously done and firmly punish as criminals all those who have done acts that are made criminal by the standing laws.

See who it is that has or set on foot, or provided means or prepared the means for use or transportation when piovidedjor who has transported men or means for this enterprise of invading Cuba and indict them. The attorney for the United States Will aid you in reducing your presentments to the technical form. The providing of money of provisions of clothes or arms or munitious of war and the transportation of troops by steamboats or otbei vessels, are ail iuriiciablefand punishable by a fine of $3000 and by imprisonment in the common jail for three years. The law governing you as a grand jury is that you may indict on the knowledge and information ot one of your own body. Such is the rule in the State courts and your power and duties are the same.

And it is your especial duty to act on the indictments and evidence to support them sent up to you by tbs attorney of the United States as on him devolves the onerous duty of causing the laws to be executed. Another circumstance will be brought to your notice. Witnesses may he sent to you who will refuse to testify because their evidence might tend to cnm.nate themselves. Against giving such evidence a witness is protected but htf is bound to testify against all others fully and fairly, regardless of his own opinions or wishes on tiie subject and should a witness refuse you will report the fact of his refusal and the reasons ass gned for it to the court through your foreman; so that tha court may decide to what extent the witness is bound to answer and how far he is protected. Under no other circumstances will you disclose what is said or done in the jury room.

Should a witness state facts that unpli- Li i a BOARDmO-SCHOOIi. Madame chegabat8 hoarding and day School for Toung Ladles 8. W. corner of Madteoa av. and Twenty-Eighth su.

New York. Madame Chege-ray respectfully Informs ths parents and guardians of her pupils and the public that the above inxtttation win be reopened eu Monday, September 16, 1861. In point of salubrity and tranquillity the situation fo establishment le unsurpassed. uim FLOUR. A Hm lot of superfine Flour, from Tele-grap Mills G.

8. Millers stamp tn store and for ale by 8 dfi H. C. PATE fc 00. No.

48 Third st. BURNETS PATENT WATER COOLER. PATENTED 1861. A NEW AND VALUABLE INTENTION. We have invented and are cod-etantly manufacturing anew article of Patent Water Coolers, which are Indispensable tn Hotels, Steam Boats, Bar Rooms Offioee, aod Private Houses.

These Coolers are made to hold, from three to twenty -tire gallons of water. They have been ta use for over two t-eis, and have given tho greatest satisfaction wherever tried. Those Interested can see them in use In nearly every Hotel ta Cincinnati, and on board most of tha Ohio steamboats. They are also ta use ta many private families in tbta city names of which will be given to any who may wish to purchase. The advantages possessed by these Coolers over all others (ever Introduced) are these: By means of them water can be kept cold longer and with less Ice than by any arrangement now tn use.

They a beautiful ornament fo a dining room being Japanned In the handsomest style. One bolding three gallons of water will with five pounds of ice, keep the water ooM (or the ice itself at least 34 hours. As this Cooler neverrmeofs it has adeetded advantage over the earthen Jer. A11 the trouble required to manage tbem Is to fill them In the morning with water, put in the Ice, and the water will remain perfectly cold 34 hours without being replenished with loe. Made and for sale at Burnet's house furnishing establishment, No.

14 Bsst Fourth Street, Cincinnati Ohio. Also for sale at JOHN GILLS 468 Mata street, Louisville, Ey. apr4 dtf NEW BOOkft. COSMOS; a Sketch A Physical Description of foe Universe; by Alexander Von Humboldt. Prertk Gleanings by ik Marvel.

Bunbeeau and Shadows and Bods and Blossoms or Leaves from Aunt Minnies Port-Folio by George A. Boise. Saxes Poems Poems, by John G. 3axe third edition. Rena or the Snow Bird a Tele of Real Life, by the author of Linda, the Mob Cap, foe Peddler toe.

Travels in the United States during 1848 and 1860 by foe Lady Emetine Stuart Wortiey. Life aod Manners Voi. 6 of De Qulneeys Writings. Mosses fnm an Old Manse by Hawthorne. Curran and his Contemporaries, by Chas.

Phillips, Esq. Just received and for sale by HARWELL to 10 461 Main st. 84 door above Fifth. DR. S.

D. HOWES SHAKER SARSAPARILLA, TXB POOR BfiAJPB FKHUTD! cured my eyes after every thing else ailed HI PROOF! Cl wrap ATI April 3, I860. Dr. Howe Dear SIR Allow me to ssy a few words In ro-ferenco to your prepwuUon of Shaker Sarparllia. 1 have for foe last two yeara been afflicted with sore eyes.

1 bad tried every preparaurt of the so-called Sarsaparilla without the least affect whatever until 1 was advised by a friend to try Dr. Howes preparation. He said he had examined your recipe ami kiww for a certainty that you used tne Honduras Sarsaparilla. Having confidence In my friend I thought I would try it. 1 have used ta all at this time three bottles and you would be astonished at the sight.

My eyes are now nearly well my whole system Invigorated and In fact I feel like another man. So great Is the change for foe better that I have no hesitation In saying that 1 mutt cheerfully woe id recommend your Shaker Sants pari Us above all others. If you think proper te publish this, you can do so for I am willing to satisfy any person ef the truth of the above HAMILTON POTTER. Bear ia Mind! This the only Sarsaparilla that acts in the Live Kidneys sod Blosd, at tbs same time which renders together more valuable to every one particularly Females. Phyulclana Recommend Dr.

Museey Professor In the Ohio Medical College the Shaker preparations are truly valuable and racer mends them to the public. No Mercury- no Mineral no Poisonous Drugs In Shaker Sarsaparilla. Remember, It is warranted to be purely and entirely rtahie and as a Female and Family medicine it hae equal. Be sura you Inquire for Dr. 8.

D. Howes SbakerSa partlla. Fries $1 per bottle and six bottles for $6. Dr. 8.

D. HOWB Proprietor. SCTGLTTnnB, VttLLIflm, A OO. wbotMi Keanu for A ec tucky. For sale also by druggists generally morfil Send ly w4Awnwty REMOVAL.

WB bave removed our stock of GROCERIES to the Stare Souse recently occupied by Wm. Terry No. 618, north side of Main, betweeo Third and Fourth streets, and next door fo Jarvis Trabue, to Co. where we will continue the WHOLESALE GROCERY and COMMISSION business. Having a large stock of Groceries we will be enabled to offer Inducements to merchants purchasing in this market, and solicit a call from them as well as our old friends and customers.

10 FIELDER to JACK. 1 beve this day received six of the above-named magnificent instruments. Their style of construction, unique aad vompact, readers the tone, smooth, rich, and powerful beyond the probability of being fully appreciated until heard. These Pianos occupy but about hall the room usually required for the common square Plano which Is an Important consideration for those who may wish to u)oy the luxury ol a Piano-Forte in a small parlor or whore they Duty wish to devote It mostly to other purposes. Purchasers and ail others interested are respectfully Invited to call and examine them and decide upon their merits for themselves.

We ere also agents for the sals of the following oele-brat'-d manufacture, namely: Jooas Chlckering, Boston, grand and square, plain aud carved; Haliet, Davis, to Boston, with and without Pollan attachment; Wm. Hall to Sons, New York together with several other manufactures; which wiU be duly runred en the arrival of the instruments. A weU-eelected stock of Pianos will always be found st our store from the lowest prices of 6 octaves square up to full grand and carved Chlckering ai $1,000. t3Piatios toned and repaired at shortest notice and Music bound in the bast manner. 83lnstruments ot every style always on hand at lowest prices.

G. W. BKAINARD A Publishers and Dealers In Sheet Music, wholesale sift and retail No. 1 17 Fourth et. Moaart Bui idlng.

NSW FAUi AND WINTER GOODS, WE are bow iu receipt uf ta greater pen too e( oar Fall aad Winter Goods which have been selected from the latest importations tn tho Eastern cities. We ask ths attention of our rri ends and ths public to our stock believing that wo can off-r aa great Inducement to tbem ta make their purchases uf us ae any other house Iu the West- Rich figured and chameleon Silks; Rich Satin and piatd Do Ohene; Chameleon brocade SUk and Poult de Sole; Superior do; Colored Gro de Xsps; MarceMoe; Superior black figured aod plain Silks; Parts DemupohuiMiAnd painted De Lalaem Paris embroidered do; Do do Cashmeres; Bonnet and Belt Ribbons; Embroidered Gapes Collars, and Sleeves; ladles and gents Kid and SUk Gloves; Preach Mori Does; Hosiery ail qualities; Irish Linens and Linen Diapers; Bleached and brown Cottons; Cloths Casslmeros and Satinets; Plain and piatd Unsfys; White red, aod yellow Flannels; Super French pink buff, green, and scarlet Flannels; Plain and embroidered Thibet Shawls Super plain black SUk do; 7-4, fl-S, 10-4, aad U-4 hi racked aud English aad American Prints; Paper aod English Cambrics; Swiss Mall Jaconet, and Hook Muslins; fo, do do Edging and fnsrnlnc Thread aad Lisle do do dot Checks and Red Ticking; French American and BngHah Glnahamef With avsry article foanfl tn a complete stock of Dry flood. SOOBEE to HALL, 18 471 Market ato between Third and Fourth. GUTSOTTti lJUiiOVJtD JCXrHAOr YELLOW POCK ANP SAHOAPAEILLA IS now pat op In the lerg eet-elsed bottles and Is so-knoa lodged to be ths best SarsaparlU mods, as le certified by ths wonderful cures It hae perforated the original ooplee of which are In ths possession of the proprietor. jfccmoiahor4hls le ths only true and original ar-ticie.

TH BEST FEMALE MEDtOfX EXOWXI Incipient Conenmptioo, Barrenness, Lucorrhea or Whites, Irregular Menstruation Incontinence of Urine aod general gloon) state of ito4 are cured bjr Or. Quy-eotts Extract of Tsllow Dock and Sarsaparilla which gives immediate relief by renewing ths foondatloa of health and strength tbs blood. It neutralises bad humors, tope unnatural secretions and glvsa healthy action to all ths vital powers. Tbs afflicted msy rest assured that thsra Is not ths least particle of Mineral Mercurial or any other poisonous subotanca In this medicine It Is perfectly bann-IStoS, and may be administered to persons la the very weakest stages of sickness or to the most helpless infants without doing ths least Injury and is a certain cars for ail FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Ths peculiar maladies to which females are subject commonly produos great bodily exhaustion accompanied by a depressed and often gloomy stats of mind.

As ths system declines in strength, there Is a loss of nervous power and this very naturally Impairs the energy of the mind and disturbs the equanimity of the temper. Every candid woman who has suffered from female cumplaiuts will admit this to be the mournful truth. Xow, to ootam relief, It Is only necessary to stop the tendency to depletion and debility. This is dene by renewing, that fountain of health and strength the blood aod no medicine accomplishes this desi able result so speedily and complete as Dr. Uayeotts Improved Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.

Ladies of pale oomplexion and consumptive habits and ueb as are debilitated by those obstructions which females are liable to are restored by tbs use of a bottle or two to bloom and to vigor. Dr. Guy setts Improved Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is a sure remedy for Hereditary Taint. FeouOea Etsf the Following. NtWAir, N.

J. January IS. Mr. Bennett: We take pleasure instating that your Teilow Duck Sarsaparilla gives grt-at satisfaction in every ease. a very respectable gentleman Informed us that his daughter wss troubled with difficult menstrnaUon aod other diseases peculiar to her sex.

She had not bad her regular meustrual discharge for a long time hut by the use of Dr. Guyotts Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla was radically cured. She used Townsends and others without receiving the slightest benefit. He had one daughter die from the same cause. I.

E. TftiPP to GO. Hixmabsvillk Oswego county May, 1648. So Bennetts Dear bin 1 purchased, a short time aco a bottle of your Yellow Dock and flarrcpai Ilia for my wife which she has used for her complaint Erysipelas and Weakness Falling of tha Wpmb etc. and It has already helped her very much.

Of the Erysipelas has effected nearly a cure. 1 have Just purchased a second bottle and Judging from the effect of the former feel confident that It will effect a perfect care. Tours very respectfully x. ooBtmx. lx bottles for $5.

Bold by A Sutcliffe, McAllister to Go. Louisville W. L. Crutcher, Frsnkfortt C. G.

Norton, Lexington Beaton to Sharpe Mayavillei J. J. Youngiove Bowling Grea Ogle to Holmes, Owensboro; B. Berry Nashville, Teun. Crawford Beil Evansville; D.

Oraigbead Indianapolis; J. K. Cuuningham Terrs Haute Lawrence to Bon Lafayette; Scovil to Mead New Orleans H. Blakestey to Go. St.

Louis. si deodtoweow FOR Rent The three-story Brick Store-House on the north side of Main, between Third and Fourth streets No. 636, is for rent. session given immediately. Apply to FIELDER to JACK No.

618 north side Main street next door to Jarvis Trabue to Co.s. 10 remarks for what they are worth. I noticed in your paper, a few days since, that the books for subscription of stock in the Louisville and Nashville railroad have been opened by the commissioners, and more than the requisite amount of stock to organise the company bad been subscribed on the 4th and that the commissioners have fixed on the 20th to hold an election -gt the mayors office in this city for a president and board of directors. This election is in my opinion a very important item in the success of this road. If the president and directors be composed of men competent-to the undertaking, you will succeed.

If composed of men incompetent, you will embarrass this great undertaking. You want men of business, aud, iu my humble opinion, they ought to be composed of farmers, mechanics, and merchants. At the head of this board you want a president well skilled in the -business operations of the country, well acquainted with finance in all its bearings on commerce, who stands high as an industrious, honorable, and punctual man. We have many gentlemen in Louisville who would discharge the duties faithfully, but we should for this great enterprise call to our aid the best talents that can be procured. Hence the necess.ty to look around in time for the proper person before the election comes on.

I care not by whose mind those operations are directed it is immaterial, so that the undertaking is successful and reflect back on the citizens ol Louisville the honor and credit they are so em -nently entitled to fpr their liberal views and action on this subject. I have heard the names of many praiseworthy gentlemen our city mentioned, ail of whom, if honored, would do their duty. Among them I have frequently heard Mr. Shotwell favorably mentioned. The writer of this communication has been acquainted with Mr.

Shotwell since he was a small boy, and can most cordially recommend him. He ia honest, industrious, prompt, and honorable in all his dealings, and, as a merchant, he is No. 1 in our city, and is altogether entitled to the very high consideration of our citizens as a man of worth. A FRIEND TO LOUISVILLE. For the Louisville Journal.

THE DICTIONARY RUMPUS. Missas. Editors: Since you seem disinclined to say anything more yourselves, or to allow me to write any more about the pendulum experiment, and aince I do not see that there is much to be gamed by bringing up the subject again, as from all I hear I am inclined to think the thing exploded or that it has swung itself not only the wrong way, but out of the minds of half the people; and, since the learned in Washington nave discovered a new and better method of illustrating the earths motion by means of a cartwheel; and since our old fi iend. Geo. C.

Davies, now a resident of Cincinnati, has discovered another new and improved way, by means of a nicely balanced yard-stick; since all these things are so, or seem to be, pray allow me to say a few words on another subject, provided, always, I am not too much trouble; and that is the great kick-up which Messrs. Irving, Bancroft, Bryant, A Co. have managed to make against the general use of Websters Dictionaryl to be sure. These gentlemen have made themselves large names by their writings, and of courae an oh-jedtion coming from them would have great weight with some persons. But what ara the facts of the case respecting these gentlemen? Irving is the only one ol them whose works entitle him to the ownership of any authority in the orthographical world of letters, and Irving it one of Weotiert anthoritiet tu the compilation of hie book.

Now it looks well, dont it, in a man of his standing in the world to oppose the general use of a book in which he is stated to be one of the principal authorities. I suppose, however, that aU the words are not spelled exactly as he would have them; he thinks he should have the lions portion in the book; i. all of it. He thinks, or acts as if he did, that there are no other men in the Western world whose works give them a clear title to authority no such men as Adams, ay, Dwight, Hare, and Franklin have any business to spell differently from him. He is, I doubt not, worthy the name Addison of America, but even his great prototype was not the only authority for the orthography of words in England.

As for Bancroft, he has been just long enough at the court of St. James to become infatuatedly delighted and delightedly infatuated with every thing which can point to the land of cockneys aa its source; and of coursd Walker or Johnson or anybody else, if an Englishman, can make a book to suit him. Bryant need not say anything against the book on the score of orthography at all, for one dictionary ia as good as another for a poet (present company always excepted). The book that Med in will do as Chaucer spelled in will do as well for Bryant as TABLE aod Packet Cutlery. We have Just received a large invoice of Table aod Pocket Cutlery direct front Sheffield to which we ask the attention ef buyers oow ia the market.

sift SHHBTB, ANDERSON fc THOMAS, JOHN A. MORRIS, XTa APOTHECARY and DRUGGIST, AT BIS OLD STAND, Northwest coroer Wain at aad Third streets. TAKES pleasure ta Informing hit customers sod foe public st large that be has Just received a lull as sortnwnt of FRESH DRUGS from ths East and, having bis residence In the rear of his store. Is prepared at slL -urT igii weft mm vt tne trey re attend ra per son to putting up aU prescriptions that he may be favored with. Jyll dlf renew WHOLESALE FURNITURE FACTORY.

HAVING completed my removal from the warehouse on Third street to my factory en the southeast oorner of Jeffbr-1 sou aod Ninth streets, 1 now have on hands targe and general assortment of Cabinet Furniture all fresh work being made within the past four aod live weeks af seasoned material, lata and approved styles aad seiertHe qualities. Cabinet makers and dealers are soUctied to call aod examine my stock, aod givs their orders for fall supplies. BEN. F. CAWTHON, 10 Wholesale Maaotacturer, rjlURKVff ieiaad Bolt.

1,700 bags received and for 4. sale by 19 OMT TOW ATRHfHUW, St CO. Htesm-Bugine, iu origin and gradual improvi from the time of Hero to the present day; as adapted to Manufactures, Locomotive and Navigation. By P. R.

Hodge 0. R. with numerous explanatory wood-cats and a large folio volume containing forty-eight pistes. Poor copies of this fine work on hand and for tale by 13 MORTON to GRISWOLD. NSW Vail aa4 Wlat.r Dry Mi The en Inert- ben are now ta receipt of a large unusually attractive stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods to which they respectfully call the attention of their friends aod merchants who intend purchasing In this market.

ept 1 wfifeeudfiw LRIGHT, HITE, to OO. IfORflB GtUSRNSBV; WHOLHBAsM ANA RETAIL DEALER IN P1AXO-FCMTR AND MBLDDRUN FiAXO JVb. 67 lfntr4 street. Stow sms Mrta end MSarket. Wo arc still receiving Instruments from tho bsst makers In tho east and haw now than twenty of the choicest kinds on hand to which wo invite the attention of purchasers and the trade generally.

Wo have beautiful 6-octave rosewood Pianos tor $300; and 7-octavo for $360. Wo have also a few superior Piauoa ou hand to which ws particularly invito the attention of the -N. E. We are the eoie agents for Btodarts Pianos In this city aod srs daily expecting one of thoae beautiful pearl hayed so universally admired by tho Iodise. 18 A VALUABLE Beak fer Nethtnglu all where Daviess Tetter Ointment toils to rare Tetter Salt Rheum Barbers itch Common Itch, Old Sores Pimples, toe.

when bought of ns and used according to the directions, we will not only refund the money paid for It but will present to the Individual who bought It a copy of foe Graffhnberg Manual of Health, a most valuable family medical work of more than 900 pages. RAYMOND to PATTEN, Agents, 10 74 Fourth st. CHARCOAL I re. Charcoal Iron of superior quail ty, from blooms mads by ourselves frm Missouri Iron Mountain metal on hand and made fo order. LOUISVILLE ROLLING MILL CO.

IS YOUR PROPERTY INSURED? If not please call upon foe nnderslgned, who Is Agent for one of the oldest assd fglff Lraaf responstbls Cempcmss the Untied States, THE PROTECTION INSURANCE COIPANI Of Hartford, Conn. FIRE, INLJKD, JtSD MJtRIXE RISKS Taken on the most favorable terms by TUOS. W. ANDREWS, Agent. CTOfflce No.

479 south side of Main street-4 doors west of Fourth street. rt dlmls EICHAGE AND BANKING HOUSE OF W.B. CULVER No. 441 Main street between Fifth. sod Sixth.

Prompt attention given to all collections In any par of the Union. KKxchsnge on the East and South bought and sold best terms. SIAMESE Coats. A superior lot Just finished, comprising every variety of color for sale very cheap at SOL. HART to 0.

wholesale. 10 CtoD SUPERIOR CLOTHS AND CLOTHING. EH. GOSNRLL No. 498 Market street, near Fourth, begs leave respectfully to Inform his friends sod the public generally that he Is tn receipt of a superior stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS which be will have made up to order La best and most fashionable stle.

He feels assured that ths market cannot produce a better assortment thaa bo now has consisting of Cloths Cassimeres, Votings and an extensive lot of Readymade Clothing equal to any ever brought to the city. His stock has been selected with the utmost care and bis style of workmanship will oompare with that of the most fashionable aad the most expensive in Louisville or any other city. He will be pleased to serve bis old friends and to increase the number of fits customers. N. Bn WlUlemss Reports of Fashions for Fall sod Winter Just received and for sale.

an LOUISVILLE ROLLING-MILL. COUNTRY Merchants in want of Iron are requested to I examine our stock before purchasing. Our Iron Is I admitted to be superior to any manufactured ta the West and commands a preference wherever tt has been Intro duced. Warehouse No. 460 Main street, oorner of Fifth.

T. 0. COLEMAN, Prest. tLOTH Cleaka. A handsome lot Just finished and 1 for sale at 10 CtoD SOL.

HART to CO.S 468 Main st. MBLODXONS AND MELODEON PIANOS. WE have on band a large and sptoodid stock of Me-todeons and Melodeoa Fianoa from the manufao tovy of March to White and for variety of style and sixes eqnai to any stock in tho Uuttsd States. Great Improvement has bees made upon ths original Invention, and It Is now genet ally conceded that they make tho best reed instruments la the country both for olegaaoo of cnifh and richness and beauty of tone and touch. The above lestrumenu arc Intended for Parlor Lodge Rooms Churches and Singing Societies and ars the cheapest and best Parlor Instruments extant.

Orders from a distance faithfully and pnnatnally attended to. MORSE to GURRNSET 18 67 Third st. between Main and Market. FRENCH Damns Chints, saperier qnnllly. We ere ta receipt this day ef 3 cases beautiful buff and drab Damask Chints for various kinds of drapery For sale low by sfl) HUB to SMALL.

KTennessee money bought and sold. 0-1 "Indiana, Ohio, Virginia and North piHOCOLATE toe. 30 boxes Sweet Chocolate; 13 do Coooo; 60 do New York Mustard; Just received and for sale by TEN Dollars Reward. The subscriber will psy the shove reward for the delivery to E. S.

Worthington, Esq. In fouiirlUe, of a slave named JAMBS MADlbON, frequently known by the os- Mmi wQtractlon oC either name. He is a mulatto about 17 yeara old, stout and well-grown. Said negro is supposed to be dodging about Um city 18 dl THOMAS J. MOORE.

FONDA to MORRIS. OLIVER fr OEAimON, WHOLESALE GROCkRd AND OUMMlfidlON MKR-c heats. No. 866 Main street beween Sixth aod Seventh have in store and offer foreale Iowa large end general assortment of GROCERIES aod LIQUORS of ths best quality. The following comprises a portion of their SEED Earley.

300 bushels 8eed Barley received and for sale by BngHah Broaaa Carpet, at SX 50 per yd. RECEIVED this morntng a large lot of real EuglUb Brussel Carpets, which we shall offer at the low pries of 60 per yard. We are alee ta receipt, by the same arrival, of English Tapestry Carpets; Do 8 and 3 ply do American 8 and 3 ply do; With 4 full assortment ot all other grades of Carpeting; which we are determined to offer at greatly reduced prt-ees. Purchasers ta pursuit of bargains will consult their Interest by examining onr stock, as ws will take great pleasure ta exhibiting ou large and varied assortment fo all who may favor us with call. BENT DUYALL to CO.

8 Main near Third. SEED Wheal SOSboshela Golden Chop Wheat, very superior aod productive; also 100 bushels May Wheat reoelved and for sale by 18 BTRAM to SHRETE. pLOTHS, Camlmerea Vestings, fee. We are now to receipt of our tall supplies of Cloths, Casslmeres Vestings amoug which will be found 10 pieces extra French Black Cloth; 30 do medium do do do; 10 do extra fine brown do; 10 do blue do; 100 do Casslmeres, plain and fancy; 30 do do black; 90 do fancy Wooleu Vestings; 10 do plain black Satin do; 36 do fancy Silk and Satin Vestings; With a heavy end complete stock of Satinets Jeans Blankets Feit Cloths and fine Overcoating; which ws ofier to the trade upon the most favorable terras. 9 BMORT LOW to CO.

T9 Lease lor SO Years. A large and One Lot on tbs northwest corner af Chestnut and Kighth streets fronting SO feet on Chestnut by 164 deep on Eighth street to an alley. It is a high druid beautiful lot aod will make either uue or two good sites for family residences, being In a highly Improved aod good neighborhood- will bo leased low to a tenant who oan Improve it p.operly. Apply to J. W.

BREDEX, 18 dS Real Estate Agent Fifth street. FADES art celvsd and for sals by dosoa Amess just rw R. J. ORMSBT, ft 664 Rain sL between Seooud and Third. TO Ship-Carpenters.

Wattss Ship Axes mid Adses Caulking irons and Mallets on hand and for nale by 13 R. J. ORMSBY. 40 hbde prime New Orleans Sugar; 60 barrels Crushed Powdered, end Loaf Sneer; 60 do and half bbis Piestattoa Molasses; 86 do do do do Sugar-House do; 46 do do do do Nos. 1 8 and 8 Mackerel; 100 bags prims green Rio Coffee; 86 do old Java do; 100 packages super Gunpowder Tea; 160 boxes Star aod Pressed Candles; 60 do Dudleys and Warricks Chewing Tobacco; 160 do fine Spanish Cigars; loo do Window-Glass assorted rises; 60 do assorted Candy; 300 kegs Nails assorted sises; 100 bags Hope and Maysvliie Cotton Yarn; 60 bales No.

1 Cotton Batting; 100 doses painted Buckets; 46 bbis old oopper distilled Whisky; 86 casks choice Wines aad Brandies. Also, Bsleratas, Indigo, Madder Alum Copperas, Starch Powder, fihet Lead, Mustard Blacking Cap and Letter Paper, Black Ink Wrapping Paper, Pereussioo Ups, b4 -Cords, Soda, Matches Allspice, Pepper Gl-ger Wash-Boards painted Tubs, toe, st i Rich Fancy and Staple Dry Oooda. WE ars this mormug placed iu receipt of a superb as- I ortment of rich Fancy and Staple Goods, comprising many of the most elegant goods imported to this country this season all of which we ofltr at the lowest prices. a8 BENT DUVALL to CO. COOP ERE Teals.

Truss Hoops (from 10 to 83), Drawiag Entvss, Axes, Adses Braces, Bits Jolnt era Sac. on band and for sals low by 18 1 R. 9. OR If BBT. CAUTION TO TRAVELERS.

THIS is to warn all travelers, and every man who has a new coat, aud values ths possession of said coat aud dout want said coat feloniously taken from him without any other process than that of a dull Joke to watch aid useful article of clothing when they travel on the Empire State as 1 lost a bran new cloth coat worth about twenty dollars Methodist cut through the Jesting propensities of the under officers of said boat the captain being a gentleman no wise participating In the joke. They took my coat in a Joke, they hid it In a Joke, and kept It iu a Joke and thus tote It in a Joke and I there-tore warn all booest men of such Jokers, This Joke can be certified to by a number of fellow passengers. 18 PAUL. BROWN aad Bleached MaaUas. 30 bales Indian Head brand; 30 do Stark Mills do; 0 do Lancaster do; 10 do Oregon; do; 36 do 7-8 brown 10 do Sea Island bleached; 10 do U.S.A.

do; 6 do Empire State do 6 do Plymouth do 6 do Blweil do; With a good stock of brown and bleached Drills; for sale low by 9 BMORT LOW to CO. JIRK-f ROOF Halo -I Counting-room Fire-Proof Sate ou band and for sale by ENGRAVING. The subscriber has now tn his Port-Folios tor sale a splendid collection of Engravings. Purchasers and lovers of art ta general are invited to examine them. 8 FRANCIS BEGAN, 491 Main st.

near Fourth. 18 cate himself, disregarding consequences, it is your duty not to disclose the facts he may state, nor to use them to his prejudice in any way. It is proper to remark that, although the idea of invading Cuba may be discouraged just now by the reported news that Lopez and h.s followers have been taken, and most of them destroyed, still this country has no security against a recurrence or other attempts similar to that of Lkipez and his associates, if it is generally believed that no power to punish exists in the President or courts of justice. Had this foreign adventurer and his confederates been punished as they deserved, for the first invasion of Cuba, the late invasion and the unfortunate sacrifice of human life inflicted on men (most cruelly aud basely deluded), and the recent mobs and unlawful proceedings, would not have occurred. Their leading cause has been immunity of punishment, and the consequent belief that none could be inflicted.

Disregard altogether, gentlemen, the present slumbering condition of the excitement, and indict for crimes already committed, as you would do, if the excitement was in full force. If you do not, we may soon see our country again agitated as it recently has been, and the laws further set at defiance. Ours is a government of the people; it is self-government. On no other people of the earth is the duty so high to maintain the laws as on the citizens of the United States. The government is in their hands, and depends on them for its safe keeping; and, if the laws are not upheld, it must fall, and be remembered in history as a signal failure, and be held up by kings and emperors, in future times, as conclusive evidence that man is incapable of self-government.

This Is no morbid dreaming but an undeniable fact, requiring deep consideration at your hands, Th Yacht America. Mr. Stevenss yacht America is creating very great excitement in England by the display of her superior sailing qualities. She has made three races, and has, on each occasion left her competitors miles behind. She of bourse attracts much attention and while many of the English regard her with a jealous eye a large number readily acknowledge that Ta gallant craft and can beat anything in England in the way of sailing.

One of the handsomest incidents connected with the career of the America in English waters is the fact of Queen Victorias sending the Yankee sailors five pounds to drink to herself and their vessel the Queen of England and the Queen of the Waters. The America took honest John Bull by surprise. There was no expectation that such a phenomenon was coming and she was unannounced until she ran up the English coast. In the first race in which she distinguished herself she had eighteen competitors and she ran across the bow of each one of them with the greatest facility and then got back to the starting point more than a mile ahead of the fastest of her competitors. The intelligence by the Niagara which arrived at New York on Thursday is that in the race with the brag yacht Titania on the 27th nit.

the America was again victorious beating her adversary several miles. She will scarcely meet with any more challenges as she has already fairly distanced the most distinguished sailing vessels in England. There is no country in the world in which there has been more attention paid to the pleasures of ailing than in England. The English shipwrights have made many improvements in their models and fittings out of vessels and have accomplished much. But still it is an acknowledged fact that the American-built vessels are the fastest that furrow old oceans bosom.

The English papers have admitted this fact for several years and have ndeavored to stimulate the English mechanics toofforts to surpass the excellence of their Yankee rivals. But so far the American shipwrights defy competition and the America by the ease with which she beats everything she encounters proves it. Rivalry between the two nations in shipbuilding and in all the other arts of peace must of necessity result to their mutual advantage. We hope the rivalry may long continue and be characterized by generosity on both sides. They have tried their prowess sufficiently in war and we hope that hereafter there will be no competition between them save that which springs from a praiseworthy source.

The American packet ships sail faster than English ships, the American steamships are faster than the English steamships and Mr. Stevenss gallant little America proves that American pleasure vessels are faster than English pleasure vessels. These are facts which show that the American shipwrights are superior to their English rivals thus far. How long the English will submit to any such inferiority remains to te seen. The yacht America which has excited so much interest in England is not the fastest of American vessels.

She made a race with a craft named the Maria some time ags in the port of New York io which the Maria came out ahead. There will be no occasion for the Maria to go to the rescue of the reputation of American shipbuilders so long as the America beats all her opponents. When the America is surpassed then the Americas victor must display her bunting and train her cordage in the English waters. R. J.

ORMSBT. pAHILV Flv-406obla very superior family Flour jort received aad for sale by and South Cara line Money bought and sold. fBsat Stocks bought and sold. I have a few of Gas Bank stock for sake. kJ-LouUvtile and Frankfort Railroad Scrip wasted-mlSst S.

D. CHOATE, jsyyn WATCHMAKER aod JEWELER, Manufacturer of Silver Spoooa Ac. keeps on bond Watches, Finger and Bar Rings Pencils and Pens Breast-pins Fob and Breast Chains Brass Clocks all of which will be sold cheap at 79 Fourth street. Particular attention paid to repairing Watches and Jewelry. feb 31 disly PRINTING AND BOOK PAPER.

JAMBS CKOMKY agent for the sale of Stedmans pertor Printing and Book Paper all street. Jen 39 dstlfftf COMPOSITION ROOFING. J. H. NEWKIRK MANUFACTURER OF IMPROVED FIRS AND WATER PROOF COMPOSITION ROOF, WILL execute all work entrusted to him wMh the best materials and at a lower price than goy other in the city.

All orders (for the present) left at the Louisville Paper Mill or at the Paper W'arebouee of Mr. Isaac Cromie, Main street will receive prompt attention, sag 9 ffilmls LOUISVILLB PAPER RffTTJV rAAC CKOM1K, Manufacturer of superior News Book Prtntiug Paper, 477 Main street. N. B. Cash paid for Rags Hemp and Cotton Waits.

July 9 dstistf I BALE OF VALUABLE IRON WORKfi, NEUROMA, MULES, toe. BY virtue of a decree of the Chancery Court at Clarksville, Tennessee, I will sll. at the Louisa Furnace In Montgomery county, State of Tennessee Monday tha IStia day ot October, 1661, the Ferns roe known as tbe Los ta Furnace aod the Mount Vernoo Famaee- These two Furnaces will be sold together, with oil tbe lands attached and adjoining Lh ere to, i mounting id tome 80000 scree. And oo the same day aod at tbe same place 1 wltl sell a valuable Negro man, John carter, a Founder together with his wire sod children. On Wednesday, the 16th day of October, I will ell, rt the late residence of Rot.

Baxter In Mootsotne-ry county, Tennessee the Iran Property known ss the Tennessee Furnace and tbe Water Forge on Bartons creek, with all the lands adjoining and attached thereto consisting of several thousand acres. TERMS. The real estate will be sold on a credit of one two three, and four years. Foies with good security required of the purchaser, and a Hen retained en foe property for the payment of the purchase money. The ncfiws will he soM on a credit of ene two, and three years.

Notes with good security required. June IB 1861. P. PRIEBTLEY C. to M.

H. FERGUSON to BOX, Corner Fifth and Market ets. 18 GILT wrk. I am dow manufacturing some new and very rich patterns of Picture Frames together with Looking-Glass Frame and Gilt Comtoee of the most elegant styles, fo ail of which 1 would call the at tention of purchaser. s8 FRANCIS HBGAN.

SHEET Iron, for tope-pipe and other purposes, for ale by 19 W. B. BELKNAP. IB ON Stoneeoal aod ckarooal Iron for sale at lowest rates by W. B.

BELKNAP. LADIES' Vnlens and Underwear. in store a so pertor assortment of Ladles and m'sses Merino Unions Shirts and Drawers attached; Ladies aud misses Silk Shirts and Drawers Do do do Cashmere Shirts aod Drawers Do do do Merino do do do; A1) sixes and qualities. Also a full assortment of boys Undershirts. Fvr sale cheep at 18 MANSFIELDS.

FLOUR. S00 bbis extra family Flour received this day by steamer Blue Wing No. 1 and for sale at the lowest market price by GRAY to BROWN, 8 North side Main, 4 doors below Second st. CDEKANTL 10 casks Santa Currants Just received and for sale by i by GREAT BALE OF READY -MADE CLOTHING. T'tUE attention of Country Merchants Is respectfully solicited fo foe extensive sales of Ready-Made Clothing at the Mammoth Depot where the one price system Is strictly enforced based upon small profit principles; so that the unaoqualnted may feel perfectly satisfied uf thsir being fairly aad honorably dealt with without re said to subterfuges such as drumming, a great annoyance to any gentleman who pretends to have mind of his own.

Ths proprietor of the Mammoth Clothing Depot rests entirely upon the merits of his establishment aod its long-tried reputation, with a full coovtcttoo that he can, with his axwnsivs facilities, undersell any firm west of the mountains. A trial Is solicited. W. SAMUELS Proprietor of the Mammoth Clothing Depot 11 CAD Northeast corner Market sod Fourth str. FONDA to MORRIS, No.

40 Third tt. L1 N8EBD Oil. ii bbis Linseed OU on consignment aie by J. BELL Third sL between Main and river. RUNES, toe caee large NUNN to CLARK Pianeo.

Just received 1 roseweod round corner grand action, octave ornamented plate aad tube new eorna toe. I rosewood square corner, grand action 6 octave carved mo icings and tablets new scale toe. roseweod, square comer, grand action 6 octave carved moldings aad tablets new scale toe. 1 rosewood square corner grand action 6 octaw plain coop, toe. 1 rosewood, double round corner grand action 6f octets, carved Biddings ornamented plate and tooe.

ft rosewood round comer grand action, octave er uameuted plate and tube canted legs, toe. ft rosewood, square corner, greud action 6 octave carved tablets, octagon egs. Frees other makers. 1 rosewood double round corner 7 ootsve In Iron frame. 4 rosewood double round corner, 6f octave in Iron Jars fresh Prunes; 9 do Gtoger Preserves; Just received and for aale by FOXDA to MORRIS.

LI E-P ft KSZRV ERS.J a tot received by express Cork Jackets Life Jackets Naatilases and Circular Life-Preservers. Ladles aod genu going South should not rail te procure one of these useful snides at $18 MANSFIELDS. any other, and a little better too, for it will serve to throw a new halo around his next poem. It doesnt matter much what spelling-book a poet has, for if he uses bis poets license in syntactical misconstruction he must certainly be allowed to use the same or greater freedom in spelling his words especially if he can make his verses rhyme any better thereby. These gentlemen would do well to call in the services of one Mister Macaulay who is writing a history of England and he could help them out amazingly.

What a dust he did raise when he heard away over the sea that his book Air book was to be published in this country using Websters method of spelling. No! no! sirs, say it shall not be done. I chose to spell so, and you shant spell any other way. Whats good enough fur England is good enough for you anil let my book alone as it is. GUNNY Hags.

4,000 Gtinay Bags for sale by 8 J. BELL. ACKER EL 80 half bbis No. ft Mackerel for sale Mc, WIKK 10 baskets Champagne Wine; J. BELL.

1-8 i dS 18 boxes Muscat Just received sod for sale by TWO sides to a Garment, as aim two aides te a Coot A beautiful garment got up express for the Mammoth. To see It onoe is to admire It. Foreale either wholesale or retell st tiie PfcO MAMMOTH CLOTHING DEPOT. SHOULDER-BRACK. Just received March Co.s bhouPler-Braces one of the best styles of Brace used at the present day ladles gouts and childrens sixes.

Please call and examine this make of Brace at 46 Main street. slS MANSFIELD. FONDA to MORRIS. YUST RECEIVED. MEMOIR of Adonlram Judson, being a Sketch of his AJre and Missionary Labors; by J.

CimenL School Dictionary of the Latin Language, by Dr. J. 1 Kaltscmldt. In 3 parts. lt.

Latin-BagUab, AftnihUt. -3d. KngUsh-Latin, BompWto ta 1 vel. Fur sale by T. R.

NKLSON, 8 496 Mala sL cunier Well. CHEESE. 64 boxes prime Cream aad aorvs Cbcuee just received aad for sale by FONDA to MORRIS. NO. MackereL bbis and 60 half bbis in More aod for sale by 11 KDW.

J. MARTIN CO. SUSPENDERS! Baspeodera. Just received a large and full supply ol piam and fancy Silk aud Cotton Vt ebb Suspenders ail sises and qualities also boys Suspenders. For sale cheap at 13 MANSFIELDS, I rosewood round come 6 octave extra Balehed-1 do canted do, 4 6o fe da.

4 de square do 6 do le plain cases. Per cart at manufacturer prices by PETEBti WEBB, to OO elft Agents for Nitons to Clarks Pianos. NO. ft Large Mackerel. In store and for sate by CIGARS.

bOyOoo Cuba Sixes; BMW) Half Spanish Cigars; Just received and for sale or rt le and 190 half bbis BPW. J. MARTIN to OO. FONDA to MORRIS. GAS Stock wanted by J.

M. RUTHERFORD to CO. ETlie following is one of the finest of the very fine productions of its very extraordinary young authoress: (For ths hntiTlILi Journal. I CAT POINT TO A LUTS I can point to tnts Whose strings srs mute. For she, who In gladness oolr Woke Its echoes hisnd, Sought ths spirit lend, Thus leering ms sad sml lonely.

ST. eases Bogar-He tore and for sale by PREMIUM Mata. Those elegant Hats of UAYBS, CRAIG to CO.S which took the premium at the woruis Fair are deligMeg everybody who see end wear them. They are becoming to every one and all who value their good appearance la this world should not be without that great requisite. si 8 Corner Main and Bullitt sts.

SUGAR-dOhhds fair Sugar for sale by to AS. TODD to RICHARDSON. non Malneeea. 138 bbis In RDW. 9.

MARTIN It CO. A R. 60 bbis Oder Tfoegur in store for eoie 1J FONDA to MORRIS. JjAGGINO swi Roy. 460 pieces end coils ta store and tor sale low by ohw as Sew York canal aoency 1851.

Clinton Lino. 1851. H. A. TH7MRSNTL to OCL, 666 Mrtn near Second.

CARGOES RICE. to casks in store and for sale by EPW. J. MARTEN to CO. CAROLINA Tar.

SOO bbl In More and for sale by RDW. J. MARTIN to OO. COUNTRY Merchant will find everything requisite for orusmenting sou protecting the heads of their constituents at HAYES CRAIG to the Premium Hauers. Their ware-rooms contain a larger stock and greatsr variety than can be found elsewhere.

Please call and examine for yourselves. sit FUIAY INSURED. Asum. W1BB HUSTON, Tt'ld atrwt, Lm1U Some other men I suppose put me in mind of the fable of the fox ana grapes when they speak of Webster, saying that has beta to a feast of Uio languages Aim! stolon all tbs scraps, What a pity they were not allowed to go in after the feast an pick up the crumbs. Lad vise them to ue Websters School Diction ay or his Spelling Book and they will not be any 'more afflicted by the green-eyed monster.

Very truly yours PAIDAGOGOS. Lou i sviu.s,Sept. 10 1851. Whxat Skx.kctiou and Pkkpaaatiom or Sekd. Ou the selection of wheat for seed few general rules may be given everywhere applying with the same appropriateness for it is here important that the varieties sown adapted to everywnc are those pounds first rate Baling Twine in store and lor sale low by I H.

A. DUMESNIL to CO. )ITCH. 100 bble In More end for aale by BDW. J.

MARTIN to CO. TAr LOB ODIORNK, CmdDnmUj GWO. WJKSWozrB, 111 Btm4 BROWN A DODD, Clmtud) FBAZIKBk ASPIKWAU. rhltaMphta. HATING aooepted the agency of this THE Ladles wlH always find something new in ths wi NO.

I Mackerel. 60 bble In ttore and for sale by ell BDW. J. MARTIN to uO. JUBT received by Exi Kick black btveeue alike; Black Grade Rhine do.

Do Gro ds Amuire fiUka; Do Satin TVaf; Handsome cotosed SHke; New style Muslin de Lalnee; Do do printed Cashmeres; Plata Muslin de Lalnee, all colore; Do Cashmeres do; Black Bilk Laos; French Merinoee all eotors White Glace Bilks and a hue Satin; Do pink and blue Tarleton Swiss aod Book Muslins; Figured Grecian Nettings; Do Bebbinet; White, black aad colored Kid Gtovert For sal low by O. I. HARRISON to CO. Main between Fourth and Fink. TTATES CRAIG to CO.S.

MAISON DOB, 471 Main street. 1UAK EXHIBITION. Received this day large stock 1 of Ladles Cloaks, which will be opened and ready for exhibition this morning. I. RAPHAEL to CO.

ROAINv 800 barrels la afore and for sale low by BDW. J. MARTIN to CO. COTTON Yarsu 600 hags Cotton Yam In store and for sals ebaap by Sis M. A.

DUMESNTL to 666 Main sL Ighly responsible tine, we are aathor-Kve taruugb rdcelpts for merchandise and pr dace, deitverabir without delay at any poutt on the roots. rb avruogrtinma thi line ara very complete. We era pvefmrtd te taka freights very low. R. WEBB to HUSTON Third street below Main.

fiLMON. 10 tierce and fi bble hi Mere and for eel by U1 EPW. 9. MARTIN to CO. En EXTRA Family Flnr.

1,000 bbis family Flour for sals low by 18 B. A. DUMBSK1L to CO. MAISON DOR, 471 Main street. NGL18H CARPETING.

Received this day an invoice of English fl-pty Carpeting Super Ingrain do; Which will be sold rt low prices by rt 1. RAPHAEL to CO. TAR Caadfteo 00 boxes assorted sixes One, Deitflctos manufacture Iu store aad for sale by II EPW. J. MARTIN to OO.

SALE OP MULES, WAGONS, toe. I will as foe Administrator of Robt. Baxter sell st th Limits Furnace, In Montgomery, oounty on th 14th day of October 1861, all the personal property rt the eld Bobt. Baxter, beiotMlng to said Furnace, cousleting of about 76 Mules axons. Scrap Mstai and Stock oo band, on a credit of twelve months.

will also sell on fo 14th day of October, 1861, at th 1st real deuce of Bobt. Baxter ta Montgomery county Teno. about 80 Mules, Horses Cattle Household and kitchen Furniture together with aU personal property rt said Robe Baxter on a credit of 18 months; bond and security will be required on all sums over $10. The sale rt each place wui continue from day to day till alt th property Is so Hi. RObT BAXTER, Admr.

June 31 186f dSawtd The Louisville Journal Will publish ths above advertisements twice a week until day of sale and forward accounts to the clerk and master. CJmvtsviife Jejfereamen. PIANO-FORTES AND MELODEON PIANOS AT WHOLkSALB AND RhTAIL. We are now receiving and opening fo llrst part rt onr Invoice of 80 Pianos from itodSTta Dunham, aad other Eastern manufacturers, and most oordlally invite amateurs teacbera and mil ethers Interest in the advancement of musical taste nod the Introduction rt superior Instruments to call and examine our seech, which be excelled either in tone touch beauty of finish or durability. We giv an unlimited warrant with every instrument old at onr war-room on Third street, east side between Mala and Market ta Dicksons aew budding.

6 MORSE to QURRKSKT. TCOOJLSCAP Paper. oases Mue and white Foolscap Paper ruled 80 do do do do do plain In store and for sale rt reduced prices by ISAAC CROMTK Wholesale Paper Warehouse, 477 Main st Letter paper. 86 cases blue ad white Letter Paper ruled; 16 do do de do do do plain; do plain; BICX Lick Water. IS barrels on hand.

Ws are the vie agents in this eUy aod shall keep a constant keep a constant MOLARS KB. too bbis and ISO half bUs Molasses 1 store and tor sale sheep by H. A. PCMKSML to CO. JAINTtoD Bockete.

JOa dusenta ofereand fer sale B. WKBfi to HUSTON. apply. by 1-nj EPW. J.

MARTIN to CO. SUGAR. 186 hhds In store aad for Bale by W. TRRRT Mata rt. between Stxth aod fievaub opposite Louisville Motel.

LINEN Ethbin. ff cartoons raertved this day and fir sain bg sept 9 dtow JAMBS LOW to GO. PAINTED Tube 100 nests ta afore and tow sale by all EPW. J. MARTIN to OO.

GLASSES. 600 bble PlaahOlo and for sale by rt Molasses In sforu W. TERRY. THE aCbecrlbere Move tkl day received by kx-prose a ranker supply of handsome black Brocade QOFFIE 176 bags I i store and tow sale by W. TERRY.

NEW YORK Ojmrnr. la Ik. 1 Uh fins srrlsr per mail boot at ALA gfiS City Exchange Third rt. and Gro de Rhine Bilks, all O. HARRISON to QQ.

MAIBON DOH No. 471 Mato street. Received mis mi Rich Field Suks( Rich wMred Daman tine; Rich PiaM Pom tort White Lace Outouresf Laos Undcral earns; Embroidered, scalloped sad hemmed HdhPs White Marseilles Quilts; NaiuseeS MnsAus; Watered Moreens) Crib Rlanketa Cambric Muslim toe. All for sale at the lowest price. 18 1.

RAPHAEL to OG. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We have Io store an nnnsna large and well-assorted stok of tides in eur line Tbe patterns oil new and carefully selected from um best Muglts end French manufactories. The tong standing rt tbe hous sod their speneocc In tbe business is believed te be a guaranty for foe quality rt their goods as weU as tor fo snicabienese rt fo patterns; and tbelr goods ar all Imported direct frw the manufactories they will be able to offer foam at as good rates as similar articles can be bad In foe country. Besides their usual stock rt QUEENS WARS GLASS aod CHINA they bave ale an assortment tt foe better qualities of Knives end Forks, German Stiver Britannia, aad 811- ver Plated Speone, ta which they would rcopectfully call the attend rt dealers CASS1DAT to BOPKIKS, pt dfcw 684 Mata su near Peart.

COTTON Yams. 900 bags snorted numben in sforu aad for aale by (rt) W. TRRRT. rj-tHIS day received by Kx New style Parle printed early, and prolific and also that ho foul weeds be mixed therewith. Be sure to sow no chess and you will find every year lees cause to believe in the transmutation of wheat into that pestilent grain, and.

if only pure wheat is sown other weeds will become less troublesome also. As a preventive of smut, all seed wheat should be brined and limed before sowing. Make a soak of common salt sufficiently strong to bear an egg with which saturate your seed for eighteen or twenty-four hours by placing it in a heap on the bam floor and sprinkling tne brine upon it and turning or stirring it until the whole is wet alike. When sufficiently soaked fast as you wish to sow, fresh slaked lime with it so as to dust over each kernel. Do not let it remain long uncovered or exposed to the sun and air as to dry, as it will retard its germination.

Many other soaks have been tried and recommended but we believe this to be the cheapst and most effective in the prevention of smut. Rural New Yorker, Drilling in Wheat. We believe it ia the concurrent opinion of all farmers who have given it a trial that the system of drilling in wheat instead of sowing it as has heretofore oeen done Cashmeres; De do de de Mneltade' Embroidered white Crepe Shawls; Plain do do do. all O. I.

HARRISON to CO. SOAP uw4 Cued tee. 90 boxes Pressed Candles; 76 do Star dof 100 do Rosin Soap; 86 do extra do tor family on; In store end for sole by (rt) Can 1 touch tho wires IThlch so hand inspires Ai la days of sunshine and beauty When to tom tho leaves In the summer ores Was a pleasure and duty. In a casket laid Theree a gotdell brafd- But this feverish brain Is reeling Ton would weep to knew It wss here below Wboes tool wee oil lore and feeling. 1 severed this band With trembling hand The went forth in silence and sorrow nd the Atartlsht fell On the troubled swell Of ft soul that asked for ne morrow.

Her head on my breast Like a bird at reet When wont and weary with singing Seems lingeries still And a sudden thrill Through my lonely heart la springing. teal and a sign Of this love of mine re the tokens 1 clasp tn sadness The Jewels she wore And the ringlets bore When lice was aU light and gladness. They whisper me now Of a sunny brow nd of many a loving murmur Bre her voice was stilled And her heartstrings chilled 4 While yet Is lifes glowing summer. Those memories eltng To my spirtte wing Like sentinels mournfully standing To tell of her doom) And tho lonely tomb Which flouthors flowers are im beading. LAUBA LOWHL Craisauirs lies Woman, Tce Aug i.

nOPTLAR Patent Medtrlnee- an S'? Liniment 60 do McUaes Vermiform TT 'kumtock Vermirnge; ll Serve and Bone Liniment; a wo wtauf, Jj JU Sarsaparilla; Townsends Sarsaparilla; Pius; fvntf, Extract Jhb le. Giaz1 foe raU br J. a. 1FIUKB A 44. Bat.

m. w. terry. FINE Hate. We are prepared te furnish our mends with the most olegaat Hat to he found at any ieh-tishment tn the Union.

Sis P. B. BARB to 00.7466 Main si. NEW Mstio- puhHshfd PURE Brandies. 10 half pipe sundry brands la tore and for sale by f.

HARRISON to CO. have JueC race! 18-4 Hamilton bleached Sheetings; lt-4 Allendale de de; tn-S aod 11-4 Linen bleached 8b eatings; Barkltefo Irish Linen; Tork Mills blenched Cotton; Ballnnlvmle white Flannel; Welsh and Gauss Flannel; Hamilton Canton do; AH of which will be sold lew. In store and for sals low bp ISAAC CROMTB. 8TKWART to OWKN. SOFT BmIssm Hate have on hand a targe va riety ef soft business Hats some of new and becom ayit ia as we expected.

The Democratic papers of Kentucky do not utte one word of rejoicing over the late Union victory in Mississippi and the withdrawal of Gen. Quitman tn the contest. On the contrary, their tone stron ly betokens disappointment and regret. We cannot help suspecting and even believing that the triumph of the enemies of the compromise in Mississippi and Alabama would have given them y7- The Democratic papers of Kentucky, it seems to us, have pursued a very extraordinary course. When the compromise was pending in Congress, they went strongly for its passage as necessary to the salvation of the Union, and, when it was passed, they raised shouts of gratulation and bestowed the most exalted praise upon its cham-' pions ai the-benefactors and preservers of the nation, and yet now they teem willing and more than willing to aee those benefactors and preservers beaten down by the men who struggled to defeat the great measure of pacification, who still avow the most relentless hostility to it, and who notoriously cherish the most deadly designs against the Union.

1 44 Bright bo thy dream of me-1 9. Peters. Poor Blind Boy Variations by Csertry. Pretty Polly Hopkins Variations by WatthaJL La Serenade Wait by Hoffman Forest Bartal Words by S. Dyer.

PETERS WEBB, fc rt Arvbts for Runtw to larks Planes. lagwtyles and net he sit In the city. O. BARBER to GO. RECTIFIED wkiaky 69bbts in store and fer sale by IrtJ IKACH Bmndy 1 99 hbla la store and for sal by jerk WART OWKN.

SILR Flash nod Cloth Capo. We have a large stock e( mens and buys Silk Flush and Cloth Caps of ovary variety eg color and sty la. 18 F. a. BARBER to OO.

TRAPPING Paper. 10000 bundles end ream Wrapping Paper assorted sixes In store and for ale tower than similar articles are offered In tbe market rt ISAAC CROMIR. BONNET Menrde. too gross extra htary Bonnet Boards ta store aod for sale low by rt ISAAC CROMIB. sf.Zl.

SILKS. Jort received ea consignment kuft Tot of heavy brocade striped, pkrtd aad figured Bilks at from $18 fo $14 per pattern. 11 On 1. HARRISON to OO. BANNERS OIL $0 bbis in store and for sal by p4 BTRWABT OWEN.

OCT Btaek Ctofc toetbs reeetred and eeptfottow 16 pieces euper Mack French for sale at leer prices by A. PANPOkTH to BON. Flour. too oaie ala ky BARBER to CO.S LeulsvUla 8trlh-rus style a Hat surpasses everyth mg la the Hat ttne ever intru duced Hi this eltyy mid shoes who admirw ea elegant covering for the head go 466 Mam struct to procure U. ill Indiana received and far NRWLAND to TRA9UB Mela, between Fifth end Sixth ets.

ERICA Muting Liniment 10 groesjust received and for sale by I J. MONTGOMERY to 609 Mata st. COFFEE 176 bam Rio In store and for sale by rt Mt BRILL to TRIGG, 418 Main rt. lm end rich eudwtlfor a 4 4B Ikikui HANDLES. IN bexse preseed summer TEAS.

190 package ta store end fer sale bv rt MURRELL to TRIGG Muoerct Bnrtstou nn UK fat uw at Amo 8a- J. DAKWO.TR fc-SOK. OOD Bex Matches. 109 gram received and for aale low by 9. R.

MONTGOMERY to CO. aetved and for sale by rtt NRWLAND to TRABTTN. NEW BOOKS. ALBAN TOIe of foe Nsw FarU, by the author of Lady Alloa. New and complete ta ft porta Price $i- Sam work ta numbers for fll 6.

Bolmiatie foe TuUac and the Cavaliers tha Grace, by W. W. Foedtak A beautiful tale I vtri complete. Price $1 Girlhood of Shakspeares Heroines, in a series rt fifteen tales, by Mary Cowtic Clarke Weil -r ii 1 value Price $186. Owens a Plank Roods.

Another ftappTY received this day. Prtoa 60 cents pereopy. Boatman's Practice; A Systematic Treatise on Medicine; being a collection of treatments of fever and ether general complaints; to which Is added foe medical proper. tia nses and dose of rumedies collected from foe animal vegetable and mineral kingdoms also sketches rt Anatomy Surgery, and Chemistry; particularly to th use of physicians, students and Wmlt bound fc leather Price $8. c.

haq Ait at SUGAR. 40 hhds prim Now Orleans tn store and for sale by rt) MURRELL to TRIGG. COUNTRY Merchants are Invited ta give euresteh-llsbmeat a call before purchasing their Ham and Cape We eau shew you the tamest stack ta he found ta any one house ta the United Statse and oar prims, a heretofore ehall be lower thaa any other house. SIS F. S.

BARBER A CO. SOAP. 160 boxes extra No nod I for sale by Rr uiiiii. bar fioap reoelved NRWLAND to TRABUE. Wenched prices by SAJifttZTl ION.

GLAZED Pnpere tod reams Hubbards superior -Glased Papers assorted sises end colors Just room ved and for sale tow by I ISAAC CROMIR Wholesale Paper Dealer. all COTTON Turns and for sale by 140 bags various brands la store rt MURRELL to TRIGG jL4NHOL 66 bble Alcohol received andfarais by is a saving of seed and of labor and produces at least five bushels more per acre. dn Germantown TVtgroph. We concur In the above, except the amount of increase in produce. Instead of saying five we should reckon two to four bushels per acre.

Rural New Yorker. Gatlings Premium Grain Drill ia just tho thing for this purpose. Man Shot. On Fridsy last a difficulty arose between Robert Hubbord and William Scott, both living in the upper end of this county in which the latter received the contents of a heav ily loaded shot-gun. which caused his death in about two hours after.

The parties had a difficulty at the late August election in which Scott cum upon Hubbard while he was asleep and with his kmifs cut his (Hubbards) throat from ear to tar. Both parties wort despmita characters and will be but little loos to tho community, Hubbard hu not ytt boon arrested. Aoosortsr (Ey.) PLASTK REM1 Hslvto bars frvetare bT jug) STRWAEl 6 to end for sal OWRN. rmrarnn HlTB a SMALL rnxTRM auiau at ocr oartbt and rocsb-KOLDrOKNIgBINO AKKBtXitUL receipt this Way ef another fort arrival ef TARRED Reefing Paper. 86 tons Turrad Roofing paper ta store end ler sale by fount 8 emt per pound by frtj ISAAC ROM IB.

feel constrained to say to A. H. D. that we are but indifferent judges of matters like that which be submits to our consideration. WHISKY Ao barrals Bourbon Whisky; 60 de copper distilled do; OLIVE OIL 46 bones Vo 1 Iu store and fr sals Oj rt J.

R. MONTGOMERY to CO. MATS OAFS CAFItl FALL FASHION 1SN. BETER to SMITH have Just Issued a complete seleetteu of Hats sod Gape for gentleman for the fall and winter off 8BIU embellished in a style that will reeou mens Itself to gentlSBMh ef testa and fashion oa well as those who study eooot my. Cittseas aad strangers naed soly givs ga eRl la eat.

tsfy themselves that it Is to their interest to porches their Hals aod Gaps at 408 Market street alt foods, ftutta de Lalne; for window drepetyj Do 7 COMPOSITION fr Reefing. 60 hbts Composition fer eel tow. ts purobaerra will furnish printed Beortvsd and for sale by ell 4 WirWLAWt) to TRABUE. rTlXNNERS OIL- ft bbis Instore and for sale low bp A rt J. R.

MONTGOMERY to CO. tractions gratuitous for putting Wool TV. klrVMt rW ta taM fer niM or unwashed Wool by JAfi. TODD to RTOHARDBON, Wall tt oom position roofs ISAAC CROMIR. tOTTOW Yonra 109 bags Jeffbfoou Qotfoa Tara received and fee sale by 11 NRWLAND to TRABUK.

MAM NB Rtnckbsg. 160 grose for sale by rt R. MONTGOMERY to 00 THE unprecedented run up Bprfcfinaftth for their fail style rt Hats Is emeuiv evidence 8 4 fo -t, ntuti CMk Trti-OOTtm 4.441M wtknrtoo. IT. rtil Vt Omm ferwerd a great variety ef these Svw M.

tatartta Rtatnd tbta Oyr nnt fer mM 1 fc mtmu. Obtain good soe prepare your ground well sow oarly and pay ysry little attaption to the mooa. Mr. Joseph W. Ball of voter N.

H-, during ths past week ahearod Iron a two-year old Frsoh Msrino buok ftftcoo pounds of wool Th Brans amowo Farrr. Har those who kf hncoyed in this way by birds erer thought of hooping them sway bv tfag uae of scare hrow, consisting of fl neatly stuffed cat skin and placed among or near the bushes? If not it would bo worth a triaL irstrid formor in i OWRN. bbis rt wtriert hg 0 9TIHPAR to and fer sale by INFANT Hate and Capa. We ere th receipt ot very handsome assnrtmsat of Ohtldreue and Infants Bata aad Gaps. Ladles In I earth eg something rsaiiy forty It the way eg feltfiWi headgear oaa he euaatled at Mr 4 ihMfh that they wiU as usual taka the feud ta the fuahlenahla world.

Being toad hy tha beat rt wasttman they era decidedly superior Bata, and will readily be tsttfunribd from all foora by their grace end eleganee 438 Market HEEfiKr IP9 bexse Western Reserve Cheese Jut reeetred and for sale by lOjur F. HOWARD to oo It Mala Brtw sea Yhtrd end Fourth ets. LC.TKR eu. rerr aa. inn.

HttarUMeri JAXaw now i VINEGAR. so tola pur Appl Vinegar and for sale by 9TEWAR1 9 OURN, 'SS -'TT.

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