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The Drumright Journal from Drumright, Oklahoma • 4

Drumright, Oklahoma
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PAGE THREE TIIE DRUMRPHIT (OKLAHOMA) JOURNAL multsrmy TANUARY 10 7 Friendly Neightiors Plan Alach of Dimes Coffee 1inllary I 7 4 Mrs Bryan Reed Mrs George Platter the hostess Mrs Blackwell and the co-hostes Mrs Edgar Simonton and Mrs Anyone Mio is interested in farm life are invited to join the club The next meeting will be larmerettes Have Membership Drive The Farmerctte Demonstration club met Tuesday January 8 in the home of Mrs James Black 'A ell 608 West Noble stree 11 1::::1 SOCIETY Et cc RE CM 4 4 -11 4114 0'd1 1- '4' 4' kt4-khr- A14o i "fll: ea' 1 I 4 A ri C3 '1 AA iett A 0 VT: elil tprip Ft 41 i A 0 AAAP lw A 11 ''''t i Mg''''' A i AA ge with a prospective triembershiP I held On February 12 in the home drixe of Mrs George Plater The meeting was opened by i singing "America" Prayer asii given oy 11 Th Trunas he ()ezt1 Couple Enjoy scr ipture reading given by Mrs eeK-end Excursion George Platter IA as taken from Mr and Mrs Law rence Lafitte Luke 1 4 27-30-33 177 1M1 ro(1111 street a cvo George Platter IA as taken trom Air and Airi Lafitte Luke 14: 27-30-33 137 East Fourth street Paulette Lraden Returns to College Paulette Bra(len daughter of Mr and Mrs Gale Braden 301 Sotch Bristow has been visiting with her parents over 11 days She returned Sunday tr) Chickasha 'here he is a fresh man at Oklahoma College fzir men Miss Braden is ery actixe scholastall She is the fresh man editor of "The Argus" the Oklahoma liege for Women yearbotk and a pledge ol Eche Sit social club Mrs Marie Barr Enters Hospital Mrs Marie Barr 121 Maple street is a medical patient in the Cushing Municipal hospital Cushing Municipal rigt this witt on tags tenr this Ti yea Tc 3 I 1 nese met fat te ill rn i 18 in Ole me i II k- EM MI -in! ir re-iiir 123 In'ic'11' fai re prt -etit at ttie i AfriclIn 11 1 Vr II 14 I 1 Vein-rs- i 7'1 re Mrs 11) 1 n- Proposed Legistation ulscussedILi''' Mrs i rize r7 At Joint PTA Council Meetin I 1- riiiiii Vs Mrs ti Vrs Eiii ALiir i A if: gime i iiV 1r giSlatiOn which the OEA is sponsorirg and to vhi! il 1 rn the Oklahoma cong1(A giving its support Yi as tii-- 1 Janiiiy 17 i tne 101 i2 1r- cussed at a joint nieetirig of the PTA Coulicil and the Hr 1 NVashingtim Loi4 and Edison units Mr! The prk AVierner and Mr Riddle discussed the itlils I o' ltiaitc xt nit' ti! the OEA is suhiritting to the legAature (I) Improved Administration if! ii1 iie WI Viesiiiy fitiiir 5 in tablishmcnt of a Comity Equaiia- I ii i me Vrs rk fun Biard Since the state stepped 1 L0-1-Larci in th 57: li re out of the piclure in 1932 and lift Lima ry ha i 1-en asesiments and eilieetioni to ad has skorked a lin Lincul PTA I nit asestments and to in- has viorked a hardshlp on schs11 Lineul 11 I nit nese MI accompanThe business meeting was con- ied by Mr and Mrs MO Turner ducted by Airs Bryan Reed pres- of Tulsa spent from December 211 tlent Ails Lorena Franklin cowl- to January 1 at Sequoyah National ty home demonstration agent of park Sapulpa had charge of the pro- The couples fished at Sequoyah gram on "Family Financial Plan- Mannah where they caught six crappie and 16 sand bass weighing Mrs George Platter was elect- i from one Lull ne-half to two ed club reporter Five new mem- Pull" fhe hers ere eleLled into the club: couples finibed their trip A Morris Airs IV 11 in the heated dock at Snug liarc- vr bor ed club reporter Five new mem- I hers ere eleLled into the club: I The couples finiohed their It M's A Morris Airs IL in the heated dock at Snug Ilz Thomas Mrs Hitch Mrs bar nmg- crappie anu io saou oass Aulguing mrs George platter wai elect from one awl une-half to two ed club reporter Five new mem- Pull" hers ere eleLled into the dub: The couples finihed their trip AL-s A Morris Airs IL in br'r the heated dock at Snug Ilar- Thomas Mrs Hitch Mr 0 OES DEPUTY TO VISIT OILTON Jan 9 Mrs Mi'ier distr0 depth'' is schedi ed to make her official visit the Oilhn chapter on Tuo day January 15 All menthe are asked to be present 0 OES DEPUTY TO VISIT 011TON Jan 9 Mrs Ina distr0 depth'' is scheduled to make her official visit to the OiltAn chapter on Tuesday January 15 All members are asked to be present OES DEPUTY TO VISIT OIL TON Jan 9 Airs Ina Aliller distrit depthy is schedul- ed to make her official visit to the Oiltln chapter on Tues daY January 15 All members are asked to be present Tu 11: Li and Vii1in Ii Denyer Fritz Mr and Mrs Pete Burnett anti family Mr and Mrs Melvin James and family Lyal Fisher and family Mrs Ruhy Fullom and family Mr and Mrs Gene Garreit and Mr and Mrs George Fisher Don Ikey Is In Kansas Mr Don Lokey 503 Jones is in Kansas on a busness trip George Bowling and Mrs Robert McClain The club members one guest to their rneeting Mrs Mauldin Others attending were the coon ty agen Aliss Lorena Mrs Everett Rhodes Mrs Moss Mrs Calloway Airs 0 Newman Mrs William Tinsley AI ore SO('IETI Page 6) T(3i'DE) 00 Mom OUR 7171-kNJVZ 1 -73T eirD Ylrfl rogonor 7: 1 1 Don Ikey I Mr Don Lokev 503 Jones Is In Kansas George is in Kansas on a business trip Bowling and Mrs Robert 0- 'N McClain e--- The club ebers welcoed Fritz Mr and Mrs Pete Burnett A and family Air and Mrs Melvin A Iflarsmilliy11byLytauliloin'lisahreldr olineligu3eisatiodtointheir meeting Mrs 't Others attending were the COLIn farnqy Mr and Mrs Gene Gar- ty agen Aliss Lorena Fanklin s-- 4 reit and Mr and Mrs George Mrs Everett Rhodes Mrs 0 Moss Mrs Calloway Airs i ''i isder okman Mrs William Tinsley (More SOCIETY rage 6) ip (' 0 0 I) 1 t' AMP Il 1 0 41s p3o0D- 44 riROPiOUR 4 4 4ib etZk-A Ze-y17117- AILTID re A I tei Li Ina i Mrs Wiiliarn Denyer 1 -i 4 1 -73T ein Ion r---- kL -ke I I I a a a a I dividuA ciuntie -vrt kd lir rares al- Had Re'rUlar leet sprang up both hebacren counties ready existuff ltst of the io vsithin counties rygh violin and con the alreudy ri use i Trip Lir: l'T I 1 met The 1 bet' (111 classes of property The and hoks liirishel sere of in 1 iy 1 8 in In! :1 --r 0T states that property fervor bindinr4 atrd cost in IT mon fr t)ftA- rr shall be assessed at its fair cash I ey urlhermore the money for I in4 (-: -r 41! ri I value but in practice assement hocks came out of an already tool ow ILr range- from five to 50 percent oil mall ruaintenane fUni Tht PTA i We Start 7 lior nil Congress feels the Lira hould be i dren repealed and some way found to 1 The ir- mrs encourage the establishment anti cann -At il 'I upkeep of libraries in all 11 i 1 the local PTA (officer said I a ahri Ao II a Adequate fiaancial support for Scirt institutions of higher lean 2 In- In The is tririe! hv the oklahoma is favored by the State I Itittl I 1 congress assuring teachers in col- I -TIC ma jt ii i leges and universities a salary 1 un by tri ir schedule comparable with other skatbr ni -1tiurv states I Davi Kindergartens ac part of th i A tr l' I i public school progra and not ot I '1' i Prei i confined to a Icv chstricts that "111- PIA J'''''I''' a' can afford them seems to have r1d1 exnj'n'' 1 L'---i'''''' r'''l I favorable of the state Th 'e quiH! 'wires ari- abat Ow vc bleb is being suppried by the PTA Council I r' i'' j' It'I''''h'''''' P''''' of IA emel hoqt- I eXplatni thi ir-itu I i I stionna T1if -e quest! in- 'es arit aboat Ole letisiatian ch is being sultittrIttd the Council 1 t1iAct in the home of Mr and Mrs A Denver 305 recertTy was their on and wife Lt and Dtnyu The couple was married on 21 at pm in the Base Chapel at Green ill Air FLTv the rrmer Mignon Catherine Carter of Arkara S)e is a Lt in tile Nursing Corps and Litioned tt (lreenville Air Force llase They plan malo their home in Greenville A talk as given by Mr A Denyer 305 I 1 '7 0 1111! II i 'tn t'i' I VOUIIC wax 1 luu till ilcini! 21 at pm in the Base Chapel At Green- 1 ''11- 1 Ine trrmer Mignon Citherine C'trter of I it ht' 4 Iton A itkitr-its is it I-T LT in the Nursing Corps did Itione(i it (ireilville Air Force Base They plan thitist their borne In Greebville Stark A talk iven Mr Go the 11(ihe -1 and Mrs A Denyer r'A) s1 waA their son and wife Lt and Mrs George Platter 11e11remem Stark centering around how he Mr Charles had enjoyed working with Mr ViSitS Fisher Mr Fisher then acknow Fisher January -I lodged with a short speech ex- Mrs George I'lattr ace pressing his appreciation ied by he elit-o ober A etirement dinn er was given chert awl family and move Mr in honir of mr co IL Filier in The cottage was decorated in I' Rice of Tulsa attended the MiNionary caJage IA the green and hite with a quintet funeral service of her sister-in- Church of God Harley amf Drum of tahles centered with mums and law Mrs Charles Moulds in Kan- rht F-jay January 4 poinsettias sas City Saturday January Mr Fr is retiring after 20 Those attending the dinner were 5 serici with the Elm OJ Mr and Mrs Ira Mann Mr and While in Missouri Mrs Platter company Mrs John Smith and family Mr visited with her sister Mrs Ar- Mr Fisher was presented with and Mrs Art Wise Mr and Mrs thur Murray in Adrian tii olemric razir by Mr 011ie Bud Eikenberry and family Mrs Retirement Dinner centering around how be Honors Mr Charles had enjoycd working with Mr Mr and Mrs Ira Mann Mr and Mrs John Smith and family Mr and Mrs Art Wise Mr and Mrs Bud Eikenberry and family Mrs reme George Platter etint inner Stark centering around bow he Honors Mr harles had etijoctd working with Mr SitS in I i-0111'1 Fisher Mr Fisher then acknow- Fisher January 1 ledged a short speech ex- rs ciottrge lit tttr acc tinpn- preng hs appreciation 1) her ne lie's Roitettt lr A ri iii cmcitt dinnei was 't Eicl family and niece Mrs in hoti tit of Mr co 11 itti her in The cottage was decorated in Rice of Tulsa attended the thk' istonary cattage id the green and hitc with a quintet tral service of her sistertmt I Church of (101 Harley antf Drum of tahles centered with mums and Mrs Charles Ntoulds in Kan I F-jay ev enng 4 poinsettias anuary City Saturday January Mr: li-tlier is rettrint4 after: 20 Those attending the dinner were I of sort Ice tc iln the Elm 01 Mr and Mrs Ira 1 ann Mr and hile in Nlissouri Mrs Platter company Mrs John Smith and family Mr ed with her sister Mrs Ar- rt Fisher was preented Oh and Mrs Art Wise Mr and Mrs Niurray in Adrian an elemric raz tr by Mr 011ie Bud Eikenberry and family Mrs fair value varying from COUn ty to county Th(re are some counties in the state where a good sized -city will have not a single residence assesool high enough (over $10ooi to have to pay any tax at all Thq' PTA Congress believes that both control and support of schools and local government should rest upon the local community in so far as possible Tho office of tax collector should be removed from "politics a adequately financed: the man holding office should be qualified dko so and the legislature should set up qaalifications to be met by any candidate for asessor he should hold office for four years and should he eligible for reelection (or re-appointment if the office is made appointive) A bill to that effect will be introduced in the coming legislature Larger Tax and Adonnistrative umLs for support and management of public schools sees to be neeessary At present we have 1655 school--glistricts in the state The PTA believes reorganization into smaller units would result in: (a A Much broader tax base for the district increasing the financial statutity of the district tb) larger adminstration unit allow ing rrouping of children for in struction assuring a 12 year prograrr-and moking possible an enriched program The -state PTA Congress beliCVeh that monies ear-marked for schooluse should not be diverted to other functiors of government taxeson inheritance income sale cigarets beer and freight cars all originally passed for the benefit of schools were Liter diverted to other purposes Had the schools received the money last year from these sources they would have had 80 million dollars It) add to their budget Revision of the Homestead Exemption law was discused by the PTA Since the first $1000 of assessed value is now exempt from ad valorem tax many home OWIl ers in the state pay nothing toward the support of their schools ix city and ciomty government Various suggestions for revision have been made including one that half of the first $2009 be xempt fair value varting from coum ty to county Th(re are some COUntiPs in the state acre a good sized city vd1 have not a single residence assesed high enough (over $10oui to have to pay any! tax at all Th(4' PTA Congress helloes that both control and support of schools and local government should rest upon the local community in so PTA Congress (6't A special educational to be introduced by the 0EA in the legislature proposes to finance most of the Special Education program out of state appropriations for state aid as a part of the founda hon program (7) Five null emergency levy another OEA bill proposes to raise the per cita cost from MO to $4140 as the five mill ermrgency levy is in danger of being invalidated by tax protests mhich are being sustained by the Supreme court The bills mentioned in both artides should be the concern of every one whether parents or not All state PTA members are being polled on these questions to de termitic the action to be taken in the legislature "We should dis cuss them should contact ou state representatives and senators and let them know how we mould like to have them vote as they represent us the legislature" Mrs Ben Rittenhouse said Here are the names of local sen ator and representatives: DiA I I Senator Everett Collins Sapulpa Dist I Rep William Stub-ley Bristow Dist 2 Helier Finch Jr Dist 3 Lou Allard Drum-right 0 Baptist Circle Met NVith Mrs Blackwell PTA Congress () A special e(laational VIII 0 vniet cohordy of OSIMONIEMEIVONAMMORME 1G 1o Vibe 1 ft gwtti LAI Cop rht (- 0ia Comp Any 7- Rogularsia COCA-COLA BOTTLING Dray of COMPANY "BRING HOME THE COKE" Nothing like that real great taste that bright little lift to put you at your sparkling best! 50 A million times a day somebody somewhere pauses for refreshment with Coca-Cola GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES CAULIFLOWER 40 LOO 0 "I want you to have my Souvenir Record from A7 1 1 in 0 0 ke Time only I'M WALKING BEHIND YOU WISH YOU WERE HERE LADY OF SPAIN OUTSIDE OF HEAVEN DOWN-HEARTED ILL HOLD YOU IN MY HEART --kt ic I YOURS THIS EASY NAV! Six favorites 3 heard Eddie sing "Coke Time" now on one record Purchase Coca-Cola at your favorite store and get the special coupon for this offer on every package Fill 1 it in and mall it with 250 Your record will i 1 be sent to you promptly "Bring home the 1 Colsel" and send for your record today! Standard RCA Victor Extended Play 45 RPM 7-Inch Re Available in Music Storos lo A FINEST QUALITY LIvr3EE A VO) -mw-Niv-Nw-Nr-w-lr CHOICE BEEF ROUND STEAK Lb 690 CUDAHY NUTWOOD BAC011 Finest Quality 2 Lb 980 FRESH DRESSED STEWING HENS Lb' 390 FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF 3u)100 NPatliTr4 of31 BRAND -wa- ii i i it IV EVAPORATED Instant mut Dry NMF Al 1 TK 2 For 270 Mat aQkt eLs 310 7 21 HARLEY '01) MARSHSEEDLESS FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 5 Lb Bag 330 FLORIDA HAMLIN ORAIIGES 5 Lb Bag 330 FANCY TOPPED TURIIIPS 2 Lb 150 IDAHO RUSSET SNOW CROP 10 OZ krAdViBlifill I POTATOES io 3300 NO I ALL GOLD 2 LB SWEET POTATOES 250 NO I MEDIUM YELLOW Oi NHS 2 Lb 090 Wisii THE 150 SCTI6iliPD-BTIgCOLI 5 LOO BABY LIMAS 40 100 or 100 SNOW CROP OR DONALD DUCK A OZ ORATIGEJUICE 3F LOO 00 Grocery MKT Phone 956 GARDEN FRESH FINEST QUALITY Clir3 a A VO) VEGET11BLES --ye ---1-- ---iy- --tr- --11 CHOICE BEEF MARSHSEEDLESS FLORIDA OUND STEAK Lb 690 GRAPEFRUIT 5 Lb Bag 330 CUDAHY NUTWOOD FLORIDA HAMLIN Finest Quality BAC011 980 ORAIIGES 5 Lb Bag 330 2 Lb FANCY TOPPED FRES11 DRESSFD STEWING HEIIS Lb 390 TURIIIPS 2 Lb 150 Al IDAHO RUSSET FRESH LEAN An POTAT OES 10 LB 390 (i "I want you to have GROUND BEEF 3 Lb LUU 1ky fee Ark? 1-t''!" Souvenir L7T) Tr ki NO 1 ALL GOLD 2 LB vs 'Al''''''''' A-4t SWEET POTATOES 250 1 Record from (iiii gml I 4 A BRAND V- ir Coke Time 'W WI 1 1 li ILK Valli' Uo NO 1 MEDIUM EVAPORATED Insta 14: I 40kr 4 nt YELLOW 01i1ONS 2 Lb 090 4 :7 MI IL It NONFAT 1 DRY MILK 1- P-1 4 1 2 For 274 Makes o)1 A 14) I CRISP SOLID I I WALKING BEHIND YOU WISH YOU WERE HERE 4 Ms 5: "447- 4 LADY OF SPAIN OUTSIDE OF HEAVEN HEAD LETTUCE Lb 150 DOWN-HEARTED I'LL HOLD YOU IN MY HEART -4'''': 'L ttt I 4'stt'-7 "'itt Qi A r7e1is SNOW CROP 10 OZ 1 '3'i i- -1- (k' Ex i -------ittimo eq' I 0 CHOPPED BROCCOLI 5 For 1d00 18 lil 4 "4 ''t' ------de 7 BIRDSEYE 10 OZ CAULIFLOWER -'-): -1 i': 4 A A i 4 For LOO 0 :4 A el i-1 SNOW CROP 10 OZ -N --1 only 1 BABY LIMAS 4 For 100 ttttt '1" 1 :7 1 VOLERS THIS EASY WAVE Six favorites alt -J- i --6 3 ou heard Eddie sing "Coke Time" 4t --3 iF MARANI 16 OZ -'f i now on otie record Purchase Coca-Cola at IS- ES 15 toll t' your favorite store and get the special STRAWBERRI 7or 100 coupon for this offer on every package Fill ti ty ttt' j' tt t- it in and mall it with 230 Your record will be sent to promptly "Bring home the I SNOW CROP OR DONALD DUCK OZ 2 -z 1 4 Cuke!" and send for your record today! -0 a ORANGE vAr1VCi i :1 A ii JUICE 3 100 Standard RCA Victor Extended Play 45 RPM I rt A I 7-incS Re A oros vailable in music -t tt 1 t1 111 Lotaitt La I ft gwttled traio-wark Coy rliht I iib Ple Cora-Cola CompAny er 4 "BRING HOME THE at COKE" Iii 1- Avy 4 4r 1 11 Nothing like th real i 1--)Lq 0 r11 ytoli littl great taste that bright ''011 c7 it-1 1- 141 4 -c i I IN lilt to put you at lit 11 I I it i i'l 'I'? All 1) 'r'-! fli 1 it4 LA7 --14c4-1 i'': 417 ti: tli your sparkling best! 50 million times a day some- tvItt ss''t body somovhe 14c te 1 l'21 4 14)' I 1 14: pauses for refreshment p-t4ae' I 6 a with Coca-Cola 4 "4 6 Olt- a 4'141 I 1 1t 1W -----leltingSize 441PI Rogular-Sia ort' Grocery PIKT 0 COCA-COLA BOTTLING el vniet cuthority of CONIPANY 1hp SAPULPA ()Kt A 721 HARLEY Phone 956 I IMINIMMIEMPOW1111111001MIEW 1100111011EMMEIM The Amanda Tinkle Circle a the First IlaptiA church met IA it) IikvII 64i8 West SeIII1S(LI i fternoon January 9 iZ) Another ()EA bill concerns Tlie devotional taken from John financing of the Teacher Retire- 5 was N- ment program Contributions to iveit by irs Sarah Nor v'ood opemng av the fund by the teachers were to pr er i voiced Nl have been matched by the state Mrs I A orris but the Legistalure has never ap NIrs APie Walker finished the propriated enough money to do mission book "Japan Advances" this Instead only enough money The elosin PraYrr as voiced by to cover payments that will have Mrs to be made in the coming two One guest attended the meeting years period is appropriated She was 'Mrs Celia Nlinson of Wit-Enough money should be approp- low Springs NIa V110 is a guest riated to cover payments and start in the home of NIrs building up a reserve fund the ner local PTA officers report No new members were induct-Financing of the 15 annual sal- cc into the dub NI" GarlanA ary merementis was dscussed in and Mrs Glenn Itickner The devotional taken front John 5 was given by NI rs Sarah Opening prio er voiced by Mrs A lorris Mrs Arlo Walker finished the rnisdon book -Japan Advances" The elosin: prayer as voiced by Ms I Connett The PTA Congress feel that three Refreshments ere served to $'in increments for approved pro-Mrs A Walker Mrs (l fessional training between the Turner Mrs A Ntorris Nirs Bachelor and Master degree Sarah Nonkood Mrs Willis Fraz would be better than $2u0 incre lei Mrs Connell Maters' degree Frank Webb Mrs George I'lat- is attained ter and Mrs tilaekwell (3) Itenning salary of $3600 is being proposed by the State PTA WASHINGTON PTA Congress in order to interest the young people in the teaching pro- The Washington Elementary lesion and slop the loss to other school PTA Unit kill meet on states of younger teachers Tueday January 15 at the school (I) Tilt Free Textbook bill as at 3 pm discussed and its lb-lam-Mtg "The Gale Bradens Visit legislature has never appropriat In Stillwater ed enough money to buy all the Mr and INtrs Gale Braden :194 books needed The law without the South Bristow spent Sunday eve-money does not give our children ning in the home of Mr and Mrs free textbooks If want free 0 Horning of Stfilwater The textbooks we cust urge the Leg- llornings are former residents of islature to Appropriate enough Itrumright money for them" a loyal PTA spokesman declared In Ladds (5) The Library law (licvhsion) Return Home is another 0EA bill to be pre-1 Mr and Mrs Lino Ladd of Pas sented to the legislature for ac- adena Texas returned home lion "A law passed by the Tuesday morning after a vi-it (9r frion1 ell up libraries with minimum Illumright and Refresh went ere served to Mrs A Walker Mrs Turner Mrs A Morris 1 rs Santh NorlA ood Mrs Willis Fraz ler Mrs Connell rs Frank WbIL Mrs George Platter and Ts tikakwell Win qm4rotna00074 it.

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