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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • 3

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tii. vr 1 Tv Tfie cotton market wu firmer, with a sate biles! FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, ti A. M. joTCAMDOATO; BUSINESS NOTICES. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS low middl ng at 4 be, and 36 do toi 44c.

Holdera, generally intiuet ced by the favorable betoafroa. New York Tint Jefvfrso: vrtx: Further Particulars Wi i have made considerable ex-ertion to aecertlon the facts of the fatal dis and Em ope, are diapooed to advance their aeriona drawback te ahip-ceaia South bU thewaahinawaybytoe fattofreahetaof the bridge oa occurred by None to Opera-Goer. Reserved seats In chqice locations can be had on application at Trfops Music Store, 94 and 96 Jellerson street. d23 6utreriag Contrary to our expectations, I printinc-jhaa advanced 85 per cent in the last I and we are obliged to make a change in ms, which from mis date will be i $13 oo I 4 0 00 If Dfilliolt. Na'Hville, Dec.

28. teeTbe river is rtill risirg, with thirty feet on the Shoals. The back water is visible. I Indications are that the river will overflow its banks. Cotton is being shipped actively by steamer to New Orleans at $4 per bale; to Cincinnati at $1 per day.

The price of cotton to-day is from 40 to 42e, with holders firm at that price. Receipts to day! 321 baler; shipments, 250 bale, i A egro was killed by some soldiers of the 16th Regulars on toe street last night, i Rumors ot a terrific tornado at PalaskI rea 'lied here this morning, bnt were not tangible enough to report. Reliable: information from the operator at; Pulaski says that a tornado visited that town, blowing down number of SO-0TBBRXr SHIPrER.3 juldjbkair in mind Tatar we wfeer IJ euperioriQduoemeate ini i I Foi warding Freight! to all Points South. All ennf ioninem. to onr care wiff he nqmma Yinouaa al a low ratst a Any hoaeoj ji A rOnr dl re.

for Truiafer will ntole-ati. iuiaumeuu au iaie Mliritad. YroaLVreiuo made. Gar 'n4 A ri ft W. r.ardnuri VS ft Pater Ju.

Andeii.iL Liuunle, Ry. BhurJAeut L. ft N. H. tt.f 4 1.

Bwnik. AaIN. ftC MR- H. It. I -r.

K. R. He, Te i i hi i 1 -i i 1 1 wash Up ok this Lark Shore RaddroaP. he Cleveland Herald says: prom a gen'JemAn 1 ho arrived here on Saturday, and who ws at re scene of the collision on the Lake Shore gd Friday afternoon, shortly after it look place, we learn farther particulars. The Lccl-dett took place about four miles from Silver Creek between two freight trains, both oiug at fall speed, and the wreck' of locimo-tivee and cars was complete and (The ollitlon took place about one oclock 'i: i frernoon.

(There wad a vtery fierce stori i find and snow prevailing at the time; so i that an object could be Seen at only the of ch few 10 Ripc-n3 AccoutS rterseas! tit of War i 8 1 mouth. .4. For a holiday gift what is more appropriate than a fine French morocco roc? J. T. Bnflth next door above Louisville Hotel, hate jnst opened a large lot of French sacs for ladies and gentlemen.

Also a full line of trnvks, bags, and valises, which they offer nt New York prices. 'd21 a as the railroad between Chattanooga and Atom to thus cutting off the oommanicattona fur a time. Ibe attendance on Change was very fa with bow-j very small traaeactiooe. Bales were reported of 800 aackS Turks Island salt at 70cL delivered at pork-bouee, 4 bble Reed'e whisky to $3 S5, Itf bxs bwaabar cbdeae at 400 bble flour to $6 6(7 jfor common superfine, aud $7 1547 85 for superfine. Provisions were somewhat excited and prices tend upward, i Mew cork sold, freely to some holders asking has) 6 0 Lard was in better demand with safes of primo in tterces at HP are tcMrce and higher, with sales ef new to 58c; the crop is shoit and prices Lavs iu upward ton defley.

Among onr imports we notice a lot of printing paper direct from Georgia, mantoactured these and rougbt fe our markqt i sold at very fenrmsratire I ji i DnjChristmas fve, whSe the Harry Dean, 'aptala W. Bj Millci bound! from Memphis to nclunati, was poising Grand View, fifteen lies elow Hawtsv lie, on, the Lower Ohk a ang of men fired some ten or twelve shots at Uoat from the Kentucky shore. Several if the shots took effect In thte wood-work of (he abin.l one musket or rifle bullet passing tirough a staunchean in close proximity to the lerks Clce. Fortunately no one was injured the Harrr Dean, although she was crowded with jpastengers. iThere bteiug a low doggtery at the point from whence the shots came, It Is snppceed some ol the chivalry, being elated or intoxicated, imagined they Were playing gner-kill a.

jll of 1 I According to the statement of a Mtxico. Iq I 1 i EoagFBiolts. Morlrbi-Rt ft Httihrr genera ly.) ltaMarM all Freights care 1 Til W. ft 3 (PA -UCE8 i I n.d.oa fh MtataoJ Srnral of A yon og gentleman from the South, one '--jswith confidence recommend, wants xtither as clerk or traveling agent for hardware, or dry goods house. at thle qfficer i I A4- turbance In j1 Jeffereonvilite, and, through the kindness of General Welkins, commandant of this poet, are enabled to give oar readers all the essential Information.

The following communication from Surgeon Goldsmith, addressed to. Geceral Watkins, Adjutant General, gives one side of the case; I I JutFaitsoNvuiJ-K U. 8. A. GekerAl Hospital,) JefpkHsohviiU.b, Ino Dec.

25. Captaix: The past night afforded no distnrb-ance about Ike hospital except the firing of two or three random shots from some boys in Fulton ville into the hospital enclosure. I I To show yon the state of feeling existing1 among the people outside, I have to Mate that) cue of our engineers, coining to the hospital last night about 12 M. was assaulted by two) men, with revolvers at Ids breast, declaring i be called the men, whom he happened to know) name it was well be spoke as quick as he d-t-u nigger, and by name it was well be spo did, for they took; him for a houses and killing a number of persons, burying them in toe ruins. One lady was killed; Commission dh ppim Aewfe.

No. 8 Biori at. (oer (uffi of whsri), I TtNS. 5 dtmi JThe Cincimiati dUptocbee to-dayi show a large falling probt to the makers. fBTReal Point, Point Venise, and Point Ap-plteque Coiffeurs, Sets Handkerchiefs, Empress and Catinka Collars, at Mrs.

T. C. Middleton's, 315 Fourth street. dl3 tJl fjpGo to Bryant, Stratton, DeHans Louisville or Cincinnati Commercial! and Tele fh Minisltc AdfJU3 lo Retarn Homo. sore livcrpwl line her body was not recovered.

The telegraph is down between here and Pulaski, and there are no further particulars. I I Very few negroes were arrested on Christmas day, thongh hundreds of them perambulated the streets all day. The transferring of jurisdiction of punishment from civil to military law teaoBts fewer arrests than feet distant, The cars were piled upon teach the freight; was scattered abohtln I be greatest confusion. It would take ome i ime to clear the wreck away so1 that i pass. On Saturday passengers were elltd to walk abont an eighth of a mile me train to' another.

The Buffalo Expi Jaturday morning has" the followihg: lie driving storm of yesterday the Lake railroad did a smashing business, In th place two freight trains collided near tnw AtVAfeAAW VVUUAVU UVM fUU off in the receipts ot bogs, toe number only amopatmg to bead, with a fair market to greajJ Meal pork was beld at It! 0ur market lor hogs bas assumed a firmer tone, with sates ot bead to packers at gross, borides sev oral lots taken at gras for heavy weights, or llJgOllac nett. Ad our packers Were busy to flay, as wsU as Kfckctts A Co. to deffersonWiile, killing, and the bSal killed up to to-day amounts bead, with 6.400 bead in the (wns Tbe number Bbagbtend fo-day out letter frcta Europe on our first page 2Jng cur renders will find, exceedingly It la from the pen of a distinguished gentleman, whose eyes have lately for the first jtlme the sic his of the Old I i I I I grteph College to learn to be Book keepers or Telegraph Operators. These are the best in the country. 4 d3 Tennessee member of Coogrees, a majority of the marriages that are taking piece in Memphis are between ex secession ladies and Northern emi Xcr The Splendid A 1 btoan.

:ER8fer.4 Vhmissii for Liverpool dcSiturd' 1 Jtoiuatr. 6th. st 19 M. Kor treil li. om Bki timore spipty to Moi i A Leii, Louisviiie, Agents B.

A i 'aeaurrip Res First cows ctom steersge. 439. Psysbfe in roM fr seed 6,100 head. meant to kul him, I i The affair cutrof which grants. Baooino and htopR Market I dull, johdice; power Faronts International Restaurant.

Regular dinner every day from 12 to 3 oclock. Keeps constantly on hand Sea Salmon, Pike, Eels, lobsters. Clams, Soft-shell Crabs, Terrapins, Cauliflowers, and all vegetables in season. Also Sea Salmon, Bella, Cauliflowers, retailed for family nee. 1 d9 dtf loom and heavy India bagging ar held at $ic I men hand made.

Hand made rppe cOPKOciunUsoa Regular Bbssics 7ap Evening, December 284, The lower rza called tp order at 7 oclock 25 knln-l the Lot isvilie JotUTMlJ 1 Indianapolis, Dee. 23. 53 The University of Virginia has two hundred and twenty two' stndehts. Thte war has greatly interfered vith the revenues of the in- Choice machine do, Bavtiro Sales to 36460, and retail The Democratic State Central at 50c for tJtfkcpdr iLformtoiou uppli toJoln erll FfeiLlilt Agent, AO. R.R.

Co- nd thirteen members were present, I to elect, ai Dulaney offered resolution stitntion- Uteek, breaking up the locomotives and Scars, and killing two boys, whose! names we din not learn. In the afternoon the Erie accomijnoda Regular Passenger Cairo MemDhie ftivleiiu Cairo memDhte kivleiiu I 0 Illusion Waists, Lace Sashes, Beltings, Bqckles, Fans, Neck-ties, and Alexandres Kid Gloves at Mrs. T. C. Middletons.

315 Fonrth street. tJl ck in joint session, a member of the Com. onncil for the Seventh Ward, in place of Fir iNaic.befc, aad Orin I4NA I Ji s. W. W.

Corlinjs, Odrk i Leaves tor the above tion train ran into a gravel, train at Ham GUore, and a Mayor In place of Philip A French Journal on XjAmart in a Severe and Sharp Criticism. Thq Paris Journal des Debats makes the foHowiug criticism on Lamartines letters 1 1 i ni! Since M. de Lamartise declares himself to Ne BuoKWHEAT-BappUes light, with sales paniid. i Bboor Corm We quote No. 1 at $333A16( CoFaDAOE We quote Manilla attn4f ILottom Holders suffer, with of 55 balei In two lets at good middling is held to 474c.

CorTon-TARNs. Holders are hrm in tbe for yarns, with sales of No. 500 at 40c in lots N4. duv at 87c, and No. 700 to 84c per doaeo.

i Small sales to 1c advance on each number. i CamLiES Sales of star candles in lois, to the bade, br the manufactarera. for 13 oz at oi at C422c, and 14 oa to SmaU sakes to ad vance. Tallow candies 16(17c. I Coafc Beet Pittsburg, afloat, 1930c, Pomeroy 2c to Country Produoe Green apples $5 batter asffiSOein boxes, and firkins bwiw points this dari MoffsiMtttaqTclock F.

fromi apply cm boazd cr to I croppfr. pa rror doing er me damage to property, bat injuring none cf the passengers, 'fhe day was (cold, sqowy, yndblusteiing, and phenes it Was Impossible to see or avoid! danger. It that Henry Anderson, 'of Erie, fireman oi of the engines, was also killed at, the col near fcl.ier. Creek. I have alone fathomed the Mexican we most believe him; and though it is held as certain that during the lost century ail the world had moie wit than Voltaire, we will admit, (out I For riclyntt.

Pine Bluff, and FRANKLIN 4-i. peit. Esq removed. Passed and. in by the upper Board, I I resignations of Mr.

Orrill, from the; Sec 'ard, and of Mr. Earick, Twelfth Ward ecelved, read, and laid over. ttition was read for the right of way for a railroad on Walnnt street and the trans-tile right on Fourth street, Referred to 4 Messrs. Megowan, committee, to wit: meets In this city on the 8tbj of January tp de-termine the time of holding the D.mocjratic State Convention, an4 consult npon other matters of paty Interest. The; Democrats of the State are generally invited to participate in the commemoration of tog li The gist Indiana infantry is oa thte way hjnne.

Arrangements have been made1 to giro it a grand reception gt Terre Hante The 26th, at Columbus, Mississippi! and be 115th, at Cnth-beit, Georgia, are ordered to bte mastered, oat. Theic are ten Indiana regiments still in the servici I Returns from forty-three connlies to the Adjutant General's office show that over teight millions of dollars have been paid out for honn-tiee and for the relief of soldiers familiete. 1 It is estimated that abont twenty-five millions nT Leaves tins dsy. WEATHER STRIPS. Out the Cold, Rain, Snow, and Frost.

This article covers effectually every crock around doors and windows. It is very simple aud durable and eaves fuel, Every body should have it. Try it and yon will find that it Will pay for itself in a very short time. It is in general use in the city of New! York and all Northern cities. Call and examine onr.

stock. It LEWIS Agents, i I No 133 Main below Fonrth, North Side. (Read This The above elate ment of Messrs Lewis Fitch does not do the article justice. I have the 8trip in several of my rooms and pronounce It a perfect 6ncceee. Try Bt every body.

8. C. 8CHULTHES3. 1 of deference for M. de Lamartine, that in the from cty wbarf 1 apply on board of t( ClROPrER, i PATTON 40d4Sc.

Cneeso Western reserve seaioe to ftUMiWJLe, and Sic for selected, York dairy to i Hado- the burg waall kits at net wuigpt. Dried apples lluftisc tor new. Dried pt peaches scarce at I740e LouiSTile find Ndsb OompaHT. and Dulaney. (The hi the present excite-j ment grew appears to be as follow: I I Saturday night the Sergeant in command of the colored guards came to me after I had gone to bed, and told me that some of his men, returning to hospital, had been Attacked by the rowdies down town.

1 directed him to report to Lieutenant Moyrison, the officer of the guard, and, in the meanwhile, gave Instructions to the guard at the gate not to allow any of1 the colot ed soldiers to pass oat, except In charge of i white officer. I 1 I I I I It teems that Lieutenant Morrison directed the Sergeant to take a had! dozen men or so and go and look for the two men who were missing, aLd bring I them! In. Be gave the Sergeant especial Instructions to guard against coming in contact with any collection of drunken mt-n, and to avoid all possible difficulty. I I I The Sergeant, who appears to be a more than commonly good and careful man, reports that, beving gona to the scene of the disturbance, and not finding his proceeded to some place in Jeffersonville i the men were known to go, am) that, While passing along the street, a man steppe out of an alley or from between two hoiues, and fired on him. Ha, the Sergeant, at Once called out to the man not to fire In that direction; the man fired again.

The Sergeant atepped out In front oi men, one of whon called out I am hit. The Sergeant says his Intention was to arrest the mad; he told his men not to fire; bat after one of the men said 1 am hii! some of the men fired npon the man, and he fell. I am told that the testimony on the coroners Jury substantiate), in a mannhr, the Sergeants statement. Such is as near as 1 can find out, the history of the matter. I I i 1 1 i I have to ask for instructions in the premises.

I am satisfied that it will not be expedient to allow any colored soldier. to Show himself in Jeffersonville or; Fultonvllle, and that if perchance any one )f them Should be caught out at ariirllls ami Nashi A special Columbus (O.) dispatch Cincinnati Gazette of yesterday says: following appointments have been made by General Cox as members of his staff as 3 over-Adjutant-General, Brigadier-Geneikl B. Settion Nominations as Councilman i Seventh Ward: D. Spaulding, Jte and Dirprt. Erif? Mvtti? and ifttenaedh-fec.

fto, at Fbr freight 1 Leaves for the above 40 points Saturday, F. trsn city aiply ion board or to CHOPPER. PATT I votes JTOnte thousand assorted Imitation Lace Sets Collars and Handkerchiefs; 1,000 Linen counties in the Embroidered Sett Collars and Caffs, 1,000 Plain i tfl Linen Collars aA Cuffs, at Mis 9 T. C. have been paid out by all the State for these purposes.

ins, 315 Fonrth street. .513 vy.F,& R. Oowen, of Belmont count; Qaarteroiaster-General, Lient-CoL D. W. EL Day, of iTood county, and late Quartermaster in the 23d army corps; Surgeon-General, Dr.

McDermoiit, of Montgomery county, knd late Snrgeon ol U. S. volunteers; Aiaes de.Camp, LienL-Col. James McClary, of Trnmbnll county, and late if the 41st Ohio volunteer I infantry, and Captain L. ir Tcisiiegec Hnvef Pjicket For Pndurah.

Kasi pork and all A iJkNAY tlKANDKib. na Will learis as above J8U, at 5 frcjii itreirbt oasme a.ijffj CKOFPRK FATTEN, Company. my Uuidiag Kvank i.i Satu? ffaj-, DdftJ kjity wiiarf. Fw on board or tea CO.vAgents. Louis Tripp has got his new marie sfore and piano ware-rooms.

Nos. 92 and 94 Jefferson street, fitted np, and ttinow ready to see and wait npon his friends and customers. Give him a coll. n'23 dtf -h -r Store. i D.

Spaulding received 21 (ore I I I James 8, Lithgow Was elected as Mayor the unexplred term of Mayor Tomppart, by 23 Votes; nays none.) Ws. Baxter and Carrnth, from the upper and JfieeeraL and Dulaney, he lower Board, were then appointed a Ittee to wait npon Mr. lithgow and in-him of his election. I I then both Boards adjourned for half an I Pi i Pint quarter before nine oclock the Commit burned accompanied by the Mayor elect, JwwJuced, and if as sworn into1 office gd fear bison, after which he pads the for unpealed and SOkSSc for pealed Vjb. Feat hers buyiug price bokToc.

Flaxseed ga 30. 1 lots $3 25 per bbt Eggs 3v440e for fresh Brooms Common 4i4to6; fibaker, best, SUndti got Lomavtoe tnske, best, F6 76 dosen. Ginseng buying at 80atic. Beam nominal at gl 6iHteftl75 for white. Oiuoai lpl 76 to dealers; small sales to iM bbl.

i EXirrstics We quote standard makes to 83S6c, With an upward tendency. I Flour Market firm, with sales of 310 bble comman to good sitperfiue at 5(H7 95, 60 do at 7 15, buq do at 7 quote 7(47 96 for super one, pi fcimextra 96 (dt'J 25, ext a family in dra r-0ad aiid ikldofia brands to $11. If Grain We quote new a wheat to $fl 6(1 60. Corn scarce new ear, 60q63e, old, nom ua at Oats range fiom 6056c, with sales of bOU bish4ta to 55c Rye iu light dt at 3 Barley quieti flpring is dnU to faU, dl 86. GROCRfuT-Marketmodcrately active.

Pain to good Rio coffee at 8mlc, common! to prime sales of 60 begs at 1 Choice, Sl d-iic; La- fuira S9(i8rayJava 4'i51c. RIW sugars uba and Porto Rico; hard standard 9u4 I91 $3 ui lott of 6M or lutf bbls; ana A coffee sugars at jellow sugars range from coffee eugarsilk; Race in casks. PoitoRico molasses Eastern sirups $Mc(l 35, as to quality and package. I 1 iUipes akp TALtowBuyer are paying toimtehers folr green hides tfc; dfy hides range Iron 1hk.4 goiid lolts of dry tiiot 14C, ehuup-akins With wool jo 1 rcjULh tallow buying to reudei'ed 13l4c. bKKi Sales of dev eisei at lo! pet bushel.

Retail lots 5U. 1 I 14ai Lfemaud gordat $14, ooj the pressed tmiolhy, and from stoie jat $16. lute pressed aud mixed $13 per tonj Markbreit, of Hamilton county, and pf the volunteer infantry. 28 Lh Ohio volunteer infantry. The foregoing Lcmlsyille and Memphis Packet Firtalko idainbuH, ilickman LtJjRiilV 4-J bkM Will tear the city1 rtian.

1, to 6 F. i height or passage apply I ii MJ.CAr IJ To the Western Associated Press. I Nkvv York, Dec. 28. There was a former tone to railway speculation this morning and a general improvement in prices.

There was no demand for stock-, bnt considerable excitement in New York Central, Fort Wayne and Pittsburg during the day. The market was firm with heavy Sales of New York Central! At the last board there was some activity tvith very slight fluctuations. The market is largely 'oversold, and any attempt to cover on toe part of the leading would produce a rally. The following were the closing: rates at 4.30 P. Ohio and Mississippi certificates 28 New York I Central 96, Erie 95, Hudson River 108, Reading 106, Michigan Southern 75.

Cleveland and Pittsburg 82, Cleveland ano Toledo 113, Rock Island 106, Northwestern 34, Northwestern preferred 61, Fort Wayne 105. i i Geld is active, with a strong feeling closed Bt 145. The snpplv of gold secories on sale is generally small, while toe demand is fair and prices steady and well sustained. Large orders have been received from toe country in the past two davs. I i I There was some activity! in Bennehoff Run and Pithole Creek today, pnt toe balance of list was qpiet; Bennehoff Ran 1 600, Bradley 65, Central 3 900, First National 50, Monnt Vernon 35, Off Creek 175, Pithole Creek 1,380, United States 2,730.

Petroleum is dull at a decline; 1,000 barrels crude sold at 41c, and 3,000 barrels refined in bond at 63c. I The following are toe quotations to-dsv at the Dry Goods Exchange: Brown sheetings Appleton 33; Bedford 3-4, 25: Pittsfield 29; standards 33c; Lndlow A 28c. Bleached shirtings Bates BB, 87c; Columbia, 29s; Hill 40c. Prints-t-Americans 25c; 24c; Merrimac' WI, 28; Sprague. 26 Briggs, 24; i Allen 24c; Lancaster 24 West, 24c; Freeman Delaines Manchester 29c.

Ginghams Lancaster 30C. Brown drills Wmthrop, 80e: Peppereli, 85c. Corset jeans Amoskeag, 39; Newmarket, Bans 33c. I Canton flannels Laconia, 42; Hamilton, 50 Pemberton, 57c. i Kentucky Jeans- Richmond, 67.

Caseimerea N. Y. Mills, 50. Hoop skirts Bradleys duplex -elliptic, 20 to 50; Hoops, 97 to 105; Empress trail, 125; Meyers, IXL, 1 Inch, 20 to 40; hopps, 55 to 75, 3 inch, 20 to 40; hoops, 70 to 110. I I I The Exchange Is now publishing daily price lists of all varieties of dry goods, the New York market.

I The following dispatche were received at the Dry Goode Exchange: i Promdencci Dec. 28. Market quiet and prices firm for Prints. Philadelphia, Dec. quiet but firm.

Dec. 28. Market rather inactive bnt goods firm. The American Union Commission In this city has received, letters from- its agents at Little Rock, Arkansas, which say that at least 10,000 persohs are in immediate and pressing need ot food, shelter, clothing, and necessaries of life, and it is feared many will perish during toe winter. Considerable emigration is finding its way to Arkansas I The Tnbnnes letter from Galveston says: Large quantities of goods are being sold at auction at very low rates, toe market being largely overstocked.

At most points in toe Interior specie is almost all the kind of currency in use. Company. ni Mt'niphhe aoHfia wharil Monday, I'Ositivjriy. kos fataPd or to 'Y, A.seu VVT.Ui stn-e. appointments are made under the law for a peace establishment, hs it i existed prior lo the 4T If yon want great bargains In Cigars, obaceo, and Pipes, call at Nicholas Lernoe store.

119 (late 334) Main street, between Third and Fonrth, north ride, opposite the National Hotel. He keeps toe largest stock in toe city. rtetellion. The office of Military Secretary, heretofore! held by Colonel S. D.

Maxwell, of the East. I LtThig. Master. Moiday, Juu end sells as cheap aa any house in I 8ep27 d3m it If yon are diseased read Ttarlfttro sm( TAR.SCjON 41 rikMa. i WW leRVe as a at 6 o'clock F.

tsars aoiib on board KKVv.lN A DJNA night he will be killed In all probability. I have therefore txn suggest that the negro tr troops pe Dr. Joness ad koc Crevgbt ec to I IL Agenta. Montgomery county, a gentleman deservedly popular in that position, ij as no longer necessary. Y.T.

Cogge, hall, of frank. 1111 speech: n23 dtf verusement on onr first page, an unexpected call This is rwo anri ninirA a and I make mjn relieved frpm duty at this and that a white Sergeant and fifteen men be; Bent to replaes them. it I I i i sat Join the names of the men who were the squad when-the shooting was done: will Pndcrtaate rater, i lfec. i i oc en-boi o. BtafiffrUle, r.

j.j i tV ui feaveicitv naii at 5 P. Mi pcitu paaai-e b. ly ard 11 iRiiti da For or to iitKi lln cfinuty) late editor of the Sine Joum: hold tjie position ot Private Secretary. e-Mr. 'rancis Snilth, a provision me; ffSrMrs.

T. C. Middleton has! lorn New Yoik, having made anlextra trip this Season for the especial purpose of selecting fhe very latest styles of lace anld fancy goods for the holidays. dl3 tJl use, my acknowledgements to hr the honor. I shall endeavor to dis.

the duties that devolve npon me In snch ner, as will do honor to the city. All that rj, that I ask of yon your undivided iMFAV-hfitw ot imboltt cornmeal at boi 69(dia3o: choice kb dried $1, psekares it eiiiUi 1 A 1 Gharles I Dillingham, Sergeant company 112th H. Bard Johnson, Horace Williams, gems. airo nl Lgiaintalning the laws and preserving iCVle cil iKVie city of Louisville while it shall be 'ilea sure to continue me in this office. Will leers as ahov at 6 F.

Mj hRagh i lie. RoncR, Master foufav, fiaa. oc easaage ap- HUeL Aiyrii, 1 Get Hurleys Ague Tonic. There Is no better remedy for ChUit and Fever in the country than Hurley' Ague Tonic. Anv lone who has taken the Tonic speak in the highest terms of in fact, none should fall to buy it when they ihjrot Nwtfd or to FiiWiNb 1N A OiFAt.

lair deraaml; bran 13 60, 1 hortsl $1618, sbipstuffs inio. and uffddtmg $35(30 Soi 1 Pr ivisioMe aii La ed 1 The i market hits an upward tenden? ith sales of 76 bble Hew meos borfc to seme holders asking 60. Prime Imdse iri4 Ai 60. Green bams lK41Mc. Bulk jmf ate 30-d 8 ih salt shoulders Jiba dear sniei hlams Bacon is higher, shoulders clefir sides 91c sugar cuttd ham Niw larjd jraifees ITtflfSIc tor all quatities.

wth sales of tierces at IV. aud 360 kegs to luc, though bo Idem arc firRiei in tlxuir views 4 i Staid, Sales in lots of 50 to 100 boxes to 7 1 for eet Madison, pkgs extra. If I Seed Small sa es of clover at jS 75(58J 5: ii lots. I 1 SoaP. 'W quote German, No, 1 to 14c An 1 No fiat common lie, fuad taucy aude astile kt per pound.

3 I 1 1 -a bag. Suot Sales of patent to 83 7f(4 fler and frltmi nave the chills. Si frit llR. present century he iias more cleverness than all the rest of the world. It nevertheless seems to ns, in all humility, that if the expedition to Mtxico had never been popular in France, I the reasens are precisely those which M.

deJLamvr-tine admire it, seeing therein a grand conception equitable as necessity, vast as the ocean, new os an impromptu, a statesmanlike thought, teeming like the future, sanitary for America and for the whole world. The' common senate of the public, which likee to comprehend things dearly, without fancifylng itself vast as the ocean, saw in this expedition) if not a though, at least a tendency, hostile to the spirit of the Institutions of North America, and that also M. de Lamartinte has seen. So fir, therefore, everybody is of one mind; bnt here the difference begins. The profane vulgar cannot clearly see either utility or the appropriateness! of this aggression, which the poet finds incoinplete and insufficient, the time, as he having arrived for setting on foot a general crusade of ail Europe against the Americans, who are the modern, Saracen3 here have the Americans been in the wrong? In possessing in their country cotton and gold mines, 'which Europe would be very willing to turn to her own profit; nothing, therefore, can be more jnst or more natural than that Europe should seek to obtain possession of them.

I Political economists will appreciate so eminently fonaiini a doctrine! I But what would the author cf Meditations Poqiiquea say if the Americans were to set UP a claim to appropriate the Vineyards Of Bourdeaux and Burgundy, on the grtUcd that they have none at home, and that the produce is worth its weight in gold. Another fault of that! people, is that of violating the'lawsof'a decorous urbanity, of not being very a unable, and being deficient in courtesy. Whatever importance may be given to questions of politeneste and personal amiability, all must acmit that! it is very difficult to declare war against a people for not wearing heels of the court standard. Bnt we hasten to qait querililies in ordej- to come to the real charge which M. de Lamartine brings against! the United States.

In bis eves they have a third fault, much more serious than the two namely, that oi representing in the world the spirit of the that is to say, the spirit Of envy of all superiorities, The Debats theii quotes several passages from the article against' which lie writes, and refers particularly to the one assertion made, that the envy of the Americans occasionally prevented their electing as President some of their great men. I It then goes On to remark: That envious feeling, which bars the passage of great men to eminence, has obstructed ia ca the production of heroes (fortunately for her, we think) bntil has not prevented the Republic of the United States from raising to the republican chair ruen of real patriotism and rare I good sense, irom Washington, who had a sonl disinterested and noble enough, to content himself with bring a great citizen; down to the glorious and deeply regretted Abraham Lincoln. The article concludes with the following personal gtiack on M. de Lamartine: I 1 A man may frek poet of sparkling Imagination; bnt is he on that account a politician, endowed with the comprehensive glance and tact necessary for directing public affaire? Newton, who, as a mathematician, was supreme, understood nothing abont the fine aria- Male-bran che, who knew nothing abont poetry, thought proper to despise it. Superiority is in most cases only a specialty carried as far aa possible, and Is well worthy of admiration when confined within its natural limits; bat the fruit of Brooklyn, New York, carried home wl 41,220 on Saturday! night, and abon oclock next morning found a bnrglarliin his -room.

The robber tad secured the monly be- fore Mr. Smith was fairly awake, Qn fully recovering his senses, he jumped out of bd and collared the burglar.j A desperate struggle ensued, resulting In Mr. Smith being shot twice With a revolver, and in the escape of the assassin, who jumped out of a second story window. At last accounts Mr. Smiths conditio was prilicoi.

I I 1 I limo Ua4t. Master irffnyi LKcvuibttt fraught ot pas tL Agents. Ml at 5 o'clock F. apply boat FHW1N AiON i I'or Netr Orlefin Leaves city wharf i i Muff Taken bt Mistake! A lady, while at reception of E. Hobbs, Eiq on Thursday afternoon, through mistake took the miff or one ot the guests instead her own.

She will leave It at Mr. Hobbss and) requests the ady with whom she made the exchange to call there and make a re-exchange for toe eatisfac-pon of both parties. d23 d6 i Coal! Coal! Coal! Jnst received, by N. W. JlAJ A i bat clock abd 3 NidAia MaKter ndail fifth itisl-w IVntAod toft asags apiny oa mali sklesat 4-4 6 Buck-shot $4 I P.

M. Fop firefahu os ooi Agente Wool Tlie mwket is dull aud iu les den re irg 3m33o for unwashed flctce and tuli-washed. 1 Wmbk We quote new raw dull, with be si bblsUt $3 35 fo Reed's. nd. le of GiTAnna Dickinson appeared 'in Bostoi pic Hall in a red gown fhet other night-respondent says that the wrongs of wome: Eor Cairo anil flreii ca.

1 -wi. I -r ililMoj Kajar, Master Stoorday, Ifec ft uleitywbarf. fiy outboard or ta Aceuts, i I Will Icmv es abot. r-kARfW 80, at 6 P. positively pfiMMFor tmehtorpasaage ap MOOHUliAD Kaye responded to the address 6 the elect, assuring him of the cheerful Jup-f the Boat'd in the performance of his of-intiee.

'III I Harblsob, by common consent,) made lowing timely reference tci the city work-, My object in coming here to-nlgh1 ot to make) a speech, for I dont think I it, but to Call your attention to the abnse ''lice in 'the; shape of yonr present work, ueystem. I As Jndge of the City Court of iile, it becomes my duty to try parties ire guilty Of minor offences. The only I can Inflict is, when the party is not pay a fine, to send him to the worker I may hold him to bail; or, he is ye to procure ball, he must be committed rorkhonse. The workhouse, as it is, is (M to City of Louisville. It Is shock-j public decency.

I do no know that It Is Ijat a shame on the part of the men as the la. The ladies of your city are daily ont-t 'by seeing women sitting pat there break Lick. I kqow of one woman who was Vigaged, haring no lower clothing On but 0f soldier, pants. She was brought be-Ci in that condition. 1 1 could not do any- red dressed on that occasion.

Hughes, No. 49 Fourth street, (between Main and river, east ride, a large shipment of the jyery best quality of Pittsburg ooal, which be ipffers for sale in quantities, from 20,000 bushels to one cart load, at the very lowest market (price. N. B. Particular attention given to all orders 'by railroad.

d23 dlO Cincinnati Flaar, OrsJn, ei4 lisrketl 1 Cukuhnati, Disc 9j P. M. Dd Flook quiet, and prices uuchanged I O' New: York and Ohid are both Wheat quiet; old red 81 new efl fit 75. Corn active at jTut rates; mixed for ear aqd o'- n0c for shelled Uata dull, aud prices declined; to 4oq, in hfao LtIsk, ondfliy, Jan. 1 Irom city wharf In Galveston and other cities specie ia demanded cotton.

I tor rents, freight, and State military histories. i 1 Ji 1 BUREAU REFUGEES, For Cairo and frlentr i Will leave oh UkqiCZAflt 6 P. Bfi. positivsIjA 4feHeSFor freight orpaMage IdifM MOOBI1K KAO iplfiri on board OC i OCX, AMaa, of aJ bead close Heat aiD oO, to bo de- levator. Kye quiet at 76c for prime.

1 Uom active, and price higher. The Idw. treme abort crop is gaining ground. Sales ol to doqftll 7a net; holders asking $19 to the oeipt 7tiu0 bad. Mess poki higher, itoes new beld af $30, and 300 bols sold at this rate A large assortment of ladies Headdresses and Dress Caps, at greatly reduced prices, at Mrs.

T. C. Middletoris, 315 Fourth btreet. 513 tJl ABANDONED LANDS, STATES OF TUCK AND TENNESSEE. of the same company j) were unarmed.

Peter Williams, John Coleman, Charles Hayes, Sirnl Perry, Robert Gny, William King, Lewis Cochran, and Ran. Langford, belonging to the same were i armed) and did) the firing, bs nearly as I can kscertain. I II I 1 have respectfully to request that yon will call the attention of General Watkins to this matter, in the hope that he will take it In band and dispose of it as seems to him just and necessary. 1 shall be glad to hear and obey his orders in the premises, I I 1 I have the honor to be vour obt servt, M- OOLDdMITH, 1 I Surgeon 8. in charge.

The outg man who was killed by the abuVe-mentioned negroes was a German named August Hamme). He had called kt the residence of k1 yonng lady (his kfflanced wife, os we learn)) to accompany her to church, bat she having gone thither with her parents, he followed them, and was op bis way to the church at the time of 1 the snootingj. There is little donbt in fhe minds of any who knew the deceased that the taking pi his life by the negroes was wholly unprovoked. The Mayor of jak soon as fhe could ascertain the names of the negro soldiers; aa given above, leaned a requisition upon General for their surrender to the civil authorities of Jeffersonville, to answer a bleach pf the laws of Indiana In killing: the said August Hammel pre-mtdilatedly add with malice 1 aforethought. This extradition of the Mayor was accondpanled by the affidavit) of Christian jHeyn, a citizen of Jtffersonyilie, Jwho, upon oath, testifies to jthe cold-blocded murder of the deceased by jthe negro soldiers named.

These papkrs were forwarded to Major-General Palmer, who returned them with the indorsement that he, coaid pot comply with the request ef the Mayor, bat affirming that any charges preferred against the negro soldiers woald be promptly attended to. We understand that order were issued yesterday for the arrest and Imprisonment of 'the negroes. It is also believed that; they will be brought a speedy i military trial. For the sake of justice and humanity, we sincerely hope Wippl Llni L- and New livered mxt month, at buyerfs optiou. Lard firm at Efoft Atlantic and Miiaeippf airo frlempblm Tlpfabui orleftBa R.

CARTER 1- lavd for the al I Assistant Commissioners Office,) Nashville, Tens Dec. 26, lsui. Ta the Associated Press. I 1 1 1 New Yore. Dec.

The Commercial says: The' Stock market shows rather more activity and firmness, the result apparently of the growing ease in money. There are, however, no indications of any improvement in clique everything of the hind being leit over to next Week, which is generally looked to for active speculation, The chief movement was upon New York Central, toe purchases of which were quite large in anticipation of a favorable resaltiof toe legislation in regard to the road. This, ho wever, is the old cry, there being no better ground' for confidence than heretofore: If There is a steady! demand for Government stocks from all parts of toe I country, and large dealers anticipate higher quotations. R.uroad bonds continue dull, Bank.stocks are firm and held nut jot the market ini anticipation of toe January interest. The miscellaneous list is quiet but firm, The money market continues easy, and the from Etvck brokers is quite moderate and is largely supplied at 6 per cent on prime collaterals, 7 per cent being an exceptional rate.

The increased supply of money, thongh accompanied iwito a reduced supply of paper, has produced no quotable change in the rates of discount, though' there is more disposition to take bills at the old irate. The banks are not receiving any large amounts ot indorsed paper from the Western banks; and, indeed, toe indications all around betoken a general quiet of busineos. Prime bills arte quoted at 79 per pent, i The advices of a growing stringency in montey at London has rather strengthened toe rates foij foreign exchange. Theie is, however, no pressure for remittances from: this side and consequently i no increased demand jhas resulted from the tenor of the news. Leading bankers are lasking 109 for sixty days sterling, but sell little.

Franca are weak. I- 1 I 1 I Yesterday Hon. John T. 'Hoffman, Mayor elect; took the oath of offiae, and to-day Richard O. Gorman, corporation counsel, did the same.

1 i I I if: This morning a large gang Of ruffians left the city i to witness a prize-fight, near Fashion Course, between two pings named Wm. Keeler and Jefll The police hearing of the affair, succeeded In arrest Keeler and brought him to toe city, where be is held for exlminatiorni I His arrest intimidated Jeff and the roughs, who succeeded in making their escape, i The Poets Washington Special says: reported that General Butler will make his to General Grant's eorked-bottle criticism in a speech tq be delivered at Lowell before; New Yeats. I i i 1 1 I1 General Anger is making! diligent investigation concerning the Alexandria riot. i 1 1 Nearly three thousand bales of Government -cotton were sold to-day at auction, Memphis middling; fair brought 67g, Strictly middling low middling 58)c, and ordinary 45c. Tne official accounts iff Simon Draper aa collector of this port to September, 1865, have been audited and approved at Washington, and toe bonds given by hla sureties hays been relent ed.

I 1 1 i I A whom thte editor of the Evening Post says Is responsible, writes 'that paper that Mr. Harlan intention Of resigning, and Mr. Doolittle trill not under any circumstances leave hispla ja.lhe Senate. Several merchants of thiscity, largely Interested in the trade between, the States and Chili, recently addressed a letter to 8ecre- tary Seward soliciting toe friendly instroctions of toe Government of toe United States, with tie view of mitigating the loss of toe commerce of the citizens ot this country likely to arise from toe The Secretary replied that the offices Of the Government of the United States have already been tendered to that effect, and are continned with, deep interest, and not without hope of eventually securing a result satisfactory ta their inter-' ttteond to those of toe United States, i I The Tribunes Washington special sayte: The treasurer of the schools and finances Of the freed mtns bnrean has just returned from a tour tors ugh the Southern States, having established; freed mens savings banks I at Richmond, Wii-i mington, Charleston, Beaufort, Savannah, Mo-t bile, New Orleans, Vicksburg, 1 Huntsville, Nashville, Memphis, and Louisville. He says that all classes in toe States lately in rebellion are fast becoming reconciled, to their new relas ticfi, bnt that it will be necessary tor the Gov-t eminent to keep a 'Strong force these States for isoae time longer to secure justice to all, Washington, Deci 28.

I I 1 i maiket is quiet. Greeu juait PlUcfor shoulders, 18o for sidesa and ha extra, BCast eri avid tidv-rtiiced tor at 44 91(310 li re 3 dint pwt ti Turad r. Glazino. The undersigned wjffi attend to all (Orders for window-glazing and! re-glaring on ithe shortest notice, in the best manner, and at toe fairest terms. J.

BERNAL, No 133 Green street, next dobr to Masonic Temple. n7 dtt lama. Bulk meats unchanged 16jv for shouldece, 1717ia tor for clear sides. 1 Cotton fum, and prices advanced to 4 ktUP.Mv re-ght or pamaga WX)k A rental foi from city kor board or to I 1 i 8M3TH ft STUR oftplr ilb8 middling. offered to Groceries quick Whisky dull, land price nfemiual.

I jnjud JScv S'iht. Master Kilt, Master $3 96 i tree, and $2 Jfo in bond. Gold 146, i 4 Weather cloudy. Thermometer ft). I American Watches, ladies and gentlemens sizes, beautifully engraved and enameled gold leasee, for presents, at C.

P. BARNES'S, corner of Main and 8ixto streett. 1 115 dtjanl or Cairo friemphta CdIANA.J Leaves i city wh- o'clook M.l Mnsfeetoflir passage apply oi 33-3 this day, Ibe. is ely.i or trtogbg or to I Vi, Agents Wail street RIVER NEVS. "or her.

My object In saying anything at induce yon to do something for this 3C women; that yon may provide some (where they may be hidden away Gram the (Hf the people. I hope that the Connell ke some action in regard to the matter. Rowing joint resolution was adopted: fThat a joint committee of two from Board and three from the Lower 'appointed, in connection with the yj Attorney and City Engineer, to damages done to the streets and ter Cairo OTrmphK. Ylrktebrft, and New 1 I Orleane.) CK LONGWORTH 4. i Will Imre 0 bnv 01 kjg89.h..

18 freight o' passHge apply or mortcalM apply oi L.M ftJ: Isrcw IS Marfert this day Dec. wharf Foe board or to i. AseoW, Wall streetl ft New York Fltr, Orals, eie4 Market Rx wYorr, pec. -P. M.

Cotton more active aud fully le fermidiliug, aud by Uovernmeol aucjtioal to-dnj on Goverument account, ft2dl bales of Memjpbis cottoa said at tor sound to middling fair I Flour 6c batter on good sound low grades, with a good demand, while other kinds are dull; 44i 60 i extra State, 616 tor common to I good shipping brands extra round-hoop Ohio, and ftrtlU tor trade brands, the market closing quiet. 1 I Whisky heavy aud decliuiuto sales to to $9 2719 98, Wheat very firlm and uuiet a $1 801 186 for common to fair old Milwaukee. Corn le tower, aud iu. moiorsts demand to 89rtic for dau4, 94 fog -unsound, for sound mixed IWestOTUl au tmudsome new white Sontberm. Oats quiet for unsound, and 60(369c tor sound.

1 Petroleum dull to 41c for crude; sae of jlO.OOO bbls retired to brmd at 6c. Ceffoe quiet. Bftgw quiet. Molasses jjuiftt New Or-feansP7qcl Id. No of these men, so richly gifted in, certain re-pretend to universality.

They then spects, is to FORT OF LOUlflVlLiL. ABBIYAIi TnmtbAT. St. Charles, Gin. United States, Cm.

kiteneral Buell Cta. Lent Ledti, Nahville. Coal City, Pittsburr. Silver Like Pittsbarg. 'Robert Burney Memphis.

J. G. Blkifoid, Cis. K.weub Cm. DEPARTURES YRSTRRpAY.

-St Charle. Cin. United State, 'General Buell, Cin. Leal Leoti, Cin. Coal City, Pittsbarg.

Robert Qurn. Cin. J. Q. Blackioid, N.

Orleans. Rowena Nashville. filings of the city by the Government fa war, and that these facts be reported I I For BT. PATRICK i Begnlar Memphis Pac setj -i -mi. itfemphis, 11 9t, Mfwteri Wilt leave as shore kridav, Dee.

flfi Nat 4 P. M. positively, frtffil city whari. kFor freight or passage ar yen board ee MOrCALM ft Lpvjl Agents i i NoTsa Wbst Walistreei. IWKUHM JUtilM piuq a rev PadiicaU.

Lairo, and Ci. Will leave as Shon JNfCALM i NO lh Impute to envy the miscalculations of thrir own pnde. Paganini was certainly an incomparable violinist, bnt nobody ever conceived the Idea of naming him Prime Minister. Pnbfie opinion does not take its cne from envy, but from a sound appreciation of men and things, It is marvelously skillful in making equitable classifications, and, when necessary, knows well how to send back virtuosi to their violins and poets to their alexandrines. land Feijp land Fedple Ji.

Lovell H. Roossean, member of rom this district, and that be retake the necessary i steps to obtain ions to make np the loss. I I committee, consisting of Messrs. rt and Baxter, of the Board of Aldermen, hlessra. Dulany.

Kaye, and Campion, of bard of Gammon Councllmen, Was ap-ad in accordance with the foregoing reso- Mew Yerk Meney wtid fiiseli Jjlarkeu this will I be fione; and if these proven to have outraged the laws man as charged, terrible and swift examples should te madje of them. negroes are of God nd NssHYork Din. fc-P, MPrcbants Line. I Clarksville, and Nnshrillt HK6L1a! Fvtaort, Master. Wlllleatew sbepe SrtltirdKj, lc.

3u at 5 o'clock pnsiiiveip, from city For or pajMase apg pjr ou bsatAorto D. J. tlAFFjtK. AeenLJ 1 Freedma of Kentucky, i The Uonstitntion of the United States has been so amended that hereafter no one can be beld as a slave in this' country, except in punishment for crime! Alii the colored people, therefore, in the State Kentucky are fra, and yonr friend, the Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmans Bureau, desires to address yon a few plain I. First of all, yon should be grateful to yonr) Heavenly Father, who bas broken your bonds and conferred upon yon the inestimable boon of i 1 I 1 I Yon should recognize your high opliga-! tlfns to the Federal Government, which, in its mighty struggle with the great rebellion and! in its trinmph, has been tree to the interest of freedom, and has fol tilled Us pledges oppressed.

1 IIL You 'should love Kentucky, for noble old Btate yonr native State yonr tyomaa and ti home of yonr children, and now a free Stria- (: I 1 1 IV. I advise yon to remain in yonr rid homes, and that yon enter into good contracts with yonr; former owners and masters, Yon have been associated wUju them for nany years! Yon are bound to thold home by many ties) and, most of yon, I trust, will be able to get on as well with yonr late master, as with any on else. If yonr former owners will not make good contracts with yon, giving yoa good wages or a share of the crop, you will have a pertect right to go Where von can do better, V.i Let me warn yon specially against flock! ing into the towns and cities. There ire too many people in the towns and cities already! Huudieds, unless they speedily remove to the will, I fear, fall victims of pestilence! The small pox is now prevalent, and in few weeks the cholera may be among us. In the crowded cities yon Win wear yonr lives a Way in a cons: ant struggle to pay high rent for )a user-able dwellings, and scanty allowances OI Many cf sour children, I greatly fear, tonnd wandering through the streets grants, plunging into the worst of ritei tilling the work-houses andjaiis.

By al! seek healthy homes in the country. I Yl. Now that yon are tree and will enj Aults if your own industry, enter npo new file with a hearty will. You begin little betide your hands, but by patient iL and economy yon. may soon earn and save enough money to paichose a home of yonr own, and to lure kh it with many of thte comfort ot life.

i 1 I 'JI Let each man tarn his heart all his thoughts toward providing a goad home tor his wi.e and children, iand to aid in the care of his aged and dependent parents. Carefully1 guard 187 Wall a SWV Tbe 2d ana 10th niinois cavalry regiments have taken Steamers for New leans, on their way North I I Advico-s from Vera Crut to the 16th, by way of Havana, are received, It is reported tost the Imperial troops hid again occupied the city of Chihuahua, and that they were also in possession of Piedros Negsor. A number of accounts of additional defeata of toe Republicans in toe Interior are given, toe most important of which is one announcing that the army of General Escabado had been attacked some distance from Monterey and utterly rooted, and that Escabado himself had escaped with an escort of only twenty men. From Republican sources we have General Escabado'siSreport of the recent engagements between his own and the Imperial troops at Monterey, presenting a strong contrast to the Imperial atconnts heretofore received. Gen, Escabado claims that he drove Maximilians men out of city, and that he enbeeqaently held it against a strong night attack, Inflicting severe loss jon the enemy In killed, wounded, and prisoners, while his own casualties were very light, The Empress Charlotte' was to return to toe Capital from Yucatan In toe coarse of the present month.

1 i News to the 15th of December from Jamaica are received. On toe 13th Gov. Eyre transmit-, ted to the Colonial Assembly message, in which it was stated that the home authorities bad Intimated that, if necessary, to preserve tranquillity in the Island, they would dissolve colonial and constitutional government and Inaugurate a stronger -one. The Governor recommence that the Assembly so far rescind and moderate decrees, and leave home government perfectly free in deciding. The recommendation was met with an Indignant reception, and ordered to be tabled.

News from St. Thomas to the 21st instant says: The Ex-Emperor Leonloque, of Havti, has obtained permission to reside on the Island! of Curracas, and is abont! to leave St. Thomas. The cholera was still raging in the Island of Gandalope with considerable severity. By tbe Rbyal decree of Spain toe ports of the Island of Porto Rico have been closed to all importations though open to exportation.

Freneh Vessels passing St. Thomas for Vera Crnz carry (large numbers ot French troop3 sent to reinfoice the Imperialists in Mexico A dispatch from Washington Bays: It is positively stated that Mr. Adams will return home in tie spring, and that the friends of Secretary Stanton are propbsing that he be eent to fill toe vacancy. It is also rumored that Mr. Willes may be tendered toe Russian mission.

In the files by the City oi Manchester, the London Times publishes a letter from toe' 8uptrlnteHdent of the Atlantic Telegraph Coropanv, announcing that the Great will positively sail in Jane, 1866, to lay the new cable and lake np the old one, which Is ascertained to ho in toe most perfect order by the dally ieett taken from tbe time it broke, and which will be continued drily. Tbe London Times comments on Gen. Schofield's speech at the Thanksgiving dinner ot the Americans; at Pans, and concludes that the designs oi iie Americans are entirely peaceful toward the whole world, i Many of toe foreign 'papers are filled with speculations concerning Gen. Schofields mission, but none of them appear jto know anything about it. The political effect of the death of the King Boats in Pobt Ella Faber Fanny Brandeie, ir-fman.

Silver Lake and Indiana. The River. Since onr hurt reportJ'tbe river at this point haa risen about one foot. At cix o'clock laat evening the water was stationary, with ni aeteeu feet in the canal, and seventeen feet over the felfs. As to the present stage of water, rteamboatmea are willing to cry Hold, enough.

I Thb Weather, for the most partiof yesterday, was cleat and moderate. I Bcbthess Is rather languishing t. Few transient boats 6 to be seen at our landings. This is chiefly caused bj the br dge obstructions at Cincinnati aud tha lee gorge at 8t. Louie.

We learn there is a large number ot steamers at both those ports unable to descend. Gold closed at 34Srf. Government stocks steady. FniKhls to Liverpool dull an 3 unchaucfcd. Stocks sttsfi) S.

6s of 60, coupons lot Do 6-90 coup ctf i. .108 Ten-Forties, coupons 93 Seven-Thirties, aid sor Hrtr etta A Dm I)o. do. 6d ser. 0Si AM.Certifl.f S4h North westeiuj pielerid t1 ftbek Is'anf Quicksilver 14 Fjrt Wa y1 it For Tcrtncesec Klve tf.

lEiisa. Matter. Will itSte to atvwe on Sibirday rDcc SO, at o'clock P. M. foi freight nor passsee apply am boat or to 02' I It WIN ft (ON4HUB.

Afenti fgThe Courier of yesterday allndes rather sharply fo the fact that the criticisms npon the opera of Saffo Tuesday night, as published in the Journaljand Democrat, were identically the samp. Wejdlsclalm having anything dished np for ibe columns of the Journal. The article waa neerted at the request of a friend. Bat deeihtd it a just ritique, and gave it lour 3TNotwith8tandine the manufacturers generally ignore the pnblic pr683, and prefer issuing circulars to reach cne hundred, where the same thing, published in any one of the city papers, would reach os many thousands, we publish the circular of D. Morris Co be lieving (bat if acied npon, the city of Louisville will be the galnter thereby.

If the trades-peo-ple and manufacturers do not avail themselves of thte present opportunity to open a new trade for themselves thereby benefiting the city trdel, it is! nofaqlt of ouis, as we have labored to that end! 1 1 I TO TII MAN OF THIS Ct TY. Nn4iTlflc. For Clark avilicai 4LTAf r.bviNa. Master eolion was then made to take np the resigns offered kt the previous meeting of the 8 Carried. 1 i I 1 1 resignations of Dr.

J. W. Maxwell and Vissman, jof the First I Ward, John D. Second Ward, A. Shrader, Fourth J.

J. Fifth Ward, Henry Dent cVtbur fetfer. Eighth Ward, J.l W. iarlck, nlh Ward, Were received. resignation of Phil German, Third Chieogi Leave ci harf 9turda.

lcc. Leaver citj katuroa. iec. Fi eights are so unsettled just now that it is impossible fil arketa. UlOAOO, i 6 o'clock P.

positively, tor freight tor passage On botid cr to 1 Agents Flour firm, no toi No 3 Corn iiiiet to oc to41c for Nb. ft. Oats duir Miahaines mkected irOvuiMia moderately atoivje Wnest at 6o(W 75 tor p'Otnt doilv 60 at se ler'q option in Jaliuarv. Wh ieat firm it 81 1 1 1 i Ftr Ciriro. Mfniplifa add Orloana.

INDIANA. i- --1 v' w- h. Nraire approval. Wk had no knowledge! that a similar criticism hid been prepared fop any other paper. And We can assure the Courier that we were fup from being good-bnmored when' we saw the reprint of on! article in the Democrat.

We were taken lnf by that jcoincidence, but committed no departure from the raid we have Adopted I I Mirier. Will leave city wharf iFn lay. lee i9fi. to porttiveiK per freight 0 ipassagffcapfly on faard lor to I EHWINAi DuNjAlI PL Agents (Wl5c. Laid firm at vnced 9ac; safes at 601 Receipts- bbls tlour.

Ip, 000 bus! bushels com, 195,000 bushels! oats. 1 fills nr ojrj Naab tavs etv Leavr ct Najtebvtile, jl Kriva, wharf Cfatiitaa, Deej fiu at 5 P. M. positively oc freight oc pas iage ai'VHV ou board or to I MOORHFAD ft do. Agents.

Lc'c Dec. 11,165. account of ouij limited personal actuaiotnce With i iiMnntHcturere this city, it ia with some of ubiiraaemcnt thutHue address this letter Tiud proposition to them. Though they will permit us in this manner to make- known tliat on the Isth instant, wo propose to open, on Mam street, between Sweutb and Biehth, a 8 mpe Stores in a new and splendid building now bing completed, and w6uld be pleased to pnt on exhibition fair ran rs of all kinds of goods and articles of merchandise Thit are manufactured in this city. And we further piopose to tjhem to open and establish store of lie character in the prominent commercial cities in the States of Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louis ana.

and Arkansas, and to sell by samp'e, At rau-ufactnrei prices, for cash, to the Southern trade the goods of Louisville, and to be allowed and RtiguUr PtacWel ifor KadiFOs, ACfdar Lock de Kivcr Packet uitville ud Ten; Oompaui WLNU MO- (ft, WplucIfnAit ta. Litvin A This iight-araaght steiundr wdl Wkv Lomrrille everv THesdavi TlnrWb and fttourdari at I o'clock rl M. I 1CROFPRB, PATTON. A Pj was laid over. 1 1 Spanldidg, Councilman elect for First ral wna tbed sworn in and took his ect.l Ssolntion was adopted bold a Joint res.

lt eight pclock Friday, evening for the ee of electing members pf the Council tc eh places of members resigned. 'solution was adopted to appoint join I 8 Ittee to take into consideration the sag-' Vs of Judge Harbison relative to the con. the Work-house, and report suck ac- Uhey may think proper. I I Story) Alderman from the Flnt Ward, fel his resignation at the request of his con-W Hot accepted. I lllhe lower Board a resolution was adopted Blrlzlng thk Mayor to execute the hotes to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, Place that sum borrowed from the sinking PndJncnlt, I iMiorfj Tacasmbiw aad 1 Florence.

i BfrANDEIS 4.ote.o...oJ EviNR. Will itare as abqve aud Mr all mtorinc. 4 ate poi felon Saturiisf? the fiuth st Tip oclock Pj M. froni city For freight cr psrsKge aifiy onjboar or jto i I to repoit a correct tariff. Tbe to all points are chuiug, and when they reach their tmmmuiu, or some fixed taiiff is agreed upon by those lintereettfu, we will publish accordingly.

For HxNDEKeow Tbe MeComb Is the regular packet for Hecderaoa thie day, leaving (he city whaif aid o'clock PM. For PiTTSBtrRO. The steamer Sinrer Lake No. 4 will dfpait fe above at 4 o'clock thu eveauig from the city whaif. Fob New Obt.k a ns.

The great aud sumptuous Iu-dlaus. Captain J. Stut Neal commanding, will clear for New Orleans from the city wharf at 4 o'clock this evening. The Indiana is one of the best vessels afloat, and if passengers aud shippers undarefend their iu teres ts xbt will seek to crowd her decks aid cabins to the full. For MrMrRts far-fiunbd 8t.

Patrick, Captain George Hart, will depart as thd regular packet for Memphis at 6 o'clock this eveumg? from the cfg wharf We tike pleasure iu commending the St Pat rick and her i oble officers and hveljj- crew to the traveling and shipping pubtac all along iht hue of her voyage. ii.d Wagoner for CinoinAti. This spleodid pneket of the People's Line departs lor Cincinnati at 13 o'clock this day from the Fourth street landing. Gkkkbai. Lttt.e for Ci koinn Aijt This sumptuous and reliable steamer us the morning packet ot the Mail Line tor Cincinnati to-day leaving the foot of Third street at 13 oclock.

Major Armcimiok for staunch and elegant steamer is the evening packet tor Cmciuuati to-day, departing at 4 o'clock from the mailboat whaif, toot of Third street. For a list of the steamers leaving ft his port to-morrow see advertisements. 4 Boats Dr-The Bermuda and Tempest, from Nash-ville, were due last night. Tbe Tataecon is due from Memphis ou day, and will leave again ou Monday evening. it) Toe Inptana, which departs for New Orleans to-day wil have aboard not Use than htad of horses aud mules, beeuu a considerable number of cattle and sheep.

Coax. The ftewboat Coal City, Which arrived here yesterday, started oat from Pittoburk with aleven barges of oral, nine of which were left at JCiucinnati, and two delivered to parties at this port. Toe Panther also ar-eeterday wit rived ye with Bine bfUfMho be taken Bmth. paid a finaH commission by the manufacturer. New it is foi you, the mannfactureis, to determine Rfgular IfinisTlIl Tassfi 1 1 Praisht Parkteii ft CO, 95 WsH Rtrvet.

FOR 8MITHLAND. jNAHVlCf.E, AMD fiUHiDtWLLK lUKKCrf Cor. Master. J. CRRicif, Clerk Will leave city wharf npoutlie roump- Information is desired by the War Depart ment ot the names and residences of the twenf -seven soldiers belonging; to what was known among tbe rebels as the Foreign Battalion, ante who escaped at or abont toe time of the execution of seven Union soldiers by order ot the Gen Mercer, at Savannah, in December, 1861.

it any of these soldiers may be reached by this paragraph, they are requested to com municato to the Judge-Advocate at Washington their names and residences together with such information as they may possess in regard to the above-; eferred, to execcti-JF. I Gen. Angur, commanding the Department of has ordered Lieut -CoL Eyre, in command at Alexandria, to arrest all persons concerned in the riots in that city on Christmas, tend not to release any person arre-tod. On the demand of toe civil authorities, to refer all tench cases to headqnarterte- III I I It was recently decided by tote Pavmister-Generals Department, that) Provoet Marshals and other members of the Board of Enrollment Ore not entitled, when discharged, to the three months pay under toe act of March 3, 1865, nor to travelling allowances to their homes, I Papers are being prepared at the Pavmaster-Generala Department tor pay ment in Washington of about 000. I I I Quite a large number rof meritorious Veteran officers have been a boor bed by the Freed mens Bnrean, and sent? off South to: relieve Civilian agents.

i i 1 I I I 1 Brevet Major Riley, 40tik U. 6. Infantry, one of the participants in the Rosh barracks riots ation of uavigaliOa in Cumber laud River, when due notire will begiytoi MONTCALM ft LB VI Agents, Lc.u'svnie land Naehvljle Packet Co. emboo.LvanavillnHmi(i hille, aoi ubiiile.J Efvma, Marier. Will leare tut above ai: diate perts a Siiurday, oclock I posiiuely.

For freight or paseaco aj JUS. iB. liAKDY iB. 11AKD1 I No. 199 Wan street.

whether or uct Sample or Agency Stores established at many prominent places in the Suth will contribute to the meiiufweturiufr interest and trade generally of Louisville, and for yott, the manufacturers, to make known your detei mination and eouciusiou, bv sondiug to. or withholding from our store on Main street lair samples of your manufacture. Onr late travels South prove the fact very clearly to our minds that thej present period is a very ausptci sus time for a combined eflf wt to be made by the manufacturing interest of Louisville. The mercantile interest haa.bcen, and is, dbmg its duty, both to itself and the city of Louisville 'by send ng its agent to ery city, town, and village South. Bat it should be membered by the jnanufactuiters that Louisville fa an inland city, and surreunded by all natural advantages to make it eni more than the kPittsbini" of the Smith: Sod thoy should remeinberi further that the future destiny of Louisville in point of greatness is, by its location aud natural advantaged, committed to their -hand.

1 We will furtlier suggest that a combined effort on the and ketp sacred itbe marriage relatio lawfully wedded. Taking np with each is abominable practice, and with the institution which gave it birth. 1 111.: Eaily attention should be given to the edULauoa of yonr children. Furchasl books ft them, and employ good teachers. You have nnmerons friends, in the country who will aid von in the establishment of schools.

Be resolved that oil yonr children shall bte taught reading, writing, and arithmetic. I IX. Let the past be forgotten. Treat 111 men wiihnspect. Avoid disputes Demonstrate to Kentucky and to toe world by your faithfal ob strvame of the by your sob: good morals, and by yonr thrift, are not only qualified for toe precious ot freedom, but for the high and respon ties ot citizens of bin Commonwealth.

X. Until the enactment and enforce- Stats laws, giving yon fall protection iulperson anfl property, impartial justice will be secured to yon by the strong arm of the national Gov ernu-mt. 1 CLINTON FIS Kf Brevet Asst. Commie: aent of of Beitfiuih is being discussed. Some authon- ties think It may lead to a change of territorial -P Rerolar Louisville, Mafflsou, Carrolltou, and Cedar LoekjPackil ATKainKR WKKK, I -t- 7T question about the matter in regard to 'tHui5Vllle and Haihville Railroad Company per cent ini their receipts to WlcgfiXtqin Merchants Accommodation ior and all Wny EoiHtubn the Ohio and CaiiihctlaBd lliyer I Master, Q.

Wood, Clerk, I Bawskuto, Will iaav lor nkov. ho were entitled to dividends nwdutt pmn Monday! 1IUI 'DAY, end FA DAY EVENINGS, (n81 am MOORHEAD ft OO A(aU 1 Hi mx. Mortar. WiU leare a above on tairdur, Dee. t80.

at 4i o'clock velr, from citrwlwrf. or freixSl or tpplr bqrad fo SMITH ft order tor Friday evening (ock.i I I 1 Connell; then adjourned until oclock this (Friday) evening. half-past I part of the manufacturing mtereat ef LeunviHe in sending out a properly qaaufie led tceat to urope to Lciisvillk Italian Opera. -The fonrth pf the bpera series, Donizettis LElisire DAmorn was given! last night tk a large, brl-liant, ad delighted andience. i We had ft sllgl doubt aa to the adaptkbillty of thte Gran trouje to comic operp; but We donbt no longer.

'The Elixir bf Love wok produced! with all the Jghtnepe) grace, and piquancy fop which! the buffo or comic classj of Italian opera is; dis-tlDgnithed. kliss Lntey Simons conld not bare selected for her debut a happier role than that of Adina. Her volet Is moderate in compass, bnt it i4 highly cultivated and possesses a softness and symmetry which harmed every one who heard it; In the1 ornate work of trilllifg, she has the most perfect command of her Voice. The-yenog American prima donna has cause to be proud of her reception fa Louisville. Nemorlno was very creditably represented and song fy tbs promising young tenor Signor; LottL Therpll of Doctor Dal camara is not safe in every artists hands.

Signor Qrlandinl, does: not exteel in bis conception of the hilarious Dcctoii bntke rendered It last Evening) veiy Sititfactorlly His deet with Adina in the thhd act was loudly endored. si core was finely sang end acted by that excellent barf tone Blgnori Fellnl. The! chorus and Instrumentation throughout the opera were masterly. Signor; Mnzlp is entitled to the gfeatest honor for bis leadership of; the chorns and orchestra. He we think, one; of the moetcapable tnnsl.

cal diretetors of the present day. Owing to th latenese of the hoar) we mast content ourselves with this peering reference to the opera last nlghMI I I Our jnnslcjlovera Will this evening he favored with Meyerbeers World-famed I grand open Roberto with the ioUowing cast: Alice, 1 1 Mmje. Noel Goidl; i Isabelle, MTls Roechetti; Rpberto, Sign or Mnsiani; Ralmbaldo, S'gnot Lott: Bertram, Signor Millerl; Alberto Blgnoi; I Coletti; Elena, Mile Antocine. hope to see tjhie gfeat masterwork witnessed bj an ImmenM kndience. III! I I the Ohio and JhV FYeicht taken ft) 11 river 110c per III The, ith htod iwrgea, iDd tha Bam Roberta, with ala Uita, arrived on Wodheeday.

The Collier 0 I L0UI8VILLE8TflENDEES0I I JT -J I -rera. -H engage operative manufacturing laborers, and to induce manufacturers haying capital to come to Louisville aud use this vast water power in the manufacturing of cot ton fabric, would oat them but a mere trifling sum to inaugurate a very great msDiifactunng interest at Louisville within a very brief period. 8uffer us again to rental to the manufacturing interest that Louisville must look to 500 for her future greatness Kespeetfully, i D. MORRIS CO, bonndariete. The Paris Steele publishes the following: It is said that in virtue of an arrangement already concluded, and with the consent of Antwerp and the seaooast are to be given to Holland, glanders and Brabant to France, and Luxembeteg, with a part of Limburg, to Pros-; sia We shave not seen the treaty, and are not responsible for toe aaietakea of these reports.

A. Rosenberg, clothing merchant, committed this afternoon by taking no President CVifohony issued a brief address to tote Fenian Brotherhood, stating that evil disposed persons, desiring to perpetuate disaentiou in our ranks, seek to prevent the healing effects of the session of the second proximo by indue- ing delegates to remain away. I He save: Let ns form onr columns to cover our endangered good name, and to send hope and cheer to onr brothers jn Ireland by a fall representation 1 Regular Tenneaeee JUver Por iTaducwfr Basiport mod i uiffife RANNY WaANDEIS goea South, and the tow of tbe Bamlltotmrta will remain for tbw market. The Toth Jonea baring in tow nine bargee, ard tbe Stella, with aeren cr eight bargee, are expected port to dajsbot their ooal will bo shipped tow ever taken by one Packet. Hoy Master.

totirday, Deo. 96 freight or, last summer, has been cashiered. BUREAU REFUGEES, FREED VIES ABANDONED LANDS, STATfeS lut ky and Tennessee, boat from this waa that of the Aja yettarday. 4 it i Will Teeve city wharf at 4 o'clock P. M.

Foi II btfofauteply on board or to MONTCALM ft -EYL Agents. 1LM Assi-tast Commissioners Offce.) )097i itgoD's Tkkatxr Othello was played oi teeday evening with marked effect, Mr. Barrett, oa logo bronght out the subtle rbwblch the great dramatist develops witi, 4 spirit, tact, and power; whUCMil. jFosterjs 0 was Very strikingly rendered and ellc- is It deserved, frequent applause. 1 Nelson's Desdemona was in some partlctt-mefectlve but cn the whole was quite cred-ra and gave evident satisfaction to an apU i ceftlve house, ci.

1 i iflPft U. S. MAILBdATS For Owensboro, ICvamruiUe, and i coRDcrtinE EvoneTillo With the Cairo and SwanirUlo1! racket. The new ui iixht-droft aOeemere MOBHINO STAS and STAR OBEY RAGLE will tear eeerf tnilfo WoflndTt EriaY. and Safordar, trvry She bad eleven coal boats and six bargee, containing in the aggregate about 0,000 buetwia.

Thia largo ship-ment to on account of and Wnteon, Now Orieen. The Ajax also carried about 1,000 buabeto aa fuel fat the Meoifbet of the Steamer Fanny Brandiea, George W. Evaua from Eaetport. Cairo Holliday, Hroe. A Paducah Fowler, trunks, and two Co IS be lea cotton and 1 box eggaf Mi lie, A 6 boxea merchandieC, Nashvillk; Tens Dec; 26, 186.

Circular Ao, 10. Masovih. At the annual election of officers of Rob-tason Ledges Noi 206, Ancient ork Maeona, bold at their bail, ou the evening of the 27th insk, the following officers were elected and installed for the ensuing year: lh- N. Anderson, Worshipful Master: Jehu King, Peirior Warden; J. Freeman, Junior i Warden; m.

W. Crawford, Senior Deacon; John Marts, junior Deacon: L. C. Lathrop, Secretary; Frank Mostimaker, Treasurer Jamcg Harnsou, Steward and ter. Ldnlsyille and Memphis Yachet Company.

I iUsmpkls Master city wharf Fri-positively. Fee on bard or to -TliFY, Agent. 127 'Wall toitot. heard et to d9 The ratification of the ConsTtntional Amendment, forever abolishing and prohibiting 1 Philadelphia, Die, 28. A special dispatch from 'Baltimore to the Evening Telegraph says: Judge Giles, in tote U.

8. District Court this morning, had np the Important habeas corpus case of Ralph Abercrombie, who is held by Gen. Wooley, charged with being a tpy and deserter to the enemy; also with giving testimony before a rebel court martial In Richmond, on which testimony Capt. Deaton, of toe U. 8.

army, was wrongfully convicted and executed. Jndge Giles decided in favor of the ml ltary authorities, remanding him back to custody for military trial.1 As he belonged to tbe United States service he conld not set aside the habeas corpus. Abercrombie will soon be tried by court martial. He was a lieutenant in Do this, and yonr executive abides the reaul bales cotton. Kvaiieriiio, Ind.

Broom, Dunkeraoa. A Co 89 bale cotton. Louisville Ir. W. bales TJ B.

I and iiwnr mod Mai and paarenimte aid ba oi lb AM trelM PWMaa wharf before 8 oVSoek P. a tb boM will not lard after that tana mte anr drramrtano. Mn taxed after mas ana ana anr arraBnam. LI cotton; H. Davis, 11 bale cottoti; Edward Wilder, I bales cotton, eundnea, Davie A Green, bags rags, bage feathers, 3 boxes dried fruitnud 1 bra fun; J.

H. Several gentlemen ln one of oar clly held Tomppert indignation meeting Thomas ft 1 iren safe; Tyler, Parker, ft 6 balm cotton. Cincinnati Diebald Bahman, 1 Iren safe; Rob hula of iaduid. arhia, ft, mvmt ha left with jouhi in Fogro: jraai, btaweou Mala and tea rivaa f. H.

Bunca SopL hafdre 8 e'tiooi P. M. dl dtf NOTICES OF THE DAT. -i j- Fropbetn have no -honor in own but this cannot be Bald of'perfnmee, inasmuch as Phalons Night-Blooming Cere- evenings ago. There were men enough Line.

I Packet. 1 Evaae, MaOW, urday, December f. Forfrisblc or to KBY, Ayont, 131 wall etreet. Merciiaut'si and People Rnnlnr Tenneraec Kite ASjS BKAJSDK18. Leare.

city wHf 6, ti 30 at 4f F. M. pftnnve ipaaraca apply on boar, i drJ B.J.CAi) 8 ert Moore ft Co 89 aacka peanuts; Addv, Hub, bales cotton; K. H. Holden boxeJ: merchandise; Tru-bne, Anbry, A Co S8 bbto pecans.

8 bags feather, slavery in the United States, having been oil! daily annonneed to the country by proclamation of the Secretary of State, dated December 18to, 1865, this Bnrean extends its supervision over persons recently held slaves in the State of Kentocky. 1 I I On toe basis of Impartial justice, tola Bureau will promote industry and aid in permanently establishing peace and securing prosperity to toe State. i 'J Agencies of tote Bnrean will be established at points easy of access, and, while superintendents will be cantionea against supervising too much, the fair adjustment of the labor question will receive their earnest attention. They wi I see tost contracts are equitable and their iuvio- it to vote for a chairman and a committee insolations. The meeting is said bag dried fruit, 6 green hides, and 88 dry hides; A.

3, Brown. 8 bag cotton; M. Buhop. 4 bale eotton and 1 rack cottop; William. Slocum.

A Co, bag ootton; Scballer ft Cork, 80 beer keg; CcjfBn A Son, 31 empty barrel. i I 1865. I 18G6. Kefslar IfOulevlUe fisiisYille Cairo and MEMPHIS PACKET C0MP1XY. Iffj been iua brilliant and broke 7L Da ElNl CUV JREUCUB MAH, I Fal tltaclnkato ineettny at with early eb, toe home-manufactared product of the Sweetest flowers ol toe Western hemisphere, has long since taken precedence of ail exotic extracts on tlfls side I of the Atlantic.

Sold everywhere, 'i II1 a perfect rapture of enthusiasm. Mr. es of the Democrat, Jwlth1 his Jpand of was not present in body, thongh, In STEAMERS. COMMERCIAL. he was with the meeting.

(And tltfgei tr. tbe old United States army.) Tbe court martial of which Gen. Fessenden is President, and UoL Bingham Judge-Advocate, adjourned sine die, having disposed of the Important trial of private Tboo, Murphy 'l Bosrox, Dec. 28. The consecration of RtevJ M.

Randan. D.ri., Rector of the Church of toe Messiah in this city, toe newly elected Missionary Bishop of Colorado ante parts adjacent, took place in Trinityjchnrch, In Summer street. Rev. John Henry Hopkins, Bishop of the Diocese of Vermont, and presiding Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Chnrch in the United States, acted as Conservator. The consecration service was exceedingly interesting and impressive, being attended by a peat con- lability enforced npon both parties.

lil I Tbe ntagnlheeut 1 arKD 8M8S lUt LYTLM. .1 LOoPM.g.MiftM i Ou. of Bie above aieataer. will leav Mslw MAJOR ANLUtRSuM. OEM.

BUELL. Tri-Wooitly i i I InrKRisiiARLK Teeth Can the teeth be ren rop to thb Rioht A vast deal )f anno; if DAILY REVIEW; OF TEDS MARKET. crosslnp 4) Ofron or LMntevraa Jornu,) r. P. Deo.

98, 1866. I THtmSDAT, with perfect confidence in toe Brotherhood an the esui-e, I Advices from St. Louis state that the Fenians of that (ity intend to steed a fall representation, to Congress on Tuesday. The Cabinet Council was held yesterday at headquarters Union Sou are. Two General officers participated in the del.teratkms, which are said to be oi a very important character.

I WiiJtrNoroN, N. Dec. 26. On Saturday last a i small boat containing! three white men and two negroes pnt oat from the middle sound on toe coast opposite here for pleasure excursion and went to sea. Later in the day the boat drifted ashore empty.

It is, supposed, it was caught in a squall, and all hands were loot. One of the white men was named Gtutzel; the other white mens names, were were not ascertained. I A disturbance occurred last night between' the police and some colored seamen of the gun-; boat Tacony. The seamen came ashore on lib- ertv, and1 got drunk and disoderly. The police-attempted to arrest the seamen, when the latter drew pistols and fired a dozen or fifteen shots, when their ammunition becoming exhausted, they fled to their boat and pat off to the Capt Hannoon, of toe police, received a fiesta wound, fiat no others were hart.

Com. Tem-t pie has taken measures to identify and punish, toe 5 Washington, Dsc. 28 I The Navy Department expect Capt. Semmesl of Alabama notoriety; to arrive here to-mghti Preparations have been made for his custody a the Navy-yard, pending his trial. I 1 1 Portland! Me Dec.

28. ere no eigne of the Belgian. can be avoided by our qltizens daring this niuddy weather, by Tng to the right. There are two foot-ways dered imperishable? Unquestionably they can. Sozodont, used daily, will render toe enamel absolutely proof against decay, harden the gums, and expel from the whole dental apparatus every offensive and.

pernicious element, Will leave tor the same port to; 4 ofatoefc r. M. Aallyf Susdnyx excepted, Office oa Matt Oo. facfbotl foeft ef XuiA IDfl Woods Tuva ran Farewell Benefit oi Mr. I.

P. Barrett. This evening Is namec for thte brvgril benefit of Mr. Lawrence P. Bar rett, who will appear as! Claude Melnotte li the Lady tef Lyons, supported by Miss Jolli Nelson as Pauline.

The amusing afterpiece A Kies In the Dark will also be represented with Mr. J. A. Graver and Miss Carolina Jef ferton In the leading characters. Mr.

Barret richly1 deserves a fine benefit, and If the publi do their duty they will see that he li reward according to hla merit this evening. he, al Young men entering Bryant, Btrntton, Tbe above! tntdu oteamera, form-tin the regular aud Swell-eetablialied Louiaville and Mem phi a Pket Line, will iMvemraDPtlpmadvertaaed. Ea brat la officered bv thorauahlv experiearcd fcoatmen, tvhrae tune and enerxira, a. well aa aur own. will, aa horeOoforo, be de-to tbe intereet of onr rrarebanta ahippera of toe travolin public, and the ffoik" alone lift bre fwmed rellabM eonnectlOnc with 'packet IId.

tor Tonneraoe, Oumberland, White, And Arksoae. rirera New Orkane, Vickabraw, all Wajf plantation, uid St. Luia, to which we give through receipta at cor- orerrhargee, ftc prompUp adjusted oo Perad cr at cor office. i ARCHER, Ijoulevflle, i E. if HART, dldtf If Proprietore.

ch Anri eorntr, and If pedestrians will to crag npon the light nnl-4ly, none of the jostling end Mopping aside the mud, now almost invariable. Will I I 1 I re Hna College this week will receive a dis. Ilia itic and lississippi ISkajnsMp IXITED STATES MAII tlNE From Cairo to HXempbia, Vicksburg-, i and Hew Orleans. Money matter continue to (work toward more tringeuev, with, however, aa abundance of capital for 11 legitimate purposes. The rate remain unchanged, and tbe demand moderate.

Exchange to eccnmulatlng, wiilk deereealn demand. Buyer offer per to 1-16 discount, And selling at par to 1-10 premium. Di4lcb to the Ezehenife trim New Terk to-4ftr otiofed goM opened el 146H. RdvRoced to end cioee4 at 14634. Gotten opened kteadr to 515e mod eioed to an advance of aafea ol baieo to ikoSe.

ffee Demand aoderale, and prioN firm. Supue nroro active; hard l.c FtourU-Pncea tondinf upward. Meoo pork opened to 9ft and elooed to $39 J4 Lard firm to 19c. Whfeky quiet to 3 S8. The market is rather inactive urtth limited tiooo tranfptringv loddeat to toe dloae of tbe menth mod count in bookkeeping and telegraphing.

Discount will be allowed tills week only. d29 d2 I iJrUoo.Mc.2A! 'Advices from Acapulco stale that Alvarezs forces were at Provkdentia. twenty-eight mites east of that place, on the 30th nit. Alvarez was confident of toe Liberals, whether assisted by tbe Americans or not. He harrasaes the French at Acapulco terribly.

They get no provirions gr Mr. C. C. Spencer has a large and attractive: sain this i morning at his auction-rooms. Special attention is called to the large French plate mirrors and oil paintings, i No fixed rates wages will be prescribed the Bureau, nor will any community or combi nation of people be permitted to fix rates.

Labor most be nee to compete with other commodities in an open market, i I I Parties can make any trade or agreementthat Is satisfactory to themselves; and, so dong aa advantage is not token of the ignorance ai the treed people to deprive them of a fair and reasonable compensation for their labor, hither in stipulated wages or a share of products, there will be no Interference. 1 1 i Until the enactment and enforcement of State laws guaranteeing to the freedmen ample protection In person and property, freed mens courts will be established for the adjudication of corse in which they are involved. I The Assistant-Commissioner earnestly invites the cordial and hearty co-operation of the civil authorities and all good citizens of Kentucky in the important work of adjusting the new relations arising from the total abolition of Slavery, i CLINTON B. FISK, jl Brevet Mg AasT Com. Headquarters Department of KrnTtckv,) I Looisvillb, Dec.

27, i860. 1 The foregoing circular of Brevet Maj -Gen. Cl B. Fisk, Assistant-Commissioler, meets my cordial approval both in its spirit and in its excellent suggestions. 1 I JOHN Maj -Gen.

Commanding. Mdcnph 3MI Memphra I I of toe Liberals, ill i' Ui I i Raleigh, N. C-, Dec. 28 J. Worth, Governor elect, took charge of gMajor Bell, pf the Regular.

Army, wh was removed in 186) from; command of the 81 Louis Arsenal, by ordter of the Secretary iff War, for fear he would deliver the same to the Missouri rebels, died on Christmas night in 8t largte benevolent la- Louis He left a fortune pf (100,000, an legacies to various churches ana benevo NEW (o' Albert Catiln was yesterday taken before i ae Johnston, of the Circuit Court, upon a ealUon from the Governor of Indbaa. itehtopot determined whether to remapd 1 wrisctet to Indiana or deliver him to ths id allies of Marion County, where he ta ntced haring committed murder a npVja raid with John Morgan In 1863i 1 I The day for holding the special election Benator from the district composed of I A valnable dwelling advertised for to-day by J. B. Whitman. i i 1 ARRANGEMENT, FBOrUQB mm DAILY FOB CINCINNATI n'AmmtjtumaBftlt OHOewoo Irau.

nod all iiuvruiciia toliowiud da a on arrival of toe Iilinoi. Ctauial traht tetcaweia. I i 1 Eutli Saturday, Dtp. 83 B- Monday, 25 Ida Handy Wedorad.y, Friitay, Olive Biaueh Mindwippt Tuceday, Jkj nliue Carroll (adi' Saturday. I Paraenaare lea to irMWrenlcyrav' i1 M110 Mtanwippl the tx office' to-day, relievlngProvirional Governor Holden.

Governor Worth has tele 'stituUons. IM lYTAKRinD, graphed to Secretory Seward that he has assumed toe dalles of toe fffice. hi Dec. Fortress Monbow Dec. 28j Govt rior" of car corn to deafen from wtoona al 60c, and from store at 65c, which, when tbe tort throagfeent tbe country ia eooaidered, fe i hf be paid for toe new crop and a ptoe of Ik, at the wharf, to with aot of 4tW cfe inferiOT to Railroad.

Will oak nre -ernncc- erro tha cvenlnc P. i. iriX. ddUiiiolaCeot been fixed for and Madison conntles, has 53c. EbeUtd, far hipment, cemmanda 86c, incladina eac k.

Oate we in feur demand at with safe of iry 13th, 1866, Humphreys, of Mississippi, recent! vetoed the bfll passed by the Legislature, enact, ing wbat is called the stay law, intended to re lieve debtors from the preesurbf claims. In thte present exhausted condition affairs in that State, bji their creditors, until January 1, 186S, of all laws for the teoilection of debts. The Leg fe. latere, however, has passed toe bill over the executive veto. I In this city, on tho Bih at the- reeidcnc of the bride' parecte.

by th Rv. J. L. McKco, Mr, L. M.

Fkumaa, of Ntohviile, iMmcoeo, Muu Kati CukXBV, of this fity. No canlfl. I in the 27th inrt br riev. Dr. Wilson, Okovok W.

DAMSrOf Carrohlcn, to Jakisir, (Uugbterof ll I Ob the tji Rev. Wg Holman. Mr Brr-G)H1 Dl BMOMTteJv Of uCaBAIM 1 19i ait of Louisville. cards. I For tbe past ten days the weather Las been thick, with constant galtes.l i 1 i Mrs C.

C. Clay has arrived from Washington to visit her husbfmd. I Hi i Kansas (Tmr, Dec 23; I Three stares on Main (street were burned last night. Loss 420.000; partially insured THE NEW AND MAQN1FIOENT 8TJEAHEB8 Msstec Mitftef One Ot the above rteamerd will leare dolly at 18 ohdoe, i I rm Vwt Norther end EssWru ctfrto Forfrelght or pestoge swlyon bot io i b. j.

caf rky, ti St (Eouir-loT the mOroln Miialppi Hatorad of to taiuo av wiU cwiwrt toeoamoewduig nsom 8npenutftla it. SMITH ft bTURpi axis Arrests pr the Police The city police made, the following arrests yesterday and last night 1 1 Alfred Woods, holes stealing Officers McKinney and Glass; John Martin, stealing ia ladys work-box bfflcerl McKlm; Lafayette Coffins and R. ShnckJ horse stealing Oncers McKinney, Merts, and Burke, 3Tbe Gland Jury of the Police Court re- 600 buiheki to 66c, wk Inclade. mAA The ancp oi ooal by toe arrivafc will nef add imu to toe tock on band a a the greater portion ie for warded to Southern porta. The tannuai onaumptioa ot oral ie leported to be upwards ofi four miUioa buabela, inducing R.

0,000 for life Qct Company. yesterday fwebty-sevea Indictments ing, end were discharged. 4(.

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