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The Atlanta Journal from Atlanta, Georgia • 2

Atlanta, Georgia
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'f- l- WCKDAY MORIfIKQ. Will IE 1 mVkl ti JeSeMoffaltTs Eleded "as President Emeritus, Erslrine THESE THREE PBOPLX HAVE DEVOTED ntiea for tho groat Ad Msng cobtmUm wllek 090a hairman of aonventlou actlvltlaa. Xa tho coator ll rotary of tho Atlanta Advertising olab, who has bean la tortalnmont, and haa aadltod tho aeoonato of tho oaves tola, jrhooo work la praparatlOB for tho ooavoattoa was 1 eoavsatioa was Adc C(Mgrs for New Federal District lit too. ENTERTAIN HD MEN Oa tha right Is lfr. Hohsa-jmq ago.

rsslly 1J a imittoo from the aoodatloa to, present to vlsws of tho SMoeUUoa aa to the ad-vIssMItr of oraatlag another federal iadgaohlp la Ooorgla. The committee ba bOM Bamed by Arthur a Powell. tf AUsatm. president of the iatloa, la sceorduco with a roao-lutloa adopted at tbs rocout ooavaa Uoa at Tyboo Xalaad. Tho oommlttoo will Invent! gate tho ooadltloa at tho federal court dockets determining whether, la Its opinion, tho congootloa warrants the aatab-llahmant of -a now federal court die trlet.

Tho personnel of tho committee repreants taeh congressional district la tho state sad la as follows: H. H. Swift. Colnmbuai Charloo J. Edwards, i Savannah; Sam A Bennett, Albany; M.

J. Toomaas, Dawson: Lb-ther Rotaor. Atlanta; Charlaa wwih ox ties $175, $5 WW, 9Xtt, $300 mi lit Victor Records: SAMES, Inc! CHESTER. S. June lie Rav.

J. A Moffett, XX who has so proaldoat of JErhklao eollogo for many years, has boon chosen president omorltus at- meeting of 1 the trustees of the institution this week. Xa accepting thla position Dr. Mof-fhtt rollnqulshts tho prosldency, and will not teach at all, hut wlll havo all hla time gives to tho larger affairs of the college, such ae' endow it, the lacrosse of students, and gsnorally to get the 'people more Interested In tho matter of education Dr. Moffatt will po under the direction of the executive committee of tho board.

Dr. Moffett has boon prosfdent of this Institution for many years, and hla now work- era stod a vacancy In tho presidency. Tho board of trustees will take up the election of Dr. MoffattP successor lu tha near fu rv Bartlett. Macon; Berry Wright.

Romo; Albert Q. Footer, llsdlson; A Charters, Oalnaavlllq; John T. Wont, Thomson: John W. Bennett, Waycross; A. 8.

Bradley, 107 PcAchtree Stoat mu lOMiM. Oppoaito Piedmont Ho(a The very miit It wu mmuimI at Indianapolis lost Jvh that Atlas ta had bM a war 44 tha tail convention of tha Aseoclaled Advertising duba of tho World, proparatloaa bacon for aUlR this blgiost of all world bualaasa conventions. -Wlthla thirty ailnutoa aftor tba rots waa coat la favor of Atlanta, faprossntatl ran of tho largaat slabs from tho larcsot citia making op tha world argaalaatloa, fllad with tba eseeutJve secretary of tho At laata Advertising dub. V. Hohon stain, tbalr claims for hotel reservations la this city.

Bines that time, CArrenpoadanc bsiwsaa Atlanta and tba 100 dubs scatter sd throughout I ha world baa bsaa la pragrasa aoa auntly. Realising tba tramandona magnl I uds of thla undertaking, tha officials af tha Atlanta club on tbalr re turn from Indianapolis lost no time In launching active preparations. Mr. Ifohenateln. executive secretary, established permanent offlcss In tba middle of August, lltO.

through which ta elsar tha of nagotla tloaa oonunei-ted with tha multltada af details, the proper handling of whlh was absolutsljr essential to tho surras of tha convention. While tho convention Itself acts ally a (tends aver a period of four daya only, tha casual observer can form no adequate Idea af tha multi tuda and variety af details connected tba preliminary arrangements fir part af Daeambar. lflO, tha convention board of the Atlanta club, which anard la mads tin af tha directors af the elub, sat to work to outline a dennita, aystamatlo organisation, baaed an recognised end Proved business principles, real Ising that unless this waa done noth Ing but complete chaoa could be eg footed later on. Tho entire work of ho convention wan therefore divided into iboiit I general elaaalflcattons or activities. Those In turn wtra subject to a number of aub-dlrlalono.

StllliOBAl OteilMiA Kith vtnfftral division woo lioadod general chairman, upon whom waa featured tha sole. Individual responsibility for hla partlaular fen-turn, he being clothed with complete r'ardlng the practical methods to be employed by him. These general chairman appointed. JJ viro chftlrmsn and assistant, making up a large working oorpa of fit competent committeemen- Welcome, ad men Josk drop ia any old tfano and tnako yotorsalf at homo Daniel Bros, Company Hart 3thMam Mmcbto on a lavish seals. Foremost among thee will bo a mammoth reception and chicken dinner at East Lake olub on Monday afternoon aad eevenlag.

Juan 11, beginning at 4 o'clock ana continuing until tho wee small hours, Fifteen hundred opooially selected Sites while la tho olty. Julian oebm aad A. L. Mera bad charge I of this. It was necessary to organise a vast float of automobiles for tho uso of tho visitors, sad motor trucks to transport tholr baggage.

I John Lottridge was In oharga or this. And to organise on Information and assistance division. A A Jameson, Boy Beout commissioner, waa In ratios, without which no amouat work could have made a oucoooo of tho Job. Fred Houser, soorotary or tho hotel men, rendered active assistance of tho moot valuable nature, being a veteran of all tho big conventions hilfln thla country for tho peat fifteen yearn The hotel men, through their aenoelation, not only Slodgod tho full capacity of their oleic, should this bo required, but wont oven further and pledged tho Atlanta Advertising Club that the delegatee attending the eonventloia would not bo charged more than tho regular rates They have lived up to this pledge with tholr usual public spirit, and all members of tho Atlanta charge of thin worlL sad from 1,000 to 1,000 aeouta will be on duty lu uniform. So It le soon that organlfing a big convention is like organising a Mg of tho else of tho dinner It waa accessary to servo It outdoors oa tho beautiful lawn, with long tables specially erected for this purpose.

It will require a trained corps of shofe working all day Sunday and up to 4 oclock Sunday afternoon to eook thla dinner. Following tee dinner there will bo dmnoo In tho Clubhouse army for a big drive, with thoueanda of dotalls to bo worked out aa accurately as a railroad time table. room, a pageant on tho lake, aad a lavish display at fireworks. Intermingled with a variety bf incidental amusement. Including a golf touraa most la th afternoon.

The big entertainment feature at Tuesday will be the advertising exhibit In Taft hall, followed by a musical entertainment In which a trained ehorue of several hundrd southern darkles will give tha visitors a round of old-time norro 1 melody. It Is believed that this chorus and tholr wonderful Bongs will prove to bo one of tho most enjoyable features of tho entire eon ventlon. i I Vei hi 1 ail Wednesdays loading entertainment feature will bo a barbecue at Lakewood given by tho Fulton county board of commissioners. It will rank aa one of tho largest barbecues ever given lu tho southern etatoa. with an army of eooke selected wobka In advance and oarafully sol acted pigs and lambs.

On Thursday there will bo daaooe ai practically all of the clubs la tha ub feol that tha hotel men should share with them tho credit for making tba convantlon a ouooesa. Anyone who has attondad a big eon ventlon will understand that tha generous eo-operatton of the Atlanta hotel men in tho matter of rates la something unique and almost unprecedented. Probably second la Importance to hotel arrangements were tho transportation arrangements. After weeks of effort tho Atlanta elub succeeded In getting a special rata of ono fare end a half for tho round trip from all points In America. This work was handled for.

tho elub by a special committee headed by J. C. Beam, assistant general passenger agent of the Southern Railway. Associated with Mm wore John M. Cooper, of Foots A Da vise W.

W. Croxton, general paeeengar agent of tho Alton ta, Birmingham A Atlantic; Warren Fogg, division passenger agent of the Central of Ooorgla; and A I. Burnett, of tho passenger department of the Louisville A Nashville. Tho eoacoe-Hlon of reduced rates was extremely Important because of the very high passenger feres and excess Pullman fares now prevailing throughout tho country, and tho larre attendance at tha convention la attributable In largo measure to this Of equal Importance, hair, filing transportation aad hotel ar-rangemanta, waa tha entertainment of the delegates while ia First. It waa.neceaeary to bring tho delegates here from all parts of the aountry at a reasonable then to quarter them In comfortable and satisfactory hotel rooms; then to entertain them.

To this Herculean task was assigned La Roy Rogers, general manager or tha American Bakeries Corporation In tho southeast, a tried veteran in thla kind of work. From tho time the assignment waa given him tho early part of this year until tha opening of tho convention, Mr. Rogers has been engaged in arranging nnd organising amusement features Hundreds of people have participated In tho preparations, and tho firm of Hohansteln A Broyles have bean tho clearing house. for the whole vent machinery. Praetorians will Hold a Ceremonial Atlanta Council, TIL Modarn Or-do rof Praetorians, will hold a oere-l aonlal Monday night at oclock at tho Rod Mens Wigwam oa Central avenue and several prominent officers of tho organisation will ba present.

A class of ono hundred eandl-1 dates will bo Initiated aad at tha conclusion of tha business session a musical program will bo given under I tho direction of Mr. Jack Beirara. of I tho A Feuger Costume and Produo-1 UH company. Among tho officials guests -of the evening will bo John N. Harris, df Dallla, field manager of the Modern Order of Praetorians, aad J.

I P. Hanks, of Montgomery, Ala k-porvlaor of tho southeast. Program for Concert At Lakewood Sunday Th concert of Wbdomoyare band at Lakewood park Sunday will begin at :0 o'clock and last until Tha program le as follows: March. Second Regiment P. Hall; Overturn from Barber of Seville," Rossini; Spanish Fantasia, "Row of Caatile." Casey; Fox Trot, "Ain't Wa Got FunT" Whltlnr; Fantasia, Game Worn Stephen Footer." Intermission.

March. W. M. Hall; Selection from Marltana. Wallace; Ono atop rag.

Florida Moon, Johnson A Sul- I liven; Waltzes, Casino Dancas. Qun go; March, "Oraotlarg to Bangor, Hall; Finale, Banner." city, end running act program will bo a constant aeries of private entertainments. For the women, of course, there will be a constant and lavish display of hoe- and everyone of those events required epeclal attention, painstaking. study of details, and a vast amount of hard work. Every feature of the program had to be flttctf In with the gneral pattern, to avoid complications and duplications.

This required a central clearing house, with competent, experienced men In personal oharga working practically day and C. V. Hohansteln and AC. Broyles were th men1 In oharga ably seals tad by Mrs Hohansteln. But tha above mentioned plana and preparations wore by no moana all.

If was necessary to organise a reception and entertainment division con-slstlng of 160 to 00 people, to meet the tralne end look after the dele- i -i. of the AUanta rluh. The entire Organisation wsa placed under the general managa-menf and control of Prank B. Low-ensfeln. chairman or the hoard of lsvw W.

Webb, prcal. dant of tho club, acting no oo-chalr-mn. As tha actlva details multiplied from month to month, and It wan th auMve aacretary would not bn able to maoter tha an Lr about the latter part of March B. c. Itroyles, a member of the board Of directors, was elected vice chairman of convention activities, to act with the executive secretary i the direct management of the eon vs n- "whlle.

Mr. Ilohan-r "voting hla entire I' 5 work since January 1, and Mr. Broyles at once laid aside his business arfulra and took tip hla ntinrters In tha convention office In the korayth building. In addition to wn.r,k upon thaao two, n.Vr i'71" of Hohonatoln, tba wife of the executive aacretary, waa taken up with convention work from about the first of February, To 7 turned over practically In tolo Ibe nrranrementa for the enter-tainment of tho women nttendlng the eon vent Ion, and she also relieved Mr. Iloliensteln of practically all tha conn'ett Home partial conception of tha work Involved In nrtl ri(g of a convert JL h'' compoaed of tne type of men who make up thla Vi'i" "Vy.J,a gathered from a SfAti1 of arrange- tuents, by wav of exninple.

Providing Qnarters. was neceasry to provide eotn-hnt1 rooms jl.OfO delegate denand-Ing upon the and. aa JLh9. auplleatlona for ba filled within thirty mlnufea after Atlanta the Ijn convention. In Indianapolis last June Thla flral P-ry applications waa followed by a more or leas constant stream of applications extending over a period) In yanr.

and coming 2rt rrarS rdnav. Anstralli in j0non. Knglaod, on I flueatloa uppermost In she I wh Cl delegate. comfortable hotel accommodation. That queethm either to hla aatls-I716" or dlassflsfsctlon, until the uy walks into his room and hi" ho looks bath room, which Is Ms first objective.

Th proh-j Ism. therefore, of the Atlanta chib Individual lib a spselflo room In a spa-1 riric hotel, complying as nearly an IMtasIhle with his Individual and psr-oonal Weqiiirsments, and to advlsol hL" departure from hlal of his hotel I and (If possible) the number of thel hid hfn amifncd. further than thla, to meet him at tha train upon hla arrival and eaenrtl him to Ms hotel and sea that hlal Promptly delivered. I the proper handling or hotel arrangements are tha crucial I convention tha teat I w-hich'determlnea tho succeaa or fall-1 ra of the enterprise the teat thatl sends the delegates aaay with a feel-1 nr pleasure or disappointment "ho test that sella or destroys thel fJi fh world realising these things, the Atlanta club exsrtedi very special and what might 1 termed tremendous effort to handle tha hotel arrangements for this eon- ventlon In such a manner that every delegare would go away alnglng Atlanta a praises. O.

Broytas ta Oharga. To thla end. B. O. Provln, vice I Ohslrman.

waa placed In full charge of hotel arrangemente. The Atlanta Ilotel Mena Association placed thrl-J full fscllltles et hla disposal and gave Mm their whole-hearted co-op- I Taw: (Cool Theres SQtchen in You get more, for your money if you buy them here wiinmnnTinnnftllliliiiHlinniinnnM llllliwn: Marx worsteds, Dixie weaves, serges and Priestly aerpores lfon Hest Lm Care the i aftai oma like i Jeut i cram lira COOK STOVES um fttla IS? 01 I See, Mcarx two-piece suits $24 and up Hart Schaffner Marx three-piece suits $34 and up Our frty-five-dollar sale is still in full there are big savings on every rack on. our department in every other part of our too a Make St a point to tee the model kitchen displayed in our Mirindow this week. lti a real one a ipcchlly designed kitchen Mt up in one store window) The equipment includes the' latest model of the Florence Oil Cook Stove. Look at this atm amAiI Note its good appearance.

sturdy build, nnd simplicity The Florence burns kerosene. Come in and let us show you howeaeily you can uaea Florence. Learn why at means economy of work, fuel, and time. A Florence On Cook Store makes fewer hours in the kit- (Chen and more time for other 4. things.

Get one for your IdtchaTiov. -A Money back if you dont Bite oar goods TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT TOC ,1 CAMPBELL-BROWNLEE FURNITURE CO. 381 Edgewood Avenue Ivy 2378 Founded mmncq lass Home of Hart Schaffner Marx clothes.

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