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Weekly Raleigh Register from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 3

Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4V 1 Hi 1 3 VVj 1 fr 1i TOTHZPUBTlCi 'L Rritifh arms, unfer the c6m odol 10 uunicnwri Ttiftees of of Colonel Bum on. the aid et THE SubrcHber.h3 4e arejdeiired to riheeta at; the yEWTH CONGRESS 0f. nnvcmof: made a moa rt-Mute fe4 ronaa, trlur of the fiance, having UNITED 571 AXES, n. nrr 1 hi 1. in 1 1 i- hrmneis tor fatty, I r''H prtpcruev to remtinte I niir- "A -u? 1 T- with uncommon -i Tl II i IvfeK A I J.

Karr -nc i the Society: Uwnr it fom. "future ito efT wounded of tbe troops and marines I tabl.fcr i i ito thv -Fot which Reference may be had veaierai Attid fibbfc, now in eur Pofiel taeur ib City VmJbinttot in tbt lt, tipry Comliar.4H Monday tbe tf D4ctmiirt bundrtd und mW t- does not exceed 22 men. TheSeaf.V wilf vety ibe arrive; when i rnni a. I I. of the captured propcrtV a- 1 1 it will be neceflary to, attend to their ciilrW mounts to a lack and fifty thoufand he thcrfo are difpofed RiChmead VMeetine.

SeDtethbefr i i iriwn; inuuuiion, to tnaice com. AN ACT Chariot won at three Heats, i Plate for three dollars. I 1 I 1 1 'CIJ 1 inunjcaiionj i men. seeds and Plants as they Year "peaing the organi. old Colts eight Stone.

Fillies fe TThe ifland of Tcrnate iis the TUESDAY, MaRCH23, l8 can pruturc, io me auaicriber at RaleiEh. Stone twelije Pounds, two Mile Heats beat fiP--VJfv wi unitea Mate. Urged ofithe Molucca jflanc'sw tno' poffible. It is defi. Cat MVyeth, of thfe bW Han.

I not more fha.n 30 macs in circumte-: ce, and produces a great quanti- py Couple, Who arrived at 1 table that aU fuch communicatiora be accomi panied ith a Defcnption of the1 Mode ot ts Culture, the Manner in 'which it has been employed I in Medicine, and the popular, opinion ofitis yirtfies York ini davs frrVmkr 1 11U, ty of ipecie. ng Mr. Peberall'-a bav Filly Mi W. fearce's Chcfnut Filly, Jy Kir.t Fergus, Mr, Hudion'a bay Filly, by Kin' Fergus, and Mr. Redley's Chcfnut Fill.

Heirefs. r' Nantwich; Meeting, nth Jul i 793V h' won at two Heats, a Plate for four Years ol4a7 8 Stone 7 Pounds, two Mile Heats, 'fteatinf brfngi intelligence that the' Uefinil GERMANY. WHEATON. uve 1 reaty was fiemed the ninth of and for ouher purpofes. Bit iaad By the Schaie And Houft of Sfthe United States af America, in Cqngrtff ajfein-hUdy Tht the adjof Congirfs paf-led on the thirteenth day of Feb-.

uary, pr thoufafid eight hundred nd one, iiptitled An aa to pro-vide for he more convenient orga-nization of the courts of the United States," Hbrii and after the fir ft- Januaryl h-. A letter frorn the Hon! Vienna; nrc. iq, State of Robert if.) JLivingflon. dated Pri cFaycttcville The archive! of late Nether vir. waraic-s acchus, and Mr.

White Playfellow. 1 etig, July t6. 1798, fae wot at twa Heart, a Plate for fottjr Years Ids, -j Stone 6 Pounds, and five Years olds 8 ftont 8 Pounds, four Mile Heats, beatin? Mr. lew In the Suttcrior Court of Latin December faysi Thi cumrV is theatened with a icarcityXuBread lands, which relate to the finances, rights of bvereignty0and State debts, will be delivered, -Uo the Surviving Piitner of "'f ifon's Tartar, a Years old and Mr: Vivm'i James Fatter fon C. and Orietnal of July nxt, Qiall be, arirJis-here French ambaflador here, II TThfc de uigunaineuncofn-.

mon raini which have prevailed this Winder; will be verv Dre.iiriiriat 4ldt partment for the Netherlands which oy repealed. See. 2kJind be tifurlfir has-hithe'rto extfted, will noV be rreitoo MeetinJuJy 54, ifo, he won, at foor HeatVIa jPate for three Years old Stoue a Pounds, and four Years olds Stooe John, Corrjetx Co. 'ffy ver-fux 'f VAttachinent. airpfn Carver, QRDEREOi Tnat the Defendani appear, replevy! and plead to the above to the Winter crop- in the max tne palled on the entirely Capt uhc mouiana ej the iotk Smithy Who arrived on jnfl.

at Charleftori, from which place he left on th hundred arid one. JntWl A ri DENMARK. i f. Fillies allowed-2 Pounds, four Mile Heais, beaurg Mr Croehpfon's bay Fjlly Drowfy, Loid Derby'r oay CoU K-idney, by Potgos. but of Paulina, Urd A HariiltoV? Sait.

withib the three fifft Djys the iiext Term of tiis Uourt and in Default thereof. Altcant, for altering the times and places of hfll1inr 'lllr4I a 1 i that final Judgment ie then entered againlt lit of 'Tanuirvi informs, that tf, orown rilly pj Rockingham, Sir Hj Wllli ctrtam courts therein men COPENHAGEN, DEC. 26. i 4 i tioned, and for other oumnfa fbiP capt. NeiL 1 arrived at Gibraliar th' The neociation between Major- 'from tke MinuteS, JISLOW, Clerk.

from ind a ter the faid firft dav of Oeifteral Walteiitorlf and the Eng- Thomas Hujchinfbn's brown Coh Cohfii- tution. I Nantwich jMeeting, July, 1794, he wen at four HeatsL aPiate, for three Years old 1 atter erldo ecem ber. ifomm July nexij fhall be, and is hereby Sthtrne of a Lottery arid failed ihe ifil rif repedled. I' in Tmmiitry have had the naoft favobrab! jffue for Denmark. It ias Been air reed, that Denmark (hall carrying a Feather, five Year olds 8 Stooe Palej who war AndheUjurtkernaBtdi A Uthoriled My AO.

of Aflembly, for rkifpie Two fTheufand; Collars to That all the 1 i i I recejvc the (lipulated indetnrities, either in Iready money or commo- complete the main Building ot" the Univerliiy -cn ana pafts ortti, in fcjr ef before the cruiliniorlpcdi. Swedifh fleet, corififtif pf three, frigates and! a flriAn ano.agea 9 moscST Founds, four Mile Heats, Jbeafihg Barry's bay Horf Bdrgamot, aged, Lord Donnegal's Chefnut Horl'e Weafel, and Mr, Crompton's Chef, nut Fjily Circaffian. -r wnicn were ot North. Carolina, and for ethtr Puraolet ef ties. I paflaceotl the Uie and Benefit of that Inftaution, jiho aforefaid two acts.

ad arrived withtR the! Strait. trt and which hV the fame were e. Chattenck Meeting, April, hewoo. New Books; Prize of 150 Dolls. 1500 Dolls 1" da.

500-1 I do. 250 (to be the laft hex amende at three Heart, a Plate, for tour Years olda i 4, explained, altered fhall be, and herebv cruifeagainft thtf Tripoli ans. Severi ai Swedilh merchantmeah-d been caotured hv th carrying Stone 7 Pound(, and five Year or repealed olUs 8 Stone ji 2 Pounds, four Mile Heats, 1 1 arj, tmr. iu reluectfullv informs laid firft day of Tulv GALI if hU Fri, GALES drawn Ticket) 250 300 a too aoe iends, that a Part of his Enelifh $0 I 2(0 do. do.

do. do. do. do. i 10 500 within the laft yean It was re ported, that as fbon las -Dale appeared ft Tripoli theS we-dim whn Ly 1.

beating Mr. Armftrong's bay Filly Mufton, Mr Fowler's Chefaut Mare Charmer, Mr. Field's grey Horfe Northumberland, Mr. Creyfoo's Archer, and Sir Charles Turner's Confederacy, Chefter Meeting, May, 170c, he won, at 2dO jeoks are come Hind, a ai are arranged aad marked dfF far ale. 1 he Remainder, whiebjihe lorpierWaeon could not iiwM the Road from Fayetteville.

He hopes loo 200 next iev Vdid, and in jas full and complete foice arid operation as if thefaidtwoajEh had never been made. 'j-J' -i1 be UMthtr enact-eA That al atlions, ifuits, pro eels, pleadidgs and oihr proceeding, ofwhilLnatuieor liad 5 avet. ikcre permitted tn wlb- walk therewre to nave thele alid looked over titie, and a Catalogue ot iheLwiiolel Iwith tour Heais, a. Plate, for fivb Year olds, Stone 4 Pount fix Year oids 9 Stone, and aged 9 stone 4 lbs. four Mile Heats, beating' about in the day time ai hri fuch afe before! remained on Hand, prepared oners Prizes.

Amcunt of Prizes 5 oe 969 Blanks. i 1 500 Tickets at 5'bollars each. of war; 1 Mr Kooertton's Tickle Tobyb aged, and An arrival af Norofk! It Lora uerby's Sidney. I depending ex i fling in any of the courts of the U. States, or in anvnf ft A Dumfries M'Ctinff.

OcloberL 1706, he ine Urawingot this will eommence in the i ity ot Kaleieh. on the fir it Stmiav bagb, confirms; the maflacre bf all the wKiteS lUAn 1 I 1 i 5 1 nui, nis ivfdjeiiy-s one nun. ored Guineas, free for any H.fc carrying 11 m. June, witbm the SetJiou ol tht Federal Court, an will be cicfed asfopn tftereaf- SHERIFFS S4LES. WiLL BE SQLD, nuimiKBi lYjuB iTcais, Draiinc ir DdKer's pie pt co juf in G.uJaloupe.

hit Ihoikine affair is faid inh crevjton. VVM GFRIaMD the diftriaurU of the acting as cire iit conrtr, or in any of the atiditifjni diflria coiirti, which were ettablifljed by the aforefaid aa of Conjrrefsj paffed on the thir. ter as praAicaole. 1 The Prizes in a 11 be paid by theTreafurer At tit Court- ufe in Smith field. th, tb place 1 mediat el on the arrival" ddy if May next, That Famous Imnorted Hieh-brcd of the Umvcrlity at any Time atttr the Diawv.

ing is c.lofed, with Puniaualj'tyriubjed tea Dedudion of ten jer cent, rlidl 1 the" troopt trcfrh Fragbe off the llland. I i THE following Tract of Land not HUKSE the Numbers of the lortunate Tickets will Caur dt Lim By the fhih Enternri mti't If Art iccmu qay.otji'cbruary one thou-land eight huhdred and one, fhall if' 3v froi artd after be publiftud in the fevera! Newfpapert of the tate and all Prizes which hall not bef de- Without Exception as high Ired a Hdrie al IfcW-york in aoiiWsfTom St. Croic we learn, that the Dnifli Commiflioners have arrived tUm inanded within ninety Day? atter the Draw nci wji laueo in tngiand, i fclv TVm a it day ot July next, con- mi 1 L- v. fa Ii 11 ing is finifhed, coiifiJercd as relin- given in, or fo much thereof as wil.tbe ftjfficier to pay the Tut ana contingent fjiarjes lor thely'ear 1800 Acresofj Land, in Johoflon County. 1 or near the waters of Black Mingo, jliam UuTrham, the reputed property of Wflliam Sa.fler butfaid to be aifo claimed iky the Hell's or dminirtiators df Michael Con-a7 of the State Tenntflec.

I 1 SAMUEL OK. WORTHY, lUrcb I a 6. itoa. Sheriff the famows Dido, bv Old Lctiftfe. full "eef iritjed over tohe circuit colurts, and to the diftua Courts, and to the dif- quiihed, and he id as a Donation to the ihe loitaution.

At, i. 'l Tickets to be had, at five Dollars of wtMcourtsatingascucuitcburtsreC from Martintjue; and, by agreement with the Enghfh, the Danes were, to repoflefs the Ifland the day Tailed, Gen. Truitecs of ont Gentleman or more in the al. the fhall firft thereafter be holden in, krid for the refnitr Sifter to Javeline who covers it rwemy Guineas a Mare. She was bred by the Duke of Cumberland, and fold at hit Sate ro the Prince of Wales, mth e.Bcgiunmgof the Year 1790, with Cocurde l.

ion, then a Colt by her Side, for twelve Hujiirednd fi ty and; withont Uoubt was confioered the belt Mare moft every Cuunty in the State, and ot OommiffioHcrs at llalei'h. U. tJ I a in I 1 1 1 a i flrifrs whih ira VA circuits vv alter itorrt, the new Governor, WILL BE OLD. JOHN H.YWUOD,! vived and eidablifhe-d with the troops, had arrive a tie CU)t boufe in Favst 'ie avu II i 7- rw WILLIAM POLK, appoint. in fcngland at that Time.

She afrcrwarl and to be proceeded in, injthe fame Captain Smtill idt) ay if April next. HKNRY POTTER, tt' fuJ Wd UnW at th ale for eight Tnrfi. Urtd Guineas. Highflyer's Die-cd and Per- THE LANDS fnr I oueitnereon tor the Year iSJoo: uidimcr as tney would have been, had they originated prior to. the paffage of the) faid aft, paiTed on the thirtppfith1 rl r-k-.

Nabby, arrived at Wiirnington 01, Sunday the f3th in ft. in fourteen days from the Havanria, mentione 'he arrival at that norf nf a f1o Acres near Liij4h Fifhcr, given in by Tius.f)Vetton; 1 7 Aeres near Black River, giyen Tn by -y a cuiudiy one thMitrjnt i 1 lormancei as a Racer, together! with hitreai fame as a Covering Horfe, are fo well known; to the Gentlemen efihe Turf, that it is unneceffary to fay any Thing further of him. I iii Coeur de Lion is a fine Etaod Bay, full fixtat nj Hands 'high, haadfomcand powerfuU rauth admired for his good 'I'caspet zai fire Bone, with the ftrongeft of Conftitutions. He v.igni uu 11 urea ana one- "urn 1 aiHIV'll ot leveri fad nf l.i-i fhir r- a unii 1 a-, iii 1 tix A Ho jfe aidj Lot in Fayetieville, fuppofe be tit Propeity of Sarah Stanton, nol not ta Fte. c- ffmailer vefiels which had Ihat all writs and proctfs.

which navciffuedpr may iffue befmv given in jdnedit'o, the Property of IfibeJla Gra. oany With the St. Domingo fleet. given, in. laid firft dofjfuly next, returna.

pie to the Circuit courts, or tri was engaged by tlfe Prince of Wales (as may be fcen by 'he Raring Calf ndars of England) in leVeral of hcavieft Sweepft.kei there, om one to two Hundred Guineas each; but Thorough-hrrd Imported Hrfe CHARIOT, byMariM'Sott 1 diftria court, afcling as a circuit STKPHEN GILMORK given fo permit the entry and file of all the cargoes of American yeflVls then in port, and to dden th nort tn a 1 -Nuiu, I' ao, i Th court, or any additional diftriA 1 1 v. court eiUbfiihed by the aforefaid act, paffed. the thirteenth rr St tie WILL BE SOLD, BRED by John Clifton, Ffa. who kept end; run h.m until October, 796, when he waspurchafeu by Sir William Gerard; Bar Wav got kv the "lebrated Horfe Highflyer; his Dam, by Old Eclipfe, a Mare of as great Fame as any in Englandr hanot tea fine bay, ftands nearly fixteen American fla (pf fix mnthj. I We underftand that the Prefident Ot the United Sfte Court but fe in Favetttrville.

ihr February, one thoufand eitrht hn. Being unfortunately hurt in his firft Performance, by nard running, he being young (aifo fid to jve trod on a Piece of Timber, and tailed in his right fore Leg was obliged to quit. the. Turf, although acknowledged to be a Horfe of great Speed and Bottom, as may be feen in feyeral Certificates in Poffefijon of the Subfcribef Coeur de Lioa has fignaliied htrafelf as a rid Day vf Af ii next, dred and one. fhall 1 nr.

tijirowing LANDS, or To the next circuit court, or diflrir hTimoihv Blood wrrtk 1 i a m.M oar. "ior ione. binew. Sviri. F.J court, or diftrict court acting as a penator in Congrefs, Col lector, of I.

mch thereof as will! be Efficient to njiJty the Tixe due thereon for the Year lloo. One Houfe and Lot, lying on th Worth ad isfcarcely to be equalled. Kunning entitles him to he His remarkably lure Foal Getter, as fcarcely tuc pprt ot VYiImington.K which ware mtried that he covered taft Seafon or -aeor ferlon Street, near or joining Sted-n's Lot, the Prope.iy ot Carrol. W- betore- 1 have feveral Certificates in Poffeffioti to prove that they are toual to any Horiesn the.Contmentdf America. Thaf.

w.ii tut tunic time vacant, i' I' Hcnry fiiflarri, othis cdnnty who late-ly went into Tenneffee on cntuu court, rej-eitaniimed by this acl Old I be proceeded on thereJ in, in the'lfame manner, as thev could, had they beed originally returnable tjd the circuit Icourts and dtftriacouiitsaaingasdiiicuit courts, hereby revived and eftafelifbed, "ne eitto, offlihe Wtit Sue of Old Ferry amongft the firft Horfes in this Country. Hit Excellence" has been diihnguifhed in four Mile Heats, and in no Imtarice where the Conteft as great, but he proved iuccefeful, having generally run four Heats to decide the Chariot now exhibits the greateff Health and Vigour, will ftand the enfuinr'fteafAr Mieet, the Property ot Mary Campbell fDen, tyetteville. wno nave leen many of them, pronounce that Mht of them was unlikely. It is ule-lefs to fay much -about them, for they fpeak iiio, ivii.g Louer Duiinels, has been killed in a quar. luie rout's Houre, the Pretty ot "-U S.

I I .1 uol uPPer fayetteville. on the NATHL. IVf ATOM -ae l.ane thlt. leads from bov. the Subscriber's Store on Nutbufh, Granyille County, State of North-Carolinai nine Miles from Hafkins' Ferry, fix Miles from WilH.

Speaker of khe Houlcof Pelpreientatives-1 A. Bt)RR etto A Hroadiyot's and '1095 Acrs Land, fittia on the North ti bide ot PC Fear RWej, known by the Name of ti wuii citizen or tnat ltate, We have not heard particulars, except that the deceafed having ftruck tlie other with his whip, he caught hold of his un, which Was ftandia? near, and (hot him -On the 6th inft. the CdJIeae of Mto- 0 Viae-Prefident! of the United! it ouaer lor therr Sire ihan I can expiefs, by their fuperior high Form, and uncommon good Colour; and thee can be no Doubt of their SiccefsonthlTurfw Coeur de Lion is now rifing twelve Years o'd, in fine Perfeaioji, and will ftand the enfuing Seafon at the Subfcribjer't Stable in Warren County, North-Carolina; on the South Side of Roanoke River, Half a Mile ff the main, Poft Road fro Peterfburg to mlboro' ghv af.d fixteen from Warrenton; and will be let to Mares at ten Dollars the Prefident of the Senate. 8oa. aide, theProperry of Duncan M'.

uf Le-p, paid at the Stable Door twenty Dal. Approved, March iars theSeafon, payable the firft Dav of Oc ne Hofe and Lot lying the Eaft S'de TH 1 Prefident of the United State tober next; and forty Dollars to infure a a Foal; and in every Inftance Half a Dollar pa id tc- the room the Slable Door The warieon, two and a Half'Miles above 1 weei, Piopirry of John O'Ouinn. Malon may be difthaiRed by the" Pavment 'ffitteen Dollars, if paid within the Seaion. uica 10 uc tne 5 -UTHEREVS 'Aley, Wife, has eloped Ire(in my Ce'd and Board, this is therefore to krwarnj an Perjfen or Perfons of Daniel moieiej's Ferry, twelve Miles NortruEafc of Vyarrcnton, thrrty Miles above Hal Uaxi and fixt-five Miles NVtliTEaft of Raleigh nd pill be let to Mares at tea Dollars the Leap, and twenty Dollars the" Seafn k- i ne Beaton will commence the lothfTJav of ne ditto, Mrch, and will end the mrh Div of A on the bouth Side of Hv Effect: trom crediting her, harbouring jor furniming herwithany Th irfe on my Account, ai am uirrn Art 1K0 t. 1 In Cafes of lnfurance, the Money will be re "-j--y tii a-tinceioni was confumed by fire.

About one o'clock in the afternoon the cupola was difcovered to be in a blaze The wind was uncommonly vio lent, andjn lefs than two hours the who'e building was deftroyed, the roof having early; fallen in fo as to render alljexertioni to fave it The Col lege Library, and. i 'unji iac or dou. iirf ir. foi wler to be paid at the Time of Service', andJJ -110400 Acres ot Land or ih turned, if the Mare does net' Drove with determined not td pay or anfwef any of her ic lacier may oe ancharged by the Pavment JrZ? teir.k"", between the Lands Foal pj-ovided the Property is in no Inftancf ecoum. JOHN REGAN.

changed. Kcea 4unty Marcb tb Ii86a. Chariot is a fure Foaj-eetter. as adfeears wu, woitn Latt Side ofCapeFer K'ver near the; er from Certificates fentwith him. The Gen Notice is hereby given TAT Garrqtt Goodloe, late of ileman who importea him, purchafed him in l.f i oriage, and near St.

Prp4ofthe Eftaci jafmei plUer, decealed. i fcnglatid himfelf; and had an -ixuis ui ine property in tne Uollege, fanlclin Ceiaotv. is dead, and tfiae it. ttl- r. feeing his Col they beme laree.

eie Xr lhe Weft Side of of five Pound Virginia Money by the firft Day of next Januiry; eight Guineas to en-fure a Mare to with Foal; the lnfurance Money to db demandable on the Mare's fhow-ing with Foal, and Half a Dollar with earh Mare to the Grcm4 Good and extenfive Pafture, the whole of which Ife't in the low Grouhda ef Roanoke. I will engage the moft pointed Attention to every Mate Tent to this Horfe, whil ft under my Care, to prevent Accidents or Efcapes, but will nwt be refpon. fible for either. The Seafon will begin the Subfcriber is appointed Executor of his aft J.utC isiuipect- wa his Inducement to purehafe him. Will and leftametir, and that he has qual, CU 0tlle tTOm deflgn.

stiv.r 1. i v'ng oetween. fied in the! Couirt of flid CountT as fuchlU A Hot took olace in Churlelnn 1 ecu anu ii rirh.aH and welLinciofed Pafturage 200: Acres! ly- an th Perfonhaving De- jlon Sunday eveninff fe'nniffhf VX ma.ds againft tYif Eftate, to br ng them L8 ill I conleduence of a quarrel between properly authenticated, within the -r uuttau i4e ot 1 gratis and every Care and Attention paid to prevent Accide or, fc, es, but Will not be liable for nys that -may of Hand will be- expecled with every Nfare nut ann Time pre fome American ondSpamfli faiiars lenbed by law, btherwife. they will netCbe trn x.c;:atio 300 Acres ditto- the Three Americans were tabbed one to: him, either by the 'Seafon or IufuraceC paid. 1 hofe who are indebted to the Eftate afc reoefted to aiake fpeedy Payment tp Lhanot being th IoIe: Property of the SuH.

'ne South Si.iPr aire or Marco and. end the tenth of Auguft SALOMON COTION. WarreM Ckty, tZol PEDIGREE.1 Coeur de tiou waf got by Highflyerr his Dido, by his Grabdam by Spfdtstor, his Great Grandam by Blank, his fcribets, they have it in their Power to wiiiAM fx. GODDLOE. Jith March, $So2.

pledge ihemfelvei for potedttenfioh heiat paid to futVMards as nay bleht to himV I Urouh perty 'NicCpll. of whom died foOn after, and another is fuppofed to be mortally wounded. 6 Spaniards wereyef-terday committea torprifon. 7ied. -v New-Yorjf 00 the 6th laft.

is hi lath JAM S. NKY LYN HPH Subfcriber takes this Mcthtxi of informing thofe whei hare been. To ureat vrtxt oranuam, iLotd Leirs Diana iubji ucHucracn warn wiin to viav ll c-j rr fe and 1., ed es to tavour him with their Cuftom. that their Mare, ted withGrai. maVW furnifh oti; tLLo raye-terille.

the 'voC J.hrfCriffiQ. he hat entirely djpofedof hisStvck of Goods lriielfTefts (ill iuch as have open-Accotnta with hitttj to come in ard ra --r i. irt year, Mr-Johsi WatdJ Fen no, bookrelIerr -formerly proprietor oad editor of tbe Gaztue ritJr LH we gire'i. for the (am. I 1 i end eiole the fanle, either, by g.

via. Note. rod, artar. of the United States, printed at Philadelphia. AS: Waihingtda City, the 1 ith inft.

N. Hdnter, if. the Reprcfentatie in Con-ji 1 cotton kJ4r give due foxr his m.T 1 1. pm seaion.

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