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The Raleigh Register du lieu suivant : Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 1

Raleigh, North Carolina
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ft, -i. i ii' i yp'-y A 1 To PROVIDE yOB TH8 FUNDING AND FDRTHER ISSUF. OF i -M-l I 1 I 1 1 1 i Treasury Notice as to Funding! tN drafted men. Brooklyn ii considering the ly arm and beadi Private Henry Page, slightly hand; TboTUpcarcb, tbigb. LefWjn thebatil i-flid beyond the enemy's picket line; Lieut air which I recognize the hand of Providence pointing vUibly to the ultimate issue pf this great trial ol the States and people of America, they are better prepared now every way to mak gr od their inexorable purpose than at any period since the beginning jot the struggle.

These my, ir dued, be unwejCime truths; but they are addrtfced only to candid and honest men. Neither, however, let me add, did I meet any one, hatever his opinion or his station political or private, who did not declare-his readiness, when tho war shall have ceased and invading armjes bo wilbdraitfn, to consider and discuss the question of reunion. And who shall doubt tho isfU of the argument The sbaHew-eonnivance of the weak despoU at Washington and aivisers tais'been defeated. Nay, it has turned against thcnT; and who fr two years was maligned as secret league with the Confederates, having refused, when in their midst, under circumstancts the most Trbacbt Notes. Section 1.

The Congress of the Confederate States of America du enact, That all treasury notes not bearing Interest, issued previou3 to tho first day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, shall be fundable in eight per cent, bonds or until the twenty-second day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty three; that from that date until the first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty- three, they shall be funded in seven per cent, bonds or stock, and after the said first day of August, they shall no longer ba fundable at the pleasure of the hoi der, but shall be receivable in payment of public dues, except the export duty on cotton, and payable six month 8 after the ratification of a treaty of peace, as specified on fhairTaco. All treasury notes not bearing interest, issued after the'first day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty two, and within ten days after the passage of this act, shall be fundable in seven per cent, bonds or stock until the first day ol August next; and after the said first davof August, shall fundable'only in bonds bearinjeyttrert at the ra(e of four cent, per annum, and payable ull- exceeding thirty years from tho date thereoi such notes not funded shall bo receivable in payment, of all public dues, except the export duty, on cotton, and shall be paynble six uiorUhs after the ratification of atroaty of peace between Confederate government and the United States, All call certificates bearipg eight percent, interest, shall, with the accrued interest, be fundable, on or before the first day of July, eighteen hundred aid sixty-three, into "bonds of tbe Confederate States, blearing interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, and paya' le at anr time not nx ceeding.tbirty years after Provided, That the accrue interest aforesaid may, at the option ol the holder, be paid instead of being All call certificates of every dccription, outstanding the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty three, shall, afteT that date, re deemed to be bonds bearing an annual interest Of six and payable at a dute not exceeding thirty years from tho said first da of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. Sec. 2. Id lieu of the power heretofore riven bv law to the Secretary" of tho Treasury, to issue treasury notes, he shall be authorized issue monthly, au amount'of such notes, bearing no interest, not exceeding fifty millions of dollars, which shall bo receivable in payment of all piblic dues, except the export duty on cotton, and payable within two years after the rati fication of a treaty rf peace between the Confederate States and the United States, and fundable at the pleasure of the holder, during twelve mouths from tho first day of too nth of thuir issue, iu bonds of the Confederate States, payabte at any time not exceeding thirty years after and bearing rates of interest as follows If funded within twelve months from the ll9t day of the month of their'issue, the bonds Shall 4ear: six jer cent, interest per aunum if funded afbsr.

that period they shall be fundable into bonds bearing four per cent, interest per aunum. These notes shall boar upon their face the month and year of their issue, and it not funded, shaU be paid at ihe time specified on their face without interest. Sec 3. After TBe; passage of this act.he authority heretofore given to issue call cfcrt incites shall cease. um iuc(uvicjiuuuaio iiuo m.y per cent.

Donds may be converted at tke rilea.mj re of thn W.J.Ir certificates, bearing (intere at the rate of live per cent, per annum, lnoin the date of theiir issue. That every buca certihoate fhall bear upon its face tho monthly date of th oldest of.tho notes which itrep-rosents, and be convertible.into like notes at any liui within six months from the first day of the month ip; montniy uaie aiaresaid. Jut every' certificate no reconveerted within; six months from th first ir its mouthly dale, shall bo exchanged Lira bond payable at any time not; exceeding thirty tears from "ih expiration of the said six months, and hen-ring interest at the rate of six centum per annum. Trea- sury notes, which by the operation'of this act ouie lundable into bonds bearing a yearly interest of four per may ue converted, at tho pleasure of tho bolder, into oull cer t'Oeates bcariiwr interest nt tho rit of four cent ner annuuij im th.i- converted or paid the said certificates being convertible at any tiiueiby th bidder into notes fundable in four per cent, bonds, aud pnyablc and receivable as heretofore proscribed, but the said certifirntp m. redeemed by the government after six months from the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Con federate States United States.

Skc. 4. That all fcoud.s or reihtered Stock ed to issued by this act, I be paivable irt U'g. than thirty years afterdate; but shall be redcemble uve years afterdate, at the pleasure olf the government, aud shall in other respect confoeir. to existihe aws.

Sec. 5. The Socretary of the Treasury shall any disposable means in the trpiis tirv vliili oi applied -to that ouri.ose without iniurv to inteiest, to the puruhase of Veasury notes be.uin interest, and issued; after the assago of this act Until the whole amount of treasury notes iu circulation shall not exceed one hundred and seventy five m'rl- lions of dollars. Sec. 6.

The treasury notes haroh'v nllovco.i i issued, shall be of any denomination of not less than five dollars whichi't now nnH.orlM.i i. secretary of the Tueaeury may direct. The authority hereby given shall tease at the expiration of the first session of CongtesS, after the ratiticatfrn of triv of peace, Oyr at the end of two should the-nar continue so lone. Sec. 7.

In addition to the avthoritv given to the Secretary of the Treasury to issue treasury notes, he shajl be allowed to issue or denomination of one dollar, ami two dollars Mnd of fifty cents, to l)cb an amount, as, in addition to the notes or the denomination of one dollar, heretofore issued, shall nx.t exceed the sum of fifteen millions of dollars; and said notes shall be payable six months after the ratification of a treaty of iace bo tween the Confederate States and tho 1 receivable inpayment of all ,1,,., the export duty on cotton, but shall be fundable. o. mat urn Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to sell nds bearing pcr cellt inlcrt per anaum, and payable as hereinbefore directed, at par for treasury notes since the first day of December, eighteen hundred and sixly-two, to suh of the Confederate States as may desire to purchase tho same; or he may b1I such bonds, when guaranteed by any of tho States 'of the Confederacy, nnon mrh plan as may be dtterruined by the Secretary of the Treasury, for treasury notes on such terms mnv deem advisable, to the highest bidder, and not below par. irnttaca fioaevcr, that tho whole amount of such bonds shall not exceed two hundued millions or dollars: And provided, Anther. That the notes thus purchased shall not be reissued, if the el-' feet of such reiffcue would be to increase the whole amount of treasury notes, bearing no interest which are in circulation, to a sum greater than one hundred and seventy-five millions of dollars.

And the Secretary of the Treasury, is also authorized, at his option after of Jply, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, to issuo and sell, at not less than par, as estimated in treasury notes, coupon bonds of the Confederate States, bearing six per cent interest per annum a.uu I'ujnuic ns uoreui oeiore uirected. the sard coupons to ho paid at the pleasure of tho owner; either iu the currency in whiich interest is paid on other bond of the Confederate States, or-elae in cett.m rrtincia which pledge tho government to iav the nam in err tonofihe quality of New Orleans middlings. The said cotton to be paid at the rate of eigb.pcuco.ster-ling per pound, and to be delivered at any time wltliti six months after the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United Slates, at any or all of the porta o( New Orleans, Mobile, Sa- vauimu, -nariesion or Wilmington, as the Secretary of the Treasury Pruritic J. 1. the bonds, hereby ao xized, phaft not exceed one hundred of shall be applied only to the absorption Treasury notes as i.resTih'i il.i.

act. Sec. 9. That it shall be the duty of the Secrpt.rv of the Treasury immediately after tho passage of this act, to make publication of a copy thereof in each Stis, in at least two publijhed iu tbe Stato, and to have said publication continued until the first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. Approved March 23.

136:5. apr 8 tl Au Nails for Sale, A AT HI 1IO A LSI RON WORKS, IN riASTON Col NTV, N. V. OA II. HIEY WILL HE I) I I I I It I 1 1 A-r lion Depot, ou ibe Wiliuingtoii, Charlotte and Rutherford Kail lioad, Address IllGIl SHoAh.S IKON CO Iron, Line County N.

C. ncoln I'd BLOCKADEJJGOODS- 50 PS MERINOS AM I Avinin iMx 4.0 pieces lak Alpa cjs. I HO dozen ilravy Drawers, juot ceived. AUO pieces Fine White Linen drawers alf sizes. 2J2 pjs Linen Shectj all ready for u-c, heavy 60 lbs Llack fSewing ilk.

100 lbs White Drown Flax, No i article' Coats, Pants, Vests, Over Coats, Military and Citizen i T. KOYSTtiN, ARr 1 Petersburg, OTARCII AT Treasury Notes. Treascrt Department, 1 Richmond, June 1, 1863. ALL HOLDERS OFTBEASUHYPjoTES issued prior to 6th April, notified that until; he 1st August inclusive, they can be funded in seven per cent. Bonds.

After tbat date the notes bearing data prior to 1st can ao longer be funded. Those which bear date betweea the 1st December, 1862, and 6th, April, 1363, can be funded in seven' per cents at anyme on or before '1st August, 1863 after Which date, they are lundable only in four per cents. JMotes Bearing date on or alter 0th April, 130.3, are fundable in ait percent Bonds, if presented within one year from the fi'st day of the month printed across their after the year they are fundable only in four per cent. (Signed) CO. MEMMINGER, June 10 tlAu Secretory of Treasury.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, C. Si. A. Richmond, May lllh, 1863. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL holders of two year Treasury notes issued under the act of 16th May, 1361, that they must come in and present the said notes for funding at the Treasury or some of its Depositories on or before the 31st day 6f July ensuing, or they will be debarred the privilege of 'funding.

The said netes are entitled to bo funded in eight per cent. Bondspayable in ten years. (Signed) U. Q. MEMMINGER.

May 20 tla Secretary of Treasury. EXECUTIVE DEPAR'T NORTH CAROLINA, Adj rjTANT General's Offick, (Militia,) Raleigh, July 15, 1863. General Orders, No. 15. If IN 1.

thi trte Mi COMPLIANCE WITH AN ACT Or the recent Legislature, commanding Officers of Militia are ordered to enroll as a guard for Home Defence all White male persons not already enrolled the service of the Confederate States, between the' iges of IS and 50 years, including foreigners not aturalized who have been residents of the State for thirty days before said enrollment. II. There shall be exempt from the operations of tins order, the Governor, the Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts of Law and Equity, Members ol' tie General Assembly, the Officers of the several Departments of the Government, Members of Congress, Pivil and Military Officers of the. Confederate Government in the State, the Ministers of the Gospel of the several Religious Denominations of the State, charged with foe duties of such ministry, the high Sheriff and Clerks of the several Courts of Record, Sod the Public. Registers in the several counties.

Ill, After, enrollment the men enrolled shall be divided into Companies of not less than seventy-fire then, hot more than one hundred, and shall proceed to elect their Company' Officers. The certificates of Such election will be forwarded to this Office with the papers of enrollment, in order that Commissions may Reissued. IV. Officers of the Militia will be enrolled for tlouK Defenck, and their Commissions, when called iulo service, will be suspended only during the period of isueh service. V.This order is not intended to interfere with the enrollment for immediate thosebelweenthe ages of 18 and 45 years under, Order No.

-1 3. By order of Governor ANCE DAN'L G. FOWLE, jy IS WAS-W2w. Adjutant-General. B.

M. ROBERTSON, PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 42 Sycamore street, Petersburg, we of- ler lor sale 2000 boxes MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, of all grades, 10's, 5's, lbs and pounds. 20,00 lbs SMOKING TOBACCO, 500 cases SNUFF, And various other too numerous to mention.

1J. M. ROBERTSON A No. 42 Sycamore July 22 -Impd. Petersburg, Va.

To the Voter's of the Fifth Con gressional District- rnilE EMERGENCY CALLS I'OR THE A. purest and ablest men to serve the country in her Legislative Councils. The well known character of Captain JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Franklin, for patri otism, integrity and wisdom, plainly indicates- him as the fittest man in tho District to represent us iu tho next' Congress. Captain Davis is uow leading his gallant company against the inyaders-of his country, and does not even dream of his friends entertaining the idea of voting for him for Congress or any other civic positiqn, at this time but we are confiJeut that he will shrink from no responsibility to which his fellow citizens may call him.

Well known and universally respected as he is, Franklin County offers her no ble son to the voters ot the District in full coulideuce of his eleethm, on account of his own unpretending merit, and for the good of the country. Patriots, your suffrages are asked for a wise and prudent statesman, and gallant soldier. jy4 tde. MANY VOTERS. To Cotton Planters.

Ill WE BEEN APPOINTED BV THE Secretary of the Treasury, chief Agent for the purche of Cotton for tha Confederate Government within the Stkte of North Carolina, and will pay for the same in 7 per cent, lsonds or Cash. Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of the State, buying in my name, will have written certificates ol appointment. By order of the "Secretary of the Treasury," all Cotton purchased by myself, or my Agents, on and alter tne lbtn day ol March, 1863, will be paid-for in 7 per cent, Bonds or Cash, and noP8 per rent. Bonds, as stated in a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent.

Bonds will be furnished as stated. Patriotic citizens are now offered an opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 20, 1863. mar 25 tl Joseph E.

Venable COMMISSION MERCHANT, Stcamobe Iron Front No. 3, Petersburg, B' UYS AND SELLS ON COMMISSION Country produce of all kinds. Constantly ouhand a large and well selected stock of MAN FACT RED and SMOKING TOBACCO, also tho celebrated CAROLINA BELL SNUFF, and other brands which will be oflered to the trade at Market rates. Orders.thankfuIly received and promptly attended to. i June 13 3mpd Office of Raleigh da torn R.

R. kaxkich, N. C. June 15, .1363. MIE BOARDOF DIRECTORS OF Til IS Company have eel red a Divadend of 10 -per renu upon me capital atoca, payable ou and alter Monday, 7th July, 1863.

W. VASS, June 17 tlAu Treasury. John G- Williams STOCK AND MONEY BROKERS; Ralkicjh, N. CONTINUE TO CARRY ON TI1EBRO- kerage business at their o.ld stand as heretofore, in all its various branches. 25-mpd Dickens New Novel.

RE A EXPECTATIONS. By Charles Dickens Boz. Price, Whensentby mail For sale by $3.00 W. L. POMEKOV.


L. POMFKOY. same question. Discontents are announced in yarioua piaces. fho draft is suspended in New.Hamjfhij-.

he European, news shows that advance. to Jrennsylvania nad creaiea a great Kngland. and mucn increasea me popular hjf bur cause. HEAVY FIRING AT CHARLESTON. nAi.s:aToir.

Julv 25. Keeuiar nnng on nmtpr nd Witrner bv the Yankees on Morris Hand all last nicrht and continued all day4o day. SuUter. Cummine's PointAnd the Shell Battery James' Island participating. Wagner is not firing to day.

The Yankees occasionally responded' from the battery on Morris Island. The Afon-itolrs and Irtnsidea lying outside, but took no part to iday. Our firing was4directed on the Yankees bn! Morris Island. They have two batteries there anil have strengthened tho position. No reported Casualties to day.

One Monitor arrived to day making six in all. YANKEE OFFICERS CAPTURED. GoldsboRo. July 27. Major J.

B. Uonstern anidCapt. Wm. if. Avery, lszna lur Uro rantntod on Saturday by the-scoutsof the kvLA Nnih i'amlina cavalrV.

nine'miles above uivavM -w Nfewberntand arrived here thi9 morning. Tftey wro on a pleasure excursion. Ilorso and baggy alaoi captured. CASUALTIES IN NORTH CAKOLlA TROOPS. We continue the publication of the casualties- arjiong the N.

Troops at the battles about Get-It yfeburg: JjisVof the casualties in ine tim reg i. v. roops in the battles "around Gettysbutg, July 1st and 3d, 18G3. july-Field and WounJed Colonel GpO Faribault, contusion of 6houlder, wound in foot Lieut Col John A Graves, Major A n-iuliTis. and Adi't TC Powell, left -on the battle fifid within the enemy's picket lines, and suppose? tq nave toen wcunueu.

ICumpany Aj-July 1st. Killed Williamson lA'bernathy, Richard DozierJkmrnerson rucK- etit. VVounded lieui i vvesirjr, in grum i Ijieui Dunn, sligbtly; Sergts Earnhill, sltghtly; We-y, inUrm; Cone, slightly in Mnulder and head: Privates Jonathan Crockett, mortally in shoulder; Frank Edwards, in shoul-Jdfer: Martin'Green, in band. July 3d. Wound- led Lovett Boykin, in bast; Eli Joyner, severe-jiy in side; Kinchen Jojner, slightly in both bipp; iStenben Lamm, in wrist; Wm Lamm, severely Mn shoulder; Wm Riley, severely in both tmghs; la, II Sellers, severely in abdomen.

Left on the llXi i is 1.4 baltle-lleld witnin tne enemy picaei aqrg jrartin, i rivaiea umuco, 5iu Bissett, Neverson cone, a iienaerson, vjuuerk A Ri- Strickland 13, 11 Oil, J-'vt Strickland, Wren Tisdale. jl Co B-July 1st Killed, Jamison Puckett. Wounded, Sergt A Bryant, leg amputated; Sergt JC slightly Jn head; Chesley Perry, since ded; Josiah Green, severely in neck; Wm Gay, severely in both legs; Stallings, severely in thigh; Abiiah Carter, slightlfin arm; Med: lin, slightly in-hand; II Meecam, slightly in thigh; Gideon Phillips slightly in ankle; Phil-Hps, slightly in febt. 1 July 3d Wounded, Lieut II Perry, severely in log. Privates Marion Bonn, severely in cjheek Moss, slightly in hand A Johnson, slightly in thigh; James Pearce, slightly in arm.

Left on battlo tleld within the enemy's picket lines; Limits Evans. Com II Massev; Privates Baker. .1 Bunn, Cheoves, Coke, Lemuel Cooley, Wm Cone, Dennis Johnson, Marion Moyo. II Tant. i Co July 1st Killed, Sergt KUU Green.

PriVates, Hansel Pool. Wounded Capt tredell arm shot otf, since died; Private Stephen, in wrist; Preston Kelly, in face, hand and breait, Uur.cb, slightly in thigh, i July 3 Wounded Lieut Norlkot, sori dusly in groin; Corp Gaston Utley, mortally. Privatu Bunch, in leg; CattJ, slightly in rlead; II Saunders, in arm; B-Underwodd, slight-ijy in leg; left on the-battle field within the enemy's picket lines: Lieut Whiting; Sergeant Green, Corp Beddingfield, Privs John Done, Nicholas Gill, House, John Johnson, (i Partin, Pilkinton, Joo Woodard. Co July 1st. Wounded Privates Elijah 4Joggn, mortally; Boiling Milton, mortally; Lar-in Hyatt, slightly in hand; Manly.

High, slight ly in leg; Ii Lan, slightly. July 3d. Wounded Coro'l Dlelbridze. iliehtlv in head; Private Hopkins, slightly in arm; Rufus Stone, severely igri hip; btone, stunned by sheil; jimerson Johnson, severely in bowels; Cornelius Joyner, severely in kne; J3pencer Ricks, slightly in thigh. Leftonthe battle field.

within the enemy's picket lines: Lieut Drake, Corp Pullen, Privates Manly Wilder, Higgins, Calvin Driver, Bell, Joel Bottoms, Berry Lee, Wm Underwood, Kuffin Kicks, Ramiey Driver, Sergt. Drake. Co July 1st. Killed Privat3S LT Med-in, A Medlin, James Snead, Wm Wilson, Calvin Raiborn. Wounded Lieut Ray, in leg, slightly; Lieut Robins, very slightly in ankle; 1st Sergt Hunter, slightly in thigh; Corp Honeycut, severely in breast; privates John severely in arm and hip, Jubal Upchurch, severely in hip: Benj Smith, slightly in breast; Atkins, slightly in thigh, 3d.

Wounded Privates Cooper Slightly in thigh; James Dew, slightly in foot. jLeft on the battle-field within the enemy's picket jines, Corp Mangum, Sidney Mayner, Medlin, Marcom, Pew, Ricn-irdson, Alsey Watkins, John Watkins. Co July 1st. Killed Privates Bragg. Wounded Sergt Haswell, sligbtly in.hand; Privates Clifton, arm shot off; Thomas Fuller, Blightly in hand; Tharington, slightly inarm; RC Warmouth, severely in shoulder ly 3d.

Wounded Corp Freeman, slight- Privates Oickerson, slightly; Jesse 1 ul- um, mortally; rulier, sligntiy in arm; jno Iitchell, Leonidas Spencer, slightly; Alonzo A Williams, severely in breast. Left on the battle-field within the enemy's picket lines Lieuts Toyner, Gill, Sargts A Dement, Cog-gin; Corp Alley, Privates Biddingfleld, Wm Dickenson, Jesse Duke, Edwards, Wyatt Harris, Harris, Alexander Holmos, iRufus Holmes, Katner, A "Mitchell, McCleny, Willis" Pearce, Thomas Pruett, Sanderson. Co. July 1st. Killed Private William jBowdea.

Wounded Lieut Geo Tunstall, in thigh seriously but not dangerously; Sergi Turner, in breast slightly; Sergt Jackson, abdo-jmen slightly; CXrpls A Nutall, leg seriously jbut not dargerously; A May, slightly; jBurge, thigh and foot painfully but not dangerously; Privates Thompsen, neck dangerously; 1) Weaver, breast and stomach, since dead' Askew, both dangerously; De-iment, scalp, not seriously; Willie Hubbard, arm 'broken; Josiah Phillips, flesh wound in thigh; ISam'l Hays, flesh wound in thigh; A Grcep, ithigh, slightly; Thomav O' Mara, thigh, slightly; Tunstall, shoulder, slightly; Bradford, shulder, slightfj; Tbomss Pulley, thigh, slightly; IWashington Dsrsey, wrist slightly; Nance, iside slightly; Calvin Long, thi'h and leg serious- not dangerously; Jones, leg painfully, dangerously. July 3d. Wounded Lieut Geo Williamson, in head dangerously; Privates I Spain, face dangerously; A. A Pleasantsscalpslightly. Left on battle-field beyond tho enemy's picket lines Capt iD.ivis, Sergts Mo68, Turner, Horner, i Private? PS Bobbitt, Dickerson, A Stone; 'Erwin Wilder, James Wyche, Weaver, A Overton, Smith, Hicks, Thomas jO'Mara, Fowler, Jcsper Darham, Thomas carr, ii Tharington, 11 uenton, William Batchelor, A McBurth, Richard Pearson.

Co. July Jst Killed: Private lvey Jinks. "Woiinded Lieut Womble, steghtly in leg; Sergt Ivey, slightly in bahSergt II Wells, severely in side; Private Joseph Hancock, slightly in foot; Uilliard Olive, severely in shoul der and facp; Scars, severely in shoulder. (July 3d. Wounded Corpl Joseph Page, slight Sgt n.

a. n.mSui, Cerpl Upchurch; Private Willie Shaoiblee, Certain, Crocker, Jacob Freeze, Johnson, Eli King, Leroy King, Le, Jeffor-son Wills, WiHie Ptgett. Co. I July 1st, Killed Hall. Wounded Corpl Bevers, severely in arm; Corpl Blake, arm broken; Corpl severely in back; A Boyette, slightly in hand; in back; Scott, slightly; Alman, slightly in thigh; arm shot off.

July 3d. Wounded Lt Jones, sligbt ly in leg; Lt i 1-g; Sergt A Harris, slightly in leg; Privates Brown, through the shoulder; McKae Georfje, arm and bowels, mortally; Wright Rigsby, slightly in foot. Missing SergU Hicks, Driver, Corpl VV II Shepard, Privates Coss, Morris, A Marshall, Calvin Cope, Lee, Jno Carpenter, DanieJ, Hobson, Harris, O'Neil, Boy-ett, Wood, Rocbael, Blake, A Smith, A Fletcher, Jas Medlin, Mimms. Co. July 1st.

Killed Sergt Garrison; Privates Brannock, Patton, II Underwood. Wounded Caj Faucett, slightly in thigh; Privates Anthony Tostis, slightly; Henry Gar inger, severely in leg and thigh; DGillatn, shoulder, sevtrely; Gillam, slightly iu tbigb; Kerndie, slightt Jas Kandale. severely in arm; Madison Lery, arm amputated; Setas Watkins, leg sjight-Iv: Wm BTickle.dangfrously in head, shoulder and arm; Simop Tickle, painfully iahead and thiffh. Julv 3d i Wounded I'nvatoa-W Isly, flesh wound in both legs; Sharp, hand, sHghtly; Tickle, arm and Missing IAJ 11 Wtitson, msergu ii itiuiani, Sergt Love, Corpl Garrison, IV iv Henry Dunley, Goo Parker, Jame3 McCauly, Wiece, Sharpe, A Tickle, Tickle, A AVeedon, Edward Kos, JJavid Aggregate Officrs Killed, wounded, 12. Enlisted men Kill -d, 20; wounded 127.

MissingOfficers, men, H3. Total, 31C. Tho missing are moEtly killed or wounded, and left in the enemy's lines on the day. FRANCE AND INTERVENTION. The rumors of intervention by France are again revived by the late advices we got from Europe.

The rumors tbisTime, have a peculiar significance from reason of a statement made in the British Parliament bj Mr. Roebuck, during the debate on bis molio'n for the recognition of the Confederate States, in which he in- sufcstance, a conversation he had with the Empe ror of the French on the subject. We quote from bis speech I am now going to mako a stalement which the Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs may think scmewhat surj rising, tut it true for all tha The Emperor of the French said, and he gave me authority to repeat it "As soon as" 1 learned that the rumor was circulating in England, I gave instructions to my Ambassador to deny the truth of it. Nay, more, I instructed him to sa that my feeling was not, indeed, exactly the same as it was, because it was stronger than ever in favor of recognizing the South. I told him io lay before the British Government my understanding and my wishes on this question, and to ask still again whether they would bo willing to join me in recognition." Applause Now, sir, there no mistake about this matter.

Arid to tell me that the British Government does not-know that that has occurred must mean some dabolical It can't bo the truth, llfar, hear. And if there be contradiction, as the judges say, between the witnesses, I. pledge my veracity for what Lstate. And what is more, 1 laid before his Majesty two courses of -conduct. I said "Your Majesty may make a formal application to England." lie stopped me, an said "No, I can't do that, and 1 will tell you why.

Some months ago did rrrtike a formal application to England. Englapd sent my dispatch to Ameri ca. JIar, hear. 1 hat dispatch, getting into air. beward hands, was shown to inv Ambssa dor at Wsbington.

It camo back to me, and 1 feel that I was ill treated by such conduct. Loud cheers iroro the opposition. 1 won bo added, I can't subject myself aain to tho danger of similar treatment. Uuar, hear. But I will do everything short oi it.

I givo you full liberty to state to the English House of Commons this my wish, and to say to them that I have deter mined in all things and I wih quote his words "1 have determined in all things to act with England; and more than all things I have de termined to act with her as regards America. Hear, hear. A large.j)ortion of our manufacturing population have been for some months living upon charity. Now, there is very soon acquired a habit of idleness, and I have learned from Lancashire tbat at the present time an un willirrgness to labor is creeping upon the people, and if we-carry them through the coming winter in idleness, we don't know what may be the corv- sequences to our manufacturing population. Again, sir, I will quoto the words of His Majesty tue ot tue rencu, they are very remarkable words.

He said: "I aro afraid of the coming winter with respect to my man-ufac a i i i -i a i luring' near, near.j yvna my honorable inend, the member for Sunderland said: "Sire, we don't dread the winter, although. we know that great misery must of necessity be detailed upon our manufacturing population if the cotton famine continue but we, Sire, desire to avert from our countrymen the calamity that must arise Jrom the continuation ot that famine This statement in the British Parliament had called forth the following explanation from the Moniteur, tho official journal of the Empero giving the Imperial version of the interview be tween his Majesty and Mr. The journals have given publicity to an inci dent which occurred in the House of Commons during the session of Tuesday last, on the occa sion of the propositioa of Mr. Roebuck. A few ex planations will suffice to dissipate the misunder standing to which this incident hes given place Messrs.

Roebuck and Lindsay visited Fontain- bleaufor the purpose of persuading the Emperor to make an official movement at London for the recognition of the Southern States, as, in their opinion, this recognition would put an end to the struggle which overwhelms with blood the Uni ted States. The Emperor expressed to thorn bis desire to see peace established in thosi territories but observed to them that the proposition diation addressed to in the month of October last not having been agreed to by England, bo did not think it his duty to make a new one before he was sure of its acceptance that nevertheless, the Ambassador of France at Ln don would receive instructions to sound tho in ten ioi of Lord Palmers on upon this point, and to give him to understand tbat if the English Cabinet that the recognition of the South would put an end to the war the EmpoTor would be disposed to follow it in this direction. All impartial men will see by this simple statement that the Emperor has not as certain sheets pretend, to influence the British Parliament by means of two of its members, and that everything was Iimntedto frank explana tions, exchanged in an interview which his Msj estyhad no reason to refuse. MR. VALLANDIGHAM AND HIS CON STITUENTS UK THINKS OF THE DETERMINATION OF THE SOUTH.

Mr. Vallanditrbam from the Canada border bas printed an address to his fellow citizens of Ohio, in which occurs the following passage For if this civil wa- is to terminate only, in the subjugation or submission of the South to force and armsr the infant of to day will not live to see the end of it. No; in another way only can it be brought to a close. Traveling a thousand miles and more, through nearly one half of the Confederate Stales, and sojourning for a time at widely different points, I met not on9 man, woman or child, who were not resolved to perish rather than yield to the pressure of arms, even in the most desperate extremity. And whatever may and must bo the varying fortune of the in WEDNESDAYM0RNINO, JULY.29 1863.

THE LA'l EST, Teleg apbicUpatche from Ricbmpnd yester- Job from WasbWrton published in the Sew Vrk Herald of lb. According patch official advices ha been rece ved In Vash Finland determined ineton to iho fleet that ngiaou i to furnish tbe South with an iron-clad navy; and io lurnuu Emmsror is said to bd cquany ofTrancebasttadoupbts mina pen, terfer in ou affira. bowara anu arc con-vioced that now is tna mon cnucm iVr their fortien relations are concern- id that there 8i.ce the war commenced. The Herald cotre-pondenl eaya tbtt fronv what he, bCRM'LoUincllwitojbalwTe that measuc an end to the war. It janot now on wu mav see a sudden than go of partiea tie month.

llE YANKKES ADVANCING UN VEL 1 The.Daily Progress ofterdy publish following 4ii'ptcbea i We ftreindettd to uJr courtesy of Gov. Vance for the following Uispaicu 1 )r Goi-dsboro', Julyjiia. I Oov. Vanc'k following dispatch juetfref -roiVS half pa.tte0 o'clock (bit morjn.t) -frlta Majo Vonablo, At Bocky Mount -i ocky Mount. July 27.

iieliaile newi frn.Coi; Martin at Hamilton Weldon. via tort Branch force, is riyra.mlh,nd.foar pieces artillery. The force fe! Pt! BROWN VENABrl THE EN EM CEliTAlN LY ADVANCING. Dr Covey, Medical Director for North Carolina; has kindly pld at our dyppaal the fellow-.

in.r'riUnatch from Dr. Scott, the burgeon, in rharge of the Hospital Stores at Tarboro i Wilson, July 27, Mc'dlcul Director, A tha Ktorrs. Coveu Shall 1 remove 1 The enemy are advan-j cing in force from Plymouth widAVflsbingtoBU A. II. SCOTT, From this and the dispatch to Gov.

Vanoe, there but little rohm to douht but the enemy are ad-vanunti in s.6mo force, and wo ha.vebut IitUe doubt but they will be mot and driven back. THE WAli i The news from tho lUppahanhock leaves no doubt that Meade ami hi wholo force are again in Virginia, and aro darkening the rco.ol the earth in Loudoun and Fauquier countu'3. '1 hoy are running tuains on Manara Gap ralifoadfto a point above Thoroughfire. Of Lkk's Army, wo could only say, that it ia in the right place. We presume a great" battlq is piong the probabilities of the near Thorn wm a considerablo ekinuish at CIostor (iap of tho Blue Ridge, In which Corsh's Brigade LanJaoinely repulsed the enemy, who sought; to take poisessiofi of it.

Richmrmd Sentinel. iKOJi Tiik rit I ,1 nnnAfQ lluffll fulfill 1UH IklKJllIIJUntl I3P1U ua.v more Gazette of 23rd iost. It remarkably tmiren of I news, th only itfm of. interest beiug t'io following .1 MorgHik still represented as retreating, with. theFederM forces in hot pursuit.

He has changed and, pasing through Athens and Mor-inn c-uiitiei. supposed to be making fyr the in.iier waters 1 the Ohio above gunboat naviga tion, with the intftntion of crossing into, Vlcnma. It is predicted that such means have been takeD to intorgeipt him as will certainly rcault in bis capture, The Vimksburg correspondent of the New York Times that Gen. Grant's, army will be ioactivH-for the nest sit weeks. He says "The ticklv season andintense htat of summer are cow r.iirriini' over that country, and in view of, this it i will be almost, if not quife inifxjssible, for oui er-uty to carry on offensive operations." The Gazette is filled with accounts of the battle of Gettyharg and- comments by Confederate lumi The draft inJNew York haVbeen suspended ui-i til the exact quota rtquireu I rum theate can bej ascertained.

ONE DAY LATER." Northorn dales of tho 21th have beeD received also. The news is not very important. A dispatch from Baltimore says thTt on Thurs-i UHy lUOrillUg uca. xiucp arino oimj ti iu uiu tion, moving rapidly in thedircction of Winches ter. who htd made a move in the; dirtctinn ot Cumberland, fll back, and: fol 1 lowed Lee.

There was still a large body of Con-J urate cavalry near Harper's Ferry. MoTgan crossed the Mrskingum river, 18 milt si balow Zanesville, (hio, on Thursday morning; irtit, with 1,000 men and throe pieces of artiljlery.1 On the afternoon of that day he was in Guerseyj county, the Central Ohio Railroad, making; eastward; for the Ohio river. The citizens oil anc'Wilje turned 6Ut to catch him, but he caught) them ad took 25 including a CjK! Chandler. The Abolitionists aro: turning the raft to poll 1 4 aecoiiuit. In Auburn, the 'drafted men paraded on the 23d with flags and They weror addressod by "distinguished politi-u-Mis;" an Fchoered for ''The Union Old Abe The Draft Our Kecent Victories, OJ nirso the $300 exemptions of these cheerful de-; coy ducks are paid by.

Alio Republican Union L-'agues, In on the same day, the s. uht) weh. riot so pleasant. In Harford co. th bam 'of the enrolling officefr wrs burned and his i fsidencojj.

perforated withi bullots. In Harris-! burg, Pa,) where the men would not enlist when Ujo Confederates were at their doors, the women turned out, beat the Provost Marshal, destroyed lottery wheel, and nearly killed a policeman 'llfy were subdued by a posse 200 men. callec out by the Mayor. Tho Dt'Kalb, which wf blown up by a torpedo' oil Yu.oo city, was. the first Yanke gun-Iciat ever us on the Mississippi.

Her bow was blown out of the watert No live) were lost ori b.mrJ. The torpedo wa? of the demijohn make A letter from Cairo, dated July 17, state that den. I'lilow ius appeared in the vicinity of For iter rnatr, -on- tne lenne xn river, with quite largedorcp, that thetrariison ovacuatrdth and Toll ba'k to Padncab. The properly of J)r. Gariiat, a son in-law ojf tru.

11. A. Wise, lif a just beon conlhcatqd by lbs I'. S. Government during the litotiiuoi of Ihf) owner.

Joe Hooker" hr gon out 'West t) t-ko some command the: a'nong tho Indians, jirolmbl Tho Trial of Dr. Wright, in Norfolk, fcjr killini; Sanbirn, commanding a rtegr mpny, is pron -ing: His demeanot at th bur dorcrib i by Yankee correspondents ajs "cold, sfirn, extremely 0jwdenwand L. H. Cbandler are hh counsel. iU Oold was' quoted in New York, on Thuisday, 'it VlWCrk 120i: 'i The draft in York city has, been postj- p'lm-u uriin 1'ieiiew quota is seniCJ.

lbndrHH in ccuuty is.a'sa The city of Rochester opropoing to buy oft THE LATEST NEWS- iin I i either to identify myself wuh tlu-ir ciuse or even so much as to remain, preferring ramer exue iu a foreign' land, return now with allegiance to my own and Governraeut unbroken in word, thought, or deed, and with every declaration and pledge to you before.I was stSlon apy niad? gooj in spirit and to the very letter. Six wipks ago, when just goinjrintdAanishment because an audacious but most cowirtfly despotism causod itr I addressed you a a Jftyw-cilizon. To day, and from tho very place theelected by raf, but after wearisome and most jte'jlous jour-neyings for more than -four thousand iiles By land and upon the sea still in exile, thduth almost in sight-of- my native State, I greet your rep resentative. Gratelul certainly arty.Q,r. me con fidence in my integrity and patriMpa, iraplied- bv the unanimous nomination for Governor of Ohio, which you gaJme while I was yet in the Contfaerate.

btaievAvlt was noi misplaced, it shall never be abiucdBut this is the last of airconsideratiorrs in time.Iflco these. 1 ak no 'personal sympathy for tho ne-'nal wrong. No it i3 the- cause of conatilutioniliberly. and private riht cruelly outraged leyof 'T-example in a free country, by the President am-jtiis servants, wu'i ii nuu Eisru ucaiicv uivu i. i i i y-our Convention.

General D. U. Hill relieves Gunei.1 Hrdee, in command of a corps Bragg's anVy. General Hardeo goes to Johnston army forr he time De to lake tli place' of Gen. PombHon, captur- ed at Vic'ksburg.

umtngton JouiXal Second Call for Bids fv Cotton Bonds. Tre.vsury Departmes', C. S. Richmond, July ll, iS03. HCALEI) BIDS WILL UK $ECEIVKD k5 by the Secretary of the Treasury, any time be: lore 12 clock ol lla August, for the pur- chasa of five millions of dolhOrs of six jier ceut twen ty-year lionds, with coupons, pajaulM in cotton or com, issued under act ol Congress, approved April 30th, 1363." The bonds to be issued fU each be in the siiin of $1,000, and bids will be accepted for one or more bonds.

Each bid must beeDdDrsed, "Bid for Cotton L'onds," and must enclose a certificate of de posit in the name of the Treasurer of one per cent, of the purchase money, made with the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, or some Depositary tho Treasury. The deposit will be returned bid is not accepted and if accepted, wilt be' applied in part payment of the purchase money, if. the terms are complied with or will bo forfeited, if not complied with. Lids accepted must be. paid Within ten days after notice of acceptance, in current Treasury notesj one half at lea of which shall bo of issues subsequent to April Jst, 1803.

A copy of the bond may btf seen at any office ol tho Treasury Department. C. (i AI AI jy 25 w.tpwtsao Sccret.iry of Treasury. Notice. BONDS AS I) STATIC COUPONS.

riCC IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Yankee Raiders who vjsited Rocky Mount Depot, on tne 20th ll'i, took from the iron safe.of W. W. Parker, tho foll.uving Jiotid, to wit Bonds Nos. 4 jU, lit, 452, and of each, dated respectively 1st d.iy of IStiM. and running years.

These were North Carolina St ate Treasury Bonds, with Coupons, of which had been collected up to the; time of Rapture. Thoy were made payable to bearer and belong to Win. ope, of Rocky Mount. The public geuerally, arrdall Banks. and Brokers aro hery notifiod and reonested not to receive said Bonds, or either of them, or their Coupons, without my endorsement in my own handwriting.

And the 1V1 lie Treasurer of the State and his ageuts, clerks or employees, are hereby forwarned and prohibited from roceinpg the said Bonds or any part thereof, or pay ing the Coupons thereto attached. Arty information about said Bonds will be thankfully received. WM. E. POPE.

Rocky Mount, July 23, jy 24 2w Charlotte Female Institute; HIE EXERCISES OF THIS SCHOOL mil JL win be resumed on the 15th of September. The scholastic year is divided into two Be-tsions one of fourteen weeks, tho other of twenty-two, wiih a short vacation at Board aud Tuition for the next session, $1GS. Ornamental branches extra charge. Music will bo taught by Prof. A.

Baumann, assisted by Miss Mays. French, Drawing, and Paint-iug by Prof. W.J. My rover'. Address REV.

11. BURWELL, jy25-lmpd Charlotte, N. C. A Private. School.

MISS MANGUM WILL REOPEN HER School for Young Ladies at ike residence of her Mother, Mrs. Willie P. Maugum, on the 22nd July, 13G3. They will 'receive instruction iri the ENGLISH BRANCHES and MUSIC, and find a home in her family. Parents and Guardians, who de sire further information, will address MISS P.

MANGUM, Red -Mountain or Fiat River P. June 13 8w Orange County, N. C. Notice. mo THE HEIRS OF JOSEPH LANG LEY, DEC'D.

Joseph Langley, of the County of Caswell, State of North Carolina, died seized of a tract of land in said County, which the undersigned as his executor has sold on a credit of six months for $10,100, and the proceedes of sale are to be distribu ted among all his heirs. This is, therefore, to give notice said heirs to prove their identity before me, on or before the 1st looa, and receive their respective shares. F. A. WILEY, Tlightowers, TJaswell County, N.

C. April 1st, 1863. jyS lm In Jail. TAKEN UP AND COMMITTeV'O THE Jail of Wake County, a Negro sixteen years old, short, chunkey and black, ha a low forehead and is named Henry. Says he belSngs to Ed win Lockett, ofChesterfield County, owner is requested to come forward, proVei-iifopertv and take him away, or he will be dealt tviitli.

as the law directs. W. M. IIIG1I, Sheriff. Blacking' FactorirJ; WE ARE MANUFACTURING IN HEN-derson, N- boot and shoe blasting of unsurpassed quality It is offered to in cases of 50, pr 100 boxes, as preferred.

'OrdrSand enquiries will be promptly attended to. ED. FASNK A CO. jylf lm r- Hillsboro' N. C.

Military iAccada- my. rnilE SECOND SE-SSION OF TE FIFTH JL. Academic year of this Institution 111 commence on the 1 st of July next. For circulars, and information apply 'i MAJ. W.

M. JRDAN, May 27 3m Executive Department North Carolina, Adjutant General's Ofkice, (MIitia,) Raleigh, July 2 1 at, '63. General Order, No. 16. I THE PRESIDENT OP JIE' CON-J federate States having called into the military service all between the aires of 18 and 5.

subiect to the Conscript Act, General Order, 13, ordering the ecmnianding officers of the Mditia- to enroll and bring. to Raleigh those hetweeh 40 ani 50 years, is hereby revoked. By order of Governor Vance DAN'L. a.jFOWLE, jy 25 lt Adjatint General. 10T VTJJITAKER'S.

-t a THE BUNt ifOK WHITAKKR3. TON Alt am ba'e. 1 i i 0.

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