The Raleigh Register from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 1
- Publication:
- The Raleigh Registeri
- Location:
- Raleigh, North Carolina
- Issue Date:
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- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
1 .5 STATE (T5 Oura are the plans of fair, delightful peace Unwarp'd by party rag to live likd brothers. o.l V-i No ftO; in reserve for the consolidation of this proVe to be the case, he would give him the cow, 1 and pay him for wnat la- TSau; fetOcitiOT'Saie greater portion 01 nutriment, in a given quaiitity, than vegetables, and in' a proper state, of preparation is best adapted for the immediate actiorrof the absorbents of the chylo-poetic viscera but the digestive functions of the human! system become prematurely exhausted, by constant action, and the whole system eventually sinks under great or uninterrupted excitetiaeut; 'If plain animal food were taken once a day, and men would substitute for the various ragouts with which modern ta j3 published eveiy TFESDAt and Fhidat, by JOSEPH GALES SON, Fjte Dollara per. annumhalf in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS eceediryr 16 lines; neatly inserted three imes for a Dollar, and 25 cents for every succeeding publication those of greater.length tn the same th nlcfully to the Editors 1 people in one united body a consolidation rendered practicable at any time by the most extraordinary preservation of the same leustoms, the same detachment extraneous, connection, and the transmission of same language. This "subject is in ruth pregnant with curiosity and Should you say (for what will Vnu not say this pertinacity ftn tneir superstitions is the mere result of early education and root- ed prejudice, without any respect to a providential- economy, in.
their former aggregations and their future disposal 5 I would ask; where these ten-tribes of Israel, who had imbibed the same prejudices of education, are existing at this day They are-no more known 5 tho' abundant. in. number above the chosen tribes, they are long since dissolved and lost in the vast ocean of mankind whilst this slender rivulet, conducted by the hand of God, has transmitted, like the fabled river of poetical antiquity, a pure and unmingled current, through the stream of time, and the torrent of revolutions, to the present age. JProtestant Dissenter Jllag. vol.
140. RELIGIOUS LIBERALITY. We read with pleasure the following extract from a small work lately published under the title of Recollections of Jotham An- tiers on Mr. Ellerton, of whom I'spoke in the last diapter, was another added to the number or the fc excellent 01 the earth, whom it had been my privilege to know. Some of the peculiarities of his religious faith, and those in pretty important particulars, widely different, I had reason to think, from those of any other gootl man 1 had met with.
He did not believe in a tri-per-sonal Deity and thi3 vas a sort of unbelief, which i like ten thousand others, looked upon with a vague sort of I knew not whence nor why. For a long time, therefore, I could not believe that he was so good a christian as he seemed to be and it was impossible to doubt this, my next conclusion very naturally was, that Trini-tarianism, though the truth, yet could not be essential to the christian, for here was christian without it. This discovery did a great deal to set me a thinking and to enlarge my views. But its best and happiest consequence was, to confirm me in my persuasion, that the great practical and vital principles of our religion are common to all believers. From this persuasion I have never varied.
Experience has every year confirmed it 5 and is still "one of the mot comforting convictions of my heart. I look forward with the most. delightful anticipation to the day, when I shall join "in. due communion the souls of those many good men, whom I have honoured aud loved here, but i'roni whose fellowship, I have been shut out, by the miserable bars which prejudice and pride have put up amid the churches on earth." from the Boston JMedical Intelligencer. FOOD.
Among those objects which immediately relate to health, there is no one more important, or less regarded by individuals, than their aliment. It is a mistaken that one person requires an animal diet, and another, whosye-avocations and habits are' different, a vegetable regimen many of the diseases originating in dyspepsia, the great epidemic of the Northern States, are induced by a habit of Jiving too exclusively upon a few articles of food, most of which are animal. Nature in tended that man should subsist upon the variety of bounties with which she has so liberally replenished the "earth, and constituted his system in a maimer suitable, to partake, almost indiscriminately, of whatever is agreeabie to his palate and the injurious veffects of many articles of diet are tobe attribuT-ted, not so much to theirpeculiar na ture, as to the refinements of cookery. Although the roast beef yf England has become the inagnumbonura of a good dinner in this country, the too great freedom and frequency with which it is used, already begins 10 affect the consUtutions of the opulent, by those peculiar disorders which have been en- .1 a tailed-on the desceiiuants or tne nign bred families of Great Britain. The gout was ohce astiangec inNeyvrEag-iand I but tlie luxury of modern lays is preparing the way lor a train of con--stitutional; irreguiaiities, which future generations can only" regret white thej sutler its inflictions.
To liv live It is true that animal food contains a bour.he had. done. The labourer read i ly agreer to it, and began in th fol lowing manner I have now been mar- ill nea aoout tour years, the nrst year my wife had a childj that's one from two leaves three -the second year she had another, that's two from two leaves four- the third eaf she had anothtff, which is three from two and leaves five. Now I have five instead of two to support and I fear tHat I shall never be able; to pay for the cow. The farmer immediately paid him for his labour, 1 1 and gave up.
his note for the cow. HiTWOOD COUITTT. -V'r- Superior Court of Law, second Wednesday jter the 4th Monday of March; 1824. Jphn Crow, vs. James Holland's heirsl HE RE AS it appears to the satisfaction i 01 tne ipurt, tna ieienaanis james Holland, jun.
Sophia Peikins and Cynthia Rhodes, heirs of James dee'd. are inhabitants of another covernment: It isthere- fofejordered, by the Court, that publication be made 3 months in the Ralegh Register, that the foresaid defendants appear at the next aupprior uourt ot oe neiator rne county of Haywood, at the Court -ltouse in Waynes- vill4 on the 2d Wednesday after the 4th Mon day September next, then thereto plead, answer or demur, otherwise judgment will be taken pro confesso. 1 6f-3m. I J. B.
LOVE, Clk State oiL oia Lenoir County Court. July Term, 1824. Robt. W. Goodman, of Henry McKinne, Petition to I vs.
1 recover debt Wm: McKinne, Jno. Simp- under son Chelly his, wife Bal- act of 1789. lard Wood and Ann his wife. r'tf appearing the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants in this case reside without the'limits of this State it is therefore ordered, that publication be matte fivej; weeks in the Raleigh Register, that unless! said defendants appear, at the Court of Pleks and Quarter Sessions to be held for ihejj County of Lenoir, at the Coiirt House in Kingston, 011 the first Monday in Octobeririext, andplead, answer or demur, the said petition, wil be taken pro confesso, land heard ex-parte. Attest, 1 1 7jl-5w.
D. CASWELL, Clk. 1 i State of North-Carolina. COUNTY OF RANDOLPH, 1 Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, 1824. John Sweet, I for Divorce.
Niomi Sweet. a i IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, ithat the Defendant in this case is not arii inhabitant ot this Stale It is ordered tnat publication be made for three months in the Raleigh Register, and Hillsborough Recorder, fori the defendant to appear at the next term of this Court to be held on the first Monday after the fourth Monday of September next, then and there to plead arswer or demur, otherwise the petition will be taken pro confesso, artd heard ex parte. A Copt, 16-3m. J. WOOD, S.
fttate oii XoxtVvavoVvua, Surry County. A I In EitiTT. Petition to sell Land. Lai-kin Job Southard 'and Mpu his Wife, Margaret Snow, Obed and Jane Snow, infants, by their guardians, Wm. Thompson, and Tabby Snow.
i vs. I Levi Snow and Henry IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendants Levi Snow and Henry Snow are not inhabitants of this State': It is therefore ortfered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks, in the Raleigh that they appear at our next Court to be held for tlie county of Surry, at the Court-house in -Rockford on the first Monday in, September next, to plead, answer, or demur to the; petition, or the. same wSll be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte. Test, 67-6 w. JAS.
PARKS, M. E. June 22, 1824. --I'. TAlty DoUar sRew iaxiL.
ANA WAY from the subscriber living Guilford county, on the '20th' June, 1S2 1 two negroes, CALEB and JUDY. Caleb about thirty years of age; light cdmplexlon stout made, broad across the shoulders, speaks and is about 5 feet 8 or 9 inch es high. He has a long, loping walk, and bends forward considerably, as he walks he has mafks of the whip. He had on when he went away, a brown bombazett surtout coat, a striped Ofarn black- and white," jacket, blue cotton pantaloons and a wool hat. Judy is about forty years of age, middle size, copper coloured, quick spoken, and blinks her eyes very much, when detected in an error.
She also has the mark of the whip, Judy took among other clothing the following with her: a blue grounded cotton Calico frock and two muslin ones, and an old fashioned black silk bonnet. She is an excellent Weaver. lUuppose they are lurking about as free persons. I will give the above reward f6r their delivery to me, or confinement in Jail, so that 1 get them, or In proportion for either. 1, I ABRAHAM GuUford county.
April 23, 1824. 49-Sm BETWEEN, 30 and 40. Shares of Cape Fear Bank Stock inav be had at the cuf rent price, on application to the Printers i 1 hereof. 46 XI Jill UllliOt, Just, the following Lamp and Train Oil Molasses and Rice Shot andppwdtr Chalk and a quantity ot Tresh Time Juibe With a few Pomeroy's Razor Stropi and Paste. "n-, 4 RANDOLPH WEBB.
Raleigh; AugC 16. 1 i 79 fJHE Subscriber takes this mi. ethod of in A forming his friends and the public that he has just finished a number of handsome pannel and Stick Gigs, also an elega jl'op Sulky, suitable for a person wishing to travt lj All of which h'e 'offers for sale, either for cash, credit, or country produce. I Persons desirous of purchasirg are invited to give him. a calf, previous to buying else where, as the prices will be lower than at any other shop in I WESLEY WH1TAKEU.
27th July. 74-3w. N. R. -All orders for work in his and, all work sent to his shop to be will be executed with fidelity and State, of arren County.
Ik EaurrT Sprinsr John J. Egerton vs. Simon Harris anoearinc to the. satisfaction 6f this JL Court, that Simon Harris, the defendant in this cause, is not an inhabitant of this State It is ordered that publication be made for six weeks for the said Simon Harris toappear on or before the next term of this Court, to be held at the Court-house in Warrenton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, then and there to pleadj. answer or demur to complainant's bill, otherwise it will be taken pro confesso.
7 64 GEO. ANDERSON, C. M. E. State of Kcrctli-CaToliTia 1 Rutherford County.
Court of EquitySpring Term, 1824. James Bridges, I i vs. Injunction. i Augustus Sackett. 3, 1 1 ORDERED, That pubb'cation be made months successively in the Raleigh Register, notifying the defendant, Augustus Sackett, whom it appears is not an inhabitant of this State) to appear at the next Court of Equity, to be held for the County of Rutherford, at the Court-house ir.
Ruthtirfordton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday of September next, hd there aijdj then to plead, an swer or demur, or Complainant's bill will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex parte. 1 Test, TH EO. F. B1RCHETT, M. 1' 53.
Valuable laiAs fox Sale near v- THE. subscriber offers for sale a valuable Tract of Land hing on the foad leading -from Raleigh to Hillsborough, containing between ei.ajit and nine hundred acres, and within 8 or 9 milea of Raleigh. The land is of excellent quality, and a great portion of it adapted the culture of Tobacco of coursejit "would produce Cotton in high perfection. It has comfortable buildings for a small and will be disposed of at the reduced price of three dollars per acre with easy and convenient instalments. Tho disposed to purchase, will apply to ths Printers, or Henry SeawelL Es.
in tlie vici- nny of Raleigh. JOSIAII! ATKINS. 78 lOt Wake county, August .1 1 jlauavay IROM me aflancaster Courthouse, Sotith Carolina, on the 29tb of this instant, mv Negro Man BOB. He js about 21 or 22 years of age, has a pleasant countenance, pretty quick, converses and both reads and writes; He rather inclines to the. yellowish color, of low stature and not very heavy made, will weigh about 125 or Bob has been of ten at sea; and baa contracted something of a sailor's air when walking, Hb teeth are very white, and4 has a small scur (I think) below his right eye his hands ana leet are small, liob had on when he left me, a small chip hat, -blue cloth pantaloons.
but he will change, as he has other clothes, anu. ix is tiKeiy ne win wear a owe Droaaciotn coat with gilt buttons. He took with liim a pair of short boots with revolving heels, also a bible" and a smiill psalm and hrim It is likely Bob Aill change his name and at- tempt to pass for a free man. think he will make for the North and may attempt to get a passage by -water. Few negoes have the cunning ana sense ne nas.
Apout two years ago I bought him out of Jil, scld as a runaway for his fees. I will give twenty dollar to any "person who will lodge him in any Jail in the United CL1OT0N. July 31. 1 ist be posT-paxa. A CONTRAST.
One of tle most striking contrasts afforded by. the conduct of the different 'candidates for the Presidency, is that which is presented by the behavior of the opponents of Mr. Crawford towards Vim and his behavior towards them. Mr. Crawford, confiding himself to his proper departments has never assailed one of thenr r- He has projected no plot to defame them, stirred up no combination to injure them, written no letters to impair their credit or the credit of either of them.
)l What has been "the conduct of Mes9. Calhoun Adams towards Mr. Crawford They have instituted newspapers to revile him 5 they have taken from the newspapers which support him the patronage of the public oflices, avowedly by way "of punishment whilst on a sick bed, they countenanced a conspiracy to destroy his character, and, after worrying him duringextreme illness, they have circulated falsehoods that he was dying. Nay more, they have combined, in a letter under their own signatures, in declaring that character, which had been purified by three committees of investigation, was still in doubt, and had not been finally decided upon. On the part of Mr.
Crawford we be hold the most honorable deportment: On the, part of Messrs. Adams Calhoun, tile most wanton, active, and rincorous, persecution the most dishonorable behavior. They have meanly taken advantage of his sickness to intrigue against 'the' Secretary of the Treasury, and have, without authority, dragged in the name of President Monroe to ruin him, 1 Had he been well, they would not have dared to dd so. Neither Adams nor Calhoun could have withstood his glance in the cabinet. But their day.
is past. Their political doom is Gaz. the jews: The Existence and present Circum stances of the Jtws, a proof of the authenticity" of their history. i 1 A numerous- race of men during a period of three thousand three 'hundred years, amidst the revolutions of empires, and the vicissitudes of time, during a transient sunshine of; national Prosperity, and a long storm of exile, overty, and persecution have adhered vi'th unshaken steadiness to a system1 ol'religious polity, which they pretend was'deliveredStu 'their legislator in the of their forefathers, from the Di-vinity himself. The notoriety and re- l.fl"'r lI nAnnla'nntli til i twl iv i A iiiia jcwpi ivii VI 1 iVivui uivu 2ations of antiquity, does not depend lr credibility on the solitary evidence of their own annals," but.
is attested by a long series of ancient writers high in reputation neither connected with their 1 eligion, nor friendly to their Maty of these curious and striking testi-Jiionies, whose entire existence has been Jong lost in the darkness of oblivion, are now found only in the bodies of mese worKs, wnicn are inueen nevoieu to the cause of revelation but whose tidelity is assured, not only by the acknowledged survival of the writings under contemplation, at the time -when these extracts in confirmation of the pointy in question, but is niost satisfactorily -ascertained: by the these quotations, preserved in tjie same repositories from authors itili iii being, and become thereby stand- voucherh. for the general sincerity these "advocate's of revealed truth. pie" to a system of 'faith, with insepara-Ue association, under such circumstances, and for such duration is- a fact un-paralleied in the' liistorV of the human race 5 and jsls it is perfectly ulim 1 irusu oy any wu vi. man, upon ny principles of analogy philosophy, or tradition, without some original authentication, proportionate to such a consequence, and therefore it should eem aj authentication from divine interference this i unfoti and maybe reasonably regarded as an tnst of syiae iuipoiOant dispensation bles are so furnished, wholesome vegetables and pure wated or a weaK, lermentea ueverage Tor tne more deleterious potations of distilled liquors, we should see health walking in the paths that are now crowded with the victims bf voluptuous Millions of Gentoos have lived to an idvanced age without haying tasted of any thing thai ever possessed life, and been wholly free from a chain of maladies which have scourged every civilized nation on the globe the wandering Arabs, who have traversed the barren desert of jSahara, subsisting on the scanty pittance of milk from the! half- famished camel that carried them, have seen two hundred years roll roundj without a day of sickness. The temperature of our food is an exceedingly important consideration.
We are accustomed to take it too warmJ forgetful of tlie fact; that artificial heat destroys the muscular tone of the sto much, vitiates its secretions and its physical powers, and induces painful nd dangerous diseases of the liver, Let! us take then another hint from the children of nature, who subsist on aliment of a temperature no higher than that of their own bodies, and who arp generally hardy and long-lived, until the simplicity of their habits is inter- 1 a 1 if I- by the adoption ot tlie vices brought among them uy the civilizeu invaders ol their native rorests. BRIEF HINTS. Superintend in -person as much of your business as practicable, and observe with "a watchful ee, the manage-nient of (what is necessarily committed to the -agency of others. Never lose sight of the powerful influence of example, and be careful in tlie management of vour concerns, io recommend by your own personal practice uniform jhabits of active, ihteresjt ed and persevering diligeuce tothose in your employ. Be prompt and explicit in your instructions to your agents, and let it be understood by them, that you expect they will execute the same in strict conformity thereto.
1 Let ho common amusements interfere or mingle with, your business make them entirely distinct employments. 1 4 Despatch at once, if possible, whatever you take in Jiand, if interrupted by unavoidable interference, resume and finish it asj soon as the obstruction is removed, Do not assume to yourself more credit for what you do. than you are entitled to, rather be content with. a little less y'the public mind will always dis cover where I merit is due. i' 1 Familiarize yourself With your books keej) them accurately, and frequently investigate and iiujust their contents.
This is an important item. Cultivate dbmestic habits, for this vour tamilv. 11 vou nave one, has a i 7 trong and; undeniable claim besides, our customers will alwavs be best pleased wiien they A tire place of youi tind vou ul home or business. i ever hurry or confusion dis- ract your mum- or you ti Jsclt-commarid. i JJ inter the influence of such hints as theso, with a suitable dependence, on the God of Providence tor a blessing on the labour of your hands, you will have a good foundation to res your hope uuon, for success in Whatever business you may be employ ed in NEW RULE OF SUBTRACTION.
A labouring man purchased a cow of a farmer the! interior of Massachusetts, -for 0, one half of which was to be paid in cash; the other half in la-oour. One day while at work thresli ins I in thef farmer's not knowing tiiat any one vyas near him, hel begtu to soliloq uize iii the ibUo wing-manner Take one from tvvo leavesj.hree and twd from two leaves four anuV three troth tivo leay Und I'm afraid1 mv tnastei co will never be paid foi. The farmsr, soliloquy, stepped into tlie barn, and told the labourer if he would I.
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