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The Raleigh Register from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 1

Raleigh, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

,1. MmTH-CATROTJNA STATIC GAKETOTE. -1 V- "'V i- '1'" JL-" "0uri are the plans of fair, delightfiil peace) -''y, 'J. "jf? i i i i Unwarpdby party rage to live like brothers." -i i i i 1 1 Toy Sae4 9 i At reduced prices, A FIRST rate Piano Forte an elegant Sideboard a Secretary, and a China Press, of Mahogany arid new Enquire the Editors, -January 29. i 22tFC Classical cliool.

THE sifbscriber having e'mjoved to the Ci-' TXT 1 tnta rhowrp arid7 -was made a point upon which many of their elections turned. Their opinion upon this subject was fully expressed, in the election of Senators to Congress, during their last session: In this body therefore, consisting of nineteen members, nine were: in favor of Mr. Crawford, six of Mr. CI ty, two of Mr. Adams, and one for Gen, son.

This appears to be the relative standing of the respective candidates in this State. But is not believed here, more than two, or at most three of those, will be rictually: held up the election i that is Mr, Adams and Mr. Crawford and peYhaps Mr. Clay. And the contest is believed, to rest jbetween Mr.

vV-dams and Mr. Crawford. Mr. Calhoun an 1 Gen. Jackson, after makmg a division in favour of Mr.

Adams, it is believed will be withdrawn, and their weight thrown into the northern scale. Very great exertions are making here in favour of 1r. Adams and the utmost cordiality appears to exist between the partisans of Mr. Adams and the friends of, Mr. Calhoun each admitting thei other to fromeiglit to tenlyoung igentlemen, for m- -struction in the Latin and Krek Languages, Neita MBntan A FEMALE COOK and a MAN SERVANT.

1 i Hatlett Robert Kyle. Kaieig-n, Liec. zo. jj, mm State of Xoitlv-CaYoViika I. Chatham -of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, KevemberiTerm, 1823.

George Luther, vs. -I Coristable5i re turn levied! on Heirs of David Mlms dec. land. jNevens, ana Wlie OUSaniKUJ, fUTWUiR, ju Partridge, and wife Betsey, Liddy Mims, Robtf Mimo ann ira 11 Minis. wiiu urc tieieiiun.

iJiis case are rcsiucnisi auou cr ounc; therefore ordered, that publication be made 1 for three months, that unless tney appear ai; our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions i the- "1 4rivvoM February, nextj then u.ere, to so. the cause heard exoarte. as to themJ and 1 judgment entered, accordingly. 163m. TttO.

RAGLAND C. C. State of Xov-eavoVv La, Chatham County. 1 i Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Novembei-; Term, Branson and Luther. Constable's re-on sVs.

turn- levied Heirs of David Mims dec. land. ITT annearih to thd satisfaction of the Court I that Needham Mims, Britain Mims, Ilaniel Neveus and wife Susannah' Edy MimSj'J1116 Partridge and wife Betsey, Liddy Mims, fjob't Mims, and harah 31ims, who are dcicnaanxs in this case, are residents ot another State It is therefore that publication be made or 3 months, that unlepthey appear atournext Court of Pteas and Quarter Sessions to beheld for the County aforesaid, at the" Courthouse in. Pittsborough on thej Second ill Feb ruary next, then ana there to pieaa Jiidernent will be taken pro confesso and the cause heard ex partw as to them ana nuag- ment entered accordingly. Teste 16-3m THO.

A GLAND, CJ CI C. Stfttft at iaT-VjaTOlla -r i i Chatham County- Court xi fieas a Quarter Sessions, Noyembet Term, 1823-, Henry Branson) Constableis vs; II S-ttum levied re on Heirs of David Mims, dec. land. i appearing to the satisfaction of the i Court that Needham iMuns, Britain Mims' uan- iel Nevens and wifd Susannah, Edy ftfimsj James Partridge and wife Betsey, Rob't. Mims, and Sarah who are ue- fendants in this are residents of another State, itis therefore-jordered, that publication be made for three months, that tinlesstney api by At Five Dollara per annum half in advante.

ADVERTISEMENTS Not exceeding" 16 lines, neatly inserted tbiee times for a Dollar, and 25 cents Tor every suc ceeding publication those of greater; length in the same 1.Coi9municatiits thankfully to the Editors must be post-paid. POETRY. Like orient pearfs at random strung. MELANCHOLY. By It.

S. Coffin. She dwells bv a stream, where the cypress and willow, Are gem'd with the tears that fall from her 'i The earth is her bed and the flint stone her i' pillow, I 1 Midnight her mantle, her curtain the sky Iler cell is a cave, where the bright beam morning" i "I'' Ne'er pierced the chill goom of its wilder iner maze, i Where thesunshifte of joy youth's visage a- 'doming, -f. I Ne'er warm'd with its fire, or cheerd with '-r. a- The moo is her when the mist-mand- ed mountain, She clambers at midnight, ana waixs er i its steep, Or leans on the rock of a crystaline fountain, And sierhs to the temnest that howls er the deep.

Her tresses are dark as the wing of the raven, iler robes are all wet, and her bosom is bare I Like a barque on the waves, 'mid the whirM winds of Heav'n She wanders distracted, or sinks in despair. PRESIDENTIA1, 'Tor the Raleigh Register. former citizen of North Carolina, who now resides in the western wilderness- nerceives through the medium of the public papers, that the approaching Presidential election, has already produced considerable excitement in your State. Fre- suroinc: that it may be acceptable to i 'your readers, amoner whom are many of the friends and acouaintances of my early out! to know the public mind here upon that impor tant subiect without entering- into any dis cussion of the merits ot the respecuvexanui- dates.1 he 2 leave through your ppet submit vhat I conceive to be the of nnhlie. onininn in the twentv-second Star 01 the great confederacy.

Perhaps, in no part joitne unitea otaies, is uicrea ticaici sity of opinion existing, than ther is at pr: sent Alabama. This State nas.Deen set tled in a very short time, by emigranis from everv State of the Union, and perhaps from everv kinerdom in Europe each bringing with them them partiality for their native place, and theif attachment to the popular candidate, in the section ot tne union, irom whence thev came. Hence arises that di versity of opinion, each candidate having his particular friends in this btate. une canai- date is popular in one part of the State, and another, in other parts. And as no certain data has yet been furnished, by which the United voices of the State ascertain-1 ed the vote of this State must yet remain in -some measure conjectural.

And as the Lie-I gislatuTe have not yet pomtea out the moae by-which the electors are to be chosen, seerns a 1'rttle uncertain whether the votes this Stat will be uhifprm or divided. if of If they are chosen by district election, the vot es may voe -tuviaea many will be united. other eyent they The persons atpresent held up; to public view, as candidates, tor tnat nign anu inipyr tant office, are, Wm. II. Crawford, Ilenry Clay, A ndre ackson; Q.

Adams, and John C. each of whom lmver their particuiAr here, "ami eacu nave; tneir nave inn HSbuuieu a jiii, iuv appear to walk bv the side of Mr. Adams. Admitting the uncertainty that still exists, the most authentic source information, hich has'y-et presented itself to publicview, rarjks the staiKiing of the respective candidates this State, in the order in which they are named above. In the election of Senators to Congress, 'by bqr last Legislature, and fall u' 4i -h jL ives to Conjrress, and Representatives to the State Legislature, as far as any opinion upon the subject has been expressed, the same sen tirnents prevail, i But.

the Senatorial branch of our State Lesrislature.i forms the best cri- erion of public sentiments unon th'is subiect. I that lias yet transpired they are chosen for a term which 'will not ni re until the Presii- dential election wUl be over they are brie 9i i lit jRiriuuiiirp. wi if .11 will r-J iiirr noose xne electors, or direct tne mooe oy which they shall be -choseVi. This was well know previous to the election of Senators, mm at i Is published evejy Tuesday and Fridat, JOSEPH GALES SON, it in I QHADRACK Hi away irora iii in auusi KJ lMst, he twenty- six years old, complected, about five feet shx inches high, stout built and. has aJsulky appearance.

He was raised bv Matthew C. Whitaker, deC'd of Halifax Lin. which neighborhood, I iave no doubt he is at this time, his wifelbe- oncrs to the heirs of Heniamin Harris, dejp'd, and his fattier and Toother belong to Henry 1 ml. I 1 Mason, r.sq. or tiaurax.

auove rewaru will be civen for hirti, delivered to me near Warrentonj or secjitrd in Hal-fax Jail so hit can get him, and al expenses paid. UOBT. RANSOM. Warren county, Jan. 17, 1824.

19-tf ftit'ft- ff mA-VjaAoa- 7 I RlTTHERFORl) COUNTY. COUrt Vt ttquUVl ail erm, 100. I William Rlanton I i V. Original bill of Injunction 1 T4. VI 1 rILLi A of this State it is therefore ordered that pub- rniir 11 tri icrns mnni e-T 1 H.11 iiiiimiiimiil i ication be made for three months successive-1 in the Raleigh Krfrister, that unless the I said Aiiirtistus Sacklet appears at the next I Court, ot Equity, to be netu ror tne county oi Rutherford, at the." fcourt -house in Rut her- 'ordton, bn the third Monday after the fourth Mohdav March next, and plead, answer or 4 demur, the bill will be taKen pro conresso aiiu i ex-pan, e.

i i Test B1RCH.ETT, C. M. 2-25w Pr. ady. $5-25 Stat ot" XoTt-Cav ollna.

COUNTY. Couit of Kquityi-Fall Term. 1823. Walter B. i ungual uiu ui iii- Vugrushis I 3 "BTT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court 3 that August us1 Sajcket is not an inhabitant of this ate it isf therefore oroered that nublicatioivbe made for three months succes sively inthe RaleiMij Register, that unless the said Auuustus Sacket appears at the next Court of; Equity to be held for the county of Rutherfonl, at the Court-house in Rutherford- ttn.

on; the third Mondav after the fourth Mondavi in March hektand plead, answer or demur, 'the bill 11 I Til 1 1 De taken pro confesso, and neard ex-parre i vs, HRCHETT, G. Sc M. Pr S-5-25 2-25w State- of mt IVljtlVuVlllft. I Ii I I MONTGOMERY COUNTY In EquityFall Term, 1S23. Titus Bunnell Writ of Injunction.

Edmund Lancrdori TT aDPeariner to Ithe satisfaction of the fl. Court the! defendant Ediiiun i Lang-don is not a residjwnt bf this state It is therefore ordered by jthe that publication be made in the for four weeks, the defendant imund Langdon appear at thej next term or this court to be holden on the first mondayj in March next, at the in Lawrenceville, in the coun-ty of Montgomery and put in his plea answer Or demurer, or the bill will be taken pro confesso, and the Injunction made perpetu- i. j-; it A true copy Journal. JNO. E.

CHRISTIAN C. M. LANCASTER! DISTRICT, 1 November 18, .1820. ECEIVED 'Charles Elms, sen. a Land ii Warrant, No.

648, dated 24th Oct. 1820, it beine- granted for services done in. the Revolution, and granted to him for the amount of two hundred) and twenty-eight' acres which Warrant I agree to lay on the best land I know or can find appropriated for that purpose, thatis vacant whereitsNo. is drawn. In witness whereof I have annexed annexed my hand and seal.

kvDLL. W. OSBORN. B. Said Osborn! agrees to obtain a Giant on isaid WarrantLin said Elms name.

Ry me, LLIAM W. OSBORN, 1' Thomas M'Lrnr-Sam'i. pratt Owe. IdevaYA. I AN-A WAV fron my employment SEPH an indented'ap- prentice to the Carracre-makinec business, on i the 21st Hist.

He is; about 18 years old, well grown and fair complection. This notice is to caution the public against employing, orhar- Dormg nun any way as tne utw win De enforced against Sither The above re ward will be given for his delivery to me in Raleighi without thanks orexpences paid for tlie same, THO. COBBS. 'Jan. 29, 1824.

22-3w. liAlvKW Up and committed to the Jail of 1 Moore county Jon the 1st irtst. a Negro Man, who; when firsjt imprisoned, stated that be belonged tc James Harris of Mecklenburg, county, and thjat hip ame was JACK but now siiys that his name is GEORGE, and that he belongs to AbWham M'Kee of Cabarrus cbuntyii Said Iegrb apd has a scar joyei his ight eye he is supposed tODe about 127 yfars of age, 5 feet 11 inclines hieiij The owner of said neero is re- quested to apply fof him, pay charges i. and take him 'away j- otherwise he will be charged as the law dtrects. dis DANIEL M'NEILU SheruT I of Moore county.

January. Ay 19tf lU.bV lfctittttlAil Store, the Gentleman's Annual Jlemem brancer, and LadieS Pocket Book for the year of. be ui be of I I I I 17 I 1 and 5n the Fmtirr of the Mathe- matics. His; to receiWthat number 1. -m.

4- a Uk AO aLLUIIUkiU VV Vl. MJL WW A ary acquirements. i ac accou mouauun pro iucu iur mcui ia The accommodation provided for them will liberal and genteeUand the regulations ot the' school such, as toTheetithd important pur- poses ses of advancement in sdienbeVj I-- ziu J. liic i.iiv. 1 11 11 11 ma nicritriiL iij.

Kciiuiau win taken," but the whole number taken under charcre, will be limited to eighteen. 1 he ot study will be directed on a principle different from the modern mode of tuition, and caicuiatea to maice the students sound and thoroughly gTOuhded classical scho- lars. The. school will commence on the first Mondav in; January next and there will be two vacations in the yearj cprrespondrng in nine anu. uuxaxion Willi uiose aixne.

university the The price, of board and tuition will be $100 per session I paid advance, wjjl elude every expense but that of books and paper.The price of tuition alone, will be $30 per session, likewise pkidlin advance. 4. i i- the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of the Diocese, and the promise of his co-operation in whatever may renaer nis services reauy prontaoie to those entrusted to his care I i GEO.

WJ FREEMAN, Itaieigh, Dec. IV, lfcUJ. 11. In etfviner the sanction of my approval to Mrl Freeman personally, janjd to the plan of tuition proposed to be pursued bv him, lam happy to present to the Episcopal families in this Diocesej the opportunity Jot putting apor- r.iv'. 1 ii uuii ui uicir yvuui, uimer ine liimicuiate care ot a gentleman tuny competent! to what he undertakes i who ma tew months will be in ITrilvL.

Orders and frrirafred hnth liv Hutv nnrl L- interest, to the most earnest endeavors to stil into the minds of those under his care, not onlv the princinles of kound science- but those sound, and long-triep! principles which are the safeguard, of pure and undefiled re ligion. In this pursuit, it will be my pleasure to render him every assistance compatible with JOHN S. RAM ENS CROFT. Raleigh, Dec. 2Q, 1823.1 Taken i-ND committed to the Jail on the 23d instant, a Nee ii of this county, legro Man named JACOB, between 25 and 130 years old, stout.

built, dark complected says he belongs, to John Foster of the High Hills of Santce. S. Carolina. The owner is requested to cOme 1 1 forward, prove Div charges, and pay charges, and take him ayay. GEREN, Jailor.

291 1 1 7.1aw3m Greensboro', N. C. Nov. Taleii imp 4 ND committed to the Jail of this County, on the 21st of October list, a Negro Boy named BEN, about 12 or 14 ears old, yellow complected 5 says that he bplongs to James ionium oi lyncnourg-, vaj 1 he owner is re- quested to icome torwarjd, prove property, 1- 7 pay chargesj'and take him away. V'.

GEREN, Jailor. Greensboro, N. C. Nov. 291 7 law3m A ND committed to the! Jail in Bertie Coun- XJL ty, North-Carolina, On the 4th instant, a egro- Fellow, who calls himself DICK, a- bout 24)years of age.

He says that he be loners toVyilliam Miller, lliving Hear Lancas ter, South-Carolina. Hej is jralher above the common size, wen made, and says he was born iirAfrica. I I I The owner is requested to come forward, prove pay charges and take him aw Ay, ui iic win oe ueait tne law di wnii; iIe rects. WILL. E1TH, Jailor.

Windsor, N. C. January 19 8t ND committed to the Jail of Wake coun ty, on the 30th instant, a Negro Man who calls himself Moses, about fortv-six years of age, dark complected, andj says that he be iongs to bamuel Ldmuhdsoji of Pittsylvania county, Virginia, The jowher is requested! v-uitic lurwara, prove property, pay cnarges auu uiiil a UU1CI WJSC 11U Wlil UP disposed of as the law S.f POLLEN, Jailer. Raleigh, January 31, 1824.) 23 1 1 Cae-eaY Kajvigatioii THE Stockholders in the Cape-Fear Company are rejquestedlto attend a General Meeting, at fthej Town-llouse' in Fayetteville, on the Fourth Monday Fe- It rf A I tf Druary next, lor ine purpose ot acceding to, or rejecting, Tne.terms upon wmcn the State proposes increase her interest in-' said Company, pursuant to an act of the' General Assembly passed at its last session. As ge- neral an attendance of the Stockhold 1 earnestly requested.

ROBERT STRANGE Piest I t- in is I I I I 1 1 be their- Some eiertions jare -dso makingi in favour of Gen. particular friends but the Jackson, friends by his of Mr. endea- Crawford and. Mr. Clay, are usmg.Tio vors to mnuence the puoiic mind.

Thev appear to rest tnej success; or ineir candidates, upon their establish character and standing. Although considerable animosity exists among. the pvtiular friends of the' respective candidates, they all unite in sentiment's of hostility to Cr.jwf'rd. From this, it appears evident at he is the person whose standing ir the nationTiey all dread." The emigrants from the northern States. are generally in favor of Mr.

Adams; an they are principally composed of two classes Printers and Merchants. Most of the V.i tors of our public papers, are emigrants from the northern States. Hence arises he zeal with i which they advocate the eti nsions of Mr. Adams. And manvpf "our merchants are from the northern states are very warm advocates Adams Tii emipTuhts from lrarinia et tientuCKv nrrtcioaiiv ml favor, of Mr.

Clav. Although some of the Virsrimans I I 1 are vj tavor of Mr. Crawford. Among the emigrants from those states, are many of our professional characters, lawyers and physici- ans and there are more members of our state ley islature, natives of rVircriniaJ than of any other state in the Union The emigrants from Tennessee are pretty unanimous in favor of Gen. Jackson The emigrants from Car ollna and are erenerallv in favor of Mr.

Crawwd. Anl thev, wfith the emigrants. from 'IVnnpHSpe. are Yirinr.maltv men wIhiqp ntere inthe soil who form the hilars and support of the government. The friends of Mr.

Adams have endeavored to resuscitate the old Georgia quarrel, between the Craw ford and Clark parties but it appears to have (1 a secand death. Ihe emigrants from S. Carolina are divided. Some are in favour "of Mr. Crawford, and some are friendly to the interests of Mr.

Calhoun, if they could see prospects before him. But they are frank to aamiT, tnat nis eiecnon at present is out oi the question. And thev candidly confess fit his name is not withdrawn) that he is, like De Wit Cl-hton. about to destroy his standing, by a premature graap at power. tion of the citizens of this The larger por state, are matives of N.

Curoiina man' of whom moved to Geor- ia in early life, and from there, Ji ere and there are many native Georgians, which unit orm the strongest party in this State and they appear disposed to support Mr. Crawford. Gen. Jacksoi'n's friends Ithdusrh pretty numerous, are not influential the Leinslature. Jience arises the probability, that Clay will be most likely to compete with Mr.

But every view ot ithe sub ject, which haslet presented itself, from the most authentic sources ot information! appear to confirm the opinion, that Mr. Crawtor will receive the votes of Alabama, i ii-' ZENO, StvaN. State! of North-Carolina Montgomery County. TAKEN UP on the 16th day of November 1S25, by Elijah Hinson, the road leading from Salisbury to Allenton, a bOUt eight, miles from the latter place, one Sorrel Mare with all four; feet white! near the knee, and a white nose, also her under lip is her near eye inclining1 to be a glass-eye somewhat marked witli the gear, md a spot on her back just behind the wea thers that is mixed with white hairs. Sup posed to be four or five years old next spring, four feet seven inches and a half Ap- praised to forty dolrars'.

RICHARD apiary 8. rOKER, Ranker. 18 w3t State of or t-iiar oia. County Randolph. Pnscdla Cox, Petitioa tor sale ot real In Equity.

vs. appearing to the Coui-t, thatlj Brooks Lewis, David Lewis, and John Johnston Eleanor his wife aref pot inhabitants of this State Ordered that publication be i made' in the Raleigh Register for three weeks for the said defendants to an near at our next Court of Equity' to be held for the county, of Ran pn, on nrst Aionciay aiter me day of March next, and plead; answer, or de tha emH nafit-mn MhM I mur to the said petition, otherwise the same I will be taken pro confesso as tathem and A copy. 153t ELLIOTT, C. M. Er aiigL TaeY-mVVl.

GALES i rives notice to those Coun try Merchants who have been in theha- bit of collecting Raers for his that he has at present a sufficient! Slock on hand and uiw wwwj. aii. jl iiu iuuw mm wavv best quality only. pear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions toi be held for the County aforesaid, at the Courthouse in Pittsboroufirh, on (the 2d Monday' of February next, then and there plead 'Judgment will be taken pro Con fesso, and the cause, heard ex parte as to them and judgment entered accordingly. Teste.


Jan. 7. II 1643m: 1 riHlS Institution 1 equal! to any in now anords advantages the Southern States, be. ins: conducted upon the most approved prin ciples, and provided with superior eachers in everv nrancn 01 Useful and Oirjanfental Education. Thisi Iwith its healthy) situation and moderate charges for Board and Tuition, must insure it a (liberal patronag e.

line strictest attention will be paid to thej conduct and morals of those attending it. TERMS. i Female Department, conauciea ov Irti jig- 5ft milton -arith Assistant Teachers; 1 Rudiments; per quarter, i 2 ,1. Reading and Writing 7 English drammar, Ancient and Mo- 1 dero GeogTaphy with the Use of the Maps and Globes', History, Chronology, Mytliology, Rhetoric, Belles Letters, Composition, Natural Botany with Plain and Ornamental Needle Work, i -Music taught by Jlfadame Villa; in ihe -besi Italian style. Per ann.

taught in the or -20 per quarter. k. Per ami. taught out of the Academy. $100 per quarter Dravving, Painting and the Trench TJanguage tan rr III bv Latsinp.

analiie of "'Trance Drawing1 and Painting, per quarter $6 French I 1 Classical Department, "vnrler Dr. G. Davis9 i 1 fuititn: The Latin and jGlreek Languages, Natural and Moral Philosophy, Ilor gic, Astronomy, Mathematics, Geo- metry and Algebra, i .1 English Male Department; I Rudiments 'jix Reading, Wiiting, Arithmetic," En i iisn jammar, Ancient ana Modern Geography with; the Use of the 1 PMapsland Globes, 1 1 6 Pens and Ink provided the Students with out charge. A tax1 of 25 cents each Student for wood, water? 6cc. Board, including alMhe above Branches except Music, $35 pec quarter -payable1 in i advance.

WM. HAMILTON. For the satisfaction of Parents Guardians A. Esq. Prest.

of the ScltoV Committee; Rev'dR. For sale at this office. Fayetteville, N. 0, Jan. 31 21 4w- 4utkwuu iu mui-uucu.

Si zo April SO, A.

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