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The Guymon Observer from Guymon, Oklahoma • 2

Guymon, Oklahoma
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truth of salute TO FRENCH HERO PENGUIN MOST AMUSING BIRD VVVVWW The May Day Mystery By Octavui Roy Cohen fray on hi side: but more often the will ait serenely by while her admlrerx do battle Eventually one of them will beat a forced retreat and leave the spoils of war to his conqueror After courtship comes the Important business of nest-building and this too is accompanied by much ado An nest consists of a loose pile of small 6toDes quite unadorned or softened with lining but unfortunately for the peace of the avian community there Is not In the near ricln-Ity a sufficient supply of such building material to go around Then does temptation enter Into the life of a penguin His soul Is filled with a great desire and he longs to supply his wife with more and better stones for the construction of their little love nest but there are none to be had with honor Soon he covets those within his neighbor's stone pile and having thus broken one commandment he skids farther along the downward path and before long is engaged in taking what he can while the neighbor looking Constant vigilance Is the price that must be paid for keeping a stone bungalow under feathers in a city of penguins After the newlyweds have become proficient enough at the gentle art of purloining stones to be able to maintain a nest two eggs are laid and the process of Incubation commences This lasts about a month with both birds participating for they have a strong parental instinct and sit patiently for long hours at a time to protect their eggs from the harsh Antarctic blasts While sitting on the nests hen birds amuse themselves by attempting to reach out with their beaks and lift a stone from the pile next door If detected and they frequently are this Is a signal for a squabble and without leaving their nests the two ladies try to bite out each other's tongues Happily they seldom succeed Chicks Are Always Hungry When hatched the chicks are little balls of sooty down and they wear their clothes" for some weeks before exchanging them for suits of feathers They start getting hungry soon after they are hatched and continue In a state of unappeased appetite as long ns there Is the smallest empty space within their elastic young bodies Adelies live largely on a small red shrimplike crustacean which occurs In amazing numbers In the Antarctic seas There is little or nothing for them to eat on the land and therefore until the chicks are fully developed and able to take care of themselves in the water they must be fed This their elders accomplish by means of regurgitation The bogy man for baby penguins takes the form of a skua gull This unpleasant bird conceives its mission In life to be the prevention of overpopulation among the Adeiies and woe be unto the unwary chick which wanders away from its comrades A marauding skua wjjl drop down beside it and with a few savage blows of its strong beak end the earthly career and feast upon the remains Adeiies have never been successfully transplanted from snowy wastes However some of their cousins have survived the milder temperatures of Europe and America and are to be found In certain of the larger zoological gardens One may visit a pair at the National Zoological park at Washington and find them well disposed As you enter the inclosure both of them come forward with grave and dignified demeanor and emit of greeting Coming closer they give you a careful inspection out of first one eye and then the other and then sit down with an air of resignation and an expression of utter boredom Your feelings are a hit ruffled until the keeper assures you that their behavior Is due the keen disappointment they experienced on finding that you were not a fish When the new wing of the birdhouse at the Washington zoo Is built one end of It Is to hold a large glassed In-closure Within this Ice machines are to create an Antarctic atmosphere In which ft Is hoped that a colony of penguins will live and flourish Perhaps science will yet devise a means whereby those of us who cannot well travel to the South pole may nevertheless enjoy the captivating drollery of the Adelie penguin most Interesting rest dents of Antartlcn But despite the markedly eoTleglate tone there was more than a bint of taste In the general arrangement Ia a corner was a delicate atatnette perched on a teak wood tabouret And over the mantel waa a collection of curio js weapons: A fencing foil a broadsword a Malay kris an Arab scimitar a rusty revolver of Civil war days a Philippine holo a bow and arrow of genuine Indian origin Hanvey glanced at them and then at the arrangement of the room It was cozy In a youthful happy-go-lucky sort of way Hanvey casually opened the dresser drawers and rummaged Indifferently through the masses of expensive linen He opened the door of the hanging closet and ex-TfthJmed over the multitude of tailored suits disclosed sure must be a snappy dresser John" that way to me" answered Reagan enviously always did wish I could afford them kind of clothes I'll bet thpre ain't a suit In yonder that cost a hundred bucks" Hanvey walked to the window and stared off toward the sprawling town of Murland Mid-afternoon and most classes were finished so that the shady spots under the trees were peopled with male students and coeds They seemed to he doing nothing whatever and doing It with enthusiasm Jim sighed used to think I missed a lot by not going to college John Now I know It" they have It easy? Just sitting around under the trees and talking to girls wish I was young again and not so durn dumb Somehow John I never could knock any book stuff Into my fat dome study the Idea and sort of die before It reached my brain But man 1 sure have been a whale at this laying around stuff" Hanvey sank Into a chair and lighted a cigar It tough to think of a kid like Vernon having It easy like he did and then getting mixed up In a nasty mess like this?" tell Jim That's one rea son I was glad to get you on the case a nice sort these kids I didn't used to think so I thought they were a hunch of crazy high hats but by golly 1 they I haven't met a one who didn't strike me that he a real guy If he so educated" Hanvey moved his head laboriously toward the mantel all the military equipment?" he asked referring to the knives and swords on the wall asked about that" said Reagan seems Vernon has traveled a good deal and sort of collected these things That funny-looking one is from where the Malays live I think they call It a kris And that one over the clock Is a holo or whatever It Is the Filipinos use Vernon was a nut about hunch But at that I guess It's more sensible than collecting stamps or art things" He blinked looked all through the room John?" sure I miss a thing" never can tell Just to make sure though make one more search" Reagan started with the dresser He rummaged through the drawers and Into every corner He Inspected every ornament and spot of dust on the mantel He looked behind pennants and pictures which were tacked to the wall He opened the door of the hanging closet where he commenced a systematic search Into every pocket of every suit of clothes It was a tedious Joh and Reagan glancing occasionally Into the room was quite sure that suggestion for a new search had not been entirely without ulterior motive The prodigious body was settled snugly Into the big chair the pudgy hands were folded contentedly across the massive mezzanine Rnd Jim llan-vey was or far ns the naked eye could sleeping superbly Sleeping I Or was be? The longer Reagan was with Hanvey the less he understood the big mnn At times he nppeared to be obtuse at times brilliant and at times Just plain dumb Reagan returned to his task If nanvey wanted a search he'd darn well get one Reagan had been over every Inch of the ground before but he was determined to do this Job as thoroughly as he had the first And then the silence of the room was shattered by a sharp cry from the closet eyes uncurtained slowly but he exhibited no other excitement when Reagan leaped Into the room holding something gingerly between his thumb and forefinger Chief look here" Jim eyed the trophy curiously gone a knife And there'a blood on It too Where'd you find It John?" Ij tne corner of the closet On the floor I I don't understand because I looked there day before yesterday He was more -excited than he cared to show "Rut got something here no matter If I did overlook It before With this It ought to be plain sailing" come snapped Reagan triumphantly Is the knife that killed Thayer and Chief got another Idea for you John What Is Itf Reagan stepped swiftly to the mantel He designated a spot on the wall where the papering was of a lighter color I'm all wrong Hanvey" he knife belongs right In that spot And If It thert ain't much question bat that Max Vernon la thf man who used it" CHAPTER IX I Hanvey deigned to become Interested He and Reagan regarded the weapon It was a powerfully delicate thing and beautiful as a poisonous snake The handle was of polished metal whether nickel or silver neither knew The guard was exquisitely carved and the blade which was unusually long and perilously keen was of the finest tempered steel At the moment It was not a pretty sight however for the steel was covered with blood which had clotted almost to blackness Hanvey moved away leaving the knife lying on the table hate to look at anything like that John" hard boiled" It that Tim But I like to find something when on a case which means I have any farther to look" see I reckon that's natural John" nanvey placed his hands behind his hack you find the floor of the hanging In the corner" you look there day before I did" thought you said there anything did Jim hut I suppose I overlooked It Though I'm darned If I see how I Hanvey shrugged things can happen all right It's queer though I was Ju3t thinking" Jim seemed disinclined to comment further and Reagan did not force him As a matter of fact the chief of the Marland plainclothes force was elated like you told Flske a dick can make a dozen mistakes provided he does the right thing Just one time The crook can't afford to slip once" enough John You sure get any argument out of me But It Is funny you didn't see that knife when you first looked In the closet" Hanvey rummaged arouijd In a dresser drawer until he found a collar box lie emptied this and then waddled Into the bathroom from which he returned with a roll of absorbent cotton He lined the collar box with cotton and then gingerly placed the knife In the box But he did not Immediately look up Ills eyes were fixed steadily on the weapon he said at length handle of that knife John it's polished inetal and yet there a fingerprint on It" be darned If yon right you Max Vernon had enongti sene to polish the prints off the ho mile" sure think fast Reagan looked up sharply but the face of the fat man told him nothing think wrong?" like you must be right It Just looks kind of funny though that you didn't find that knife day before Reagan was disturbed ne was certain that he had looked In that Identical spot the afternoon of the murder and he had found no knife Ills brain was racing and suddenly he whirled on his companion got It Chief" "What?" answer to that knife First the off chance It was there all the time and I Just find It I hate to admit that but possible The second theory ts that Max Vernon had It with him and when he came hack yesterday evening from Steel City he dumped It In there before I stuck him under arrest He was In this room when I grabbed him" big head nodded slow approval talking think I'm sounds mighty reasonable Question is are you sure It Is Vernon's knife?" ask one way of finding out And In the second place look at that spot on the wall like this see Reagan stepped to the mnntei and removed a scimitar which hung there "Notice how you can see on the wall paper Just where this hung Jim? Yonder ts the place the dagger was It fits that spot exactly And you can tell a foreign thing" "Ain't any question about that- It sure don't look awful healthy for Mister Vernon" and Rm sorry I believe the kid has gotten a lousy deal all This Thayer evidently wasn't a thing but a plain htgh class hustler It's a cinch that he must have been trimming Vernon at cards and we know he was gypping his fraternity brothers on the liquor game Of course Carmiclno thinks Thayer was a fine gentleman but he would think that As a matter of fact Thayer was a dud and we both know It" sure do" that mfke Vernon's position any happier He quarrels with Thayer about a girl We know that Thayer had trimmed him good and plenty We know that Vernon was desperate for want of money We know that he went to room and that shortly afterward TWyer's dead body was found Now we locate the knife with which he was killed (TOBS covnwrDj The late Col Charles Stanton who said we are here!" had the strange experience of coining a probably Immortal phrase and of hearing it credited almost as often as It was quoted to another man Even President Wilson and Marshal Foch In formal addresses attributed to General Pershing the famous saying L' the tomb of Lafayette In Plcpus cemetery on July 4 1917 It was a natural error for General Pershing did speak extemporaneously on that occasion and it waa easy for those not present to confuse his remarks with the preceding speech of Colonel Stanton that ended In the supremely appropriate salute to the French hero The fact of Colonel Stanton's authorship was never In doubt It was early asserted In this newspaper and elsewhere in direct rebuttal of the Pershing fiction Rut when a legend gains momentum It rolls on and on It seemed doubtful that a disclaimer by General Pershing himself could right the popular mistake Colonel Stanton for his part sealed his lips and with the most soldierly conception of duty permitted the world-renowned saying to be given constantly to his friend and commander If General Pershing for 13 years made no emphatic effort publicly to dispel the myth he demolished It handsomely when he came to publish his memoirs in 1931 in these words: was on this occasion that utterance was giveu to an expression that could be born only of inspiration one that will live long in history we are Many have attributed this striking utterance to me and I have often wished it could have been mine But I have no recollection of saying anything so splendid I am sure those words were spoken by Colonel Stanton and to him must go the credit for so happy and felicitous a It was only after this declaration that Colonel Stanton said he had quiescent during ail these years having a firm belief that his torical accuracy would eventually prevail" The gallant and modest colonel bad the final assurance that his contribution to the golden treasury of quotations would hear his New York Herald-Tribune Meteor Mytery The most spectacular meteor reported in the United States in many years illuminated five states a short time ago and either disintegrated Just before reaching the earth or fell in some deserted locality Persons In the Oklahoma Panhandle north Texas and New Mexico and southern Kansas and Colorado all expressed belief that the meteor or fragments of It struck in their vicinity A farmer at Stratford Texas found a four-pound miss of metal at the edge of a wheat field which he believes to be one of the fragments Although cool at the time of discovery vegetation about the object had been burned The rumble of the meteor ns it sped through the air was so great that it rattled doors and windows while persons in Oklahoma report that the earth trembled for several seconds Two air mail pilots flying 300 miles apart found themselves uncomfortably close to the fiery mass but were treated with grandstand seats to the spectacle which was visible for many minutes Pathfinder Magazine Eczema Burned and Itched Terribly Healed by Cuticura broke out In pimples on my child's head and later spread to her neck and back It burned and Itched terribly and the little one scratched and cried continually ner clothing hurt her so that I kept a very thin dress on her Her hair came out in handfuls and what was left was lifeless and dry The Irritation prevented her from sleeping sent for a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment I could see a difference after using them I purchased more and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment she was healed" (Signed) Mrs Thompson Energy Texas July 2G 1032 Cuticura Soap 23c Ointment 25c and 50c Talcum 25c Proprietors: Totter Drug Chemical Corp Malden Mass Adv Cheapest and Best traetjand killi all Slav NmL 0 A tl cofiwni-nl I-Jtf cl M-son M-d- of iUL Canl W'H orfipor-rCantv'iloa Inloramytllinf Harold Soawnl BrooalyaNy DAISY FLY KILLER Stop- Hair FalHa Impart Color and Boooty to Gray and Faded Hal i tuc and 11 oo at Drorri-ta ylTwiOn Srip-fTVT FLOKi-slcM SHAMPOO Ideal for os connection wHSPrkcr'HairBalamMak eat fioVy to cents by mail or at dm fist Hiacox Chemical Work Fatchogu WNU II 3 Life and Ilabits of This Queer Polar Resident Prtptred by National Gerraphfe Society Washing ton Service THE penguin colony of the London too recently presented a new problem to Its keepers shen these natives of frigid Antarctica suffered from bronchitis Among other things mufflers were provided In an attempt to save the birds which are worth several hundred dollars a pair While there are several species of penguins the Adelie of Antarctica which was a source of amusement to member of the Byrd South Pole expedition is perhaps the most entertaining The Adelie penguin resembles nothing so much as a solemn rotund little old gentleman In starched shirt and swallow-tail coat And the bird's habits are as strange as bis appearance He spends his whole allotted span within the Antarctic Circle supplying that desolate region of ice and snow with one of Its notes of life 1113 wings are water-wings which serve him for naught In the air Like man he proposes to the lady of his heart by proffering her a stone He walks erect toddling along with precise and preoccuped mien a though bent on some most Important business but more often than not thi attitude is only a pose Time Is really no object to him and after hurrying away in one direction he Is likely to turn and retrace his steps or dash away in some other Perhaps he may even stop suddenly and tuikinj his head beneath a flipper go calmly to sloop If pursued or desirous of moving over soft snow in a hurry he turns himself into a toboggan by dropping down on his smooth-feathered breast and skidding gayly along propelled by both feet and flippers Indeed his Idiogyncracies are legion and they make him the most Interesting of Antarctic creatures and endear him to every explorer of the desolate South Polar regions Belongs to a First Family This strangely manlike bird is truly an A (First Family of the Ant-retie) tracing hi3 ancient lineage ack to those halcyon days of the irth's youth before the coming of the The Penguin Resident of Antarctica great glaciers Then In a temperate or perhaps even tropical climate It Is probable that his ancestors flew like other birds But as centuries pnssed Into ages and cold crept over the land killing all vegetation the penguins were forced to seek sustenance in the sea Eventually their wings adapted themselves to the new mode of life and became the flippers that they are today Adelie is a gregarious creature and In October and November (the Antarctic spring) he congregates along with countless thousands of his kind in great rookeries There the age-old business of choosing a mate is bis first consideration but as with true love elsewhere the course of hl3 romance is not always smooth After deciding In his own mind on the fair lady he would wed he must not only win her favor but also vanquish whatever rivals may present themselves In achieving the first of these designs he takes a small stone In his beak and lays It humbly at the feet This gift Is accompanied by a soulful gaze from his white-rimmed eyes and an unmelodious from the bottom of his heart Very likely he will have to repeat this performance a number of times before be succeeds In breaking through her bashful feminine reserve but be Is nothing If not persistent and finally she yields to his Importunities to the extent of giving him a critical glance Thus encouraged he assumes his grandest posture and Invites further inspection If he pleases her the lady squawks her approval he adds his vocal efforts to make It a duet and both sway and stretch and gaze heavenward In an eestacy of penguinal bliss Rivals Havs Vicious Fights But gentlemen penguins are not only good lovers they are extremely pugnacious as well and hen more than one Romeo Is to the same Juliet a merry fracas Is likely to ensue With beaks and flippers they go for each other delivering vicious cuts and stabs and raining blows about them with such speed that the eye can hardly follow If the fair object of all this excitement has a preference for one of the combatants she may enter the Copyrlcht bp Octavo Hop Oohsa WNO Barvlco SYNOPSIS Antctnette Peyton tnlr it tbfl Univoreltf of Miriod roMiiti Patcnoo Thtyor'i Atton tioat to Ivy Welch imotHO'yMrold coed tad there Is a itonoy scans tbs tension betof incroaifd by Mas Vernon another student reproach Iftf fry for "breaking date" with him Thayer and Vernon threaten each other Prof Larry Welch brother appealed to by Tony to end his sister's friendship with Thayer Welch sad Toay are la love Tony tells him aha la married to Thayer but la bis wife only to warns Larry determines ta and Thayer's association with Ivy Tony persuades him to wait until aha has appealed ta her husband She visits him at a fraternity house Vernon soon after her departure leaves the house weited Welch ffoeo to Thayer and after he leaves Carmklno fret house Janitor finds Thaysr dead stabbed The Mar land bank Is robbed the robber escaping with $100000 after being shot Jim Hanvey famous detec five comes to Investigate the robbery Han dolph Fiska the bank president tells him He believes Mas Verneo was driving the car Is which tba robber got away Thayer Fisks says has been robbing Vernon of Urge sums In card games Vernon apparently finally realizing It Reagan MarUnicT a police chief Induces Hanvey to take charge of the oiprder case evidence Implicating Vernon In both the murder and robbery Tony Peyton Larry Welch and Vernop ere under arrest as Thayer murder suspects Welch Insists Thayer was alive when ha left him and Hanvey and Reegon am convinced be lying Hanvey questions Canniclno the Janitor whs found Thayer murdered Carmkino admits furnish tng Thayer with whisky for forbidden revels In the fra! beuso CHAPTER Continued was theesaway Meester nanvey: Always sometimes the boys give a party which the faculty they do not understand about so they want liquor Meester Thayer he says he knows where he can get real stuff which has never been cut So they give him the money and he orders it from I see And you and he would split the difference sir For real thing the fellers they pay me one hundred dollars a case I pay for It sixty dollars a case and Meester Thayer he take twenty dollars and I take twenty dollars" you were close friends no sir Meester Thayer he Is ver fine gentleman and he would not be friends with no Janitor" see lie certainly was a fme gentleman Mike no mistake about that Thayer and Vernon wpre pretty good friends weren't they? Did you ever hear them sir Not one time even" "They used to play cards a good deal didn't they?" 1 maybe not I think maybe ao" "Vernon never mixed up In this liquor business did he?" sir Just Meester Thayer" When was the last time you bought liquor for him?" me see about one week "go air It was a nice party They Vlnted two cases" hundred dollars' worth?" sir" "Did you get It?" yes sir" Thayer pay you for It?" away quick sir all except the forty dollars which he keep for himself" always looked after you didn't he?" Meester nanvey always he sees that I get my money ver' quick so the man from which I buy It off he also does not he to wait" Thayer usually pay you when he ordered the whisky or only after the boys paid him?" the fellers they pay him You see It Is for them and so he should not pay nie until he get the money from off them" when he died Mike did he owe you anything?" sir Monster Thayer he did not owe me one cent" Ilanvey hoisted himself to his feet and nodded to the Janitor be all Mike" do not ask me no more questions?" Nothing else I'm much obliged for everything" you air" Reagan led the way Into the hall and thence upstairs to the main floor Several boys having heard that a new detective was on the case were gathered on the veranda struggling to appear disinterested But all eyes were directed at ungainly figure as he and Reagan stood at the foot of the steps chatting now nanvey? Would you like to see Max Vernon's room?" searched It haven't you?" anything?" a thing But I Gosh I a thorough bird Well go But Lordy I how I hate those steps" Ilanvey panted to the top floor and Reagan conducted him Into a email but handsomely furnished room resplendent with pennants pillows tennis rackets and numerous lithographs depicting pulchritudinous damsels In various conditions of deshabille Dead Sea But Saltier Than Ocean The Dead sea lowest body of water known to man Is constantly fed by the River Jordan and many other rivers yet its level remains more or less constant In spite of the fact that It has no known outlet Lying 1292 feet lower than the sur-face of the Mediterranean the Dead sea Is filled with water eight times as salty as the water of the ocean This Is due In part to the fact that It Is fed by streams passing over beds of salt and partly to the fact that its level Is kept constant through evaporation which takes out water but leaves the salt behind In spite of Its extreme saltiness It Is Inhabited by certain types of fish which seem to find the salt no handicap The lake itself is about 43 miles long with widths varying from five to nine miles There is little vegetation around the sea because rain seldom falls there The desolate nature of the territory surrounding it together with Its extremely distasteful water makes ths name Dead sea decidedly appropriate although the ancient belief that the fumes rising from It are deadly have no basis In Washington Star.

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