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The Raleigh Minerva from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 1

Raleigh, North Carolina
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ttilPBfiiiiiiii A- .71 VII I 1 i 1 11 1 11 uT'" agonies Tinoaty: UstV huudreds who ell of morning under the jury wve the ptopVietors seven bundrud bloodv blade of RbfiEiFft'a rtiillmtnat 1 Jn Rfport of tfce Committee of Commeirce aai that abounded with alegators- and fishes 'P'J'err -Inhabited'' jjyiplenjrylof bisons, wolves tieeiy Scse veral other SDecies of untamed beaita "a 00 the refotres of the Houfa of 0 against gvvcroincut ans, the multitude yith whose mangled for the unlawful continuation of the beacon, carcases the Culverins of CollotdeH erhois I Tfi nmnn.M. aa I. ReprffeoutiTes, direabj tieta to enauire io- wcuaa oy lurries, gttse, swans, ducks, 0 I tuui cue cu urev Snread the frrtt unitlri- l.vrmt rr tUm I aJ tne expeaieocy ot autnonbog Uie reudent annas 01 wua towl ana that all maw-net "of indiirenous fruit treei. and crane ymted cavfe.certtio remote vioes sprout up luxuriantly from the tad uokaown pans of toutbaoa to.5e explor 7 Ihipioads of innocent victim rbiehCkrrt tng no answer.i renewed tbeltt suit ere dtJliberately sent to theVottOm at Nan- bruary for damages for th further continui CSV V100 iwau of suffering of atioij of the trespass, asvwell as" jfor erect- each individual is equal, and therefore the ihg "th.e second beacon. Tbe secretary of masS.ofmifl.rv' nli.tvi.rtil.Arl tn tlut nnmJ tli t' 'it fn 1 1 1 w.w WtVWUMiaa VT 111 k.

I LUmmUD TCI most other parts of the American wilder ness when first visited br civilized men. Jdy 1 series 6f meiiaorabie event the Jhited Staea have lately acquired a large atf dition of soil and iurisdicUoii i This is be tiler facts Ind tiSrTirlrrtiftn arr haw tk ber. the Svmnathvof those Who contemrilate inr 1.. added the nation has been lately on respectablf kuthoritv.

that the. Kerf them is divided in the one Case whereas it pose was wrongs resolved 10 hl own mind is concentrated into one and is there. I rather tn Ui th lieved; besides the tracts on the east side -of the MississiDci. to include all the 'tmm IS navmbla bv hna ts Ane tTtmtflanrl Wok foteinore tfrteflle In thcther.T il suffer shinwreclc tfaan veild to riuTreksoha.7 I i try which lies to the westward between that oeyona XMachitoches. Is reported to run If this holds good in sttch cases as those ble demand of the proprietors; -or dTsjoil to we allude, it is still stmnorr in I tti.

tnMm r.Kln. i. tnrougti a country abOundirtg in rich prairi- ijjjic yuiu iuvfunuiins inai those necuntarv wrone. which rnmc under 1 m.n. Af mn j.i..

i wnere neat came ana horses range in innumerable horda indeiJenaVnt as the the headsoflegislativB tixktion, executive I royal indignation Ordered the lights to bo exaction, oVbfficiaf fraud, all of which are I exiinMiikhedr natural There is reason to presume the head of this stream lies conseat ed in the south western corner of the tietir. alike private Dillaere. whatever name tnav I Um tV jir.i.; be conferred Unon them-M)r in. whatever I clmtfltr .4 11 l. ly ceded The lhnits'of Louisi.

ana, in that Quarter." are obscure and unrir. oilntrj- Or by who-sbevertommitted-- compbeation of circumstances equally utt whether exacted under the name of subaidv mst; irmnnr ni,(,t. 5 bv the buman.shamhles in asters nf a- tir 11 fined. And itis worthy of legislative coni sidcratibn. whether the latitude tude of the Red River source ought not to li' i A 1 forced loatf of Robespiere not, those beacons" necesssry- or useful ijh Bonaparte theffiank Stock shufflcsale of that spot If they were not, it was 1 Mr.

Gallatin; or the economis of the Pre scandalous and highly texiiurable waste of wiuicu uaucr inc aumoniy 01 tne nation. Itmavbe exnected diat individir. ouciui irum Dona ra loum, ana aiviae tne waters running into the Atlantic, from those which empty Into the Pacific Ocean and beyond that chain between the territories claimed by Jreat Britain on the one side', by Spain on the btherquite to the South Sea- 1 It highly desirable" tha this'extensive region should be in some parts at least," by intelligent men. Important additions might thereby be made to the science geography, yarioui 1 materials 'might thence derived to augment our knowledge of natural history. The govern-ment would 'thence acquire correct infor-; tnation of the" situation, extent artd worth of its own dominions, and individuals of research and curiosity would receive ample gratification zi to the works of art and productions of nature which exist in those boundless tracts.

's There is no need of informing the house liut already an expedition authorised by als will venture unon such Utidertaklt'o-s for or tper undue exactronwhich all bear in due wicked was it to attempt for ft purpose uii-prOportions to their means, none are con- necessary and to trespass upon the gratification of their own speculative cu- iiw. iu uy yiscreei nianagtment, tne- ceivea to nave a rignt to complain But JdIowjcit.enY private property, to refuse that which bears upon a solitary individual to make him a iust compensatWforit, to jwuiuica ui uut pcruas 10 minister tne national wants, and t6 general instuction, with but a trifling appropriatioufrom the treasury. 1 he Arkansas which- has been alreadv traced above one thousand miles, also seems worthv of bein ir exrWedrwith more tart. and to a greater extent than has hitherto "C1U uc grievance 01 peculiar seven- urve mn to law lor the recovery of his ty tod injustice. The hand which swept to put the cbuntiy to the ejnsc ual Tapacity a whole nation, of suits at law, and to dregrace It by bring- and broke into the private recesses of ingj it iRto court in the odious character eff es tdlevy taxes, was endured for centuries, a violator of private right, and trespass, but a tax gatherer searching one woman too er upon individual property.

But if on the closely threw that nation into a convulsion other hand the Beacons Vere necessary or which had nigh ended in the overthi'pw of useful, itSvas an actf of high, criminality tb fVernment. In fact this is consonant extinguish tte lights and deprive the touts to the dictates of sound sense and to every try of the benefit of them, fbr a sun) in il- feeliiig ofhonour and honesty. No indU self inconsiderable but which whnco. vidual has a right to sacrifice himself pr his pared' with the importance ofthe object oh property to country while the rest are left which it was to be bestrbwed, may be said untouched. This is a truth 8q universally to be nothing.

Taking it io eitherof those acknowledged, aud acted Upon, that there, i conduct ofthe agents of goyenU are bttvfcy. Yound in history- of. chaiaeftient.Vl men rrrriint nr brlv rnnnitK -lnl L. TI tr t. 2 ueen aonevx a spacious plain and valley incrustect anuually.

Hike, the soil in some spot about the FeesiaA Gulf,) wukMth'e in quantity sufficiet to impregnate a branch of the Arkansas, and occasionally the river into which it falls, with its briny aualitv. and to fnnV. it 9 rUi0 Arwun. congress at tne second session of the has been actually Sunder-and js going on under the president's direction, tip the Missouri. The two enterprising conductors of dventuref captains Lewis and Clark have beedi.

'rected to attempt a passage to the, Western the settlement of Ou.s-que, for consider-1 snore 01 tne aoutn aea from them, on their return in 1 805 a narrative full of in 'trutioii un tfcrstdGd thit a survey has been ordered to be made of the Mississippi, from the mouth of the Ohio, to the falls of St. An- thony. this a correct map may be ex: Tbe first thatTwas pver attemptedin afree action, the. germ of gross inju8rice -Md as government is ihf 'fruitless attempt of our downright tyranny as thedemoh of despot-present administration to from Mr. ism himself could wish to see exercised.

Ncw-Yotkhis property 4Vesi.9Tvnimen:tls''stii to without compensation; for.thej$s exist but fol the protection of private right; ereaing a lighthouse, which has been re. with boundless ust. corded in some of the northern prints which ing every means which cunning could wq -we eave in Tuesdav's Oourier taken in de. frest. the vrilv trleVervnf tVi.

1 rnntriiui Jpected'wjthia a reasonable- The Ijkefalso li hoped, in the course of a mode course, migm oe mentioned as no ordmarj-occurrences. The masses or virgin tilver nd gold that glitter in the veins ofthe rocVs which underlay tlie Arkansas itself, and mingle with the minerals near tertain other of its streams and offer themselves to the hand of him who will gather, refinei and convert them to use, are no less uncommon and wonderful. These extraordinary pro-, ductions might bedweltuppn to tonsidertU ble length, inthis report but credible as both the relations are. the committee for from meAwlorkWcningPosi, which I undue influence over legislative councils, WC will endeavour to rinu in the earn of 1 hone to effort, or the ruffian kn4 every individual, in the country, and which pluuder dire to execute, in order to strift WVBM WW we should Wish to be nroclaimed to all na a man of his pronertv. We see the lawful bear to offer any thing more than that the existence of a $alt Wver, precious mines 8c ores, and of some other remarkable objects, are Stated UltOn solid and credible tts 1 1 an -Tate penou, irom latter place to the source of the Mississippi and Uience to the Lake of the Woods.

Men t)f political research have, in like manner, long known that the tourse of the Mississippi downwards to the Gulf of Mexico has been well delineated by captain Hatchings and that more recently, by the assiduous observations of Mr. Ellicott, the turning 'and windings of that river, southward of its junction with the Ohio, the tcrritof ial" line on the iiat degree north latitude, to the north wtstern angle of Florida, have been exhibited in-a perspicuous and scientific manner. Along the coast bf the ocean too, from Pcrdido bay to the bay of St. Bernard, navigators have Pmittinjr these thiosrs as sot necessary to ttons and transmitted in Black Letter to the latest posterity, if it were not that we think it would, be a pity whole people should be indelibly branded with disgrace and infamy for the malversation of a few worthless, interested, petty-ambitious That the transaction mav go along with uc uigtu so congress, me commiuee considers that die latitude, longitude and rfcla: tive sttuition of the source of the Arkansas. are.themselves of sufficient moment to ren-; ft .4 uer tneir atumraent vvry desirable, our comments, we beg leave to offer the leading circumstances of the case briefly to Our v'-.

It being necessary to the safety of the shining entering New-York harbour to erect a Tight house at Sandy Hookthc per-sons authorised to erect it took lsR.nn witnout writing a sentence on the ad vantages of tracing the streams of the Black" River, the White River, the Mexican, and of other rivers ro their soUrCca. the Viewed the shores and coast so often, thaf Ldmmitte submits the foHowinsr onininn That it VilI be honourable-and useful tn J-in the year 180lr of a piece of ground be means taken to assert private rights treated -as an insult to the despot who attempted to viojate it-as an unpardonable offencewa Crimen Lasa 'Mijestatis io th muchroopat monarchs of our treasury and resented as 6ucb; and that resentment exhi-hited by means which makes it a hundred Void more guiltythat is to sayi by extin-guishi light? op which the safety of many ships and many depended and in consequence of the Joss of which several ships have actually since onea shore. 1 The annals of despotism may be search ed in vain" for ti-transaction of such enor- mous wrong, private and public. If the perpetrators of it are not brought to punishment, where is the security of an American-citizen? .31 There is an old sayingthat it is easy to be generous at the cost of another: And we; think that state Economies practisedt; the expence of private individuals, has not much of the virtues o'f generosity or absti- nence to recommend it. The conduct character of government in this affair rese; bleS very much those of thc play, who boasts' of his cheap living, while he lodges, eats and drinVs burgundy, pays hi? coach-hire, and lives by extortion on every individual he can cajole out of a dinner or a guinea, make some public provision for further ex-'plorioft the extent fc ascertainine the -boun daries of Louisiana and That a.

sum not exceeding dollars be annronriated for enabling the m-esident there is little left to explore. But although there is so much. real!) known, or a train of inyestigation, cerning Louisiana, there are. still some part upon which it would be desirable to possess additional information. The tracts alluded to are.

those which remain principally in jhehj 1 original obscurity, andstrongV sttract the eye of the adventurer, Their pithless forests may be advantageously penetrated along the channels of the Arkansas and the Red River, two of those large, and long water courses which intersect them--An expedition of discovery up those pro- digious streams and their branches, tnight redound as much to the honor, and more' to the interest Of our government, than the ofthe United Sutes, to tause surveys and longing tojeertain gentlemen ot XV ew-York, and proceeded to work upon it. The proprietors of the ground gave notice that they would not part with their property witbT out receiving a reasonable compensation, and demanded two thousand dollars -for it. Regardless of this notice," the agents of. government proceeded" to erect, a beacon without further communication, The pro. prietorscommenced a suit, offering at the same time to submit their demand to arbi observations, to be raadfron the Ked River and" therkansasTrbf 'eitherof the or 5 us Yi Ik i s4v 1.

t.i i elsewhere in Louisiana. as he shairthink proper-. for these purposes. tration. The offer was dechned, the suit Mieki tat enAitriToi.cot.KifR, proceeded, and the proprietors; got a judgment against the state intruders' for one-hundred dollarsdamaGrc'se The a rents of rRIVATE" WR.OXG PUBLIC tCOVOMIES, goverttnent instead of shewing ajQy sh4me t.orriwKiBHitrTt tK'i.

rt-r t)M voyages by sea rtunu tue; tettaqlieous globe -have done; for "the polished-nationA of Ea-; rope, who authorised them. Such liberal enterprizes will befit the. present season of and maybe expected to succeed graded state of a litigious defendant under "-l tne censure 01 a court 01 law. or- leeimtr nr-i Hi? in Uffn nuTiiecl aa ucsr curing tne reign ot peace, Ti- ri 1 'v any remorse -for the Injury attempted to the persisted in keeping pos JL Admio'iftratof of; the Eftate of the late -Jf- The Red River wuiuited inafay years WHENihelm government, and the weakness and injustice, of executive fficfcrsfall hit the great mass; of a community, though more ex--tensive is less discernable. The wrohg of each individual is lost in those of the crowdr who suffer alongwith him The complaints of one man fora grievance that is the lot of neither excites sympathy nor attracts notice.

t-7-He-is looked ujxm by the world as conlumacious, cowardly of querulous who -flinches from the torture which many session; Anotner. sun was commenced, attended with another offer of arbitration. ttt Mr. Gallatin, the secretary of the trea- JAMES AJADniLL, oec. at jaU Angau oun, gives this Notice kll Perfons having any Demands againft the faid Eilate, to bring them forward well authenticated within the Time HtnUed ko ntlirmi'(m ittt will karrrA frfltn.Rea sury enraged at.

the contumacy ofthe proprietors jn not giving up their property, -illiJ MSTtiiW nf Tamaw 4f rva eotery i Sc thofe indebted to die faid Eflate, will i miL 1 ago, and even settled as high as Nachito-elves. This old csublishment is laid down Tin tbme of the maps; as being only seven distant from the station of Adai, the capital of the province of and situated on the river Red River isVIescribed as difficult to ascend when the Waters are low but when a tftveller ay, by means of penetrate where he pleases. More than half a centuryjtgo, was said, that along its banks there nany inferior lakes, and drowned lands, pel them to give up Vithout any reference to the walue- it derived fropa local sl-Vmtirtn. A hill fnr the DUrnose nased one fellow sufferers are enduring alone; -with rDANICL CADDELL, Adnu Moore Cevntyt NortHf.CaroRnaf May, 7i' 180. Superior and -County Coutt Blinks tea r'iale it' th? JMFHcc of (he Miaerts, branch, but did not pass the pther.

Again -70 him jndwe risk nothing in saying that the single criminal bo is dragged in solitary horror to the place of execution, receives more pity the multitude who witness offers 01 arbitration were made oy tne proprietors but to no cffecU Another bej.

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