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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 6

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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A. FREDR1CKSON. Editor PAUL HUMAN. Advertising Manager Sole National Advcrlising Representatives: Wallace Winner Sen York, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta. Memphis.

Entered as second class niatttr at the post- office nl Biytlievilie, under act ot Con- grets, October 9. 1917. Member ol The Associated Pren SUBSCRIPTION BATES: By carrier the city of BlyUu-ville 01 any suburban loitn whore carrier st-rvlue maintained, Sac per week BT mail, within a radius 50 miles, $5-00 per yrar. 52.SO for MX months $1 25 lor thiet inonDii: by outside 50 mile zone. 112.50 fter payable In advance.

Meditations Say not llioii. What Is the Iliat the former Jays in-rr lii'ller Ilian lur tin)" 'lost iirtt enquire wisely concerning les 7:10, KrcEesias- Bul rarve way I' the liff that IIM before, If bent on groauiiiK net lor the past? Robert Browning. Barbs A writer says the younBer Kencrulion learns things quickly from the older. Is that good? Is llic fall election In liruvf aeain how many can vole imlnleiliRciilly? We are all half lazy, according to a California doctor. Our hunch is lhat he only knows tlie half of it.

It's human nature for in disagree, ami Miiarl when Iliey II being A lot of accidents happen because the driver ot car has a soil shoulder and so does the high- Klythoville who arc spoiisorinj? ctir- lont drives lnnv. The Heritage Koiiiufntion It an elahonite anil detfiilcil proKnim s''l to tcot rolling, "ml it im n.xc to Knurl except to jfpt.out tlio volt 1 silile. can't, find much with an out I'll A says, dun'l i-nn; which way yon vote, so you ont and vote." Figures Show Big Need For New Voting Interest An outfit cnlletl The American Hcri- tngc Foundation comes along with an old idea which looks good and -some new figures which look bud. The old idea is Hint people lucky enough to live in country where they vote should do it. The new to us.

at least are comparisons of the number of people who vote here and in oilier countries, and the figures make us look pretty bad. In 19'I8, for instance, only 'SI per cent of the people in this country eligible lo vote did so. But in 19-18 in Italy 89 per cent of the eligibles voted. In England last year the figure was 83 per cent. The year before in Belgium it was 90 pet- cent.

In Canada. 75 per cent of the eligibles voted in In Sweden last year it was 80 per cent. Furthermore, our voting record has been gelling worse for aboul the last three-iiuarters of a century. In 1880, J'or instance, per cent of the eligi- hles in thi.s country volcd. II liwl dropped to 73.5 per cenl in 1000.

When women volcd 1'ur the first lime in it dropped to what must have been an nil-time low of per cent. Of the approximately 05 million pi'f- fttnf eligible to vote in Ihe Unilecl Slates in 11MR. only about GO million even hot In-fed to register. And 1C nc- v.ont to the Jin-omits for this poor per- t'oi'inanvL''. 1 'I'lic Foundation lists what il IjL'Iifvcs Ihe reasons.

For one tiling. muny people think their "one old vote" can't make any difference inn? way or the other. Some- are hopeless, because they are so bad, and others arc because they feel Some lUm'i by tin uvf thcy iiflil'U' enough defined. Still others are too busy with daily affair's thai svetti more important than voting. The Foundation is out to lick these things, and il si.vms off to a good start.

It has sonic of) non-partisan ttor.s enrollctl in a get-out-t he-vote camp-iign for November, and it hopes to gel olhrrs. The present ones include the American Legion, the Daughters of the American Revolution. Jewish War Veterans. U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Ki- InU-rnalioiiitl.

and National Retail Dry (suods Association. It is Chamber of Commerce, Kiwani.s Club and American Legion in More to Cleaning Up Capital Than Meets the Eye Adlai Stevenson, a pretty deft phrasemakor, was himself lln- lufgi-t of a well-wrought verbal shaft trie other day. Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, who managed General Kisenhuwor's campaign through the con- vcnlion, allowed as how, if tin; iJi-mo- crats remained in power, (he next four years would find "the same fal Hi'ound the White House at night no matter how it would look in the daytime." The senator was stciluuj: tin early note in wlial certainly uill mmint to a full clioriiK of Republican aliacks on that subject, l.ixlge didn't specify jusl who (he frit cats were. Hi; said everybody knew. Itcporters assumed lie meant the hangers-on and the party wheels who have caused the Truman administration so much embarrassment in recent years, and whom the President himsi-lf lias been anything but firm and decisive in dealing with.

The issue is one which will gel a ear from all Republicans and ninny Democrats. Some of the latter, in fact, are known In believe that only a change of administration can rid Iho parly in power of its 20-year accumulation of political barnacles. Fortunately for the Democrats, however, they cotddn't have chosen a better man than Stevenson to handle such charges. On his record as governor of Illinois, Stevenson is an arch foe of entrenched politico and all he connotes in the way of inefficiency, graft, and corruption. In four years as governor of Illinois, he dragged that corruption-ridden state up lo a position where in many respects il now ranks with the' best, lie fired people, he shook up and reorganized, and he got results.

Furthermore, if Stevenson is elected in November he will go into office singularly unencumbered by deals and promises lo Uie party bigwigs. lie didn't seek the nomination until possibly the very last. It was thrust tip- on him. And being in lhat fortunate position, it is unlikely indeed that be would also allow to he hung around bis neck a millstone of political commitments. Thus he would be freer than many presidents taking office to effect a general Washington overhaul and cleanup.

Stevenson said in bis welcoming speech at the Democratic convention that his party should admit its mistakes, and certainly some of the "fat- cat" aspects of the Truman adminislia- lion would among then'. But it's one tiling to admit a mistake, and another do something aboul it. An entrenched political parly is a big and unwieldy thing. If elected. and with all the best intentions, Stevenson still would have bis work cut out for him in any political project along llir banks of the Potomac.

vote because they're many complex iniiiiterosti'd because issues aren't slirjrply '---But All Candidates Pose With Fish' Erskine Johnson IN HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD Lloyd Nolan isn't lipping his hand about new starring telefilm series, but he's leUinjj it out of the Img that he'll play a character similar to bis FBI chief in "The House on 92nd Street," He's stuck on the side of the law utter his "Martin Kane" stint and lie says: want to let loan Hie kids watched me every week. Hut 1 want to do some heavies in big screen movies, real The public remembers heavy, A heavy lias vitality and authority." A distraught fan, conditioned by the heart operations oti TV, Lucille Ball really go iiv.i to hcive her baby on "I Love Lucy." The of course, is only to show her enceinte during the episodes of the latrei' half ot riext years ago and this year reached the point where he could hold his own in a dramatic skit with Medy Lamarr. "When you separate the personality of the man and the doll, the impact is much stronger when they do meet," Paul remarks. They've musicalized everything else in Hollywood, so now MGM try "Tha Thin' Man" as a song-and-dance flicker. Huston doesn't want to report to MGM by the end of the year per his contract for another picture to follow "Red Badge of Courage." So MGM legal-eagles are asking $150,000 from him in settlement.

Vanessa Brown's got something lhat Ava, Hetiy, Lana and Rita haven't song named lor her. And it's done more to help her shake the "loo brainy" tag Hint was pinned on her by Hotly- Hollywooci's shuddering over a wood, she's admitting, than all the York video producer'. 1 phin plunging necklines, slit skirts and to on TV Likt Leeds' cheesecake pictures that she's Ruined Me" story in I tried. Collier's Magazine. Police arrest- Vanessa inspired the Instrumental hit.

"Vanessa." by Bernie Wayne, thai Hugo Winterhaltcr Liia and Bob MitcMimi at party where marijuana cigarets ucre found in the living room of and David Rose her Hollywood home. Each served she's saying: recorded, and Peter Edson's Washington Column Sen. Long's Caustic Words to Foe Sample of Coining Political Debah WASHINGTON Loul-j tlons. SparVimnn's ICLIN in the Sen- iiiuin Sen ItusstMl B. Lout's ate tuns Lo January, 1955, Nixon's ber home design loam brought to Air Materiel Command plans for what it one political enemy in his to 1D57, so the one who loses in considered a hot new bomber on Lciindcr dis- tricL lUimncy of Platiuenmu'a par- i il iTtf thi're, but pokesman for many oil ind sulphtii 1 mil- November will still be around aft-1 which the company had been work- ward.

There's no precedent to cause a to resign liis seat just because he's running for an- DixiecnUs and the other office. John Garner of Texas was elected both broadcast to state bc- leaviny for the p.uri Jus re- tincj vice president in 19:12. Senator McNary of Oregon didn't resign Senate seat when he campaigned tor the vice presidency under Willkie in 10-10. Alben i Barkley didn't resign from the -pcrts in choice Senate to run (or vice president 1 v.hich are; in fair sample of Ducking a Question the kind of de- 1 There was a new green carpet bi'lc apt to lie tacked clown in hall leading to heard all across I the State Department auditorium fioin rclcr vemiier: "I have blond land where Secretai of State Deun to No- 1 Achcson holds ences. I)iess Opening a conference shortly afl- 1 couM cany er be returned fjoin his European 10 lo imc in a close race and lose and South American tour, the thai same parish in one at a retary remarked that "rolling out time when hits ing the the een carpet" was a now form majority thai of welt ome.

On his tour, it had I dale ever accuniuhitt in ihe his- been the traditional "red carpet" tory of'isiana. 'hat had figuratively been rolled "Perhaps Ibore is no liTcijulnr-lly out. it. IVihaps MI-. works' Later the secretary was asked is ing two years.

But the Air Force WELSH't interesod. The plane was obsolete even before an experimental model could be built. Somewhat chagrined, the experts retired to their hotel suite to Urink it over. That was on Thursday night. On Friday morning thy called up the Air Materiel Command headquarters and said they'd be back on Monday morning with a new design.

Over the week end. Vice President Ed Wells, Project Who's Scared? Cheek off the rumor that TV ventriloquist Paul and dummy, Jerry Mahoney, are dreading the day when Edgar i and Charlie McCarthy pop up as home screen regulars, In Hollywood for a vacation, told me: "We're goint; to welcome competition from Bergen and McC'arthy. There are iois ot gcr-s and comedians on TV and there should he lots of ventriloquists." Winched, a five-year TV veter- n. was the first voice-thrower to take the dummy off his knee and give him arm-and-leg moving roles. This fall he moves into the big time as the star of four All-Star Revues in addition to his own weekly show.

Unlike Bergen. always works with one of his dummies, Paul turned straight actor two "A year ago I couldn't get a sexy- part. Nov; I'm getting scripts tha make me blush. I guess the song has made Hollywood forget that I ever was a Quiz Kid." At least Marilyn Monroe has a sense of given designer Allardale permission to make up calendar skirt. Tourist watching Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh dine at Jack's at the Beach: "What could be prettier than a view overlooking the ocean overlooking Tony Curtis?" Before she left for England, Barbara Pay ton confided to a pal that she hocked her minks and that Tom Neal sold his car to survive tbo depression that followed her divorce from Franchot Tone.

The amine's over now lhat Babs and 'oni have movie work in Europe, Engineer Art Carlson. i I ruffed and spades. Chief Maynard Pennell, Power the queen of diamonds dr. i miracles in parish. 1 the green carpel would be rolled j.

.1 have no intention of lending' 011 ill case ex-King Farouk want- a cruasde into parish, ed to come to the U. S. However. I expect lo do what I don't think that's a proper un to previ'iH th ihccls of thai rue ended Lmrriana. They'll lie Around police-state i queoliou." lie said, and ducked.

iioni being It-ji Horn in a Hotel Th' began by laying down his king of diamonds. He surveyed the dummy and led his aco of hearts, reaching expectantly for the trick. He didn't get that one, nor any following. "Russ Zimmer, declarer, ruffed and then received the good news in trumps with an ace and a smile. He crossed to dummy with a dia- onri.

discarded that one bad spade on the king of hearts, and When from East's hand, he laid down his hand. "Best hand I've belt! all and they make a little West moanerf. 'You're lucky we didn't re- Zimmer replied." A very interesting -hand, and wcii'd enough for the most jaded taste. But you can't get me to shed any tears for poor West. He brought Today, less than four years In-1 After taking the first trick with ter, the plane is being test Mown 'he king of diamonds, West should switched to the Plant Engineer Wilhington and Acrodynamicist Vaughn Blu- nienthal drew up their plans for what is now the B-52.

George Schairer, now chief of Beoing's technical stalf, laid out the lines for the swepi-back wing, then hand-carved a model of the plane from bnlsa wood, This model, plus a report, was submitted on Monday morning as promised. in Seattle. Sines: Witiklc, Wallace Two of the best espionage Jobs done for the United States in World War II were turned in all late Wendell Willkie story ot how the B-52 all-! nmi former Vice President Henry I Jot. swept-uack-wing super-bomber A. Wallace.

The story is told for Neither nf lijp i born" on a D.ivtoil hotel tile first time in "Pegasus," house Juhn Kprivkman of Ala-! room dresser top has just been re- organ for the Fairchild Engine nf leaser! by Boeing Airplane its scat I maker. dec-i in 1313 a Boeing engineer-! ami Airplane Corp. have switched to the spades. That would have set the contract at once. How could West, tell that South was going to rutf a heart but nc: a spade? He couldn't tell any thing, but he didn't need to.

If South ruffed the king of spade; tight and collect a heart trick late: at the second trick, West could si on. i ff Smith had neither heart? nor spades, the defense wa will he recalled, made to hcgin See KUSON on the Doctor Stivs Views of Others Where People Live SO THEY SAY Wf 1 i DriiKK Party ni.mer piiiu Aland Michigan Ciuv. I 1 JORDAN, M. D. Written for NEA Service JACOBY ON BRIDG ruffcrt the ace of hearts his spade trick-- and this is I what happened.

75 Years Ago In Blytheville Mrs. J. D. Guuslcy of Los who has been visiting daughter, Mrs. J.

M. Williams a amily for the past week, left yes- erdity Lo return home. Mr. and Mrs. T.

E. Burch of' I arrived yesterday to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bainctt.

The second of a series of special 'days" planned by the Booster club or ihe Blythevilte Giants of the Northeast Arkansas league will be tield next Sunday. It will be Clyde "Spot" Reed day. Reed is Ihe only local player on the Giant club. (Proper Switch Here a Set Contract or by adding in- Hy OSWALD JACOBV Written for XKA Service Back to School The Democrats jnsi wouldn't show any respect for Stevenson's repeated statements that he didn't want to he President. If lie still feels that way, tha Republicans would sure be delighted to accommodate him.

Answer to Previous Puzzle Miuxt eals. l-'ooris fif calorie content Iho sweets, potatoes, bread! "Our bridge club nt Blackburn i butler, cereals, butter or mar- Collese. Carlinvillo. writes a and the like. Whole hrlplul.

"thoujiii ous. nncliLirtercti. n'sd unuf.iuccl, overly she is person is trying to meets every noon evening for I hilcirrn. Jll foods, a few quick huncls- of bridge. Iis i niul "'ht' 1 dements in the four members have played some she 'HM not be left out.

The unusual hands, Inn we finally; iii'nt. i be playd one so weird thought 1 iltin fruits, meat, vegetables, yon mi slit be amused by it, and other sub-stances which not high in fat-prnduc- 's should be continued! to Koocl licalth. lr 1'iii'y Snacks A mid-morning meal, an or brd-time snack of arc all of help. A class of half milk lip. crciun LS a good example i slorou w-lial cotiki be taken.

It be emphasized loo often a balanced dice must be kept up Almost anyone who docs not have some serious disease ran eain v. by following the plan o.isin::. OL at least not m- urmily and increasing uiur.t of food eaten. niUSTTY NATIONAL MALADY Hr.uil;:if. Atiri lhat does not take' anv account ol fulheads, Dochan (Ala.) NORTH J972 VK863 108 4 2 WEST EAST AAKQS6 A 10 4 3 AQJ 1091 AK 4.Q SOUTH (D) None 4 1096 3 East-Vest vul.

South West, North 4 A 5 A Pass 5 A 6 A Pass Double Pass Pass Opening JC 11 542 East Pass Pass Pass 2 Toward the sheltered side 3 Contrition 4 Stripped 5 War god of Greece 6 What the teacher did 7 Female sheep 8 Nome of 3 composition Region 10 What pupils shouldn't be 17 Made a bird's home 19 French revenue 23 Is borne 24 Unbleached PEOft.f: can stay Ions" in a in an hour than othrrs can iX.C.t Tnnp Hum do. I vine food? for rim! NKXT iluck zipper. rjoc hanri on uuh Ihe greatest; just lu car, more, This can iTenn.) Sun. "West, afier his fierce double, "Six clubs was bid as nothing but a sacrifice. And the way the cards were.

West wouid have gone clown at five spades, so it wasn't a good sacrifice. What counted, the way the hand was played, was bull'that South matte his bid of six HORIZONTAL 1 Used in geography lessons This one fioes to nursery school Adhesive for cuts at school recess 12 Malt beverage 13 Pupils all in line 14 Angers 15 First seders count to bci 16 Those who take offense 18 Kich girl 20 Make happy 21 Spread to dry 22 Gaelic 24 Level 26 Mine entrance 27 Deep 30 Middle 32 Ten years 34 School period 35 Dropsies 36 Employ 37 Throw 39 Repose Weathercock 41 Males 42 Implied without words 45 Male chicken 49 Entertainment 51 High priest 52 Additional 53 Arrow poison 54 Tear 55 Pieces out 56 for fear that 57 So (Scot.) VERTICAL 1 What school children call arithmetic 25 bills (coll.) 26 Malicious burning 27 Mourners 23 Rooms in harems 29 Direction 31 LauJcd property 3.1 Waxes 38 Calm Clamps 41 composition 42 Domesticated Wild 41 Heal 46 Units 47 I-cn name of Charles Laml Mature 50 Unit of wire measurement 13 50 "2 13 11.

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