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Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio • Page 3

Portsmouth, Ohio
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He was sore and Tbe Farmers' Alliance of Ohio has been holding its state Zanesviile this week. contention at Tbe Cleveland leader, the Her-nblican organ of Northern Ohio, calls the For- akerites "the rag-tag politics." and bob-tail of A Sherman man--Larkm--pulled bis revolver on a Foraker man inauguration day, in the Xeil house lobby- Let us have peace. JBUSXXESS XQTICJS. Y-allee Harold has purchased a one-half interest in the TIVES office--its material and food a partnership bas been formed under tbe firm name ot Newman 4. Harold, publishers and proprietors.

The publication of the TIIIE will be without change of plan or policy, with ilr. Harold as editor and business manager subscription list, and all subscriptions 3ne and payable, belong to the nen fine Ail accounts for advertising and job wort: up to Dec- 1st, art payable to Mr Xesrmaa This change males tbe sattlemcnt all subscriptions and other accounts desirable, and we ask our friends to respond JAS. Governor JIcKinley, in his inaugural address, said the people are in no temper for increased taxation." He learued that fact when tbe people passed on his a congress A memberof the legislature bytlcname of Brittain bas introduced a resolution nto the house to inquire into Bnce's It is mere futlian. Tbe author, no doubt aspires to be a Great Britain The five Philadelphia congressional districts elected delegates to the Kepub- ican national contention Wednesday, "hey are all for Elaine. It looks as ngii a sick man could down ison TO BCSKfESS MEX The Poramoutb TIMES has the largest and best circulation of any newspaper published this city.

It is the most valuable medium open to the merchants of Portsmouth. Its bright pages and well displayed advertisements bespeak the prosperity of out beautiful city, and mirror the thrift and enterprise of her commercial and manufacturing industries A business man wishing to advertise snd reach the people in city and country, and in adjoining counties, cannot afford to overlook the TIMES, with its large and increasing circulation THE number of applicants for office under McKJCTLEY is said to be unprecedented, frightful. The crush at Columbus is CCKREM 1 COMMENT. Young Lawrence Irving committed suicide teat week, because he despaired of becoming as great an actor as his renowned father, Henry Irving. "What a blessed orld this would be if the young man's example were to become epidemic.

From the fact that ejc-Governor Gray, Senator Voorhees and Congressman held a conference at Indianapolis, ifce daily papers are predicting that a real, live presidential boom for the first named statesman will be turned oose on a cold, cruel public The Harrison and Blaiae factions measured strength in Indiana Saturday, a struggle for control of tbe Republican state central committee, with the resnlt that the former's friends were generally successful. When tbe ackers of the man from Maine' learn the hard political lesson that work counts for more than wind, foHunes may be sent farther along on the tide of success It wil! not do to sneer at Catarmo Garza's revolt. It requires only '-a a nstang and a ug of muscat to start one of these Mexican revolu- Senatorial Boodle The Columbus Pw( makes broad allusions to the nse of money in securing Senator SHEBMAX'S renomination bj the Republican legislaitve caucus, and even goes so far as to assert that certain marked bills, vihich were drawn rom a Columbus bank during the contest by a SHEJLMAS mao, shortly ap- jeared in the hands of a representative sledged to FORJ.KEU, but caucus roted for SHEKMAV. as to give the name of this member and claims that he openly stated that could not have my for less than $5,000 This action of the calls attention to the fact that there is too much charge and counter charge of corruption an the Ohio senatona elections Either the meaas should be found to punish both the bribe taker reckless and sensitiona newspapers should be taught the honor and good of the country must be respected, even though every cittzen loses his reputation IB becoming an office seeker ES-SECEETAKYOFSTATrJ. sox died athts home inKenton Thursdav He IB the first secretary of state that has died in forty years MB HAIOLT, of the TIMES, ivas able to pay a "brief visit to the office yesterday, after four weeks' illness henceforth be on deck.

GOVERNOR has said, ant the thing has been echoed bj every one of bis organs, great and small, that hat there been a secret ballot in the Repub Iican legislative caucus he, instead of tions, but cau't tell (ilwajs how they will lorn out Generally "the greastr becomes ow bait, but sometimes he doesn't. There is President Diaz as an instance. Something like wenty-fiie jears ago he began a revolution with twenty men, and he has been boss of Mexico ever since see no reason vrhy the reat American pablic ought not to be serenely and altogether happy The vihite- dove of peace has driven anay the gnni-visaged front of the base ball and all is quiet both along tbe Mississippi and Lake Michigan Baron Von der a He, of Louis, and Duke Alonzo D'SpauJdiog, of Chicago, have shaken hands across the bloody chasm, and seems firmlj assured that ibere will hereafter be only one great National League circuit, -with clubs Louis Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleve- HEWS "GLENV hnd, Louisville, Pittsburg, York, Brooklyn, Boston Washington and Bal timore. He SHERMAN, would have been nom iuated foraenator. Sothennea toun- derstand that tbe tioiightj ev governor has been, made tbe nctim of bulldozing at tbe men have been so eloquent in te inng a passion to tatters nhen telling us of tbe A HotcoiiB has been ap- bulldozing of negroes at tuc South It enough for pointed a member of tlie judiciary committee of the house.

The selection is a very proper one Mr is a lawyer of ability and good judgment. Chilian outrage, fetoneb bppn hurled at our sailors while in their tmt, rora tbe of Valparaiso If thing don't stop, Uncle Sam to throw shot. A cou'LE of Tom cata fnghteced th, inhabitants of a township in Northern Ohio tbe Oil'er Tbe turned out thousand strong with guns, aud after a bard campaign succeeded in killing the poor cats oy J. one of the best tnown citizens of^ county, died on the 7th inst Horned the county as auditor and probate judge, and repre sented Adams in the legislature two terms He was a Democrat of great popularity and served the people well TH. inaugural address of Governor ITtKiMFi is a very respectable state paper It is far 3ess partisan tu it tone tban sucb documents are He advises a fairness in redis tncting the state, guesatelhcg siap at CAPPFNTI it gerrj man der.

THI Democrats are in full possession of braucb of in Xcn and it can be relied on as ofticia declaration that laischief tb RfcpuUicm legislature of Oluo doeswil be compensated over there Th.s is no Staletmnrihip but it is aud no altogether i bad kind, either bad enough for to bulldoze jnorant blacks, but it is mcredibl? tiameful thac educaf-d vvhilesand the epresentatives of the people should lifter thcmseUes to be deprived of tbcir utirage by a Jot of political bosses prettj pass, indeed, the Kepubl'can iartj lias coiae to Tuc United States, svpreme court fans list decided that the constitutional pro ision that a witness shall not be com- el5ed to give testimonj that will triaii- Death of John Bat ett John Barrett, of Burk's Point, Wheelersburg, died Thursday evening of grip, complicated wstblung trouble The funeral will take place front tbe residence to-dav. ilr Barrett was 73 years of age, aad be nas bom at.d raised in fccioto county, the Barretts being oae of the oldest fatuities early da Vs spent at tbe old home- near ivhat is now Dijon's Mills Ie was a brother of Thornton aud Hen- Barrett. He had been troubled w-ith tilmonary affection for a number of ears, and usited Florida every winter or his health He has seieral SODS and auehters, all grown asid doing well Ir Barrett was a man of integrity aud nd purity of character and Will be really miaaed in tue entire communitj Ztli. Building Store Room, Rented The low et floor of the Elk building tow in of construction has been euted to the Port'aiouch Sitioual Jauk We understand it is leiscd for en ihc renti' of A nck lurtitioo is to be buJt i i lie room The corner room will be occupied bv the Pori'-n'oiich Xitiortal nn 'Ihe wcsi room will be occupied, vc learn tbe (Joining house of W. iatc himself must be cry broadest sense construed its It makes ruling a case against railroad, where a witness refused to make answer as to or not, as a.

gram dcaier, he received special shipping rites below- his competitors The cftect of th decision ipperrs to be to nullify tli inter state commerce law. THE election of United slates "-cnato toot place Tueidaj Jouv SHFRU received the Republican vole S6 ani JAMES NtAii the Democratic VOK 46 Tbe result declared join convention on the follow, ng day ind MK SHERMAX the p' Speaker Crisp is grow ing letter There is a renetval ol tbe Jewish trouble The first snow for tea years siruck Orleans Thursday. The grip is still general in Europe and is fatal in many instances. Mrs. Robert L.

Stuart has bequeathed, 5350,000 to Princeton college. A town in Mexico, Casas Grande, is reported captured by the rebels. Cardinal Manning, Archbishop of Westminster, died ia London at 7.30 p. m. Thursday, aged 82 years.

The Duke of Clarence, eldest son of the Prince of Wales, and, the heir pre- sumptneto the throne of England, is dead. Only two milea of railroad were built Kansas and four Iowa last year, the result it is claimed of hostile legislation. The trotibie between the United States and Chili over tbe assault of the Baltimore's sailors is growing more complicated Tbe death of the of Egypt, and the officious interference of England in his succession, is threatening the peace of Europe. Cardinal Simeon, ev-Papal Secretary, and Prefect General the Propaganda, died Thursday at Roame, of the influenza, aged 76 years The grand jury at Columbus is investigating the alleged bribery in the Sher- man-Foraier senatorial fight It should be probed to the bottom Over oae hundred arrests were made in Pittsburg Tuesday of persons selling newspapers on feanday. The warrants uere issued under a law passed in I7S4 Louis Clovis Bonaparte, son of Prince Bonaparte, is under arrest in Soudan, on a charge of conspiring to defraud a female relative out of a $100 000 hce The Chinese steamer Nam chaw foundered at sea, and 414 persons, all on board, were drowned The vessel was manned by Europeans, the passengers were Chinese Postmaster General Wanaamaker is out with a scheme that each and every Sunday school in the United states donate a barrel of flour to "the starring millions" in Russia By an explosion in a coal mine near McAllister, I 200 miners were entombed, and oefore they could be rescued more than half a hundred were suffocated by natural gas The state unuersity buildings at Columbia, Mo, were burned last week at a loss of It is probable that Governor Francis will call a special session of the legislature to make pro visions for promptly rebuilding The cable says that owing to the overtures nude the first named, there are very favorable prospects that the differences between King Humbert, of Italy, und the Pope will soon be happily adjusted William McKinley, Jr, was inaugurated governor of Ohio at Columbus Monday.

The ceremonies attendant thereon were as extensive and imposing as ever witnessed on a hke occasion in this state. 'Ihe thieves who recently robbed a Pacific express car near Louis ere pursued across the continent aud caught la san Francisco The rob- We will Extend the Busy Season by That will be the Name of 'lie Xew Posiofltee at Indian Run. Splendid New Plant of tie Kentucky Fire Brick "Worlts. The Kentucky Fire Brick coaipanj II begin work at their superb new works at Indian Run a short tune It may not be generally known, but this is one of tbe largest and most complete plants for the maniifacture of fire brick the United States Agents of works from all parts of the country visit Indian Run and use their utmost powers of observation to gain some knowledge of the new works These truth seekers are treated politely, but they are usually taken through the works on the fast train and dismissed without having to get extra baggage to carry their acquired information One of tbe incorporatora recalls hts own experience in Pittsharg some time ago, when out in search of points for tbe constmc- tion of tbe Indian Run plant. He went into a large establishment and asked to he shoun through the works Tbe superintendent politely absented, and going into the yards with our fnead, said There are our ovens, there are our kilcs, there is our dry house and there is the gate." The Portsmouth gentleman takes this circumstance fora kev-note in entertaining seekers for information at the new works, and a somewhat modified manner railroads them through from gate to gate The company have nineteen erected for their employes--cottages that would cut no mean figure a city street The factory buildings are all oJ brick, of the latest design, and up finely from both river and railroad.

The talj brick su'okfe is a landmark for miles, on both of ihe rivtr The ofhce finer than any ofSce in Portsmouth For sometime to come, however, the principal ofhcewc be done at their plant this citj Tbe; have a platform at the station, and tbe railroad compauy has promised to erect them an elegant and convenient depot The postofike department agreed to give them a office two week; the to be called oy the appropriatemleof G'en river landing and tueir supplies from Portsmouth peri steamer Reliance. It is as much a Portsmouth factory as if it were loca.ed in the heart of tbe citv. Peed Co Tbe bink new (jtunei-, the first of June, ind ll olU.r for i-ile the Market street LuiUlin ir now occupied bv it AND UBERAU REDUCTIONS 3-j FOR THE NEXT THREE WEEKS lend 10 rest on our Laurels' on tbe strength QI 1 past bu'y we are enlivenm? TraiJp Ou 1 sjiKJal rushing off the gooU everv uetwrlu-ent Come in and the immense em we givew Dress Ho-iwand Underwear Wonderful vnluf awa a i W. A. COHNOLLEY'S STORE, 421--423 Oliilliootlie St.

J.J.BRUSHART THE LEADING GROCER, kU rt vvv Hd 1 One can of good Corn for can of good Hominy Tor One pound of good C-acters for One pound Coffee for One dozen Clothes Pius for I I One good Wash Boara Two packages WasamePowder for- to i SO Two packages Starcb for and every thing else in proportion 7c 7c 50. 1C. 8c Sc 5c 15 TM tl) Give us a call and be convinced CHILLICOTHE STREET, NEAR SIXTH, AND STILL THEY GO DOWN. HESPITE the unfriendly Elements the a still throngs our place for "plums." know that cut prices we do it "for keeps," and our goods a cheap, hen say "goods cheap," don't mean "cheap goods." There is as much difference between the former and the latter terms as there is between Mast End Sitndaj School This school vrill meet to-niorrow afternoon at half past tno instead of three, in order that tbe helpers there may have an opportunity to attend the memorial service of Dr Burr. "s.n ardent er md "a er of the ardent." Some Additional Surprises.

ice 36 it ck Serges at, 32 iiich Cashmere Foulards F) enck Flannels at Ir fan's Wool Hose at Worsted halfHose 4 pairs for. All Wool half Hose at Uit-laundricd Shirts at Hcaty Cotton Skirts at iy Cola ed Jersey Gloves at Ladies Heavy Silk Mittens at, 54.00 Boys Suits at. 35 ITowian's Relief Bailey Belief 43, meet ilonday, Jau. ISth, at the usual ame and place reports of our retiring officers, installation of our officers and other business Pres EKKFE, fcec'y VT Reed, Ed Johnson a Charles Blair uere among the Portsmouth crowd at the inaugural ion ilondaj Green ietcure was and gave very fair The illustrations vere very good superhuman and miraculous prices to get any cutbuaiatm he mercttrj is SQ low don a--but ne are making both. as, the ten old daughter of illiam M.ithias, of Smtoa street upon tue icy p.wement of the Luiou-Ireet school building it retejs and fractured both of tlie left forearm Dr Cotton adjusted the fraciurc t-he broKe the same hit summer while it plnj Couido i Mam lliree' drew a otih, owing iO tbe frightful Ihe gowl Tt should be mlkd h(.

Couldn't Marry Four for four dtft rout men ber ho can escape the of one of the big express companies earns all tbe plunder he gets The colored fiend, Henry Corbm, tvho brutally murdered Mrs Georgia uer, at and serrbusjy injured her daughter, was hunted down and hen captured shot himself A mob however, hanged his body to a tree aad riddled it with Walter Gibion has returned 10 this citi after a four years residence in Call Bnj jour home products alvvavs and ask for Portsmouth beer, for it is tbe best and coolest tf if Co J. Comptny II of he Oluo Nation. Guard, met evening at the annwv Richird'onsHall for drill Capt Blai announced the following of non commi-siunsd sucb chnjgc nny be necesinry The selection for ibe efficient) ol the irst 0--car sergeant -Hrrrv Miller Padtn. II Linu to unrry the one ml hid him girl ml lie ooh nn of mirried it il Serviee A special service uub seinion and Council filled to get i quorum Wed tiCs'JTv hciite the or- (imaucc i li ftrc ft au casj ID ittcr to ge 1 in onitmncc introduced 'nto (t, but nothing -hort of a rc- of tV liu- of iia'urc will it oui address in memory of the late Erastus Burr, vrill be held in All Saints church to morrow afternoon at four clock ermou by the rector, and address bv Rev A. Tavlor, of Ciirnt church This hour has been fixed upon in order to give all an apportunity to attend without interfering with any other service-; All the mends ind admirers of Dr Burr rre invited to attend teamed docto-s aiwr svralloiung medicines 11 atn era vuar or tlic 01 cairrh in mj liwJ curetl hv xiiiiig six bottles of Sulphu Mj is now taking ilifctri te-vous 'Ultility Abicl Carter, Pirker Eo ton by Enoe avm 1 intinent rem Lump 1 nnd Blemishes, Ironi AVananied the mo- Bltmiih Cure ever known Sold i.i.d lv Children Cry foi Pitcher's Castoria.

WAH1S-FOR 5RIE-FOR RENT TRAA ro'V-- A 'mill iroiu ihe prtu i the nnilto Ir ieu rai p- WLK i i i a thit be regret ln defeat for speaker of mor for the reisOn "hit great rithcr than biuiself, -uifered tlureb; Tbfu Jet Litn console hiir-e'f In the biood of the martvrs 15 the'-eed of the church and poor, selfish mortal is loo prone to believe tbtt he alone can maintain the faith Chn-. Motiter Ham- 'N (lnv Holpii Blnonncr. Peel Eilph Corrn I hd Mr- I'D 1 in trcct rc'iinitil liomt from i daughter The telephone ire that rpans thi Oluo rucr it the foot of Madison stree is do-no, caused bv the vleet It sugect low enough to be caught the Bostona oigbl, ind tbat -teainer it 1 1 1 i-rc i l-iioi -h Conrt Mrs Pill ('hetni quite it but to near i- much tin i i p'lotiinonia during hor George Atne-, ideck hand on the Fnct, Clipped on the icy cuards of the at Huntmgton on th Hli snst, ind Vias drowned He i- ticcby Company J-s Ihcre audience 1 he Tappan k-mg of kind the p' En-h i The Vj Tt tnt l.trge and I plav one of the bei have on the road MR HAKRISON'S head ii not high were well that hjs ear should fail to tatch the the compinv in echoes of tbe insurrection in ive line they The mech.ini Kanses. where the 'ST is 'pccnl mention, defiance and armed men are waiting to ibc mill "-cene is the iiw-t shoot down the jndge, like a coyote, realistic one ever seen here The pro- Atigram closed -with .1 ausking tec, and an 0 be uo it ji to-morrow Ur to be prc--ent- A ran for said to be the tuentv been drotvced off the manTrhohA rc er nf 'he re-joci- t. I Barker a Cupper Tr.buae to the Ihe 1.

nned tates seems to be rather declaring war with Chili I mighty Cftth day with us when we Joo't war on cnmp and credit and the victory is with Et ci ag' is an for member of the boird of managers of tbe Ohio penitentiary Will of the Portsmouth Stove Hon KiJph Leet" of Irouton passed companj, will leave on the compinj ttaffand a few outside at evening Vn en hid. tit, Idn 1 nt ild cs 9i.i{l noiiD 1 k. iiiO IP- -ntr 11 1. ol I 1 It, I int icif i v. cr a irraof) I X'OTICE OF APPOIKTMST of Nvtbj Tto 5263 6.00 5-9S i.oo 10.00 Pattern Smls (to close) S.oo Chemlle Curtains at i 25 Fringed Table Covei at i OO Fringed Table Cozers at Pongee Throws at Pongee Thi oms at igc.

Pongee Th OIL'S at The prices which we placed on our Cloaks and equaled any dealer East or West up GOVERSTON GO. Omiliootlie St. To an extent bejond our expectations. "We refer to our opening last Saturday. We are -very thankful to the manj ladies called on us and in retaliation shall not fail to keep our promise to carr the best and finest line of Furnitu Carpets and Stores in the at the lowest rock- bottom p) ICCS.

GOODS Xo stale stock to select from Watch for our next bargain day R. MEYERS 116 West Second Street- Ert Vli 1 COiO Legal Notice. ar ig on (J CUT PRICES BICYCLES One Ojo One Two One on our oo Tire '0 inch WlieeJ Sohd Tire "0 34 CHAS. Co Eighth and Chiilicoc Streets. t-0 -'t fO 79 ft 5500 moo 15.00 wbenever he appears to open court.

noise fae bas made frantic appeals' old fashioned coiilhoo sending the djecce home vreli besi of humor in the 'nrongh the city yesterday on bis way Monday for a two montbs tnp ior po ver to armed em PAPER:.

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